WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#929: Cuts to kill the cult tactic master

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Chapter 929 cuts to kill the cult tactic master 第929章斩杀邪术师 Compliant, master!” “遵命,主人!” Ancient times Inferno Dragon Pasuvio received an order loudly, no hesitation. Has it to take the lead, other dozens big devil do not dare to question, with responded loudly, sets out to dash the throne hall, went to convene the subordinates devil army. 远古狱火龙帕苏维奥高声领命,没有一丝的犹豫。有它带头,其余数十个大恶魔也不敢质疑,跟着轰然回应,起身飞奔出了王座大厅,前去召集自己麾下恶魔军队。 After the moment, entire looked at the dragon fort to move, the city gate that the steel cast opened greatly, crowds of wicked golem welled up tidal. 片刻后,整个望龙要塞都动了起来,钢铁铸成的城门大开,一群群恶魔像潮水般涌出来。 Gal north bank of Malling, various place wicked demons nest holes also boiled. 伽玛兰北岸,各处恶魔巢穴也沸腾了。 The army of succubus feudal lord turns out in full strength, 200 ten thousand devils army assemble fast, marches toward the plain middle rivers. 魅魔领主的军队倾巢而出,两百多万恶魔大军飞快集结,向着平原中间的河流进军。 Bang bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰砰…… 1000 Dark Angel trod the military compound in fort, the neat sound of footsteps just like a body, the terrifying imposing manner made devil avoid by far. 一千个暗黑天使踏出了要塞中的军营,整齐的脚步声犹如一体,恐怖的气势让恶魔们远远的躲开了。 Eludecia goes out of the hall, appears in the square. 爱洛提西娅走出大厅,出现在广场上。 Pasuvio appears the giant dragon true body, from beginning to end more than 60 meters, on dark red scale has dark green patterns, the opened pair of wings blocks the sky, a pair of dragon eye is burning the evil energy flame, two radical meter/rice dragon angular orientation swept backs, form the thorn corner/horn crown in the top of the head. 帕苏维奥现出巨龙真身,从头到尾六十多米长,身上的暗红鳞片上有一条条墨绿花纹,张开的双翼遮天蔽日,一双龙眼燃烧着邪能火焰,两根数米长的龙角向后掠去,在头顶上形成荆棘般的角冠。 Master.” “主人。” Inferno Dragon restrains dragon prestige to lie, the head extends to the stair that under succubus stands. 狱火龙收敛龙威趴下来,头颅伸到魅魔所站的台阶之下。 Eludecia is stepping on dragon corner/horn as the steps, mounts the giant dragon top of the head, stands in the corner/horn crowns steadily, ordered: set off!” 爱洛提西娅踩着龙角作为阶梯,登上巨龙的头顶,稳稳站在角冠中间,下令道:“出发!” Her sound spreads over the observation dragon fort, hundreds of thousands of devil raise head to roar. 她的声音传遍了望龙要塞,数十万恶魔仰头咆哮。 Roar......” “吼……” Pasuvio sends out resounding dragon howl, inspires the pair of wings to rush to the sky fiercely, carries Eludecia to depart the observation dragon fort, faces south to go. 帕苏维奥发出一声高亢龙吼,猛振双翼冲上天空,载着爱洛提西娅飞出了望龙要塞,朝南而去。 Overlooks the land from the space, devils army just like the black flood, submerges toward gamma Lan River opposite shore.. 从天上俯视大地,恶魔大军犹如黑色洪水,向着伽玛兰河对岸淹没过去。。 Such big momentum, south bank devil was alarmed early. 这么大的声势,南岸的恶魔早被惊动了。 Today's fight scale surpasses in history any time, will decide who is the gal Malling plain only feudal lord......” Pasuvio is choked up with emotions, it submits to Eludecia, most mainly to maintain a livelihood, is because experienced her powerful strength, especially those invincible terror warrior, may unify the entire plain very much. “今天的战斗规模超过史上任何一次,将决定谁才是伽玛兰平原唯一的领主……”帕苏维奥心潮澎湃,它之所以臣服爱洛提西娅,最主要是为了活命,同时也是因为见识了她的强大实力,尤其是那些无敌的恐怖战士,很有可能统一整个平原。 If the master becomes the only feudal lord in gal Malling, it takes the first giving loyalty to servant, will obtain the huge advantage. 如果主人成为伽玛兰的唯一领主,它作为第一个效忠的仆人,也将得到巨大的好处。 The masters walk far, its position is higher! 主人走得越远,它的地位越高! Bang! 轰隆! On the river bank opposite Dongshan mound, transmits a loud sound, just like the volcanic eruption, giant flame column direct impact sky, the shape like the beacon-fire, the entire gal Malling plain can see. 河岸对面的洛东山丘上,传来一声巨响,犹如火山爆发,一道巨大的火焰立柱直冲天空,形如烽火,整个伽玛兰平原都能看见。 This is Balor the signal that calls the army! 这是巴洛炎魔在召集大军的信号! Brukantik detected that our attack, the master, it was summoning other Devil Lord.” In flight the dragon mouth in Pasuvio makes the sound, the double pupil is quite dignified. 布鲁坎提克察觉到我们的进攻了,主人,它在召唤其它恶魔领主。”飞行中的帕苏维奥的龙嘴里发出声音,双眸极为凝重。 Un.” “嗯。” Eludecia complied with one lightly, then no longer spoke. 爱洛提西娅淡淡应了一声,然后就不再说话了。 The fight has started. 战斗早就开始了。 While oneself issue the order to attack, the Renn form disappears from the steel throne, snatches before the enemy discovered strikes to kill two Devil Lord. 在自己下达进攻命令的同时,雷恩的身影就从钢铁王座消失,抢在敌人发现之前击杀两个恶魔领主 She thought, how didn't know the situation?” 她不由心想,“不知道情况怎么样了?” Before the time returns to the quarter of an hour . 时间回到一刻钟前。 Renn mental jump arrives above the upper air, takes one's bearings, displays teleportation spell to span dozens li (0.5 km) from, appears in gal Malling plain western side. Here is the upstream in rivers, to a river about 56 li (0.5 km) place, saw that stood erect High Tower in land. 雷恩心灵跳跃到高空之上,辨别方向,施展传送术跨越数十里距离,出现在伽玛兰平原的西侧。这里是河流的上游,在离河大约五六里的地方,一眼看到了一座屹立在大地上的高塔 Is centered on High Tower, surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km) are the cult tactic master Syre's territories. 高塔为中心,方圆十几里都是邪术师塞尔的领地。 This High Tower builds with the black rock, is most common that cylindrical design, probably 150 meters high, constructing in similarly is the squares that the black rock paves, the surroundings are surrounding devil military compounds, innumerable devils army moves in inside. 这座高塔用黑色的岩石筑成,是最普通的那种圆柱形设计,大概一百五十米高,建在同样是黑色岩石铺就的广场中间,周围环绕着一座座恶魔军营,数不清的恶魔大军在里面活动。 The sharp tower goes against burn one group of flame, in the fire has an eye. 尖尖的塔顶上燃烧着一团火焰,火中有一颗眼睛。 It projects one bunch of straight rays, can shine to 10,000 meters distance most, inspects in the territory back and forth, just like the living creature. 它射出一束笔直的光线,最远能照射到一万米的距离,在领地里来回巡视,犹如活物。 „The eye of spirit demon.” “灵魔之眼。” Renn hehe, this runic magic array he was too at heart familiar. 雷恩心里呵呵一声,这个符文法阵他太熟悉了。 On Silverstar Duke High Tower on constant eye of the spirit demon, oneself just passed through to Longshande time, in its powerful strength, in the heart awes surprisedly. 银星公爵高塔上就恒定了一个灵魔之眼,自己刚穿越到隆杉德的时候,惊讶于它的强大力量,心中十分敬畏。 Now is it seems like mediocre, by runic magic array that true seeing spell and closed region field of vision and death ray and mind shock and awe several magic spell combinations become, no achieves ninth circle, has almost not threatened to the saint level powerhouse. 现在看来不过如此,以“真知术”、“全域视野”、“死亡射线”和“心灵震慑”几个法术组合而成的符文法阵,没有一个达到九环,对圣阶强者几乎没有威胁。 The information that Eludecia provides, cult tactic master Syre most of the time in oneself High Tower, the meditation cultivation or conducts the magic experiment. 爱洛提西娅提供的情报,邪术师塞尔绝大部分时间都在自己的高塔中,冥想修炼或进行魔法实验。 Generally, Syre little goes out of High Tower extremely. 一般情况下,塞尔极少走出高塔 All Seeing Eye opening. 全视之眼开启。 The Renn vision penetration tower, the high and low glance, soon found the target. 雷恩的目光穿透塔身,上下扫视,很快找到了目标。 Really in inside.” “果然在里面。” Cult tactic master Syre in a High Tower middle layer magic laboratory, before his Fallen, is human black wizard, puts on fiery red magnificent magic robe, the appearance is a middle-aged person, the facial features is handsome, actually cannot cover on the face evil different. 邪术师塞尔正在高塔中层的一间魔法实验室中,他堕落之前是人类黑巫师,穿着火红华丽的魔法长袍,外貌是一个中年人,面容英俊,却掩盖不住脸上的邪异。 He is dissecting a fire monster priest. 他正解剖一头火妖祭司。 This fire monster is big devil, moreover lives is keeping sending out the pitiful yell, the cult tactic master as if cannot hear completely, his look is dedicated, had not detected slightly some people are peeping in secret. 这头火妖是大恶魔,而且还活着不停发出惨叫,邪术师仿佛完全听不到,他的神色非常专注,丝毫没有察觉到有人在暗中窥视。 Renn has no interest in understanding that his experiment, moved out of the way the vision, observes other arrangement in High Tower. 雷恩没有兴趣了解他的实验,挪开了目光,观察高塔内的其它布置。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Reislin teleportation to the southeastern direction of gal Malling plain, entered the territory of king of abomination. This piece of region death energy heavy, is different from the devil military compound completely, in the dim ground almost could not find a form of activity, but in underground, is actually ambushing hundreds of thousands of undead. 雷斯林传送到了伽玛兰平原的东南方向,进入憎恶之王的领地。这片区域死气沉沉,完全有别于恶魔军营,昏暗的地面上几乎找不到一个活动的身影,但在地下,却潜伏着数十万亡灵 The king of abomination is undead, its army is also undead legion. 憎恶之王是亡灵,它的军队也是亡灵军团 Only with two minutes, Reislin found the dead souls lair of king of abomination, a statue is huge labyrinth underground city, is over a hundred meters to the ground, the total darkness, in the air is flooding the odor smell of rotten corpse, in several drainage ditches is flowing the green water, surrounds the underground city middle hall. 只用两分钟,雷斯林就找到了憎恶之王的死灵巢穴,一座像是庞大迷宫似的地下城,离地面有上百米,暗无天日,空气中充斥着腐烂尸体的恶臭气味,几条沟渠中流淌着绿水,环绕地下城中间的大厅。 In Wang Zhengzai of Hall abomination works. 憎恶之王正在大厅里工作。 It has 12 meters high, the extremely fat abnormal body with innumerable corpse splicing, the skin is pale, the abdomen has a big hole, can see inside rotten intestines. Besides both hands, the arm of its back variation, in three hands is also grasping a giant coarse weapon respectively, the heavy hammer, the great axe and machete. 它有十二米高,臃肿畸形的躯体用无数尸体拼接而成,皮肤惨白,腹部有一个大窟窿,可以看到里面的烂肠。除了双手以外,它的背后还有一条变异的手臂,三只手里各握着一把巨大的粗陋武器,重锤、巨斧和大砍刀。 Wangju of abomination muttered talked to oneself, but could not understand what meaning, seemed to have no the meaning. 憎恶之王嘴里咕哝自语,但听不懂什么意思,似乎原本就没有任何含意。 It seems like a butcher to stand before the giant long and narrow table. 它像是一个屠夫站在巨大的案桌前。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… The giant chopper brandishes in its hand, chops the fragment the devil corpse, the flesh splash, cuts to chop while splices the broken corpse. 巨大的砍刀在它手中挥舞,将恶魔的尸体剁成碎块,血肉飞溅,一边砍剁一边把碎尸拼接起来。 King of not abomination, but they were granted an ability by Lord of the Dead, can suture corpse splicing, gives the undead will, creates new abomination. 憎恶之王不会施法,但它们被死灵之主赐予了一种能力,可以把尸体拼接缝合,赋予亡灵意志,创造一个新的憎恶 Reislin observed in secret for several seconds, set strategy. 雷斯林暗中观察了几秒钟,定下了施法策略。 At this time, saw through the eye of Dark Angel, looks at devils army of dragon fort to be ordered, to start. 此时,通过暗黑天使的眼睛看到,望龙要塞的恶魔大军得到命令,开始动起来。 Renn stimulates titanium holy sword, on the arm the flow behavior, almost condenses a dark golden big sword in the right palm instantaneously, the modeling is ordinary, does not have the enchantment effect, but the material quality endures compared with the legendary rank weapon, is heavy and sharp. 雷恩激发“钛金圣剑”,手臂上金属流动,几乎瞬间就在右掌中凝聚一柄暗金色的大剑,造型普普通通,也没有附魔效果,但是材质堪比传说级武器,沉重而又锋利。 Begins.” “动手。” Reislin in rainbow cape and stealth effect, silent flutters to enter the hall, holds up Endless Storm in hand, dark red signet ring simultaneous acceleration who refers. 雷斯林虹光斗篷和隐身效果中,无声无息的飘飞进入大厅,举起手中的无尽风暴,指上的深红印戒同时加速施法。 The sensation of king of abomination is extremely keen, immediately then looks to the Reislin position. 憎恶之王的感知极其敏锐,立即回头看向雷斯林的位置。 However already late. 但是已经晚了。 time stop! 时间停止 Entire hall in underground city static, is silent, all things cannot move, the thought of king of abomination also stagnates, the ugly five senses are maintaining the doubts expression. 地下城中的整个大厅都静止了,寂静无声,所有事物动弹不得,憎恶之王的思维也停滞住,丑陋的五官保持着疑惑的表情。 The Endless Storm blooming magic is glorious, magic spell forming. 无尽风暴绽放魔法光辉,一个个法术成形。 At the same time. 同一时刻。 Renn displays localization teleportation spell, disregards High Tower space blockade to enter the magic laboratory in tower, appears in cult tactic master Syre behind. 雷恩施展定位传送术,无视高塔空间封锁进入塔中的魔法实验室,出现在邪术师塞尔的身后。 Un?” “嗯?” The cult tactic master feudal lord first detected that some people invade High Tower, gives up testing decisively, who he does not even have then to look at the enemy is, the form disappeared instantaneously. 邪术师领主第一时间察觉到有人入侵高塔,果断放弃实验,他甚至没有回头去看敌人是谁,身影瞬间消失了。 Next instantly, cult tactic master teleportation to High Tower top level. 下一个刹那,邪术师传送到了高塔顶层。 He is the High Tower master, the time is grasping the sound in tower, has induced the appearance of enemy in the teleportation process. 他是高塔的主人,时间掌握着塔中的动静,在传送过程中已经感应到了敌人的模样。 Incubus?” “一个梦魔?” The cult tactic master is very surprised, is unable to understand how this Incubus is since own tower, but this does not affect him to launch the counter-attack. 邪术师十分惊讶,无法理解这个梦魔是怎么进入自己的塔中,但这丝毫不影响他发起反击。 Almost while he vanishes, the magic laboratory turned into the prisoner's cage, Renn is one of them sleepily. 几乎在他消失的同时,魔法实验室变成了囚笼,将雷恩困在其中。 Bang! 轰隆! The innumerable deep green flame sweep across the entire magic laboratory, the temperature is extremely high and has the explosion, destroys all things, submerges the Renn form in the sea of fire. 无数暗绿火焰席卷整个魔法实验室,温度极高并发生爆炸,摧毁一切东西,将雷恩的身影淹没在火海之中。 The beam penetration flame shoots at Renn together, his under foot also opened jet black cave entrance. 一道射线穿透火焰射向雷恩,他的脚下也张开了漆黑的洞口。 eighth circle evil flame technique ; 八环邪焰术; eighth circle death ray ; 八环死亡射线; The well of ninth circle darkness. 九环黑暗之井。 Cult tactic master feudal lord by the High Tower home advantage, one breath instantaneous three high link magic spell, he as if has seen one that the enemy is reduced to ashes. 邪术师领主凭借高塔的主场优势,一口气瞬发了三个高环法术,他仿佛已经看到敌人化为灰烬的一幕。 Then, he discovered that Incubus stands there is motionless, the high-temperature evil flame burns on the opposite party, no effect. 然后,他发现梦魔站在那里一动不动,高温邪焰烧在对方身上,没有一点效果。 death ray vanishes directly. 死亡射线直接消失。 Can attract to compress the powder the material the dark well, the suction of manufacture cannot shake Incubus body one step. 能够把物质吸进去压缩成粉末的黑暗之井,制造的吸力不能撼动梦魔的身躯一步。 Two eighth circle magic spell and ninth circle magic spell, have not caused any damage to Incubus. 两个八环法术和一个九环法术,没有对梦魔造成任何伤害。 He stands in the flame seems like bathing. 他站在火焰中像是在沐浴。 This......” “这……” Cult tactic master Lingzhu opened the eye, on the face full is panic-stricken, immediately he sees Incubus to raise head, the vision of opposite party as if can penetrate a layer upon layer ground, sees who the tower withstand/top, on the handsome face hangs is wiping the evil different smile. 邪术师领主睁大了眼睛,脸上满是惊骇,随即他见梦魔仰起头来,对方的目光仿佛能够穿透一层层地面,看见塔顶上的自己,英俊的脸庞上挂着一抹邪异的微笑。 He in!” “他在施法!” The cult tactic master responded, has actually made any measure without enough time, an invisible magic brilliance proliferation, penetrated the material and space, covered entire High Tower. 邪术师反应过来了,却已经来不及做任何措施,一阵无形的魔法光辉扩散,穿透物质与空间,笼罩住整座高塔 time stop within several hundred meters range! 数百米范围内的时间停止了! Syre is two 11th rank cult tactic masters, the resistance of Spellcaster to time stop, is much higher than the common saint level powerhouse, he realized immediately what happened, in the brain the thought revolves difficultly, wants to draw support from the High Tower strength break free time stop effect. 塞尔是二十一级邪术师,施法者时间停止的抗性,比寻常圣阶强者高得多,他立即意识到发生了什么事情,脑中思维艰难运转,想要借助高塔力量挣脱时间停止的效果。 Next instantly, Incubus mental jump to front. 下一个刹那,梦魔心灵跳跃到了面前。 Dark gold/metal Dajian flashes past. 暗金大剑一闪而过。 The cult tactic master disappeared. 邪术师消失了。 The sword blade cuts the flash on opposite party nape of the neck, triggered constant magic, cult tactic master secret room of teleportation lower level to High Tower. In this secret room arranged multi-layered runic magic array, blocks the space and establishes beforehand, when the master enters immediately opens protective field. 剑刃斩到对方脖颈上的一瞬间,触发了恒定法术,将邪术师传送高塔下层的一间密室。这个密室里布置了多层符文法阵,封锁空间并事先设定,当主人进入之时立即开启防护力场 Renn is not accidental/surprised, mental jump enters the secret room again. 雷恩对此毫不意外,再次心灵跳跃进入密室。 The cult tactic master feudal lord just escaped, from is very safe for this secret room, even in the time stop range, Incubus were still hard to find for a while. 邪术师领主刚逃过一劫,自为这个密室很安全,即使仍在时间停止的范围内,梦魔一时也难以找到。 So long as waits for several seconds, he can counterattack the enemy. 只要等待几秒钟,他就能反制敌人。 But has not waited for the cult tactic master to rejoice, Incubus appeared at present, still cut a sword. 可是没等邪术师庆幸,梦魔又出现在眼前,仍然斩出一剑。 ! 噗! Cult tactic master Shenshou separates, but has not flowed out a drop of blood, rapid dissipation of his body like bubble, did not know the trace. 邪术师身首分离,但没有流出一滴鲜血,他的身体像泡沫一样迅速消散,又不知所踪了。 ninth circle death substitution spell!” 九环替死术!” The Renn brow slightly wrinkle, where for a while without finding the true body of cult tactic transferred, can only determine was also in the tower. 雷恩眉头微皱,一时没有找到邪术师的真身挪移到了哪里,唯一可以确定的就是还在塔中。 time stop had passed half, but also remains for three seconds. 时间停止已经过去了一半,还剩三秒钟。 In the secret room gushes out the intense fluctuation of energy, 34 eighth circle ninth circle magic spell are fermenting, so long as time stop arrives, these magic spell will erupt. 密室中涌出强烈的能量波动,三四个八环九环法术正在酝酿,只要时间停止一到,这些法术就会爆发。 Spellcaster is difficult to kill.” 施法者就是难杀。” Renn sighed, moreover in High Tower of opposite party, the home game of opposite party, striking to kill the difficulty to be bigger. 雷恩不禁感叹,而且是在对方的高塔里面,对方的主场,击杀难度更大。 He gave up looking for the cult tactic master decisively, mental jump to a High Tower floor hall, in the ground arranged several teleportation array, respectively to lead to Balor and other Devil Lord lairs, as well as certain unknown teleportation destinations. 他果断放弃寻找邪术师,心灵跳跃高塔底层的一间大厅,地面上布置了几个传送阵,分别通向巴洛炎魔和其它恶魔领主的巢穴,以及某些未知的传送目的地。 A sword cuts, 9th rank cleave slash! 一剑斩出,九级顺劈斩 Bang! 轰! Dozens meters giant sword glow falls, the ground in entire teleportation hall was cut the deep gully, teleportation array totally is destroyed together. 数十米长的巨大剑芒落下,整个传送大厅的地面被斩出一道深深的沟壑,传送阵全部被摧毁了。 time stop also has the last second. 时间停止还有最后一秒钟。 Renn turned round mental jump to the top layer, appeared before -and-a-half person of high platforms, in the platform is installing a gigantic crystal ball, the volume was almost big with the head, all around portrays complex runic magic array, had the huge energy to flow. 雷恩回身心灵跳跃到了顶层,出现在一个半人高的平台前,平台上安装着一枚硕大的水晶球,体积跟头颅差不多大,四周刻画着复杂的符文法阵,有庞大的能量在流动。 This is the High Tower control core! 这就是高塔的控制核心! Renn lifts the sword to cut, in the control platform appears a transparent force field, resists titanium holy sword. 雷恩举剑就斩,控制平台上浮现一层透明力场,抵挡钛金圣剑 destructing crit! 毁灭暴击 On the sword strength of eruption terrifying, the firm incomparable force field collapsed like the egg shell instantaneously, the sword jabs into the crystal ball sharp. 剑上爆发恐怖的力量,坚固无比的力场瞬间像蛋壳一样崩溃了,剑尖刺进水晶球。 Bang. 砰的一声。 The crystal ball explodes, explodes the innumerable fragments, in this time, time stop finished exactly. 水晶球爆裂开来,炸成无数碎片,恰在此时,时间停止结束了。 No!” “不!” In High Tower resounded one to yell desperately. 高塔中响起了一声绝望大叫。 The control core was destroyed, the huge energy loses control immediately, shattered several hundred runic magic array of arrangement instantaneously in the tower, almost every level had the explosion, detains devil and monster in magic prisoner's cage massively gains the freedom, sends out roars fierce, entire High Tower sways. 控制核心被摧毁,庞大的能量立即失控,瞬间冲垮了布置在塔中数百个符文法阵,几乎每层都发生了爆炸,大量关押在魔法囚笼中的恶魔魔物获得自由,发出凶恶咆哮,整座高塔摇晃起来。 Found you! 找到你了! Renn locked the position of cult tactic following the sound, mental jump in the past, enters a High Tower middle and upper level Room meditation. 雷恩循声锁定了邪术师的位置,心灵跳跃过去,进入高塔中上层的一个冥想 Who are you?” Cult tactic master hysteric shouting. “你到底是谁?”邪术师歇斯底里的大喊。 When shouted loudly, he had detected obviously Renn will jump, ahead of time, in Room meditation had more than ten exactly the same cult tactic masters, half were the illusory images of mirror shadow spell creation, half were mirror image spell summon clone, completely. 高喊之时,他显然早就察觉到雷恩会跳跃过来,提前施法,冥想里有十几个一模一样的邪术师,半数是镜影术创造的幻影,半数是镜像术召唤的分身,全部都在施法。 Renn just came, was submerged by the magic spell mighty current. 雷恩刚现身,就被法术洪流淹没了。 He depending on is hit himself by more than ten magic spell, these magic spell do not have High Tower to support, having one is ninth circle, other majority was eighth circle below, the magic spell energy is absorbed by energy-gathering furnace completely. 他凭由十几个法术击中自己,这些法术没有高塔支援,只有一个是九环,其余大部分是八环以下,法术能量被聚能熔炉全部吸收了。 In magic spell mighty current, a Renn conveniently finger/refers, instantaneous magic spell. 法术洪流中,雷恩随手一指,瞬发法术 seventh circle dimensional anchor! 七环次元锚 This dimensional anchor falls in an illusory image of cult tactic, on his face reveals the panic-stricken color, does not understand that Renn why can find own true body, broke forthcoming teleportation magic spell. 这个次元锚落在一个邪术师的幻影上,他的脸上露出惊恐之色,不明白雷恩为什么一眼就能找到自己的真身,打断了即将完成的传送法术 Renn stands in same place, wields a sword to divide together the sword glow. 雷恩站在原地,挥剑劈出一道剑芒。 The sword light is still flying, he became second magic spell completely, ninth circle anti-magic field! 剑光还在飞行中,他完全成了第二个法术,九环反魔法力场 Everywhere magic spell vanished instantaneously, mirror image and illusory image of cult tactic all do not see, is only left over solitarily his facing Renn. On him numerous magic item, constant magic and protection, magic fluctuation simultaneously pinched out, lost the effect. 漫天的法术瞬间消失了,邪术师的镜像和幻影也全都不见,只剩下他一个人孤伶伶的面对雷恩。他身上的众多魔法物品恒定法术、防护,魔法波动齐齐被掐灭,失去了效果。 Counter- magic......” cult tactic master squawk calls out in alarm. “反魔法……”邪术师尖声惊叫。 Finishes barely the words, the dark golden bright sword glow cuts front, with irresistible force, broke out his magic to protect the shield, sent out an explosive. 话音未落,暗金色的煌煌剑芒斩到面前,势如破竹,劈开了他的魔法护盾,发出一声爆响。 ! 咻! The sword light howls to flash through. 剑光呼啸闪过。 The cult tactic master feudal lord turns into two sections to pour, flowed out the blood. 邪术师领主变成两截倒下来,流出了鲜血。
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