WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#928: High-rank feudal lord

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Chapter 928 high-rank feudal lord 第928章上位领主 „Can't a clue check?” Renn complexion dignified asking. “一点线索也查不到吗?”雷恩脸色凝重的问道。 The Abyss Lord strength upper limit and lower limit disparity are enormous, most powerful Abyss Lord endures compared with top God, but weakest Abyss Lord is only similar to 20 multistage saint level powerhouses. 深渊领主的实力上限和下限差距极大,最强大的深渊领主堪比顶尖神祗,而最弱的深渊领主只跟二十多级的圣阶强者差不多。 However, most Abyss Lord strengths are extremely fearful, at least in 30th rank above! 但是,大部分深渊领主的实力是极为可怕的,至少在三十级以上! Balor nothing to be afraid, if its back Abyss Lord is God, that was troublesome. 巴洛炎魔本身不足为惧,如果它背后的深渊领主是一位神祗,那就非常麻烦了。 Therefore best probably clarify the origin of opposite party. 所以最好要弄清对方的来历。 I have made best effort, but anything had not discovered.” The Eludecia jogging reaches the head, somewhat ashamed returning said: Brukantik is a very ancient flame demon, it appeared more than 2000 years ago in the gal Malling plain.” “我已经尽最大的努力了,可是什么也没发现。”爱洛提西娅轻摇臻首,有些惭愧的回道:“布鲁坎提克是一头非常古老的炎魔,它在两千多年前就出现在伽玛兰平原了。” Such long time, plain devil batches of dying on the rebirth, Devil Lord also alternated did not know many wheels.” “这么长的时间,平原上的恶魔一批批的死去又重生,恶魔领主也更迭了不知多少轮。” „If not it is said that serves Abyss Lord, no one knows this matter radically.” “如果不是它自称侍奉一位深渊领主,根本没人知道这件事。” Brukantik is that Balor name. 布鲁坎提克就是那头巴洛炎魔的名字。 Renn nods, suspects saying: Can be the false news that it releases, making other Devil Lord dread, doesn't dare to attack at will?” 雷恩点了点头,怀疑道:“会不会是它放出来的假消息,让别的恶魔领主忌惮,不敢随意进攻?” From the beginning I also think.” succubus returns said: But after the investigation discovery, it does not need to do that.” “一开始我也是这么想的。”魅魔回道:“但是经过调查发现,它没有必要这么做。” Why?” Renn asked. “为什么?”雷恩问。 Before we appear, Brukantik is gal Malling plain most powerful Devil Lord, its army is largest, the domain is also biggest.. The south bank has five Devil Lord, other four, are actually its dependency.” “在我们出现以前,布鲁坎提克就是伽玛兰平原最强大的恶魔领主,它的军队数量最多,地盘也最大。。南岸有五个恶魔领主,其余四个,其实都是它的附庸。” Eludecia explained: Barrazza elder brother such powerful Devil Lord, does not dare easily to provoke the opposite party, the goal that the construction looks at the dragon fort is to defend.” 爱洛提西娅解释道:“巴拉扎昆这么强大的恶魔领主,也不敢轻易招惹对方,建造望龙要塞的目的就是防御。” This is Balor very really strong?” Renn was somewhat curious. “这头巴洛炎魔真的很强?”雷恩有些好奇了。 Yes!” “是的!” The nod that Eludecia has a lingering fear, my several months bumped by far with Brukantik, it gives my feeling, side the painful nun with Queen succubus is similar, should be the high-rank feudal lord.” 爱洛提西娅心有余悸的点头,“我几个月跟布鲁坎提克远远的碰了一面,它给我的感觉,跟魅魔女王身边的痛苦修女差不多,应该是上位领主。” Queen succubus under the Mekanweita place has 13 painful nuns. 魅魔女王梅坎薇塔座下有十三位痛苦修女。 These painful nuns are primordial succubus, each is trained carefully by God, loyal and devoted, the strength is higher than two step positions compared with Devil Lord! 这些痛苦修女都是原初魅魔,每个都是由神祗精心培养起来的,忠心耿耿,实力比恶魔领主高出两个阶位! devil does not have the concrete rank like transcendent, usually only by step position weight strength and position. The legend boundary is big devil, is divided into initial rank, middle rank and high rank, big devil breaks through high rank to experience seventh soul transformation, devil calls it the evolution , to promote Devil Lord. 恶魔不像超凡者那样有具体的等级,通常只以阶位衡量实力与地位。传奇境界就是大恶魔,分为初阶、中阶和高阶,大恶魔突破高阶经历第七次魂变,恶魔称之为进化,晋升恶魔领主 Every time experiences soul transformation time, the step position promotes one time. 每经历一次魂变,阶位提升一次。 Above Devil Lord is feudal lord and high-rank feudal lord, converts the rank of adult class transcendent, the in feudal lord is equivalent to 25 to 30th rank, after eight soul transformations or evolution. 恶魔领主以上就是“中位领主”和“上位领主”,换算成人类超凡者的等级,中位领主相当于二十五到三十级,经过八次魂变或进化。 After nine soul transformation high-rank feudal lords, is over 30. 经过九次魂变的上位领主,则是三十以上。 The high-rank feudal lord is the apex of devil sequence, after this, even after the tenth evolution, even the 11 th evolution, is the high-rank feudal lord. 上位领主就是恶魔序列的顶点,在这之后,哪怕经过第十次进化,甚至第十一次进化,都属于上位领主。 Wants further only then a road, that becomes Abyss Lord! 想要更进一步只有一条路,那就是成为深渊领主 The main material world saint level powerhouse can also apply mechanically this sequence, 20 arrive at 25th rank is ordinary saint level, 25th rank to 30th rank is position saint level, above 30th rank is high-rank saint level. Just, other human elf dwarf intelligent races, the saint level powerhouses were too few, the quantity cannot compare Devil Lord in Abyss by far, therefore cannot use generally. 主物质界圣阶强者也可以套用这个序列,二十到二十五级就是普通圣阶,二十五级三十级是中位圣阶,三十级以上就是上位圣阶。只不过,无论是人类精灵矮人还是其它智慧种族,圣阶强者都太少了,数量远远比不上深渊中的恶魔领主,所以一般用不上。 Regarding the overwhelming majority person, the saint level powerhouse same great strength and immeasurably deep, do not need to differentiate. 对于绝大多数人来说,圣阶强者一样的强大而又深不可测,没必要区分。 In any case is saint level! 反正都是圣阶 saint level powerhouse will not say anything generally position and high-rank, most saint level in 20 arrive at 25th rank, has no need to distinguish by position, neglected automatically. 圣阶强者自己一般也不会说什么“中位”、“上位”,大部分圣阶在二十到二十五级之间,用不着以“中位”来区别,自动忽略了。 Moreover, the transcendent rank is clearer than the step position, therefore has not invented another set of sequence title. 而且,超凡者等级比阶位更清晰,因此也没有发明另一套序列头衔。 Unexpectedly is the high-rank feudal lord!” “竟然是上位领主!” Renn is somewhat surprised, learns of this news for the first time. 雷恩有些吃惊,还是第一次得知这个消息。 That Balor that in the past Reislin and teammates got rid of, was only ordinary Devil Lord, to some position feudal lord distances. 当年雷斯林和队友们干掉的那头巴洛炎魔,只是普通的恶魔领主,离中位领主都有一些距离。 „Several other Devil Lord strengths how?” He asked carefully. “其它几个恶魔领主的实力如何?”他仔细问起来。 Besides king of the abomination is the feudal lord, other three, the shadow ghost mother and Sutter demon and cult tactic masters are ordinary Devil Lord.” Eludecia returns said: Their four, I think what is thorniest is cult tactic master Syre, the strength is next to Brukantik.” “除了一个憎恶之王是中位领主以外,其它三个,暗影鬼母、萨特魔和邪术师都是普通恶魔领主。”爱洛提西娅回道:“它们四个,我认为最棘手的是邪术师‘塞尔’,实力仅次于布鲁坎提克。” After all Spellcaster.” Renn approves of her view. “毕竟施法者。”雷恩赞同她的说法。 The cult tactic master is in Abyss very rare being expert Spellcaster, majority are intelligent race Fallen comes, are most by human, almost once was black wizard. 邪术师是深渊中很少见的专精施法者,大多数是智慧种族堕落而来,以人类最多,几乎曾经都是黑巫师 Netif's devilman also birth cult tactic master. 涅提弗魔人也会诞生邪术师。 Also some cult tactic masters are the devil family backgrounds, for example the chaotic prince and Incubus, may become the cult tactic master. 也有一些邪术师是恶魔出身,比如混乱王子和梦魔,都有可能成为邪术师。 So long as is Spellcaster, that does not have to cope. 只要是施法者,那就没有好对付的。 The cult tactic master feudal lord, ability with Saint Soul wizard and Archmage is a rank, is no comparison between them with common Devil Lord. 邪术师领主,施法能力跟圣魂巫师大法师是一个级别,跟寻常的恶魔领主不可同日而语。 Five Devil Lord of gamma Lannan shore, unexpectedly two are not good to provoke. 伽玛兰南岸的五个恶魔领主,竟有两个不好招惹。 One is the high-rank feudal lord, the back has Abyss Lord ; 一个是上位领主,背后有深渊领主; One is saint level Spellcaster...... 一个是圣阶施法者…… No wonder after liking raising the West Asia unified north bank, entire a half year comprehensively has not marched, changes into general Devil Lord, even if the subordinates devil army are many, takes the lead with 1000 Dark Angel, can the direct steamroll in the past. 难怪爱洛提西亚统一北岸之后,整整半年没有全面进军,换成一般的恶魔领主,哪怕麾下恶魔军队再多,凭着一千个暗黑天使打头阵,也能直接碾压过去。 succubus looks the color of thinking to Renn, for a long time has not spoken, does not dare to make noise to disturb him. 魅魔雷恩面露思索之色,许久没有说话,也不敢出声打扰他。 Hits must hit.” “打还是要打。” Renn finally makes the decision, does not hit cannot harvest the soul, lacks charge level, does not have the devil corpse to take away to plant the black soul mushroom. 雷恩终于做出决定,不打就不能收割灵魂,缺少电量,也没有恶魔尸体拿去种黑魂菇。 The Eludecia spirit inspires, asking that is actually worried about: Brukantik back Abyss Lord what to do?” 爱洛提西娅精神一振,却不无担心的问道:“布鲁坎提克背后的深渊领主怎么办?” No matter it.” Renn beckons with the hand, this time I also send the battlefield Star Destroyer, if that Abyss Lord really came, the situation is not right, we first retreat. Besides the Dark Angel regiment, other things give up completely.” “不管它。”雷恩摆了摆手,“这次我把歼星舰也派上战场,要是那个深渊领主真的来了,情况不对,我们第一时间撤退。除了暗黑天使战团以外,其它东西全部放弃。” Looks at the dragon fort and source crystal ore does not want?” succubus is quite not a shed. “望龙要塞和源晶矿也不要了?”魅魔颇不为舍。 This means that she must the territory that gives up hitting with great difficulty, the subordinates 200 ten thousand devil armies must give up, was really a pity. 这意味着她要放弃好不容易打下来的领地,还有麾下两百多万恶魔军队都要放弃,实在太可惜了。 These are unimportant.” Renn said with a smile: So long as you are living , to continue to lead the Dark Angel regiment, we can rise in Misty Mountains momentarily.” “那些都不重要。”雷恩笑道:“只要你活着,继续率领暗黑天使战团,我们随时可以在迷雾山脉中重新崛起。” Eludecia nods gently. 爱洛提西娅轻轻点头。 The Renn comfort said, you do not need to worry, perhaps, that Balor blustered, no Abyss Lord. Now you said how must hit, called me, did you definitely have the plan?” 雷恩安慰道,“你也不必过于担忧,说不定,那个巴洛炎魔只是虚张声势,根本没什么深渊领主。现在你来说说要怎么打,把我叫过来,你肯定有计划了吧?” Storm!” “强攻!” succubus sincere said: „The fight between devil has no tactic, without many patterns, sends the army, comprehensive tangled warfare.” 魅魔正色说道:“恶魔之间的战斗没有什么战术可言,也没多少花样,就是把军队派上去,全面混战。” Renn is not accidental/surprised. 雷恩对此并不意外。 Each devil is hot tempered crazy, overwhelming majority devil lacks the rationality and wisdom, is constituted the army that by them, the exquisite tactic is unable to carry out. 每个恶魔都是暴躁疯狂的,绝大多数恶魔缺乏理性与智慧,由它们构成的军队,再精妙的战术都无法执行下去。 In their eyes, the fight is a character: Kill! 在它们眼里,战斗就是一个字:杀! Where devil quantity were more, is stronger, where wins. 哪边的恶魔数量更多,实力更强,哪边就赢了。 Eludecia put out a crude map, above is the entire gal Malling plain, roughly assumes the triangle, broad rivers divide into two triangle plain, north the rivers dominant center is situated in the northern part at the foot of the mountain looking dragon fort. 爱洛提西娅拿出了一张简陋的地图,上面是整个伽玛兰平原,大致呈三角形,一条宽阔的河流把三角平原一分为二,河流以北的统治中心是坐落在北部山脚下的望龙要塞。 But in the south bank, in the smooth land has one lowly, but occupies a land area of very big hill. 而在南岸,平坦的大地上有一座低矮但是占地很大的山丘。 succubus is pointing at the south bank middle hill, this mountain called east, Brukantik transformed the lava volcano the hill, the environment of its most custom. And builds up a giant castle on the mountain, is called east flame fort, Brukantik almost lives in inside.” 魅魔指着南岸正中间的山丘,“这座山叫‘洛东’,布鲁坎提克把山丘改造成了熔岩火山,它最习惯的环境。并在山上建起一座巨大的城堡,叫做‘洛东炎堡’,布鲁坎提克几乎都住在里面。” It made cult tactic master Syre arrange teleportation array in the castle, dens to lead to other Devil Lord.” “它让邪术师塞尔在城堡里布置了传送阵,通向其它恶魔领主的老巢。” So long as were attacked, other Devil Lord will give support.” “只要一个受到攻击,其它恶魔领主都会前来支援。” Therefore......” “所以……” The finger of Eludecia falls on the hill, my plan is the storm, sends completely the devil army, bridges over gamma Lan River, attacks east the flame fort.” 爱洛提西娅的手指落在山丘之上,“我的计划就是强攻,把全部恶魔军队派出去,跨过伽玛兰河,攻进洛东炎堡。” So many armies send out, definitely cannot hide the truth from the opposite shore.” “这么多军队出动,肯定瞒不过对岸。” Opportunity that but our attacks one time, before that is begins, while they have not detected, first gets rid of Devil Lord. My suggestion first kills......” “但我们有一次突袭的机会,那就是动手之前,趁着它们还没察觉的时候,先干掉一个恶魔领主。我的建议是先杀……” succubus looks to Renn. 魅魔看向雷恩 Two people saying as if by prior agreement: Cult tactic master Syre.” 两人不约而同的说道:“邪术师塞尔。” This is the optimization, Balor is not easy to eliminate, in other four Devil Lord, the threat of cult tactic is biggest, is most difficult to kill. So long as removed the cult tactic master, Devil Lord does not have magic spell to support, the fight variable sharply fell a rank. 这是最佳选择,巴洛炎魔没那么容易消灭,其余四个恶魔领主之中,邪术师的威胁最大,也最难杀。只要除掉了邪术师,恶魔领主没有法术支持,战斗变数锐减了一个等级。 Renn, you thought that this battle plan is feasible?” After Eludecia said that waits for the judgment of Renn. 雷恩,你觉得这个战斗计划可行吗?”爱洛提西娅说完之后,等待雷恩的判断。 Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” The Renn nod approval, I have a proposition, besides cult tactic master, but can also behead Devil Lord again.” 雷恩点头赞同,“不过我有一个提议,除了邪术师以外,还可以再斩首一个恶魔领主。” I must direct the devil army, cannot withdraw the body, cannot guarantee that quick ended the fight.” Eludecia is somewhat awkward. “我要指挥恶魔军队,脱不开身,也不能保证很快就结束战斗。”爱洛提西娅有些为难。 You do not need to act.” Renn smiled one, do not forget also has Reislin.” “你不用出手。”雷恩笑了一声,“不要忘记了还有雷斯林。” succubus eye one bright. 魅魔眼睛一亮。 The Reislin strength she is very clear, the feeling is immeasurably deep, but usually very few saw, Reislin also did come?” 雷斯林的实力她很清楚,感觉深不可测,只是平时很少见到,“雷斯林也来了吗?” He continuously.” Renn mysterious saying. “他一直都在。”雷恩神秘的说道。 Eludecia observes the situation in the bridge, had not actually discovered that the Reislin form, in the heart awes, after oneself become Blood Angel, still could not see the Reislin depth. Renn the clone, making her feel more fearful than main body. 爱洛提西娅在舰桥中环视一圈,却没有发现雷斯林的身影,不禁心中敬畏,自己成为圣血天使以后,仍然看不出雷斯林的深浅。雷恩的这个分身,让她觉得比本体更可怕。 I strike to kill the cult tactic master, Reislin am responsible for eliminating the king of abomination.” “我去击杀邪术师,雷斯林负责消灭憎恶之王。” Renn assigned the duty rapidly. 雷恩迅速分配好了任务。 The king of abomination is undead creature, the big body with innumerable corpse splicing, the shape such as the giant of extremely fat variation, has powerful strength and defense, restoring is also quick, but its any magic spell, cannot only the close combat, magic resistance very be also mediocre. 憎恶之王是亡灵生物,高大的躯体用无数尸体拼接而成,形如臃肿变异的巨人,拥有强大的力量和防御,恢复也非常快,但它不会任何法术,只能近战,魔法抗性也很平庸。 The magic is the abomination difficult adversary. 魔法就是憎恶的克星。 Facing magic spell bombing of Reislin, the king of abomination has no opportunity of survival. 面对雷斯林法术轰炸,憎恶之王没有任何存活的机会。 Good!” “好!” Eludecia does not have the objection. 爱洛提西娅没有异议。 Two people decide in the bridge some operational details, then go into action. 两人在舰桥中商定了一些作战细节,然后就行动起来。 Renn distorts with active metal, the head has a pair of purple bend angle, the back opens the broad wing, the both feet turns into the hoof of devil, a slender tail extends, the terminal ties a sharp arrow, this is the Incubus shape. 雷恩活化金属变形,头上生出一对紫色弯角,背后张开宽阔的幅翼,双脚变成恶魔之蹄,一条修长的尾巴延伸出去,末端结有一枚锐利的箭头,这是梦魔的形态。 Incubus is masculine succubus, moreover does not like wearing the clothes. 梦魔就是男性魅魔,而且不爱穿衣服。 Renn took off light armor, reveals the strong chest, receives the cloak, waist below is only left over facile mithril leg armor, the light the double hoof, the scale on calf is reflecting the light metallic luster, the appearance has almost not distinguished with true Incubus. 雷恩脱掉了身上的轻甲,露出强壮的胸膛,收起披风,腰部以下只剩下一副轻便的秘银腿甲,光着双蹄,小腿上的鳞片折射出淡淡的金属光泽,外貌跟真正的梦魔几乎没有区别。 Walks.” He said. “走吧。”他说道。 Then discovered that Eludecia complexion slightly red, asked: What's wrong? You the first time are not saw me to turn into Incubus.” 然后发现爱洛提西娅的脸色微红,不禁问道:“怎么了?你又不是第一次看见我变成梦魔。” „Do you want to use this shape fight?” succubus asked in a soft voice. “你要用这种形态战斗?”魅魔轻声问。 Naturally.” “当然。” Renn nods, cannot make devil suspect your status origin, I in Abyss openly make an appearance, does not use lightning spells and other abilities as far as possible, only by the close combat and mental spells, can get rid of these Devil Lord in the same old way.” 雷恩点了点头,“不能让恶魔怀疑你的身份来历,我在深渊中公开露面的时候,尽量不用雷电法术和其它能力,只靠近战和心灵法术,照样也能干掉那些恶魔领主。” Incubus is like succubus, grasps to attract the ability inborn, this is power of mind, can develop and grasp mental spells. 梦魔魅魔一样,天生掌握魅惑能力,这就是一种心灵之力,可以开发并掌握心灵法术 Eludecia can become Holy Swordsman that cultivates power of mind, because of so. 爱洛提西娅能成为修炼心灵之力圣剑士,也是因为如此。 Her expression is somewhat strange. 她的表情有些古怪。 Entire Abyss could not find like you Incubus, such strong tenacious, had compared with antiquity dragon demon more fearful strength!” “整个深渊都找不到像你这样的梦魔,这么强壮坚韧,拥有比上古龙魔更可怕的力量!” A physical quality of succubus clan is quite mediocre in devil, is never famous for the close combat. 魅魔一族的身体素质在恶魔中较为平庸,从来不以近战著称。 Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” Renn understands her meaning, doesn't matter, I am the first invincible in close combat Incubus feudal lord. Had not stipulated, Incubus cannot cultivation powerful strength, right?” 雷恩明白了她的意思,“没关系,那我就做第一个近战无敌梦魔领主。从来没有规定,梦魔不能修炼出强大的力量,对吧?” Eludecia is unable to refute. 爱洛提西娅无法反驳。 Renn opens portal, returns to look the steel throne in dragon fort with her together. 雷恩打开传送门,跟她一起返回望龙要塞中的钢铁王座。 Sits to the throne above, the succubus face has exchanged the dignity with withering, cold sound called out: Pasuvio, you where?” 坐到王座之上,魅魔的脸庞已经换上了威严与肃杀,冷声叫道:“帕苏维奥,你在哪里?” Her sound spread over entire looked at the dragon fort, after several seconds, a huge dark Red Dragon shadow flew to shoot from outside, fell changes into the human form in the ground, crawled in the under foot of Eludecia, returned respectfully said: Master, I came!” 她的声音传遍了整个望龙要塞,几秒钟后,一道巨大的暗红龙影从外面飞射进来,落在地面上化为人形,匍匐在在爱洛提西娅的脚下,恭敬回道:“主人,我来了!” Renn stands under the steel throne, looks at the close Evil Dragon. 雷恩站在钢铁王座之下,看着近在咫尺的恶龙。 It is evil energy ancient dragon, is called Inferno Dragon, this is born variation dragons one of the in Abyss, grasps a green evil energy flame inborn, compared with the main material world Red Dragon flame, the high temperature slightly some were inferior, but dragon breath has the corrosion and discoloration mental effect, since birth is the Evil Dragon, with devil not different. 它是一头邪能古龙,也叫做“狱火龙”,这是诞生在深渊中的异种龙之一,天生掌握一种绿色的邪能火焰,比主物质界的红龙火焰,高温略有不如,但是龙息具有腐蚀和染污心智的效果,生来就是恶龙,与恶魔无异。 Ekang mount Hell's Three-headed Dragon, a head is Inferno Dragon. 艾克昂的坐骑地狱三头龙,其中一个头颅就是狱火龙 Pasuvio is Antiquity Dragon, previously one of the north bank Devil Lord, after Eludecia defeated, to maintain a livelihood to her submits. 帕苏维奥远古龙,此前北岸的恶魔领主之一,被爱洛提西娅击败以后,为了活命向她臣服。 Eludecia makes it lie , to continue to subpoena other devil. 爱洛提西娅让它趴着,继续传唤其它恶魔 Big devil enter the throne hall, falls waits to order under the throne, they are army Boss that Eludecia promotes, is primarily destroying the demon, the combustion demon and shadow demon, at least is above middle rank big devil. 一个个大恶魔进入王座大厅,落在王座之下等候命令,它们都是爱洛提西娅提拔上来的军队首领,以破坏魔、燃烧魔和暗影魔为主,至少都是中阶以上的大恶魔 Dozens big devil arrived in full quickly. 数十个大恶魔很快到齐了。 Eludecia stands from the throne, the hand according to Soul Devouring Blade, sends out the air/Qi of withering, ordered loudly: My slaves, take all your army set off, bridges over gamma Lan River to south, enters east the flame fort!” 爱洛提西娅从王座上站起来,手按在噬魂之刃上,散发出肃杀之气,高声下令:“我的奴隶们,带上你们所有的军队出发,向南跨过伽玛兰河,进军洛东炎堡!”
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