WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#927: Enters Abyss again

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Chapter 927 enters Abyss again 第927章再进深渊 Renn temporarily not to the idea that „the Lauris city changes name. 雷恩暂时没有给“罗利城”改名的想法。 Completes magic torch light runic magic array and High Tower takes about two months, this is not difficult, but lacks Eola's nucleus. 建成魔法炬光符文法阵高塔需要两个月左右,这并不难,但是缺少伊奥拉之核 In the two years, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers has been making Eola's nucleus, but also only made two -and-a-half, uses in Isengard, installs on Gotham Star Destroyer, third Eola's nucleus progress just more than half, at least needs to wait for a half year to finish again. 这两年,雷铸天兵一直在制造伊奥拉之核,但也只造出了两个半,一个用在艾辛格,一个安装在哥谭歼星舰上,第三个伊奥拉之核的进度刚过半,至少要再等半年才能完工。 Moreover, in Coors territory still remains hundreds of thousands devilman, they are scattered, need the duke guard to eliminate slowly. 而且,库尔斯格的领地中仍然残留着十几万魔人,他们非常分散,需要公爵卫队慢慢清除。 These require the time. 这些都需要时间。 Even built up High Tower and magic torch light, now the construction of Empire All parties influence key in Isengard, commodity of population and transportation that since the empire migrates, almost as centralized as Isengard, simultaneously develops two cities, instead will cut the efficiency. 就算建起了高塔和魔法炬光,现在帝国各方势力的建设重点在艾辛格,从帝国迁移过来的人口、运输的物资,几乎都集中到艾辛格,同时开拓两个城市,反而会降低效率。 The plan of Renn is every year rebuilds a city. 雷恩的计划是每年重建一座城市。 After High Tower of Lauris city completes, the army will not advance to south temporarily. 罗利城的高塔建成以后,大军也暂时不会向南推进。 Then constructs the direction to shift to north Gotham City, Roberts will be the next reconstruction city, later will expand to south again. 然后建设方向转向哥谭城北方,洛波斯特将是下一座重建的城市,之后才会重新向南扩张。 South of the Lauris city is Quintuh, was controlled by a evil beastman feudal lord. The strength and army of king of this evil beast are inferior to Kurle Gosse, territory also only then about Kurle Gosse's half, reason that since can survive , because it was treated as the buffer. 罗利城以南的城市是“奎茵特”,被一个邪兽人领主控制。这头邪兽之王的实力和军队都不如库尔格斯,领地也只有库尔格斯的一半左右,之所以能生存至今,是因为它被当作了缓冲区。 The north side of buffer is Kurle Gosse. 缓冲区的北边是库尔格斯。 The south side is a Dreadlord domain, the land became Abyss wasteland by the evil energy discoloration, the environment is extremely bad, is almost similar to Abyss plane.. 南边是一个恐惧魔王的地盘,土地都被邪能染污成深渊废土,环境极其恶劣,几乎跟深渊位面差不多。。 The Dreadlord subordinates devil army, quantity Bikour Gosse are many several times. devil is pure evil creature, did not fear the death also would hardly fear, they were nastier than Netif's devilman, even Eternal God's Chosen Ekang will not easily provoke. 恐惧魔王麾下恶魔军队,数量比库尔格斯多出好几倍。恶魔是纯粹的邪恶生物,不惧死亡也几乎不会恐惧,它们比涅提弗魔人更加难以对付,即使是永世神选艾克昂也不会轻易招惹。 It is not Abyss Lord, but the strength is more powerful than most Abyss Lord. 它不是深渊领主,但是实力比多数深渊领主更加强大。 Dreadlord as well as its devil army, are the New World eastern coast strongest influences, the territory that not only occupies is biggest, the quantity of army are also most. 恐惧魔王以及它的恶魔军队,是新大陆东海岸的最强势力,不但占据的领地最大,军队的数量也最多。 Renn promised that to Wizland Orlando, the sunlight state that as well as is, completely in this Dreadlord territory. 雷恩许诺给威泽兰摩兰多,以及所在的阳光州,全部都在这个恐惧魔王的领地之内。 Quintuh and he/she Gou and Orlando, needs to build up three High Tower and magic torch light, can shine such big territory. 奎茵特、伊苟和摩兰多,需要建起三座高塔和魔法炬光,才能照耀这么大的领地。 The preliminary idea of Renn keeps the evil beastman territory, still as buffer. 雷恩的初步想法是留着邪兽人的领地,仍然作为缓冲区。 When two to three years later the Lauris city completes completely, four Imperial-class Star Destroyer finish, the duke guard also expands manpower to over 30,000 people, fans out in two groups, simultaneously launches the attack from the north-south two sides, eliminates evil beastman and Dreadlord. 等两到三年后罗利城完全建成,四艘帝国级歼星舰全部完工,公爵卫队也扩编到三万人以上,兵分两路,从南北两边同时发动进攻,一口气消灭邪兽人恐惧魔王 So long as succeeds, entire New World eastern coast will recover! 只要成功,整个新大陆东海岸都将光复! Five years!” “五年!” Within five years must regain eastern coast, completes plan that pledged to Empire All parties.” “五年之内一定要收复东海岸,完成向帝国各方承诺的计划。” Renn looks that more than 1000 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers construct the High Tower base, thinks at heart several years later, when the time comes, I am ruling entire eastern coast, more than ten cities, the area is equivalent to the less than half empire, moreover is the fertile lands, the resources are also quite rich, can definitely support oneself for the king.” 雷恩看着一千多个雷铸天兵建设高塔基地,心里想到了几年之后,“到时候,我统治着整个东海岸,十几座城市,面积相当于小半个帝国,而且都是肥沃的土地,资源也极为丰富,完全可以自立为王了。” In name, the New World territory that he develops belongs to the empire. 名义上,他开拓的新大陆领土都属于帝国。 But in fact, these territories is completely itself, the land, resources, population and army, founded a condition of kingdom to satisfy. 但在实际上,这些领地完全属于自己一个人,土地、资源、人口和军队,创建一个王国的条件都满足了。 ......” “唔……” First puts on a royal crown, then transited to the emperor title, making everyone be used to it, proclaiming oneself emperor time the sound that opposed because will be smaller.” “先戴上一顶王冠,然后向皇帝头衔过渡,让大家都习惯了,称帝的时候反对的声音因为会小一些。” What should kingdom call?” “王国应该叫什么呢?” In the Renn brain flashes through many country's names, probably is not quite suitable, quick was denied by oneself. 雷恩脑中闪过多个国名,好像都不太适合,很快就被自己否定了。 He considered long time has not decided that therefore after throwing into the brain, now also early, when really must establish the kingdom to make the decision again. 他考虑了良久都没定下来,于是抛到脑后,现在还早,等到真的要成立王国了再做决定。 ...... 呼…… Renn shook a shoulder, summoned ten mirror image, to flew in all directions. 雷恩晃了一下肩膀,召唤出十个镜像,向四面八方飞起来。 He also flew the sky, opens All Seeing Eye with mirror image together, regarding the ruins high-speed flight of devilman tribe, the thing in eye glance ground like the radar, does not let off any exceptionally place. 他自己也飞上了天空,跟镜像一起开启全视之眼,围绕着魔人部落的废墟高速飞行,眼睛像雷达一样扫视地面上的事物,不放过任何异常之处。 Before Kurle Gosse at the point of death, shouted propaganda at Ekang, but cannot ask that he had anything to agree with Ekang, making Renn not feel relieved. 库尔格斯临死前喊话艾克昂,但是没能问出他跟艾克昂有什么约定,让雷恩不放心。 Reislin also displays mirror image spell, joins the search together. 雷斯林也施展镜像术,一起加入搜索。 After the moment . 片刻后。 main body adds on clone and mirror image, 24 people search together, the efficiency is extremely high, quick discovered the clue, Renn immediately mental jump in the past. In the south about 15 li (0.5 km) of devilman tribe, under the ground dozens meters, there is an area over a thousand squares cavern. 本体加上分身镜像,二十四个人一起搜索,效率极高,很快就发现了端倪,雷恩立即心灵跳跃过去。在魔人部落的南面大约十五里,地面之下数十米,有一个面积上千平方的洞穴。 Renn enters the cavern, seeing in the ground to arrange huge teleportation array. 雷恩进入洞穴,看见地面上布置了庞大的传送阵 However, teleportation array had been destroyed. 不过,传送阵已经被摧毁了。 He observes the situation, shortly after this cavern just unearthed obviously, the soil on wall is very fresh, teleportation array also destroyed thorough, is unable to distinguish the space and time coordinates. 他环视一圈,这个洞穴显然是刚挖掘不久,墙壁上的泥土都很新鲜,传送阵也被破坏的很彻底,无法辨别出时空坐标。 This should be Kurle Gosse's subsequent hand.” Renn is very easy to make the judgment, „, if the duke guard cannot break through the city wall, Ekang army teleportation comes, can launch the surprise attack from the battlefield, really may reverse the aspect actually.” “这应该就是库尔格斯的后手了。”雷恩很容易做出判断,“如果公爵卫队没能攻破城墙,艾克昂的军队传送过来,可以从战场后方发起突袭,倒是真有可能扭转局面。” But the Ekang army has not appeared finally.” “但是艾克昂的军队最后还是没有出现。” „The efficiency of duke guard was too quick, the armored warfare ship direct bang the city wall, did not give them the time of the back attacking.” “公爵卫队的效率太快了,装甲战艇直接轰倒了城墙,不给他们从背后突袭的时机。” Renn guessed, Ekang was not according to the circumstances right, gave up the support.” 雷恩猜测,“艾克昂见机不对,放弃了支援。” His expression is very prudent, among devilman is perfidious is not strange, Ekang and Kurle Gosse battle several hundred years, the enmity is extremely deep, they see somebody in danger and do nothing also passably. 他的表情很慎重,魔人之间背信弃义并不奇怪,艾克昂和库尔格斯争斗数百年,仇怨极深,他们见死不救也说得过去。 Since previous Ekang and teacher and Grandmaster Oroin supposes by oneself the trap sneak attacks, he again has not appeared. 自从上次艾克昂被自己和老师、欧罗因大师设下陷阱偷袭之后,他就再也没有出现过。 But from general situation set off, Ekang should not, whatever encroach upon the devilman territory. Although his domain and army are Kurle Gosse's over ten times, but the strength of devilman entire clan is weaken, but strengthens as the strength of enemy, is in inverse proportion, relative strength of both sides must turn inside out sooner or later. 但从大局出发,艾克昂绝不应该任由自己侵占魔人的领地。虽然他的地盘和军队是库尔格斯的十倍以上,但是魔人全族的实力减弱,而作为敌人的自己实力增强,此消彼涨,双方的实力对比迟早要翻过来。 Ekang will be not so shortsighted, but does not make any movement. 艾克昂绝不会如此短视,而不做出任何动作。 He has certainly other fish to fry!” “他一定另有图谋!” Renn returns to Star Destroyer immediately, enters the magic laboratory, dozens just created soon Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers to walk. 雷恩马上回到歼星舰上,进入魔法实验室,几十个刚创造不久的雷铸天兵走进来。 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers revolution steel body, stimulating active metal to start to distort, the stature changes tall Bianzhuang, the five senses gradually are also fierce, the double pupil transfers dark red, the black hair elongates throws over on the broad shoulder, lends the wild hot tempered aura. 一个雷铸天兵的运转钢铁之躯,激发活化金属开始变形,身材变高变壮,五官也逐渐狰狞,双眸转为暗红,黑发拉长披在宽阔的肩头上,散发出狂野暴躁的气息。 After several seconds, he turned into Netif's devilman! 几秒钟后,他变成了一个涅提弗魔人 Renn sized up several, making Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers make some adjustments in the detail, then put out one set of seizing devilman armor to put on to him, the camouflage almost did not have the flaw. 雷恩打量了几眼,让雷铸天兵在细节上做了一些调整,然后拿出一套缴获的魔人铠甲给他穿上,伪装几乎毫无破绽。 active metal is not magic spell, the distortion later fixes, even true seeing spell is unable to see through. 活化金属不是法术,变形之后固定下来,连真知术都无法看穿。 So long as Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers not, does not release the aura, camouflages to be hard to grasp the evil energy ordinary devilman soldier, only if has ability that sees through the soul, otherwise would hardly expose. Moreover, Renn will have had a good command of the Abyss language, changing the voice is also very easy. 只要雷铸天兵不施法,不释放气息,伪装成难以掌握邪能的普通魔人战士,除非拥有看穿灵魂的能力,否则几乎不会暴露。而且,雷恩早就会掌握了深渊语,改变口音也很容易。 Was OK.” “可以了。” Renn nods, making other Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers also distort. 雷恩点了点头,让其他雷铸天兵也变形。 Quick, in the magic laboratory presented one crowd of Netif's devilman, everyone puts on the coarse armor, grasps the black iron weapon, is undifferentiated with a true devilman army. 很快,魔法实验室中出现了一群涅提弗魔人,每个人都穿上粗陋的铠甲,手持黑铁武器,跟一支真正的魔人军队毫无差别。 Goes!” “去吧!” Renn raises hand, goes out more than 30 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers teleportation, disperses in the wilderness. 雷恩扬手,把三十多个雷铸天兵传送出去,分散在荒野上。 These camouflage devilman Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers to act separately, said that escapes from Kurle Gosse's tribe, infiltrates the remaining devilman team, crossed Barye Ziya mountain range together, moves onto the Ekang turf, ambushes in the devilman army. 这些伪装成魔人雷铸天兵将会分头行动,自称是从库尔格斯的部落中逃出来的,混进残余的魔人队伍,一起翻过巴列奇亚山脉,进入艾克昂的地盘,在魔人军队中潜伏下来。 Knows oneself and other side, is undefeated in many battles! 知己知彼,百战不殆! Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers is the legend middle rank, even without magic spell, will only show talent for the first time in devilman by the close combat quickly, gets to the top. 雷铸天兵都是传奇中阶,即使不用法术,只靠近战也很快就会在魔人中崭露头角,爬上高位。 The ultimate objective is to contact Ekang, is in control of his trend. 最终目标是接触到艾克昂,掌握他的动向。 But this is only the first batch. 而这只是第一批。 Renn decides, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers that later creates sends, sneaks the devilman tribe, at least needs to achieve 1000! 雷恩打定主意,之后创造的雷铸天兵都派出去,潜入魔人部落,至少要达到一千个! Moreover, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers can also through constructing spell model, camouflages Purgatory Mage. 而且,雷铸天兵也可以通过构建法术模型,伪装成炼狱法师 In the Ekang army middle and upper level will proliferate the ghost. 艾克昂的军队中上层将遍布内鬼。 On the Renn face shows the happy expression, will arrive at the critical moment of decisive battle, in these ghost the treachery launches an attack simultaneously, does not know that what Ekang will have to respond? 雷恩脸上露出笑意,将来到决战的关键时刻,这些内鬼同时倒戈发难,不知艾克昂会有什么反应? Your side is my person, why to fight with me? 你身边都是我的人,凭什么跟我斗? Over the following month, Renn Gotham Star Destroyer hovering sky over the Lauris city, opens the invisible force field, assures the security of this region. High Tower of Lauris city completed half, but to finishing also far, because does not have Eola's nucleus, therefore is not anxious. 此后一个多月,雷恩把“哥谭号”歼星舰悬停在罗利城上空,开启隐形力场,保证这片区域的安全。罗利城的高塔建成了一半,但离完工还远,因为没有伊奥拉之核,所以也不急。 The duke guard almost will send out, to sweep the Lauris city peripheral region every day. 公爵卫队几乎每天都会出动,扫荡罗利城周边区域。 In 300 li (0.5 km), could not have found a devilman tribe, survival hundreds of thousands devilman crossed Barye Ziya mountain range, ran into the Ekang territory. 三百里内,已经找不到一个魔人部落了,幸存的十几万魔人翻过巴列奇亚山脉,逃进了艾克昂的领地。 devilman that these escape had to mix in more than 200 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers. 这些逃亡的魔人有混入了两百多个雷铸天兵 On Star Destroyer. 歼星舰上。 Renn created Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, then looked at soul power pool, because devilman eliminated was similar, charge level that remains are not many. 雷恩创造了一个雷铸天兵,然后看了一眼魂力池,因为魔人已经被消灭的差不多了,所剩的电量不多。 However, the creation of Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers was also near the end. 不过,雷铸天兵的创造也接近了尾声。 Except 1000 Dark Angel, the Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers quantity more than 9900, have only missed dozens to achieve 10,000 people! 除去一千个暗黑天使,雷铸天兵的数量已经九千九百多个,只差几十个就能达到一万人! 12th rank MainBrain's heart can create 16384 separated brain chip. 十二级主脑之心可以创造16384个分脑芯片 At present has used up about 12,000, other 4000 separated brain chip, Renn no longer creates Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers temporarily, but uses in Star Destroyer and on the armored warfare ship, fighter aircraft and power armor, the guard makes enough equipment and vehicle to the duke. 目前已经用掉了将近一万二千个,剩余的四千个分脑芯片,雷恩暂时不再创造雷铸天兵,而是用在歼星舰、装甲战艇、战机和动力装甲上,给公爵卫队制造足够的装备和载具。 Then if has charge level, first activates Minecraft. 接下来如果有电量,首先激活“我的世界”。 81......” “81了……” Renn looked under the progress bar under icon, activates Minecraft to need 100,000 standard charge level, so long as invested 19,000 standard charge level to be enough again. 雷恩看了下图标下的进度条,激活我的世界需要十万格电量,只要再投入一万九千格电量就足够了。 After this, charge level mainly assigns to Dark Angel, strengthens more complete bodies. 在这之后,电量主要分配给暗黑天使,强化更多的完全体。 Un?” “嗯?” Renn just thought of Dark Angel, the information that synchronizes from Abyss, Eludecia must look for itself. 雷恩刚想到了暗黑天使,就从深渊那边同步过来的信息,爱洛提西娅要找自己。 His localization phase beacon, passes through directly rapidly remotely enters Misty Mountains void, appears on the Glamorgan Star Destroyer bridge. Because Star Destroyer has two, therefore Glamorgan most times keep Abyss, hovering are in sight the sky of dragon fort. 他直接定位相位道标,迅速穿越遥远虚空进入迷雾山脉,出现在“格拉摩根号”歼星舰的舰桥上。因为歼星舰已经有两艘,所以格拉摩根号多数时候留在深渊,悬停在望龙要塞的上空。 Renn looked at eye below steel fort, opened portal. 雷恩看了眼下方的钢铁要塞,打开了一道传送门 The succubus slender form drops. 魅魔的窈窕身影穿门出来。 Eludecia becomes Devil Lord to have more than one year, subordinates has about two million devil armies, kills gal Malling plain rivers of blood, cast the prestige with the innumerable devil flesh, on the beautiful face withers completely dignifiedly, vision cold like blade. 爱洛提西娅成为恶魔领主已经有一年多,麾下拥有近两百万恶魔军队,杀得伽玛兰平原血流成河,用无数恶魔的血肉铸就了威名,绝美的脸庞上满是威严肃杀,目光冷冽如刀。 But is seeing the Renn instance, the eye pupil of succubus melted, reveals very joyfully. 但在见到雷恩的瞬间,魅魔的眼眸就融化了,露出十分欣喜。 Renn, you come!” 雷恩,你来啦!” She arrives at the Renn front, seems very happy, previous time saw Renn is six months ago, in this period only through the Dark Angel contact. 她来到雷恩的面前,显得非常开心,上次见到雷恩是半年前,期间都只通过暗黑天使联络。 Eloya.” 爱洛娅。” On the Renn face also shows the happy expression, sized up her two eyes, discovered that she promoted 1st rank, is two 11th rank Blood Angel. 雷恩脸上也露出笑意,打量了她两眼,发现她提升了一级,已经是二十一级圣血天使了。 succubus minoring in holy light and power of mind, although the Lord duty is Blood Angel, but can fuse demonic soul like Holy Swordsman. The rank promotion of Holy Swordsman, her holy blood's power can also grow synchronously, two strength achieve the balance. 魅魔兼修圣光心灵之力,虽然主职是圣血天使,但还是可以像圣剑士一样融合魔魂圣剑士的等级提升,她的圣血之力也能同步增长,两种力量重新达到平衡。 The union of angel and devil was doomed her specialness and great strength. 天使与恶魔的结合注定了她的特殊与强大。 He said with a smile: Your strength progress was big, does very well, good work!” 他不由笑道:“你的实力进步不小,干得很好,辛苦了!” Eludecia unified north bank of the gal Malling plain six months ago, defeated north bank another two Devil Lord, Devil Lord demonic soul was fused by her, another submits to her, therefore saved its life. 爱洛提西娅在半年前就统一了伽玛兰平原北岸,击败了北岸的另外两个恶魔领主,其中一个恶魔领主魔魂被她融合,另一个向她臣服,因此保住了它的性命。 In addition, succubus found two source crystal ore in the gal Malling northern part mountain range. 此外,魅魔在伽玛兰北部的山脉中找到了两座源晶矿 Although is not rich like the mineral deposit of sigh wilderness, but two add, can unearth over a million pounds source crystal. She enslaves devil army mining stay up till dawn, has dug out hundreds of thousands pounds, every other delivers this Star Destroyer for half a month in secret. 虽然不像叹息荒野的矿产储量那么丰富,但是两座加起来,也能挖掘上百万磅源晶。她奴役恶魔军队日夜不停的采矿,已经挖出了十几万磅,每隔半个月暗中送上这艘歼星舰 Besides source crystal, a lot of gold, magic metal and gem. 除了源晶,还有大量的黄金、魔法金属和宝石。 The Misty Mountains resources are rich, these things are not worth a red cent in the devil eye, plunder very easily, Eludecia collects, gave Renn. 迷雾山脉的资源非常丰富,这些东西在恶魔眼中一文不值,搜刮很容易,爱洛提西娅都收集起来,交给了雷恩 Short more than one year, she gave Renn to create the wealth of 10.01 million golden Shield. 短短一年多,她就给雷恩创造了一千万万金盾的财富。 If counted source crystal, value over a hundred million! 如果算上源晶,价值上亿! Renn deeply feels itself to march the decision of Abyss to be correct, this is also only north bank of the gal Malling plain, the area does not arrive at entire Misty Mountains 3%. If this entire Abyss plane seizes, the obtained value will be high to being inconceivable! 雷恩深感自己进军深渊的决定是正确的,这还只是伽玛兰平原北岸,面积不到整个迷雾山脉的百分之三。如果这一整层深渊位面都占领下来,得到的价值将高到难以想象! Heard the praise of Renn, Eludecia feels all value. 听到雷恩的夸奖,爱洛提西娅觉得一切都值了。 „It is not laborious!” “不辛苦!” She shakes the head to say gently: Has Dark Angel to help me, defeating these Devil Lord is not difficult, even is very relaxed.” 她又轻轻摇头道:“有暗黑天使们帮助我,击败那些恶魔领主并不难,甚至很轻松。” Renn smiles, „did you prepare to march south bank of the gal Malling plain?” 雷恩笑了笑,“你准备进军伽玛兰平原南岸了?” Yes.” “是的。” Eludecia nods, five Devil Lord of south bank join up the resistance to look at the dragon fort, I have found out their strength and devil army, even the direct engagement, I still have the confidence to eliminate their armies, but kills Devil Lord somewhat to be difficult.” 爱洛提西娅点头,“南岸的五个恶魔领主联合起来对抗望龙要塞,我已经摸清了它们的实力和恶魔军队,就算是正面交战,我也有信心消灭它们的军队,但杀死恶魔领主却有些困难。” Therefore you do want to make me make a move?” Renn understood what is heard. “所以你想让我出手?”雷恩听明白了。 Un.” “嗯。” succubus is somewhat embarrassed, „, if only then three Devil Lord, that evil energy ancient dragon who in addition I enslave, I can also cope, but they have five......” 魅魔有些不好意思,“如果只有三个恶魔领主,加上我奴役的那头邪能古龙,我还能对付,可是它们有五个……” Gives me to come.” Renn said with a smile self-confidently: You, so long as directed the army on the line.” “都交给我来。”雷恩自信笑道:“你只要指挥军队就行了。” Eludecia does not doubt the Renn strength, actually also somewhat worried, said in a soft voice: South bank most powerful Devil Lord is that Balor, who I have not investigated thoroughly its back Abyss Lord am, may have some troubles.” 爱洛提西娅毫不怀疑雷恩的实力,却也有些担忧,轻声道:“南岸最强大的恶魔领主是那头巴洛炎魔,我还没有查清它背后的深渊领主是谁,可能会有一些麻烦。” The Renn complexion changes, hesitates saying: Abyss Lord......” 雷恩脸色微变,沉吟道:“深渊领主……”
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