Deep Sea Ember 深海余烬

On that day, thick fog blocked everything.

On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship.

On that day, he stepped through the thick fog and faced a world that had been completely subverted and fragmented - the old order had disappeared, and strange visions dominated the endless seas outside civilized society, isolated city-states and challenges. The fleet of the sea has become the only remaining light in the civilized world, but the shadows of the old days are still stirring in the deep sea, waiting to continue to devour this dying world.

But for the new captain of the Lost Country, there was only one question he had to consider first—

Who knows how the boat sails? !

Description from Nowhere
0 Negative
0 Neutral
13 Positive

Latest Chapters

#445 Flashing past 2023-06-18 22:48
#444 Fishing, the to rub dog, feeds the pigeon 2023-05-13 09:41
#443 Zero point 2023-05-13 09:41
#442 Document 2023-05-13 09:41
#441 Another possibility 2023-05-13 09:41
#440 Sea Mist and Cold Frost 2023-05-13 09:41
#439 Suggestion of Captain 2023-05-13 09:41
#438 Knows 2023-05-13 09:41
#437 Sores all over the eye 2023-05-13 09:41
#436 After the disaster ended, 2023-05-13 09:31


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2023-06-17 19:35:54
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