WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#926: Anti-Magic Battalion

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Chapter 926 Anti-Magic Battalion 第926章反魔法营 Renn is waiting for a while same place, All Seeing Eye took a fast look around this sky back and forth. 雷恩在原地等待了一会儿,全视之眼来回扫视这片天空。 He has not received to attract Kurle Gosse's soul. 他没有收吸库尔格斯的灵魂。 Kurle Gosse is the Lord of Darkness God's Chosen champion, but also obtained the blessings of blood god, regardless of the blood god is Lord of Darkness clone, he is dual God's Chosen, the position no small matter, likely was closely watched by Evil God. 库尔格斯是黑暗之主神选冠军,还得到了血神的赐福,无论血神是不是黑暗之主分身,他都是双重神选,地位非同小可,很可能受到了邪神的密切关注。 This situation is more prudent, cannot seek after several thousand standard charge level to bring in Evil God. 这种情况还是慎重一些,不能贪图几千格电量就引来邪神 Since one month, has eliminated the devilman tribe time is also selective soul absorption. In Kurle Gosse's territory has 200 ten thousand devilman, now sharply falls to less than 500,000, in reduced more than 1.5 million devilman only has 1/3 souls to be harvested. 一个多月以来,消灭魔人部落的时候也是选择性的吸收灵魂。库尔格斯的领地里有两百多万魔人,如今锐减到不足五十万,减少的一百五十万多魔人中只有三分之一的灵魂被收割。 New World is different from devil, Netif's devilman can slaughter, but cannot harvest the soul recklessly. 新大陆毕竟不同于恶魔,涅提弗魔人可以杀戮,但不能肆意收割灵魂。 In this regard, Renn has been very discrete. 在这方面,雷恩一直很谨慎。 Should die!” “应该死了!” soul eyes and All Seeing Eye had not discovered sign that Kurle Gosse resurrects, dropping the blood rebirth is truly thorny, so long as destroyed the blood on the line completely. 灵魂之眼全视之眼都没有发现库尔格斯复活的迹象,滴血重生确实很棘手,但只要把鲜血全部毁灭就行了。 „The king of bloodthirsty......” “嗜血之王……” Is next to Ekang one of the several God's Chosen champions worthily, what's the big deal?” “不愧是仅次于艾克昂的几位神选冠军之一,那又如何?” Renn quite somewhat is at heart self-satisfied, Kurle Gosse is powerful, the 30th rank God's Chosen champion, in main material world is most peak powerhouse ranks. 雷恩心里颇有几分得意,库尔格斯的实力非常强大,三十级神选冠军,在主物质界已经是最巅峰的强者行列了。 Kurle Gosse's strength holds compared with Weikelamadiya II that the ninth circle emperor armed with in addition, the striking power and defensive power slightly lose, but the Kurle Gosse's vitality by far Weikelamadiya II, the overall strength wins partly plans. 库尔格斯的实力跟加持了九环帝王武装的维克拉玛蒂亚二世相比,攻击力和防御力略输一些,但是库尔格斯的生命力远胜维克拉玛蒂亚二世,总体实力更胜半筹。 Several years ago with Weikelamadiya II fights, Renn or 19th rank wizard. 几年前跟维克拉玛蒂亚二世交手的时候,雷恩还是十九级巫师 But now, oneself were 22nd rank Saint Soul wizard! 而现在,自己是二十二级圣魂巫师了! Strength day difference place.. 实力天差别地。。 Renn is self-confident, if to Weikelamadiya II, will definitely not look like again were so difficult in the past, the relaxedness can strike to kill. 雷恩自信如果再对上维克拉玛蒂亚二世,肯定不会像当年那么困难,轻松就能击杀。 close-combat profession, is inferior to Spellcaster eventually. 近战职业,终究不如施法者 Arrived the present strength, Renn felt that entire main material world can hit one dozen of close-combat profession with oneself, possibly cannot collect a hand. 到了如今的实力,雷恩感觉整个主物质界能跟自己打一打的近战职业,可能都凑不齐一只手。 Ekang is one ; 艾克昂算一个; King of Supreme Mountain Thorglin is one ; 至高山国王索尔格林算一个; The Techiles Archmage Elder Brother, that name passes on the world dragon arrogant day, high elf Sword Saint Terrien is also one ; 泰克利斯大法师的哥哥,那位名传世界的“龙傲天”,高等精灵剑圣泰里安也算一个; Grandmaster Oroin is half, because he is Battle Wizard, does not calculate true close-combat profession. 欧罗因大师算半个,因为他是战斗巫师,不算真正的近战职业 Naturally, these three -and-a-half only calculated main material world close-combat profession, other plane definitely also many super powerhouses. Only is Heaven Realm and Abyss is the crouching tiger , hidden dragon, these Seraphim and angels, ancient Abyss Lord, close combat strong were too many. 当然,这三个半只计算了主物质界近战职业,其它位面肯定还有很多超级强者。光是天界深渊就已经是卧虎藏龙,那些炽天神使和天使,还有古老的深渊领主,近战比自己强的太多了。 If counted Spellcaster to be innumerable. 如果算上施法者就更加数不清。 Renn warned secretly, oneself future must face Saint Soul wizard, Archmage, Demigod and Abyss Lord, these are Allanus peak powerful existences, cannot be arrogant and complacent. 雷恩暗自告诫,自己将来还要面对圣魂巫师大法师半神深渊领主,这些才是艾伦厄斯最顶尖的强大存在,绝不能骄傲自满。 Let alone, God! 何况,还有神祗 My transcendent road also falls far short...... the revolution not to succeed to the end point, the comrade must try hard!” He is thinking, opened cell phone interface to look at one. “我的超凡之路离终点还差得远呢……革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!”他心里想着,打开手机界面看了一眼。 soul power pool is full. 魂力池早就满了。 When with Kurle Gosse fights, the duke guard has kicked the devilman tribe, although is only selective soul absorption, transformed charge level cannot consume. 跟库尔格斯战斗之时,公爵卫队已经攻进了魔人部落,尽管只是选择性的吸收灵魂,转化的电量也消耗不完。 For does not waste, Renn can only assign charge level to Dark Angel, such a while, the complete body of Dark Angel increased four. 为了不浪费,雷恩只能把电量分配给暗黑天使,就这么一会儿,暗黑天使的完全体增加了四个。 A Dark Angel strengthening is the complete body, needs about 5000 standard charge level. 一个暗黑天使强化为完全体,需要大约五千格电量 Follows in Eludecia Dark Angel regiment, at present more than 30 complete bodies, are Renn strengthen except for five that most starts specially, other complete bodies have no alternative, is really charge level too cannot use up, can only assign to them. 追随在爱洛提西娅身边的暗黑天使战团,目前有三十多个完全体,除了最开始的五个是雷恩特意强化的,其他完全体都是不得已而为之,实在是电量太多用不完,只能分配给他们。 Some charge level invest into Minecraft, activation progress bar already 75. 还有一些电量投入到“我的世界”,激活进度条已经75了。 Cannot waste again.” “不能再浪费了。” Renn mental jump arrives in the ground, found Kurle Gosse's weapon in a wilderness weed, that fresh bloody battle lance. 雷恩心灵跳跃到地面上,在一片荒野杂草中找到了库尔格斯的武器,那把“鲜血战矛”。 This great lance is top epic rank, but the quality is actually as good as legendary rank. 这柄巨矛是顶尖史诗级,但是品质却不亚于传说级 It withstands oneself Rods from God in addition holds, when hits Kurle Gosse to explode, supplementary engraved inscription enchantment damaged, lost these powerful fragmentation effects. However, casts fights material majority of lance to be complete, but can also use again. 它承受自己的“上帝之杖”加持,并在击中库尔格斯的时候爆炸,附带的铭文附魔损坏了,失去了那些强大的杀伤效果。不过,铸成战矛的材料大部分是完好的,还能再利用。 Received the fresh bloody battle lance, Renn direct teleportation returned to Star Destroyer, entered the magic laboratory. 收起鲜血战矛,雷恩直接传送回到了歼星舰,进入魔法实验室。 devilman tribe that the Lauris city is. 罗利城所在的魔人部落。 North, eastern and southern three city walls have collapsed, the duke guard uses to encircle three error strategies, from three direction surrounding tribes, advancement step by step. 北、东、南三面城墙都已经倒塌,公爵卫队采用围三阙一的策略,从三个方向包围部落,一步步的推进。 Explosive sound one second of sound of gunfire does not cease. 枪声的爆炸声一秒钟也不停息。 After several rounds of bombing of armored warfare ship, the morale of devilman army had collapsed, after Kurle Gosse runs away, the entire tribe a group of people without a leader, 20 ten thousand devilman throw down the weapon, position and family, escapes toward the west crazily, that is the direction of Barye Ziya mountain range. 经过装甲战艇的几轮轰炸,魔人军队的士气早就崩溃了,库尔格斯逃走之后,整个部落群龙无首,二十多万魔人丢下武器、阵地和家庭,疯狂往西逃命,那是巴列奇亚山脉的方向。 Another side of the mountain range is the Eternal God's Chosen territory, is their only outlets. 山脉另一边就是永世神选的领地,是他们唯一的出路。 In fact, hundreds of thousands of devilman had abandoned all over the past month, surmounted Barye Ziya mountain range to go to Eternal God's Chosen. 实际上,过去一个多月已经有数十万魔人抛弃一切,翻越巴列奇亚山脉投奔了永世神选 But this is not easy. 但这并不容易。 Is more than 300 li (0.5 km) the Lauris city to Barye Ziya mountain range, in the mountain range also some massive evil beastman tribes. 罗利城到巴列奇亚山脉有三百多里,山脉中还有大量邪兽人部落。 The duke guard used two hours of crew cut the devilman tribe, and put fire before withdrawing, the flame that soars to the heavens can see inside and outside dozens, reflected the sky red. 公爵卫队用了两个小时推平了魔人部落,并且在撤出之前放了一把大火,冲天的火光在数十里外都能看见,把天空都映红了。 Then chases down devilman to burst the army to the west. 然后向西追杀魔人溃军。 Until the darkness, Renn lets pursue over a hundred li (0.5 km) duke guard to remove, 15 armored warfare ships deliver three groups, returns to the Star Destroyer hangar. 直到天黑,雷恩才让追出上百里的公爵卫队撤回来,十五艘装甲战艇运载三个团,返回歼星舰的机库。 Star Destroyer sets sail immediately. 歼星舰立刻起航。 The Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers commander statistics victory, gave Renn in magic laboratory quickly synchronously. 雷铸天兵团长统计战果,很快同步给了魔法实验室中的雷恩 Today this fight, total eliminated about 15 ten thousand devilman, thoroughly destroyed the New World eastern coast biggest devilman tribe ; But duke guard, dispatches three group a total of 6000 people, the minor wound more than 400 people, the severely wounded 30 people, died in battle 12 people. 今天这场战斗,共计消灭了大约十五万魔人,彻底摧毁了新大陆东海岸最大的魔人部落;而公爵卫队方面,出动三个团总共六千人,轻伤四百多人,重伤三十人,阵亡十二人。 Although wears the epic rank storm armor, but the duke guard members are only 2nd rank 3rd rank transcendent, in battlefield fast changing, devilman has many legend powerhouses, including Abyss Knight, devil and Purgatory Mage, would having the accident/surprise. 尽管穿着史诗级的暴风盔甲,但是公爵卫队成员只是二级三级超凡者,战场上瞬息万变,魔人有许多传奇强者,包括深渊骑士恶魔炼狱法师,总会发生意外。 Holds the post of Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers of military officer to rescue without enough time. 担任军官的雷铸天兵都来不及救援。 Actually, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers has saved many people, without them, the number of soldiers killed in action hundred people. 其实,雷铸天兵已经救下了很多人,要是没有他们,阵亡士兵的数量将会过百人。 On dying in battle double-digit......” “阵亡者上两位数了……” Renn frowns. 雷恩皱起了眉头。 The soldier of each duke guard, oneself invested massive costs, medicament demonic soul and weaponry and soldier's rations and pay, add to be close to 5000 golden Shield on average. 每个公爵卫队的士兵,自己都投入了大量的成本,药剂魔魂、武器装备和军饷,平均加起来接近五千金盾。 money and equips is only the minor matter, the key was the person does not have. 钱和装备只是小事,关键是人没了。 Training a duke guard is not easy, each of them is passes through rounds to screen, the talent is outstanding, enters the military compound to train for more than one year, to oneself loyal and devoted. Three groups that today enters the war, in the future will be the backbones of empire defense army, has the bright future. 培养一个公爵卫队并不容易,他们每个人都是经过一轮轮筛选出来的,天赋优秀,进入军营训练一年多,对自己忠心耿耿。今天参战的三个团,将来都是帝国防卫军的骨干,有着光明的前途。 Dies Renn to feel to love dearly, let alone died 12, in these 12 dying in battle may have future commander and Military Commander. 死一个雷恩都觉得心疼,更别说死了十二个,这十二个阵亡者中可能就有未来的团长师长 How dead in battle specifically?” Renn thought. “具体是怎么阵亡的?”雷恩心想。 Several Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers transmit the information. 几个雷铸天兵传来信息。 Various pictures flash through in the brain, after Renn carefully watches, discovered that these 12 people, were killed by Purgatory Mage. 各种画面在脑中闪过,雷恩仔细观看过后,发现这十二个人,乎都是被炼狱法师杀死的。 Really......” “果然……” Spellcaster forever is the enemy who transcendent legion most has a headache about, every so often, Spellcaster only needs magic spell to transcendent legion to create the fatal blow. Even, high link magic spell of wide scope, the direct bang kills entire transcendent legion! 施法者永远是超凡军团最头疼的敌人,很多时候,施法者只需一个法术就能对超凡军团造成致命打击。甚至,一个大范围的高环法术,直接轰杀整个超凡军团 transcendent legion of Allanus world, which race regardless of or which plane, the most important consideration, how deals with Spellcaster. 艾伦厄斯世界的超凡军团,无论来自哪个种族或哪个位面,首要考虑的,都是如何应对施法者 Only the magic can defeat the magic. 只有魔法才能打败魔法。 The most conventional method, lets Spellcaster attack enemy Spellcaster, does not give the enemy to display the opportunity of magic spell attack regiment. 最常规的方法,就是让己方施法者攻击敌方施法者,不给敌人施展法术攻击军团的机会。 Next is in addition holds the magic spell protection, various resistance force field, defensive shield and magic equipment wait/etc. 其次是加持法术防护,各种抵抗力场、防护罩、魔法装备等等。 However only protects very passively, only if has Eola's nucleus to maintain like Floating City defensive shield, otherwise defensive shield will be broken through sooner or later, moreover protects and force field is irremovable, does not help the fight, the equipment cost is also quite high. 但是只防护很被动,除非像浮空城防护罩那样有伊奥拉之核维持,否则防护罩迟早会被攻破,而且很多防护和力场是不能移动的,不利于战斗,装备成本也极为高昂。 Because the Spellcaster quantity is scarce, high-end Spellcaster are less. 因为施法者数量稀少,高端施法者更少。 Therefore, overwhelming majority transcendent legion can only adopt the second means that the regiment that many underfinanced, does not consider the magic protection simply. 所以,绝大部分超凡军团只能采取第二个办法,很多财力不足的军团,干脆不考虑魔法防护。 The duke guard mainly depends upon the protection of storm armor at present, resists the magic spell attack. 公爵卫队目前主要是依靠暴风盔甲的防护,抵挡法术攻击。 In addition has the Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers protection. 另外还有雷铸天兵保护。 Now duke the guard only has three groups to form an army, is the company commander above military officer by Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, can deal with most situations. Later reorganizes the empire defense army, the army population over a million, are impossible to make Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers be the military officer, is unable to attend to every detail. 现在公爵卫队只有三个团成军,由雷铸天兵担任连长以上的军官,可以应付大多数情况。以后改编成帝国防卫军,全军人数上百万,不可能都让雷铸天兵担任军官,无法面面俱到。 Renn sits in the laboratory ponders. 雷恩坐在实验室中思考起来。 The empire defends the army certainly to under own absolute control, can only place Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, but must change the way. 帝国防卫军肯定要在自己的绝对控制之下,只能安插雷铸天兵,但要改变方式。 More than half battalion military officers, are still by Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers. 半数以上营级军官,依然由雷铸天兵担任。 The other half of military officer position, can appoint to grow in the future to have the soldier of command capability , to promote the space to them, has bigger fight power. 另外一半的军官职位,将来可以任命成长起来有指挥能力的士兵,给他们晋升空间,才有更大的战斗动力。 Then, each division establishes one Anti-Magic Battalion and Airborne Battalion. 然后,每个师成立一个“反魔法营”和一个“空降营”。 As the name suggests. 顾名思义。 Anti-Magic Battalion deals with the magic spell attack of enemy specially, the enhancement protection, is primarily against, takes the lead in using various counter- magic equipment and magic spell by Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, the opening force field or defensive shield, in addition holds the magic spell protection, who investigates the enemy fluctuates, ahead of time dodges wait/etc. 反魔法营专门应对敌人的法术攻击,增强防护,以“防”为主,由雷铸天兵带头使用各类反魔法装备和法术,开启力场或防护罩,加持法术防护,侦查敌人的施法波动,提前规避等等。 But Airborne Battalion is primarily attacking, attacking the goal is enemy Spellcaster, leads elite soldier teleportation to the side of enemy, implements the Decapitation Strike. 空降营以“攻”为主,进攻目标是敌方施法者,带领精英士兵传送到敌人的身边,实施斩首行动。 This two battalions must be centered on Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, holds the post of battalion commander. 两个营都要以雷铸天兵为中心,担任营长 Each Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers is Mage, achieves the legend middle rank, they can through constructing spell model grasp seventh circle magic spell, included anti-magic field and magic spell invalid barrier and group-teleportation spell and space blockade and various scopes protects in addition to hold the technique. 每个雷铸天兵都是法师,达到传奇中阶,他们可以通过构建法术模型掌握七环法术,其中就包括了“反魔法力场”、“法术无效结界”、“群体传送术”、“空间封锁”和各种范围防护加持术。 In the Renn brain flashed through many protection tactics quickly, the magic spell union equipment, maximum weakens the wide scope magic spell injury. 雷恩脑中很快闪过了多种防护策略,法术结合装备,最大限度的削弱大范围法术伤害。 The Anti-Magic Battalion completion difficulty is higher. 反魔法营的建成难度更高一些。 Airborne Battalion is not instead difficult, can choose the strength prominent soldier, gives better weaponry, for example the storm armor of specially-made model, the might strengthens the weapon of version, even explosive gun, making them follow Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers teleportation to attack enemy Spellcaster. 空降营反而不难,可以挑选实力突出的士兵,给予更好的武器装备,比如特制型号的暴风盔甲,威力加强版的武器,甚至爆弹枪,让他们跟着雷铸天兵传送突袭敌人施法者 ......” “唔……” Renn thinks, suddenly responded: „Isn't this special troop?” 雷恩想着想着,忽然反应过来:“这不就是特种兵吗?” In the previous generation, the airborne troops basically is elite squad in an army, Airborne Battalion that oneself do, strength inevitably also far strong in other camps, was equal to the special troops in duke guard. 在前世,空降兵基本上都是一支军队中的精英部队,自己搞的空降营,实力必然也会远强于其它营,等于是公爵卫队中的特种兵了。 Anti-Magic Battalion and Airborne Battalion joint action, a lord guards, a main attack, deals with overwhelming majority Spellcaster sufficiently. 反魔法营空降营联合战斗,一个主防,一个主攻,足以应付绝大多数施法者 Renn feels the chin. 雷恩摸着下巴。 Since must construct the modernized army, that organization structure is more complete.” He opens the memorandum in cell phone, above recorded the lots, usually some inspirations and ideas, memory about previous generation, secretly thought: Each division comes one to investigate battalion and an armored battalion again.” “既然要建现代化军队,那部队编制就要完整一些。”他翻开手机中的备忘录,上面记载了很多东西,平时一些灵感和想法,关于前世的记忆,暗道:“每个师再来一个侦查营和一个装甲营。” The detection camp needs the mobility, confidentiality and IM ability, this can equip the solution with the magic. 侦查营需要机动性、隐蔽性和即时通信能力,这都可以用魔法装备解决。 Mobility...... 机动性…… Renn examined a Kharanos machine shop, the Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers development team, has been studying the rotorcycle in the two years, has seen the achievement initially. 雷恩查看了一下卡拉诺斯的机械工厂,有一个雷铸天兵研发小组,这两年一直在研究飞行摩托,已经初见成果了。 The rotorcycle will become the detection camp main vehicle, was only the cost was higher. 飞行摩托将成为侦查营最主要的载具,只是成本高了些。 The armored battalion must provide the rotorcycle. 装甲营也要配备飞行摩托。 However, Renn estimated that the fight main force of armored battalion is the tank and armored warfare ship, these two types of fight weapons need wisp of brain controlling chip, to use a limited number of separated brain chip on this, some waste, the performance-to-price ratio is also very low. 不过,雷恩预想中的装甲营的战斗主力是坦克和装甲战艇,这两种战斗武器都需要分脑芯片控制,把数量有限的分脑芯片用在这上面,有些过于浪费,性价比也很低。 Moreover the empire defense army are to the supplement of Star Destroyer, where no matter they, in the battlefield have the Star Destroyer participation inevitably, the armored warfare ship is also competent sufficiently, does not lack the firepower. 而且帝国防卫军是对歼星舰的补充,不管他们在哪里,战场上必然有歼星舰参与,装甲战艇也足以胜任,根本不缺火力。 And has Colossus! 而且还有擎天巨像 A Colossus construction cost is 2 million golden Shield, expensive/noble was expensive, but practical powerful, existence of armored battalion seemed to be unnecessary. 一台擎天巨像的造价是两百万金盾,贵是贵了点,但是实用强大,装甲营的存在似乎并无必要。 Ok.” “还是算了。” Renn shakes the head, tank speed was too slow, moreover heavily relies on the ground path, unwieldy expensive, maintaining is also troublesome.” 雷恩摇了摇头,“坦克速度太慢了,而且严重依赖地面道路,笨重昂贵,维护又麻烦。” I might as well make several Colossus.” “我还不如多制造几台擎天巨像。” „It is not really good, if to pursue performance-to-price ratio, that makes the rotorcycle massively, forms a mechanized flight regiment!” “实在不行,如果为了追求性价比,那就大量制造飞行摩托,组成一支机械化飞行军团!” Renn improved the conception quickly. 雷恩很快完善了构想。 The empire defends the army to take the master as the combat unit, Imperial-class Star Destroyer delivers a division, provides 20 to 25 armored warfare ships, manages three infantry regiment and a motorized group, as well as Anti-Magic Battalion, Airborne Battalion and a detection camp, the total number of people are close to 10,000 people. 帝国防卫军以师为作战单位,一艘帝国级歼星舰运载一个师,配备二十到二十五艘装甲战艇,下辖三个步兵团和一个摩托团,以及一个反魔法营、一个空降营、一个侦查营,总人数接近一万人。 Meanwhile, on Star Destroyer supplements five Colossus and Ultramarine Regiment company. 同时,歼星舰上附带五台擎天巨像和一个极限战团连队 When later the fighter aircraft is developed successfully, disposes a fighter squadron to Imperial-class Star Destroyer again, completes the true super regiment! 等到以后战机研制成功,再给一艘帝国级歼星舰配置一支战机中队,建成真正的超级军团! After the moment . 片刻后。 Renn drives Gotham to return to the military compound three groups, then returns to Gotham City, returns to massive Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers and materials, returns to the Lauris city again. 雷恩驾驶哥谭号把三个团送回军营,然后返回哥谭城,返上大量的雷铸天兵和材料,再次返回罗利城。 Here will build up brand-new High Tower, is centered on this, sends out the Vegas magic torch light! 这里将建起一座全新的高塔,以此为中心,散发维婕斯翠的魔法炬光!
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