I Became the Mother of Dragons 我成了龙妈

After watching the grand finale of Game of Thrones, feeling both irritable and sullen, you can take a look at this Mother of Dragons fanfiction.

Dragons are my children, who dares to want to snatch them away.

Dragons are my children, not one can die.

Dragons are my children, I must help them grow into becoming Dragon Gods

Description from Nowhere
7 Negative
0 Neutral
9 Positive


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For human translations visit Nowhere where it is being translated by Nobody

Novel Informations
Spicy Sauced Hot Dry Noodles
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
8 times
Latest retranslation at
2021-01-14 07:54:38
Glossary changes till next retranslation
76 / 159
Favorites 11
Ratings 16
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