WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#925: Drops the blood rebirth

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Chapter 925 drop blood rebirth 第925章滴血重生 Behind Renn that the strong winds on upper air blow the cloak flap flap makes noise, body actually hovering being entirely still, as if embed in space. 高空上的狂风吹的雷恩背后披风猎猎作响,身躯却悬停着纹丝不动,仿佛镶嵌在空间之中。 Although his aura is extremely vague, in the hand does not have the weapon, the complexion is also tranquil, but fluttered to induce the extreme danger there on Jeancourt Gosse, guessed correctly the status of future. 尽管他的气息极其隐晦,手中没有武器,脸色也非常平静,但只是飘在那里就让库尔格斯感应到了极度的危险,猜到了来者的身份。 „Are you Oriense empire Archon?” “你就是奥瑞恩瑟的帝国执政官?” His Abyss language sinking sound questioned, the expression was dignified. 深渊语沉声问话,表情非常凝重。 Renn Augustus this name, has been known to everybody in the netivians tribe now. 雷恩*奥古斯都这个名字,如今在涅提弗人的部落中已是无人不知。 The human less than 30 years old this rise on promotion Saint Soul wizard, become Archon of huge empire suddenly. 这个突然崛起的人类不到三十岁就晋升圣魂巫师,成为一个庞大帝国的执政官 Is fierce in Old World human, is also uninterested with netivians. 一个远在旧大陆的人类再厉害,跟涅提弗人也毫无关系。 Kurle Gosse has not cared at first completely. 库尔格斯最初也完全没有放在心上。 Afterward, he knew that Renn appeared in New World eastern coast eliminated northern undead, seized the Abraken area, built up a human city, actually becomes own neighbor. 后来,他得知雷恩出现在新大陆东海岸消灭了北方的亡灵,占领艾伯拉肯地区,建起一座人类城市,竟然成为了自己的邻居。 Kurle Gosse has thought is unprepared while human, dispatches troops to destroy this city. 库尔格斯有想过趁人类立足未稳,出兵摧毁这座城市。 However Abraken is the Calamity Legion domain, is not good to meddle, once the army expedites, own territory likely confiscates family's property by southern evil beastman and devil, meanwhile must guard against the Ekang army to cross Barye Ziya mountain range sneak attack, therefore he cannot be determined to dispatch troops. 但是艾伯拉肯天灾军团的地盘,不好插手,而且一旦大军远征,自己的领地很可能被南方的邪兽人恶魔抄家,同时还要防备艾克昂的军队翻过巴列奇亚山脉偷袭,所以他一直没能下定决心出兵。 This delayed the quick two years, indecisive. 就这拖延了快两年,犹豫不决。 When Kurle Gosse knows that Gotham City builds up a Goddess of Magic resembles, understood that the god statue prestige energy, regretted immediately, however is too late. 当库尔格斯知道哥谭城建起一座魔法女神像,了解神像的威能,立即就后悔了,但是为时已晚。 Therefore, last year the dwarf invaded the Deleville peninsula, Kurle Gosse dispatched troops without hesitation, cannot make the Old World race separate own territory, otherwise was next place Gotham City.. 所以,去年矮人侵入德莱威尔半岛,库尔格斯毫不犹豫的出兵了,绝不能让旧大陆的种族割据自己的领地,否则又是下一个座哥谭城。。 Just started to be hit to be caught off guard by the dwarf, threw many territories, but reversed the aspect several months later, Kurle Gosse can eliminate all dwarves self-confidently, is actually routed by the human reinforcements that one crowd braved, oneself trained many years of elite army almost to kill off. 刚开始被矮人打了个措手不及,丢了很多领地,但在几个月后就扭转了局面,库尔格斯自信可以消灭所有的矮人,却被一群冒出来的人类援军击溃,自己培养多年的精锐军队几乎被杀光了。 This time routs Jeancourt Gosse's prestige in clansman to fall into the valley. 这次大败让库尔格斯在族人中的威信跌到谷底。 Fortunately he has the absolute strength, cleans a group of chiefs who decisively harbor the disloyalty, this blew the rebellion, maintains own rule reluctantly. 所幸他拥有绝对的实力,果断清洗掉一批怀有异心的酋长,这才镇住了暴动,勉强维持自己的统治。 But has not waited to recover consciousness from the failure, the attack came. 可是没等自己从失败中缓过来,攻击又来了。 Is less than two months, Kurle Gosse's territory clansman reduced 70%, all big tribes were destroyed, but oneself are helpless, causing people's heart to be lax, hundreds of thousands of clansmen to escape crossed Barye Ziya mountain range, went to Ekang. 不到两个月,库尔格斯的领地族人减少了70%,所有的大部落被摧毁,而自己却无能为力,导致人心涣散,数十万族人为了逃命翻过巴列奇亚山脉,投奔了艾克昂 Only Kurle Gosse can control is only left over the tribe that oneself assume. 库尔格斯唯一能掌控的只剩下自己坐镇的部落。 But now, this tribe did not have. 而现在,这个部落也没了。 The territory, clansman, tribe, army and wealth...... operate several hundred years of all things, lost completely, turns into all alone! 领地、族人、部落、军队、财富……自己经营数百年的所有东西,全部失去了,变成孤身一人! Kurle Gosse thinks of here, has the infinite anger and hatred, all these are do obeisance the present human to bestow! 库尔格斯想到这里,不禁心生无穷的愤怒与痛恨,这一切都是拜眼前的人类所赐! His eyes project the blood-color anger flame, huge evil energy seethes. 他的双眼射出血色怒焰,庞大的邪能翻腾起来。 Red evil energy just like the rocket direct impact sky, the terrifying pressure sends out to sweep away the surrounding area several hundred meters, the trim space was dyed blood red, even the strong winds stagnated. 一股通红邪能犹如狼烟直冲天空,恐怖的威压散发出去横扫方圆数百米,整片空间都被染成血红,连狂风都凝滞了。 Facing the dreadful imposing manner of king of bloodthirsty, Renn has not moved the look, seems only gentle breeze. 面对嗜血之王的滔天气势,雷恩连眼神都没动一下,仿佛只是微风拂面。 Is I.” “是我。” Renn nods, spoke in the Abyss language, the pale sound asked: Kurle Gosse, what do you and between Ekang have to agree?” 雷恩点头,也用深渊语说话,淡声问道:“库尔格斯,你跟艾克昂之间有什么约定?” Kurle Gosse shouted a moment ago loudly, exposed some information. 刚才库尔格斯高声大喊,暴露了一些信息。 Regarding other God's Chosen champions, Renn does not care very much, but involves Eternal God's Chosen time, must be especially careful. 对于其他神选冠军,雷恩并不是很在意,但是牵扯到永世神选的时候,就要格外小心了。 Snort......” in Kurle Gosse nostril the blowout blood flame, taunted: You think that who you are, why do I want to tell you?” “哼……”库尔格斯鼻孔里喷出血焰,嘲讽道:“你以为你是谁,我凭什么要告诉你?” „The enemy of enemy is a friend.” On the Renn face shows a happy expression, Ekang is your enemy, is my enemy. Although we cannot make the friend, but on dealing with Ekang this common enemy, could cooperate.” “敌人的敌人就是朋友。”雷恩脸上露出一丝笑意,“艾克昂是你的敌人,也是我的敌人。虽然我们做不成朋友,但在对付艾克昂这个共同的敌人上,也许能合作一下。” Kurle Gosse remains unmoved completely, shouts abuse: 库尔格斯完全不为所动,破口大骂起来: You invade my territory, kills my people, destroys all that I have, unexpectedly also dares to presumptuously think to make me betray the clansman? I wish one could Ekang dead, but before I want to see he dies, first killed your shameless short-lived!” “你入侵我的领地,杀死我的子民,摧毁我拥有的一切,居然还敢妄想让我背叛族人?我恨不得艾克昂去死,但我更想见到他死之前,先杀了你这个无耻的短命种!” Netif's devilman is human transforms to come, was granted by Abyss' Evil God life span that endures compared with the elf, therefore spurns inborn small and weak primary human, censures to be called the short-lived type. 涅提弗魔人是人类转化而来的,被深渊邪神赐予了堪比精灵的寿命,因此唾弃天生弱小的原生人类,贬称为短命种。 Pitifully.” “可惜了。” Renn somewhat regrettable shaking the head, he does not want to ask what words Kurle Gosse here, but tries at will. 雷恩有些遗憾的摇了摇头,他原本也没想在库尔格斯这里问出什么话,只是随意一试而已。 Since you are not willing to cooperate, wants to kill me, that can only ask you dead.” “既然你不肯合作,又想杀我,那只能请你去死了。” The Renn words have not said, burns the soul heavy sword to appear in the hand, strength rises suddenly to the 20th rank upper limit, titan's divine power, limitless rage, the immortal war soul, elephant heart's power, Thunderlord and titanium gilded body, six big key element stimulate together full power, the body rises suddenly to ten meters high instantaneously. 雷恩话没说完,燃魂重剑就出现在手上,力量暴涨到二十级上限,泰坦神力无限狂暴、不朽战魂、象心电力雷霆之主钛极金身,六大要素共同全力激发,身躯瞬间暴涨到十米高。 In the top of the head condenses the big piece dark cloud, the sky instantly tarnish. 头顶上凝聚大片乌云,天空刹那变暗。 The thunder, the destructive aura spreads, power of lightning crazy gathering within several kilometers, is fermenting the innumerable lightnings and storms. 电闪雷鸣,毁灭性的气息扩散出来,数千米内的雷电之力疯狂汇聚,酝酿着无数闪电与风暴。 The giant Renn skin turns into the dark golden color, probably adamantite casts, the whole body encirclement electric light, just like the deity to descend to earth. 巨人般的雷恩皮肤变成暗金色,像是精金铸成,浑身环绕电光,犹如天神下凡。 When he speaking of invited you died, the sound like the thunder, in dozens li (0.5 km) initiates the intermittent echo, in the sound wave to contain the unsurpassed dignity, as if God lowered oracle. 当他说到“请你去死”时,声如雷霆,在数十里内引发阵阵回音,声波中蕴含着无上的威严,仿佛神祗降下神谕 Kurle Gosse complexion big change. 库尔格斯脸色大变。 He when scolded Renn actually to complete the combat readiness, within the body evil energy can erupt momentarily full power, and previewed many fight, when the Renn aura erupted, he was deterred by the power and influence of opposite party terrifying. 他在骂雷恩的时候其实就做好了战斗准备,体内邪能随时能够全力爆发,并预演了多种战斗情况,但是,当雷恩的气息爆发出来,他还是被对方恐怖的威势震慑到了。 This is really human Saint Soul wizard can achieve? 这真的是人类圣魂巫师能做到的吗? Ekang is also mediocre! 艾克昂也不过如此! In Kurle Gosse heart panic-stricken, but responded that had not been affected slightly, first turns into the blood-color mighty current to fly to escape to south together, vanishes in the horizon in a flash. 库尔格斯心中惊骇,但是反应丝毫没有受到影响,第一时间变成一道血色洪流向南飞遁,转瞬消失在天边。 He does not want to fight with Renn, before did not want, now does not dare. 他根本不想跟雷恩交手,之前就不愿意,现在更不敢了。 Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈……” The Kurle Gosse's self-satisfied laughter resounds in the upper air: I acknowledged that you are very strong, but Ekang cannot kill me, depends on you also......” 库尔格斯的得意笑声在高空上响起:“我承认你很强,但是艾克昂都杀不死我,就凭你也……” The voice of king of bloodthirsty stops suddenly. 嗜血之王的声音戛然而止。 Blood-color mighty current that he turns into hit the sudden invisible domain, in this range, the sound is unable to disseminate, even the time stopped flowing. 他变成的血色洪流一头撞进了突然出现的无形领域,在这个范围之内,声音无法传播,连时间都停止了流动。 „When...... within...... stops...... stops......” “时……间……停……止……” Kurle Gosse is maintaining the clear thought that he nine times passes through soul transformation God's Chosen champions, is very strong to the time stop resistance, immediately found Spellcaster. 库尔格斯保持着清晰的思维,他是经过九次魂变神选冠军,对时间停止的抗性很强,立即找到了施法者 human wizard that is lifting straight magic staff, puts on black magic robe, is thin, is pale, looks very young. 一个举着笔直法杖人类巫师,穿着黑色魔法长袍,身材消瘦,脸色苍白,看起来很年轻。 Another Saint Soul wizard!” “又一个圣魂巫师!” In Kurle Gosse heart sinks, but does not have, therefore flustered. 库尔格斯心中一沉,但没有因此慌张。 time stop lets his movement and response slows down, looks like the slow technique, can still move and fight, and is insufficient without the strength to hit back. 时间停止只是让他的动作和反应变慢而已,就像是迟缓术,依然可以移动和战斗,并不至于毫无还手之力。 He sees human wizard to summon 12 mirror image, then continues in time stop, the magic spell forming of seventh circle eighth circle ninth circle, multi-colored magic spell arrives innumerably, almost filled up the time stop range, so long as six. crosses, can submerge oneself. 他看见人类巫师召唤出十二个镜像,然后在时间停止中持续施法,一个个七环八环九环法术成形,五颜六色法术多到数不清,几乎把时间停止的范围都填满了,只要六秒一过,就能把自己淹没。 „To kill me, without that easy......” “想杀我,没那么容易……” Kurle Gosse intention moves, the body of slow flight gushes out the infinite blood wave, changes into one over hundred meters blood-color sea water, main body integrates in the bloodshed to hide. 库尔格斯心念一动,缓慢飞行的身躯涌出无穷的血浪,化为一片超过百米的血色海水,本体融入血海之中隐藏起来。 Almost in the same second, Renn rushed. 几乎在同一秒钟,雷恩赶到了。 He appears in time stop, the movement was not disturbed, sees Kurle Gosse the bloodshed, in the eye somewhat is surprised. 他出现在时间停止之中,动作丝毫不受干扰,看见库尔格斯所化的血海,眼里不禁有些惊讶。 Own intended release aura, actually to cover Reislin Method fluctuates. 自己有意释放气息,其实是为了掩盖雷斯林的施法波动。 By Kurle Gosse's sensation and response, oneself are very difficult the opportunity to release time stop in body fight, has the fluctuation slightly, will be detected by him. 以库尔格斯的感知和反应,自己在近身战斗中很难有机会释放时间停止,稍有波动,就会被他察觉到。 Renn main body time stop takes two seconds over, Reislin has Endless Storm and dark red signet ring, can do by instantaneous approaches. However, close to instantaneous is not equal to true instantaneous, even if only the time of a blink, Kurle Gosse may escape from the magic spell range. 雷恩本体时间停止需要两秒钟出头,雷斯林持有无尽风暴和深红印戒,可以做以接近瞬发。但是,接近瞬发并不等于真正的瞬发,哪怕只是一眨眼的时间,库尔格斯都有可能逃出法术范围。 Moreover, Kurle Gosse's resistance to the time stop is extremely high, can still revolt. 而且,库尔格斯对时间停止的抗性极高,依然能够反抗。 Now looks, really so. 现在一看,果然如此。 soul eyes has swept the entire bloodshed, cannot discover Kurle Gosse's main body unexpectedly, he integrated in the bloodshed completely, in other words , he is this piece of bloodshed. 灵魂之眼扫过整个血海,竟然没能找出库尔格斯的本体,他完全融入了血海之中,换言之,他就是这片血海。 Scarlet blood territory?” “猩红血域?” Before Renn, has heard this ability, only then blood god Khakas God's Chosen can grasp, but the blood god is Lord of Darkness subordinates Evil God, God's kingdom situated in Bottomless Abyss 81 st blood throne, It gives God's Chosen champion blessings is not strange. 雷恩以前听说过这个能力,只有血神哈卡斯努的神选者才能掌握,不过血神是黑暗之主麾下邪神,神国位于无底深渊第81层“鲜血王座”,祂给一个神选冠军赐福也不奇怪。 The blood god is also called Lord of Blood, until now has the hearsay It is Lord of Darkness clone. 血神也被称为血腥之主,一直以来有传闻祂是黑暗之主分身 This hearsay should somewhat the credibility. 这个传闻应该有几分可信度。 Renn is thinking, the body rises suddenly again over 50 meters high, wielded the combustion initiation soul heavy sword to divide 9th rank thunder slash full power! 雷恩这么想着,身躯再度暴涨超过五十米高,挥起燃魂重剑全力劈出了一记九级雷斩 The giant thunder and lightning sword light cuts to fall. 巨大的雷电剑光斩落。 In time stop, Kurle Gosse the bloodshed was cut two halves instantaneously, the innumerable plasma lightnings erupt on the sword, ignite high temperature thunder flame, containing violently poisonously with the bloody water ignition of corrosion, the bloodshed was turning into the sea of fire. 时间停止中,库尔格斯所化的血海瞬间被斩成两半,无数电浆般的闪电在剑上爆发,燃起高温“雷炎”,把蕴含着剧毒与腐蚀的血水点燃,血海变成了火海。 After six seconds, time stop finished. 六秒钟后,时间停止结束。 Reislin and mirror image magic spell immediately became effective, submerged the bloodshed in combustion. 雷斯林镜像法术立即生效,淹没了燃烧中的血海。 Renn and Reislin flash spread out, looks that the surrounding area space within every inchs several hundred meters wreaked havoc by the magic spell energy, lance of light, fireball, flame burst spell, Rift Sword, the series meteorite technique wait/etc, void drove out the black crevice, gushes out rage void energy. 雷恩雷斯林闪现拉开了距离,看着方圆数百米内的每一寸空间都被法术能量肆虐,光之矛、火球、炎爆术裂空之剑、连环陨石术等等,虚空都被轰开了黑色裂隙,涌出狂暴虚空能量 The bloodshed that Kurle Gosse turns into almost vanished. 库尔格斯变成的血海几乎消失了。 Un?” “嗯?” Renn detected that a weak fluctuation, displayed phase distortion immediately, shut off with other plane space and time coordinates this space. 雷恩察觉到了一股微弱的波动,立即施展“相位扭曲”,将这片空间与其它位面的时空坐标切断了。 „......” “啊……” Painful calling out passes from the energy annihilation, immediately, Kurle Gosse's form condenses the forming, appears in the upper air. 一声痛苦的嚎叫从能量湮灭中传出来,随即,库尔格斯的身影凝聚成形,在高空中浮现。 He has not died unexpectedly! 他竟然没死! You cannot kill my, ha haha......” the Kurle Gosse's in red great lance with hand aims at Renn, called out rampantly: You think how I was fought for several hundred years with Ekang?” “你们杀不死我的,哈哈哈……”库尔格斯用手中的红色巨矛指向雷恩,嚣张叫道:“你以为,我是怎么跟艾克昂斗了几百年的?” Drops the blood rebirth! 滴血重生! This legendary key element is harder to deal with than undying body, so long as a drop of blood preserves, can mold the body in a short time. Drops the blood rebirth union scarlet blood territory, Jeancourt Gosse turns into existence that is almost impossible to kill. 这个传奇要素不死之身更加难缠,只要还有一滴鲜血存留,就能在短时间内重新塑造身躯。滴血重生结合猩红血域,让库尔格斯变成几乎无法杀死的存在。 Meanwhile, he can also be granted divine spell by the blood god, can from main material world direct teleportation to the Bottomless Abyss 81 st blood throne. 同时,他还能被血神赐予了神术,可以从主物质界直接传送无底深渊第81层鲜血王座。 Was prevented by Renn promptly. 只是被雷恩及时阻止了。 Bang! 轰! Kurle Gosse whole body blood ebullition, the speed cannot even catch up to the eye instantaneously quickly, just like flash, a blink sprints in front of Renn, in great lance to bind Renn heart position. 库尔格斯全身血液沸腾,速度瞬间快到连眼睛都追不上,犹如闪现,一眨眼就冲刺到雷恩面前,巨矛扎中雷恩的心脏位置。 When lang. 当啷一声。 Renn chest front sparks/Mars scatters, including half step has not actually retroceded. 雷恩胸前火星四溅,却连半步都没有后退。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Kurle Gosse's complexion from turned rampantly with astonishment, oneself strike full power, the fresh bloody battle lance only goes into the Renn chest about half meter unexpectedly, was caught. 库尔格斯的脸色从嚣张变成了惊愕,自己全力一击,鲜血战矛居然只扎进雷恩的胸膛半米左右,然后就被卡住了。 Renn at this moment has more than 50 meters high, half meter depth, the skin has not possibly even penetrated. 此刻的雷恩有五十多米高,半米深度,可能连皮肤都没穿透。 The multiple effects on the fresh bloody battle lance supplementing, violently poisonous, 10th rank tearing and soul puncture, has not displayed. 鲜血战矛上附带的多重效果,剧毒、十级撕裂和灵魂穿刺,一个也没有发挥出来。 Was too weak.” “太弱了。” Renn looks down the tiny God's Chosen champion, on the face reveals the color of despising. 雷恩低头看着渺小的神选冠军,脸上露出轻蔑之色。 Kurle Gosse really loosens the fresh bloody battle lance, turns around to escape, but on Renn erupts the invisible magic spell fluctuation, making his movement slow down. 库尔格斯果然松开鲜血战矛,转身就逃,但是雷恩身上爆发出无形的法术波动,让他的动作变慢下来。 Also is time stop! 又是时间停止 Renn does not dodge does not evade, attacks depending in Kurle Gosse to release time stop, the right hand searches like lightning, catches slow Kurle Gosse in the hand, like holding palm of the hand big puppet, the five fingers made an effort to pinch to explode. 雷恩不闪不避,凭上库尔格斯攻击就是为了释放时间停止,右手闪电般一探,把迟缓的库尔格斯抓在手里,就像抓住了一个巴掌大的玩偶似的,五指用力捏爆。 ! 啪! The invisible sound, Renn feels the palm lightly one. 无形的声响,雷恩感觉掌心一轻。 Class of bloody water from referring to the seams came out, turns into the big piece bloodshed to fill the air in the whole body, tried to corrode own body crazily, sneaked in the nostril, eye and mouth. 一阵血水从指缝间流出来,变成了大片血海弥漫在周身,试图疯狂腐蚀自己的身躯,钻进鼻孔、眼睛和嘴巴。 Immediately, the Renn whole body emits the blue-purple flame. 顿时,雷恩全身冒出蓝紫色的火焰。 thunder flame! 雷炎! thunder affinity is higher, thunder flame the prestige can be stronger. 雷电亲和越高,雷炎的威能就越强。 Renn has two Thunderlord, thunder Yanguang who produces is the temperature is as good as ninth circle flame spells, and extremely violent, supplementary effect paralysis. 雷恩拥有两个雷霆之主,所产生的雷炎光是温度就不亚于九环火焰法术,并且极其暴烈,附带麻痹效果。 The bloodshed bumps into thunder flame, was lit like the gasoline. 血海碰上雷炎,就像汽油一样被点燃。 But this is not enough to burn Kurle Gosse, the bloodshed tumbles to expand unceasingly, just like the tsunami is ordinary, went beyond the time stop range. time stop had not finished, Kurle Gosse's form appears beyond several hundred meters, he looked that does not look at Renn one, turns into the blood light to fly to escape to the distant place. 但这不足以把库尔格斯烧死,血海不断翻滚扩大,犹如海啸一般,超出了时间停止的范围。时间停止还没有结束,库尔格斯的身影就在数百米外浮现,他看也不看雷恩一眼,变成血光向远处飞遁。 „To escape?” “想逃?” Renn snort/hum. 雷恩哼了一声。 He has looked, Kurle Gosse is only outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, drops the blood rebirth to resurrect each time must consume physical strength soul power or evil energy, moreover dies miserably, consuming are more. 他早就看出来了,库尔格斯只是色厉内荏,滴血重生每次复活都要消耗体力魂力邪能,而且死得越惨,消耗越多。 Kurle Gosse is 30th rank Abyss Knight, evil energy is extremely deep, is actually not inexhaustible. 库尔格斯是三十级深渊骑士,邪能极其深厚,却不是无穷无尽。 Only if he also has soul power pool. 除非他也拥有魂力池 Renn separates spatial one move, Kurle Gosse's fresh bloody battle lance falls starts, instantaneously by titan's divine power syschronous amplification to over a hundred meters, on the arm gushes out the dazzling electric light irrigation lance, drinks one lightly, the fresh bloody battle lance changes into a huge lightning to pursue. 雷恩隔空一招,库尔格斯的鲜血战矛落入手中,瞬间被泰坦神力同步放大到上百米长,手臂上涌出刺目电光灌注长矛,轻喝一声,鲜血战矛化为一道巨大的闪电追上去。 In the sky resounds together the startling thunderclap. 天空中响起一道惊雷。 The extreme speed runs away Kurle Gosse then to look, immediately discovered, own fresh bloody battle lance pursued, the speed is faster, moreover as if it had eyes, how regardless of oneself change the direction, it is in hot pursuit. 极速逃遁中的库尔格斯回头一看,顿时发现,自己的鲜血战矛追了上来,速度更快,而且像长了眼睛似的,无论自己怎么改变方向,它都紧追不舍。 The fresh bloody battle lance broke through the speed of sound quickly. 鲜血战矛很快突破了音速。 Kurle Gosse does not cast off, looks helplessly own weapon approaches high-speed, then blasts out. 库尔格斯根本甩不开,眼睁睁看着自己的武器高速逼近,然后炸开。 Bang! 轰隆一声! Kurle Gosse has to transform the bloodshed again, resists the terrifying lightning that on the fresh bloody battle lance erupts, the explosion has not subsided, the Reislin form appears, on Endless Storm Magic Staff the blooming brilliance, froze the space within several hundred meters. 库尔格斯不得不再次转化成血海,抵抗鲜血战矛上爆发的恐怖闪电,爆炸还没有平息,雷斯林的身影显现,无尽风暴法杖上绽放光辉,将数百米内的空间冻结住了。 Next instantly, Renn mental jump. 下一个刹那,雷恩心灵跳跃到了。 His look twinkle, displays ninth circle mental field, transforms huge invisible mind power soul power, constitutes a giant spheroid, packages the bloodshed in space freeze, drop of bloody water also non- errors, then control the force field to contract inward. 他的眼神闪烁,施展九环心念力场,将魂力转化成庞大的无形念力,构成一个巨大的球体,包裹住空间冻结内的血海,一滴血水也不错漏,然后控制力场向内收缩。 Kurle Gosse detected that the Renn intention, the bloodshed crazy ebullition, changes various shapes to break through mental field. 库尔格斯察觉到雷恩的意图,血海疯狂沸腾,变化成各种形状想要突破心念力场 However, the seemingly transparent force field is indestructible, is firmer than the steel. 然而,看似透明的力场却坚不可摧,比钢铁还要坚固。 soul power that Renn invests as many are inconceivable as the average man. 雷恩投入的魂力多到常人难以想象。 Every one second, has ten standard above charge level to consume, moreover are getting more and more, changes into other 20 multistage Saint Soul wizard, possibly cannot support including ten seconds. 每一秒钟,都有十格以上的电量消耗掉,而且越来越多,换成其他二十多级的圣魂巫师,可能连十秒钟都支撑不住。 The duke guard is eliminating devilman many, charge level to not being able to use up. 公爵卫队正在消灭魔人,电量多到用不完。 After one minute . 一分钟后。 Renn compressed the diameter about three meters the mind power spheroid, the bloodshed that Kurle Gosse turned into just like in the cage the trapped/sleepy beast, full, held on the palm of Renn mental field filled, looked like a giant blood-color bulb. 雷恩念力球体压缩到了直径三米左右,库尔格斯变成的血海犹如笼中困兽,把心念力场填充的满满的,托在雷恩的手掌上,就像是一颗巨大的血色玻璃球。 Reislin and 12 mirror image in this minute, have not stopped. 雷斯林和十二个镜像在这一分钟里,施法没有停过。 Over a hundred ninth circle fireball spell, extremely effect flame burst spell, void bomb and annihilation technique and mind blast, surround in mental field outside, was filled with each inch space, will erupt at any time. 上百个九环火球术、极效炎爆术虚空炸弹、湮灭术和心灵震爆,环绕在心念力场的外面,挤满了每寸空间,随时都会爆发。 Ekang cannot kill you, I can.” Renn was saying to the hand in God's Chosen champion lightly. 艾克昂杀不死你,我可以。”雷恩对着手中的神选冠军淡淡说道。 Next second. 下一秒钟。 The Reislin space freeze, Renn also released time stop again. 雷斯林再次施展空间冻结,雷恩也释放了时间停止 The dual magic spell effects, the space and time stagnated. 双重法术效果,时空都凝滞了。 The bloodshed that Kurle Gosse turns into cannot move, his thought also stopped, when Renn remove mental field, he cannot make any response. time stop and space freeze ties ahead of time, in same instance, over a hundred ninth circle magic spell explosions. 库尔格斯变成的血海动弹不得,他的思维也停顿了,当雷恩撤掉心念力场,他没能做出任何反应。时间停止和空间冻结提前结,在同一个瞬间,上百个九环法术爆炸了。 Bang...... 轰隆…… The void collapse within surrounding area kilometer, turned into a darkness, just like the black hole. 方圆千米内的虚空崩溃,变成了一片漆黑,犹如黑洞。 In the upper air raised a black Sun. 高空上升起了一轮黑色太阳。 The shock-wave that the explosion produces explodes a diameter ten li (0.5 km) cavity the cloud layer, after more than ten seconds, black Sun dissipates gradually, returned to void normal. 爆炸产生的冲击波将云层炸出一个直径十里的空洞,十几秒钟后黑色太阳才渐渐消散,虚空也恢复了正常。 Kurle Gosse disappeared thoroughly! 库尔格斯彻底消失了!
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