WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#924: Broken city

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Chapter 924 broken city 第924章破城 15 armored warfare ships are divided into three formations in the flight, quiet flying to the devilman tribe, arrived in the scheduled battle station quickly. 十五艘装甲战艇在飞行中分成三支编队,悄无声息的飞向魔人部落,很快抵达了预定的战斗位置。 Three formations surround the devilman tribe from northern, eastern and southern three directions, is responsible for the east second division Regiment 1 starting to accelerate inside and outside ten, enters the Abyss Knight patrol region, speeds along toward the city wall speedily. 三支编队从北、东、南三个方向包围魔人部落,负责东面的第二师第一团在十里外就开始加速,进入深渊骑士的巡逻区域,朝着城墙疾速飞驰。 Although there is the invisible force field and a sound-insulated force field, the armored warfare ship does not have a sound in the flight, but devilman draws the lesson, enables to grasp true seeing spell or probing spell Purgatory Mage, as well as has the flying mount devilman soldier to join the patrol leader. 尽管有隐形力场和隔音力场,装甲战艇在飞行中没有一点动静,但是魔人吸取教训,让掌握真知术探查术炼狱法师,以及拥有飞行坐骑魔人战士加入巡逻队。 Their a while waits and sees every other everywhere, composed the detection system with the naked eye. 他们每隔一会儿四处观望,用肉眼组成了侦查系统。 This move reluctantly effective. 这一招勉强有效。 Before had several times, the armored warfare ship is discovered by the devilman tribe ahead of time, the guard created slightly some to the duke troublesome. 之前有几次,装甲战艇就被魔人部落提前发现,给公爵卫队造成了一些小麻烦。 The armored warfare ship advances to arrive to the city wall about five li (0.5 km), in the ground raises suddenly one bunch of flame, then blasts out. 装甲战艇突进到离城墙大约五里,地面上突然升起一束火焰,然后炸开。 Bang! 砰! The flame explosion of fireworks spreads is very far, the entire devilman tribe boils. 烟花似的火焰爆炸传出很远,整个魔人部落沸腾起来。 The armored warfare ship was discovered. 装甲战艇被发现了。 Acceleration!” “加速!” commander of second division first regiment ordered, to let the respective five armored warfare ship formation full speed flights decisively, the invisible force field and sound-insulated effect expired in high-speed, completely exposed in the devilman field of vision, the dead ahead had one team of devilman hunters who are riding the dark wing great eagle. 二师一团的团长果断下令,让所属的五艘装甲战艇编队全速飞行,隐形力场和隔音效果在高速中失效,完全暴露在魔人的视野中,正前方有一队骑着暗翼巨鹰的魔人猎手。 The control great eagle sprint that these hunters fierce do not fear, the mouth sends out to roar, opens the bow and arrow or holds up the lance shoots towards armored warfare ship. 这些猎手悍不畏死的驾驭巨鹰冲刺,嘴里发出咆哮,拉开弓箭或举起长矛射向装甲战艇。 What is the head is legend devilman. 为首的是一个传奇魔人 The fine iron lance that he projects just like one bunch of shadows like lightning, hit the armored warfare ship instantaneously, penetrated resistance field unexpectedly.. 他射出的精铁长矛犹如一束闪电般的黑影,瞬间就击中了装甲战艇,竟然穿透了抗拒力场。。 When lang, the lance was separated by the armor, only leaves behind a scratch. 当啷一声,长矛被装甲弹开了,只留下一道划痕。 On legend devilman face joyful turned in a flash stunned, oneself strike full power, even the God's Chosen champions must dread several points, the armor of enemy is actually not even able to penetrate. The arrows and lances of other devilman hunters are resistance field cannot even penetrate, was blocked completely. 传奇魔人脸上的喜悦转瞬变成了错愕,自己全力一击,连神选冠军都要忌惮几分,却连敌人的护甲都无法击穿。其他魔人猎手的弓箭和长矛更是连抗拒力场都没能穿透,全部被挡住了。 Kills them!” “撞死他们!” The armored warfare ship has been accelerating, even disdains in letting carrying lightning cannon and explodes can the machine gun open fire, direct full speed hits to the front dark wing great eagle. 装甲战艇一直在加速,甚至不屑于让搭载的电光炮和爆能机枪开火,直接全速撞向前面的暗翼巨鹰。 The wingspan of this great eagle has 78 meters width, but in front of 60 meters armored warfare ship like house sparrows, the linear velocity slightly was also inferior. When the devilman hunter responded, wanted to dodge already without enough time, helplessly looks that the huge war ship steamroll came. 这种巨鹰的翼展有七八米宽,但在六十米长的装甲战艇面前就像一只只麻雀,直线速度也略有不如。当魔人猎手反应过来的时候,想要闪避已经来不及了,眼睁睁的看着庞大的战艇碾压过来。 The hunter , the dark wing great eagle and conducts the back meets a cruel death, the feather and flesh paste in front of armored warfare ship, in an instant was blown off by the strong winds. 一阵噼哩啪啦,暗翼巨鹰和背上的猎手粉身碎骨,羽毛和血肉贴在装甲战艇的前面,转眼又被狂风吹散。 Compound dispersion, landing!” “并列分散,降落!” Five armored warfare ships rush to the city wall three li (0.5 km), disperses a character formation rapidly, but did not spread out like the past thoroughly, but reduced usual half the formation, strongly to 500 meters, and turned on the bottom plating in more than 300 meters upper air, making the soldiers jump. 五艘装甲战艇冲到离城墙三里,迅速分散成一字阵型,但不像以往那样彻底拉开距离,而是把阵型缩小到了平时的一半,集中到五百米之内,并且在三百多米的高空打开了底部装甲,让士兵们跳下去。 The duke guard was in the midair to open fire. 公爵卫队身在半空中就开火了。 Below ground dug out the long trench, the middle uses iron Cheval and stockade great distance, formed barrier that prevents the enemy from advancing. 下方的地面上挖出了长长的壕沟,中间用铁拒马和栅栏相隔,形成了一道道阻止敌军前进的障碍。 But also every hundred meters, constructs the blockhouse rock turret. 每隔百米,还建有碉堡似的岩石塔楼。 These tall firm turrets are arranged runic magic array by Purgatory Mage, and sends the lance hunter, archer and Purgatory Mage on the top, can separate the spatial attack with the duke guard. 这些高大坚固的塔楼由炼狱法师布置符文法阵,并在顶上派驻长矛猎手、弓箭手和炼狱法师,能够与公爵卫队隔空对攻。 Rocket projectiles and high explosive shells drop from the clouds, just like the raindrop crowded. 一枚枚火箭弹和榴弹从天而降,密集犹如雨点。 The firepower covered the surrounding area half li (0.5 km). 火力覆盖了方圆半里。 In the range has five trenches and four turrets, hides devilman in trench looks at the sky, in the eye is revealing the panic-stricken color, but anything did not do. 范围内有五条壕沟和四座塔楼,躲在壕沟中的魔人望着天空,眼中露出惊恐之色,但是什么也做不了。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The flame and shock-wave that the explosion produces submerged this range, killed most devilman instantaneously, the ground threw off one. 爆炸产生的火焰和冲击波淹没了这片范围,瞬间杀死了大部分魔人,地面被掀翻了一层。 The trench was levelled, the turret also only insisted several seconds collapse. 壕沟被填平,塔楼也只坚持了几秒钟就倒塌下来。 Only the turret raises in the sea of fire a black barrier, a legend high rank Purgatory Mage form appears on the top, lifts up high magic staff, is resisting bombing in sky. 唯有一座塔楼在火海中升起一层黑色屏障,一个传奇高阶炼狱法师的身影出现在顶上,高举法杖,抵抗着天空中的轰炸。 Two battalions and three battalions, drive out it.” “二营、三营,轰开它。” An order resounds in the helmet, subordinates carries out in this two battalions duke guard without hesitation, in the hand the weapon aiming black barrier, exploding can the spear/gun, Rambo's Gun, bazooka and high explosive shell spear/gun, each soldier opens fire full power, the sniper also pulls out the grenade to throw from the waist. 一道命令在头盔中响起,隶属于这两个营的公爵卫队毫不犹豫执行,手中武器瞄准黑色屏障,爆能枪、兰博之枪火箭筒和榴弹枪,每个士兵都全力开火,狙击手也从腰间掏出手雷掷下去。 Various attacks just like the rain to get down. 各种攻击犹如雨下。 In an instant, this black barrier collapsed, devilman in turret exposes under the fearful firepower, besides Purgatory Mage, others vanished in a puff of smoke instantaneously. 刹那间,这层黑色屏障就崩溃了,塔楼上的魔人暴露在可怕的火力之下,除了炼狱法师以外,其他人瞬间灰飞烟灭。 The Purgatory Mage protecting shield triggers, but also only lived for a half second, marches into the footsteps. 炼狱法师的护盾触发,但也只多活了半秒钟,步入后尘。 The entire turret was razed to the ground. 整座塔楼被夷为了平地。 When explodes the complementary waves to subside, the duke guard happen to falls to the ground, speedily found own teammate to reorganize the lineup, occupied this region. 等到爆炸余波平息,公爵卫队正好落地,迅速找到自己的队友重组阵形,占住了这片区域。 Attack!” “进攻!” Killed devilman that encircled from all around with a half minute, commander issued the order to attack. 用半分钟干掉了从四周围上来的魔人,团长下达了进攻命令。 The group prompts forward synchronously. 全团同步向前推进。 bazooka and high explosive shell spear/gun bombing leads the way, destroys the fortification, the crowded enemy who the machine-gun burst to/clashes, the devilman powerhouse who exploding can the rifle collection fire approach high-speed, approaches toward the city wall with steady steps, the defense and resistance of devilman, cannot prevent the footsteps of duke guard. 火箭筒和榴弹枪轰炸开路,摧毁防御工事,机枪扫射冲上来的密集敌人,爆能步枪集火高速逼近的魔人强者,稳步朝着城墙逼近,魔人的防御和抵抗,丝毫不能阻止公爵卫队的脚步。 Kurle Gosse's form appears in the city wall. 库尔格斯的身影出现在城墙上。 His vision searches in the distant place, the expression is very discrete, has not gone on stage to fight immediately, but sent out more armies to prevent the enemy. 他的目光在远处搜索,表情十分谨慎,并没有立即上场战斗,而是派出了更多的军队阻挡敌人。 devilman outside east city wall was assembled, charges into the duke guard tidal. 东面城墙外的魔人都被调集过来,潮水般冲向公爵卫队。 However, this slowed down the speed of march. 然而,这只是减缓了进军的速度。 After several minutes . 几分钟后。 The second division Regiment 1 has approached the city wall 1500 meters, so long as toward first half , the city wall will enter the bazooka firing distance again. 第二师第一团已经逼近到了城墙一千五百米,只要再往前半里,城墙就会进入火箭筒的射程。 But this has paid with over ten thousand devilman lives. 而这已经付出了上万魔人的生命。 Wū wū...... 呜呜呜…… In the top resounded the low and deep bugle horn sound, Kurle Gosse cannot repress finally, assembles the armies of north-south both sides. The duke guard of being attacked by the enemy on all sides the pressure increases immediately, the footsteps of advancement stagnate, was stranded on the spot. 城头上响起了低沉的号角声,库尔格斯终于按捺不住,把南北两面的军队也调集过来。四面受敌的公爵卫队顿时压力大增,推进的脚步停滞下来,被困在原地。 Meanwhile, the east side city gate opens greatly. 与此同时,东面城门大开。 Earth shock. 地面震动。 Teams of Abyss Knight flushed, the quantity are getting more and more, as if cannot see the end. Their evil energy aura link, condense thick evil energy defensive shield, just like a black tall wall to hit the stockade and Cheval, charges into the duke guard. 一队队深渊骑士冲了出来,数量越来越多,仿佛看不到尽头。他们身上的邪能气息连结,凝聚成厚实的邪能防护罩,犹如一堵黑色高墙撞开栅栏和拒马,冲向公爵卫队。 What lead is a God's Chosen champion! 带头的是一个神选冠军! At this moment, the momentum of duke guard was blocked, falls into the encirclement ring, although can eliminate more enemies every second, but if makes Abyss Knight rush to the front, will certainly be hit by the total destruction. 此刻,公爵卫队的势头被阻,陷入包围圈中,尽管每秒钟都能消灭更多的敌人,但如果让深渊骑士冲到面前,必将遭到灭顶之灾。 Abyss Knight full speed charge, is getting more and more near to the hostile position. 深渊骑士全速冲锋,离敌军阵地越来越近。 The duke guard detected that the threat, transferred immediately the a battalion firepower, when Abyss Knight crashes in the firing distance to open fire immediately. 公爵卫队察觉到了威胁,立即把一个营的火力调转过来,当深渊骑士冲进射程立即开火。 The first batch of rocket projectiles come, the bang blasts out on evil energy defensive shield. 第一批火箭弹呼啸而来,轰在邪能防护罩上炸开。 In the deafening explosive sound, defensive shield trembled several to stabilize, was bad very to the collapse. Abyss Knight seized the chance charge more than 200 meters, then received the attack of second wave of rocket projectile, meanwhile had higher explosive shells. 震耳欲聋的爆炸声中,防护罩只是震颤了几下就重新稳定,离崩溃还差得很远。深渊骑士趁机又冲锋了两百多米,接着受到第二波火箭弹的袭击,同时还有更多的榴弹。 Bang...... 轰隆…… evil energy defensive shield sways fiercely, but stood firm. 邪能防护罩剧烈摇晃,但还是稳住了。 Full speed charge!” “全速冲锋!” Kills these chop suey, offers sacrifices I to advocate with their blood, is the clansman revenges!” “杀死这些杂碎,用他们的鲜血献祭吾主,为族人报仇!” Clash/To angrily roars in the forefront God's Chosen champion loudly, the sound spread over the entire battlefield. Over ten thousand Abyss Knight evil energy erupt full power, making defensive shield firmer, just like a black mighty current, blotting out the sky rushes to the position of duke guard. 冲在最前面的神选冠军高声怒吼,声音传遍了整个战场。上万深渊骑士邪能全力爆发,让防护罩更加坚固,犹如一股黑色洪流,铺天盖地的涌向公爵卫队的阵地。 At this time, Abyss Knight had rushed to 500 meters. 这时,深渊骑士已经冲到了五百米内。 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers commander ordered, only left behind the enemy who a battalion resisted other directions, three camps transferred the direction, the Abyss Knight group that the firepower saturation attack flushed. 雷铸天兵团长下令,只留下一个营抵御其它方向的敌人,三个营调转方向,火力饱和攻击冲来的深渊骑士团。 But as if some late. 但似乎有些晚了。 Abyss Knight is going against hail of bullets crazy charge, evil energy of God's Chosen champion is unretentive, even does not hesitate to overdraw the soul, maintains defensive shield that creakies. 深渊骑士顶着枪林弹雨疯狂冲锋,神选冠军的邪能毫无保留,甚至不惜透支灵魂,维持住摇摇欲坠的防护罩 Distance of both sides reduces rapidly, less than hundred meters. 双方的距离迅速缩短,不足百米。 The duke guard and Abyss Knight have been able to see the opposite party most front face, devilman have killed red the eye, they constrained were too long, needed a full slaughter to release the hatred in heart, as well as to the hope of enemy blood. 公爵卫队和深渊骑士已经能看到对方最前排的面孔,魔人们已经杀红了眼睛,他们压抑太久了,需要一场酣畅淋漓的屠杀才能释放心中的仇恨,以及对敌人鲜血的渴望。 Finally......” “终于……” Takes the lead in the charge God's Chosen champion sending out laughs wildly recklessly: Hahahaha...... dies to me!” 带头冲锋神选冠军发出肆意狂笑:“哈哈哈哈……都给我死吧!” The boiling water surges evil energy aura, has almost touched the duke guard, the totally enclosed helmet blocked from their face. If the God's Chosen champion can see through the mask, will discover, close enemy complexion is not flustered, instead has an unusual calmness. 沸水翻腾般的邪能气息,几乎已经触到了公爵卫队,全封闭式的头盔遮住了他们的脸庞。如果神选冠军能看穿面罩,就会发现,近在咫尺的敌人没有一个脸色慌张,反而有一种反常的冷静。 teleportation.” 传送。” A tranquil and decisive sound resounds in the helmet. 一个平静而又果断的声音在头盔中响起。 Chest armor of each duke guard glitters the magic ray, stimulated enchantment fifth circle teleportation spell, approximate instantaneous effect, form neat vanishes does not see, only leaves behind the empty position. 每个公爵卫队的胸甲都闪烁出魔法光芒,激发了附魔五环传送术,近似瞬发效果,身影齐刷刷的消失不见,只留下空荡荡的阵地。 Laughing wildly of God's Chosen champion stops suddenly. 神选冠军的狂笑戛然而止。 In the city wall, Kurle Gosse's expression also solidified. 城墙上,库尔格斯的表情也凝固住了。 Over the past month, the duke guard eliminated the devilman tribe time, the injured soldiers stimulated teleportation spell that the armor has supplemented, but, any devilman that saw this died, did not have the opportunity to give Kurle Gosse this information report. 过去一个多月,公爵卫队消灭魔人部落的时候,许多受伤的士兵都激发过盔甲附带的传送术,但是,凡是见到这一幕的魔人都死了,并没有机会把这个信息报告给库尔格斯。 The storm armor that Renn builds, enchantment magic spell hidden in the armor, the hidden is excellent, the average person is unable to distinguish. 雷恩打造的暴风盔甲,附魔法术都隐藏在护甲内部,隐藏极好,一般人根本无法辨别。 If Kurle Gosse's helper, purgatory Archmage Jorgen is also living, could see some clue. 如果库尔格斯的帮手,炼狱大法师约尔根还活着,也许能看出一些端倪。 However Jorgen has died. 但是约尔根早已经死了。 Kurle Gosse has not expected completely, on the armor of these human unexpectedly enchantment fifth circle teleportation spell, because the cost was too high, a normal unusual army will not spend money on this. 库尔格斯也完全没有料到,这些人类的铠甲上竟然都附魔五环传送术,因为成本太高了,一支正常的超凡军队绝不会把钱花在这上面。 Person?” “人呢?” The God's Chosen champion almost must go crazy, but charge too cannot immediately stop quickly. 神选冠军几乎要发疯了,可是冲锋太快不能马上停止。 This is just like exhausts all strength to hit in the air, the body or the psychology, make Abyss Knight extremely uncomfortable. 这就好比用尽所有的力量打在空气上,无论是身体还是心理,都让深渊骑士极度难受。 Attention space!” “注意天上!” Dispersing!” “散开!” The Kurle Gosse's rave in the city wall, his sound has pressed everyone. 库尔格斯在城墙上狂吼,他的声音压过了所有人。 Abyss Knight subconscious raised the head, seeing five armored warfare ships to appear in the kilometer upper air, even if separates such, can still induce to the intense fluctuation of energy. 深渊骑士下意识的抬头起来,看见五艘装甲战艇在千米高空中显现出来,即使隔得这么远,也能感应到强烈的能量波动。 In a moment ago, the armored warfare ship delivered the army by the battlefield, immediately vanishes again invisible. 在刚才,装甲战艇把军队投送以战场上,立即再次隐形消失。 Before today, the armored warfare ship has only been responsible for transporting, attacks the devilman tribe the time has not opened fire, this gave devilman to create an misconception, this flying fortress did not have the striking power, its only function sends the enemy. 今天以前,装甲战艇一直只负责运输,进攻魔人部落的时候从来没有开火过,这给魔人造成了一种错觉,这种飞行堡垒没有攻击力,它唯一的作用就是运送敌人。 Therefore after commencing of action, the armored warfare ship vanishes, Kurle Gosse and devilman army does not care, neglected it. 所以在战斗开始以后,装甲战艇消失,库尔格斯和魔人军队都不在意,把它忽略了。 Now, the armored warfare ship revealed the fang finally! 现在,装甲战艇终于露出了獠牙! On each armored warfare ship installed two lightning cannon, 12 very explode can the machine gun. At this moment, ten lightning cannon gun tubes shone, thick electric current extremely dazzling, can reach the limit completely sufficiently, projects ten rounds of lightning cannon balls. 每艘装甲战艇上都安装了两门电光炮,还有十二挺爆能机枪。此刻,十门电光炮的炮管都亮了起来,粗大的电流极为刺目,全部充能到了极限,射出十发电光炮弹。 The diameter surpasses one meter lightning cannon ball to be quicker than the lightning, shelled in the ground instantaneously. 直径超过一米的电光炮弹比闪电还快,瞬间轰击到了地面上。 Bang! 轰隆! Ten rounds of shells also explode, have the earth-shaking loud sound. 十发炮弹同时爆炸,发出惊天动地的巨响。 The lightning cannon bombing pattern needs 12 seconds of sufficient energy, the opening fire frequency is lowest, the expended energy are most, but the might is also biggest, achieves ninth circle magic spell. Ten ninth circle magic spell shell together, almost can catch up with the Star Destroyer main artillery to strike. 电光炮的轰炸模式需要十二秒充能,开火频率最低,消耗能量最多,但是威力也最大,达到九环法术。十道九环法术一起轰击,几乎能赶得上歼星舰的主炮一击。 Abyss Knight evil energy defensive shield was pierced instantaneously. 深渊骑士邪能防护罩瞬间被洞穿了。 Terrifying energy burst. 恐怖的能量爆发。 Just liked had an earthquake, the fall of ground within surrounding area kilometer, placed more than 10,000 Abyss Knight to be reduced to ashes instantaneously, including that God's Chosen champion, during so fearful bombing was to also die not entire corpse. 犹如发生了一场地震,方圆千米内的地面塌陷下去,身处其中的一万多个深渊骑士瞬间化为灰烬,包括那个神选冠军,在如此可怕的轰炸之中也是死无全尸。 The impact porter who the explosion produces arrives at the tribe city wall, the entire city wall is swaying fiercely, above devilman is hard to come to a stop. 爆炸产生的冲击波打到部落城墙,整座城墙都在剧烈摇晃,上面的魔人难以站稳。 The face of each Netif's devilman was white, in the eye was full of the endless fear. 每个涅提弗魔人的脸都白了,眼里充满了无尽的恐惧。 Kurle Gosse surface sinks like the water. 库尔格斯面沉如水。 In order to deal with today's fight, he made many preparations, even if still keeps a move of subsequent hand to the present, however before such enemy, the use is not probably big, turns around the situation the opportunity is almost zero, still brings death at most. 为了应对今天的战斗,他做了很多准备,就算到现在依然留着一招后手,但是在这样的敌人面前,好像用处不大,扭转战局的机会几乎为零,顶多也是送死。 My Lord......” 领主大人……” Sir!” “大人!” Side Kurle Gosse is the chief of each tribe, anxious called, waited for the God's Chosen champion's next order. 库尔格斯身边都是各个部落的酋长,焦急的叫起来,等待神选冠军的下一步命令。 Everyone is dies to fight, is the respective escape? 大家是死战到底,还是各自逃命? Kurle Gosse opens mouth to be just about to speak, suddenly hears some people to shiver the startled sound to yell: They must come!” 库尔格斯张了张嘴正要说话,突然听到有人颤抖着惊声大叫道:“它们又要来了!” In the upper air, the lightning cannon twinkle electric current of armored warfare ship, is imitating the energy again obviously. 高空上,装甲战艇的电光炮再次闪烁电流,显然正在充能。 This cannon muzzle direction city wall. 这一次炮口指向城墙。 Escapes quickly!” “快逃啊!” The demoralization of devilman army, in the city wall the chaos, did not attend to the God's Chosen champion immediately completely at present, only want to escape the farther the better. 魔人军队的士气崩溃了,城墙上顿时大乱,完全不顾神选冠军就在眼前,只想逃得越远越好。 devilman in tribe like not having a fly runs away. 部落中的魔人也像没头苍蝇一样逃窜。 Kurle Gosse flies into a rage. 库尔格斯勃然大怒。 Then, he sees in the north-south two directions sky, presented the armored warfare ship, each side is five, and lightning cannon that withstand/top has soon imitated can be good, cannon muzzle aimed at the city wall, must thoroughly destroy the defense of tribe. 然后,他看见在南北两个方向的天空上,也出现了装甲战艇,每边都是五艘,并且顶上的电光炮已经快要充能好了,炮口瞄准了城墙,显然要彻底摧毁部落的防御。 15 armored warfare ships, only need a round salvo to kill the clansman of most tribe. 十五艘装甲战艇,只需一轮齐射就能杀死大半个部落的族人。 This also hits! 这还打个屁! Kurle Gosse cursed, immediately changes into the great blood-color mighty current to shoot up to the sky together, flies to escape toward the west side speedily, simultaneously called out loudly: Ekang, you do not come out not to blame me to renege on a promise, among us the agreement becomes invalid completely!” 库尔格斯心里大骂,立即化为一道宏大的血色洪流冲天而起,朝着西边疾速飞遁,同时高声叫道:“艾克昂,你再不出来别怪我反悔,我们之间的约定全部作废!” However, anything has not happened. 然而,什么事也没有发生。 Kurle Gosse's words have not been responded, his speed is extremely fast, several breath flew the tribe west side beyond more than ten li (0.5 km), runs away while looks, seeing the bunch of dazzling lightning cannon balls to fall. 库尔格斯的话没有得到回应,他的速度极快,几个呼吸就飞到了部落西边十几里外,一边逃遁一边回望,看见一团团耀眼的电光炮弹落下。 In the huge explosion, the tribe city wall collapses loudly. 巨大的爆炸中,部落城墙轰然倒塌。 These metal fortresses decrease in the altitude, human that teams of wear the silver white armor descends, from three surface surrounding tribes, launches the attack simultaneously. 那些金属堡垒降低高度,一队队穿着银白盔甲的人类降落下去,从三个面包围部落,同时发起进攻。 My tribe ended.” “我的部落完了。” In Kurle Gosse heart is quite painful, immediately has nothing to yearn for again, goes to flies westward full power. 库尔格斯心中极为痛苦,随即再无任何留恋,全力向西飞去。 But he just departed several hundred meters to stop again, together portal in the front opens, goes out of a human youth who wears mithril light armor and back is the red big cloak, the opposite party facial features tranquilly, blocked the way unarmed. 但他刚飞出数百米就再次停顿,一道传送门在前方打开,从中走出一个身穿秘银轻甲、背系红色大披风的人类青年,对方面容平静,赤手空拳的挡住了去路。
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