WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#920: Arrogant elf

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Chapter 920 arrogant elf 第920章傲慢的精灵 The elf and dwarf with are the Third Epoch overlords, two clans are several thousand years of opponent and enemy, when the era alternates encounters the fatal destruction, returns the Old World place of origin respectively. 精灵和矮人同为第三纪元的霸主,两族是数千年的对手与敌人,在纪元更迭时都遭遇到了致命的毁灭,各自退回旧大陆的发源地。 But at the present, their circumstances was different. 但在如今,他们的境遇却不一样了。 The dwarves defend against a siege World Mountain Range underground fortress, because lacks the territory and resources, only has by the present is less than 3 million population, faces the serious survival issue. 矮人困守世界山脉地下要塞,因为缺少领土与资源,到现在也仅有不到三百万人口,就面临严重的生存问题。 Hometown Oroan of elf is entirely different. 精灵的故乡奥罗安截然不同。 Oroan is called Desmidt subcontinent, the area is close to half empire, is fertile, rich resources, westernmost situated in Old World. Except for Oroan northern part Nurse Vikar savage outside, the elf almost does not have other enemy, can develop safely. 奥罗安又被称为“德密特”次大陆,面积接近半个帝国,土地肥沃,资源丰富,又位于旧大陆的最西端。除了奥罗安北部的“纳斯维卡野人”以外,精灵几乎没有别的敌人,可以安心发展。 Ten elven kingdom total population surpass 20 million. 十个精灵王国的总人口超过两千万。 strength of these 20 million elves, can go against four to 500 million human, in the proportion of high-end strength is astonishing. 这两千万精灵的力量,能顶得上四到五亿人类,在高端战力的比例更是惊人。 If not Oroan falls into the civil war repeatedly, splits ten kingdoms, dragged on the recovery of elf, the elf population grows to 50 million is not the issue. 如果不是奥罗安多次陷入内战,分裂成十个王国,拖累了精灵的复苏,精灵人口增长到五千万都不是问题。 Even so, at present the strength also far ultra dwarf of elf. 即便如此,目前精灵的实力也远超矮人。 Two clans are not a rank. 两族已经不是一个级别的了。 Renn allows the dwarf to participate to develop New World, and gives them the territory , because both sides are many years of ally, the cooperation is quite happy, but the most important thing is, he has the confidence to blow the dwarf, firmly has the New World sovereignty. 雷恩允许矮人参与开拓新大陆,并给他们领地,是因为双方是多年盟友,合作相当愉快,但是最重要的是,他有信心可以镇住矮人,牢牢掌握新大陆的统治权。 Changing into the elf was different.. 换成精灵就不同了。。 First regardless of the strength, the light is only in the difference compared with wisdom, the dwarf is not certainly silly , many deceitful dwarves, but on the whole, dwarf race are quite straightforward, is clear about what to love and what to hate, does not have too many flower intestines. 先不论实力,光是只比智慧上的差别,矮人当然不傻,其中也有很多奸诈的矮人,但在大体上,矮人这个种族是比较耿直的,爱憎分明,没有太多的花花肠子。 But the elf is just right, pleasant to hear that said is intelligent resourceful, coarse that said is crafty. 而精灵正好相反,说的好听是聪明机敏,说的难听就是诡计多端。 More is the smart person more likes doing the matter, could not do the enemy to do the person on one's own side. 越是聪明人就越爱搞事,搞不了敌人就搞自己人。 Does the person on one's own side specially. 或者专门搞自己人。 The Third Epoch period, the overall strength of elf is actually much stronger than the dwarf, the both sides disparity is very big, because of the elf internal strife, has almost not always united, therefore divides equally the world with the dwarf, fights to a draw. 第三纪元时期,精灵的整体实力其实比矮人要强得多,双方差距很大,但就是因为精灵总是内讧,几乎从来没有团结过,所以才跟矮人平分世界,打成了平手。 Arrived new era, elf just a little sign of recovery, started internal fight. 到了新纪元,精灵刚有一点复苏的迹象,又开始内斗了。 The history of elf is a civil strife history. 精灵的历史就是一部内乱史。 In brief. 总而言之。 The elf is crowd of troublesome essences that like doing the matter, they have the powerful wisdom and strength, can cause the huge destruction! 精灵是一群爱搞事的麻烦精,偏偏他们又拥有强大的智慧与力量,能造成巨大的破坏! This characteristics also manifest in blood elf, regent this title, is the result of Eversong City infighting. 这个特点在血精灵中也有体现,“摄政王”这个头衔,就是永歌城内部争斗的结果。 Since there is a regent, where that true king is at? 既然有摄政者,那真正的国王在哪呢? Renn can guess correctly probably, but never has the interest in inquire. More than 200,000 blood elf are big on the trouble, if makes the Oroan elf also participate to develop New World to come, refers to erratically being probable to do any at sixes and sevens matter. 雷恩大概能猜到,只是从来都没兴趣过问罢了。二十万多血精灵就麻烦不小,要是让奥罗安的精灵也参与到开拓新大陆进来,指不定要搞出什么乱七八糟的事情。 Let alone, why can oneself make the elf participate? 更何况,自己为什么要让精灵参加? But Oroan large quantities of elf Archmage, is headed by Techiles, surpasses 30th rank Archmage to have double-digit, is simply fearful. 奥罗安可是有一大批精灵大法师的,以泰克利斯为首,超过三十级大法师就有两位数,简直可怕。 If the elf is unwilling to serve for human, wants to change from guest to host, Renn does not have the confidence to be able to blow them, even if pressed is still no end of trouble for the future. 如果精灵不甘为人类服务,想要反客为主,雷恩没信心能镇得住他们,就算压下去了也是后患无穷。 That might as well rejects from the beginning, strangles troublesome in the seed! 那还不如一开始就拒绝,把麻烦扼杀在萌芽之中! Livlin knew about own race very much, is deeply by its evil, she sees the expression change of Renn, sighed, said: regent told me, if you can build up magic torch light magic array in Roberts, gives the elf to govern this city, for this reason, Oroan is willing to pay at all costs, including golden Shield, alchemical materials, magical knowledge wait/etc, even can send a Mage group at your service to New World.” 莉芙琳对自己的种族很了解,更是深受其害,她见雷恩的表情变化,叹息一声,说道:“摄政王跟我说,如果你能在洛波斯特建起魔法炬光法阵,把这座城市交给精灵重新治理,为此,奥罗安愿意付出一切代价,包括金盾、炼金材料魔法知识等等,甚至可以派遣一个法师团到新大陆为你服务。” Renn hears here, shakes the head, the elf is planning from the beginning. 雷恩听到这里,不禁摇了摇头,精灵从一开始就在算计了。 He asked: „Is this elven mage group very certainly powerful?” 他问道:“这个精灵法师团一定很强大吧?” Yes.” Livlin nods, is headed by three Archmage, including 100 legendary mage and 1000 high rank Mage.” “是的。”莉芙琳点头,“以三位大法师为首,包括一百位传奇法师和一千位高阶法师。” Hehe......” Renn sneers. “呵呵……”雷恩冷笑一声。 Such powerful Mage group is really the mouth-watering, benefit-sharing time, perhaps they serve for me, but if clashes, they made funeral arrangements for me.” “这么强大的法师团真是让人垂涎,利益一致的时候,也许他们是为我服务,但要是发生冲突,那他们就是为我送终了。” The Livlin complexion stagnates, she does not want is so far actually, but Renn said that also possibly has. 莉芙琳脸色一滞,她倒是没想这么远,但是雷恩所说也不是没有可能。 No. 不。 With the attitude of elf, has this matter possibly is very big! 以精灵的作风,发生这种事的可能很大! You reply regent for me, I do not need the support of Oroan.” A Renn not hesitation, sinking sound said: New World is the mainland of human, in the past Elven Empire gave up this lands, that are not related with the elf.” “你替我回复摄政王,我不需要奥罗安的支援。”雷恩没有一丝犹豫,沉声道:“新大陆是人类的大陆,当年精灵帝国放弃了这片土地,那就跟精灵没有关系了。” Livlin nods. 莉芙琳点了点头。 She has stood in Renn and Gotham City standpoint consideration issue completely, on the face reveals to worry, just about to opens the mouth, discovered that the Renn vision shifts to the corner of hall, is gazing at anyone. 她已经完全站在雷恩哥谭城的立场考虑问题,脸上露出担忧,刚要开口,发现雷恩的目光转向大厅的一个角落,注视着什么人。 Three forms appear. 三道身影显现出来。 And two are blood elf, Livlin is very familiar with them, one is Regent Asjunger oneself, another is in Eversong City present highest-rating Romansi Archmage. 其中两个是血精灵,莉芙琳对他们都很熟悉,一个是摄政王阿斯琼格本人,另一个是永歌城中如今等级最高的罗曼斯大法师 Last is also the elf, but has not seen. 最后一位也是精灵,但是从来没有见过。 His body is very big is also very strong, the body puts on complicated magnificent magic robe, wears an apex wing crown, grasps magic staff, on the handsome face has a pair of light purple double pupil, but is very disgruntled in this moment expression, sends out intense magic fluctuation. 他的身材很高大也很强壮,身上穿着繁复华丽的魔法长袍,头戴一顶尖顶翼冠,手持法杖,英俊的脸庞上有着一双淡紫色的双眸,但在此刻表情十分不悦,散发出强烈的魔法波动 high elf Archmage! 高等精灵大法师 The Livlin complexion big change, she had not detected completely in own family/home is hiding three saint level powerhouses, strange Archmage. 莉芙琳脸色大变,她完全没有察觉到自己的家里隐藏着三个圣阶强者,其中还有一位陌生的大法师 Immediately, she has the anger. 顿时,她心生怒意。 Asjunger and Asjunger liangs blood elf expression is somewhat awkward. 阿斯琼格血精灵的表情有些尴尬。 I did not agree!” “我不同意!” Elf Archmage looks straight ahead Renn, is holding up the head high, seems looking at the person with the nostril, the mouth is speaking the high elf language: New World in the past , present and future, is the noble elf forever. Archon your excellency, although you are very powerful, the position in human is very high, but cannot change this fact.” 精灵大法师直视雷恩,高高昂着头,仿佛是在用鼻孔看人,嘴里说着高等精灵语:“新大陆过去、现在和将来,永远属于高贵的精灵。执政官阁下,虽然你很强大,在人类中的地位很高,但也不能改变这个事实。” Renn has not paid attention to this Archmage. 雷恩没有理会这个大法师 Actually he comes out from portal, has detected three elves, but treats as does not know, wants to look they must do what acrobatics. 其实他从传送门出来的时候,就已经察觉到了三个精灵,只是当作不知道,想看他们要搞什么把戏。 regent your excellency, I have not thought that you have the fondness of peeping.” Renn unemotional saying. 摄政王阁下,我没想到你还有偷窥的癖好。”雷恩面无表情的说道。 This......” “这……” In a one-eyed that Asjunger only remains filled shamefacedly, is actually not able for own behavior explanation. His original intention does not want to do that is the idea of elf Archmage, and vowed solemnly that said that will not be seen through invisible magic spell. 阿斯琼格仅剩的一只独眼中充满了羞愧,却又无法为自己的行为解释。他本意是不想这么做的,是精灵大法师的主意,并且信誓旦旦的说绝不会被人看穿隐形法术 Archon your excellency.” Asjunger neglected the taunt of Renn forcefully, introduced: This is the Phoenix King envoy, Dante Archmage.” 执政官阁下。”阿斯琼格强行忽略了雷恩的嘲讽,介绍道:“这位是凤凰王的使者,莫丹特大法师。” Dante pushes someone take on a difficult job selected to Renn under. 莫丹特勉为其难的向雷恩点了下头。 Has seen Archon.” “见过执政官。” Renn with has not been seeing the opposite party, this is have seen second elf Archmage, but has huge difference from the first Techiles sense. 雷恩还是没有用正眼看对方,这是自己见过的第二位精灵大法师,但跟第一位泰克利斯的感官有着天壤之别。 Allanus is spreading a few words: 艾伦厄斯流传着一句话: The elf looks at other races with the nostril, but high elf looks at other elves with the chin. 精灵用鼻孔看其他种族,而高等精灵用下巴看其他精灵。 Dante high elf incisiveness of arrogant performance. 莫丹特把高等精灵的傲慢表现的淋漓尽致。 Although the elf is in a big way affects, the contribution most multi- races on the Allanus world, the culture, art, building, magic and philosophy that they create, reached the peak in each aspect, until now, new era human was also affected all deeply, human can be said as the high elf student. 虽然精灵是对艾伦厄斯世界影响最大、贡献最多的种族,他们创造的文化、艺术、建筑、魔法、哲学,在各个方面都达到了巅峰,时至今日,新纪元的人类也无不深受影响,人类可以说是高等精灵的学生。 However the arrogance of high elf quarter in bone, is really unendurable. 但是高等精灵刻在骨子里的傲慢,实在令人难以忍受。 The dwarves become enemies with the elf, it is said the cause is small misunderstanding in a language, high elf still disdains after the understanding in the apology, the misunderstanding is getting bigger and bigger, finally turned into two clan wars, has the intense and deep-seated hatred unable to relax again. 矮人跟精灵结仇,据说起因就是一个语言上的小误会,高等精灵在了解之后依然不屑于道歉,误会越来越大,最后变成了两族大战,结下血海深仇再也无法缓和。 Renn was asks for advice today. 雷恩今天算是领教到了。 Is the elf has to ask itself obviously, Dante comes up actually to suspend the complexion to oneself, really does not know how Phoenix King will send him to work as the envoy. 明明是精灵有求自己,莫丹特上来却给自己摆脸色,真不知道凤凰王怎么会派他来当使者。 Said, Dante is attitude best high elf that Phoenix King can find? 还是说,莫丹特已经是凤凰王能找到的态度最好的高等精灵 Renn feels funny, asked: 雷恩感到好笑,问道: New World is the elf, you thought that this is the fact?” 新大陆属于精灵,你觉得这是事实?” Naturally so.” “自然如此。” Dante's natural reply. 莫丹特理所当然的回答。 Renn thought that the opposite party told a few words are to waste the saliva, looks to resigned-looking Asjunger, regent your excellency please return. Since the elf has New World, we also discussed anything, wish everyone to have a good dream.” 雷恩觉得跟对方多说一句话都是浪费口水,看向一脸无奈的阿斯琼格,“摄政王阁下请回吧。既然精灵已经拥有了新大陆,那我们还谈什么呢,祝各位做个好梦。” Asjunger was immediately anxious. 阿斯琼格立马急了。 blood elf is also the high elf branch, but they seek livehood with hardship for several thousand years on New World, the hardships made them learn more practical, abrasioned aloof from worldly affairs arrogant, although in the heart is still retaining the pride of elf, but also understood understood what has to be done for outstanding. 血精灵也是高等精灵的分支,但他们在新大陆上苦苦求生数千年,艰难困苦让他们学会了更加务实,磨掉了清高傲慢,虽然心中依然保留着精灵的骄傲,但也懂得了识时务为俊杰。 Your excellency invited not to lose one's temper, Dante Archmage rarely contacted with human, therefore somewhat offended in the formality expression, please do not mind.” “阁下请勿动怒,莫丹特大法师只是很少与人类接触,所以在礼节言辞上有些冒犯,请您不要介意。” Asjunger racks brains to explain. 阿斯琼格绞尽脑汁解释。 Has saying that somewhat felt embarrassed him, Renn looks in the face of both sides ally, finally the nod expressed are not related. 不得不说,着实有些为难他了,雷恩看着双方盟友的面子上,最终还是点头表示没关系。 Is Dante looks on the contrary the eye of Asjunger filled despising, in the nostril sent out cold snort/hum. 反倒是莫丹特看着阿斯琼格的眼中充满了鄙夷,鼻孔里发出一声冷哼。 Fortunately he has not spoken at a venture again. 所幸他也没有再乱说话。 Asjunger relaxes, to exempt Dante opens the mouth, hurries saying: Archon your excellency, this time proposed that cooperates with your excellency is the Phoenix King Eiba Noon's will, Phoenix King knew the New World situation, resists opposition, decides to return to New World, and brought the huge sincerity......” 阿斯琼格松了一口气,为免莫丹特开口,赶紧说道:“执政官阁下,这次提出与阁下合作是凤凰王艾巴努恩的意志,凤凰王得知新大陆的情况,力排众议,决定重返新大陆,并带来了巨大的诚意……” His words had not said that was broken by Renn, is not no need to say again.” 他话没说完就被雷恩打断,“不必再说了。” What sincerity regardless , I am not interested.” Renn categorical saying: Only by me, I can also regain New World.” “无论什么样的诚意,我都不感兴趣。”雷恩斩钉截铁的说道:“只靠我自己,我也能收复新大陆。” If there is a support of Oroan, regains New World not only becomes relaxed, can be quicker.” The Asjunger persuasion said, elf asked that but was a Polosse city.” “如果有奥罗安的支援,收复新大陆不但变得轻松,也能更快。”阿斯琼格劝说道,“精灵所求,不过是波洛斯特一座城市而已。” Renn light question: My can New World, why apportion the elf?” 雷恩淡淡反问:“我的新大陆,凭什么要分给精灵?” The Asjunger complexion stiffened. 阿斯琼格的脸色僵住了。 But, but......” “可是、可是……” He somewhat stumped, said several continuously „, but actually could not find other reason. 他有些词穷了,连续说了几个“可是”却找不到别的理由。 Dante finally found the opportunity digression, is holding up the head saying: This is the Phoenix King will.” His expression Phoenix King is the world's seems to be greatest honored existence, the Phoenix King will is hard-and-fast, even if infringes others 's interest, others should also feel greatest being honored. 莫丹特终于找到机会插话,昂着头说道:“这是凤凰王的意志。”他的表情仿佛凤凰王就是世界上最伟大尊贵的存在,凤凰王的意志不可违逆,哪怕是损害他人的利益,别人也应该感到莫大的荣幸。 Phoenix King closes my trifling thing.” 凤凰王关我屁事。” Renn snorts contemptuously, exploded a vulgar language in the high elf language directly. 雷恩对此嗤之以鼻,直接用高等精灵语爆了一句粗话。 You!” “你!” Dante flies into a rage immediately, probably was insulted enormously, the body spreads vast magic fluctuation, raised the hand refers to Renn wants instantaneous magic spell. 莫丹特立即勃然大怒,像是受到极大的侮辱,身上传出浩瀚的魔法波动,抬手指向雷恩就要瞬发法术 Does not want!” “不要!” Do not begin!” “别动手!” Asjunger and Romansi Archmage startled sound yelled, immediately makes a move to prevent Dante, but in next instantly, they discovered the whole world was peaceful, all things are unable to move, became including own thought extremely slow. 阿斯琼格罗曼斯大法师惊声大叫,立即出手阻止莫丹特,但在下一个刹那,他们发现整个世界都安静下来了,一切事物都无法动弹,连自己的思维也变得极为迟缓。 time stop! 时间停止 Dante is also the look drastic change, he is two 16th rank Archmage, after eight soul transformations, has the good resistance to time stop. 莫丹特也是神色剧变,他是二十六级大法师,经过八次魂变,对时间停止拥有不错的抗性。 Although is irremovable, but the thought is maintaining the revolution, can transfer magical power. 虽然不能移动,但是思维保持着运转,也能调动法力施法。 His instantaneous magic spell completed as before! 他的瞬发法术依旧完成了! This is eighth circle true words technique: Crack soul, Dante excels at mental spells, he does not want to kill Renn, knows that Renn is Saint Soul wizard, the crack soul technique cannot kill the opposite party. He only wants to this not knowing good from bad human profound lesson, making Renn know, this dares to the fate of phoenix disrespecting. 这是一记八环的“真言术:裂魂”,莫丹特擅长心灵法术,他没想杀死雷恩,也知道雷恩圣魂巫师,裂魂术杀不死对方。他只想给这个不知好歹的人类一个深刻的教训,让雷恩知道,这就是敢对凤凰不敬者的下场。 The invisible fluctuation of crack soul technique solidified in time stop. 裂魂术的无形波动在时间停止中凝固了。 The Renn body increases to three meters high, the top of the head almost hits the ceiling of Livlin, gradually moved toward Dante, the chest ground the crack soul technique, did not have the slight effect like breeze blow generally. 雷恩的身躯变大到三米高,头顶几乎撞到莉芙琳家的天花板,一步步走向莫丹特,胸膛碾碎了裂魂术,像微风吹拂一般没有丝毫效果。 After three seconds . 三秒钟后。 He arrived at Dante's front, occupies a commanding position, is overlooking this Archmage. 他走到了莫丹特的面前,居高临下,俯视着这位大法师 In the panic-stricken vision of four elves, Renn extends the right hand a neck that held Dante, raises him. 在四个精灵的惊骇目光中,雷恩伸出右手一把抓住了莫丹特的脖子,将他提起来。 time stop finished ahead of time. 时间停止提前结束。 Meanwhile, an invisible force field spreads from Renn, constant magic and magic item within range become completely useless. 同时,一股无形的力场从雷恩身上扩散出来,范围内的恒定法术魔法物品全部失效。 ninth circle anti-magic field! 九环反魔法力场 Asjunger, Romansi and Livlin discovered oneself active, but Dante has fallen into the hand of Renn. Dante is like many high elf Mage, magic and martial dual cultivation, is not only powerful Spellcaster, is the top elf soldier, has is as good as legend high rank strength. 阿斯琼格罗曼斯莉芙琳发现自己能动了,但是莫丹特已经落入雷恩的手中。莫丹特跟很多高等精灵法师一样,魔武双修,既是强大的施法者,也是顶尖的精灵战士,拥有不亚于传奇高阶力量 However, he seems like one to be seized cockerel of neck, no matter how goes all out to struggle, the both feet kicks in the midair randomly, is unable to shake the hand of Renn. 然而,他像是一只被掐住脖子的公鸡似的,不管怎么拼命挣扎,双脚在半空中乱踢,都丝毫无法撼动雷恩的手。 Loosen...... opens...... me......” “松……开……我……” Dante makes noise difficultly. 莫丹特艰难出声。 Suffocation makes his face suppress blood red, anti-magic field makes him unable to display magic spell. 窒息让他的脸憋得血红,反魔法力场让他施展不出一个法术 Actually, on Dante also constant ninth circle different teleportation, so long as the intention moves can trigger, anti-magic field cannot prevent, but has not actually become effective after triggering, this remembered an entire Gotham City 300 li (0.5 km) space by the magic torch light blockade. 其实,莫丹特身上还恒定了一个九环的异界传送,只要心念一动就能触发,反魔法力场也不能阻止,但在触发之后却没有生效,这才想起整个哥谭城三百里的空间都被魔法炬光封锁了。 Archon shows mercy!” Asjunger anxious plea. 执政官手下留情!”阿斯琼格焦急求情。 Livlin and Romansi also make noise requirement, for fear that Renn cuts off Dante's neck directly, that became enemies with Phoenix King. 莉芙琳罗曼斯也出声请求,生怕雷恩直接掐断莫丹特的脖子,那就跟凤凰王结仇了。 Renn remains unmoved, is staring at Dante in hand, suddenly said with a smile: I heard, the elf is the evolution of Troll, all elves are the Troll branches, doesn't know real?” 雷恩不为所动,盯着手中的莫丹特,忽然笑道:“我听说,精灵是巨魔的进化来的,所有精灵都是巨魔的分支,不知道是不是真的?” The elf on the scene is the complexion changes, this is the topic that Elven Race most abstains from. 在场的精灵都是脸色一变,这是精灵族最忌讳的话题。 The origin numerous of elf said numerous Yun. 精灵的起源众说纷芸。 The view spreads broadly, for about 10,000 years ago, the Second Epoch period of Allanus world, the Troll tribe moved Yueliang Lake, settled down in this magic energy abundant lakeside, baptism that generations of accepted magic energy, more than 3000 years later was born initial high elf. 有一个说法流传极广,大约一万年前,艾伦厄斯世界的第二纪元时期,有一支巨魔部落迁徙到了月亮湖,在这个魔法能量充沛的湖边定居,一代代接受魔法能量的洗礼,三千多年后诞生了最初的高等精灵 Then high elf blooms a loose leaf, some evolutions become moon elf and silver gray elf high, some degeneration are wood elf and wind elf. 然后高等精灵又开枝散叶,有些进化更高成为月精灵、银灰精灵,有些则退化为木精灵风精灵 But no matter which elf, they are the Troll descendants! 但不管是哪一支精灵,他们都是巨魔的后裔! Humble dirty is Troll, unexpectedly the ancestor of noble beautiful elf? The elf is certainly impossible to accept this theory, although many ancient times recorded and archaeological discoveries support, the elf denied overall, thinks firmly oneself were creates together by father god Asurilon and Darkmoon Goddess. 低贱肮脏的巨魔,竟然是高贵美丽的精灵的祖先?精灵当然不可能接受这个理论,尽管有很多远古记载和考古发现支持,精灵全盘否认,坚定认为自己是由父神阿苏瑞隆暗月女神一起创造出来的。 The Troll origin said in the elf is the taboo knowledge. 巨魔起源说在精灵中是禁忌知识。 If who dares to raise in the face of the elf, is the most serious provocation and insult, must pay with the blood and even the life is the price. 谁要是敢在精灵面前提起,就是最严重的挑衅与侮辱,必须付出鲜血乃至生命为代价。 Usually only then the dwarf will enrage the elf with this topic. 通常只有矮人会拿这个话题激怒精灵。 Livlin, Asjunger and Romansi, three blood elf were silent. They far away from elf hometown Oroan, although knows this taboo, but does not have the too big feeling. 莉芙琳阿斯琼格罗曼斯,三个血精灵都沉默了。他们远离精灵故乡奥罗安,虽然知道这个禁忌,但是没有太大的感觉。 Dante's response is intense, whips the palm of Renn crazily, but a character could not say. 莫丹特的反应非常激烈,疯狂拍打雷恩的手掌,但是一个字也说不出来。 Renn pinches his neck, in the hand is being entirely still, tranquil say/way: So long as you acknowledged that Troll is the ancestor of elf, I forgive your life today.” 雷恩掐着他的脖子,手上纹丝不动,平静道:“只要你承认巨魔是精灵的祖先,我今天就饶你一命。” Struggles in Dante eye to emit the boundless anger, however does not help matters. 挣扎中的莫丹特眼里冒出无边怒火,然而无济于事。 The death is approaching. 死亡在逼近。 Dante wants to open the mouth actually to send does not make noise , his struggling is gradually getting more and more weak, in the brain consciousness also becomes fuzzy. 莫丹特想要开口却发不出声,渐渐的,他的挣扎越来越无力,脑中意识也变得模糊了。 „Is Troll the ancestor of elf?” Renn asked again. 巨魔是不是精灵的祖先?”雷恩再次问道。 His sound spreads to Dante's mind directly, when is on the verge of death, the high elf Archmage will collapsed finally, blurts to yell: Yes!” 他的声音直接传入莫丹特的心神,濒死之际,高等精灵大法师的意志终于崩溃了,脱口大叫道:“是!” Renn loosened the hand. 雷恩松开了手。 Dante falls on the ground, breath in gulps, the first feeling air so fragrant. 莫丹特掉在地上,大口大口的呼吸,平生第一次感觉空气是如此的香甜。 After more than ten seconds, he realized oneself handled anything. 十几秒钟后,他才意识到自己做了什么事情。 Under the threat of death, the noble elf and humble Troll and was no different.” The Renn sound makes a sound, taunted: I also think that Archmage your excellency will would rather die than surrender, it seems like it was I overestimated your moral character, high elf was also mediocre.” “在死亡的威胁下,高贵的精灵和低贱的巨魔并没有什么不同。”雷恩的声音又响起来,嘲讽道:“我还以为大法师阁下会宁死不屈,看来是我高估了你的品格,高等精灵也不过如此。” You......” “你……” Dante jumps to point at Renn, the complexion is rising again red, was you compels me saying that this was not my original intention.” 莫丹特跳起来指着雷恩,脸色再次涨得通红,“是你逼我说的,这不是我的本意。” Then he discovered on Renn to take the inverted image crystal, Renn records together the scene. 然后他发现雷恩手上拿着一块倒影水晶,雷恩把刚才的景象都记录下来了。 Turns the head to look, three blood elf looked is very strange to own complexion. 转头一看,三个血精灵看向自己的脸色都很古怪。 Dante's mentality collapsed thoroughly. 莫丹特的心态彻底崩了。 He shamefacedly wishes one could to sneak in the place, wanting teleportation to walk, actually discovery space magic spell has more than enough radically, Renn is also maintaining anti-magic field. 他羞愧的恨不得钻进地里,想要传送走,却发现空间法术根本用不了,雷恩也维持着反魔法力场 So long as Renn is public the content in inverted image crystal, oneself all destroyed in the Oroan reputation. 只要雷恩把倒影水晶里的内容公开,自己在奥罗安的名声就全毁了。 Thinks of here, Dante is icy cold on the hands and feet. 想到这里,莫丹特就手脚冰凉。 You are provoking a fearful enemy, and lost a powerful ally.” His trembling sound said: I am the Phoenix King envoy, representative Oroan, one day you will regret today disrespecting to the elf.” “你在招惹一个可怕的敌人,并且失去了一个强大的盟友。”他颤声道:“我是凤凰王的使者,代表奥罗安,总有一天你会后悔今天对精灵的不敬。” I rather become the enemy of elf, does not want to make the ally with the elf.” “我宁愿成为精灵的敌人,也不想跟精灵做盟友。” Threat of Renn to Archmage does not spare a glance, warned seriously: Goes back to tell Phoenix King, New World is my domain. Without my permission, the Oroan elf dares to step New World one step, do not blame me brutally to start.” 雷恩大法师的威胁不屑一顾,严肃警告道:“回去告诉凤凰王,新大陆是我的地盘。未经我的允许,奥罗安的精灵胆敢踏上新大陆一步,别怪我下手无情。” Go away!” “滚吧!” Renn scolded to wave. 雷恩骂完就挥了挥手。 Dante and two blood elf at present the scene changes, discovered oneself were thrown the Gotham City wilderness, proceeds several steps to tread the magic torch light the boundary. 莫丹特和两个血精灵眼前景象一变,发现自己被扔到了哥谭城的荒郊野外,往前几步就能踏出魔法炬光的边界。
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