WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#843: Was elected as Archon

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Renn said that left office. 雷恩说完就下台了。 In the meeting hall resounds one lowly whish, the expressions of more than 300 congressmen are very splendid. 议事厅中响起一阵低哗,三百多位议员的表情都很精彩。 In them many people took part in repeatedly the Archon voting, even some people participated dozens times, but, like the Renn such short speech is actually first sight. 他们中很多人参加了多次执政官投票,甚至有人参加了几十次,但是,像雷恩这么短的发言却是第一次见到。 The past candidate mostly will make full use of these 15 minutes, elaborated that own governance concept and governing policy, pledged what goal achieved in own term, made certain commitments to the congressmen and empire people, attacked and discredits the competitor wait/etc. 以往的参选者大多会充分利用这十五分钟,阐述自己的执政理念、治国方针,承诺在自己的任期内达到什么样的目标,向议员和帝国人民做出某些承诺,稍带抨击、抹黑竞争对手等等。 These thing Renn do not raise. 这些东西雷恩一句也不提。 His words, do not garner votes probably the speech, instead looks like the victory the manifesto, was full of a dictatorship flavor without a doubt, as well as lets the small number of people not too comfortable arrogance. 他的话,一点也不像是拉票演讲,反而更像胜利的宣言,充满了一种毋庸置疑的独裁味道,以及让少数人不太舒服的狂妄。 However more congressmen were subdued by this type aggressively. 然而更多的议员被这种霸气折服了。 Unusual strength control world, worship powerhouse who people do not need to exempt, but the powerhouse same will worship the powerhouse. 超凡力量主宰的世界,人们不必可免的崇拜强者,而强者本身一样会崇拜更强者。 Regardless of how splendid speech in the face of the Renn strength and merit, seems pale and weak. 无论多么精彩的演讲在雷恩的实力与功绩面前,都显得苍白无力。 Therefore other candidates gave up the speech. 所以其他参选者放弃了发言。 Therefore Renn dares is so rampant. 所以雷恩敢这么嚣张。 In the chairman's podium, the words and deeds of three Saint Soul wizard to Renn holds in high esteem, even mortal enemy Kelston still changes countenance, sizes up Renn carefully, in the eye is revealing for several points to commend, naturally, what he is more is to the vigilance of Renn this enemy. 主席台上,三位圣魂巫师雷恩的言行刮目相看,即便是死敌凯尔斯通也不禁动容,仔细打量着雷恩,眼里流露出几分赞许,当然,他更多的还是对雷恩这个敌人的警惕。 Anse Vodas is tranquilest, he knew about oneself student very much, after knowing the Renn ambition, regardless of Renn will make anything he is not surprised. 安西沃道斯最为平静,他对自己的学生很了解,知道雷恩的野心以后,无论雷恩做出什么事情他都不会惊讶了。 Peaceful.” “安静。” Tim Kennan drinks loudly greatly, the congressmen hastily syllabic final, listening to him to announce: Now starts to vote, according to the respective seat order mounts the stage.” 蒂姆*凯南高声大喝,议员们连忙收声,听他宣布道:“现在开始投票,按照各自的席位顺序上台。” He waves, a length and breadth high about three meters cube appears on the stage, the thing that this seems like the room is a polling station. 他一挥手,一个长宽高都在三米左右的立方体出现在台上,这个像是房间的东西就是投票站。 It casts with the metal all over the body, in the surface inscribes innumerable runes, arranges multi-layered runic magic array, can isolate various magic spell detection and peeps at the thought that by the influence of mind control, under that one side facing stage was not been transparent, can see the movement of voter, the guarantee voting process public fair fair. 它通体用金属铸成,表面上铭刻着无数符文,布置多层符文法阵,可以隔绝各种法术侦查与窥视思想,不受心灵控制的影响,面对台下的那一侧是透明的,可以看见投票人的动作,保证投票过程的公开公平公正。 By the polling station has a gate respectively, respectively is the entrance and exit|to speak. 投票站两侧各有一个门,分别是入口和出口。 The empire congressmen enter, after completing the voting, comes out from another gate. 帝国议员们进入其中,完成投票之后,从另一个门出来。 The first empire congressmen mounted the stage. 第一位帝国议员上台了。 Renn recognizes the opposite party, he a alchemy sage from Iron Floating City, the name is Abnian, the age already over 1000 years old, but has not promoted Saint Soul wizard. Since Imperial Parliament was established Abnian is a congressman, is at present the qualifications oldest congressman. 雷恩认得对方,他是来自艾恩浮空城的一位炼金贤者,名字叫做阿布尼安,年龄已经超过一千岁,但没有晋升圣魂巫师。自从帝国议会成立以来阿布尼安就是议员,也是目前资历最老的议员。 Each voting, Abnian is first mounting the stage. 每届投票,阿布尼安都是第一个上台。 The appearance old Abnian step is very steady, the deft stepping onto stage, enters the polling station. 面相苍老的阿布尼安步伐却很稳健,麻利的走上台,进入投票站。 By the positive/direct glass, the congressmen saw, when Abnian enters the polling station, his front presents a crystal shape the gem. 透过正面的玻璃,议员们看到当阿布尼安走进投票站时,他的面前出现一枚水晶状的宝石。 This type of gem is specially-made, grasps meditates the corresponding serial number in the hand, can complete the input. 这种宝石是特制的,握在手里默念相应的序号,就能完成输入。 Each serial number corresponds a candidate, after the input, cannot change. 每个序号都对应一个候选人,输入之后不能更改。 And will leave behind own aura. 并且会留下自己的气息。 The Archon voting is the recording a name way, a person of ticket, Supreme Council can open the ballots afterward the inspection, ceased the uncertainty of voting, in order to avoid certain empire congressmen fish in troubled waters. 执政官投票是记名方式,一人一票,事后至高议会可以开票检查,杜绝了投票的不确定性,以免某些帝国议员混水摸鱼。 Abnian takes the hanging gem, stopped, the gem in hand flashed, represents has completed the voting, then loosened the gem, its automatic teleportation to one transparent, but in the close box, demonstrated in everyone at present. 阿布尼安拿下悬空的宝石,停顿了一下,手中的宝石一闪,代表已经完成了投票,然后把宝石松开,它自动传送到了一个透明但又封闭的箱子里,展示在所有人的眼前。 He goes out of the polling station, the second empire congressmen go. 他走出投票站,第二个帝国议员紧接着进去。 Then is third and fourth...... 然后是第三个、第四个…… Renn sits under the stage leaves the polling station to be very near, the vision is quiet, looks calm the empire congressmen come up the voting, everyone less than ten seconds can be completed on average. 雷恩坐在台下离投票站很近,目光平静无波,淡定看着一个个帝国议员上去投票,平均每个人不到十秒钟就能完成。 His eye has swept the close box that deposits the gem, All Seeing Eye has opened. 他的眼睛扫过存放宝石的封闭箱子,全视之眼早已开启。 The magic protection of runic magic array and ballot box of polling station, has not affected in his eyes, sees through the gem directly, saw inside serial number. 投票站的符文法阵和投票箱的魔法防护,在他的眼中没有丝毫作用,直接看穿宝石内部,看到了里面的序号。 13,13,13...... 13,13,13…… The empire congressman who has completed the voting, threw 13 th completely, this is own serial number. 已经完成投票的帝国议员,全部投了13号,这是自己的序号。 Should be steady.” “应该稳了。” Renn feels relieved at heart thoroughly. 雷恩心里彻底放心下来。 The seat order of congressman according to entering the Imperial Parliament time arranges, under is not high division, but smooth more qualifications near the top are older, majority is Nesser Faction and Balance Faction person, the congressman of Modo faction control is quite young, the seat order approaches, is the young guard. 议员的席位顺序是按进入帝国议会的时间来排的,并无高下之分,但是顺序越靠前资历就越老,大部分是耐瑟派平衡派的人,摩都派控制的议员比较年轻,席位顺序靠近,属于少壮派。 The congressman of front voting mostly is Nesser Faction and Balance Faction, is not the shareholder of trading company, now throws to oneself, that did not have the suspense. 前面投票的议员大多是耐瑟派平衡派的,不是贸易公司的股东,现在都投给了自己,那就没有悬念了。 Shortly, Ottiluk mounted the stage. 不久后,欧提路克上台了。 The Archon candidate still had the voting rights, Ottiluk is the candidate of first coming up, he completed the voting without hesitation, leaving office time looked at Renn, the vision is somewhat complex. 执政官的参选者仍然拥有投票权,欧提路克是第一个上去的候选人,他毫不犹豫的完成了投票,下台的时候看了一眼雷恩,目光有些复杂。 Renn expressed best wishes to his slight nod. 雷恩对他微微点头致意。 All Seeing Eye looks is very clear, in the Ottiluk voting gem demonstrates 13 th. 全视之眼看的很清楚,欧提路克的投票宝石中显示13号。 Empire congressmen mounting the stage one after another, during the supervisions of three Saint Soul wizard, cast a oneself grave vote. 帝国议员们一个接一个的上台,在三位圣魂巫师的监督之中,投下了自己庄重的一票。 The atmosphere solemn silence, the gem in ballot box are getting more and more. 气氛庄严肃穆,投票箱中的宝石越来越多。 About after one hour, votes to draw to a close. 将近一个小时后,投票临近尾声。 Viola sets out to mount the stage, the half-elf shocking beautiful appearance aroused the interest of empire congressmen, but this attention only continued for several seconds, was followed close on to attract completely in Renn that behind mounts the stage. Renn and Viola enter Imperial Parliament simultaneously, the seat order is connected, is one of the qualifications shallowest congressmen. 维欧拉起身上台,半精灵的惊世美貌引起了帝国议员们的关注,但是这种关注只持续了几秒钟,就被紧跟在后面上台的雷恩全部吸引过去。雷恩维欧拉是同时进入帝国议会的,席位顺序相连,也是资历最浅的议员之一。 Renn enters the polling station, rapidly completed the voting. 雷恩进入投票站,迅速完成了投票。 Was three just entered the Imperial Parliament congressman after him for these years, was less than a half minute, the entire voting flow ended. 在他之后是三位这几年刚进入帝国议会的议员,不到半分钟,整个投票流程结束了。 Now opens the ballots.” “现在开票。” Tim Kennan arrives at side of polling station, lifted the hand to release soul power, immediately, the polling station positive/direct glass wall turned into the magic image, under listed a name of row of candidate, from left to right, above each name had a standard columnar vessel. 蒂姆*凯南走到投票站的旁边,抬手释放了一道魂力,顿时,投票站正面的玻璃墙变成了魔法影像,底下列出一排候选人的名字,从左往右,每个名字上方都有一格柱状容器。 The gem in ballot box separates to fly spatially, the blooming ray, projects a digit. 投票箱里的宝石隔空飞出来,绽放光芒,投射出一个数字。 The first gem is 13 th. 第一个宝石是13号。 Its flash to the magic image, invests Renn Augustus the above vessel, probably charging is the same, the columnar vessel most under shone a standard, went against demonstrate 1 digit. 闪现到魔法影像中,投入“雷恩*奥古斯都”上方的容器,像是充电一样,柱状容器最底下亮起了一格,顶上显示“一”数字。 This obtains a vote on behalf of Renn. 这代表雷恩得到一票。 Gem takes to fly, was very quick, more than ten completed opening the ballots in an instant, all went to the Renn name, the columnar vessel has shone a small truncation, the number of votes was also rising fast, soon surpassed 20 tickets. 宝石一枚接一枚拉飞出来,速度很快,转眼就有十几枚完成了开票,全部投向雷恩的名字,柱状容器已经亮起了一小截,票数也在飞快上涨,很快超过了20票。 Tim Kennan has not called a halt , to continue to open the ballots. 蒂姆*凯南没有停手,继续开票。 Quick, the Renn number of votes achieves 30 tickets, 40 tickets and 70 tickets...... over 100 tickets time, other candidates a ticket still has not resulted. 很快,雷恩的票数达到30票、40票、70票……超过一百票的时候,所有其他候选人依然一票未得。 The empire congressmen look at each other in blank dismay, had a tumult. 帝国议员们面面相觑,不禁产生了一阵骚动。 They have never seen this situation. 他们从未见过这种情况。 Former years also some candidates had the absolute advantage, for example the incumbent Archon impact reappointment, had the support of faction, other factions also came to an arrangement about the benefit, eventually the percentage of the vote surpassed 70%, even might achieve most likely (80%). 往届也有一些候选人拥有绝对的优势,比如在任的执政官冲击连任,得到派系的支持,其它派系也谈妥了利益,最终得票率超过70%,甚至有可能达到八成。 Even so, other candidates at least can also obtain some numbers of votes, more or less, will never have the situation that results in alone. 即便如此,其他候选人至少也能得到一些票数,或多或少,从来不会出现一个独得的情况。 Opened the ballots was still being in progress. 开票仍在进行。 More and more gems invest the Renn name, under columnar vessel from upward, one standard one shines, the number of votes approached 160 tickets rapidly. 越来越多的宝石投入雷恩的名字,柱状容器下从往上,一格一枚的亮起来,票数迅速逼近了160票。 Under the empire law, resulted in ticket more than half candidates to win the campaign. 按照帝国法律,得票过半的候选人赢得竞选。 Arrives 319 empire congressmen, the standard of victory is to obtain 160 votes. Without the candidate gets the ticket more than half , submits the percentage of the vote first three candidate names to Supreme Council, raises hand to vote by Saint Soul wizard, selects Archon. 到场319位帝国议员,胜选的标准是得到160票。如果没有候选人得票过半,那么,将得票率前三的候选人名字递交给至高议会,由圣魂巫师们举手表决,选出执政官 Naturally, results in ticket more than half winners, similarly must be able to take office after the agreement of Supreme Council. 当然,得票过半的获胜者,同样也要经过至高议会的同意才能上任。 Without the peculiar circumstance, the only winner is new Archon, Supreme Council will not overrule generally. But is not absolute, in the empire history had to win the campaign one time, finally actually not in the situation in the Supreme Council voting adopting. 没有特殊情况,唯一的获胜者就是新任执政官,至高议会一般不会否决。但也不是绝对的,帝国历史上就发生过一次赢得竞选,最后却没有在至高议会投票中通过的情况。 In empire congressmen surprised vision, Renn the ticket surpassed 160 tickets! 在帝国议员们惊讶的目光中,雷恩的得票超过了160票! ! 啪啪啪! The empire congressmen applaud as if by prior agreement, Renn sets out to raise hand to hint to people, but has not spoken, because opened the ballots had not finished. 帝国议员们不约而同的鼓掌起来,雷恩起身向人们举手示意,但没有说话,因为开票还没结束。 Continues in the warm applause, the Renn number of votes was still rising rapidly. 持续热烈的掌声中,雷恩的票数仍在飞速上涨。 Broke through 200 tickets quickly. 很快突破了200票。 Has opened the ballots 2/3, other candidates a ticket still had not resulted, their names are gloomy, serves as contrast sparkingly the Renn name. 已经开票三分之二了,其他候选人仍然一票未得,他们的名字黯淡无光,将雷恩的名字衬托得更加闪亮。 The empire congressmen closely are staring at the magic image, the eye is full is inconceivable. 帝国议员们紧紧盯着魔法影像,眼是满是不可思议。 220 tickets, 250 tickets, 280 tickets...... 220票,250票,280票…… The Renn number of votes broke 300, is still the percentage hundred percentage of the vote. The empire congressmen cannot help but turned very quiet, but also is left over the final 19 tickets, will present the miracle? 雷恩的票数突破了300大关,依然是百分百的得票率。帝国议员们不由自主的屏住了呼吸,还剩下最后19票,会出现奇迹吗? After several breath, the flash of last gem from the ballot box comes out, the blooming ray, during everyone's gaze, invests the vessel that the Renn name is. 几个呼吸后,最后一枚宝石从投票箱中闪现出来,绽放光芒,在所有人的注视之中,投入雷恩名字所在的容器。 Whish......” “哗……” Empire congressmen in an uproar, the miracle really happened. 帝国议员们一片哗然,奇迹真的诞生了。 Full-price ticket election! 全票当选! This was the Imperial Parliament establishment more than 1000 years, presents the full-price ticket election for the first time Archon. Everyone knows that this is difficult, full-price ticket election, not only means the approval of empire congressmen, but must subdue all competitors. 这是帝国议会成立1000多年以来,首次出现全票当选的执政官。大家知道这有多么难,全票当选,不但意味着帝国议员们的认可,还要折服所有的竞争对手。 Even if prestigious high Archon, being almost impossible makes the competitor give itself to vote. 哪怕是威望再高的执政官,也几乎不可能让竞争对手给自己投票。 But Renn achieved! 雷恩做到了! This campaign altogether 15 candidates, besides Renn, other 14 competitors cast the ticket to Renn, absolutely was unprecedented, latter did not have the future. 这届竞选总共有十五位候选人,除雷恩以外,其余十四位竞争者把票都投给了雷恩,绝对是前无古人,后无来者。 „......” “啪啪啪啪……” More than 300 empire congressmen all stand up, offers the highest respect to Renn, three Saint Soul wizard in chairman's podium is also applauding. 三百多位帝国议员全体起立,向雷恩献上最高的敬意,主席台上的三位圣魂巫师也在鼓掌。 At this moment, everyone gathers in Renn. 这一刻,所有人聚集于雷恩 Although Renn had known the vote with All Seeing Eye ahead of time, but he is also very surprised, oneself met the full-price ticket election unexpectedly. In his opinion, subduing other candidates is not accidental/surprised, they attended Operation Vengeance together, witnesses the merit that oneself perform, giving oneself votes is also very normal. 尽管雷恩全视之眼已经提前得知了投票结果,但他也很惊讶,自己竟然会全票当选。在他看来,折服其他候选人并不意外,他们一起参加了复仇行动,目睹自己立下的功劳,给自己投票也很正常。 Truly what makes his accidental/surprised is, the Nesser Faction affiliated congressman also gave himself to vote. 真正让他意外的是,耐瑟派旗下的议员也给自己投票了。 The empire congressman of Nesser Faction control accounts for 1/3. 耐瑟派控制的帝国议员占三分之一。 However does not unite. 但是并不团结。 Renn once listed a list, including some congressmen are the Nesser Floating City people, obeys the order of Floating City, rather than Kelston. 雷恩曾经列出一份名单,其中有一些议员是耐瑟浮空城的人,听从浮空城的命令,而不是凯尔斯通 Part joined the trading company, oneself after the inspection, think that they can win over, exchanged the voting with the quota of shareholder, in the future will have very big probability to turn thoroughly, joined the Modo faction camp. 还有一部分加入了贸易公司,自己经过考察,认为他们是可以拉拢的,用股东的名额交换到了投票,将来也有很大的概率彻底投靠过来,加入摩都派的阵营。 Part came from Iron Floating City, follows Congerard Great Sage, because oneself resurrected Charney sage, the bilateral relations pulled closer much, is willing to give itself to vote. 一部分来自艾恩浮空城,追随康杰拉德大贤者,因为自己复活了查尼恩贤者,双方关系拉近了不少,愿意给自己投票。 Remaining was the diehard. 剩下的就是顽固分子了。 These congressman probably 40 people, take orders in Duke Redstone Kelston completely strategically, Renn gave up this group of congressmen, has not made anything to work. 这些议员大概有四十人,完全听命于红石公爵凯尔斯通,雷恩战略性的放弃了这批议员,并没有做什么工作。 However, they gave themselves to vote. 然而,他们给自己投票了。 Renn looks to Kelston on stage, this mortal enemy is also looking at himself, the opposite party detected that own vision, did not have once hostility, showed a smile unexpectedly, the slight nod expressed best wishes. 雷恩看向台上的凯尔斯通,这个死敌也在看着自己,对方察觉到自己的目光,丝毫没有曾经的敌意,竟然露出了一丝笑容,微微点头致意。 Kelston offered the good intentions on own initiative. 凯尔斯通主动释放了善意。 This makes Renn be surprised, the soul eyes observation opposite party, discovered Kelston to own hostility still, soul color red piece, but was not red like before becomes dark, explained that the hostility abated, then no longer was intense. 这让雷恩大感意外,灵魂之眼观察对方,发现凯尔斯通对自己的敌意仍在,灵魂颜色通红一片,但是不像以前那样红得发黑,说明敌意消退了许多,不再那么强烈了。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Renn is confused at heart. 雷恩心里一头雾水。 Oneself and Kelston have not died continuous, on had not happened together for these years outwardly, but in private, the both sides method completely leaves, Kelston attempts to oneself repeatedly in the deathtrap, oneself also keep giving under Kelston the short rope/obstruction, destroys Floating City and territory of opposite party. 自己和凯尔斯通早已是不死不休,这几年明面上没有交集,但在私下,双方手段尽出,凯尔斯通多次试图致自己于死地,自己也不停给凯尔斯通下绊子,破坏对方的浮空城和领地。 How suddenly, did the Kelston standpoint soften? 怎么突然之间,凯尔斯通的立场软化了? Did he instigate? 他是怂了吗? Renn overruled this guess immediately, is proud the character and seeking revenge for the slightest grievance by Kelston unruly, will not bow to anybody, is more impossible to admit defeat. 雷恩立即否决了这个猜测,以凯尔斯通桀骜自负、睚眦必报的性格,绝不会向任何人低头,更不可能认输。 His Grandmaster Auglevey dares to plan, how also possibly to admit defeat to oneself? 他连奥古勒维大师都敢算计,又怎么可能向自己服软? The only possibility, Kelston is planning bigger conspiracy, but requires the time, now sees the influence powerful, the strength rises suddenly, has divine tool Holy-blooded Amber, can only evade the point temporarily, shows good will to oneself through this voting, lulls itself, strives to relax the leeway and time. 唯一的可能,凯尔斯通正在策划更大的阴谋,但需要时间,现在看见自己势力强大,实力暴涨,又拥有神器圣血琥珀,只能暂避锋芒,通过这次投票向自己示好,麻痹自己,争取到缓和余地和时间。 Renn thought of a matter immediately. 雷恩马上想到了一件事。 Kelston has been conducting some magic to test, has continued many years, besides he himself, no one knows the content of this magic experiment. 凯尔斯通一直在进行某个魔法实验,已经持续了很多年,除他自己以外,没有人知道这个魔法实验的内容。 His regressing shows good will, is certainly related with this magic experiment! 他的退步示好,一定跟这个魔法实验有关! Congratulates Speaker Renn.” “恭喜雷恩议长。” Congratulating Speaker Renn became first full-price ticket election Archon.” “恭喜雷恩议长成为第一位全票当选的执政官。” Renn was still pondering that Kelston has what conspiracy, the surrounding empire congressmen make noise to congratulate in abundance, he has to receive the thoughts, looks the smile, responded: Many thanks support. Thank you to each ticket that I cast, I do certainly utmost, let not regret today's choice.” 雷恩还在思考凯尔斯通有什么阴谋,周围的帝国议员们纷纷出声道贺,他不得不收起心思,面露笑容,回应道:“多谢诸位的支持。谢谢你们给我投出的每一票,我一定竭尽全力,让诸位不会后悔今天的选择。” He has not displayed excitedly, the flow also misses the last step. 他没有表现得过于激动,流程还差最后一步。 That is the vote of Supreme Council. 那就是至高议会的表决。 Three Saint Soul wizard on stage had vanished, the congressmen know, Saint Soul wizard are conducting to raise hand to vote, the result will come out quickly. 台上的三位圣魂巫师已经消失了,议员们知道,圣魂巫师们正在进行举手表决,结果很快就会出来。 Really, after several minutes . 果然,几分钟后。 Duke Greyhawk the Tim Kennan form returns to the chairman's podium, announced loudly: Supreme Council unanimously passes, Renn Augustus was elected as empire's 120 th and 45 th Archon!” 灰鹰公爵蒂姆*凯南的身影回到主席台上,高声宣布道:“至高议会全票通过,雷恩*奥古斯都当选帝国第120任、第45位执政官!”
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