Age of Adepts 巫师纪元

A data loving young man from Earth has an accident which transports him to a dark land filled with terrifying creatures and magical powers. Fortunately for him, he has a Biological Assistance Chip to ease his path. However, things in this bizarre and strange world are not always as they seem, and, though it is a tremendous asset, the chip doesn’t always work as expected. With all of the crazy creatures and magical mayhem around him, one can only wonder what the future holds for this young man…

Description from Novelupdates
18 Negative
12 Neutral
144 Positive


Translation that you see on this page are machine translations

For human translations visit Untouchable Fly where it is being translated by Fruit Fly

Novel Informations
Zhen De Lao Lang
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
10 times
Latest retranslation at
2018-10-11 05:08:22
Glossary changes till next retranslation
136 / 216
Favorites 192
Ratings 174
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