WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#930: tenth circle summon hell fire

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Chapter 930 tenth circle summon hell fire 第930章十环召唤地狱火 This time, the cult tactic master feudal lord really died. 这一次,邪术师领主是真的死了。 The High Tower control core was destroyed, his magic item and constant magic expire, ninth circle below magic spell cannot display, perhaps if also has the opportunity facing other enemy, but in front of Renn, the possibility of simply not having survived. 高塔的控制核心被摧毁,他身上的魔法物品恒定法术失效,九环以下法术不能施展,如果面对别的敌人也许还有机会,但在雷恩面前,根本没有存活的可能。 Renn looked at cell phone interface, soul power pool was rising fast. 雷恩看了眼手机界面,魂力池正在快速上涨。 Spellcaster......” 施法者……” He shakes the head, this is strikes to kill saint level Spellcaster for the first time directly, felt that were too thornily more than other saint level powerhouses. 他摇了摇头,这是自己首次正面击杀一个圣阶施法者,感觉比其它圣阶强者棘手太多了。 Entire combat process about ten seconds, but that side Reislin had finished. 整个战斗过程大约十秒钟,而雷斯林那边已经结束了。 The vitality and defensive power of king of abomination are much more powerful than the cult tactic master, but its time stop, six. arrives irresistibly, the energy mighty current that dozens seventh circle eighth circle ninth circle magic spell form submerged it, has the chain explosion, destroyed this hall directly. 憎恶之王的生命力和防御力比邪术师强大得多,但它无法抵抗时间停止,六秒钟一到,数十个七环八环九环法术形成的能量洪流把它淹没了,发生连锁爆炸,直接把这座大厅摧毁了。 From beginning to end, the kings of abomination do not have the hand of hitting back, even has not seen the enemy. 从头到尾,憎恶之王都没有还手之手,甚至没有看见敌人。 Similarly was Devil Lord, the difference is too big.” “同样是恶魔领主,区别太大了。” Reislin teleportation to underground city outside, since the upper air overlooks, the ground swayed fiercely just like had the earthquake, underground spread the sound of thundering, the dust flies upwards, surrounding area several hundred meters collapsing, turned into a giant trap in an instant. 雷斯林传送地下城外面,从高空俯视,地面剧烈摇晃起来犹如发生了地震,地下传出轰鸣之声,尘土飞扬,方圆数百米的坍塌下去,转眼变成了一个巨大的陷坑。 In underground city has massive undead armies, was buried alive completely. 地下城中有大量亡灵军队,全部被活埋了。 soul power pool insane rage rises! 魂力池狂暴涨! Renn invests Minecraft charge level immediately, under the icon progress bar advances fast, 85 and 86...... broke through 90,91 and 92 in an instant, after continue rise several standards stopped, only missed about 5 to the activation. 雷恩立即把电量都投入“我的世界”,图标底下的进度条快速推进,85、86……转眼就突破了90,91、92,继续涨了几格之后停住,离激活只差五左右。 Was quick.” “快了。” At this time, fight eruption! 这时,战斗爆发了! Eludecia subordinates devils army, several tens of thousands of had bridged over gamma Lan River, launches to slaughter with devil of opposite shore.. 爱洛提西娅麾下恶魔大军,已经有数万跨过了伽玛兰河,与对岸的恶魔展开厮杀。。 In sky, Flaux bird demon, Causse demon, gargoyle and sour fire wyvern, horned demon and calling back the soul of the deceased strange wait/etc, devil that these can fly tens of thousands, probably big piece dark cloud, blocks the sky, toward the top of Dongshan mound the rapid flight, encounters the enemy flight devil blockade, makes into one group in the space. 天空中,弗洛鸟魔、喀斯魔、石像鬼、酸火飞龙、角魔、摄魂怪等等,这些能够飞行的恶魔成千上万,像是大片乌云,遮天蔽日,朝着洛东山丘的顶上疾飞,遇到敌方飞行恶魔阻击,在天上打成一团。 By river bank be continuous several li (0.5 km) region, turned into the battlefield. 河岸两侧绵延数里的区域,都变成了战场。 Had the devil death every second. 每秒钟都有恶魔死亡。 Renn sends to Eludecia more than 100 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, camouflages Incubus and cult tactic master, the chaotic prince and vampire, leads a number of elite devil respectively, disperses to the devil army, spreads the entire battlefield harvesting soul. 雷恩派给爱洛提西娅的一百多个雷铸天兵,伪装成梦魔、邪术师、混乱王子和吸血鬼,各自带领一批精英恶魔,分散到恶魔军队中,散布整个战场收割灵魂。 charge level in soul power pool just consumed and rises, absorbs the specific consumption the speed to be quicker, probably can never use up. 魂力池中的电量刚消耗掉又涨起来,吸收比消耗的速度更快,像是永远用不完。 Several seconds, Minecraft progress bar was full! 只是几秒钟,“我的世界”进度条就满了! Ding-dong......” “叮咚……” In the Renn brain resounded cheerful musical sound, then sees that square the pixel icon to glitter, the colors of small check keep transforming, red olivine brown grey black and white, various color block lamp belt/bring transform likely in turn. 雷恩脑中响起了一个欢快的音乐声,然后看见那个正方形的像素图标闪烁起来,一个个小方格的颜色不停变换,红黄绿棕灰黑白,各种颜色方块像灯带一閪轮流转换。 He waited for a half minute, the pixel icon has not stopped the twinkle transformation. 他等待了半分钟,像素图标还没停止闪烁变换。 Also in activation......” “还在激活中……” Renn flexure scratched the head, the big feeling was surprised, can be so long unexpectedly?” 雷恩不禁挠了挠头,大感惊奇,“竟然要这么久吗?” Such a while, soul power pool charge level must fill, he can only be used in strengthening Dark Angel half, numerous Mage wizard clone also raises the rank together, strengthens own key element, constructs spell model and promotes the magic spell ring content. 就这么一会儿,魂力池电量又要满了,他只能将一半用于强化暗黑天使,众多法师巫师分身也一起提升等级,强化自己的要素,构建法术模型并提升法术环数。 Other half of charge level invests MainBrain's heart, advances toward 13th rank. 另外一半电量则投入“主脑之心”,朝着十三级推进。 Bang! 轰隆! Renn looks to Dongshan mound, a giant column of flame rushes to the sky, that Balor sends out the signal to convene devils army. 雷恩看向洛东山丘,一道巨大的火柱冲上天空,那头巴洛炎魔发出信号召集恶魔大军 He sees Eludecia to stand in the Inferno Dragon Pasuvio top of the head from afar, flew gamma Lan River, the Dark Angel regiment had bridged over the rivers, the hurricane in the battlefield advanced, grinds all keeps off devil on road, killed a bloody road that charged into the summit castle. 他远远看见爱洛提西娅站在狱火龙帕苏维奥的头顶上,飞过了伽玛兰河,暗黑天使战团跨过河流,在战场上狂飙突进,碾碎所有挡在路上的恶魔,杀出一条冲向山顶城堡的血路。 Some time.” “还有一些时间。” Renn has not been participating in the fight on hill anxiously, displays higher teleportation spell again, arrives at the territory in cult tactic master feudal lord next door. 雷恩没有急着参加山丘上的战斗,再次施展高等传送术,来到邪术师领主隔壁的领地。 The master in this territory is a shadow ghost mother. 这块领地的主人是一个暗影鬼母。 It happen to to/clashes from the lair, does not know why does not have flame fort of immediately teleportation to east, goes to support Balor, but great shout in own territory, tens of thousands of shadow demon crowding around side it, the dense big piece cannot see the end. 它正好从巢穴冲出来,不知道为什么没有立即传送到洛东炎堡,前去支援巴洛炎魔,而是在自己的领地里大声呼喊,数以万计的暗影魔簇拥在它身边,黑压压一大片看不到尽头。 What situation?” Renn is somewhat puzzled. “什么情况?”雷恩有些不解。 This shadow ghost mother seems like a more than ten meters high big meat mountain, the whole body covers in the shadow mist, on the dark skin has to fold, the five senses are ugly, the chest front has the flesh lumps of two lumps of sagging, sends out the revolting ozone. 这个暗影鬼母像是一座十几米高的大肉山,浑身笼罩在暗影雾气中,黝黑的皮肤上有一条条皱褶,五官丑陋无比,胸前有两坨下垂的肉块,散发出令人作呕的臭气。 However devil smells this smell, actually ate aphrodisiac probably is in heat, dozens climb in the body of shadow ghost mother, passes in and out. 但是恶魔闻到这种气味,却像是吃了春药似的发情起来,数十个在暗影鬼母的身体爬上爬下,进进出出。 The scene is disgusting, almost made Renn dodge blindly the eye. 场面过于恶心,差点让雷恩闪瞎了眼睛。 fuck me!” 卧槽!” He really does not endure to look straight ahead, does not want to investigate this shadow ghost mother to do something again, immediately lets catch up to hide begins in Reislin in secret. 他实在不忍直视,不想再调查这个暗影鬼母在搞什么名堂,立即让已经赶过来藏在暗中的雷斯林动手。 time stop! 时间停止 The shadow ghost mother detected promptly magic fluctuation, screamed one, the huge body turns into one group of giant black fog to fly to shoot to run away, but slow half step. 暗影鬼母及时察觉到了魔法波动,尖叫一声,庞大的躯体变成一团巨大的黑雾飞射逃遁,但还是慢了半步。 The speed of black fog slows down suddenly, difficult movement in midair, just like the snail. 黑雾的速度骤然变慢,在半空中艰难移动,犹如蜗牛。 Renn mental jump to it behind, wields titanium holy sword, the sword light sparkle, in six seconds revolved the black fog to cut more than ten swords. 雷恩心灵跳跃到它背后,挥起钛金圣剑,剑光闪耀,六秒钟内围绕黑雾斩出了十几剑。 time stop finished, the Reislin form also disappears synchronously. 时间停止结束,雷斯林的身影也同步消失。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… The shadow ghost mother appears from the black fog, drops in the flash of place, huge meat mountain Shuaicheng hundreds of fragment, the dull brown blood spewed out. 暗影鬼母从黑雾中显现出来,跌落在地的一瞬间,庞大的肉山摔成了数以百计的碎块,暗褐血液喷涌而出。 It has died! 它已经死了! Surrounding devil does not know completely what happened, first was vacant, then scattered in a panic in great confusion. 周围的恶魔完全不知道发生了什么事,先是茫然了一下,然后乱成一团作鸟兽散。 Renn stimulates rainbow cape, put out soul stone in the stealth. 雷恩激发虹光斗篷,在隐身中拿出了一枚灵魂石 How the shadow ghost mother said that is also Devil Lord, its demonic soul is saint level, even if cannot fuse, in supplementary dozens key element has many shadow spells, including legendary key element and two ninth circle magic spell, strips still to be able value a lot of money. 暗影鬼母怎么说也是一个恶魔领主,它的魔魂圣阶,就算不能融合,附带的数十个要素中有许多暗影法术,包括一个传奇要素和两个九环法术,剥离出来也能值不少钱。 Periphery accepted demonic soul, Renn looks at large quantities of devil that fled and became separated, thought: This may be charge level, cannot waste.” 收容了魔魂,雷恩看着周围逃散的大批恶魔,不由心想:“这可都是电量,不能浪费了。” Therefore lifts hand. 于是抬手施法。 psionic storm! 灵能风暴 psionic storm! 灵能风暴 psionic storm...... 灵能风暴…… Renn mental jump, jumps continuously each time on. 雷恩连续心灵跳跃,每次跳跃出来就施法。 He threw more than ten psionic storm in a half minute, is completely ninth circle, turbulent invisible spiritual energy covered the surrounding area space within every inchs several kilometers, tore into shreds in the magic spell range the devil soul, made their neat fell to the ground dead a violent death. 他在半分钟内一口气扔出了十几个灵能风暴,全部是九环,汹涌的无形灵能覆盖了方圆数千米内的每一寸空间,撕碎法术范围内恶魔的灵魂,让它们齐刷刷的倒地暴毙。 This wave harvested about 20,000 standard charge level, soul power pool insane rage rose, making Renn feel that the dizziness brain bulge, almost cannot collapse. 这一波收割了将近两万格电量,魂力池狂暴涨,让雷恩感到头晕脑胀,差点崩不住。 The devil corpse, seemingly is everywhere perfect. 恶魔尸体遍地,看起来完好无损。 These corpses can take away to plant the black soul mushroom, therefore he chose psionic storm, will not damage the body of devil. 这些尸体都可以拿去种黑魂菇,所以他才选择了灵能风暴,不会损坏恶魔的身体。 Still some big devil and had devil of mental protection ability to survive, but Renn has not paid attention to them, immediately teleportation left. 仍有一些大恶魔和拥有心灵防护能力的恶魔存活下来,不过雷恩没有理会它们,立即传送离开。 Next second. 下一秒钟。 Renn appears in Dongshan mound upper air. 雷恩出现在洛东山丘的高空上。 Inferno Dragon has been carrying Eludecia to the Balor castle outside, on several li (0.5 km) wide hill, is devil is being bathed in blood to slaughter all over, Dark Angel has killed the mountainside, surrounding that innumerable devil take place of the fallen, actually cannot prevent their footsteps of advance. 狱火龙已经载着爱洛提西娅到了巴洛炎魔的城堡外,数里宽的山丘上,漫山遍野都是恶魔在浴血厮杀,暗黑天使已经杀到了山腰,无数恶魔前仆后继的围堵,却丝毫不能阻挡他们的前进的脚步。 giant dragon hovering in midair. 巨龙悬停在半空中。 Eludecia looks at flame defensive shield that the castle raises, in the pupil filled dignifiedly. 爱洛提西娅看着城堡升起的一层火焰防护罩,眸中充满了凝重。 The city wall in eastern flame fort has more than 30 meters high, innumerable devil rush to the top, behind crowded front, just like the tide to jump down from the top generally, runs out of defensive shield to join the fight. 洛东炎堡的城墙有三十多米高,无数恶魔冲上墙头,后面挤前面,犹如浪潮一般从墙头跳下,冲出防护罩加入战斗。 In the heavenshaking battle sound, a low and deep sound makes a sound. 震天的厮杀声中,一个低沉的声音响起来。 succubus!” 魅魔!” Is who gives your courage, dares to attack my flame fort?” “是谁给你的胆子,敢进攻我的炎堡?” This sound as if conveyed from the remote past, was dignified and ancient, contains compared with dragon prestige more fearful terrifying prestige energy, each syllable struck probably above the mind, making both sides devil in battlefield cannot help but act stagnates, peaceful two seconds. 这声音仿佛从遥远的过去传来,威严而又古老,蕴含着比龙威更加可怕的恐怖威能,每一个音节都像是敲打在心灵之上,让战场上的敌我双方恶魔都不由得动作一滞,安静了两秒钟。 A big tall and strong form goes out of the hall in castle, appears in the middle square, looks up to the midair. 一道高大魁梧的身影走出城堡中的大厅,出现在中间的广场上,抬头望向半空。 Brukantik!” 布鲁坎提克!” Eludecia mind big quake. 爱洛提西娅心神大震。 Renn is also observing this Balor, it is higher than Dimaetu that Reislin and teammate kill is stronger, the height about ten meters, the huge body seems constituted by the lava, on the skin is burning the flaming roaring flame, the back has wing of the pair of giant flame. 雷恩也在观察这头巴洛炎魔,它比雷斯林和队友杀死的迪玛厄图更高更壮,身高将近十米,庞大的身躯仿佛由熔岩构成,皮肤上燃烧着熊熊烈焰,背后有一对巨大的火焰之翼。 It puts on the brief black armor, both hands holds Beheading Sword and a roaring flame whip respectively. 它穿着简约的黑色铠甲,双手各持一把斩首剑和一条烈焰鞭。 In the eye socket of Balor is burning two groups of flame, projects several meters flame light, in the top of the head pair of great corner/horn straight thrust sky, just like two heat sharp blade. The class/flow of bunch lava from its armor comes out, drips the ground along the sturdy both legs, the temperature within surrounding area kilometer rises dramatically suddenly, the place that this stands quickly turned into magma pool. 巴洛炎魔的眼眶中燃烧着两团火焰,射出数米长的焰光,头顶上一对巨角直刺天空,犹如两把烧红的利刃。一团团熔岩从它的铠甲底下流出来,沿着粗壮的双腿淌到地面,方圆千米之内的温度骤然飙升,这所站的地方很快变成了岩浆池 Was high-rank Devil Lord, the strength are too worthily more than Dimaetu.” “不愧是上位恶魔领主,实力比迪玛厄图强太多了。” Renn made the judgment. 雷恩做出了判断。 soul eyes cannot induce the step position high goal, but roughly can speculate its strength from the evil energy aura. 灵魂之眼不能感应阶位比自己高的目标,但是从邪能气息大致可以推测出它的实力。 ......” “唔……” It should be similar to Kurle Gosse, striking power, but the vitality was definitely inferior.” “它应该跟库尔格斯差不多,攻击力更强一些,但是生命力肯定不如。” Killing it is not difficult.” “杀它不难。” Brukantik takes back the vision, observes the situation the surroundings, actually only saw Devil Lord, immediately gets angry exclaims: Vaituka, how only then your? Where hasn't Syre, he why caught up? Other Devil Lord?” 布鲁坎提克收回目光,环视周围,却只看到了一个恶魔领主,立即怒吼道:“维图卡,怎么只有你一个?塞尔在哪里,他为什么还没有赶来?其它恶魔领主呢?” Vaituka is gamma Lannan shore one of the five Devil Lord, it is Sutter demon feudal lord. 维图卡是伽玛兰南岸的五个恶魔领主之一,它是萨特魔领主。 This devil is on an era is born, they are the elves, was transformed to come by evil energy discoloration Fallen, after Fallen, still has the human form characteristics, the height between three meters to five meters, skin dark purple, both hands turn into the sharp claws, the lower limb is the counter- joint, has the sheep hoof shape both feet, the head also grows a pair of giant goat's horn. 这种恶魔是上一个纪元诞生的,它们原本是精灵,被邪能染污堕落转化而来,堕落之后依然拥有人形特征,身高在三米到五米之间,皮肤暗紫,双手变成利爪,下肢是反关节的,有着羊蹄状的双脚,头上也长出一对巨大的山羊角。 Sutter demon has both the merit of destruction demon and dark specters, has the strong close combat strength, and can grasp shadow spells. 萨特魔兼具破坏魔和暗魔影的优点,拥有强大的近战实力,并且能够掌握暗影法术 Sir......” “大人……” Sutter demon feudal lord Vaituka was frightened the complexion to be pale, immediately kneels down, reported: Sir Syre does not know the trace, another three feudal lords do not have the news.” 萨特魔领主维图卡被吓得面色惨白,立即跪倒下来,报告道:“塞尔大人不知所踪,另外三位领主也没有消息。” What's the matter?” Balor constrains the anger to closely examine. “怎么回事?”巴洛炎魔压抑着怒火追问。 Vaituka shook the head saying that does not know. 维图卡摇头说不知。 ! 啪! Brukantik wields a whip to brush on the body of Sutter demon feudal lord, pulls out to fly dozens meters it, the angry sound scolds: Useless waste!” 布鲁坎提克挥起一鞭抽打在萨特魔领主的身上,将它抽飞数十米,怒声骂道:“没用的废物!” Vaituka sends out a pitiful yell, actually does not dare to revolt. 维图卡发出一声惨叫,却不敢反抗。 Balor raised the head to stare at Eludecia outside castle suddenly, the sinking sound is asking: succubus, is this your conspiracy?” 巴洛炎魔霍然抬头盯着城堡外的爱洛提西娅,沉声问道:“魅魔,这是你的阴谋?” Eludecia had received Renn magic message, intends to raise the sound to return said: That three Devil Lord have died, they will not support.” 爱洛提西娅已经收到了雷恩魔法传讯,有意拔高声音回道:“那三个恶魔领主已死,它们不会来支援了。” Depends on you?” “就凭你?” Brukantik smiles fiercely, very contemptuous saying: Your back master could not bear begin finally. I, great Balor, Brukantik do not fear any challenge, who regardless of your master is, cannot compare me who I serve to advocate!” 布鲁坎提克狰狞一笑,十分轻蔑的说道:“你背后的主人终于忍不住动手了。我,伟大的巴洛炎魔,布鲁坎提克不惧任何挑战,无论你的主人是谁,都比不上我所侍奉的吾主!” It lifts Beheading Sword to aim at Eludecia, succubus, you will regret to attack my castle.” 它抬起斩首剑指向爱洛提西娅,“魅魔,你会后悔进攻我的城堡。” What you serve is which?” “你侍奉的是哪一位?” Threat of Eludecia to the flame demon remains unmoved, instead asked one. 爱洛提西娅对炎魔的威胁不为所动,反而问了一句。 You do not have the qualifications to know.” Brukantik keeps silent, shouts high: Come, making me have a look at your many strengths!” “你没有资格知道。”布鲁坎提克绝口不提,高喊道:“来吧,让我看看你的多少实力!” Hell hot regiment, attack!” “地狱火军团,进攻!” The Balor rave, flame violent tall Chi on body, the huge fire element fluctuation is initiating east entire flame fort to tremble, on its palm condenses black stones, the heating becomes red, shoots the upper air to explode like the fireworks instantaneously. 巴洛炎魔狂吼着施法,躯体上的火焰猛烈高炽,庞大的火元素波动引发整个洛东炎堡震颤起来,它的掌上凝聚一颗颗黑色石块,加热变得通红,瞬间射上高空像烟花一样爆炸。 Bang...... 轰隆…… Each stone burns, the sudden inflation, forms the big piece meteor to pound to fall. 每块石头都燃烧起来,急剧膨胀,形成大片流星砸落下来。 In the crash process, the meteor increased and launched the head and four limbs again rapidly, each has 45 meters high, the whole body is burning the high-temperature roaring flame, turned into the hell fire of big devil rank, the quantity was over 500, is seemingly splendid sight. 坠落过程中,流星再次迅速变大并展开了头颅和四肢,每个都有四五米高,周身燃烧着高温烈焰,变成了一个个大恶魔级别的地狱火,数量超过了五百个,看起来蔚为壮观。 Renn looks that this also praised to the heavens. 雷恩看着这一幕也是叹为观止。 ninth circle magic spell- summon hell fire! 九环法术-召唤地狱火! This is one of the Purgatory Mage most commonly used summon magic spell, can promote ninth circle from first circle, the rank is higher, the hell hot quantity of summoning are more, the strength was stronger. 这是炼狱法师最常用的召唤法术之一,可以从一环提升到九环,等级越高,召唤出来的地狱火数量越多,实力越强。 Previously on the Deleville peninsula, purgatory Archmage Jorgen summoned a hell hot feudal lord, that is ninth circle, but missed a big truncation compared with Balor magic spell. The Brukantik summon hell fire almost achieved tenth circle! 此前在德莱威尔半岛上,炼狱大法师约尔根召唤了一头地狱火领主,那是九环,但是比起巴洛炎魔法术就差了一大截。布鲁坎提克的召唤地狱火几乎达到了十环 The summon quantity is normal ninth circle magic spell ten times, and each is big devil. 召唤数量是正常九环法术的十倍,并且每个都是大恶魔 However, Renn also saw the clue. 不过,雷恩也看出了端倪。 This is not true tenth circle magic spell, but was Brukantik carefully chooses a number of hell fires from own subordinates devil, killed them, took out the hell hot nucleus, then the soul imprisonment of hell fire in the nucleus, inscribed the summon and controls runes. 这不是真正的十环法术,而是布鲁坎提克从自己麾下恶魔中精心挑选出了一批地狱火,杀死它们,取出地狱火原核,然后把地狱火的灵魂禁锢在原核之中,铭刻召唤和控制符文 When it needs, huge fire element will pour into the nucleus, summoned the hell fire in the magic spell form. 当它需要的时候,将庞大的火元素注入原核,以法术的形式将地狱火召唤出来。 These summoned hell hot strength is stronger than before death , to promote one to two step positions. 这些被召唤的地狱火实力比生前更强,提升一到两个阶位。 And, is extremely quick! 并且,施法极快! It is not tenth circle magic spell actually surpasses tenth circle magic spell. 不是十环法术却胜似十环法术 Brukantik in the way of being opportunistic, achieved nearly instantaneous tenth circle magic spell situation. Naturally, it must draw support from east in the flame fort the huge fire element pond, can pour into fire element to so many hell fires, if leaves the castle, the magic spell prestige can fall significantly. 布鲁坎提克以取巧的方式,做到了近乎瞬发十环法术的地步。当然,它必须借助洛东炎堡中庞大的火元素池,才能给这么多地狱火灌注火元素,如果离开城堡,法术威能就会大幅度下跌。 This magic spell interesting......” “这个法术有意思……” Renn looks that more than 500 hell fires crash, just like meteorite bombing, pounds to is firing into the Dark Angel regiment of summit castle. 雷恩看着五百多个地狱火坠落下来,犹如陨石轰炸,砸向正冲向山顶城堡的暗黑天使战团。 The range that magic spell covers is big, moreover does not divide the enemy and ourselves, even the Balor subordinates devil army also bombs together. 法术覆盖的范围非常大,而且不分敌我,连巴洛炎魔自己麾下恶魔军队也一起轰炸。 Acceleration!” “加速!” The Dark Angel speed rises dramatically suddenly, disregards to keep off in front devil, hits them to sprint toward the summit directly crazily. 暗黑天使的速度骤然暴增,无视挡在面前的恶魔,直接撞开它们向着山顶疯狂冲刺。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The land vibrates, the explosion thunders. 大地震动,爆炸轰鸣。 When several hundred hell fires smash the ground, when happened the first company skewer explodes fiercely, Dark Angel exactly ran out of the bombing range, only then Balor own devil is wounded. 当数百个地狱火砸到地面,发生一连串剧烈爆炸时,暗黑天使恰好冲出了轰炸范围,只有巴洛炎魔自己的恶魔受创。 terror warrior is not so quick, they at all are not terror warrior!” 恐怖战士没有这么快,他们根本不是恐怖战士!” Brukantik bellows angrily, it is staring at Eludecia stubbornly, succubus, who is your master?” 布鲁坎提克愤怒大吼起来,它死死盯着爱洛提西娅,“魅魔,你的主人到底是谁?” Eludecia has not responded. 爱洛提西娅没有回应。 Killed you, your master will naturally come.” Balor flame surges upward, will display magic spell to approach Eludecia, suddenly has the vigilance, turns the head to stare at the positions front hundred meters away, a Incubus form appears. “杀了你,你的主人自然就会现身。”巴洛炎魔身上火焰高涨,正要施展法术逼近爱洛提西娅,突然心生警觉,转头盯着前方百米外的位置,一个梦魔的身影显现出来。 Renn said with the Abyss language pale sound: Your opponent is I.” 雷恩深渊语淡声说道:“你的对手是我。”
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