
Extraordinary Genius

Extraordinary Genius

Qiongsi 138 2018-02-19

8 Negative
12 Neutral
124 Positive

A failed investor from the 2017 got drunk and woke up in the 1980s. China is just opening up and economy is blooming. There is also the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the bursting of the bubble and other financial crisis. He used his knowledge of the future and slowly build up his empire.

Great Tang Idyll

Great Tang Idyll

Pastoral Idyll 111 2018-01-29

6 Negative
5 Neutral
97 Positive

The Great Tang countryside with the warm sunlight, the golden wheat, and white herons in flight.

Zhang Xiaobao: “I didn’t think my ability could change any great events. My thinking was simple—to change my family’s living conditions. But oftentimes, things don’t happen according to how you think it will. As I was working to improve my family’s living conditions, a lot of things happened. How do you say, hmm… Simply put, it was the butterfly effect? No, no, no, this metaphor is a bit too flashy. Crudely put, I am the rat turd dropped inside the pot.”

Wang Juan: “Ever since I came to this era together with an International Criminal Swindler, I declare that this world no longer has any swindlers.”

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Bro Got a Gun 98 2016-10-24

12 Negative
7 Neutral
51 Positive

Cosplayer Liu Mang accidentally crosses through time and arrived at the Eastern Han Dynasty wearing Aries Gold Cloth. (Saint Seiya!) He arrived on top of the walls of XiaPi right when it was about to fall to Cao Cao.

“Don’t kill me bro; I’m not working for boss Cao!”

“Hey! You’re slashing the wrong person! Boss Lu’s underlings are there! Not me!”

He accidentally saved Lu Bu who was tied up by Song Xian. He accidentally became the son in law of Lu Bu. He accidentally changed the history of the Three Kingdoms period.

When aluminum casted Gold Cloths are worn by generals like Zhang Liao and Gao Shun during the Eastern Han Dynasty, glistering on their bodies… When the soldiers in the camps are sporting mechanical crossbows… When crossbreeding of rice plants appeared on Lu Bu’s territory…

Liu Mang knows that a world belonging to Lu is coming.

Live-In Son-in-Law

Live-In Son-in-Law

Angry Banana (愤怒的香蕉) 62 2019-06-02

2 Negative
4 Neutral
38 Positive

A relaxing story of a business tycoon who, sick of machinations and struggle, returned to the medieval world and married into a merchant family to become a “zhui xu,” a husband that lives in the wife’s home. Even though his intentions were not so, he could not avoid the matters of family, country and world.

“There was once a person that stood at the top of the golden pyramid,

with the innumerable cheap jealousy and envy of people,

he walked this road escorted by tens of thousands of people,

yet he could not escape the long and lonely sleep under the gravestone. ”