Blue and White Society 蓝白社

Mo Qiang never thought that he would suddenly possess supernatural powers until he shot an arrow at the sun. The absolute hit means that he can be a god on the football field, a god in the basketball industry, and a pro at games. He can easily become a winner in life and spend his life luxuriously. Wealth and power will not be difficult. While he was changing his destiny and enjoying his life, he met the internees who claimed to be from the Blue and White Society. When he understood the organization was secretly carrying out necessary evil in the world to safeguard human security, he found his real goal: I want to become the President of the Blue and White Society. The contents of this book, the terms of Level D personnel, and their inspiration come from the works on Wikidot. It is issued according to CCBY-SA3.0.

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Devil Cang Yue
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2022-12-25 00:44:57
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