Chapter 924brokencity
第924章破城15armored warfareshipsare divided intothreeformationsin the flight, quietflyingto the devilmantribe, arrived in the scheduledbattle stationquickly.
十五艘装甲战艇在飞行中分成三支编队,悄无声息的飞向魔人部落,很快抵达了预定的战斗位置。Threeformationssurround the devilmantribefromnorthern, eastern and southernthreedirections, is responsible for the eastseconddivisionRegiment 1startingto accelerateinside and outsideten, enters the Abyss Knightpatrolregion, speeds alongtoward the city wallspeedily.
三支编队从北、东、南三个方向包围魔人部落,负责东面的第二师第一团在十里外就开始加速,进入深渊骑士的巡逻区域,朝着城墙疾速飞驰。Althoughthere is the invisibleforce fieldand a sound-insulatedforce field, the armored warfareshipdoes not have a soundin the flight, butdevilmandraws the lesson, enablesto grasptrue seeing spellorprobing spellPurgatory Mage, as well ashas the flying mountdevilmansoldierto join the patrol leader.
尽管有隐形力场和隔音力场,装甲战艇在飞行中没有一点动静,但是魔人吸取教训,让掌握真知术或探查术的炼狱法师,以及拥有飞行坐骑的魔人战士加入巡逻队。Theira whilewaits and seesevery othereverywhere, composed the detectionsystemwith the naked eye.
这一招勉强有效。Beforehadseveraltimes, the armored warfareshipis discoveredby the devilmantribeahead of time, the guardcreatedslightlysometo the duketroublesome.
The armored warfareshipadvancesto arriveto the city wallaboutfiveli (0.5 km), in the groundraisessuddenlyonebunch of flame, thenblasts out.
The flameexplosion of fireworksspreadsis very far, the entiredevilmantribeboils.
The armored warfareshipwas discovered.
“加速!”commander of seconddivisionfirstregimentordered, to let the respectivefivearmored warfareshipformationfull speedflightsdecisively, the invisibleforce field and sound-insulatedeffectexpiredinhigh-speed, completelyexposedin the devilmanfield of vision, the dead aheadhadoneteam of devilmanhunters who are riding the darkwinggreateagle.
The controlgreateaglesprint that thesehuntersfiercedo not fear, the mouthsends outto roar, opens the bow and arroworholds up the lanceshoots towardsarmored warfareship.
这些猎手悍不畏死的驾驭巨鹰冲刺,嘴里发出咆哮,拉开弓箭或举起长矛射向装甲战艇。Whatis the headislegenddevilman.
The fineironlance that heprojectsjust likeonebunch of shadowslike lightning, hit the armored warfareshipinstantaneously, penetratedresistance fieldunexpectedly..
他射出的精铁长矛犹如一束闪电般的黑影,瞬间就击中了装甲战艇,竟然穿透了抗拒力场。。Whenlang, the lancewas separatedby the armor, onlyleaves behind a scratch.
当啷一声,长矛被装甲弹开了,只留下一道划痕。Onlegenddevilmanfacejoyfulturnedin a flashstunned, oneselfstrikefull power, even the God's Chosenchampionsmustdreadseveralpoints, the armor of enemy is actually not even ableto penetrate. The arrows and lances of otherdevilmanhuntersareresistance fieldcannot evenpenetrate, was blockedcompletely.传奇魔人脸上的喜悦转瞬变成了错愕,自己全力一击,连神选冠军都要忌惮几分,却连敌人的护甲都无法击穿。其他魔人猎手的弓箭和长矛更是连抗拒力场都没能穿透,全部被挡住了。„Killsthem!”
The armored warfareshiphas been accelerating, evendisdainsinlettingcarryinglightning cannonandexplodescan the machine gunopen fire, directfull speedhitsto the frontdarkwinggreateagle.
The wingspan of thisgreateaglehas78meterswidth, butin front of60metersarmored warfareshiplikehouse sparrows, the linear velocityslightlywas also inferior. When the devilmanhunterresponded, wantedto dodgealreadywithout enough time, helplesslylooks that the hugewarshipsteamrollcame.
The hunter , the darkwinggreateagleand conducts the backmeets a cruel death, the feather and fleshpasteinfront of armored warfareship, in an instantwas blown offby the strong winds.
一阵噼哩啪啦,暗翼巨鹰和背上的猎手粉身碎骨,羽毛和血肉贴在装甲战艇的前面,转眼又被狂风吹散。„Compounddispersion, landing!”
“并列分散,降落!”Fivearmored warfareshipsrushto the city wallthreeli (0.5 km), disperses a characterformationrapidly, butdid not spread outlike the pastthoroughly, butreducedusualhalf the formation, stronglyto500meters, andturned on the bottom platingin more than 300metersupper air, making the soldiersjump.
The dukeguardwas in the midairto open fire.
Below grounddug out the longtrench, the middleusesironCheval and stockadegreat distance, formedbarrier that prevents the enemyfrom advancing.
下方的地面上挖出了长长的壕沟,中间用铁拒马和栅栏相隔,形成了一道道阻止敌军前进的障碍。But alsoevery hundred meters, constructs the blockhouserockturret.
每隔百米,还建有碉堡似的岩石塔楼。Thesetallfirmturretsare arrangedrunic magic arraybyPurgatory Mage, andsends the lancehunter, archerandPurgatory Mageon the top, canseparate the spatialattackwith the dukeguard.
这些高大坚固的塔楼由炼狱法师布置符文法阵,并在顶上派驻长矛猎手、弓箭手和炼狱法师,能够与公爵卫队隔空对攻。Rocket projectiles and high explosive shellsdrop from the clouds, just like the raindropcrowded.
The firepowercovered the surrounding areahalfli (0.5 km).
火力覆盖了方圆半里。In the rangehasfivetrenchesandfourturrets, hidesdevilmanintrenchlooks at the sky, in the eyeis revealing the panic-strickencolor, butanythingdid not do.
The flame and shock-wave that the explosionproducessubmergedthisrange, killedmostdevilmaninstantaneously, the groundthrew offone.
The trenchwas levelled, the turretalsoonlyinsistedseveralsecondscollapse.
壕沟被填平,塔楼也只坚持了几秒钟就倒塌下来。Only the turretraisesin the sea of fire a blackbarrier, a legendhigh rankPurgatory Mageformappearson the top, lifts up highmagic staff, is resistingbombing in sky.
唯有一座塔楼在火海中升起一层黑色屏障,一个传奇高阶炼狱法师的身影出现在顶上,高举法杖,抵抗着天空中的轰炸。„Twobattalionsandthreebattalions, drive outit.”
An orderresoundsin the helmet, subordinatescarries outinthistwo battalionsdukeguardwithout hesitation, in the hand the weapon aimingblackbarrier, explodingcan the spear/gun, Rambo's Gun, bazooka and high explosive shellspear/gun, eachsoldieropens firefull power, the sniperalsopulls out the grenadeto throwfrom the waist.
一道命令在头盔中响起,隶属于这两个营的公爵卫队毫不犹豫执行,手中武器瞄准黑色屏障,爆能枪、兰博之枪、火箭筒和榴弹枪,每个士兵都全力开火,狙击手也从腰间掏出手雷掷下去。Variousattacksjust like the rainto get down.
各种攻击犹如雨下。In an instant, thisblackbarriercollapsed, devilman in turretexposesunder the fearfulfirepower, besidesPurgatory Mage, others vanished in a puff of smokeinstantaneously.
The Purgatory Mageprotectingshieldtriggers, butalsoonlylived for a halfsecond, marches into the footsteps.炼狱法师的护盾触发,但也只多活了半秒钟,步入后尘。
The entireturretwas razed to the ground.
整座塔楼被夷为了平地。Whenexplodes the complementary wavesto subside, the dukeguardhappen tofalls to the ground, speedilyfoundownteammateto reorganize the lineup, occupiedthisregion.
“进攻!”Killeddevilman that encircledfromall aroundwitha halfminute, commanderissued the order to attack.
The groupprompts forwardsynchronously.
全团同步向前推进。bazookaandhigh explosive shellspear/gunbombingleads the way, destroys the fortification, the crowdedenemy who the machine-gun burstto/clashes, the devilmanpowerhouse who explodingcan the riflecollectionfireapproachhigh-speed, approachestoward the city wallwith steady steps, the defense and resistance of devilman, cannotprevent the footsteps of dukeguard.火箭筒和榴弹枪轰炸开路,摧毁防御工事,机枪扫射冲上来的密集敌人,爆能步枪集火高速逼近的魔人强者,稳步朝着城墙逼近,魔人的防御和抵抗,丝毫不能阻止公爵卫队的脚步。KurleGosse'sformappearsin the city wall.
库尔格斯的身影出现在城墙上。Hisvisionsearchesin the distant place, the expressionis very discrete, has not gone on stageto fightimmediately, butsent outmorearmiesto prevent the enemy.
他的目光在远处搜索,表情十分谨慎,并没有立即上场战斗,而是派出了更多的军队阻挡敌人。devilman outside eastcity wallwas assembled, charges into the dukeguardtidal.
东面城墙外的魔人都被调集过来,潮水般冲向公爵卫队。However, thisslowed down the speed of march.
After severalminutes .
The seconddivisionRegiment 1has approached the city wall1500meters, so long astowardfirst half , the city wallwill enter the bazookafiring distanceagain.
第二师第一团已经逼近到了城墙一千五百米,只要再往前半里,城墙就会进入火箭筒的射程。Butthishas paid withover ten thousanddevilmanlives.
而这已经付出了上万魔人的生命。Wū wū......
呜呜呜……In the topresounded the low and deepbugle horn sound, KurleGossecannot repressfinally, assembles the armies of north-southboth sides. The dukeguard of being attacked by the enemy on all sides the pressureincreasesimmediately, the footsteps of advancementstagnate, was strandedon the spot.
城头上响起了低沉的号角声,库尔格斯终于按捺不住,把南北两面的军队也调集过来。四面受敌的公爵卫队顿时压力大增,推进的脚步停滞下来,被困在原地。Meanwhile, the east sidecity gateopensgreatly.
与此同时,东面城门大开。Earth shock.
地面震动。Teams of Abyss Knightflushed, the quantityare getting more and more, as ifcannot see the end. Theirevil energyauralink, condensethickevil energydefensive shield, just like a blacktall wallto hit the stockadeandCheval, charges into the dukeguard.
一队队深渊骑士冲了出来,数量越来越多,仿佛看不到尽头。他们身上的邪能气息连结,凝聚成厚实的邪能防护罩,犹如一堵黑色高墙撞开栅栏和拒马,冲向公爵卫队。Whatleadis a God's Chosenchampion!
带头的是一个神选冠军!At this moment, the momentum of dukeguardwas blocked, falls into the encirclement ring, althoughcaneliminatemoreenemies every second, but ifmakesAbyss Knightrush to the front, will certainlybe hit by the total destruction.
此刻,公爵卫队的势头被阻,陷入包围圈中,尽管每秒钟都能消灭更多的敌人,但如果让深渊骑士冲到面前,必将遭到灭顶之灾。Abyss Knightfull speedcharge, is getting more and more nearto the hostile position.深渊骑士全速冲锋,离敌军阵地越来越近。
The dukeguarddetected that the threat, transferredimmediately the a battalionfirepower, whenAbyss Knightcrashes in the firing distanceto open fireimmediately.
The firstbatch of rocket projectilescome, the bangblasts outonevil energydefensive shield.
第一批火箭弹呼啸而来,轰在邪能防护罩上炸开。In the deafeningexplosive sound, defensive shieldtrembledseveralto stabilize, was badveryto the collapse. Abyss Knightseized the chancecharge more than 200meters, thenreceived the attack of secondwave of rocket projectile, meanwhilehad higher explosive shells.
轰隆……evil energydefensive shieldswaysfiercely, butstood firm.邪能防护罩剧烈摇晃,但还是稳住了。„Full speedcharge!”
“全速冲锋!”„Killsthesechop suey, offers sacrificesIto advocatewiththeirblood, is the clansmanrevenges!”
“杀死这些杂碎,用他们的鲜血献祭吾主,为族人报仇!”Clash/Toangrily roarsin the forefrontGod's Chosenchampionloudly, the soundspread over the entirebattlefield. Over ten thousandAbyss Knightevil energyeruptfull power, makingdefensive shieldfirmer, just like a blackmighty current, blotting out the skyrushes to the position of dukeguard.
冲在最前面的神选冠军高声怒吼,声音传遍了整个战场。上万深渊骑士的邪能全力爆发,让防护罩更加坚固,犹如一股黑色洪流,铺天盖地的涌向公爵卫队的阵地。At this time, Abyss Knighthad rushed to 500meters.
这时,深渊骑士已经冲到了五百米内。Thunderforge Heavenly Soldierscommanderordered, onlyleft behind the enemy who a battalionresistedotherdirections, threecampstransferred the direction, the Abyss Knightgroup that the firepowersaturation attackflushed.雷铸天兵团长下令,只留下一个营抵御其它方向的敌人,三个营调转方向,火力饱和攻击冲来的深渊骑士团。Butas ifsomelate.
但似乎有些晚了。Abyss Knightis going againsthail of bulletscrazycharge, evil energy of God's Chosenchampionis unretentive, evendoes not hesitateto overdraw the soul, maintainsdefensive shield that creakies.深渊骑士顶着枪林弹雨疯狂冲锋,神选冠军的邪能毫无保留,甚至不惜透支灵魂,维持住摇摇欲坠的防护罩。Distance of both sidesreducesrapidly, less thanhundredmeters.
The dukeguardandAbyss Knighthave been ableto see the opposite partymostfrontface, devilmanhave killedred the eye, theyconstrainedwere too long, needed a fullslaughter to release the hatred in heart, as well asto the hope of enemyblood.
“终于……”Takes the lead in the chargeGod's Chosenchampionsending outlaughs wildlyrecklessly: „Hahahaha...... diestome!”
The boiling watersurgesevil energyaura, has almost touched the dukeguard, the totally enclosedhelmetblocked fromtheirface. If the God's Chosenchampioncansee through the mask, will discover,closeenemycomplexionis not flustered, insteadhas an unusualcalmness.
A tranquilanddecisivesoundresoundsin the helmet.
一个平静而又果断的声音在头盔中响起。Chestarmor of eachdukeguardglitters the magicray, stimulatedenchantmentfifth circleteleportation spell, approximateinstantaneouseffect, formneatvanishesdoes not see, onlyleaves behind the emptyposition.
每个公爵卫队的胸甲都闪烁出魔法光芒,激发了附魔的五环传送术,近似瞬发效果,身影齐刷刷的消失不见,只留下空荡荡的阵地。Laughing wildly of God's Chosenchampionstops suddenly.神选冠军的狂笑戛然而止。In the city wall, KurleGosse'sexpressionalsosolidified.
城墙上,库尔格斯的表情也凝固住了。Over the past month, the dukeguardeliminated the devilmantribetime, the injuredsoldiersstimulatedteleportation spell that the armorhas supplemented, but, anydevilman that sawthisdied, did not have the opportunityto giveKurleGossethisinformation report.
The stormarmor that Rennbuilds, enchantmentmagic spellhiddenin the armor, the hiddenis excellent, the average personis unable to distinguish.雷恩打造的暴风盔甲,附魔法术都隐藏在护甲内部,隐藏极好,一般人根本无法辨别。IfKurleGosse'shelper, purgatoryArchmageJorgenis also living, couldseesomeclue.
如果库尔格斯的帮手,炼狱大法师约尔根还活着,也许能看出一些端倪。HoweverJorgenhas died.
但是约尔根早已经死了。KurleGossehas not expectedcompletely, on the armor of thesehumanunexpectedlyenchantmentfifth circleteleportation spell, because the costwas too high, a normalunusualarmywill not spendmoneyonthis.
The God's Chosenchampionalmostmustgo crazy, butchargetoocannotimmediatelystopquickly.神选冠军几乎要发疯了,可是冲锋太快不能马上停止。Thisis just likeexhaustsallstrengthto hitin the air, the bodyor the psychology, makeAbyss Knightextremelyuncomfortable.
The KurleGosse'sravein the city wall, hissoundhas pressedeveryone.
库尔格斯在城墙上狂吼,他的声音压过了所有人。Abyss Knightsubconsciousraised the head, seeingfivearmored warfareshipsto appearin the kilometerupper air, even ifseparatessuch, can still induceto the intensefluctuation of energy.深渊骑士下意识的抬头起来,看见五艘装甲战艇在千米高空中显现出来,即使隔得这么远,也能感应到强烈的能量波动。Ina moment ago, the armored warfareshipdelivered the armyby the battlefield, immediatelyvanishesagaininvisible.
Before today, the armored warfareshiphas only been responsible fortransporting, attacks the devilmantribe the timehas not opened fire, thisgavedevilmanto create an misconception, thisflying fortressdid not have the striking power, itsonlyfunctionsends the enemy.
今天以前,装甲战艇一直只负责运输,进攻魔人部落的时候从来没有开火过,这给魔人造成了一种错觉,这种飞行堡垒没有攻击力,它唯一的作用就是运送敌人。Thereforeaftercommencing of action, the armored warfareshipvanishes, KurleGosseanddevilmanarmydoes not care, neglectedit.
所以在战斗开始以后,装甲战艇消失,库尔格斯和魔人军队都不在意,把它忽略了。Now, the armored warfareshiprevealed the fangfinally!
现在,装甲战艇终于露出了獠牙!Oneacharmored warfareshipinstalledtwolightning cannon, 12veryexplodecan the machine gun. At this moment, tenlightning cannongun tubesshone, thickelectric currentextremelydazzling, canreach the limitcompletelysufficiently, projectstenrounds of lightning cannonballs.
The diametersurpassesonemeterlightning cannonballto be quicker than the lightning, shelledin the groundinstantaneously.
轰隆!Tenrounds of shellsalsoexplode, have the earth-shakingloud sound.
The lightning cannonbombingpatternneeds12seconds of sufficientenergy, the opening firefrequencyis lowest, the expended energyare most, but the mightis also biggest, achievesninth circlemagic spell. Tenninth circlemagic spellshelltogether, almost can catch up with the Star Destroyermain artilleryto strike.电光炮的轰炸模式需要十二秒充能,开火频率最低,消耗能量最多,但是威力也最大,达到九环法术。十道九环法术一起轰击,几乎能赶得上歼星舰的主炮一击。Abyss Knightevil energydefensive shieldwas piercedinstantaneously.深渊骑士的邪能防护罩瞬间被洞穿了。Terrifyingenergy burst.
恐怖的能量爆发。Just likedhad an earthquake, the fall of ground within surrounding areakilometer, placed more than 10,000Abyss Knightto be reduced to ashesinstantaneously, includingthatGod's Chosenchampion, duringsofearfulbombingwasto also die not entirecorpse.
The impactporter who the explosionproducesarrives at the tribecity wall, the entirecity wallis swayingfiercely, abovedevilmanis hardto come to a stop.
The face of eachNetif's devilmanwas white, in the eyewas full of the endlessfear.
每个涅提弗魔人的脸都白了,眼里充满了无尽的恐惧。KurleGossesurfacesinkslike the water.
库尔格斯面沉如水。In order todeal withtoday'sfight, hemademanypreparations, even ifstillkeeps a move of subsequent handto the present, howeverbeforesuchenemy, the useis not probably big, turns around the situation the opportunity is almost zero, stillbrings deathat most.
为了应对今天的战斗,他做了很多准备,就算到现在依然留着一招后手,但是在这样的敌人面前,好像用处不大,扭转战局的机会几乎为零,顶多也是送死。„My Lord......”
“大人!”SideKurleGosseis the chief of eachtribe, anxiouscalled, waited for the God's Chosenchampion'snextorder.
库尔格斯身边都是各个部落的酋长,焦急的叫起来,等待神选冠军的下一步命令。Everyoneisdiesto fight, is the respectiveescape?
大家是死战到底,还是各自逃命?KurleGosseopens mouthto be just aboutto speak, suddenlyhearssomepeopleto shiver the startledsoundto yell: „Theymustcome!”
库尔格斯张了张嘴正要说话,突然听到有人颤抖着惊声大叫道:“它们又要来了!”In the upper air, the lightning cannontwinkleelectric current of armored warfareship, is imitating the energyagainobviously.
高空上,装甲战艇的电光炮再次闪烁电流,显然正在充能。Thiscannon muzzledirectioncity wall.
The demoralization of devilmanarmy, in the city wall the chaos, did not attend to the God's Chosenchampionimmediatelycompletely at present, onlywantto escapethe farther the better.魔人军队的士气崩溃了,城墙上顿时大乱,完全不顾神选冠军就在眼前,只想逃得越远越好。devilman in tribelikenot having a flyruns away.
部落中的魔人也像没头苍蝇一样逃窜。KurleGosseflies into a rage.
库尔格斯勃然大怒。Then, heseesin the north-southtwodirectionssky, presented the armored warfareship, eachsideisfive, andlightning cannon that withstand/tophas soon imitatedcanbe good, cannon muzzleaimed at the city wall, must thoroughlydestroy the defense of tribe.
然后,他看见在南北两个方向的天空上,也出现了装甲战艇,每边都是五艘,并且顶上的电光炮已经快要充能好了,炮口瞄准了城墙,显然要彻底摧毁部落的防御。15armored warfareships, onlyneed a roundsalvo to kill the clansman of mosttribe.
这还打个屁!KurleGossecursed,immediatelychanges into the greatblood-colormighty currentto shoot up to the skytogether, fliesto escapetoward the west sidespeedily, simultaneouslycalled outloudly: „Ekang, youdo not come outnot to blamemeto renege on a promise, amongus the agreementbecomes invalidcompletely!”
库尔格斯心里大骂,立即化为一道宏大的血色洪流冲天而起,朝着西边疾速飞遁,同时高声叫道:“艾克昂,你再不出来别怪我反悔,我们之间的约定全部作废!”However, anything has not happened.
然而,什么事也没有发生。KurleGosse'swordshave not been responded, hisspeedis extremely fast, severalbreathflew the tribewest sidebeyondmore than tenli (0.5 km), runs awaywhilelooks, seeing the bunch of dazzlinglightning cannonballsto fall.
库尔格斯的话没有得到回应,他的速度极快,几个呼吸就飞到了部落西边十几里外,一边逃遁一边回望,看见一团团耀眼的电光炮弹落下。In the hugeexplosion, the tribecity wallcollapsesloudly.
巨大的爆炸中,部落城墙轰然倒塌。Thesemetalfortressesdecrease in the altitude, human that teams of wear the silver whitearmordescends, fromthreesurfacesurroundingtribes, launches the attacksimultaneously.
“我的部落完了。”InKurleGosseheartis quite painful, immediatelyhas nothingto yearn foragain, goestoflies westwardfull power.
库尔格斯心中极为痛苦,随即再无任何留恋,全力向西飞去。Buthejustdepartedseveral hundredmetersto stopagain, togetherportalin the frontopens, goes out of a humanyouth who wearsmithril light armorandbackis the redbigcloak, the opposite partyfacial featurestranquilly, blocked the wayunarmed.
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