Endless Bloodstone 无限血核

Filled with hope and determination to regain the long-lost glory of his waned family, Zhen Jin embarked on a journey that was supposed to lead him to the scene where his upsurge would take place. However, due to a bizarre mishap, Zhen Jin and his team have been shipwrecked on a mysterious and dangerous island. Having lost his memories due to the shipwreck, the young knight was thrown into an even greater crisis as he was forced to survive while slowly piecing together his memories.

The more time Zhen Jin spent on the island, the more inhuman his thought process became and he was constantly losing faith in the God that he believed in. Will he be able to suppress his wicked thoughts and continue to walk upon the virtuous path that he swore to never divert from, or will he succumb to the nefarious power that's brewing inside him?

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6 Negative
1 Neutral
59 Positive


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Novel Informations
Daoist Gu
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
6 times
Latest retranslation at
2020-11-05 20:09:02
Glossary changes till next retranslation
51 / 58
Favorites 86
Ratings 66
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