Eternal Nation 永恒国度

In the early morning of September 23rd, 2019, natural disasters descended. The heavens and earth changed as myriad desires, hopes, and wishes filled the world. Heaven could not bear the rampant evil thoughts and the world began to regurgitate all existing fantasy worlds, transforming the imagination into reality. Evil thoughts, good thoughts, obsessions, desires, wishes, everything was entangled to the point that the heavens reached their limits. When fantasies came into being, everything became harmonious and free. This was the beginning of a new era. It wasn't just destruction, but also life. This era was the Eternal Era.

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34 Negative
11 Neutral
176 Positive


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2 times
Latest retranslation at
2020-01-12 21:48:13
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43 / 331
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Ratings 221
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