WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#932: Combustion regiment

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Chapter 932 combustion regiment 第932章燃烧军团 flame storm dissipated. 火焰风暴消散了。 The Renn di form appears, he was fired by the high-temperature flame was so long, ninth circle magmatic ray, was almost the energy-gathering furnace absorption upper limit, the whole body was burnt red, under the skin has the flame to be mobile, an intermittent heat wave transpiration. 雷恩旳身影显现出来,他被高温火焰灼烧了这么久,又中了九环熔岩射线,差点达到聚能熔炉的吸收上限,全身被烧得通红,皮肤之下有火焰流动,一阵阵热浪蒸腾。 While everywhere flame disperses the day, a huge Balor body condenses, crashed in the ground. 在漫天火焰散天的同时,一具庞大的巴洛炎魔身躯凝聚而成,坠落到了地面上。 Bang...... 砰…… The heavy devil body pounds a big hole, Beheading Sword and roaring flame long whip falls near the pit, then did not have the sound again. 沉重的恶魔躯体砸出一个大坑,斩首剑和烈焰长鞭掉落在坑边,然后就再无动静了。 This is only a empty shell. 这只是一具空壳而已。 Renn separates to empty soul stone to absorb on, looked at one, Balor demonic soul struggled to angrily roar in inside crazily, did not have the function. 雷恩隔空将灵魂石摄到手上,看了一眼,巴洛炎魔魔魂在里面疯狂挣扎怒吼,却毫无作用。 This is most powerful demonic soul that obtain, does not have one! 这是自己得到的最强大的魔魂,没有之一! In Brukantik demonic soul is only flame demon's crown has two, as well as two blazing furnace, dozens magic spell, including flame storm and lava technique, effect meteor explosion, magmatic ray, flame burst spell, leap into fire wait/etc, almost included known all peak ninth circle flame spells extremely. 布鲁坎提克魔魂中光是炎魔王冠就有两个,以及两个火焰熔炉,还有数十个法术,包括火焰风暴、熔岩术、极效流星爆熔岩射线炎爆术火中跳跃等等,几乎包括了已知的所有最顶尖的九环火焰法术 In addition has the law shock and awe, higher dispel magic, higher teleportation spell, mind control spell and soul absorbing spell, to summon devils legion and other series of powerful magic spell. 另外还有律令震慑、高等解除魔法、高等传送术控心术摄魂术、召唤恶魔军团等一系列强大的法术 Its strength achieves 16th rank, tenacious also has 13th rank, as well as various close combat key element that exercises the pinnacle. 它的力量达到十六级,坚韧也有十三级,以及各种锻炼到极致的近战要素 In addition also constant three flame rebirths, but expired after dying. 此外还恒定了三次火焰重生,但在死后就失效了。 This Balor strength, even is still top in high-rank Devil Lord, the close combat, defense, magic spell, mental protection and fight experience, resurrects, does not have the weak area in various aspects. 这个巴洛炎魔的实力,即使在上位恶魔领主里面也是顶尖的,近战、防御、法术心灵防护、战斗经验、复活,在各方面都没有短板。 If it to main material world, regardless of the weaponry, with Ekang is the peak powerhouses of same rank. 它如果到了主物质界,不论武器装备的话,跟艾克昂都是同一个级别的巅峰强者。 Renn thinks that must pass through one to struggle hard to strike to kill. 雷恩原以为要经过一番苦战才能击杀。 It makes the most preliminary mistake unexpectedly, was seized the opportunity by oneself, in an instant took. 没想到,它竟然犯下最低级的错误,被自己抓住机会,转眼就拿下了。 This demonic soul was valuable.” “这个魔魂值钱了。” Renn shows a faint smile at heart, but, he does not prepare to sell out Balor demonic soul, certainly must leave Reislin. 雷恩心里微微一笑,不过,他不准备卖掉巴洛炎魔魔魂,肯定要留给雷斯林 Two flame demon's crown and two blazing furnace, must strip completely, is constant to Reislin. 两个炎魔王冠和两个火焰熔炉,要全部剥离出来,给雷斯林恒定。 As the matter stands, Reislin flame demon's crown achieved three! 这样一来,雷斯林炎魔王冠就达到了三个! flame spells will replace arcane spell, becomes Reislin most powerful being expert magic spell, the lethality possibly could not have compared the teacher, but also was next to the teacher in the empire. 火焰法术将取代奥术,成为雷斯林最强大的专精法术,杀伤力可能还比不上老师,但在帝国也仅次于老师了。 Other dozens mystique key element mostly are top magic spell, can manufacture magic seal. 其余几十个秘法要素大多是顶尖法术,可以制作成法印 Reislin can construct spell model, does not need magic seal, but can pass to own student, or gives Wizland to have need Speaker, does a favor. 雷斯林能构建法术模型,不需要法印,但是可以传给自己的学生,或是送给威泽兰有需要的议长,做一做人情。 The Balor two weapons, Beheading Sword and roaring flame long whip is legendary rank. 巴洛炎魔的两把武器,斩首剑和烈焰长鞭都是传说级 Although the quality is not high in legendary rank, but how to say that is also legendary rank, material quality excellent, oneself have more than enough can also auction. 虽然品质在传说级中并不算高,但是怎么说也是传说级,材质绝佳,自己用不了也可以拍卖。 Renn takes in nebula ring soul stone and both weapons, mental field releases, controls the Balor corpse to fly the upper air. 雷恩灵魂石、两把武器都收进星云指环,心念力场释放出去,控制巴洛炎魔的尸体飞上高空。 Brukantik has died!” 布鲁坎提克已死!” A Abyss language shouted that spread over the entire battlefield. 一声深渊语大喊传遍了整个战场。 On Dongshan mound, the castle inside and outside and gamma Lan River both banks, all are being slaughtered devil to raise the head, saw the Balor body, the hovering space is motionless, a Incubus feudal lord steps in its corpse, sends out the terrifying the pressure. 洛东山丘上、城堡内外、伽玛兰河两岸,所有正在厮杀中的恶魔抬头起来,看见了巴洛炎魔的身躯,悬停天上一动不动,一个梦魔领主踩在它的尸体上,散发出恐怖的威压。 Broad battlefield suddenly peaceful, devil of both sides was shocked, in the eye filled unbelievable. 广阔的战场骤然安静了下来,敌我双方的恶魔都愣住了,眼里充满了难以置信。 The fight just started shortly, dominant south bank more than 1000 years of were Brukantik killed? 战斗刚开始没多久,统治南岸一千多年的布鲁坎提克就被杀了? Who is that Incubus feudal lord? 那个梦魔领主又是谁? What is most alarmed most and afraid is Sutter demon feudal lord Vaituka, its strength is very strong, made into one group with Eludecia and ancient times Inferno Dragon, although was at a disadvantage, was suppressed by Eludecia, but one by the enemy two, constrained both Devil Lord, is extremely for rare. 最为惊惧的是萨特魔领主维图卡,它的实力很强,跟爱洛提西娅和远古狱火龙打成一团,虽然处于下风,被爱洛提西娅压制住,但是一以敌二,把两个恶魔领主都拖住了,已经是殊为难得。 Actually it with the full power, had not been waiting and seeing, to will not run away according to the circumstances. 其实它没有用全力,仍在观望,见机不对就会逃走。 But the tactical situation changed is too quick. 可是战况变化太快了。 Vaituka has not even come to rescue, Brukantik died! 维图卡甚至没来得救援,布鲁坎提克就死了! It is on the gal Malling plain the qualifications is next to Brukantik Devil Lord, Barrazza elder brother must early, fully realize the Brukantik strength is fearful, therefore is loyal and devoted for these years, never dares to have the betrayal intention. 它是伽玛兰平原上资历仅次于布鲁坎提克恶魔领主,比巴拉扎昆还要早,深知布鲁坎提克的实力有多么可怕,所以这么多年来忠心耿耿,从来不敢心生背叛的意图。 However, then powerful Brukantik was struck to kill rapidly...... 然而,那么强大的布鲁坎提克都被迅速击杀…… Vaituka calls a halt immediately, interrupted forcefully was releasing ninth circle shadow spells, discarded the black sharp blade in hand, knelt down in the sky. 维图卡立即停手,强行中断了正在释放九环暗影法术,扔掉手中的黑色利刃,当空跪倒下来。 It prostrates oneself toward Eludecia, shouts loudly: Vaituka pays a visit the great succubus feudal lord, you are the gal Malling plain supreme only master, the adjuration accept my giving loyalty to!” 它朝着爱洛提西娅拜倒,大声喊道:“维图卡拜见伟大的魅魔领主,您是伽玛兰平原至高无上的唯一主人,恳请接受我的效忠!” What Sutter demon feudal lord does obeisance is Eludecia, the attention actually on Renn. 萨特魔领主拜的是爱洛提西娅,注意力却在雷恩身上。 succubus is somewhat surprised, but also stopped the attack. 魅魔有些意外,但也停下了攻击。 Master.” “主人。” Inferno Dragon Pasuvio shouts: Vaituka may not believe, since it can betray Brukantik, later will also betray you.” 狱火龙帕苏维奥喊道:“维图卡不可信,它既然能背叛布鲁坎提克,以后也会背叛你。” It spoke at the same time, in the dragon eye was virulent, dragon mouth fermented evil flame dragon breath to prepare to puff out at any time. 它说话的同时,龙眼中充满敌意,龙嘴酝酿着邪焰龙息随时准备喷出去。 Eludecia naturally understood why Pasuvio is hostile to Vaituka, it feared that Sutter demon feudal lord robs own position and benefit. 爱洛提西娅自然懂得帕苏维奥为什么这么敌视维图卡,它怕萨特魔领主抢走属于自己的地位和利益。 She somewhat hesitated, killed Vaituka. 原本她还有些犹豫,是否杀了维图卡 A Pasuvio such frontline propaganda, she decides not to kill immediately, keeps Vaituka to keep in balance Pasuvio, making two Devil Lord aim at mutually, controls devils legion more advantageous to oneself. 帕苏维奥这么一喊话,她立刻决定不杀,留着维图卡制衡帕苏维奥,让两个恶魔领主互相针对,对自己掌控恶魔军团更加有利。 You get up, Vaituka.” Eludecia said lightly. “你起来吧,维图卡。”爱洛提西娅淡淡说道。 Yes, master.” “是,主人。” Sutter demon feudal lord relaxes, sees Renn not to do any said, this stands, displays complete obeying. 萨特魔领主松了一口气,见雷恩没有做任何表示,这才站起来,表现出完全的顺从。 Pasuvio becomes the human form, in the eye is difficult to cover disappointedly. 帕苏维奥重新变为人形,眼中难掩失望。 Eludecia looked at the battlefield in ground, both sides devil slaughtered, therefore ordered: Vaituka, you stop the army, making them stop fighting. Pasuvio, you also go to remove the army look the dragon fort.” 爱洛提西娅看了看地面上的战场,双方恶魔又厮杀起来了,于是下令道:“维图卡,你去制止军队,让它们停止战斗。帕苏维奥,你也去把军队撤回望龙要塞。” Compliant, master!” “遵命,主人!” Two Devil Lord receive an order with one voice, flies respectively the execution. 两个恶魔领主齐声领命,各自飞下去执行。 Before they leave, waits and sees close to Eludecia Renn secretly, in the heart shocks is also curious, who is this Incubus feudal lord? 它们离开之前,都不禁偷偷观望靠近到爱洛提西娅身边的雷恩,心中震惊又好奇,这位梦魔领主是谁? Is he succubus spouse? 他是魅魔的配偶吗? Before why had not appeared, really looks like, he who Brukantik said with succubus serves the Pleasure Queen servant? 为什么以前从来没有出现过,难道真的像布鲁坎提克所说的,他跟魅魔都是侍奉欢愉女王的仆人? Although at heart some innumerable questions, but they do not have the courage close to this mysterious and terrifying Incubus feudal lord. 尽管心里有无数疑问,但它们都没有勇气靠近这位神秘而又恐怖的梦魔领主。 Two feudal lords transmitted orders, separated devils army in fight quickly. 两位领主传令下去,很快把战斗中的恶魔大军分开了。 Renn takes in nebula ring the Balor corpse, mental jump to the Eludecia side. 雷恩巴洛炎魔的尸体收进星云指环,心灵跳跃爱洛提西娅的身边。 Thunder......” “雷……” Eludecia just opened the mouth to awaken, cannot call the Renn name. 爱洛提西娅刚开口就醒悟,不能叫雷恩的名字。 Congratulates you, unified the gal Malling plain!” Renn said with a smile in a low voice: This is on the road of promotion Abyss Lord most an important step.” “恭喜你,统一了伽玛兰平原!”雷恩低声笑道:“这是晋升深渊领主之路上最重要的一步。” The succubus slight nod, looks joyfully. 魅魔微微点头,面露欣喜。 All perform in do not call the turn. 一切尽在不言中。 The gal Malling plain is only a small part of Misty Mountains, in the long river of history, had been unified several times by powerful Devil Lord, but quick split. 伽玛兰平原只是迷雾山脉的一小部分,在漫长的历史长河中,曾经被强大的恶魔领主统一过几次,但很快又分裂了。 Now Eludecia also achieves this point. 现在爱洛提西娅也做到了这一点。 Takes several million devil armies of gal Malling plain as the beginning, next, is marches Misty Mountains northern part „the Fologo basin, that is the area of this Abyss plane most core, gathered many devil and numerous powerful Devil Lord. 以伽玛兰平原的数百万恶魔军队为起点,下一步,就是进军迷雾山脉北部的“弗洛格盆地”,那是这一层深渊位面最核心的地区,聚集了最多的恶魔和众多强大的恶魔领主 succubus has planned in the forecast. 魅魔已经在展望计划了。 She looks that two Devil Lord transmitted orders, separated fight devil quickly, the fight gradually stops, the Eludecia subordinates devil army withdraws the battlefield, crosses the river again, returns to look the dragon fort. 她看着两个恶魔领主传令下去,很快把战斗的恶魔分开了,战斗逐渐停止,爱洛提西娅麾下恶魔军队撤出战场,再次渡河,返回望龙要塞。 Vaituka also restrains the south bank devil army, returns to the respective territory. 维图卡也约束南岸的恶魔军队,回到各自的领地。 The fight continues to be very short. 战斗持续很短。 But also left behind hundreds of thousands devil corpses in the battlefield. 但在战场上也留下了十几万具恶魔尸体。 The Dark Angel regiment just killed east the entrance of flame fort, will kill, Brukantik died, at this time the castle front door opened, making them go. 暗黑天使战团刚杀到洛东炎堡的门口,正要杀进去,布鲁坎提克就死了,这时城堡大门打开,让他们进去。 In their behind, more than 500 hell fires made into the fragment. 在他们的身后,五百多个地狱火被打成了碎片。 Renn in summoning hell fire magic spell is interested very much, therefore makes Dark Angel scattering the hell hot nucleus in battlefield collects, gave Reislin in secret. 雷恩对召唤地狱火这个法术很感兴趣,所以让暗黑天使把散落在战场上的地狱火原核都收集起来,暗中交给了雷斯林 Reislin will also summon the hell fire, but little uses extremely. 雷斯林也会召唤地狱火,但是极少使用。 If can study successfully, grasps the Brukantik summon hell hot way, Reislin can grasp tenth circle magic spell ahead of time. 如果能研究成功,掌握布鲁坎提克的召唤地狱火方式,雷斯林就能提前掌握一个十环法术 Moreover, has soul power pool charge level as the consumption, Reislin can summon many hell fires, like Brukantik, will not consume limited, only then under the lava pond support of flame fort east can summon. 而且,拥有魂力池电量作为消耗,雷斯林可以召唤更多的地狱火,也不会像布鲁坎提克那样,受限于施法消耗,只有在洛东炎堡的熔岩池支援下才能召唤。 tenth circle magic spell, what is most fearful is nearly instantaneous! 十环法术,最可怕的是近乎瞬发! This is equivalent carries a huge hell hot regiment along, and is completely big devil of legend rank, in comparison, Myriad Spirits Wizard summon ability too trash. 这相当于随身携带一个庞大的地狱火军团,并且全部是传奇级别的大恶魔,相比之下,万灵巫师的召唤能力就太垃圾了。 Silverstar Duke must envy. 银星公爵都要羡慕。 She as highest-rating Myriad Spirits Wizard, the demonic soul regiment of summon misses many compared with the hell fire. 她作为等级最高的万灵巫师,召唤的魔魂军团比地狱火差得太多。 When Renn follows Eludecia to enter east together the flame fort, at heart has been giving Reislin summon Hellfire magic spell to name. 雷恩跟着爱洛提西娅一起走进洛东炎堡的时候,心里已经在给雷斯林的召唤法术重新取名了。 Combustion regiment!” “燃烧军团!” This name is probably good, hehe......” “这个名字好像不错,嘿嘿……” If possible, as far as possible the collection step position higher hell hot nucleus, summoning the strength is stronger, at least needs to achieve 1000! 如果可以的话,尽量收集阶位更高的地狱火原核,召唤出来实力更强,至少要达到一千个! Also must portray teleportation runes in the nucleus, like Myriad Spirits Wizard, can receive momentarily the nucleus, reuse. 还要在原核上刻画传送符文,像万灵巫师一样,随时可以把原核收回来,重复利用。 The nucleus is best to supplement the blast effect. 原核最好附带爆炸效果。 As the matter stands, when summons crashes, has similar meteor explosion and flame burst spell prestige energy, making the first wave of bombing lethality multiply. 这样一来,召唤出来坠落之时,拥有类似流星爆炎爆术的威能,让第一波轰炸杀伤力倍增。 The thought of Renn diverges. 雷恩的思维发散出去。 If many ideas can put into practice, summon combustion regiment the might will not stop in tenth circle, the upper limit is above the imagination. Perhaps the use in independent combat of peak powerhouse is not big, however in the battlefield, in the large-scale fight, regarding the enemy force, the combustion regiment absolutely is the total destruction! 诸多想法要是能够实现,“召唤燃烧军团”的威力将不止于十环,上限超乎想象。也许在巅峰强者的单打独斗中用处不大,但是在战场上,在大规模的战斗中,对于敌方军队来说,燃烧军团绝对是灭顶之灾! He still during the conception, will of truth induced the extreme danger suddenly. 他还在构想之中,真理意志忽然感应到了极度的危险。 Un?” “嗯?” Renn awakens instantaneously. 雷恩瞬间惊醒。 He looks around everywhere, had not actually found police origin light/only. 他四处张望,却没有找到警光的来源。 Here was east the interior of flame fort, the hall that Brukantik will be based in transforms a crater, more than 500 meters in diameter, had the isolated island that a black rock built in the lava pond, only had a channel to lead to the island. 这里是洛东炎堡的内部,布鲁坎提克将自己常驻的大厅改造成了一座火山口,直径500多米,在熔岩池中有一座黑色岩石筑成的孤岛,只有一条通道通向岛上。 Isolated island among is placing the big rock throne, is rough, is actually east entire core of flame fort, is controlling under the runic magic array of lava pond and castle. 孤岛的正中间摆放着高大的岩石王座,非常粗糙,却是整座洛东炎堡的核心,控制着底下熔岩池和城堡的符文法阵 The huge fire element energy accumulation in this, is sultry, just like a furnace. 庞大的火元素能量聚集于此,高温闷热,犹如一座熔炉。 At this moment. 此刻。 Eludecia stands was being above the Balor throne, accepts Boss of south bank devil army to give loyalty. 爱洛提西娅站在原本属于巴洛炎魔的王座之上,接受南岸恶魔军队的首领们效忠。 Renn stands under her place, had not spoken. 雷恩站在她的座下,一直没有说话。 However, two Devil Lord numerous big devil, are paying attention to the Renn sound quietly, at this time saw his complexion to change suddenly, somewhat could not feel the mind. 但是,无论是两位恶魔领主还是众多大恶魔,都在悄悄关注着雷恩的动静,这时见他脸色突然变化,都有些摸不着头脑。 Renn does not care about the devil thoughts, the vision takes a fast look around back and forth, All Seeing Eye, Key of Gates and soul eyes full play. 雷恩不在乎恶魔们的心思,目光来回扫视,全视之眼门之钥灵魂之眼全力运转。 Finally discovered the clue. 终于发现了端倪。 The remote void deep place, the colossus is shuttling back and forth! 遥远的虚空深处,有一个庞然大物正在穿梭而来! Renn is at heart terrified is startled. 雷恩心里悚然一惊。 Actually oneself have been guarding against Brukantik back Abyss Lord, Balor at the point of death, in prays for rescue from its master, but waited for did not have the sound for a long time, Abyss Lord in hearsay has not appeared. 其实自己一直在防备着布鲁坎提克背后的深渊领主,巴洛炎魔在临死之际,也在向它的主人求救,但是等待了许久都没有动静,传闻中的深渊领主也没有出现。 Until now, really came! 直到现在,真的来了! The Renn vision sees through layer upon layer void plane, along the direction of void ripples, saw a terrifying form, the build surpassed from all lifeform that the personal opinion crossed . 雷恩的目光看穿一层层虚空位面,沿着虚空涟漪的指引,看到了一个恐怖的身影,体型超出自己见过的所有生物,。 He thinks subconsciously the opposite party is Abyss Lord, but looks at one again, the discovery is not right. 他下意识的认为对方就是深渊领主,可是再看一眼,却发现不对劲。 That is only the build is huge, the aura step position is not high. 那只是体型庞大而已,气息阶位却不高。 It is not Abyss Lord! 不是深渊领主 Moreover, Abyss Lord will not easily leave own Abyss plane, this was equal to that God left own God's kingdom, the strength plummeted, the danger increased, but might also go to enter by the enemy. 而且,深渊领主不会轻易离开自己的深渊位面,这等于神祗离开了自己的神国,实力大降,危险大增,还有可能被敌人趁虚而入。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Renn opened the eye. 雷恩睁大了眼睛。 After several seconds, he saw clearly finally, then holds breath cold air. 几秒钟后,他终于看清楚了,然后不禁倒吸一口凉气。 What the shuttle comes is a tenia! 穿梭而来的是一条虫! A giant incomparable worm! 一条巨大无比的蠕虫! Because it still shuttles back and forth in remote void, is hard to estimate the precise length, judged sketchily its length exceeds 500 meters, even is possibly longer, is almost similar to Star Destroyer. Its body diameter also more than 40 meters, making one shake intimidated. 因为它还在遥远的虚空之中穿梭,难以估量精确的长度,粗略判断它的长度超过五百米,甚至可能更长一些,几乎跟歼星舰差不多。它的身躯直径也有四十多米,令人震怖。 Renn has not seen the type colossus, even if king of Deep Green Green Dragon , compared with this worm still seems petite. 雷恩从来没有见过样的庞然大物,即使是绿龙之王湛青,跟这条蠕虫相比也显得娇小。 Its whole body is the iron grey, is covering mucilage. 它全身是灰白色的,覆盖着一层粘液。 From beginning to end, the build has no change, does not have steadily any unnecessary limbs or the organ, is just the same as the most common worm, but enlarged innumerable times! 从头到尾,体型都没什么变化,也没有长着任何多余的肢体或器官,跟最常见的蠕虫一模一样,只是放大了无数倍! Its front sets upright like the snake, opened terrifying big mouth of furcation, probably the flower petal is in full bloom, reveals rows of dense and numerous advantage teeth. The middle of front great mouth has a jet black hole, that was its throat, eruption dim light drove out void, made a huge plane channel rapidly. 它的前端像蛇一样竖起来,张开了分叉的恐怖大嘴,像是花瓣盛开,露出一排排密密麻麻的利齿。前端巨嘴的中间有一个漆黑的窟窿,那是它的喉咙,喷发一道道幽光轰开了虚空,迅速制造一个庞大的位面通道。 The point of descent of this channel is east the flame fort. 这个通道的落点是洛东炎堡。 In flame demon throne, in crater lava pond! 就在炎魔王座的底下,火山口的熔岩池之中! When the channel will soon form, Renn also took the opportunity to locate the position of this worm, it on Abyss plane 399 th worm state! 当通道即将成形之时,雷恩也借机确定了这条蠕虫的位置,它在深渊位面第399层“蠕虫国度”! Renn knows the master who Balor serves who was. 雷恩知道巴洛炎魔侍奉的主人是谁了。 Bang...... 轰隆…… Entire castle, even the entire Dongshan mound sways, the terrifying aura that command devil tremble arrived. 整座城堡,甚至整个洛东山丘都摇晃起来,一股令恶魔们颤栗的恐怖气息降临了。
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