WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#921: No. 2 ship

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In an instant, in the living room is only left over Livlin and Renn. 转眼间,客厅里只剩下莉芙琳雷恩 Facing Renn getting angry, even if there is own of flesh Livlin is still fearful and apprehensive, however, she discovered that after Renn two clansman and Phoenix King envoy teleportation walks, the expression on face is rapidly calm, the appearance that has not been angry slightly, as if installed a moment ago. 面对发怒的雷恩,即使有肌肤之亲的莉芙琳也是心惊胆颤,然而,她发现雷恩把两位族人和凤凰王使者传送走后,脸上的表情迅速平静下来,丝毫没有生气的样子,仿佛刚才只是装出来的。 No, he installs! 不,他就是装出来的! Livlin affirmed, looks at pondering Renn, saying that worries about: Renn, I did not approve that makes the Oroan elf arrive at New World, robs our benefits, but you should not provoke them with the Troll origin.” 莉芙琳非常肯定,看着正在思考的雷恩,不无担忧的说道:“雷恩,我也不赞成让奥罗安的精灵来到新大陆,抢走我们的利益,但你不该用巨魔起源来挑衅他们。” If I do not renounce, they think that also has the leeway of favorable turn.” Returning that Renn thinks otherwise said, offended to suppress simply, avoid troubled.” “如果我不决绝一些,他们就会以为还有转机的余地。”雷恩不以为然的回道,“干脆得罪狠了,省得麻烦。” This is unworthy.” “这不值得。” Livlin has felt, we can socialize with Oroan, rather than antagonizes people directly..” 莉芙琳还是觉得过了,“我们可以跟奥罗安周旋,而不是直接树敌。。” They, if dares to attack New World, that comes.” A Renn face indifferent shrugging arm, Oroan elf, if has this ability, has recovered New World.” “他们要是敢攻打新大陆,那就来吧。”雷恩一脸无所谓的耸了耸肩膀,“奥罗安的精灵要是有这个能力,早就来光复新大陆了。” This is the strength brings powerful self-confident. 这就是实力带来的强大自信。 Livlin no longer persuaded, but was the elf or feels several points of regret, sent out a sigh, she does not want with the clansman to be an enemy. 莉芙琳不再劝说,但是身为精灵还是感到几分遗憾,发出一声叹息,她不想跟族人为敌。 Renn smiled suddenly, perhaps, this is the result that Phoenix King wants.” 雷恩忽然笑了起来,“说不定,这正是凤凰王想要的结果。” How to say?” Livlin does not understand what is heard. “怎么说?”莉芙琳听不明白。 „The high elf temperament is smellier than the restroom, but they are not the fools, can become Phoenix King is more impossible to make this mistake, sends out envoy who Dante this cannot accomplish obviously, I guess that Phoenix King does not want to participate in the New World matter.” Renn explained: Even, Dante that countenance installed a moment ago intentionally.” 高等精灵的脾气比厕所还臭,但他们不是傻子,能当上凤凰王的更不可能犯这种错误,派出莫丹特这样明显不能成事的使者,我猜凤凰王根本就不想参与新大陆的事情。”雷恩解释道:“甚至,莫丹特刚才那副嘴脸是故意装出来的。” He has seen Techiles Archmage, made the extremely good impression on oneself, the character is generous, not bothering about trifles, obviously high elf is not the racist. 他是见过泰克利斯大法师的,给自己留下了极佳的印象,性格宽厚友善,不拘小节,显然高等精灵并不都是种族主义者。 Phoenix King was impossible unable to find to have both the envoy of ability and wisdom. 凤凰王不可能找不到兼具能力与智慧的使者。 Dante can become Archmage, even if arrogant, is insufficient to such superficial of Saint Soul wizard performance. 莫丹特能成为大法师,哪怕再傲慢,也不至于对一位圣魂巫师表现的如此肤浅。 soul eyes also saw the clue, Dante's surface is inconsistent with the thoughts. 灵魂之眼也看出了端倪,莫丹特的表面与心思并不一致。 From this judged, the opposite party is very possible to act in a play. 由此判断,对方很可能是在演戏。 Develops as for this play to whom looks, blood elf regent definitely is one of them, the Oroan upper-level elf, shuts their mouths. 至于这场戏演给谁看,血精灵摄政王肯定是其中之一,还有奥罗安的上层精灵,堵住他们的嘴。 Phoenix King can say: You looked, is not I do not want to lead you to recover New World, but is Archon of that human empire does not let! 凤凰王可以说:你看,不是我不想带你们光复新大陆,而是那个人类帝国的执政官不让! Installs?” “装出来的?” Livlin opened the eye, said with amazement: Why can Phoenix King this? Isn't he willing to regain ancestor's territory?” 莉芙琳睁大了眼睛,惊讶道:“凤凰王为什么要这样做?难道他不愿意收复祖先的领地吗?” This I am indefinite, I guess in any case casually.” Renn shakes the head with a smile, you are clear, Oroan is very big, to enough tens of millions elf survivals. They do not have the urgent survival issue like the dwarf, has not naturally longed to New World.” “这我就不确定了,反正我只是随便猜一下。”雷恩笑着摇头,“你要明白,奥罗安很大,大到足够数千万精灵生存。他们不像矮人那样有着急迫的生存问题,对新大陆自然也没那么渴望。” Perhaps has upper level the elf to recover the ancestor place, but regarding most elves, is not the present first demand.” “也许有精灵上层想要光复祖地,但是对于大部分精灵来说,并不是眼前的首位需求。” They do not have the power to expedite New World.” “他们没有动力远征新大陆。” „Lacking popular support, without the sufficient strength carries out, this matter could not certainly make.” “缺乏民意支持,又没有足够的实力去执行,这件事当然就做不成了。” Renn feels the chin, thinking while said with a smile: From Oroan general situation set off, the Phoenix King best choice naturally holds troops. But his anything does not do, will definitely stir the huge controversy, was accused by the elf, therefore made Dante perform in such a play.” 雷恩摸着下巴,一边思索一边笑道:“从奥罗安的大局出发,凤凰王最好的选择自然是按兵不动。但他什么都不做,肯定会引起巨大的争议,受到精灵的指责,所以让莫丹特来演了这么一出戏。” As the matter stands, Phoenix King not only shut the mouth of political rival, does not need to shoulder the responsibility.” “这样一来,凤凰王既堵住了政治对手的嘴,又不用承担责任。” Got it?” “明白了吗?” Livlin hears dumbfoundedly, in this curved circles, she understood finally, „, therefore you are coordinating them to act in a play?” 莉芙琳听得目瞪口呆,这里面的弯弯绕绕,她终于听懂了,“所以你是在配合他们演戏?” Half real , half fake.” Renn nods, I am not really willing to make Oroan meddle New World.” “半真半假。”雷恩点了点头,“我确实不愿意让奥罗安插手新大陆。” He one commented: „The statesmanship of this Phoenix King is good.” 他顿了一下又评价道:“这位凤凰王的政治手腕不错。” Livlin had nothing to say in reply. 莉芙琳无言以对。 Good long time to say leisurely: How I thought that your plans are deeper than Phoenix King, these high elf definitely cannot play you.” 好半晌才悠悠说道:“我怎么觉得你的心机比凤凰王更深,那些高等精灵肯定玩不过你。” Ha haha......” Renn laughs, overpraised.” “哈哈哈……”雷恩大笑起来,“过奖过奖。” Livlin white his eyes, then sighed: „The plan of this regent must fail, blood elf can only continue to defend on Vengeance Island.” 莉芙琳白了他一眼,然后叹道:“这次摄政王的打算要落空了,血精灵只能继续守在复仇岛上。” Vengeance Island does not have nothing well, besides the weather, the area slightly, outside the island also a little undead...... Renn ridiculed two coldly. 复仇岛没什么不好的,除了天气冷一点,面积小一点,岛外还有一点亡灵……”雷恩揶揄了两句。 Livlin almost thinks that a sword chops. 莉芙琳差点想一剑劈过去。 Does not crack a joke.” Renn sees her thoughts, sincere say/way: If you are worried about the safety of clan, several years later, when I seize entire eastern coast to become the territory, the urban construction to certain situation, can discuss with regent, making him donate money with me makes a transaction, assigns the high-quality territory to give the blood elf development together.” “不开玩笑了。”雷恩看出她的心思,正色道:“如果你担心族的安危,再过几年,等我占领整个东海岸成为领地,城市建设到一定地步,可以跟摄政王谈一谈,让他出钱出力和我做个交易,划一块优质领地给血精灵发展。” Really?” Livlin is pleasantly surprised. “真的?”莉芙琳惊喜不已。 Renn nods: I always mean what one says.” 雷恩点头:“我向来说话算数。” The blood elf entire clan be only 200,000, the population are too few, the race talent is also hard to make up again high, let alone is entire eastern coast, even if all moves Gotham City unable to raise the storm. 血精灵全族只有二十万,人口太少,种族天赋再高也难以弥补,别说是整个东海岸,就算全部迁进哥谭城也掀不起风浪。 But also was only restricted in a territory, blood elf wants not to expect. 但也仅限于一块领地,血精灵想要更多就别奢望了。 Good!” “太好了!” Livlin was quite happy, she never suspected the commitment of Renn, the biggest heart knot untied. 莉芙琳极为高兴,她从来不怀疑雷恩的承诺,最大的心结解开了。 I whether to obtain some rewards?” The eye of Renn in her high selects in the figure to sweep, on the face shows the smile that the men understand. “我是不是能得到一些奖励?”雷恩的眼睛在她的高挑身段上扫着,脸上露出男人都懂的笑容。 Today you want to be why good!” “今天你想干什么都行!” Livlin is also excited, drew Renn to enter the bedroom. 莉芙琳也兴奋起来,拉着雷恩就进了卧室。 Until noon, Renn left the Livlin home, if not also some lot must do, he can play one in the Livlin bedroom all day. 直到中午,雷恩才离开了莉芙琳的家,如果不是还有很多事情要做,他能在莉芙琳的卧室玩上一整天。 The following day, Renn frequent travels between Gotham City and Isengard. 接下来的日子,雷恩频繁在哥谭城艾辛格之间往返。 Isengard starts to reconstruct. 艾辛格开始重建。 A manpower and commodity of ship ship transport/fortune Isengard from the empire, the investment rebuild during the work of this city, the Empire All parties influence had the participation, Renn plans the city, the road, building, the land development, wharf, mine, the machine shop, agriculture wait/etc, each aspect some people were responsible , the benefit moistened. 一船船的人手和物资从帝国运到艾辛格,投入重建这座城市的工作之中,帝国各方势力都有参与,雷恩规划好了城区,交通道路、建筑、土地开发、码头、矿场、机械工厂、农业等等,每个方面都有人负责,利益均沾。 Naturally, these value biggest benefits and most important power, Renn grasps in own hand. 当然,那些价值最大的利益和最重要的权力,雷恩都掌握在自己的手里。 The Oriense Empire huge productive forces erupt. 奥瑞恩瑟帝国庞大的生产力爆发出来。 Only used less than two months, the Isengard city begins to take shape, the wilderness turned into the city, broad straight paths spread across, on the street is running the automobile, was centered on the tower of Isengard, the big piece building rose straight from the ground like mushrooms after a spring rainfall. 只用了不到两个月,艾辛格的城市就初见规模,荒野变成了城市,一条条宽阔平直的道路纵横交错,街上跑着汽车,以艾辛格之塔为中心,大片建筑如雨后春笋般拔地而起。 The city hall, house, office, store, exchange, bank, extraordinary academy, Public Security Agency, factory wait/etc, the constructions of various functions are uneven. 市政厅、住宅、写字楼、商铺、交易所、银行、超凡学院治安局、工厂等等,各种功能的建筑都已经齐了。 This is a complete city. 这已经是一座完整的城市。 Outside the city also opened the big piece farmland, the smooth fertile land was vast, the large number of agricultural use mechanical devices worked one after another, happen to can catch up with this year's spring plowing. 城外也开辟好了大片的农田,平坦肥沃的土地一望无际,大量农用机械设备轮番工作,正好赶得上今年的春耕。 The Isengard population achieves over 100,000, and every day is increasing, all straighten out. 艾辛格的人口达到十万以上,并且每天都在增加,一切步入正轨。 Renn an own clone appointment is Isengard city lord. 雷恩将自己的一个分身任命为艾辛格城主 This Mage clone appearance made the adjustment, the facial features are pale, have a neat white long hair, often wears a simple white robe. Renn not to the custom that clone names, usually only then a number is used in the differentiation, to openly make an appearance, names Saruman to this clone. 这个法师分身的外貌做了调整,面容苍白矍铄,有着一头整齐的白色长发,时常穿一袭朴素的白袍。雷恩并没有给分身取名的习惯,通常只有一个数字代号用于区分,但是为了公开露面,给这个分身取名“萨鲁曼”。 Saruman is 19th rank Mage, is skilled in the mind and arcane spell, has grasped two ninth circle magic spell, only misses one to promote Archmage. 萨鲁曼十九级法师,精通心灵与奥术,已经掌握了两个九环法术,只差一个就能晋升大法师 Gives Saruman processing the Isengard business, Renn can leave. 艾辛格的事务交给萨鲁曼处理,雷恩自己得以抽身出来。 On, Archon returned to the imperial capital outwardly. 明面上,执政官返回了帝都。 Secretly, Renn actually arrived at Kharanos on Sayen Plateau, enters the machine shop in Gera Jebel Ghurr. 暗地里,雷恩却来到了塞恩高原上的卡拉诺斯,进入格拉古尔山中的机械工厂。 This giant factory digs from the mid-hill, on biggest the iron ore field near the plateau, over the past several years, innumerable alchemical materials transported Kharanos, is smelted after the dwarf and barbarian, feeds in the workshop again, becomes a part of Star Destroyer. 这个巨大的工厂是从山腹中挖出来的,毗邻高原上最大的铁矿场,过去几年,无数炼金材料运送到了卡拉诺斯,由矮人和野蛮人冶炼之后,再送进车间,成为歼星舰的一部分。 Today, second Star Destroyer finished. 今天,第二艘歼星舰完工了。 Renn looks at float Star Destroyer in antigravity runic magic array, is at heart satisfied. 雷恩看着悬浮在反重力符文法阵中的歼星舰,心里非常满意。 Because there is an experience, the material and manpower are quite sufficient, therefore second Star Destroyer only used for more than one year to construct to complete. 因为有了经验,材料和人手都极为充足,所以第二艘歼星舰只用了一年多就建造完成。 This Star Destroyer specification with first completely same, all technical specifications are the same, in the length, weight and ship the layout is exactly right. 这艘歼星舰的规格跟第一艘完全相同,所有的技术指标都一样,长度、重量、舰内布局都分毫不差。 It has Eola's nucleus as the actuation energy, the end has three big four small seven engines, on the entire ship armor installed more than 10,000 resistance field generators, giant titan furnace is the main artilleries and 32 twin lightning cannon provides the energy, four hangars packed with, can transport 20,000 people of transcendent legion. 它拥有一个伊奥拉之核作为驱动能源,尾部有三大四小七座引擎,全舰装甲上安装了一万多个抗拒力场发生器,一座巨型泰坦熔炉为主炮和三十二门双联电光炮提供能量,四个机库满载,可以运输一支两万人的超凡军团 Two Star Destroyer look like the duplication glue, the only difference is the side number. 两艘歼星舰就像是复制粘贴,唯一的区别就是舷号。 Inscribes the Augustus family's badge in the side slanting deck, warhammer and quarter moon overlapping, under also writes one line of writing Something went wrong. 在侧面的斜甲板上刻有奥古斯都家族的徽章,战锤与弦月交叉,底下同样也写着一行文字[Not Found] However by badge, a bigger numeric character: 002, represent No. 2 ship. 不过在徽章旁边,还有一个更大的数字符号:002,代表二号舰。 First Star Destroyer also added on the side number, is 001. 第一艘歼星舰也加上了舷号,是001。 Eola's nucleus of No. 2 ship has activated. 二号舰的伊奥拉之核已经激活。 Before Renn arrives, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers drives Star Destroyer to go out to cruise, various functions and index are very normal, can put into the fight directly. 雷恩到达之前,一个雷铸天兵驾驶歼星舰出去试航,各项功能和指数都很正常,能够直接投入战斗。 mental jump to bridge on. 一记心灵跳跃到了舰桥上。 Sits the metal seat on middle control desk, the transparent interface rise, demonstrates the Star Destroyer this time entire ship condition. 坐在中间操作台上的金属座椅,透明界面升起来,显示出歼星舰此时的全舰状态。 Renn inspected personally again. 雷恩亲自再检查了一遍。 Eola's nucleus functions as usual, titan furnace functions as usual. 伊奥拉之核运转正常,泰坦熔炉运转正常。 tenth circle magic spell „the Augustus deflection force field has opened, the main artillery and vice- artillery function is normal, the source crystal reserve is also sufficient, can start quantum leap or teleportation momentarily. 十环法术奥古斯都的偏转力场”已经开启,主炮和副炮功能正常,源晶储备也非常充足,随时可以开始跃迁传送 Renn satisfied nod , the heart said: „No. 2 ship should come out, leaps the position to No. 4 ship.” 雷恩满意的点了点头,心道:“二号舰该出坞了,给四号舰腾位置。” As for No. 3 ship, constructs in Gotham City half plane, before the end of the year, should also be able to finish, the technical specification is the same. 至于三号舰,则在哥谭城的半位面中建造,年底前应该也能完工,技术规格是一样的。 He is called Imperial-class Star Destroyer of this rank. 他将这个级别的歼星舰叫做“帝国级”。 Considered from the budget and demand, Renn prepares to construct four Imperial-class, can complete in the summer of next year, then starts to construct a higher rank Star Destroyer, at least two kilometers, the main artillery might is stronger, the vice- artillery number quintuples above, can deliver more armies. 从预算和需求方面考虑,雷恩准备建造四艘帝国级,在明年夏天就能全部建成,然后开始建造更高级别的歼星舰,至少两千米长,主炮威力更强,副炮数量增加五倍以上,可以运载更多的军队。 Renn decides as Victory-class this rank! 雷恩把这个级别定为“胜利级”! Although in previous generation's science fiction movie, Victory-class is the Imperial-class predecessor, both order inverted, and truly what Victory-class uses for reference is Heath lance level, but Renn thought that Heath lance level was too coarse, called Victory-class more convenient. 虽然在前世的科幻电影中,胜利级才是帝国级的前身,两者顺序颠倒了,并且胜利级真正借鉴的是“西斯长矛级”,但是雷恩觉得西斯长矛级太难听了,还是叫胜利级更方便。 Victory-class Star Destroyer had been researching and developing, but a need bigger dock, half plane cannot accommodate, must therefore expand this machine shop. 胜利级歼星舰已经在研发了,但需要更大的船坞,半位面也容不下,所以要对这个机械工厂进行扩建。 A Victory-class Star Destroyer construction cost is Imperial-class three times. 一艘胜利级歼星舰的造价是帝国级三倍 Also is about 500 million golden Shield! 也就是大约五亿金盾! These alchemical materials and magic metal that the dwarves pay, happen to can complete Victory-class, even is possibly insufficient. 矮人支付的那些炼金材料魔法金属,正好可以建成一艘胜利级,甚至可能不够。 The Victory-class construction time must be very long, quickly 34 years, slow words 67 years also perhaps. 胜利级的建造工期也要很久,快则三四年,慢的话六七年也说不定。 Renn estimated the Victory-class No. 1 ship completes, was almost own Archon term finished, hopes that can catch up. 雷恩预计胜利级一号舰建成的时候,差不多就是自己的执政官任期结束,希望能赶得上。 Victory-class adds on four Imperial-class, can compose a genuine fleet! 一艘胜利级加上四艘帝国级,可以组成一支真正的舰队了! ......” “唔……” Cannot always call No. 1 ship No. 2 ship, when should like the navy, officially the service gives each Star Destroyer to name alone.” “不能总是叫一号舰二号舰,应该像海军一样,正式服役时给每艘歼星舰单独命名。” Renn sits on the control desk thinks, quick had the idea, „No. 1 ship is first Star Destroyer, experiments the ship, has the merit of foundation, is quite important to me like the Glamorgan lead(er), is foundation that I build up, that is called Glamorgan.” 雷恩坐在操作台上思索起来,很快就有了主意,“一号舰是首艘歼星舰,也是试验舰,有开创之功,就像格拉摩根领一样对我极为重要,是我起家的根基,那就叫做‘格拉摩根号’。” According to this naming rule, then No. 2 ship is Gotham.” “依照这个命名规则,那么二号舰就是‘哥谭号’。” When the ship finishes at the end of the year on the 3rd, official service time should be called Isengard.” “等到年底三号舰完工,正式服役的时候应该叫做‘艾辛格号’。” As for the name of No. 4 ship, Renn has not thought, this must depend on the next reconstruction the New World city. He original is south of Isengard Lauris city, but the elf requested Gotham City northeast Roberts some time ago, making him consider whether must first develop. 至于四号舰的命名,雷恩还没想好,这要取决于下一座重建的新大陆城市。他原定是艾辛格以南的“罗利城”,但是不久前精灵要求得到哥谭城东北方的洛波斯特,让他考虑是否要优先开拓。 The Lauris city is „the king of bloodthirsty the Kurle Gosse's territory Lord city, so long as eliminates this God's Chosen champion, sweeps the devilman tribe, the Lauris city can take immediately. 罗利城是“嗜血之王”库尔格斯的领地主城,只要消灭这个神选冠军,扫荡魔人部落,罗利城马上就能拿下。 But what must face in Polosse is Calamity Legion. 而在波洛斯特要面对的是天灾军团 Since several years ago after Gotham City was repelled, Calamity Legion on did not have the sound outwardly. 自从几年前在哥谭城被击退后,天灾军团在明面上就没有动静了。 However oneself have General Sanavia to work as the planted agent in Calamity Legion, she often spreads the news, Deathlord use divine tool Necronomicon , to continue to summon innumerable undead creature to arrive at Icefield Karnod from Abyss Netherworld, the Calamity Legion strength is growing every day. 不过自己在天灾军团中有萨娜维亚将军当内应,她不时传出消息,死亡领主利用神器“死灵之书”,持续从深渊冥界中召唤无数亡灵生物来到卡诺德冰原,天灾军团的实力每天都在增长。 Meanwhile, Deathlord own strength is also getting stronger and stronger. 同时,死亡领主自身的力量也越来越强。 It is preparing conferred the God title probably! 它好像在准备封神 conferred the God title naturally is not that easy, the light has divine tool Necronomicon is not enough, the most important thing is must have divine fire. 封神当然不是那么容易的,光有神器死灵之书是远远不够的,最重要的是要有神火 General Sanavia did not determine whether Deathlord obtained divine fire, has other preparations in secret, but this also made Renn arouse vigilance sufficiently. 萨娜维亚将军不确定死亡领主是否得到了神火,暗中有没有其它准备,但这也足以让雷恩引起警惕了。 If possible, naturally must eliminate Calamity Legion as soon as possible, gets rid of Deathlord. 如果可以的话,当然要尽快消灭天灾军团,干掉死亡领主 Renn does not think, faces God. 雷恩不想以后面对一位神祗 Even if were weakest new promote God, was not the mortal can shake. However, attacks the Calamity Legion time is not mature. eastern coast has not regained completely, the development is insufficient, the empire power has not grasped, the fleet only has two Star Destroyer, the New World territory facing the threat of Eternal God's Chosen. 哪怕是最弱的新晋神祗,也不是凡人能撼动的。但是,进攻天灾军团的时机还不成熟。东海岸还没有完全收复,发展不足,帝国大权也没有掌握,舰队只有两艘歼星舰,新大陆领地面对永世神选的威胁。 Must wait.” “还是要等一等。” Deathlord conferred the God title is impossible is so quick , may be defeated.” 死亡领主封神不可能这么快,也可能会失败。” Waits again for several years, when my Star Destroyer team completes, first takes the position of emperor, eliminates Eternal God's Chosen and devilman depending on the strength of entire empire, then eliminates Calamity Legion!” “再等几年,等我的歼星舰队完成,先拿下皇帝之位,挟整个帝国之力消灭永世神选魔人,再去消灭天灾军团!” Renn considered to make the decision long time, to south! 雷恩考虑良久做出了决定,向南! The next goal is the Lauris city. 下一个目标是罗利城。 He presses down the start key on screen, Eola's nucleus gushes out the huge pure energy, after 30 seconds, bang, the Star Destroyer shuttle left the machine shop void. 他按下屏幕上的启动键,伊奥拉之核涌出庞大纯净的能量,三十秒钟后,轰隆一声,歼星舰穿梭虚空离开了机械工厂。
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