WDDE :: Volume #12

#1138: Decisive battle! Void Ruler defeat mark

Several hundred, several thousand Energy Claw, grasp crazily toward Lan Ling. 几百,几千条能量触爪,疯狂地朝兰陵抓来。 Void Ruler swallows all, once Lan Ling were held, means that the energy fast consumption, was swallowed fast. 虚空主宰吞噬一切,一旦兰陵被抓住,就意味着能量快速的消耗,快速地被吞噬。 However, wants to avoid several thousand to touch the claw is impossible. 然而,想要躲避几千条触爪是不可能的。 A Lan Ling sonic boom roar, transforms innumerable Doppelganger instantaneously, several hundred, several thousand Doppelganger. 兰陵一声爆吼,瞬间幻化出无数的分身,几百,几千个分身 Moreover each Doppelganger is very huge, in each Doppelganger hand the hand grasps Nameless Sword, several thousand Doppelganger crazily cut to kill Void Ruler Energy Claw. 而且每一个分身都无比巨大,每一个分身手中都手握无名之剑,几千个分身都疯狂斩杀着虚空主宰能量触爪 Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” This is God's Strength , even if Doppelganger becomes several thousand, has formidable Strength that is almost equal to as before. Nameless Sword transforms several thousand, each such great strength. 这就是神祇的力量,就算分身成为几千个,依旧拥有几乎等同的强大力量无名之剑就算幻化出几千支,每一支都如此之强大。 „,......” “唰,唰,唰,唰,唰……” Astonishing Nameless Sword, Void Ruler all touches the claw, cuts off completely! 惊人的无名之剑,将虚空主宰的所有触爪,全部斩断! Several thousand touch the claw, each 40,000-50,000 kilometers long, cut off by Lan Ling completely. 几千根触爪,每一根都四五万公里之长,全部被兰陵斩断。 Void Ruler on remaining a smooth head, incomparable fierce fearful. 虚空主宰就剩下了一个光溜溜的脑袋,无比的狰狞可怕。 „After Yangtze River , before the wave pushes wave, you really be more formidable than your two pioneers.” Void Ruler said with a smile ferociously. “长江后浪推前浪,你果然要比你的两位先驱更加强大。”虚空主宰狞笑道。 Naturally, this Void Ruler has not accepted the Earth civilization, has not accepted influencing of Chinese, therefore he could not say such typical Chinese sentence. However, he and Lan Ling exchange consciousness the exchange completely, does not need to use the language, can the most precise pinnacle express own meaning expressively. 当然,这位虚空主宰没有接受过地球文明,也没有接受过中文的陶冶,所以他是说不出这样的典型中文句子的。但是,他和兰陵的交流完全是意识交流,是不需要用语言的,可以最精确极致传神地表达自己的意思。 But you had forgotten a point, here is my territory, Void Ruler is invincible, non-solution.” Void Ruler said with a smile ferociously. “但是你忘记了一点,这里是我的领地,虚空主宰是无敌的,无解的。”虚空主宰狞笑道。 Then, is returned to the original condition by the touching claw that Lan Ling cuts off, it turns into the octopus appearance that makes threatening gestures again. 然后,所有被兰陵斩断的触爪全部恢复原状,它再一次变成张牙舞爪的章鱼模样。 Then, its body starts to inflate the inflation inflation. 接着,它的身躯开始膨胀膨胀膨胀。 After inflating the pinnacle. 膨胀到了极致后。 Bang! 轰! The entire body blasts out fiercely. 整个身躯猛地炸开。 In instantaneous, entire dark barrier, Void Ruler vanished, but completely is also ubiquitous, is similar to the wind, is similar to the fog is ordinary. 瞬间,整个黑暗结界之内,虚空主宰消失了,但是又完全无处不在,如同风,如同雾一般。 Void Ruler transforms several million, several Ten Million, hundreds of millions Void Ruler, each incomparable small, attacks Lan Ling each corner crazily. 虚空主宰幻化出几百万,几千万,几亿个虚空主宰,每一个都无比的微小,疯狂地攻击兰陵的每一处角落。 Meanwhile, Lan Ling also fiercely blasted out, turned into several Ten Million, hundreds of millions luminous spots, slaughtered crazily. 与此同时,兰陵也猛地炸开,变成了几千万,几亿个光点,疯狂地厮杀。 Form of this decisive battle, changes again. 这一场决战的形式,又再一次改变。 Was startled day between giants fought a decisive battle a moment ago, the build over 100,000 kilometers hugeness of both sides. 刚才是巨人之间的惊天决战,双方的体形都超过100000公里巨大。 But now, then completely is the fight of dust level. 而现在,则完全是尘埃级的战斗。 Billions light, fights billions darkness. 几十亿个光明,去战斗几十亿个黑暗。 The entire fight, seems the war of light shadow, already not any shape, without any move. 整个战斗,就仿佛是光影之战,已经没有任何形态,没有任何招数。 After having fought half double-hour, crazily! 疯狂大战了半个时辰后! Uneventful! 风平浪静! Void Ruler condensed again, turned into a dark giant, hundreds of thousands kilometers giant dark giant. 虚空主宰再一次凝聚,变成了一个黑暗巨人,十几万公里巨大的黑暗巨人。 But Lan Ling also again condenses, unifies into a bright flame giant from the innumerable rays, grasps Nameless Sword. 兰陵也再一次凝聚,从无数的光芒凝聚成为一个光明火焰巨人,手持无名之剑 This war, makes no distinction between victory and defeat as before! 这一战,依旧是不分胜负! Void Ruler is looking at Lan Ling, said slowly: You are favorite, repeatedly fought unexpectedly with me equally matched. However, this establishes, in I am not willing to swallow above your Destruction Energy.” 虚空主宰望着兰陵,缓缓道:“你非常得意吧,竟然屡次和我战成了不相上下。然而,这都是建立在我不愿意吞噬你的毁灭性能量之上。” Destruction Energy, is the Land of Falling barrier, is equal after Dragon Demon Planet was torn, the energy wound of forming. 毁灭系能量,就是陨落之地的屏障,相当于龙魔星球被撕裂之后,形成的能量伤口。 Lan Ling discovered accidentally/surprisingly, Void Creature does not swallow this thing, even also somewhat dreads. 兰陵非常意外地发现,虚空生物不吞噬这玩意,甚至还有些畏惧。 You know that what I do swallow Destruction Energy am feel?” Void Ruler said: „Similar to your human, ate food of putrefication deterioration to be the same, was disgusting. But you actually crazily make Destruction Energy, therefore hits equally matched with me. But you must clarify, I am disgusting Destruction Energy, is not the fear!” “你知道我吞噬毁灭性能量是一种什么感觉吗?”虚空主宰道:“就如同你们的人类,吃到了腐化变质的食物一样,非常非常恶心的。而你却疯狂地制造出毁灭系能量,所以才和我打个不相上下。但你要弄清楚一点,我是恶心毁灭系能量,绝不是害怕!” Then, Void Ruler distorts again, the entire body vanished, even the face also vanished, the head also vanished, remaining one slaps, incomparably giant mouth, over 100,000 kilometers mouth. 说罢,虚空主宰再一次变形,整个身体都消失了,甚至面孔也消失了,头颅也消失了,就剩下一掌嘴,无比巨大的嘴,超过100000公里的嘴。 Then, this opens mouth opens fiercely, swallows crazily! 而后,这张嘴猛地张开,疯狂地吞噬! Void Ruler turned into a palm fearful great mouth, must eat Lan Ling livingly, swallows. 虚空主宰变成了一掌可怕的巨嘴,活生生要将兰陵吃掉,吞噬。 Merely instantaneous, Lan Ling was swallowed by him. 仅仅瞬间,兰陵就被他吞进去。 Because here is Void Ruler dark barrier, the great mouth and entire dark barrier that he turns into were equally big, include all spaces, Lan Ling naturally are also included. 因为这里是虚空主宰黑暗结界,他变成的巨嘴和整个黑暗结界一样大,囊括了所有的空间,兰陵自然也被包括进去。 In the great mouth of Void Ruler, a Lan Ling sonic boom roar, the energy of instantaneous whole body starts to change, from the solar energy, turned into Destruction Energy instantaneously. 虚空主宰的巨嘴之内,兰陵一声爆吼,瞬间全身的能量开始变化,从太阳能量,瞬间变成了毁灭系能量 Whole body, from inside to outside, over 100,000 kilometers body, Nameless Sword in hand, turned into fearful Destruction Energy. 全身上下,从里到外,超过100000公里的身体,还有手中的无名之剑,都变成了可怕的毁灭系能量 This regarding must swallow Lan Ling Void Ruler, simply is...... Disaster. 这对于要吞噬兰陵虚空主宰而言,简直就是……灾难。 Was equal to that must go all out to swallow one already the meat that rots completely, moreover this food and his body are almost equally matched. 就等于要拼命地吞下一块已经完全腐坏的肉,而且这块食物和他身体几乎不相上下。 Lan Ling releases crazily, chops to cut crazily. 兰陵疯狂地释放,疯狂地劈斩。 Void Ruler swallows crazily, swallows, swallows...... 虚空主宰疯狂地吞噬,吞噬,吞噬…… Although is disgusting, but the energy of Lan Ling within the body fast dissipates. 尽管非常恶心,但兰陵体内的能量还是飞快地消逝。 Once Void Ruler the decision swallows, that entire plane all energies he is a cinch. 虚空主宰一旦决定吞噬,那整个位面所有的能量他都不在话下。 The energy of Lan Ling within the body fast passes, was swallowed the transformation became Void Ruler Void Creature. 兰陵体内的能量飞快地流逝,被吞噬转化成为了虚空主宰虚空生物 Therefore, Void Ruler is getting stronger and stronger, but Lan Ling is getting more and more weak. 所以,虚空主宰越来越强,而兰陵越来越弱。 90% th, 80%, 50%, 30%...... 90,80,50,30…… Once the Lan Ling energy were swallowed thoroughly cleanly, main body that then on remaining does not protect, quick will be swallowed, finally the soul, the bloodlines, god Strength will only be swallowed cleanly. 一旦兰陵的能量被彻底吞噬干净,那么就剩下毫无防护的本体,也很快会被吞噬,最后灵魂,血脉,神祇力量都会被吞噬得干干净净。 At that time, Lan Ling this god only directly fell from the sky, turned into one in innumerable Void Creature. 到那个时候,兰陵这个神祇就直接陨落了,变成了无数虚空生物中的一员。 At that time ancient times God Demon to prevent this destiny, in chose finally from exploding Destruction Energy, not only repelled Void Ruler to make ancient times Divine Dragon escape, but also melted own energy in Sun completely. 当时远古神魔为了阻止这个命运,在最后选择了自爆毁灭系能量,不但击退了虚空主宰让远古神龙逃脱,而且还把自己的能量完全融于太阳之中。 But present Void Ruler, but also does not have the ability to swallow the entire Sun, the energy of entire Sun has gone far beyond its withstanding range. Therefore, he needs enough the enough formidable time, swallows the entire Sun instantaneously, then makes Sun have dark collapsing in within the body, starts to wither, extinguishes, finally completes to swallow. 而如今的虚空主宰,还没有能力吞噬掉整个太阳,整个太阳的能量远远超过了它的承受范围。所以,他需要足够足够强大的时候,瞬间吞噬整个太阳,然后让太阳在它的体内产生黑暗坍塌,开始萎缩,熄灭,最终完成吞噬。 Solar energy flame extremely in intensity . Moreover the instantaneous energy is not as good passes, actually continuously. 太阳能量火焰太过于强烈,而且瞬间的能量稍逊即逝,却又源源不绝。 Similar to the flame, flame that just braved, merely is only the flame of this flash. Next flash, will gush out the new flame. 就如同火焰,刚刚冒出来的火焰,仅仅只是这一瞬间的火焰。下一瞬间,又会涌出新的火焰。 Therefore, Void Ruler according to normal swallowing, needs to swallow livingly for 10 billion years. Because of the life of Sun, 10 billion years. 所以,虚空主宰按照正常的吞噬,活生生需要吞噬10000000000年。因为太阳的寿命,还有10000000000年。 You are one god, this was too wonderful.” Void Ruler said: Your pure energy and I almost am equally matched, after I have swallowed you, was equal to that multiplication of energy, I could attempt to swallow the entire Sun at that time. Therefore, should you help me, Hahaha......” “你是一个神祇,这太美妙了。”虚空主宰道:“你单纯的能量和我几乎不相上下,我吞噬了你之后,就等于能量的倍增,到那个时候我或许可以尝试吞噬整个太阳了。所以,应该还是你成全了我,哈哈哈……” Void Ruler continues to swallow crazily, must Lan Ling Divine Power, the soul swallow completely. 虚空主宰继续疯狂地吞噬,要将兰陵神力,灵魂全部吞噬。 However this time, Nameless Sword in his hand suddenly fiercely was jumping projects together to pinnacle Sword Light dark. 然而就在这个时候,他手中的无名之剑忽然猛地迸射出一道黑暗到极致的剑芒 „......” “唰……” Instantaneous, the Void Ruler dark barrier, was ripped open an opening livingly. 瞬间,虚空主宰的黑暗屏障,活生生被撕开了一个裂口。 Then, the ray of Sun, the energy of Sun emerges crazily. 而后,太阳的光芒,太阳的能量疯狂涌入。 Lan Ling bellows, swallows the energy of Sun crazily. 兰陵一声大吼,疯狂地吞噬太阳的能量。 Short moment, the energy of his within the body never to 20%, instantaneous entire full. 短短片刻,他体内的能量从不到20,瞬间全满。 The entire Sun regarding Lan Ling, seems institute of the inexhaustible inexhaustible energy, he momentarily can charge here. 整个太阳对于兰陵来说,就仿佛是一个取之不尽用之不竭的能量之所,他随时可以在这里进行充电。 My grass......” Void Ruler obloquied, what he must swallow is the Lan Ling soul and god, but is not the pure energy. “我草……”虚空主宰大骂,他要吞噬的是兰陵的灵魂和神祇,而不是单纯的能量啊。 The Lan Ling sword, can puncture his dark barrier unexpectedly, that can swallow the energy of Sun innumerable, the innumerable energies are complete. 兰陵的剑,竟然可以刺破他的黑暗结界,那就可以无数次地吞噬太阳的能量,无数次能量全满。 As the matter stands, his Void Ruler will win, but...... At least needs 10 billion years later, when Lan Ling swallowed the energy of Sun completely cleanly. Because the energy of Sun came from the nuclear fusion, but the nuclear fusion has frequently, birth new solar energy. 这样一来,他虚空主宰还是会赢,但……起码要10000000000年后,等到兰陵把太阳的能量全部吞噬干净了。因为太阳的能量来自于核聚变,而核聚变时时刻刻都在发生,都在诞生新的太阳能量。 What does this and swallow the entire Sun also to distinguish slowly? 这和缓慢吞噬整个太阳又有什么区别? Only if, Void Ruler swallows the Lan Ling speed, goes far beyond Lan Ling from the speed of solar supplementary energy. 除非,虚空主宰吞噬兰陵的速度,远远超过兰陵从太阳补充能量的速度。 „Does your this sword name?” Void Ruler cannot bear ask. “你这支剑叫什么名字?”虚空主宰忍不住问道。 Nameless Sword.” Lan Ling happily sneers saying: Looked? You can defeat me, you truly are also invincible, but needs to fight for 10 billion years.” 无名之剑。”兰陵得意冷笑道:“看出来了吗?你可以击败我,你也确实是无敌的,但需要战斗10000000000年。” Void Ruler said: Fights a decisive battle to Sun beside, how?” 虚空主宰道:“到太阳之外决战,如何?” Lan Ling said: If you hope!” 兰陵道:“如你所愿!” Then, Void Ruler has drilled the solar core directly, flies from Sun. 然后,虚空主宰直接钻出了太阳核心,飞离太阳。 But Lan Ling, has flown from the solar core. 兰陵,也跟着飞离了太阳核心。 The two arrived have been away from solar 1 million kilometers airborne, here was covered by the solar ray as before. 二者来到了距离太阳1000000公里的空中,这里依旧被太阳光芒笼罩。 Lan Ling and Void Ruler, are similar to two Titan giants generally float in airborne, the altitudes of two people, have been over Dragon Demon Planet several times, has been over Earth ten times. 兰陵虚空主宰,就如同两个泰坦巨人一般漂浮在空中,两个人的高度,都超过了龙魔星球的几倍,超过了地球的十倍。 Two Titan's common giants, are similar to two bright and dark planets are common, regarding the solar revolution, two people are away from 1 million kilometers, confronts callously! 两个泰坦一般的巨人,如同两颗光明和黑暗行星一般,围绕着太阳公转,二人距离1000000公里,冷酷对峙! „......” “嗷……” Suddenly, Void Ruler starts to roar! 忽然,虚空主宰开始咆哮! Startled day roaring. 惊天的咆哮。 Instantaneous, the flame of solar surface, the startled day spouts, the fearful solar storm, was more intense than dozens several hundred times the past, howls. 瞬间,太阳表面的火焰,惊天喷出,可怕的太阳风暴,比以往强烈了几十几百倍,呼啸而出。 Then, fearful appeared...... 然后,可怕的一幕出现了…… Innumerable Void Creature, from all directions, well up to come, to condense crazily on the body of Void Ruler. 无数的虚空生物,从四面八方,狂涌而来,凝聚在虚空主宰的身上。 Incomparably strange , occurred in Dragon Demon Planet. 无比诡异的一幕,也在龙魔星球发生。 Only saw that the entire star split a huge dark crevice suddenly. 只见到整个星球忽然裂开了一个巨大的黑暗裂隙。 Then, inexhaustible Void Creature, all dark crevasses, all Void Abyss Void Creature, have ambushed several hundred thousand years of Void Creature in Dragon Demon Planet, has flown from Dragon Demon Planet, flies in the direction of outer space, toward the Void Ruler condensation. 然后,无穷无尽的虚空生物,所有黑暗裂隙,所有虚空深渊虚空生物,已经在龙魔星球潜伏了几十万年的虚空生物,飞离了龙魔星球,朝着太空的方向飞去,朝着虚空主宰凝聚。 Void Ruler was summoning, summons in the entire galaxy all Void Creature. 虚空主宰在召唤,召唤整个星系内所有的虚空生物 He must further formidable, then instantaneously eliminate, swallows Lan Ling! 他要进一步强大自己,然后瞬间消灭,吞噬兰陵 Inexhaustible Void Creature wells up to fly crazily to the direction of Sun, the entire galaxy several planets were swallowed, dozens satellites were swallowed, the innumerable comets, innumerable asteroid belt were swallowed, turned into Void Creature. 无穷无尽的虚空生物狂涌飞向太阳的方向,整个星系十几颗行星被吞噬了,几十颗卫星被吞噬了,无数的彗星,无数的小行星带都被吞噬,变成了虚空生物 But these Void Creature, were summoned by Void Ruler completely, condenses to go toward it. 而这些虚空生物,全部受到虚空主宰的召唤,朝它凝聚而去。 Void Ruler is getting bigger and bigger, is getting stronger and stronger. 虚空主宰越来越大,越来越强。 100,000 kilometers hugeness, 200,000 kilometers hugeness, 300,000 kilometers huge...... 100000公里巨大,200000公里巨大,300000公里巨大…… Pitiful god only Lan Ling, your time of death to!” “可怜的神祇兰陵,你的死期到了!” ...... …… Note: Second delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第二更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家啊!
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