Beast Piercing The Heavens 兽破苍穹

Ye Qinghan young master of the powerful Ye Family gets ostracized when his peerless father meets an unfortunate end. Lacking strength and in a bid to live a peaceful life, he suffers through the unending ridicule, bullying and torture dealt to him at each turn, however fate is a cruel mistress and offers only pain and misery with no end in sight. Broken, weak and distraught Ye Qinghan embarks on a journey to usurp the hands fate and attain strength to protect his own.

Follow Ye Qinghan on his journey fraught with perilous encounters, betrayals and fortune as he seeks to overturn the heavens, defy fate and grasps his destiny in his arms.

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10 Negative
7 Neutral
99 Positive


Translation that you see on this page are machine translations

For human translations visit XianXiaWorld where it is being translated by Claire Pang

Novel Informations
Yao Ye
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
3 times
Latest retranslation at
2017-02-01 11:32:20
Glossary changes till next retranslation
128 / 206
Favorites 180
Ratings 116
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