Battle Emperor 战皇

Freak Xie Ao Yu originally had no way of cultivating battle qi but with accidents, he got a mysterious godly pellet and he received a supreme emperor blade. That changed his destiny and from then on, he felt the real meaning of life and he made original time-related battle skills, space-related battle skills and decisively battled ancient, huge clans and hundreds of continental clans in the Qi Ao continent.

Clouds formed with a flip of a hand and rain formed with another flip. He left the strongest mark in tens of thousands of years of history and created glorious chapters about a tyrant’s anger, blood shed for thousands of miles, the skies hissing from mad blades, and the allegiance acknowledgement of all times.

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10 Negative
9 Neutral
70 Positive


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Novel Informations
Ao Tian Wu Hen
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
4 times
Latest retranslation at
2017-09-02 16:24:34
Glossary changes till next retranslation
87 / 348
Favorites 175
Ratings 89
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