WDDE :: Volume #12

#1139: Void Ruler perishes!( Important)

Lan Ling opens the palm, lets the soul float of E Tian Great Emperor sky over own palm. 兰陵张开手心,让厄天大帝的灵魂漂浮在自己的手掌上空。 At this time E Tian Great Emperor is recovering, has not revived. This world had a deficit E Tian Great Emperor is too many were too many, if were not existence of E Tian Great Emperor, if were not E Tian Great Emperor sacrificed itself to suppress these Void Creature, Dragon Demon Planet several hundred thousand years ago has destroyed, was not one's turn Lan Ling to save. 此时厄天大帝正在复苏,并没有苏醒过来。这个世界亏欠厄天大帝实在是太多太多了,如果不是厄天大帝的存在,如果不是厄天大帝牺牲自己镇压这些虚空生物,在几十万年前龙魔星球就毁灭了,根本轮不到兰陵来拯救。 If the heaven cares, we meet in the ground.” Lan Ling said toward the E Tian Great Emperor soul. “如果上天眷顾的话,我们在地面上相见。”兰陵朝着厄天大帝的灵魂道。 Then, blows gently. 接着,轻轻一吹。 Immediately, the E Tian Great Emperor soul flies toward Dragon Demon Planet. 顿时,厄天大帝的灵魂朝着龙魔星球飞去。 Then, Lan Ling recalled that own words cannot bear smile, does the heaven care for? 然后,兰陵回想自己的话忍不住莞尔,上天眷顾? Present Lan Ling, should ascend the sky, was the entire Dragon Demon Planet deity. 现在的兰陵,应该就是上天了吧,是整个龙魔星球的天神了。 Void Ruler said: Lan Ling your excellency, you should tell me now, the origin of your this sword.” 虚空主宰道:“兰陵阁下,你现在应该告诉我,你这支剑的来历了把。” Lan Ling said: This sword, is the Milky Way control grants me.” 兰陵道:“这支剑,是银河系主宰赐予我的。” Void Ruler said: Galaxy control of another universe plane?” 虚空主宰道:“另一个宇宙位面的星系主宰?” Lan Ling said: Right, God's father.” 兰陵道:“对,众神之父。” Void Ruler silent moment, said: I understood!” 虚空主宰沉默了片刻,道:“我明白了!” Void Ruler lowered the head long time, raised the head again, two eyes explode project the incomparably fearful ray. 虚空主宰低下头来良久,再一次抬头的时候,两只眼睛爆射出无比可怕的光芒。 Then...... 然后…… Bang!” The Void Ruler body blasted out fiercely, turned into limitless Void Creature. “轰!”虚空主宰的身躯猛地炸开,变成了无边无际的虚空生物 The Void Ruler incarnation originally becomes a 390,000 kilometers high dark Titan giant is common, but at this time the incarnation becomes the boundless endless dark thick fog, covers in several million kilometers region. 原本的虚空主宰化身成为一个390000公里高度的黑暗泰坦巨人一般,而此时化身成为无边无尽的黑暗浓雾,笼罩在几百万公里的区域之中。 In this flash, the entire Sun was camouflaged! 在这一瞬间,整个太阳都被遮蔽! On Dragon Demon Planet all people discovered panic-strickenly, obviously is high noon, but Sun actually vanishes in airborne, becomes the limitless darkness. 龙魔星球上所有人惊骇地发现,明明是正午时分,但是太阳却消失在空中,变得无边无际的黑暗。 Moreover, the entire Dragon Demon Planet temperature suddenly is also dropping. 不仅如此,整个龙魔星球的温度也在急剧地下降。 Because the Void Ruler incarnation becomes the limitless dark thick fog, over 8000000 kms in diameter, has exceeded the diameter of Sun, although this dark thick fog is thin, but enough has camouflaged the entire Sun. 因为虚空主宰化身成为无边无际的黑暗浓雾,直径超过8000000公里,已经超过了太阳的直径,尽管这一层黑暗浓雾非常薄,但已经足够将整个太阳都遮蔽了。 Immediately, entire Dragon Demon Planet as if fell into the end to be ordinary. 顿时,整个龙魔星球仿佛陷入了末日一般。 Suo Liren that mother......” is fearless, cannot help but enclasps the Di Nie nape of the neck. “妈妈……”天不怕地不怕的索立人,不由得抱紧帝涅的脖颈。 Do not fear, your father sovereign will certainly conquer the enemy, certainly will rescue Sun.” Di Nie said. “不要怕,你父皇一定会战胜敌人的,一定会救出太阳的。”帝涅道。 At this time, Prime Minister Tang Ren flew fast, said: Empress, please under aim, letting Queen Zhi Yan open the Moon energy, illuminates Dragon Demon Planet, otherwise entire Dragon Demon Planet will fall into to be frightened.” 此时,首相唐人快速地飞了过来,道:“皇后陛下,请您下旨,让卮妍皇后开启月球能量,照亮龙魔星球,否则整个龙魔星球会陷入惊惶。” Will fall into to be frightened incessantly, the time that if the situation of this solar camouflage maintains is too long. Then the entire Dragon Demon Planet temperature will drop continuously, finally arrives at more than 100 degrees Celsius below zero. At that time, the entire Dragon Demon Planet 90% population, 100% plants, 100% animals, will die. 不止会陷入惊惶,如果这种太阳遮蔽的情形维持的时间太久。那么整个龙魔星球的温度会持续下降,最后到零下100多摄氏度。到那个时候,整个龙魔星球90的人口,100的植物,100的动物,都会死去。 So long as Sun were camouflaged to surpass for one month, to entire Dragon Demon Planet, will extinguish the disaster of world. 只要太阳被遮蔽超过一个月,对整个龙魔星球,将是灭世之灾。 Di Nie said: I go immediately.” 帝涅道:“我立刻去。” Then, Di Nie flies the Transcend Heaven God Demon Tower roof, has constructed brand-new Universe Tower there, can directly to the Moon Empire communication. 然后,帝涅飞到通天神魔塔的最高处,在那里已经修建了全新的宇宙塔,可以直接向月球帝国通讯。 Moon Dragon Demon Empire Highest Parliament, I am Queen Flame Demon Empire Di Nie.” “月球龙魔帝国最高议会,我是炎魔帝国皇后帝涅。” Meanwhile, in Flame Dragon Empire Transcend Heaven Divine Dragon Tower , Queen Lan Kou also thinks that Moon sends out the signal. 与此同时,在炎龙帝国通天神龙塔,兰蔻皇后也想月球发出信号。 Moon Dragon Demon Empire Highest Parliament, I am Queen Flame Dragon Empire Lan Kou.” “月球龙魔帝国最高议会,我是炎龙帝国皇后兰蔻。” Instantaneous, Moon Dragon Demon Empire Highest Parliament then had the reply: Two your majesty, I am Zhi Yan.” 瞬间,月球龙魔帝国最高议会便有了回复:“两位陛下,我是卮妍。” Di Nie said: I represent the Flame Demon Empire request to make Moon start the super energy liberation pattern, simulates Sun, shines Dragon Demon Planet.” 帝涅道:“我代表炎魔帝国请求让月球启动超级能量释放模式,模拟太阳,照射龙魔星球。” Lan Kou said: I represent the Flame Dragon Empire request to make Moon start the super energy liberation pattern, simulates Sun, shines Dragon Demon Planet.” 兰蔻道:“我代表炎龙帝国请求让月球启动超级能量释放模式,模拟太阳,照射龙魔星球。” Zhi Yan Huifudao: Yes, immediately opens!” 卮妍恢复道:“是,立刻开启!” Then Queen Zhi Yan flies the Moon Temple center with the quickest speed, goes to the Virtual Moon control center. 然后卮妍皇后用最快速度飞到月球圣殿中心,来到虚拟月球指挥中心。 I order, opening simulates the solar procedure, hits shines Dragon Demon Planet.” Queen Zhi Yan said. “我命令,开启模拟太阳程序,击中对龙魔星球进行照射。”卮妍皇后道。 This point, must feel grateful beforehand Moon Temple, has completed the Ninth Level energy civilization transformation of Moon, making the entire Moon into a Intelligent Life body, the energy body. 这一点,要感激之前的月球圣殿,完成了月球的九级能量文明改造,使得整个月球都变成了一个智能生命体,能量体。 Quick, Virtual Moon responded: Once opening simulates the solar procedure, my energy will burn within one year thoroughly completely.” 很快,虚拟月球回应道:“一旦开启模拟太阳程序,我的能量将会在一年之内彻底燃烧殆尽。” Has no alternative.” Queen Zhi Yan said: Immediately opens.” “别无选择。”卮妍皇后道:“立刻开启。” Yes.” Virtual Moon said. “是。”虚拟月球道。 Then, the surface of entire Moon had the incomparably fierce response, all energy substances start to change, no matter the what kind of energy substance, turns into the helium material completely. 然后,整个月球的表面发生了无比剧烈的反应,所有的能量物质开始改变,不管是何等能量物质,全部变成氦物质。 Then, formidable Strength stimulates fiercely. 然后,一股强大的力量猛地激发。 Bang......” “轰……” The innumerable helium were lit, had the fearful drastic change response. 无数的氦被点燃,发生了可怕的剧变反应。 Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” The entire Moon, the instantaneous flaming combustion, turned into a small Sun. 整个月球,瞬间熊熊燃烧,变成了一个小型的太阳。 A moment later, entire Dragon Demon Planet restored the light, restored the temperature. 片刻之后,整个龙魔星球又恢复了光明,恢复了温度。 It looks like in countless people, probably had a lunar eclipse a moment ago. Because at this time Sun of space besides position leaning some, remaining does not have what difference. 在无数人看来,刚才就好像是发生了一次月食而已。因为此时天上的太阳除了位置偏了一些之外,剩下也没有什么区别。 They do not know, the Sun of present, is moon is burning. Because the distance is too near, therefore seems with Sun is the same. 他们都不知道,现在的这个太阳,是月亮在燃烧。只不过因为距离太近,所以看上去和太阳一样。 ...... …… The Void Ruler incarnation becomes 8 million kilometers dark thick fog, then this dark thick fog starts to revolve, revolving, revolving...... 虚空主宰化身成为8000000公里的黑暗浓雾,然后这个黑暗浓雾开始旋转,旋转,旋转…… The speed of revolving is getting more and more fast, is getting quicker and quicker, more opens quickly...... 旋转的速度越来越快,越来越快,越开越快…… Finally, the outermost reason speed of this vortex, has surpassed per second hundreds of thousands kilometers. The rotation of vortex core, has achieved every second several hundred greatness. 最后,这个漩涡的最外边缘速度,超过了每秒钟十几万公里。漩涡核心的转数,达到了每秒钟几百之巨。 This vortex has had incomparably the incomparably huge suction. 这个漩涡产生了无比无比巨大的吸力。 This Strength, even image rotation of Sun. 这股力量,甚至影像了太阳的转动。 But the after revolution and rotation of Sun were affected, rotation of entire Dragon Demon Planet and Moon, was affected fiercely. 而太阳的公转和自转都被影响之后,整个龙魔星球和月球的转动,也受到了剧烈的影响。 All people discovered panic-strickenly, the ocean waves tide becomes incomparably strange, the space has hung up the incomparably strange storm suddenly. 所有人惊骇地发现,海浪的潮汐变得无比古怪,天上忽然挂起了无比诡异的风暴。 The entire star is sending out tearing the loud sound, the situation of judgment day, as if arrives again. 整颗星球都在发出撕裂的巨响,世界末日的情形,仿佛再一次到来。 Lan Ling releases formidable Strength, resists the Void Ruler giant dark vortex. 兰陵释放出强大的力量,抵御虚空主宰巨大的黑暗漩涡。 However, Void Ruler Strength was really more formidable than him too many, instantaneous Lan Ling was swallowed by this vortex. 但是,虚空主宰力量实在比他强大得太多了,瞬间兰陵就被这个漩涡吞噬。 Then, his Strength fast passes. 然后,他的力量飞快地流逝。 90% th, 60%, 30%, 10%...... 90,60,30,10…… If the Lan Ling energy continues to drop , to continue to be swallowed, then swallowed is his soul, his god only position. 如果兰陵的能量继续下降,继续被吞噬,那么接下来被吞噬的就是他的灵魂,他的神祇之位。 Once his soul and god only position were swallowed, then Void Ruler energy further formidable, then can swallow the entire Sun, strangles to stop the nuclear fusion of entire Sun. 而一旦他的灵魂和神祇之位被吞噬,那么虚空主宰的能量就进一步强大,进而可以吞噬整个太阳,将整个太阳的核聚变扼杀停止。 Once so, entire Dragon Demon Galaxy then thoroughly falls to the enemy. 一旦如此,整个龙魔星系便彻底沦陷。 Lan Ling lifts up high Nameless Sword fiercely, again tears the dark barrier, must swallow the energy of Sun to carry on the self- sufficient energy, must make the energy restore again. 兰陵猛高举无名之剑,再一次撕裂黑暗屏障,要吞噬太阳的能量进行自我充能,要让能量再一次恢复。 But this time, he failed! 但这一次,他失败了! Right, he can tear the dark barrier, can absorb the energy of Sun. However by the solar energy that he absorbs, was swallowed by the Void Ruler dark vortex completely, is unable to enter Lan Ling within the body, the swallowing strength of void vortex is much bigger than much Lan Ling. 没错,他是可以撕裂黑暗屏障,是可以吸收太阳的能量。但是被他吸收来的太阳能量,全部被虚空主宰的黑暗漩涡所吞噬,无法进入兰陵的体内,虚空漩涡的吞噬力比兰陵大得多得多。 The Lan Ling energy continues fast to drop, drops...... 兰陵的能量继续飞快下降,下降…… 8% th, 5%, 1%...... 8,5,1…… Hahahaha......” Void Ruler crazy laughing said: Lan Ling, you ended, your soul, your god only position must be swallowed by me, Hahahaha...... So long as has swallowed you, I can obtain entire Dragon Demon Galaxy. The universe is Void Clan, in the future also will be Void Clan!” 哈哈哈哈……”虚空主宰疯狂的大笑道:“兰陵,你完了,你的灵魂,你的神祇之位都要被我吞噬了,哈哈哈哈哈……只要吞噬了你,我就能够得到整个龙魔星系。宇宙是虚空一族的,未来也是虚空一族啊!” 0%! 0! All energies of Lan Ling body surface were swallowed cleanly, his soul, his god only position starts to be swallowed. 兰陵身体表面的所有能量被吞噬得干干净净,他的灵魂,他的神祇之位开始被吞噬。 Falls to the enemy more and more, falls to the enemy toward the center of Void Ruler vortex. 越来越沦陷,朝着虚空主宰漩涡的中心沦陷。 The meaning of Lan Ling is getting more and more fuzzy. 兰陵的意思越来越模糊。 The Void Ruler big vortex, there is a core. This core is small, only has a point merely, slightly to pinnacle point. 虚空主宰的大漩涡,有一个核心。这个核心非常小,仅仅只有一个点,小到极致的点。 But this point, is the Void Ruler soul core, the Strength core, is equal to black hole singularity! 而这个点,是虚空主宰的灵魂核心,力量核心,相当于黑洞的奇点 At this time, the Lan Ling soul and god only position, will be swallowed by the Void Ruler vortex core, must merge into one organic whole with it, wants thorough to extinguish vanishes. 此时,兰陵的灵魂和神祇之位,正要被虚空主宰的漩涡核心吞噬,就要和它融为一体,就要彻底的涅灭消失。 Entire world, gradually step toward destruction. 整个世界,渐渐步往毁灭。 Entire Dragon Demon Galaxy, falls to the enemy gradually. 整个龙魔星系,渐渐沦陷。 Hahahaha......” Void Ruler said with a smile crazily: You ended, you ended, your soul, your god only strength was my, entire Dragon Demon Galaxy, becomes my prey including Sun, the world that you protected has destroyed, your domain destroyed...... Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈……”虚空主宰狂笑道:“你完了,你完了,你的灵魂,你的神祇之力都是我的了,整个龙魔星系,包括太阳都将成为我的猎物,你守护的世界毁灭了,你的领域毁灭了……哈哈哈!” But at this time, Lan Ling said with a smile suddenly: Void Ruler, you were happy too soon. Your vortex core, your soul core, your Strength core, is you frailest place. Therefore, what is finished is you.” 而此时,兰陵忽然笑道:“虚空主宰,你高兴得太早了。你的漩涡核心,你的灵魂核心,你的力量核心,就是你最最脆弱的地方。所以,完蛋的是你。” Void Ruler said: Is impossible, although my core is very frail, but as before is the non-solution, can eliminate without anything.” 虚空主宰道:“不可能,我的核心虽然很脆弱,但依旧是无解的,没有任何东西能够消灭。” Lan Ling said: Has, that is black hole singularity, because you two are the almost same things, is formidable as invincible as the non-solution. The point of your core, meets the black hole singularity, what result will be?” 兰陵道:“有,那就是黑洞的奇点,因为你们两个是几乎一样的东西,都是强大无敌到无解。你的核心之点,遇到黑洞的奇点,将会是什么结果?” Then, Nameless Sword in Lan Ling hand explodes fiercely, turns into limitless Dark Energy. Then, this Dark Energy starts fast to collapse, collapsing, collapsing, condenses into black hole finally singularity, slightly arrives at the pinnacle, has infinitely great mass, singularity of infinitely great energy, flies to shoot to go toward the Void Ruler core, the hit goes. 说罢,兰陵手中的无名之剑猛地爆开,变成无边无际的黑暗能量。而后,这股黑暗能量开始飞快地坍塌,坍塌,坍塌,最后凝聚成为一个黑洞的奇点,小到极致,却有无限大质量,无限大能量的奇点,朝着虚空主宰的核心飞射而去,撞击而去。 At this time, Void Ruler is almost frightened out of one's wits. 此时,虚空主宰几乎魂飞魄散。 He stopped revolving immediately, immediately stopped the fearful vortex, 他立刻停止了旋转,立刻停止了可怕的漩涡, Then, the entire vortex starts fast the contra-rotation, wants to fling Nameless Sword black hole singularity. 然后,整个漩涡开始飞快地反向旋转,想要将无名之剑的黑洞奇点甩出去。 However, all occurred too quickly. 但是,一切发生得太快了。 This black hole singularity is away from the Void Ruler soul core, the Strength core, the vortex core too nearly was too near. 这个黑洞奇点距离虚空主宰的灵魂核心,力量核心,漩涡核心实在太近太近了。 Whiz......” “嗖……” The Lan Ling then vortex revolves rapidly, flew to shoot fiercely. 兰陵接着漩涡飞转,猛地飞射了出去。 A moment later, black hole singularity of Nameless Sword incarnation, hits to go toward the Void Ruler core fiercely. 片刻之后,无名之剑化身的黑洞奇点,朝着虚空主宰的核心猛地撞击而去。 Not......” a Void Ruler intermittent sad and shrill rave. “不……”虚空主宰一阵阵凄厉狂吼。 ...... …… Note: Second delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, then few chapters. 注:第二更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,接下来没有几章了。
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