WDDE :: Volume #12

#1140: Perfect big result!

The black hole with Void Creature, to a certain extent is the same thing, swallows all, destroys all. 黑洞和虚空生物,从某种程度上是一样的东西,都是吞噬一切,毁灭一切。 After just the black hole swallowed pinnacle, will also explode again, was born the new universe, new Celestial Body. But after Void Creature swallows, becomes the eternal nihility. 只不过当黑洞吞噬到了极致之后,还会再一次爆炸,诞生出新的宇宙,新的星体。而被虚空生物吞噬之后,就成为永恒的虚无。 However the two in the energy rank, are almost same. Same invincibility, same non-solution. 但是二者在能量级别上,几乎是一样的。一样的无敌,一样的无解。 But beforehand Void Ruler extremely in the hugeness, extremely in the great strength, Nameless Sword black hole singularity is unable to swallow him successfully. However, Void Ruler has made a giant vortex, has exposed own core point, that is the Void Ruler frailest point, is his soul core, Strength core. 只不过之前虚空主宰太过于巨大,太过于强大,无名之剑的黑洞奇点无法成功吞噬他。但是,虚空主宰制造了一个巨大的漩涡,也把自己的核心点暴露了出来,那是虚空主宰最最脆弱的点,也是他的灵魂核心,力量核心。 Therefore, gives the opportunity that Nameless Sword singularity has swallowed. 于是,就给了无名之剑奇点吞噬的机会。 Lan Ling goes all out to run out of black hole singularity and Void Ruler core battlefield at the speed of light, because this battlefield can swallow all lives, including god only life. 兰陵以光速拼命地冲出黑洞奇点虚空主宰核心的战场,因为这个战场可以吞噬一切生命,包括神祇的生命。 A Lan Ling flight, the battlefield fast collapses. 兰陵一遍飞行,身后的战场飞快地坍塌。 Black hole singularity won, because it is an entire black hole most formidable point. Although Void Ruler is formidable, but soul core is an entire void weakest point. 黑洞奇点获得了胜利,因为它是整个黑洞最强大的一点。虚空主宰虽然强大,但灵魂核心是整个虚空最虚弱的一点。 The Void Ruler soul core was caught, was swallowed. 虚空主宰的灵魂核心被捕捉了,被吞噬了。 Then...... 进而…… The body of entire Void Ruler, innumerable Void Creature were also swallowed by the black hole. 整个虚空主宰的身体,无数的虚空生物也被黑洞吞噬了。 8 million kilometers dark nebula was swallowed, was collapsed. 8000000公里的黑暗星云被吞噬,被坍塌。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖……” Lan Ling flies fast. 兰陵快速地飞行。 After a half minute, he has been separated from this absolute death region. 半分钟后,他脱离了这片绝对的死亡区域。 Turns around to look, all dark nebulas vanish without a trace. 转身一看,所有的黑暗星云消失得无影无踪。 Entire Void Ruler was caught by the black hole thoroughly, pours into to dark singularity. Then, this dark singularity was condensing into Nameless Sword. 整个虚空主宰彻底被黑洞捕捉了,注入到黑暗奇点之内。然后,这个黑暗奇点在凝聚入无名之剑了。 Startled day battlefield, is only floating a sword, Nameless Sword. 惊天的战场,就只漂浮着一支剑,无名之剑 Lan Ling flies goes, grips this Nameless Sword, in the heart is filled with emotion. 兰陵飞上前去,握住这支无名之剑,心中感慨万千。 Then, has knelt directly from the sky, is kotowing to Nameless Sword said: Your majesty!” 然后,直接在空中跪了下来,对着无名之剑叩首道:“陛下!” Now, he knew certainly, this Nameless Sword was the ancient times Divine Dragon incarnation. 现在,他当然知道了,这支无名之剑是远古神龙的化身。 Enters the Milky Way temple time, did Milky Way Ruler ask ancient times the Divine Dragon determination to like this? Ancient times the Divine Dragon determination must like this. 进入银河圣殿的时候,银河主宰问远古神龙确定要这样?远古神龙确定要这样。 Therefore, Milky Way Ruler turned into dark singularity ancient times Divine Dragon Strength, pours into to Nameless Sword. 于是,银河主宰把远古神龙力量变成了一个黑暗奇点,注入到无名之剑里面。 Later Lan Ling leaves Milky Way, in that ancient times Divine Dragon that the diamond temple sees, merely is only the Spirit remnant shade that before left behind. 之后兰陵离开银河系,在钻石圣殿见到的那个远古神龙,仅仅只是之前留下的精神残影而已。 Milky Way Ruler said very clearly, confers rank and title Solar System that entire Earth to Lan Ling, this belongs to the ancient times Divine Dragon domain. 银河主宰已经说得非常清楚,把整个地球所在的太阳系册封给了兰陵,这是属于远古神龙的领域。 Lan Ling inherited the ancient times Divine Dragon all, that ancient times Divine Dragon gave up god only position, has given Lan Ling all, oneself use the God's Strength incarnation to become black hole singularity, the incarnation becomes a sword, became the Lan Ling weapon. 兰陵继承了远古神龙的一切,那远古神龙就是放弃了神祇之位,把一切都给了兰陵,自己用神祇的力量化身成为一个黑洞奇点,化身成为一支剑,成为了兰陵的武器。 Actually, no matter Milky Way Ruler or ancient times Divine Dragon, can make Lan Ling black hole singularity, becomes Nameless Sword. But ancient times Divine Dragon grasped this weapon to fight, eliminates Void Ruler. 其实,不管是银河主宰还是远古神龙,都可以让兰陵成为黑洞奇点,成为无名之剑。而远古神龙握着这支武器战斗,去消灭虚空主宰 However, ancient times Divine Dragon actually chose to sacrifice own life, the incarnation becomes the black hole singularity sword. 但是,远古神龙却选择牺牲自己的生命,化身成黑洞奇点剑。 He chose to sacrifice itself, helped Lan Ling! 他选择牺牲自己,成全兰陵 Lan Ling calmly is holding this sword, once he was selfish, extremely arrogant, crazy. 兰陵静静地捧着这支剑,曾经的他是自私的,狂妄的,疯狂的。 Naturally, this also makes him not have in many battlefields toward is disadvantageous, no matter copes with earliest Zhi Li, is later Divine Dragon Temple, is final Sky Temple, Moon Temple, this type selfish and crazy is useful. 当然,这也让他在许多战场上无往而不利,不管是对付最早的卮离,还是之后的神龙圣殿,还是最后的天空圣殿,月球圣殿,这种自私和疯狂都非常有用。 However, after he becomes the entire star highest leader. 但是,当他成为整个星球最高的领袖之后。 All needed to change! 一切都需要改变了! E Tian Great Emperor, ancient times God Demon, ancient times Divine Dragon set an example, how teaches Lan Ling becomes a protector, how teaches him becomes god. 厄天大帝,远古神魔,远古神龙都以身作则,教兰陵如何成为一个守护者,教他如何成为一个神祇。 These three teachers, how nobody instructs earnestly the guide should how to do. 这三个导师,没有一个人耳提面命去指导应该怎么怎么做。 They are do, making Lan Ling see the example Strength. 他们都是自己去做,让兰陵看到榜样的力量 Freely, this will often make them lose the life! 尽管,这往往会让他们失去生命! Now, Void Ruler eliminated finally, Dragon Demon Galaxy was peaceful temporarily, in 1000000 years was at least peaceful. 如今,虚空主宰终于消灭了,龙魔星系暂时安宁了,至少在1000000年之内都安宁了。 But, this absolutely is not a victory of Lan Ling person. 但,这绝对不是兰陵一个人的胜利。 Is E Tian Great Emperor, Eyun Great Emperor, ancient times God Demon, ancient times Divine Dragon unceasingly sacrificed, spreads a life path, this makes Lan Ling arrive at today, finally has defeated Void Ruler. 厄天大帝,厄运大帝,远古神魔,远古神龙不断地牺牲,铺出了一条生命的道路,这才让兰陵走到了今天,终于战胜了虚空主宰 Lan Ling steps on the corpse of teachers, achieved the final success. 兰陵是踩在导师们的尸体,获得了最终的胜利。 The front several teachers have completed 90%, is completed final 10% by Lan Ling. 前面的几位导师完成了90,由兰陵来完成最后的10。 And, they all honors, all authorities, all Strength, have given Lan Ling! 并且,他们把所有的荣誉,所有的权力,所有的力量,都给了兰陵 Lan Ling kotows again said: My your majesty, I thinks that I know how became god!” 兰陵再一次叩首道:“我的陛下,我想我知道如何成为一个神祇了!” ...... …… On Dragon Demon Planet, fell into the huge revelry. 龙魔星球上,陷入了巨大的狂欢。 Moon also fell into huge revelry! 月球也陷入了巨大的狂欢! When camouflaged Sun appears again, Sun of Moon this simulation extinguished. 当被遮蔽的太阳再一次出现的时候,月球这个模拟的太阳就熄灭了。 All people know, Lan Ling has won the war of this salvation. 所有人都知道,兰陵赢了这场救世之战。 The Dragon Demon Galaxy extinguishing world crisis contacted, covers diverges in the Dragon Demon Galaxy several hundred thousand years of extinguishing world shadows finally thoroughly. 龙魔星系的灭世危机接触了,笼罩在龙魔星系几十万年的灭世阴影终于彻底散去。 Once Demon Emperor Lan Ling, present god Lan Ling, has only defeated Void Ruler, has saved this world thoroughly, has saved this star territory. 曾经的魔帝兰陵,如今的神祇兰陵,打败了虚空主宰,彻底拯救了这个世界,拯救了这片星域。 Rude Di Nie, at this time will not always hug pair of twin children in the hand, is moved to tears unable to self-restrain, a while cherishing one's relatives son, meets the cherishing one's relatives daughter, is having the sobbing sound said: Children, your fathers have won, he must come back immediately, you can see him quickly, later we will not separate.” 从来都不会失态帝涅,此时将一对双胞胎儿女都抱在手里,激动得热泪盈眶不能自抑,一会儿亲亲儿子,一会亲亲女儿吗,带着泣声道:“孩子们,你们的父亲赢了,他马上就要回来了,你们很快就能见到他了,以后我们再也不会分开了。” Father is quite fierce......” “爸爸好厉害啊……” Father is quite fierce......” on Northern Wild Transcend Heaven God Demon Tower, the Naxue side is standing a 14-year-old youngster, is looking up to Sun of sky, said the somewhat immature spoken language. “爸爸好厉害啊……”在北部蛮荒通天神魔塔上,娜血身边站着一个14岁的少年,仰望着天空的太阳,说出了有些稚嫩的言语。 If ordinary, Naxue will reprove his, north the crown prince as one, Commander five Ten Million square kilometer lands, how can say is so weak. 如果是平常,娜血已经会训斥他的,作为一个北地亲王,统帅着五千万平方公里的土地,怎么可以说出这么幼稚的话。 But now, the Naxue vision shouts the tears, the nod is saying with a smile: Yes, your father is fiercest.” 但如今,娜血目光喊着泪水,点头笑道:“是啊,你爸爸最厉害。” Southwest Flame Demon Empire. 炎魔帝国西南。 Crown prince Lan Suo has looked up to the sky, when the darkness diverges completely, Sun presents again time, his incomparable excitement, the whole body shivers, said: Uncle, the father sovereign won!” 太子兰索一直仰望天空,等到黑暗完全散去,太阳再一次出现的时候,他无比的激动,浑身地颤抖,道:“叔父,父皇赢了!” Du Yan early the eyeful tears, heard crown prince Lan Suo Uncle, he has knelt immediately, wants saying that the feudal official is not at all. However he is excited the whole body to shiver, the tears well up crazily, complete a few words could not say. 杜炎早已经满眼泪水,听到太子兰索的一声叔父,他立刻跪了下来,想说臣不敢当。但是他激动得浑身颤抖,眼泪狂涌而出,完全一句话都说不出来。 Lan Ling has won, his leader won. 兰陵赢了,他的领袖赢了。 This world was protected, this world was saved. 这个世界被守护了,这个世界被拯救了。 Regarding Du Yan, he has two lives. 对于杜炎而言,他有两个人生。 Defeated the beforehand life by Lan Ling, defeated the later life by Lan Ling. 兰陵打败之前的人生,被兰陵打败之后的人生。 Defeated the beforehand life by Lan Ling, Du Yan is selfish, greedy, vanity, even is shameless. 兰陵打败之前的人生,杜炎是自私的,贪婪的,虚荣的,甚至无耻的。 After Lan Ling is defeated, Du Yan so, but was promoted by Lan Ling along with him gradually, the recognition , to promote the top digit , after gradually. 兰陵打败之后,杜炎还是如此,但是随着他渐渐被兰陵提拔,赏识,渐渐地晋升高位之后。 All changed, selfish, greedy, the vanity, vanished shameless. 一切都改变了,自私,贪婪,虚荣,无耻都消失了。 The responsibility and sense of mission, have passed through his life gradually. He also pays to this world many, offers too many, incomparably incomparable deep love. 责任和使命感,渐渐贯穿了他的人生。对这个世界他也付出得太多,也奉献得太多,无比无比的热爱。 Now this world obtains to save finally. 如今这个世界终于获得拯救。 What is most essential, his Spirit pillar/backbone, Spirit leader Lan Ling has again won, he is really invincible, was invincible. 最最关键的是,他的精神支柱,精神领袖兰陵再一次赢了,他果然是无敌的,是不可战胜了。 This is important to Du Yan, because to a certain extent, Lan Ling is his belief. 这对杜炎非常重要,因为从某种程度上,兰陵已经是他的信仰。 ...... …… Human State Western Cold Kingdom, on Transcend Heaven God Demon Tower. 人类国度西凉王国,通天神魔塔上。 Female crown prince Suo Qinqin and fiance Ashi Yuanba is looking up to the sky. 女亲王索沁沁和未婚夫阿史元跋仰望着天空。 Saw that Sun appears again, dark thick fog diverges. 见到太阳再一次出现,黑暗浓雾散去。 The Qinqin complexion is red, snuggles toward fiance, weeps. 沁沁的脸色通红,朝着未婚夫依偎去,喜极而泣。 But Ashi Yuanba said with a smile: Qinqin, the father must come back, we can marry finally, finally can give birth.” 阿史元跋笑道:“沁沁,父亲要回来了,我们终于可以结婚,终于可以生子了。” Now, Ashi Yuanba already 30 years old, Qinqin also greatly twenty years old, because Lan Ling is not, therefore two people had not married. 如今,阿史元跋已经30来岁了,沁沁也大二十几岁了,因为兰陵不在,所以二人也一直都没有结婚。 This is obsessed, must wait till father Lan Ling to come back to give them to legally marry, because they believe that the father will certainly return. 这算是一个执念,一定要等到父亲兰陵回来给他们证婚,因为他们相信父亲一定会归来。 Human State, Zhi Capital, on Transcend Heaven God Demon Tower. 人类国度,卮都,通天神魔塔上。 First Sky Temple leader Tian Daoqi, Demon Star Pavilion Lord Ning Wuya, kneels down to kotow toward Zhi Yu and Zhi Ning, chokes with sobs. 天空圣殿领袖天道奇,妖星阁主宁无涯,朝着卮玉卮宁跪下叩首,泣不成声。 We have made a mistake, we made a mistake...... Our Divine Dragon Temple is the criminal of human, is the criminal of history, is the entire galaxy, the criminal of entire civilization.” “我们错了,我们错了……我们神龙圣殿是人类的罪人,是历史的罪人,是整个星系,整个文明的罪人。” But Ji Mengbai is excited the whole body to shiver, goes all out to kotow on the ground said: Your majesty century ten thousand years, long live......” 姬梦白则兴奋得浑身颤抖,在地上拼命叩首道:“陛下千秋万载,万岁万岁万万岁……” Twenty years old, moreover Zhi Yu that gotten married, the left hand draws mother, the right hand is drawing wife Ling Ya, said excitedly: Walks, prepares the airship, we go to the flame Demon Emperor Capital, we meet the father sovereign together.” 已经二十几岁,而且已经成婚的卮玉,左手拉着妈妈,右手拉着妻子凌丫,兴奋道:“走,准备飞艇,我们去炎魔帝京,我们一起去接父皇。” ...... …… Ten days later! 十天之后! Flame Demon Empire, Moon Dragon Demon Empire, Flame Dragon Empire, Lan Ling all wife and children, all high-ranking court officials, all trusted friends, gather at the square of flame Demon Emperor Capital completely, waited for that the Lan Ling deity arrives. 炎魔帝国,月球龙魔帝国,炎龙帝国,兰陵所有的妻子儿女,所有的重臣,所有的心腹,全部聚集在炎魔帝京的广场,等待兰陵的天神降临。 Over several hundred on Ten Million people, the army, the warrior, gathers at each corner of flame Demon Emperor Capital, is looking up to the sky. 还有超过几百上千万的民众,军队,武士,都聚集在炎魔帝京的每一个角落,仰望着天空。 A nine -year-old girl is holding the hand of mother Zhi Yan, said in a low voice: Mom, when does the father come?” 一个九岁的女孩牵着母亲卮妍的手,低声道:“妈妈,爸爸什么时候来啊?” Was quick.” Zhi Yan said in a soft voice. “快了。”卮妍柔声道 The little girls looked at oneself small skirt, said: Mom, is my today's skirt nice? Will the father like me?” 小女孩又看了自己的小裙子,道:“妈妈,我今天的裙子好看吗?爸爸会喜欢我吗?” Treasure is in the world is most attractive, the father most loved you, your name was the father takes.” Zhi Yan said in a soft voice. “宝儿是世界上最漂亮的,爸爸最疼你了,你的名字就是爸爸取的。”卮妍柔声道 Lan Ling with Zhi Yan daughter Lan Bao'er, perhaps probably in all daughters most attractive one, merely is only nine years old, was beautiful is similar to the star of space is the same. 兰陵卮妍的女儿兰宝儿,或许大概所有女儿中最最漂亮的一个了,仅仅才九岁,就已经美丽得如同天上的星星一样。 Suddenly, a golden light flashes. 忽然,金光一闪。 The Dragon Demon Galaxy control, the Solar System control, Milky Way god, Fairy Maiden constellation god only Lan Ling, drops from the clouds. 龙魔星系主宰,太阳系主宰,银河系神祇,仙女星座神祇兰陵,从天而降。 Immediately in the ground several Ten Million people, Lan Ling all wife and children, Flame Demon Empire, Flame Dragon Empire, Moon Empire all high-ranking court officials, all people kneel down neatly. 顿时地面上几千万人,兰陵所有的妻子儿女,炎魔帝国,炎龙帝国,月球帝国所有的重臣,所有的民众整整齐齐跪下。 Welcomed your majesty, long live......” “恭迎陛下,万岁万岁万万岁……” ...... …… Lan Ling falls from the day slowly, looks at the wives on tread, is looking at own children. 兰陵从天缓缓而降,望着地面上的妻子们,望着自己的孩子们。 The similar ten years passed by, some children have grown up, but some child have never seen. 差不多十年过去了,有些孩子长大了,而有些孩子自己从未见过。 From now henceforth, the whole family did not need to separate. 从今以后,一家人再也不用分离了。 Even if as god, Lan Ling is also very excited, wants to hug own family member, own child. 哪怕作为神祇,兰陵也无比激动,想要去拥抱自己的亲人,自己的孩子。 But in this time, Lan Ling saw in the crowd that attended the ceremony has a familiar form. 而就在此时,兰陵看到观礼的人群中有一个熟悉的身影。 E Tian Great Emperor! 厄天大帝 He stands in the most common crowd. 他站在最普通的人群中。 Lan Ling returned to Dragon Demon Planet his soul, he revives, and had the complete body. 兰陵将他的灵魂送回了龙魔星球,他苏醒过来,并且拥有了完整的身体。 He is handsome, military might, aggressive, but at this time remaining benevolent. 他是英俊,威武,霸气的,但此时就剩下了仁慈。 Lan Ling must fly in front of E Tian Great Emperor directly, kneels down salute to his single knee, because E Tian Great Emperor is his teacher. 兰陵直接要飞到厄天大帝面前,向他单膝下跪行礼,因为厄天大帝是他的导师。 However, E Tian Great Emperor shakes the head, making Lan Ling do not come. From now on, he has wanted the day of average person, is Dragon Demon Galaxy continues to offer, does not want to be a focus of public attention. 然而,厄天大帝摇摇头,让兰陵不要过来。从今之后,他要过普通人的日子了,为龙魔星系继续奉献,不想被万众瞩目。 Lan Ling nodded. 兰陵点了点头 E Tian Great Emperor has raised up the thumb toward Lan Ling, moreover is two thumbs, was praising him to be fierce. 厄天大帝朝着兰陵竖起了大拇指,而且是两根大拇指,在表扬他厉害。 At this time, in the ground several Ten Million people kneel down completely neatly. 此时,地面上几千万人全部整齐跪下。 E Tian Great Emperor also with a smile kneels down, kotows toward Lan Ling said: Welcomed your majesty, long live, long live, long live!” 厄天大帝也笑着跪下,朝着兰陵叩首道:“恭迎陛下,万岁,万岁,万万岁!” In the Lan Ling heart is filled with emotion, heart middle course: E Tian your majesty, my teacher, my your majesty, wish you happiness!” 兰陵心中感慨万千,心中道:“厄天陛下,我的导师,我的陛下,祝您快乐!” Then, Lan Ling moves toward own wife and children, has opened the both arms! 然后,兰陵走向自己的妻子儿女,张开了双臂! Three nine -year-old children, charge into the bosom of Lan Ling earnestly. 三个九岁的孩子,埋头冲向兰陵的怀抱。 Father!” “爸爸!” ...... …… Note: The big result, then also the chapter of postscript, was truly concludes to this book, thanks! 注:大结局了,接下来还有一章后记,算是真正给这本书收尾,谢谢!
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