Warhammer Wizard 战锤巫师

A Fake Wizard: Instant Shield, Flash Hook, covering the ground with a Grease spell, five large fireballs to the face, symbolizing of knowledge and artillery fire.

A True Wizard: Bloodrage, a body of steel, charging directly at the enemy, waaaaaaaaaagh, wielding a war hammer to directly explode the enemy’s dog head. This is the story of a close combat wizard using his Warhammer to directly explode the world.

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6 Negative
3 Neutral
43 Positive


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Novel Informations
Di Huan
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Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
14 times
Latest retranslation at
2022-06-24 23:45:11
Glossary changes till next retranslation
91 / 155
Favorites 57
Ratings 52
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