WDDE :: Volume #12

#1137: Lan Ling fights Void Ruler!

Shuttles back and forth infinitely, shuttle, shuttle...... 无限地穿梭,穿梭,穿梭…… Shuttled back and forth innumerable plane, finally enters universe plane that Dragon Demon Galaxy was. 穿梭了无数位面,终于进入了龙魔星系所在的宇宙位面 Then, carries on the space to jump, the innumerable spaces jump! 然后,又进行空间跳跃,无数的空间跳跃! ......” “呼……” After jumps innumerable, suddenly stops. 无数次跳跃之后,忽然停止。 A familiar star appears in the Lan Ling front. 一个熟悉的星球出现在兰陵的面前。 Has looked at Earth after the outer space, Dragon Demon Planet was far from Dragon Demon Planet being so beautiful, especially existence of Land of Falling that big crack, making the entire star fill miserably. 在太空中看过地球之后,龙魔星球真的远远没有了龙魔星球那么美丽,尤其陨落之地那个大裂缝的存在,使得整个星球充满了凄凉。 But at least...... Dragon Demon Planet also, Moon also, Lan Ling left after such a long time, this world is destroyed, had not been swallowed by Void Creature thoroughly. 但至少……龙魔星球还在,月球也还在,兰陵离开了那么长时间之后,这个世界还没有被毁灭,还没有被虚空生物彻底吞噬。 Lan Ling such floats in airborne, has not landed Dragon Demon Planet immediately. 兰陵就这么漂浮在空中,并没有立刻登陆龙魔星球 This journey, he stayed the difference not mostly month in Earth, in Milky Way center dull time unknown, but will not be long. However shuttles back and forth in the universe, the plane shuttle actually spent long time. 这一趟旅途,他在地球呆了差不多半个多月时间,在银河系中心呆的时间未知,但也不会很久。但是在宇宙穿梭,位面穿梭却花了很长时间了。 At this time, was away from him to leave Dragon Demon Planet already several years, said accurately for nine years ten months. 此时,距离他离开龙魔星球已经几年了,准确说有九年十个月了。 He can imagine, in the ten years time Dragon Demon Planet also had the earth-shaking change, his children should grow up, must march into the maturity like Ashi Yuanba. 他可以想象得到,这十年时间龙魔星球又有了何等天翻地覆的变化,他的孩子们都应该长大了,像阿史元跋都已经要步入壮年了。 He misses the family member, misses these children. 他非常非常思念家人,思念这些孩子。 But he will not go home first, because he does not want many farewell, he must go to the solar deep place first, first goes to fight Void Ruler! 但他不会先回家,因为他不想要多一次告别,他要先去太阳深处,先去大战虚空主宰 Either after eliminating Void Ruler, goes home to reunite with family member. 要么消灭虚空主宰之后回家和家人团聚。 Either the previous farewell becomes parts forever. 要么上一次的告别就成为永别。 ...... …… Lan Ling flies toward the Dragon Demon Galaxy Sun. 兰陵朝着龙魔星系的太阳飞去。 This time, he uses the speed of light to fly! 这一次,他用光速飞行! Here Sun is away from Dragon Demon Planet about 500 million kilometers, but Lan Ling changes to a luminous spot, flies with the speed of light, merely a half hour, arrived at the solar surface. 这里的太阳距离龙魔星球大约500000000公里,但兰陵化作一个光点,用光速飞行,仅仅半个小时,就已经到达太阳表面。 As before is the boundless endless flame, boundless endless sea of fire, even if the surface also has over ten thousand degrees Celsius high temperature. 依旧是无边无尽的火焰,无边无尽的火海,就算表面也有上万摄氏度的高温。 The Dragon Demon Galaxy Sun, may be much bigger than much the Earth Sun, there is a 5 million kilometers diameter, the energy is also much more formidable. 龙魔星系的太阳,可比地球的太阳要大得多得多,有5000000公里的直径,能量也强大得多。 Bang!” Draws out Nameless Sword that Milky Way Ruler grants, Lan Ling drills into Sun fiercely. “轰!”拔出银河主宰赐予的无名之剑,兰陵猛地钻入太阳之内。 Lan Ling unceasingly thorough, thorough, thorough. 兰陵不断地深入,深入,深入。 50,000 kilometers, 100,000 kilometers, 500,000 kilometers, 1 million kilometers, 2 million kilometers...... 50000公里,100000公里,500000公里,1000000公里,2000000公里…… Lan Ling entered most core of Sun, here temperature has been the astonishing five Ten Million degrees Celsius. 兰陵进入了太阳的最核心,这里的温度已经达到了惊人的五千万度摄氏度。 Here high temperature, has been able to melt all materials. 这里的高温,已经可以融化一切一切物质了。 Here bright, has exceeded the range that almost any biological vision can withstand. 这里的明亮,已经超过了几乎任何生物视觉所能够承受的范围。 Bright large to pinnacle, with dark any has not distinguished. 亮硕到了极致,就和黑暗没有任何区别了。 Therefore, here Lan Ling felt that and Milky Way Temple somewhat is an excellent likeness. 所以,在这里兰陵感觉到和银河神殿有些神似。 But this temperature any has not injured to Lan Ling, instead is his continuous energy originates, because this time Lan Ling became one group of rays, the flame, is approximate existence in Sun together. 但这个温度对兰陵已经没有任何伤害了,反而是他源源不断的能量来源,因为此时的兰陵已经成为一团光芒,一道火焰,一个近似于太阳的存在。 Void Ruler, I came, you appear!” Lan Ling said slowly. 虚空主宰,我来了,你出现吧!”兰陵缓缓道。 Immediately, as if a deep sleep countless year of people, woke spookily. 顿时,仿佛一个沉睡了无数年的人,幽幽醒了过来。 Then, innumerable dark flame appearances. 然后,无数的黑暗火焰出现。 Entire Sun the brightness of core, reduces unexpectedly livingly, presented the darkness. 整个太阳的核心的亮度,竟然活生生降低下来,出现了黑暗。 Then, this innumerable dark flame started to condense, turned into a huge image. 然后,这无数的黑暗火焰开始凝聚,变成了一个巨大的影像。 This image, likely is not human, likely is not the devil, likely is the octopus, has the innumerable touching claws, but has one situated in the face of human and devil, the head is saluting the imperial crown of distortion. 这个影像,不像是人类,也不像是恶魔,像是章鱼,拥有无数的触爪,但是却拥有一张介于人类和恶魔的面孔,头顶带着扭曲的皇冠。 This Void Ruler, really and equally ugly, same terrifying in imagination, is equally huge. 这个虚空主宰,果然和想象中的一样丑陋,一样恐怖,一样巨大。 It occupies in the center of Sun, the head enough more than 10,000 kilometers diameters, but in addition touches the claw is hundreds of thousands kilometers hugeness. 它盘踞在太阳的中心,头颅足足有10000多公里直径,而加上触爪更是十几万千米之巨大。 This Void Ruler, has over a hundred Dragon Demon Planet to be huge, light his head, with the Earth general size. 这个虚空主宰,足足有上百个龙魔星球巨大,光他的的头颅,就和地球一般大小。 The eye of Void Ruler, is two groups of flame, the flame. 虚空主宰的眼睛,是两团火焰,火焰。 Hundreds of thousands kilometers huge Void Ruler, floats in the center of Sun, is staring at the face of Lan Ling, said with a smile slowly: „, Beyond another universe god, is the beforehand two god only successors, interesting, interesting......” 十几万千米巨大的虚空主宰,漂浮在太阳的中心,盯着兰陵的面孔,缓缓笑道:“哦,又一个外宇宙的神祇,还是之前两个神祇的继承者,有意思,有意思……” The Void Ruler innumerable touching claws are wriggling, said toward Lan Ling: Can fight? Then comes!” 虚空主宰无数的触爪蠕动着,朝兰陵道:“要战斗了吗?那么来吧!” Bang!” “轰!” Fearful Dark Energy explodes together fiercely! 一道可怕的黑暗能量猛地爆开! Core of instantaneous, entire Sun from extremely luminous, turned into the extreme darkness. 瞬间,整个太阳的核心从极度的光亮,变成了极度的黑暗。 Diameter several hundred thousand kilometers dark barrier, appears in the solar core, but this dark barrier, becomes the Void Ruler plane domain. 一个直径几十万公里的黑暗结界,在太阳核心出现,而这个黑暗结界,就成为虚空主宰位面领域。 Lan Ling so-called god, can swallow the energy of Sun continuously, but at this time places oneself in this dark barrier, is unable to swallow any energy again, battled from the home game directly, turned into the away game combat. 兰陵所谓神祇,原本可以源源不断吞噬太阳的能量,而此时置身于这个黑暗结界之内,再也无法吞噬任何能量,直接从主场作战,变成了客场作战。 Bang!” “轰!” The Lan Ling personal appearance explodes fiercely, turns into 100,000 kilometers altitude, the whole body erupts the fearful flaming roaring flame. 兰陵身形猛地爆开,变成100000公里的高度,全身爆发出可怕的熊熊烈焰。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” The innumerable nuclear fusions, erupt in his within the body, burst out incomparably formidable Strength. 无数的核聚变,在他体内爆发,迸发出无比强大的力量 Pours into Nameless Sword Strength fiercely, this Nameless Sword turned into 50,000 kilometers great sword instantaneously, the surface was seeping the fearful purple ray. 力量猛地注入无名之剑,瞬间这支无名之剑变成了50000公里长的巨剑,表面渗透着可怕的紫色光芒。 This is Land of Falling Destruction Energy, is Void Creature most repels, energy of loathing. 这就是陨落之地毁灭系能量,是虚空生物最排斥,厌恶的能量。 The homogeneity repulses, although cannot compare the Void Creature destruction rank, but with for destruction department. 同性相斥,尽管比不上虚空生物的毁灭级别,但同为毁灭系。 Really compares the beforehand two gods to be only formidable.” Void Ruler said with a smile slowly: This god, by what name?” “果然比之前两位神祇都要强大。”虚空主宰缓缓笑道:“这位神祇,以何命名?” Lan Ling!” Lan Ling said. 兰陵!”兰陵道。 Void Ruler: „Does good strange name, why have the empathize to marry such small and weak name?” 虚空主宰:“好奇怪的名字,为何有神会娶这么弱小的名字呢?” Lan Ling said with a smile: Because before me, is a mortal.” 兰陵笑道:“因为我之前是一个凡人。” Void Ruler said: This world does not have the mortal, today's mortal, will be god of future. Naturally no matter the mortal is also good, god, is doomed to destroy, falls from the sky! My Void Clan, is all plane, eternal of all universes.” 虚空主宰道:“这个世界没有凡人,今日的凡人,都是未来之神祇。当然不管是凡人也好,神祇也罢,都注定要毁灭,陨落!我虚空一族,才是所有位面,所有宇宙之永恒。” Lan Ling sneers saying: Right?” 兰陵冷笑道:“是吗?” Void Ruler said: Yes, this Lan Ling god, the universe situation is enormous and powerful, along Chang, counter perishing! Why you do not comply with the situation, pledges allegiance to my Void Clan? Now this plane has innumerable galaxies to wait for us to conquer, waits for us to destroy, swallows. You can also become Void Ruler, even compared with I more formidable Void Ruler.” 虚空主宰道:“是的,这位兰陵神祇,宇宙大势浩浩荡荡,顺者昌,逆着亡!你为何不顺应大势,归顺我虚空一族?如今这个位面有无数星系等着我们去征服,等着我们去毁灭,去吞噬。你也可以成为虚空主宰,甚至是比我更加强大的虚空主宰。” Lan Ling sneers saying: „Becoming Void Ruler? Then Commander innumerable Void Creature, a deathly stillness, what significance also there is?” 兰陵冷笑道:“成为虚空主宰?然后统帅着无数的虚空生物,一片死寂,又有什么意义?” Void Ruler cold say/way: Then died unceasingly, unceasingly rebirth, what significance also there is? A star has destroyed, another star was born. A person died, another person was born. A god only fell from the sky, another god was only born. This type redundant and samsara, there are with the significance? Only has Void Clan, can obtain the eternal true meaning, we are all plane, the future of all universes, we can obtain all plane, all universes eternal significances.” 虚空主宰冷道:“那么不断地死亡,不断地重生,又有什么意义?一个恒星毁灭了,另外一个恒星诞生了。一个人死了,另外一个人诞生了。一个神祇陨落了,另外一个神祇诞生了。这种重复和轮回,又有和意义?只有虚空一族,才可以得到永恒的真谛,我们才是所有位面,所有宇宙的未来,我们才能得到所有位面,所有宇宙的永恒意义。” Failing to agree half a word are many!” Lan Ling said slowly: Makes war!” “话不投机半句多!”兰陵缓缓道:“开战吧!” Then, Lan Ling takes up the sword, changes to the startled day the flame, toward dark Void Ruler, cuts to kill fiercely! 然后,兰陵抄起战刀,化作惊天的火焰,朝着黑暗的虚空主宰,猛地斩杀! Bang......” “轰……” In dark barrier, erupts startled day the ray. 黑暗结界之内,爆发出惊天的光芒。 This is bright and dark decisive battle. 这是光明和黑暗的决战。 Side extreme light, is similar to Sun is generally radiant. 一方极度的光明,如同太阳一般璀璨。 Side extreme darkness, is similar to the universe back is ordinary. 一方极度的黑暗,如同宇宙背影一般阴森。 This strikes to cut to kill, is similar to the explosions of over ten thousand hydrogen bombs, ray that but explodes, is Void Creature most loathes the destruction of repel is the ray. 这一击斩杀,就如同上万颗氢弹的爆炸,但爆炸出来的光芒,都是虚空生物最为厌恶排斥的毁灭系光芒。 Bang......” “轰……” Immediately, Void Ruler touches the claw, an enough 50,000 kilometers darkness touches the claw, cut off by Lan Ling livingly. 顿时,虚空主宰的一根触爪,足足50000公里长的黑暗触爪,活生生被兰陵斩断。 „......” Void Ruler angry roaring. “嗷……”虚空主宰一声愤怒的咆哮。 You enraged me, you enraged me......” Void Ruler to roar. “你激怒我了,你激怒我了……”虚空主宰咆哮着。 Instantaneous, cut off greatly touches the claw to reconnect on. 瞬间,被斩断的巨大触爪又重新连接上。 Then, the innumerable touching claws well up crazily toward Lan Ling. 然后,无数的触爪朝着兰陵疯狂涌来。 ...... …… Note: First delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family. 注:第一更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家 Also lost sleep, therefore enters condition to be slow, evening of renewal, sorry. 又失眠了,所以进入状态慢,更新的晚了,抱歉。
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