Heaven's Will Balancing System 天道平衡系统

Found a suitable body named Bai Xiao. Reincarnating into the World of Elementalists.

“Mission: Overpopulation of carnivorous fish in the lagoon.

Please kill 666 carnivorous fish in order to prevent the destruction of the lagoon’s ecosystem.

Reward: 20 Balance Points.”

“Mission: Forest fire.

Extinguish the fire.

Reward: 200 Balance Points.”

Description from Novelupdates
15 Negative
6 Neutral
43 Positive


Translation that you see on this page are machine translations

For human translations visit Moon Bunny Cafe where it is being translated by Oxy

Novel Informations
Humble Life
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
5 times
Latest retranslation at
2018-09-03 19:44:28
Glossary changes till next retranslation
6 / 27
Favorites 99
Ratings 64
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