WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#931: The soul of flame demon

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Incubus......” “一个梦魔……” On the Brukantik flame face reveals surprisedly, it has not induced to the Renn trail completely, sizes up earnestly is opening dark red bat wing gently float Renn, the vague aura makes it detect that the extreme danger, the expression turned immediately prudently. 布鲁坎提克的火焰脸庞上露出惊讶,它完全没有感应到雷恩的踪迹,认真打量着张开暗红蝠翼轻轻悬浮的雷恩,隐晦的气息让它察觉到了极度的危险,表情顿时变成了慎重。 First is a succubus feudal lord, is you, a Incubus feudal lord!” Balor sinking sound said: „Can Pleasure Queen march Misty Mountains on a large scale?” “先是一个魅魔领主,然后又是你,一个梦魔领主!”巴洛炎魔沉声道:“欢愉女王要大举进军迷雾山脉?” Pleasure Queen is Queen succubus Mekanweita, in the world certainly big succubus and Incubus serve in It. 欢愉女王就是魅魔女王梅坎薇塔,世界上绝大魅魔梦魔都侍奉于祂。 Therefore it thinks, present Incubus and succubus master is Pleasure Queen. 所以它以为,眼前的梦魔魅魔的主人就是欢愉女王 Renn has not responded. 雷恩没有回应。 Said, you are her master?” Balor made the guess, it thinks that this possibility is very low, actually does not know that this is the truth. “还是说,你就是她的主人?”巴洛炎魔又做出了猜测,它认为这个可能性很低,却不知道这就是真相。 Renn returns said: You do not have the qualifications to know.” 雷恩回道:“你没有资格知道。” These words Balor had said to Eludecia a moment ago, now the Renn original words present, despises and taunts reveals without doubt, makes it fly into a rage immediately. 这句话正是刚才巴洛炎魔爱洛提西娅说过的,现在雷恩原话奉还,蔑视与嘲讽表露无疑,立即让它勃然大怒。 Humble Incubus, dares is so insolent in front of great ancient Balor, that makes me come for your master to teach you well, dares to despise high-rank devil, will certainly pay with the life is the price!” The Brukantik roar resounds through Dongshan mound. “一个低贱的梦魔,也敢在伟大古老的巴洛炎魔面前如此张狂,那就让我来替你的主人好好教训你,敢于轻视上位恶魔,必将付出生命为代价!”布鲁坎提克的吼声响彻洛东山丘。 Vaituka, you killed that succubus.” 维图卡,你去杀了那个魅魔。” However you!” “而你!” Balor aims at Renn with Beheading Sword, I will deliver you to return to the Pleasure Queen palace to resurrect personally, but before then, you will taste all pain......” 巴洛炎魔斩首剑指向雷恩,“我会亲自送你回到欢愉女王的宫廷中复活,但在这之前,你将尝遍所有的痛苦……” Compliant, Sir.” Sutter demon feudal lord turns into the shadow to fly to shoot together, directly soars outside the castle Eludecia of space. “遵命,大人。”萨特魔领主变成一道暗影飞射出去,直奔城堡外天上的爱洛提西娅 Renn has not stopped it, the attention places the body of Balor. 雷恩没有阻拦它,注意力都放在巴洛炎魔的身上。 If oneself whole-heartedly, killing this Balor are not difficult, to avoid exposing the status, can only use close combat strength and mental spells, as well as a few arcane spell and shadow spells, striking to kill Balor somewhat to be thorny, could experience one to struggle hard. 如果自己全力以赴,杀死这个巴洛炎魔并不难,但是为了避免暴露身份,只能使用近战力量心灵法术,以及少数几个奥术暗影法术,击杀巴洛炎魔就有些棘手,可能要经历一番苦战。 Balor roaring flame tall Chi, almost turned into one group of giant flame, cannot see its true body. 巴洛炎魔身上烈焰高炽,几乎变成了一团巨大的火焰,看不见它的真身。 The ground of its under foot melted, just like magma pool. 它脚下的地面熔化了,犹如岩浆池 Terrifying devil aura releases, spreads to the surrounding area kilometer, forms the substantive pressure, the evil energy ebullition, the innumerable flame burnt the sea of fire, even the air was heated up, making all devil within range feel to suffocate. 一股恐怖的恶魔气息释放出来,扩散到方圆千米,形成实质般的威压,邪能沸腾,无数火焰燃烧成了火海,连空气都被加热了,让范围内的所有恶魔都感到窒息。 both sides confronted for several seconds. 双方对峙了几秒钟。 The Brukantik imposing manner increased the apex, actually saw Renn to be aerosol, the expression was relaxed, had not been suppressed by own high-rank feudal lord aura, finally could not bear first attacks, opens the big mouth, sent out long-awaited roaring! 布鲁坎提克的气势提升到了顶点,却见雷恩悬浮原地,表情轻松,并没有被自己的上位领主气息所压制,终于忍不住抢先攻击,张开血盆大口,发出一声酝酿已久的咆哮! Roar......” “吼……” This angrily roars contains ninth circle law shock and awe, deafening, just like a large explosion, sent out sound wave naked eye obvious. 这一声怒吼中蕴含九环“律令震慑”,震耳欲聋,犹如一次大爆炸,发出的声波肉眼可见。 Meanwhile, the roaring flame whip of its left hand extracts furiously. 与此同时,它左手的烈焰鞭奋力抽出。 The flame long whip when brushing, lengthens hundred meters instantaneously, like the lightning, pulls out quickly to the Renn body. 火焰长鞭在抽打之时,瞬间延长百米,快如闪电,抽向雷恩的身躯。 It punishes subordinates devil with the roaring flame whip frequently, big devil was selected to be reduced to ashes, even Devil Lord must be seriously injured. 它经常用烈焰鞭惩罚麾下恶魔,大恶魔被抽中一下就化为灰烬,即使是恶魔领主也要身受重伤。 ! 啪! In the roaring sound, the roaring flame whip brushes the air to send out an explosive. 咆哮声中,烈焰鞭抽打空气发出一声爆响。 Renn vanished. 雷恩消失了。 In an instant, his mental jump to the Brukantik back, titanium holy sword from top to bottom, chops 9th rank cleave slash. 刹那间,他心灵跳跃布鲁坎提克的背后,钛金圣剑自上而下,劈出一记九级顺劈斩 Balor seems to be expected, while extracting roaring flame whip has turned around, the right hand gathers the strength, huge wonderful shape Beheading Sword wields to. 巴洛炎魔似乎早有所料,在抽出烈焰鞭的同时就已经转身,右手蓄力,巨大的奇形斩首剑向上一挥。 When lang! 当啷! Two weapons do not have the flowered false collision. 两把武器毫无花假的碰撞。 Brukantik takes high-rank Devil Lord, surpasses 30th rank, it compares common Balor to be bigger, the height about ten meters, its Beheading Sword is also huger, more than five meters are long, is over ten thousand pounds. The Incubus feudal lord who Renn distorts is only the height of normal person, titanium holy sword length also only one meter over. 布鲁坎提克作为上位恶魔领主,超过三十级,它比寻常的巴洛炎魔更加高大,身高将近十米,它的斩首剑也更加巨大,有五米多长,重达上万磅。雷恩变形的梦魔领主只是正常人的身高,钛金圣剑的长度也仅有一米出头。 The volume and weight differ over ten times two weapons to collide, seems like completely does not fall into the same ranking, titanium holy sword just like fights a hopeless battle. 体积和重量相差十倍以上的两把武器碰撞,看起来完全不是一个等级的,钛金圣剑犹如以卵击石。 However, finally actually quite to the contrary! 然而,结果却正相反! Balor only felt that unprecedented terrifying strength transmits from Beheading Sword, this strength, almost could not be gripped the weapon by oneself, the entire right hand arm severe pain is incomparable, lava splash. 巴洛炎魔只感觉一股前所未有的恐怖力量斩首剑上传来,这力量之强,几乎让自己握不住武器,整条右手臂剧痛无比,熔岩飞溅。 Its huge body seemed like hammered one layer on layer/heavily, the lower part is hammered to enter the magma ground, until waist. 它庞大的身躯像是被重重锤了一记,下半身被锤进岩浆地面,直到腰部。 This is impossible! 这不可能! Brukantik yelled at heart, oneself as high-rank Balor, lost in the strength competition with reptile weak Incubus unexpectedly! 布鲁坎提克心里大叫,自己身为上位巴洛炎魔,竟然跟一个爬虫般虚弱的梦魔力量比拼中输了! However under enemy's huge strength suppression, its a few words could not say. 但是敌人巨大的力量压制之下,它一句话也说不出来。 Bang! 轰! Balor falls into the ground, is unable to unload the strength, titanium holy sword presses under Beheading Sword to divide, the sword nib enters its face, among cuts together a depth of half meter wound on the face, almost cleaves in two its head, the magma blood spout. 巴洛炎魔陷入地面,无法卸力,钛金圣剑压着斩首剑下劈,剑尖劈进它的脸庞,在脸上正中间斩出一道深达半米的伤口,差点把它的脑袋劈成两半,岩浆般的鲜血喷涌出来。 The resistance sudden loosen on sword, Balor vanished. 剑上的阻力突然一松,巴洛炎魔消失了。 leap into fire! 火中跳跃 It appears in one group of flame several hundred meters away, the wound on face heals fast, raises head to send out a rave. 它在数百米外的一团火焰中显现出来,脸上的伤口飞快愈合,仰头发出一声狂吼。 Everywhere roaring flame erupts, sweeps across all around instantaneously. 漫天烈焰爆发出来,瞬间席卷四周。 ninth circle flame storm! 九环火焰风暴 The Brukantik flame spells attainments are much higher, not only can instantaneous ninth circle flame storm, but also the range is bigger, the flame are more, the temperature is higher, the overall prestige can far ultra common ninth circle magic spell, close to tenth circle, turn into the purgatory the space within kilometer, just like erupts the volcano. 布鲁坎提克火焰法术造诣高得可怕,不但能够瞬发九环火焰风暴,而且范围更大,火焰更多,温度更高,整体威能远超寻常九环法术,接近十环,把千米之内的空间变成炼狱,犹如爆发中的火山。 The high temperature environment is quite favorable for Balor, but can also play the killing enemy, prevents the field of vision, optional leap into fire effect. 高温环境对巴洛炎魔极为有利,还能起到杀伤敌人,阻挡视野,随意火中跳跃的效果。 The release flame storm, Balor vanishes immediately again. 释放出火焰风暴,巴洛炎魔立即再次消失。 Its body integrates in the boundless flame, for successive several times leap into fire and teleportation, the protracted time made the wound on face heal completely, simultaneously made the enemy withstand the injury of flame storm. 它的身躯融入无边的火焰中,连续几次火中跳跃传送,拖延时间让脸上的伤口完全愈合,同时让敌人承受火焰风暴的伤害。 This flame is a little fierce!” “这火焰有点厉害!” Renn felt biting the body high temperature, energy-gathering furnace absorbed the fire element energy, 2-3 seconds took absorptions 30%. 雷恩感受着噬体高温,聚能熔炉吸收了火元素能量,2-3秒钟就占用了吸收总量的30%。 The Balor trace is also very difficult to lock, seems everywhere. 巴洛炎魔的踪影也很难锁定,仿佛无处不在。 psionic storm! 灵能风暴 Renn lifted the hand also to throw ninth circle magic spell, invisible huge power of mind appeared suddenly, the range was inferior to flame storm, but two entirely different energies collided, in the intermediate formation of flame storm an air zone. 雷恩抬手也扔出了一个九环法术,无形却又庞大的心灵之力骤然出现,范围不如火焰风暴,但是两种截然不同的能量碰撞,在火焰风暴的正中间形成了一片空域。 Balor still has not come, Renn mental jump to the center, outside the body opened mental field. 巴洛炎魔依然没有现身,雷恩心灵跳跃到中心处,体外撑开了一道心念力场 The flame and spiritual energy were prevented outside. 火焰与灵能都被阻挡在外。 His vision observed the situation, All Seeing Eye catches the Balor trace immediately, right now left, jumped in the flame back and forth. 他目光环视一圈,全视之眼立即捕捉到了巴洛炎魔的踪影,忽左忽右,在火焰中来回跳跃。 Was finding the Balor instance, next magic spell also prepared exactly. 在找到巴洛炎魔的瞬间,恰好下一个法术也准备好了。 mind blast! 心灵震爆 Balor just finished leap into fire time, but stayed the flash, mind blast hit it, immediately body stagnation. 巴洛炎魔刚结束一次火中跳跃,只是停留了一刹那,心灵震爆就击中了它,顿时身躯停滞。 The ninth circle mind blast might, even its protection and soul are strong, still the inevitable mind stabbing pain, in the brain was gripped by the needle probably. 九环心灵震爆的威力,就算它的防护与灵魂再强,也不可避免的心神刺痛,像是脑中被针扎了一下。 Renn immediately mental jump in the past, titanium holy sword from back thorn to heart. 雷恩立即心灵跳跃过去,钛金圣剑从背后刺向心脏。 Sword Jianzha entered half, Balor restores the will, bang, the body erupted first circle fierce resisting ring of fire, blasted out half step Renn, seized the chance leap into fire, was one's turn it to appear in the Renn back, the Beheading Sword overhead chops. 剑尖扎进一半,巴洛炎魔恢复了意志,轰的一声,身上爆发一环剧烈的抗拒火环,把雷恩炸开了半步,趁机火中跳跃,轮到它出现在雷恩的背后,斩首剑当头劈下。 Renn flash spreads out, the roaring flame long whip is together closely associated, probably steadily eye the winding of poisonous snake. 雷恩闪现拉开距离,一道烈焰长鞭如影随形,像是长了眼睛的毒蛇似的缠绕过来。 ! 啪! The roaring flame whip brushes on mental field, the transparent force field collapses immediately, the end selects the chest of Renn, sends out a resounding. 烈焰鞭抽打在心念力场上,透明力场立即崩溃,鞭梢抽中雷恩的胸膛,发出一声脆响。 Renn pulled out to fly immediately. 雷恩顿时被抽飞出去。 Incubus that he distorts has not worn the clothes, only put on leg armor, can clear saw that his chest is perfect, only then the light white trace, restored together in a flash. 他变形的梦魔没有穿衣服,只穿了一副腿甲,可以清晰的看到他的胸口完好无损,只有一道浅白色痕迹,转瞬就恢复了。 Balor stared in a big way the eye, cannot believe simply. 巴洛炎魔瞪大了眼睛,简直不敢相信。 This whip uses to try, even if kept off by opposite party mental field, the might has weakened, should not be able to break the skin! 这一鞭用尽了全力,即使被对方心念力场挡了一下,威力有所削弱,也不该连皮肤都打不破! „Is he really physically weak Incubus?” “他真的是身体虚弱的梦魔吗?” strength compared with me.” 力量比我强。” Defense also so fearful......” “防御也如此的可怕……” Balor had the deep suspicion at heart, but the movement is slightly not affected, immediately the flame jump appears in the Renn flying upside down direction, Beheading Sword wields again. 巴洛炎魔心里产生了深深的怀疑,但是动作丝毫不受影响,立即火焰跳跃出现在雷恩倒飞的方向上,斩首剑再次挥起。 In the flame, its advantage was too big. 在火焰中,它的优势太大了。 mental jump and flash gap, electric flash is unusable, the Renn intention moves, the back Incubus bat wing catches a dark golden gloss, appears the traces of metal wings, the wing becomes more intense powerful and dexterous flexible. 心灵跳跃闪现都在施法间隙,电光闪现不能用,雷恩心念一动,背后的梦魔蝠翼染上一层暗金色的光泽,浮现出一根根金属羽翼的纹路,翅膀变得更加强烈有力且轻巧灵活。 Titanium gold/metal flying wing! 钛金飞翼! Brush! 刷! Renn fierce inspires the pair of wings, the trend of counter-balance flying upside down, the change direction avoided dividing of Beheading Sword to cut forcefully, passed over gently and swiftly from the Balor body side high-speed. 雷恩猛的一振双翼,强行抵消倒飞的趋势,改变方向躲开了斩首剑的劈斩,从巴洛炎魔的身侧高速掠过。 He threw mind blast conveniently. 他顺手扔出了一记心灵震爆 The Balor movement stagnated, the roaring flame whip that brushed also hits crookedly, pulled out in the ground, bang, the ground split a hundred meters gully, is flowing the lava and flame. 巴洛炎魔的动作一滞,抽打出来的烈焰鞭也打歪了,抽在地面上,轰隆一声,地上裂开了一道百米长的沟壑,流淌着熔岩和火焰。 At this time mental jump can use, Renn jumped immediately. 这时心灵跳跃又可以用了,雷恩立即跳跃。 This time, he appears in the Balor upfront, from only several meters, almost pastes on its face, the eyes project two beams, together is dark-green, together is the light-green, respectively is dissociation spell and extremely effect weakening spell. 这一次,他出现在巴洛炎魔的正面,距离仅有几米,几乎贴在它的脸上,双眼射出两道射线,一道是暗绿色的,一道是浅绿色的,分别是解离术和极效弱能术 The Incubus talent is power of mind, but also is devil, grasping shadow spells is not strange. 梦魔的天赋是心灵之力,但也是恶魔,掌握暗影法术并不奇怪。 These two magic spell came from elder beholder. 这两个法术都是来自眼魔长老 Renn promoted ninth circle completely, although did not have shadow compatible key element, but after eye ray the increase, as well as in Rainbow Principle green in addition held, the prestige can not be weak in being expert in shadow spells Saint Soul wizard. 雷恩全部提升到了九环,虽然没有暗影亲和要素,但是经过“眼波射线”的增幅,以及虹光法则中“绿色”加持,威能丝毫不弱于专精暗影法术圣魂巫师 Two beams penetrate the numerous flame, shoots at the eyes of Balor. 两道射线穿透重重火焰,射向巴洛炎魔的双眼。 It in the mind stabbing pain, induced the Renn position and danger, wants not to think, in the eye also projected two thick red beams. 它在心神刺痛之间,感应到了雷恩的位置和危险,想也不想,眼中也射出了两道粗大的通红射线。 ninth circle magmatic ray! 九环熔岩射线 Renn determines the action of enemy ahead of time, the head moves slightly, was opened by own beam, not with the Balor beam to wave. 雷恩提前判定敌人的举动,头部微微一动,让自己的射线偏开了一些,不跟巴洛炎魔的射线对波。 magmatic ray hit Renn. 熔岩射线击中了雷恩 Meanwhile, the Renn two beams hit the goal, hits a target the eye of Balor. 同时,雷恩的两道射线打中目标,射中巴洛炎魔的眼睛。 „......” “啊……” The Brukantik pain yelled. 布鲁坎提克痛苦大叫。 Its physical quality is extremely powerful, shouldered ninth circle dissociation spell the dead effect, but effect weakening spell resisted the instantaneous invasion of dissociation spell while it extremely, caused unable to exempt, strength was weakened one section immediately, the terrifying aura also dropped a level. 它的身体素质极其强悍,扛住了九环解离术的即死效果,但是极效弱能术趁着它抵抗解离术的瞬间入侵,导致没能豁免,力量顿时被削弱了一截,恐怖的气息也跌落了一个层次。 A fatigue wells up, even the soul also had the weak feeling. 一股疲惫感涌上来,连灵魂也产生了虚弱感。 Balor felt not wonderful. 巴洛炎魔感到了不妙。 So long as although more than ten seconds can relieve extremely effect weakening spell, but before the enemy of this rank, let alone are more than ten seconds, several seconds sufficiently were even if fatal. 虽然只要十几秒钟就能解除极效弱能术,但在这种级别的敌人面前,别说是十几秒钟,哪怕几秒钟就足以致命了。 The mo song qin fine jade reaches the ren sui ji cao jian fine jade to teach zhan cen ying Lian ke fermium diao pp adze han geng xia deserted nail partner ren to soak cuo zhi ying ou to play the role of the zeng mo umbrella 銆愯瘽璇达紝鐩鍓嶆湕璇诲惉涔渶濂界敤鐨刟pp锛屽挭鍜闃呰伙紝瀹夎呮渶鏂扮増銆傘 It displays higher teleportation spell immediately, does not want to run away, but is the preparation, when shouldered effect weakening spell to come back to fight extremely again. 它立即施展高等传送术,并不是想逃走,而是准备等到扛过了极效弱能术再回来战斗。 However, ninth circle side effect weakening spell made its also slow down. 然而,九环的极效弱能术让它的施法也变慢了。 And full of holes. 而且破绽百出。 Renn lifts hand one finger/refers, instantaneous seventh circle higher dispel magic, just right broke Balor teleportation spell. 雷恩抬手一指,瞬发七环高等解除魔法,恰到好处的打断了巴洛炎魔传送术 It discovered himself still in same place, immediately leap into fire. 它发现自己仍在原地,立即火中跳跃 Renn synchronized mental jump, Balor just appeared from the sea of fire, fell into invisible mental field, the huge mind power crazy contraction, just like the palm that could not only see, from extruded its body in all directions, pulled its wing, covered its four limbs, probably was stuck in the mud to be hard to move for a while. 雷恩同步心灵跳跃,巴洛炎魔刚从火海中显现,就落入一道无形的心念力场,庞大的念力疯狂收缩,犹如一只只看不见的手掌,从四面八方挤压它的身躯,拉扯它的翅膀,扣住它的四肢,像是陷入泥潭之中一时难以移动。 mind blast! 心灵震爆 The Renn look twinkle, released this magic spell for the third time. 雷恩眼神闪烁,第三次释放了这个法术 Soul weak Balor, mental protection also becomes frail, immediately in the brain the blank, the eyes are vacant, flame simultaneously extinguishes, relieved the resistance from the will to the body. 灵魂虚弱中的巴洛炎魔,心灵防护也变得脆弱,顿时脑中空白,双眼茫然,身上的火焰齐齐熄灭,从意志到身体都解除了抵抗。 Brush! 刷! Renn inspires the titanium gold/metal flying wing fiercely, raises the limit the speed, accelerates to boost, in the hand titanium holy sword cuts sword glow like lightning, 9th rank destructing crit attaches above the sword blade, cuts to the Balor nape of the neck. 雷恩猛振钛金飞翼,将速度提升到极限,加速助力,手中钛金圣剑斩出一道闪电般的剑芒,九级毁灭暴击附加剑刃之上,斩向巴洛炎魔的脖颈。 The sword light flashes to pass. 剑光一闪而逝。 The flash, Renn appears in the Balor back. 一刹那,雷恩出现在巴洛炎魔的背后。 He stops the form then looks like, the Balor head slanting taper slide opens, the margin on nape of the neck smooth like mirror, in the margin direction, its back giant pair of wings was also cut. 他停止身影回头看来,巴洛炎魔的头颅斜斜滑开,脖颈上的切口平滑如镜,沿着切口的方向,它背后巨大的双翼也被斩开了。 The huge body drops down slowly. 庞大的躯体缓缓倒下。 But has not fallen to the ground, the Balor corpse turned into one group of flame to dissipate. 但还没有倒地,巴洛炎魔的尸体就变成了一团火焰消散开来。 Flame rebirth!” “火焰重生!” Renn does not have the accident/surprise. 雷恩丝毫没有意外。 Brukantik is high-rank Devil Lord, at least has two legendary key element flame demon's crown, it the attainments on flame spells surpassed many Saint Soul wizard and Archmage, studies diligently flame body not to know many years, has grasped the flame rebirth. 布鲁坎提克是上位恶魔领主,至少拥有两个传奇要素炎魔王冠”,它在火焰法术上的造诣超过了许多圣魂巫师大法师,钻研“火焰身躯”不知多少年,早就掌握了火焰重生。 This resurrecting ability has the fit and unfit quality with Phoenix Nirvana respectively. 这种复活能力跟“凤凰涅槃”各有优劣。 Although after flame rebirth , the strength will not drop, and condition restores the peak, however resurrecting is limited, depends on the constant flame rebirth to have several. 虽然火焰重生之后实力不会下降,并且状态恢复到巅峰,但是复活的次数有限,取决于恒定的火焰重生有几个。 The flame rebirth can the delay time become effective, Balor has not reactivated immediately. 火焰重生能够延迟时间生效,巴洛炎魔没有立即复活。 It in waiting time. 它在等待时机。 However, this instead ruins the opportunity that it resurrected, Renn a soul that found Balor, it seems like one group of small flame to integrate the sea of fire, from be good by unusual of hidden, actually does not know that in front of Renn soul eyes, in the lighthouse like darkness is so obvious. 然而,这反而葬送了它复活的机会,雷恩一眼找到了巴洛炎魔的灵魂,它像是一团小火苗融入火海,自为以隐藏的非常好,却不知道在雷恩灵魂之眼面前,就像黑暗中的灯塔那么明显。 Renn pretends to look around, is turning away from the Balor soul. 雷恩装作正在四处搜寻,背对着巴洛炎魔的灵魂。 soul stone suddenly appears. 一枚灵魂石突然出现。 In that flame that falling of precision in Balor is, soul stone is the alchemy goods of Congerard Great Sage invention, each soul stone supplemented the simple version runs metal into cracks soul technique, to the soul existing form goal, has the suppresive effect. 精准的落在巴洛炎魔所在的那片火焰中,灵魂石康杰拉德大贤者发明的炼金物品,每一个灵魂石都附带了简易版的“锢魂术”,对灵魂存在形式的目标,具有压制性的效果。 Although the Balor soul is extremely powerful, but it in the demonic soul condition, is still not able to resist the ingestion function of soul stone. 尽管巴洛炎魔的灵魂极度强大,但它在魔魂状态下,依然无法对抗灵魂石的摄取作用。 It realized that oneself made the stupidest mistake. 它意识到自己犯下了最愚蠢的错误。 Not......” “不……” Master, saves me!” “主人,救我!” In the silent desperate call, the Balor soul took in soul stone, it has flame rebirths the opportunities of three times, actually has not displayed one time. 无声的绝望呐喊中,巴洛炎魔的灵魂被摄入灵魂石,它有三次火焰重生的机会,却一次也没有发挥出来。 The soul of Chapter 931 flame demon 第931章炎魔之魂
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