WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#922: Duke guard first battle

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Chapter 922 duke guard first battle 第922章公爵卫队首战 Bang! 轰隆! Renn driving Gotham Star Destroyer takes the springboard by astral, returns to main material world after teleportation twice, arrived at New World. 雷恩驾驶“哥谭号”歼星舰星界作为跳板,经过两次传送返回主物质界,来到了新大陆 The front is one looks at mountain range not to the end, assumes Northeast- southwest moves toward, in which mountain peak is not high, the elevation mostly only then several hundred meters, as well as numerous quite low hills, composed together widely several hundred-mile extended the mountain system, just like a huge natural screen on the plain. 前方是一座看不到头的山脉,呈东北-西南走向,其中的山峰并不算高,海拔大多只有数百米,以及众多较为低矮的丘陵,一起组成了宽达上百里的延绵山系,在平原上犹如一道巨大的天然屏障。 This is the New World east bank Barye Ziya mountain range. 这就是新大陆东岸的巴列奇亚山脉。 Renn identified under the position, approximately 230 li (0.5 km) west of Gotham City, in Goddess of Magic alike shining range. 雷恩辨认了下位置,大约在哥谭城以西二百三十里,处于魔法女神像的照耀范围之内。 Star Destroyer has the teleportation jurisdiction of magic torch light, can therefore cross space blockade. 歼星舰拥有魔法炬光的传送权限,所以能越过空间封锁 To the flies westward number of lines ten li (0.5 km), land along the way was opened up the fertile farmland, although is somewhat far from Gotham City, but after several years of development, the small towns of several villages has established, and fixed the broad path, can let the automobile and carriage goes abreast in row. 向西飞行数十里,沿途的土地都被开垦成了肥沃的农田,尽管离哥谭城有些远,但经过几年发展,已经有数座村庄的小镇建立起来,并修好了宽阔的道路,能让汽车和马车并排行驶。 When the spring plowing, the farmers are operating the practical training of agricultural use machinery in the place, a piece of prosperous scenery. 正值春耕时节,农夫们开着农用机械在地里劳作,一片欣欣向荣之景。 Who can think that 67 years ago, here is also loafing innumerable undead. 谁能想到就在六七年前,这里还游荡着无数亡灵 Quick, the military compound that constructs in Barye Ziya mountain range appears in the field of vision, that is Hamilton Training Center that” last year completed, one of three military compounds the duke guard had. 很快,一座建在巴列奇亚山脉脚下的军营出现在视野中,那是去年建成的“哈密尔顿训练基地”,公爵卫队拥有的三个军营之一。 This military compound occupying land area is extremely broad, what looks from the upper air is most conspicuous is the middle giant drill ground, the ground irrigates with the cement, the length of side is more than 2000 meters, can hold three Star Destroyer to descend sufficiently together. 这座军营占地极广,从高空上看最显眼的是中间的巨大操场,地面用水泥浇成,边长有两千多米,足以容得下三艘歼星舰一起降落。 In fact, this drill ground Star Destroyer taking off and landing level ground. 实际上,这个操场正是歼星舰的起降坪。 Dozens buildings disperse around the drill ground, the control center and soldier dormitory, cafeteria and target range, practice the martial stage, library, the leisure hub and weapon ammunition depot, the machine shop, Prayer Room and Room meditation wait/etc, military compound outside have the enclosed tall wall, on the wall are constructing the blockhouse and fort together, installed lightning cannon. 数十座建筑分散在操场四周,指挥中心、士兵宿舍、食堂、靶场、练武场、图书馆、休闲中心、军械弹药库、机械车间、祈祷室冥想等等,军营外面有一道封闭式的高墙,墙上建着碉堡和炮台,安装了电光炮 The Hamilton military compound only constructed half, but has been able to provide the training for 50,000 armies, at present only begins using less than 1/3 facilities.. 哈密尔顿军营只建好了一半,但已经能为五万军队提供训练,目前仅启用了不到三分之一的设施。。 Renn the first time is came this military compound. 雷恩是第一次来这座军营。 However through the eye of Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, he is familiar with here all. 不过通过雷铸天兵的眼睛,他对这里的一切都了如指掌。 At this moment, on the military compound drill ground is standing teams of soldiers, they wear the same silver-white armor, wears the enclosed helmet, the contour is seemingly exactly the same, just like the clone, stands the neat formation, probably will soon accept the inspection. 此刻,军营的操场上站着一队队士兵,他们穿着相同的银白色盔甲,戴着封闭式的头盔,外形看起来一模一样,犹如克隆人,站成整齐的队列,像是即将接受检阅。 The Star Destroyer bellow has not made them chaotic the formation, even has not raised the head. 歼星舰的轰鸣声也没有让他们乱了队形,甚至没有抬头。 Renn makes Star Destroyer descend, and relieved the invisible force field. 雷恩歼星舰降落下去,并解除了隐形力场。 Sky instantaneously dark a piece. 天空瞬间暗了一片。 600 meters battleship seems like a mountain peak to press from the top of the head, the huge volume and weight vibration initiating, making the entire military compound shiver, probably had the earthquake. 六百米长的战舰像是一座山峰从头顶压下来,巨大的体积和重量引发的振动,让整个军营都在颤抖,像是发生了地震。 The soldiers raise the head finally, the team had a tumult. 士兵们终于不禁抬头,队伍产生了一阵骚动。 They wear the helmet, this type of helmet only then has one in the upfront T the jet black mirror surface of font, cannot see the face completely, but can also look from their movements, everyone is in the intense shock, even if the teachers reproved loudly, cannot make them peaceful. 他们都戴着头盔,这种头盔只有在正面上有一个“T”字型的漆黑镜面,完全看不见脸庞,但是从他们的动作也能看出来,每个人都处于强烈的震惊中,即使教官们大声训斥,也没能让他们安静下来。 Star Destroyer slow landing, finally to ground about ten meters hovering, bang, opened the armored side hangar strobe. 歼星舰缓慢降落,最后在离地面十米左右悬停,轰的一声,打开了装甲侧面的机库闸门。 In everyone's vision, Renn appeared. 在所有人的目光中,雷恩出现了。 What stands forefront the team is Ultramarine Regiment first company, 60 Ultramarine put on power armor, company commander Sicarius takes the lead in shouting loudly: Pays a visit duke Sir!” 站在队伍最前面的是极限战团一连,六十个极限战士穿着动力装甲,连长西卡琉斯带头大声喊道:“拜见公爵大人!” Ultramarine follow to salute. 极限战士们跟着行礼。 Their behind, on the drill ground all soldiers' under teachers' leadership, partly kneel toward Renn, shouts with one voice: Pays a visit duke Sir!” 他们的身后,操场上所有的士兵在教官们的带领下,朝着雷恩半跪下来,齐声喊道:“拜见公爵大人!” Sets out.” “起身吧。” Renn stands in the entrance of hangar, is overlooking the army in drill ground, the dignity and tranquil sound passes to the ear of everyone. 雷恩站在机库的门口,俯视着操场上的军队,威严而又平静的声音传到每个人的耳中。 The Hamilton military compound after recruits twice, currently has 10,000 people in the army of training. 哈密尔顿军营经过两次招募,目前在训练的军队有一万人。 Happen to completes a division. 正好建成一个师。 Renn copies the establishment of previous generation army, the soldiers of duke guard will take ten people as one team, three teams is a platoon, three platoons are a company, four companies are a battalion, five battalions is a group, five groups is a division, and sets up captain, platoon leader, company commander, battalion commander, commander and Military Commander military officers at all levels, entire full Bianshi population about 10,000 people. 雷恩照搬前世军队的编制,将公爵卫队的士兵以十人为一队,三队为一个排,三个排为一个连,四个连为一个营,五个营为一个团,五个团为一个师,并设立队长、排长、连长营长团长师长各级军官,整个满编师的人数在一万人左右。 But at present, the company commander above military officer is by Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers completely, only then a few has the director to be able person, is appointed as the deputy. 不过在目前,连长以上的军官全部由雷铸天兵担任,只有少数拥有指挥才能的人,被任命为副职。 What in the Hamilton military compound trains is the duke guard's first division. 哈密尔顿军营中训练的是公爵卫队第一师。 Another two military compounds, respectively situated in Augustus dukedom and Kharanos, complete the duke guard's second division and third division. 另外两个军营,分别位于奥古斯都公国卡拉诺斯,建成公爵卫队第二师和第三师。 In the plan of Renn, before own Archon term ended, the duke guard must complete ten divisions, arranges 100,000 people completely, the first group army of construction empire defense army. 雷恩的规划中,自己的执政官任期结束前,公爵卫队要建成十个师,满编十万人,构建帝国防卫军的第一集团军。 The member of each duke guard, trains with black soul potion. 每个公爵卫队的成员,都是用黑魂药剂培养出来的。 Average person time takes black soul potion, expands the soul, through the primary soul transformation ceremony, then fuses demonic soul to become transcendent, three months of drug efficacy conclusions, then drank potion immediately, consistently maintained the black soul potion effect, at the maximum speed strength. 还是普通人的时候就服用黑魂药剂,壮大灵魂,通过初次魂变仪式,然后融合魔魂成为超凡者,三个月的药效结束,马上接着喝下魔药,始终保持黑魂药剂的效果,以最快的速度增强实力。 Only was black soul potion adds on demonic soul, Renn had invested tens of millions golden Shield. 光是黑魂药剂加上魔魂,雷恩就已经投入了数千万金盾。 In addition weapon armor, and expense of daily training expenses, but must send the soldier's rations and pay, the average invests on everyone is close to 2000 golden Shield! 加上武器铠甲,以及日常训练开销的费用,还要发军饷,平均下来在每个人身上投入接近两千金盾! Pounds so much money and resources, finally wins initial success. 砸进去这么多钱和资源,终于初见成效。 The duke guard's first division all are transcendent, in the initial first batch of 5000 people, over 2000 people promote to 2nd rank transcendent. Teacher who Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers is, the way of modernized army trains a entire year, has formed the battle efficiency. 公爵卫队第一师全体都是超凡者,最初的首批五千人中,超过两千人晋升到二级超凡者雷铸天兵担任的教官,以现代化军队的方式训练一整年,已经形成了战斗力。 However, the training turns over to the training, without the actual combat experience is unable to become a true blood and iron army. 不过,训练归训练,没有实战经验无法成为一支真正的铁血军队。 Today is actual combat training time. 今天就是实战练兵的时候。 The Renn vision falls on Ultramarine behind, five square formation teams, each square formation is 400 people, they are the elites in duke guard, is completely 2nd rank transcendent, including more than 100 talents are outstanding, short one year has risen 3rd rank! 雷恩的目光落在极限战士的身后,五个方阵队伍,每个方阵都是四百人,他们是公爵卫队中的精英,全部是二级超凡者,其中有一百多个天赋出众,短短一年就已经升到三级 „The first division Regiment 1, boards the ship.” “第一师第一团,上舰。” Renn directly issued the order. 雷恩直接下达了命令。 He has not said a manifesto of pre-battle mobilization, in the usual training and barrack life, the teachers and teachers have said were too many, to loyal implante of duke Sir to the brain of each soldier, making them remember firmly, all that oneself have are the gracious gifts of duke Sir. 他没有说一句战前动员的宣言,平时的训练和军营生活中,教官们、导师们已经说的太多了,把对公爵大人的忠诚灌输到每个士兵的脑中,让他们牢牢记住,自己所拥有的一切都是公爵大人的恩赐。 From now henceforth, oneself must the command prompt, fight for the glory of duke Sir unconditionally! 从今以后,自己要无条件服从命令,为公爵大人的荣耀而战! Boards the ship!” “上舰!” Orders, the military officers at all levels lead oneself soldier to move, steps the footsteps, the uniform advance, the formation square formation just like a whole to move. 一声令下,各级军官带领自己的士兵动起来,迈起脚步,整齐划一的前进,队形方阵犹如一个整体在移动。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… The Regiment 1 2000 soldiers tread the slanting deck that the alloy is casting, enters the Star Destroyer hangar. 第一团两千个士兵踏着合金铸成的斜甲板,进入歼星舰的机库。 Continues to train.” “继续训练。” The Renn sound spread over the drill ground, you achieved 2nd rank, quick will have the opportunity to participate in the fight, diligently!” 雷恩的声音传遍了操场,“等你们达到二级,很快也会有机会参加战斗,努力吧!” Compliant, duke Sir!” On the drill ground the other more than 8000 people responded with one voice. “遵命,公爵大人!”操场上剩余的八千多人齐声回应。 When Ultramarine Regiment first company also enters the hangar, the strobe closure, Star Destroyer lifts off immediately, vanishes in the horizon quickly. 等到极限战团一连也进入机库,闸门关闭,歼星舰立即升空,很快消失在天边。 On the bridge, Sicarius takes off the helmet to gather in front of Renn, „doesn't boss, really need the brothers to act today?” 舰桥上,西卡琉斯摘下头盔凑到雷恩面前,“老板,今天真的不用兄弟们出手吗?” „Did you say?” Renn asked back. “你说呢?”雷恩反问。 Sicarius smiles embarrasedly, helpless said: Good......” 西卡琉斯讪讪一笑,无奈道:“好吧……” Today's goal is to let the duke guard grows in the fight, tactic that the practice usually trains, if there is a flaw place to improve immediately, hits while practices, until forming one is completely different from the transcendent legion modernized army. 今天的目标是让公爵卫队在战斗中成长起来,实践平时训练的战术,如果有缺陷的地方就即时完善,边打边练,直到形成一支完全不同于超凡军团的现代化军队。 If Ultramarine acts, what that also does hit? 如果极限战士出手,那还打什么? Ultramarine can only stand by incessantly, Star Destroyer will not enter the battlefield, but treats as transport means. 不止极限战士只能袖手旁观,歼星舰也不会进入战场,只是当作一个运输工具。 After teleportation, Star Destroyer spans the thousand li (500 km) to appear in the Isengard upper air, departed the range of magic torch light, and continues to the south high-speed flight. In the hangar, 2000 soldiers boarded five armored warfare ships, in pre-war makes the last time inspection for own weapon armor. 经过一次传送,歼星舰跨越千里出现在艾辛格以南的高空上,飞出了魔法炬光的范围,并继续向南高速飞行。机库中,两千个士兵们登上了五艘装甲战艇,在战前为自己的武器盔甲做最后一次检查。 The armored warfare ship is the Renn developed newest fight vehicle. 装甲战艇是雷恩研制出来的最新战斗载具。 Its prototype is magic airship, but no longer is the contour of ships, volume reduction half, the outer covering transforms the cuboid, close to 60 meters, ten meters width , about four meters, enlarged the armored fighting vehicle of several times highly probably, but it can float the spatial flight. 它的原型是魔法飞艇,但不再是船只的外形,体积缩小一半,外壳改造成长方体,接近六十米长、十米宽,高度也在四米左右,像是放大了数倍的装甲战车,只不过它能浮空飞行。 The armored warfare ship takes medium titan furnace as the energy storage, installed six small-scale driver programs. 装甲战艇以一座中型泰坦熔炉为能量源,安装了六具小型驱动引擎。 Its top two have lightning cannon respectively, 12 very explode can the machine gun surround in the side, the outer covering armor is thick and heavy, and loaded resistance field, can resist ninth circle below the magic spell bombardments of three times, the firepower is fierce, the defense is powerful, is a true motion fortress. 它的顶上两头各有一座电光炮,十二挺爆能机枪环绕在侧边,外壳装甲又厚又重,并加载了抗拒力场,能够抵挡三次九环以下法术轰击,火力凶猛,防御强大,是一座真正的移动堡垒。 However the armored warfare ship most vital function delivers the army. 但是装甲战艇最重要的作用还是投送军队。 An armored warfare ship are most can carry 440 people, happen to transports the a battalion soldier, some extra. 一艘装甲战艇最多可以搭载四百四十人,正好运输一个营的士兵,还有一些富余。 So long as 25 armored warfare ships, can deliver an entire master to enter the battlefield. 只要二十五艘装甲战艇,就能投送一整个师进入战场。 The Imperial-class Star Destroyer four hangars, almost can hold 36 armored warfare ships, delivers a division to have more than enough to spare. 帝国级歼星舰的四个机库,差不多能容纳三十六艘装甲战艇,运载一个师绰绰有余。 After the moment . 片刻后。 Star Destroyer has gone down to Kurle Gosse's territory, arrived in the pre-calculated position. 歼星舰已经深入库尔格斯的领地,抵达了预定位置。 Renn for the attack goal that the duke guard designates is a Netif's devilman tribe, this tribe leaves the Lauris city about hundred li (0.5 km), more than 20,000 people, the chief is legend high rank devilman, in the tribe has over a thousand Abyss Knight, preserves quite completely. 雷恩为公爵卫队选定的进攻目标是一个涅提弗魔人部落,这个部落离罗利城大约百里,有两万多人,酋长是一个传奇高阶魔人,部落中拥有上千个深渊骑士,保存较为完好。 The fight goal is the elimination entire devilman tribe! 战斗目的是消灭整个魔人部落! Enemy and ourselves differs ten times, moreover besides Officer Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers, is completely 2nd rank and 3rd rank transcendent, the power gap just like huge difference. 敌我人数相差十倍,而且除了雷铸天兵军官以外,全部都是二级三级超凡者,实力差距犹如天壤之别。 Star Destroyer to the tribe more than ten li (0.5 km) away upper air hovering, stays the invisible condition, Renn entered the hangar to issue the order to attack personally. 歼星舰在离部落十几里远的高空上悬停,保持隐形状态,雷恩进入机库亲自下达了进攻命令。 set off!” 出发!” The hangar strobe opens, five armored warfare ships float, the connection flew, in the devilman tribe toward distant place ground dives. 机库闸门打开,五艘装甲战艇悬浮起来,连接飞了出去,朝着远处地面上的魔人部落俯冲。 The armored warfare ship before departing the hangar opened the invisible force field, the flying speed is quick, can be the speed over 200 li (0.5 km) high, is magic airship three times, because the volume is far smaller than Star Destroyer, can arrange the sound-insulated force field to cover the voice that the flight creates. 装甲战艇在飞出机库之前开启了隐形力场,飞行速度很快,最高可以达到时速二百里以上,是魔法飞艇三倍,并且因为体积远小于歼星舰,可以布置隔音力场掩盖飞行造成的声浪。 In the silent flight, the armored warfare ship was close to the devilman tribe. 无声无息的飞行中,装甲战艇接近了魔人部落。 devilman has not detected the danger completely. 魔人完全没有察觉到危险。 Five armored warfare ships slow the tempo, sets up in an array beyond the distance tribe kilometer, is separated several hundred meters mutually, crosswise flight, while turned on the bottom plating. 五艘装甲战艇放慢了速度,在距离部落千米外一字排开,互相间隔数百米,一边横向飞行,一边打开了底部装甲。 Meanwhile, the soldier in cabin unties the back to hang the buckle in turn, directly from opening the deck crashes. 与此同时,舱室中的士兵依次解开背部挂扣,直接从打开的甲板坠落下去。 Teams of fully-armed soldiers drop from the clouds. 一队队全副武装的士兵从天而降。 The armored warfare ship takeoffs about hundred meters, the soldiers near the ground quickly, is in the floating spell automatic stimulation that in the midair on the armor supplements, making them fall to the ground steadily, with own teammate set, takes the squad to compose the lineup as the combat unit rapidly. 装甲战艇离地大约百米,士兵们很快接近地面,身在半空中铠甲上附带的漂浮术自动激发,让他们平稳落地,迅速跟自己的队友集合,以小队为战斗单位组成阵形。 Less than a half minute, an entire group delivers. 半分钟不到,一整个团就投送完毕。 Although before today, they trained did not know many times, but the primary actual combat had some confusions, was corrected by the military officers luckily promptly, 2000 soldiers exhibited the attack lineup in the ground, the surface toward the devilman tribe. 虽然在今天之前,他们训练了不知道多少次,但是初次实战还是出现了一些混乱,幸好及时被军官们纠正,两千个士兵在地面上摆出了进攻阵形,面朝魔人部落。 Wū wū...... 呜呜…… In the tribe resounded the low and deep bugle horn sound, devilman discovered the enemy finally. 部落中响起了低沉的号角声,魔人终于发现了敌人。 The entire tribe boils, the response of devilman is rapid, quick has legend above devilman to appear outside the tribe, to/clashes toward here. 整个部落都沸腾起来,魔人的反应非常迅速,很快就有传奇以上的魔人出现在部落外面,朝这边冲过来。 Attack!” “进攻!” Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers commander ordered loudly. 雷铸天兵团长高声下令。 2000 soldiers advance immediately, they maintain the formation also is quite but scattered, is different from the general transcendent legion human wave attack completely, everyone has the full fight space and fire angle, pulls open a kilometer front, forms three each level clearly demarcated attack echelons. 两千个士兵立即推进,他们保持着队形但又较为分散,完全有别于一般的超凡军团的人海战术,每个人都拥有充分的战斗空间和射击角度,拉开千米长的战线,形成三个层次分明的进攻梯队。 Just advanced more than 200 meters rapidly, in the front tribe gushed out large quantities of devilman, roared was initiating charge. 刚迅速推进两百多米,前方的部落中涌出大批魔人,咆哮着发起了冲锋 bazooka, preparation!” 火箭筒,准备!” company commander ordered. 连长下令。 The smallest tactical unit of duke guard is team, ten people of teams provide bazooka, sniper's rifles, two rotating disk high explosive shell spears/guns and two very Rambo's Gun and four explode can the spear/gun, fully ensure the firepower of army, can cover over ten times enemies. 公爵卫队的最小战术单位是“队”,一支十人队配备一个火箭筒、一把狙击枪、两把转轮式榴弹枪、两挺兰博之枪和四把爆能枪,充分保证军队的火力,能够覆盖十倍以上的敌人。 The effective range of each type of weapon has the difference, the bazooka firing distance is the kilometer most, a might of round of rocket projectile is equivalent to sixth circle flame burst spell, the kill zone about hundred meters. 每种武器的有效射程都有差别,火箭筒的射程最远达到千米,一发火箭弹的威力相当于六环炎爆术,杀伤范围近百米。 Immediately, bazooka lift. 顿时,一支支火箭筒举起来。 Next second. 下一秒钟。 Dozens rounds of rocket projectiles howl, the long tail flame pulls off curve low paths, falls into the devilman army. 数十发火箭弹呼啸而出,长长的尾焰拖出一道道弧度较低的轨迹,落入魔人军队之中。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The explosive sound direct impact clouds, the flame shock-wave unfolds in the land, flushing to explode the fragment in forefront devilman. 爆炸声直冲云霄,火焰冲击波在大地上铺开,把冲在最前面的魔人炸成了碎片。 Then is the second wave of rocket projectile, carries out the second round of attack. 接着是第二波火箭弹,进行第二轮打击。 Then is the tertiary wave rocket projectile washes. 然后是第三波火箭弹洗地。 After three rounds of rocket projectiles bomb, devilman that the first batch run out of the tribe was almost annihilated completely, only then several legend devilman fortunately survive, but also is seriously injured, in eye panic-stricken desire certainly, ignored the injury to turn around to run into the tribe seriously. 三轮火箭弹轰炸过后,第一批冲出部落的魔人几乎被完全歼灭了,只有几个传奇魔人幸存下来,但也身受重伤,眼中惊骇欲绝,不顾伤势严重转身逃进了部落。 Continues to go forward!” “继续前进!” The duke guard all rolls 2000 people to just like an ice-cold machine operation, when advances to the tribe more than 500 meters, in each squad had two soldiers to raise the high explosive shell spear/gun. 公爵卫队全团两千人犹如一台冰冷的机器运转,推进到离部落五百多米时,每支小队中都有两个士兵举起了榴弹枪。 Bang bang bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰砰砰…… Thick grenade launching, fly the sky to draw together the parabola, drops the devilman tribe to have the explosion. 一颗颗粗大的榴弹发射出去,飞上天空划出一道抛物线,落进魔人部落发生爆炸。 The high explosive shell spear/gun that they use is the Renn imitation previous generation US forces M32 grenade launcher, can load six high explosive shells, 600 meters in effective range, a might of round of high explosive shell is almost equivalent to fourth circle fireball spell, charges does not bring ignition source, even the average person can still use, the cost must be lower than the rocket projectile. 他们使用的榴弹枪是雷恩模仿前世美军的“M32榴弹发射器”,可以装填六枚榴弹,有效射程600米,一发榴弹的威力差不多跟四环火球术相当,装药不带燃素,即使是普通人也能使用,成本比火箭弹要低很多。 A duke guard group provided 400 high explosive shell spears/guns, 400 high explosive shell Gunner advances, while fires off six high explosive shells. 公爵卫队一个团配备了四百把榴弹枪,四百个榴弹枪手一边推进,一边把六枚榴弹打完。 2400 fireball spell bomb, the continuous explosive sound makes the land tremble. 两千四百个火球术轰炸,连绵不绝的爆炸声让大地震颤起来。 The devilman tribe turned into a sea of fire immediately. 魔人部落顿时变成了一片火海。 At this time, the duke guard has advanced to the tribe in 400 meters, Abyss Knight that one crowd is riding the hell warhorse is maintaining evil energy defensive shield, ran out of the sea of fire. 这时,公爵卫队已经推进到离部落四百米内,一群骑着地狱战马的深渊骑士维持着邪能防护罩,冲出了火海。 They hit the log stockade of tribe surrounding, angrily roars is initiating charge to the enemy. 他们撞开部落外围的原木栅栏,怒吼着向敌人发起冲锋 Freely be only more than 200 ride, but each is middle rank above Abyss Knight, the imposing manner just like the mighty force, just like the black mighty current front surface steamroll to come. Their Boss are the chiefs of devilman tribe, legend tall Jie God's chosen of the Abyss. 尽管只有两百多骑,但是每一个都是中阶以上的深渊骑士,气势犹如千军万马,犹如黑色洪流迎面碾压过来。他们的首领魔人部落的酋长,一个传奇高介的深渊神选 Facing the so fearful enemy, the attack lineup of duke guard cannot help but stagnates. 面对如此可怕的敌人,公爵卫队的进攻阵形不由得一滞。 Although their helmet enchantment mental protection, can resist the attack to the mind will, but some people fear in the enemy power and influence, stands still. 虽然他们的头盔附魔了“心灵防护”,能够抵御对心灵意志的攻击,但还是有一些人畏于敌人威势,驻足不前。 bazooka!” 火箭筒!” Opens fire completely, drives out their defensive shield!” “全部开火,轰开他们的防护罩!” Machine Gunner preparation!” “机枪手准备!” Regiment 1 commander that Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers holds the post of ordered calmly, over 80% bazooka overcame in the heart the fear, held up the weapon aiming enemy, simultaneously touched off the trigger. 雷铸天兵担任的第一团团长冷静下令,八成以上的火箭筒手克服了心中恐惧,举起武器瞄准敌人,同时扣动了扳机。 More than 80 rocket projectiles howl, shells on Abyss Knight evil energy defensive shield. 八十多枚火箭弹呼啸而出,轰击在深渊骑士邪能防护罩上。 bazooka that the duke guard uses is different from Holy Gunners Knights Regiment, in the ammunition has not interpolated ignition source, does not need soul power to stimulate to open fire, just like the original bazooka might, it is the anti-tank weapon, has the strong penetrating power. 公爵卫队使用的火箭筒圣枪骑士团不同,弹药中没有参入燃素,无需魂力就能激发开火,跟原版火箭筒的威力一样,它原本是反坦克武器,具有强大的穿透力。 evil energy defensive shield instantaneous collapse. 邪能防护罩瞬间崩溃了。 Abyss Knight backlashed, the mouth spits the blood, the hell warhorse under body is also affected, the potential of charge was broken immediately. 深渊骑士受到反噬,口吐鲜血,身下的地狱战马也受到影响,冲锋之势顿时被打断。 But they have not adjusted with enough time, the stormy sound of gunfire made a sound. 但他们还没来得及调整,密集的枪声响了起来。 Clip clop dá dá...... 哒哒哒哒…… Machine Gunner open fire recklessly, large flames spray the innumerable bullet storms, falls in torrents on the body of Abyss Knight, penetrates their armor, rips open their flesh, is off their feet in the pitiful yell sound instantaneously, large expanse of dropping down. 枪手们肆意开火,一道道火舌喷射出无数子弹风暴,倾泄在深渊骑士的身上,穿透他们的铠甲,撕开他们的血肉,在惨叫声中瞬间人仰马翻,成片的倒下。 That more than ten response somewhat slow bazooka also opened fire. 紧接着,那十几个反应有些慢的火箭筒手也开火了。 Several rocket projectiles fall into the knight group to blast out. 十几枚火箭弹落入骑士团中炸开。 At this time, high explosive shell Gunner also filled the new six high explosive shells, they raised the fire angle, covered the firepower in the Abyss Knight rear area. 这时,榴弹枪手们也填充好了新的六枚榴弹,他们调高射击角度,把火力覆盖在深渊骑士的后方。 But in the upfront, step Gunner also opened fire. 而在正面,步枪手们也开火了。 In a squad has four step Gunner, the weapon that they provide is explodes can spear/gun, modern weapon might of this Renn development with avenger 47 almost, round of bullet quite second circle magic spell, what explodes can the spear/gun launch is the high-temperature flame light beam, is similar to second circle magic spell scorching ray. 一个小队中有四个步枪手,他们配备的武器是“爆能枪”,这款雷恩开发的新武器威力跟“复仇者47”差不多,一发子弹相当二环法术,但是爆能枪发射的是高温火焰光束,类似于二环法术灼热射线 Because energy light beam easy dissipation, therefore explodes can the firing distance of spear/gun be lower than avenger 47, is less than 400 meters, and opening fire frequency slightly is also lower, can only project three light beams every second. 因为能量光束容易散逸,所以爆能枪的射程低于“复仇者47”,不到四百米,并且开火频率也略低一些,每秒钟只能射出三道光束。 Even so, exploding can the spear/gun also be kills greatly! 即便如此,爆能枪也是一件大杀器! Because it does not need soul power to use, an energy magazine enough opens fire 300 times, and magazine attains on Star Destroyer, can use the Eola's nucleus sufficient energy, uses repeatedly. 因为它无需魂力就能使用,一个能量弹匣足够开火300次,并且弹匣拿到歼星舰上,可以用伊奥拉之核充能,反复使用。 At this moment, Abyss Knight enters the firing distance of half of rifle step, the innumerable scarlet light beams project, strongly on Abyss Knight Boss, he fended radically without enough time is submerged by the energy light beam. After several seconds, chief devilman is reduced to ashes. 此刻,深渊骑士进入一半步枪步的射程,无数赤红光束射出,集中在深渊骑士首领身上,他根本来不及闪避就被能量光束淹没了。几秒钟后,魔人酋长化为了灰烬。 Abyss Knight is also annihilated! 深渊骑士也全军覆没! Marches!” “进军!” For the glory of duke Sir, eliminates them!” “为了公爵大人的荣耀,消灭他们!”
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