Girl, I Will Teach You Cultivation 妹子,我教你修仙

A Mature Lady: You have a house?

Jiang Xiu: I can cultivate.

A Ms. Perfect: You have a car?

Jiang Xiu: I can cultivate.

A Loli: Big Brother Jiang Xiu, do you have a seven-figure bank balance?

Jiang Xiu: I can cultivate.

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52 Negative
13 Neutral
99 Positive


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For human translations visit Creative Novels where it is being translated by Phantasma

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Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
3 times
Latest retranslation at
2018-09-02 01:30:42
Glossary changes till next retranslation
20 / 117
Favorites 114
Ratings 164
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