WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#923: Big training

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Chapter 923 trains greatly 第923章大练兵 After the tribe chiefs die, devilman cannot organize the resistance again. 部落酋长死后,魔人再也组织不起反抗。 Although also several legend devilman in this tribe, living Abyss Knight has 500-600, but under the strong remote precision of duke guard, the fighting will of entire tribe collapsed completely, more than 10,000 devilman escape toward the tribe behind. 尽管在这个部落里还有几个传奇魔人,活着的深渊骑士有500-600个,但在公爵卫队的强大远程火力之下,整个部落的战斗意志完全崩溃了,一万多魔人朝着部落后方逃命。 The duke guard used a half hour of crew cut the tribe, then bypassed the combustion the ruins , to continue enemy who chased down to escape. 公爵卫队用半个小时推平了部落,然后绕过燃烧的废墟,继续追杀逃跑的敌人。 After one hour, fought to finish. 一个多小时后战斗结束。 More than 20,000 devilman only then less than 1/10 escape, but the duke guard almost does not have the casualties. In the combat process, attack more than ten Purgatory Mage teleportation to the lineup, goes all out to throw range magic spell, even directly from exploding wants to perish together. 两万多魔人只有不到十分之一逃出去,而公爵卫队几乎没有伤亡。战斗过程中,有十几个炼狱法师传送到阵形中突袭,拼命扔出范围法术,甚至直接自爆想要同归于尽。 The duke guard has the protection in the training early, their lineups were quite scattered, does not give Purgatory Mage to create the opportunities of mass casualties. 公爵卫队在训练中对此早有防备,他们的阵形原本就较为分散,根本不给炼狱法师造成大量杀伤的机会。 But dozens soldiers were hit by magic spell, actually not fatal. 但还是有数十个士兵被法术命中,却没有致命。 The armor that on them wears is seemingly ordinary, is actually Renn researches and develops many years of achievement, magic alloy that one type has both mithril and adamantite merit, has extremely high magic ductility, simultaneously and facile and hard, according to the certain proportion mixes in many common metals, obtained the brand-new formula. 他们身上穿的盔甲看似普通,其实是雷恩研发多年的成果,一种兼具秘银精金优点的魔法合金,拥有极高的魔法延展性,同时又轻便、坚硬,按一定比例掺入多种常见金属,得到了全新的配方。 If only compares some performance, this magic alloy definitely cannot compare high-purity mithril or adamantite, was inferior compared with titan bluesteel. 如果只比较某个性能,这种魔法合金肯定比不上高纯度的秘银精金,比泰坦蓝铁更是不如。 However, its comprehensive feature is very good, and serviceability is extremely broad. 但是,它的综合性能很好,且适用性极广。 The most important thing is, the cost is low! 最重要的是,成本低! Smelts this magic alloy cost high-purity mithril about 1/5, because its color is the silver gray chromatic polarization is white, therefore Renn is called „the Beskar alloy it. 冶炼这种魔法合金的成本只有高纯度秘银的五分之一左右,因为它的颜色是银灰色偏白,于是雷恩将它叫做“贝斯卡合金”。 Renn uses the Beskar alloy as the principal material, was tailor the standard armor for the duke guard, comprised of the helmet, chest armor, shoulder armor, glove, waistband, shinguard and war boots seven parts, on each part has the different enchantment effects.. 雷恩贝斯卡合金为主材料,为公爵卫队量身打造了制式盔甲,由头盔、胸甲、肩甲、手套、腰带、护腿和战靴七个部件组成,每个部件上都有不同的附魔效果。。 The helmet is in the whole armor the function are most, construction cost highest part. 头盔是整套盔甲中功能最多,造价最高的部件。 It not only supplements fourth circle mental protection, the outer covering can filter the toxic gas, the black goggles also has the filter effect, can avoid flash technique and so on blind that magic spell or the explosion glare causes, but also built-in transaudient table, with the teammate IM, accepts higher authority's order. 它不但附带四环心灵防护,外壳能够过滤毒气,黑色护目镜也有滤光效果,能够避免“闪光术”之类的法术或爆炸强光导致的失明,还内置了传声表,与队友即时通信,接受上级的命令。 In chest armor enchantment two magic spell, respectively are fourth circle mystery armor and fifth circle teleportation spell. 胸甲上附魔了两个法术,分别是四环“奥秘护甲”和五环传送术”。 When the mystery armor by magic spell attacks the autotrigger, weakens the energy injury, even this magic armor were penetrated, chest armor self-defence still tenacious, resists extremely sufficiently arrives at twice the full power attack of legendary transcendent. 奥秘护甲在受到法术攻击时就会自动触发,削弱能量伤害,即使这层魔法护甲被穿透,胸甲自身的防御也极为坚韧,足以抵挡一到两次传奇超凡者的全力打击。 teleportation spell has to retreat when the hopeless situation, or under the severe wound has lost the battle efficiency, returns to the armored warfare ship soldier teleportation. 传送术则是在绝境之中不得不撤退,或者重伤之下已经失去战斗力时,将士兵传送回到装甲战艇。 If the armored warfare ship were also destroyed, then automatic teleportation returns to the Star Destroyer hangar. 如果装甲战艇也被摧毁,则自动传送返回歼星舰的机库。 teleportation spell is the duke guard final maintaining life method, because achieved fifth circle, can stimulate every three days one time. 传送术是公爵卫队最后的保命手段,因为达到了五环,每隔三天才能激发一次。 Shoulder armor enchantment third circle giant's strength spell, uses every day three times. 肩甲附魔三环巨力术,每天使用三次。 On the glove is the flame mighty current, the left and right hands has respectively twice, stimulates the enemy of after-combustion near body. 手套上是火焰洪流,左右手各有两次,激发后燃烧近身的敌人。 The tactical waistband not only brings restoration spell, can restore the armor of mild damage rapidly, and designs various functions, can carry the different firearms magazines, ammunition and grenade, as well as accepts three types to be used to restore the physical strength, soul power and treatment injury potion respectively. 战术腰带不仅自带“修复术”,能够将轻度损坏的盔甲迅速修复,并且设计成多种功能,可以挂载不同枪械弹匣、弹药和手雷,以及收容三种分别用于恢复体力、魂力和治疗伤势的魔药 What on shinguard enchantment is flash, a day uses opportunities the three times, at crucial moment spreads out with the enemy, can dodge the fatal attack. 护腿上附魔的是闪现,一天使用三次机会,在关键的时候与敌人拉开距离,也可以闪避致命攻击。 Fights boots also two enchantment magic spell, floating spell avoids the high place crashing the injury, acceleration spell raises the running speed when needed, lets the army full speed advance. 战靴也有两个附魔法术,漂浮术避免高处坠落伤害,加速术则是在需要的时候提升奔跑速度,让军队全速前进。 The quality of this set of magic armor achieves epic rank! 这套魔法盔甲的品质达到史诗级 Renn names as storm armor. 雷恩命名为“暴风盔甲”。 Although the storm armor enchantment magic spell ring content is not high, but the function of one set of armor both practical and powerful, has both the defense, magic resistance and maintaining life . Moreover the style is succinct, putting on is very facile, if attains in the market at least the value 20,000 golden Shield. 虽然暴风盔甲附魔法术环数都不高,但是一整套盔甲的功能既实用又强大,兼具防御、魔法抗性和保命,而且样式简洁美观,穿起来也很轻便,如果拿到市场上至少价值两万金盾。 These cannot unusual profession, even legend must snatch the broken head. 那些不能施法的超凡职业,即使是传奇也要抢破头。 In fact, deducts the Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers manpower cost, only calculates the alloy and enchantment material of use, construction cost of one set of storm armor in 1500 golden Shield about. 实际上,扣去雷铸天兵的人力成本,只算使用的合金和附魔材料,一套暴风盔甲的造价在一千五百金盾左右。 This is Renn intends the cost control the result. 这是雷恩有意控制成本的结果。 He can great strength that the storm armor makes, seventh circle eighth circle magic spell be able enchantment, but the cost will rise dramatically dozens times, is unable to equip massively. 他可以把暴风盔甲制造的更加强大,七环八环法术都能附魔,但是成本就会暴增数十倍,无法大规模列装。 The costs of 1500 golden Shield are completely acceptable, the performance-to-price ratio is high. 一千五百金盾的成本是完全可以接受的,性价比非常高。 Over the past year, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers made 50,000 sets of storm armor, enough equipped to three military compound all duke guards, the extra 20,000 sets stored up spare. 过去一年,雷铸天兵制造了五万套暴风盔甲,足够给三个军营所有的公爵卫队列装,富余的两万套储存起来备用。 Puts on the duke guard of storm armor, although they are only 2nd rank or 3rd rank transcendent, actually is not so easy to kill. 穿上风暴盔甲的公爵卫队,尽管他们只是二级三级超凡者,其实并不那么容易杀死。 These Purgatory Mage suicide magic spell, were resisted by the storm armor mostly, cannot cause the damage. 那些炼狱法师的自杀式法术,大部分被风暴盔甲抵挡了,没能造成伤害。 Some soldiers stimulated flash to avoid directly. 一些士兵激发闪现直接躲开了。 Dozens are injured personally, eight severe wounds are on the verge of death, is seventh circle magic spell that a legend purgatory law displays creates, but he was struck to kill by Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers quickly, severely wounded soldier prompt teleportation to the armored warfare ship on, went to therapy to save the life. 只有几十个人受伤,其中八个重伤濒死,都是一个传奇炼狱法施展的七环法术造成的,但他很快被雷铸天兵击杀,重伤的士兵及时传送到装甲战艇上,接受治疗保住了性命。 In addition did not have the twists and turns again. 此外就再无波折了。 The first battle of duke guard gained the perfect victory, the first division Regiment 1, by 2000 people of the enemies who eliminated ten times of quantities, thoroughly destroyed this powerful devilman tribe. 公爵卫队的首战取得了完美的胜利,第一师第一团,以两千人消灭了十倍数量的敌人,彻底摧毁了这个强大的魔人部落。 The armored warfare ship descends, everyone mounts the cabin rapidly, takes off to return to Star Destroyer. 装甲战艇降落下来,所有人迅速登上舱室,起飞返回歼星舰 Quick, the armored warfare ship flew into the hangar. 很快,装甲战艇飞进了机库。 Until this time, the military officer allowed everyone to pick the ventilation the helmet. 直到这时,军官才允许大家把头盔摘下来透气。 The soldiers wait and see mutually, discovered that the expression of everyone is very excited, some people of joy, some people of excitements, some people cannot believe. 士兵们互相观望,发现每个人的表情都很激动,有人欣喜,有人兴奋,也有人不敢相信。 A year ago, they are also only the small and weak average people, but one year later, oneself has actually been able to kill so many fearful devilman! 一年以前,他们还只是弱小的普通人,而在一年后,自己却已经能够杀死这么多可怕的魔人 All are granting of duke Sir! 一切都是公爵大人的赐予的! The weapon, the armor, potion, demonic soul, without duke Sir paid so many things for oneself, teachers' selfless guidance, day and night supervised training, studies the tactic, oneself will not have so powerful strength. 武器,盔甲,魔药,魔魂,没有公爵大人为自己付出了这么多东西,还有教官们的无私教导,没日没夜的监督训练,学习战术,自己绝不会拥有如此强大的力量 The soldiers talked in whispers, could not repress with the desire that the teammate exchanged. 士兵们窃窃私语,按捺不住与队友交流的欲望。 The sound is getting more and more loud, seems somewhat chaotic. 声音越来越大,显得有些混乱。 This violated the strict discipline of duke guard, the teachers request regardless of what situation, the army must maintain the calm accomplishment, cannot noisy chaotic, but this time, the military officers at all levels have not ordered to completely prohibit, lets the soldiers free alternating current. 这违反了公爵卫队的严明纪律,教官们要求无论什么情况,军队都要保持冷静素养,绝不能吵闹混乱,但是这一次,各级军官没有下令禁绝,让士兵们自由交流。 , The voice of soldiers becomes unifies gradually, some people set out to shout: Duke Sir long live!” 渐渐的,士兵们的声音变得统一起来,有人起身大喊:“公爵大人万岁!” Duke Sir long live!” “公爵大人万岁!” Sound of the intermittent shouting loudly reverberates in the Star Destroyer hangar, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers seeing of soul, morale unprecedented surging upward of entire group, reached the peak loyally. 一阵阵高呼之声在歼星舰的机库中回荡,雷铸天兵的灵魂之看见,整个团的士气前所未有的高涨,忠诚也达到了顶峰。 Ok.” “好了。” Duke Sir has known that your intentions, sit down, keeps quiet.” The commander sound makes a sound in five armored warfare ships, shouting of soldiers stops rapidly, sits own position , to continue to obey admonishing of commander. “公爵大人已经知道你们的心意,都坐下,保持安静。”团长的声音在五艘装甲战艇中响起来,士兵们的呼喊迅速停止,坐回自己的位置,继续听从团长的训诫。 „After returning to the military compound, tonight, each team must launch in the team to discuss, everyone must speak, learns today's fight lessons together. Has, or the deficiency that well which do, has what opinion also to raise, was written the written report to submit by captain to the higher authority company commander reviews.” “回到军营之后,今天晚上,每个队都要展开队内讨论,每个人都要发言,一起总结今天的战斗经验。有哪些做的好的,或者不足之处,有什么意见也可以提出来,由队长写成书面报告递交给上级连长批阅。” company commander and battalion commander at all levels, must hold the symposium in own army, and submits the written report.” “各级连长营长,也要在自己的部队中召开讨论会,并呈交书面报告。” Finally is summarized this fight result by me, to the group issued that studies together.” “最后由我总结此次战斗结果,向全团发布一起学习。” Compliant.” The military officers responded with one voice. “遵命。”军官们齐声回应。 This is the duke guard's routine discussion conference, the soldiers hear to be very earnest, many people nod again and again, many idea preparations have said at the post-war symposium at heart. Everyone is very clear, this is the opportunity of expression capability, the military officer who these have held the post of the deputy, some parts emerge at the symposium, therefore was promoted. 这是公爵卫队例行的讨论会议,士兵们听得很认真,许多人连连点头,心里已经很多想法准备在战后讨论会上说出来。每个人都很清楚,这是自己表现能力的机会,那些已经担任副职的军官,有一些部分就是在讨论会上脱颖而出,所以才被提拔的。 In the Star Destroyer top magic laboratory, Renn stands on the surgery table, creates one after another Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers. 歼星舰顶层的魔法实验室中,雷恩站在手术台上,创造出一个接一个雷铸天兵 Netif's devilman that today eliminates, the soul transforms ten thousand grids charge level. 今天消灭的涅提弗魔人,灵魂转化成一万多格电量 Renn is used to create Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers. 雷恩全部用于创造雷铸天兵 When Star Destroyer returns to the drill ground in Hamilton Base, charge level in soul power pool has consumed to bottom, the Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers population increased more than 200. Puts the duke guard's first division Regiment 1, Renn gave the brief triumphal returning speech in front of the soldiers, made an encouragement to praise, harvested loyalty of a wave of soldiers again. 歼星舰返回哈密尔顿基地的操场上时,魂力池中的电量已经消耗见底,雷铸天兵的人数增加了二百多个。把公爵卫队第一师第一团放下去,雷恩在士兵们面前发表了简短的凯旋演说,做了一番勉励嘉奖,再度收割了一波士兵们的忠诚。 Then, the Star Destroyer lift-off leaves, teleportation to the Augustus dukedom dragon ridge/spine fort. 然后,歼星舰升空离开,传送到了奥古斯都公国的龙脊堡。 In the Dragon Forest edge, constructs a layout and scale similar military compound, what here trains is the duke guard's second division, similarly also more than 2000 soldiers formed the battle efficiency, forms the second division Regiment 1, awaits orders on the drill ground. 巨龙森林的边缘,建有一座布局和规模差不多的军营,这里训练的是公爵卫队第二师,同样也有两千多个士兵形成了战斗力,组成第二师第一团,在操场上待命。 Renn joins this group, Star Destroyer directly soars New World. 雷恩接上这个团,歼星舰直奔新大陆 After one hour . 一个多小时后。 Another devilman tribe in Kurle Gosse territory was destroyed, eliminates about two ten thousand devilman, the harvesting soul transformed charge level. 库尔格斯领地中的另一个魔人部落被摧毁,消灭了将近两万魔人,收割灵魂转化成电量 The Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers quantity increased more than 200. 雷铸天兵的数量又增加了两百多个。 Then is the Kharanos military compound duke guard's third division Regiment 1, similarly also destroyed over ten thousand people of devilman tribes, is Renn harvests charge level. 接着是卡拉诺斯军营的公爵卫队第三师第一团,同样也摧毁了一个上万人的魔人部落,为雷恩收割电量 Within one day, three big devilman tribes were destroyed. 一天之内,三个较大的魔人部落被摧毁。 After that for half a month, Renn delivers in the duke guard the battlefield every day, delivers a group one time, only attacks a devilman tribe. 此后半个月,雷恩每天都把公爵卫队投送到战场上,一次投送一个团,只进攻一个魔人部落。 Renn and Ultramarine entire journey has not acted, is fought by the duke guard completely alone, their actual combat experience explosive growth, the tactic is also getting more and more perfect, brings into full play the advantage of weaponry, eliminates over ten thousand people of devilman tribes only to take the dozen minutes. 雷恩极限战士全程没有出手,完全由公爵卫队独自战斗,他们的实战经验迅速增长,战术也越来越完善,充分发挥出武器装备的优势,消灭一个上万人的魔人部落只需十几分钟。 More than 20 tribes were destroyed one after another, hundreds of thousands of devilman deaths, this initiated scared in Kurle Gosse's territory. 二十多个部落接连被摧毁,数十万魔人死亡,这在库尔格斯的领地中引发起了恐慌。 Kurle Gosse tries to counter-attack, actually could not find the enemy. 库尔格斯试图反击,却找不到敌人。 When the God's Chosen champion brings each time the devilman army is rushing to the battlefield, the duke guard had left, only sees the tribe ruins of combustion. 每次神选冠军带着魔人大军赶到战场时,公爵卫队早就离开了,只看到燃烧的部落废墟。 He also tries to attempt to ambush in the tribe, waits for the duke guard to swallow the bait, actually no success. 他也多试尝试埋伏在部落中,等待公爵卫队上钩,却没有一次成功。 This trick does not have the function in front of Renn, saw through. If not Renn does not want to strike to kill Kurle Gosse temporarily, is not willing to expose existence of Star Destroyer, so long as the main artillery opens fire, bombing can delivers the heaven the God's Chosen champion and entire tribe. 这种伎俩在雷恩面前毫无作用,一眼就看穿了。如果不是雷恩暂时不想击杀库尔格斯,也不愿意暴露歼星舰的存在,只要主炮开火,一次轰炸就能把神选冠军和整个部落送上天。 The flash killed too devilman, the soul too cannot absorb much much, waste. 一瞬间杀死太多魔人,灵魂太多吸收不了,过于浪费。 Might as well keeps devilman to kill slowly, not only can disappear calmly the charge consumption quantity, and can give the duke the guard to train, growth fight experience. 还不如留着魔人慢慢杀,既能从容消耗电量,又可以给公爵卫队练兵,增长战斗经验。 Many devilman tribe collectives flee to south the territory, the discovery is useless, the emergence of duke ear pendant does not have the rule, yesterday also had the littoral fight, today slaughters a tribe in the west side. 许多魔人部落集体逃往领地南方,却发现根本没用,公爵耳坠的出现毫无规律可言,昨天还有沿海地带战斗,今天又在西边屠杀了一个部落。 Even, on the way of escape, if the population are too much , will be attacked. 甚至,在逃亡途中如果人数过多,也会遭到袭击。 Way Jeancourt Gosse who this type of blunt knife shears the meat several wants to go crazy, but also has no alternative, can only look clansman who helplessly oneself rule day-by-day are getting fewer and fewer. 这种钝刀割肉的方式让库尔格斯几欲发狂,但又无可奈何,只能眼睁睁的看着自己统治的族人一天天的越来越少。 A month later. 一个多月后。 The population in Kurle Gosse territory reduced 70%, is only left over less than 500,000. 库尔格斯领地中的人口减少了70%,只剩下不足五十万。 Is equivalent to the huge territories in two empire provinces, could not have found over 5000 people of tribes, more than 400,000 devilman have half to gather in Kurle Gosse personally rule domain, was Elven Empire once Lauris city. 相当于两个帝国行省的庞大领地,已经找不到超过五千人的部落了,这四十万多魔人有一半聚集在库尔格斯亲自统治的地盘中,也就是精灵帝国曾经的“罗利城”。 Star Destroyer hovering above upper air. 歼星舰悬停于高空之上。 Renn sits in the bridge, is overlooking the devilman tribe in land. 雷恩坐在舰桥中,俯视着大地上的魔人部落。 With the house continuous more than ten li (0.5 km) that the rock and log build, outside the tribe is the vast great plains, has together the low rough terrain toward eastern dozens li (0.5 km), is covering the forest of cover, so long as proceeds again hundred li (0.5 km) across the forest, is New World eastern coast. 一座座用岩石和原木筑成的房屋连绵十余里,部落外面是一望无际的大平原,往东数十里才有一道低矮的丘陵地带,覆盖着茂密的森林,只要穿过森林再往前百里,就是新大陆东海岸 This tribe is the Lauris city. 这个部落就是罗利城。 In the Elven Empire period, the place of Lauris city not many highlighting, the fame is not big. 精灵帝国时期,罗利城并无多少突出之处,名气也不大。 Its only advantage is a position, is in the New World eastern part center point, connects the inevitable location of north-south key communication line. 它唯一的优势是位置,正好处于新大陆东部的中点,连接南北交通要道的必经之地。 Kurle Gosse's tribe surrounding constructs the tall wall, although very coarse, be only more than ten meters high, seeming like was also constructed recently urgently, but very generous firm, if the duke guard from the ground offensive, wanted to break through this city wall to need to spend a hands and feet. 库尔格斯的部落外围建有高墙,虽然很粗陋只有十几米高,看起来也是最近才紧急建造的,但是非常宽厚坚固,如果公爵卫队从地面进攻,想要突破这道城墙需要费一番手脚。 The tribe also builds defense lines, completely becomes by the earth anger that the rock and rams, and made fire protection processing. 部落内部也筑有一道道防线,全部以岩石和夯实的土块垒成,并做了防火处理。 In the ground outside city wall also dug many to be deep and long winding trench, built iron Cheval and big stockade. 城墙外的地面上也挖了许多又深又长的曲折壕沟,架起铁拒马和高大的栅栏。 These arrangement cannot the footsteps that prevents the duke guard from advancing, but can consume the ammunition. 这些布置不能阻止公爵卫队前进的脚步,但可以消耗弹药。 Meanwhile, teams of Abyss Knight spread ten li (0.5 km), the patrol detection during stay up till dawn, the entire tribe is in stands guard highly, on each devilman face filled was anxious and feared, the psychological defense line collapsed tight, as if will struggle free momentarily. 同时,一队队深渊骑士散布出去十里,日夜不停的巡逻侦查,整个部落都处于高度警戒之中,每个魔人脸上都充满了紧张与恐惧,心理防线崩的紧紧的,似乎随时都会挣断。 Renn looks at these fortification and disposition of forces, cannot help but smiled. 雷恩看着这些防御工事和兵力布置,不由得笑了。 The war is really the technology advancement biggest power! 战争果然是技术进步的最大动力! Short one month, devilman rolls the charge combat from the most primitive that knight, evolved to understood initially how should deploy troops for defense, reached Earth last 19 th century war level reluctantly. Such fortification unifies the devilman strong individual strength, if puts in them the battlefield that fights, over ten times armies are impossible to attack. 短短一个月,魔人从最原始的那种骑士团冲锋作战,进化到初步懂得了该怎么布防,勉强达到地球上十九世纪的战争水准。这样的防御工事结合魔人强大的个体实力,如果把他们放到一战的战场上,没有十倍以上的军队根本不可能攻下来。 But in the face of the attack of duke guard, the fortification of these at sixes and sevens inadequate systems, function it. 但在公爵卫队的进攻面前,这些乱七八糟的不成体系的防御工事,作用微乎其乎。 Renn repeatedly confirmed that in the tribe as well as peripheral has not ambushed. 雷恩再次确认部落中以及周边没有埋伏。 Then issues the order: 然后下达命令: Attack!” “进攻!” The Star Destroyer four hangar strobes open completely, 15 armored warfare ships take off, three group all of duke guard send out! 歼星舰的四个机库闸门全部打开,十五艘装甲战艇起飞,公爵卫队的三个团全体出动!
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