Dragon-Blooded War God 龙血战神

In the ancient centuries of the yonder past, the heavens and the earth was rent, and in Long Ji Continent a tribe of dragons ruled supreme. But now, the dragons are extinct, and with a mysterious catastrophe descending, the fate of the world is at stake!

A teenager named Long Chen takes on the legacy of his father, chases after the mystery behind the sudden extinction of the dragons. In a lucky coincidence, he becomes the first ancient dragon warrior in an eon, with the responsibility to uphold the dragon tribe’s honor and the command of all dragons under heaven.

With the most passionate battles, heart-moving tender scenes, brutal slaughters, and filled with the majesty of dragons. On the advent of the catastrophe, millions upon millions of dragons descend upon the world again, bringing the world to the brink of an era of war.

For he of the ancient dragon tribe, is willing to paint the sky with blood, if only for the bonds of brotherhood; with a wave of the hand to reverse the flow of the galaxy, for a goddess worthy of praise; will pull the gods down from their celestial pedestal, sunder the heavens, for the good of all living things under the sky!

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6 Negative
9 Neutral
81 Positive


Translation that you see on this page are machine translations

For human translations visit ONE MAN ARMY where it is being translated by Devil82

Novel Informations
Feng Qing Yang
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
13 times
Latest retranslation at
2017-11-13 01:47:50
Glossary changes till next retranslation
17 / 535
Favorites 160
Ratings 96
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