WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#842: Imperial Parliament

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The Northrill winter is very cold, most of the time is the snow day. 诺斯瑞尔的冬季十分寒冷,大多时候是雪天。 But today, is actually an especially rare sunny weather, the space cannot see partial clouds, the deep blue sky just like the gem. Last night the sun shine of initial rise in the land, had had the snow and ice reflects the ray, as if wrapped up a silver to the entire city, lets the people's heart spacious god joy. 但在今天,却是一个格外罕见的晴朗天气,天上看不见一片云,蔚蓝的天空犹如宝石。初升的太阳照射在大地上,昨夜下过的冰雪反射出光芒,仿佛给整座城市裹上了一层银装,让人心旷神怡。 Several million residents had gotten up, discovered that the patrol on street guarded the quantity to be many several times, all transportation nodes, the key organization of each empire, had the unusual soldier who the Empire Regiment sent to stand guard, the security of entire city promoted high. 数百万居民都已经起来了,发现街道上的巡逻守卫数量多了好几倍,所有的交通节点,每一个帝国的重要机构,都有帝国军团派出来的超凡士兵站岗,全城的警戒提升到了最高。 Among people are filling the serious atmosphere. 人们之间弥漫着严肃的气氛。 Today is every ten years a Imperial Parliament voting, selects new Archon. 今天是每十年一次的帝国议会投票,选出新任执政官 Some old people have seen several elections at expiration of office terms, but does not know that what's the matter, no time like today dignified, when everyone meets nods mutually, most talked in a low voice several. 一些年长的人见过几次换届选举,但不知道怎么回事,没有一次像今天这样凝重,大家见面时互相点头致意,最多低声交谈几句。 9 : 00 am. 上午 9 点。 Fobaden Castle exudes a loud and clear magic ding, spreads over entire Northrill, nearby people look up to the Imperial Parliament direction, only sees the brilliance that the Goddess of Magic resembles shines, the city wall blocked the field of vision, cannot see Truth Temple that” Imperial Parliament is. 浮贝登城堡发出一声洪亮的魔法钟声,传遍整个诺斯瑞尔,附近的人们抬头看向帝国议会的方向,只看见魔法女神像亮起的光辉,城墙挡住了视野,看不见帝国议会所在的“真理神殿”。 Started.” “开始了。” In many people's heart is thinking silently, looks at each other one with person. 许多人心里默默想着,跟身边的人对视一眼。 Renn from Marlene Manor set off, he has not used teleportation spell today, but rode a black low-key automobile, one team of guard Ultramarine in the surroundings, on the road countless people in the vision that awe, the automobile arrived in Fobaden Castle. 雷恩玛琳歌庄园出发,他今天没有使用传送术,而是坐了一辆黑色低调的汽车,一队极限战士护卫在周围,在路上无数人敬畏的目光中,汽车抵达了浮贝登城堡 This huge castle is tightly guarded, two ten thousand Rick Imperial Guards all send out, a five post, a ten sentry post, the imperial guard commands Hayes Cotteau to lead the person to defend in city gate personally. 这座庞大的城堡戒备森严,两万瑞克禁卫军全体出动,五步一岗,十步一哨,禁卫军统领海斯克托亲自带人守在城门口。 In the square before castle, already many Imperial Parliament. 城堡前的广场上,已经有很多帝国议会到了。 When the Renn motorcade arrives, Rick Imperial Guards or the empire congressman, everyone's vision gathers, becomes the audience focus. 雷恩的车队抵达时,无论是瑞克禁卫军还是帝国议员,所有人的目光都聚集过来,成为全场焦点。 The automobile stop, Renn open the vehicle door to get down from the back row. 汽车停稳,雷恩自己推开车门从后排下来。 His today's wear with no difference, one set of good-fitting mithril light armor, the modeling simple atmosphere, actually could not cover the big strong body in the past, the waist is hanging legendary rank Soul Devouring Blade, as the etiquette saber, a back blood-color big cloak hangs the ankle area, does not appear empty boasting, instead shows the aggression of peak powerhouse. 他今天的穿着跟往常没什么区别,一套合身的秘银轻甲,造型简朴大气,却掩盖不住高大强壮的身躯,腰间挂着传说级噬魂之刃,作为礼仪佩剑,背后一袭血色大披风垂到脚踝,丝毫不显得浮夸,反而彰显出巅峰强者的霸气。 Renn circles to the automobile another side vehicle door, very gentleman opened the gate. 雷恩绕到汽车另一边车门,很绅士的拉开了门。 Viola holds the Renn subordinate car(riage) gently. 维欧拉轻轻扶着雷恩的手下车。 Her very early getting up careful appearance, on the face drew the pale makeup, puts on specially for the simple and elegant long skirt of formal occasion ordering, the head wears the representative Pope status „the crown of azure radish, the fine green garland is serving as contrast the face of her causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, appears beautiful peerless, making many men unable to move the vision. 她很早就起来精心打扮,脸上画了淡妆,穿上专门为正式场合订制的素雅长裙,头上戴着代表教宗身份的“青萝之冠”,精美的绿色花环衬托着她倾国倾城的脸庞,更显得美丽绝伦,让许多男人们挪不开目光。 After getting out, two people post the vanguard. 下车之后,两人并列前行。 Hayes Cotteau welcomed to come, on the face had the kind smile, the enthusiasm to send regards: Has seen Speaker Renn, has seen Viola Your Highness.” 海斯克托迎上前来,脸上带着亲切的笑容,热情问候道:“见过雷恩议长,见过维欧拉冕下。” Hayes Cotteau commands.” Renn slight nod. 海斯克托统领。”雷恩微微点头。 He looked at commanding of this Rick Imperial Guards, soul eyes precisely grasped the thoughts of opposite party, in the surface was seemingly intimate, the innermost feelings somewhat were actually disturbed, but also had several points to flatter. 他看了一眼这位瑞克禁卫军的统领,灵魂之眼精确的把握住了对方的心思,表面上看似亲近,实则内心有些忐忑,还带着几分讨好。 The imperial guard commands generally is the Archon trusted aide. 禁卫军统领一般是执政官的心腹。 Although this position is the Supreme Council direct commission, is shouldering the responsibility that protects Archon, is actually also concealing duty that monitors Archon, but, if Archon must change players firmly, Supreme Council will also listen to the suggestions. 虽然这个位置是至高议会直接任命的,肩负着保护执政官的责任,其实也隐含着监视执政官的任务,但是,如果执政官坚决要换人,至高议会也会听取意见。 Archon cannot exchange the person on one's own side, but can remove the imperial guard to command. 执政官不能换上自己人,但可以撤掉禁卫军统领。 Hayes Cotteau in taking office in the death of Archon Ganeus had the suspicion of dereliction, has not criticized by the present. 况且,海斯克托在上任执政官格涅乌斯的死亡中有渎职的嫌疑,到现在还没有清算。 Even if Renn campaigns for the Archon failure, so long as a few words, Hayes Cotteau wants dingy leaving. 哪怕雷恩竞选执政官失败,但只要一句话,海斯克托就要灰溜溜的走人。 Hayes Cotteau is also well aware to this situation. 海斯克托对这个情况也是心知肚明。 He sees the Renn complexion to be very quiet, has not regarded with a special fondness about own regards, immediately was on nettles. 他见雷恩的脸色很平静,并没有对自己的问候另眼相看,顿时更加忐忑不安了。 In fact, Renn is truly unsatisfied about him. 实际上,雷恩对他确实不满意。 Currently does not have a more suitable candidate, temporarily has not replaced the idea of Hayes Cotteau, but later perhaps. 只是目前没有更合适的人选,暂时还没换掉海斯克托的想法,但是以后就说不定了。 Viola also knows that the Hayes Cotteau position is not steady, but stemming from the respect to the saint level powerhouse, she shows a smile slightly, responded: Commanding your excellency was laborious.” 维欧拉也知道海斯克托的位置不稳,但出于对圣阶强者的尊重,她还是稍稍露出一丝笑容,回应道:“统领阁下辛苦了。” „It is not laborious, is not laborious.” “不辛苦,不辛苦。” Hayes Cotteau beckons with the hand again and again, but looked at Viola to move out of the way the eye, does not dare to look, in order to avoid caused the Renn misunderstanding. 海斯克托连连摆手,只是看了一眼维欧拉就挪开眼睛,没敢多看,以免引起雷恩误会。 Viola sighed at heart. 维欧拉心里感叹。 She the first time is realized that a saint level powerhouse is so humble before oneself, but also clear Hayes Cotteau true awe is not oneself, but is Renn. 她是第一次体会到一位圣阶强者在自己面前如此谦卑,但也清楚海斯克托真正敬畏的不是自己,而是雷恩 At this time, nearby empire congressmen on came to send regards. 这时,附近的帝国议员们都上前来问候。 Speaker Renn.” 雷恩议长。” Has seen Lord Count.” “见过伯爵大人。” Your Excellency Renn.” 雷恩阁下。” The mouth of congressmen resounds different names, what is the same, on their faces is brimming with the smile, even some congressmen are warm, appears somewhat flatters, warm regards at the same time, has not forgotten to praise the beauties of several Viola. 议员们的嘴里响起各种不同的称呼,但相同的是,他们的脸上都洋溢着笑容,甚至有一些议员热情过头,显得有些谄媚,热情问候的同时,还不忘赞美几句维欧拉的美丽。 Viola is the empire congressman, has participated in many Imperial Parliament. 维欧拉是帝国议员,参加过很多次帝国议会了。 She is not strange with these congressmen, most people can name the character, knows that their status backgrounds, each is the empire well-known great person. 她跟这些议员都不陌生,大多数人叫得出名字,知道他们的身份背景,每一个都是帝国响当当的大人物。 However, before today she has never seen congressmen such side, even in front of keeping aloof Saint Soul wizard, they have not performed duties. 然而,在今天之前她从未见过议员们这样的一面,甚至在高高在上的圣魂巫师面前,他们也没有这么执勤。 Because the person are too many, Renn is unable to respond one by one. 因为人太多,雷恩无法逐一回应。 He can only nod slightly, or called the list of empire congressman to show the respect. For all this, these were asked the congressmen of name to draw a prize-winning ticket probably, on the face lights up with pleasure, returns to Renn with a warmer smile. 他只能稍稍点头,或是叫出帝国议员的名单以示敬意。尽管如此,那些被叫到名字的议员们都像是中奖了似的,脸上喜笑颜开,向雷恩回以更加热烈的笑容。 More congressmen in the distant place, are maintaining oneself acting with constraint, has not encircled. 还有更多的议员在远处,保持着自己的矜持,没有围上来。 Viola can look, they are not do not want to send regards with Renn, but leaves too, or one step, had not snatched the position late with enough time. 维欧拉看得出来,他们不是不想跟雷恩问候,而是离得太远,或是晚了一步,没来得及抢到好位置。 At this moment, half-elf realized the Renn position thoroughly. 这一刻,半精灵彻底意识到了雷恩的地位。 The Renn influence, the attraction of Renn to hierarch, is more intense than any beautiful women in the eyes of empire congressmen, the beauty is not worth mentioning in this situation. 雷恩的影响力,雷恩对掌权者的吸引力,在帝国议员们的眼中比任何一个美女都更加强烈,美色在这种场合不值一提。 Congressman, we should go.” Renn said. “诸位议员,我们该进去了。”雷恩说道。 Immediately some congressmen echo to say loudly: „Is, right that Speaker Renn said that cannot delay the voting important matter, everyone proceeds.” 立刻有议员高声附和道:“是是,雷恩议长说的对,不能耽误了投票大事,大家往前走。” Makes Speaker Renn first walk.” Some people proposed. “让雷恩议长先走。”有人提议。 Right.” This proposition won the approval immediately, should make Speaker Renn first walk, colleague, please let.” “没错。”这个提议马上得到了赞同,“理应让雷恩议长先走,诸位同僚,请让一让。” The Renn itself/Ben does not have this intent, but the front empire congressmen had made way on own initiative the road. 雷恩本无此意,可是前面的帝国议员们已经主动让开了路。 He does not know whether to laugh or cry. 他心里哭笑不得。 Has not thought, oneself passes through to different, actually also enjoyed to let the leader first walked the treatment. 万万没想到,自己穿越到异界,竟然也享受到了“让领导先走”的待遇。 At this time was not good to reject, Renn can only express a gratitude, took Viola to enter Fobaden Castle across the city gate. An empire congressman follows on the heels, probably crowds around two people to be the same, as if not come the Truth Temple voting, but is inspects. 这种时候也不好拒绝,雷恩只能表达了一下谢意,带上维欧拉穿过城门进入浮贝登城堡。一众帝国议员跟在后面,像是簇拥着两人一样,仿佛不是来真理神殿投票,而是来视察的。 Viola was done some is not comfortable by this scene. 维欧拉被这个场面搞得有些不自在。 Renn calm reception. 雷恩处之泰然。 He very early experienced, human of Allanus world had unusual strength, but, they with previous generation human society not many differences. No matter average person, the mighty force turns over to own transcendent, always many people curry favor with powerful people, flattering generation of innumerable. 他很早就见识到了,艾伦厄斯世界的人类拥有超凡力量,但是,他们跟前世人类社会并无多少区别。不管是普通人,还是伟力归自身的超凡者,总是有很多人趋炎附势,阿谀奉承之辈数不胜数。 So long as own strength is stronger, has the absolute advantage, can definitely treat as the average person to regard the empire congressmen, splits up, suppresses or wins over, uses various methods not to need too to have scruples. 只要自己的力量更强,拥有绝对的优势,完全可以把帝国议员们当作普通人来看待,分化、打压或拉拢,使用各种手段不用太多顾忌。 Arrives in the squares to turn right, arrives at Truth Temple. 走到广场中间右转,来到真理神殿 Renn and Viola pause before Goddess of Magic god statue, according to the convention, prayed to It silently three, then reaches the stair before temple. 雷恩维欧拉魔法女神神像前停步,按照惯例,默默向祂祈祷了三遍,然后才登上神殿前的台阶。 Proceeds step by step, enters the temple hall. 一步步往前,进入神殿大厅。 The empire meeting hall atmosphere is solemn and respectful, in several hundred seats has been filled with half, empire congressmen mostly peaceful sitting in own position, or talked with person in a low voice. 帝国议事厅气氛肃穆,数百个席位上已经坐满了一半,帝国议员们大多安静的坐在自己的位置上,或是跟身边的人低声交谈。 Suddenly hears massive sounds of footsteps to transmit from the meeting hall front door, the congressmen cannot help but turned head, saw Renn. 忽然听到大量的脚步声从议事厅大门外传来,议员们不由得纷纷回头,看见了雷恩 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… Many empire congressmen stand subconsciously a big piece. 许多帝国议员下意识的站起来一大片。 Some congressmen do not want to set out, but saw others to stand, oneself also sit is conspicuous, feared that was seen by Renn felt oneself did not respect him, therefore also can only stand. 一些议员本来并不想起身,但是看见别人都站起来了,自己还坐着就过于显眼,又怕被雷恩看到了觉得自己不尊重他,所以也只能站起来。 The empire meeting hall refuses to clamor, the congressmen gaze after Renn to come from the front door, since the middle passes through, arrived under the chairman's podium step by step downward most front position. 帝国议事厅严禁喧哗,议员们目送雷恩从大门进来,从中间穿过,一步步往下走到了主席台下最前排的位置。 He does not have to sit down immediately, but turns around to wave to the congressmen. 他没有立刻坐下,而是转身向议员们挥手致意。 Does not need to be overly courteous, please sit down.” “诸位不必多礼,都请坐吧。” The Renn sound was not loud, is moderate, passed to the ear of meeting hall each congressman precisely, making them feel very kindly. 雷恩的声音不大,语气温和,精确的传到了议事厅每个议员的耳中,让他们感觉十分亲切。 Empire congressmen crash-bang taking a seat. 帝国议员们又哗啦啦的落座。 Renn also sit down, the Viola position in his following several rows, she does not need to turn the head, can detect that almost all people are like oneself, is staring at the Renn back, often resounds some to discuss in a low voice, is related with Renn. 雷恩自己也坐下,维欧拉的位置在他后面几排,她不用转头,也能察觉到几乎所有人都跟自己一样,正盯着雷恩的背影,不时响起一些低声议论,也是跟雷恩有关。 Viola does not know that several time was voiced the opinions. 维欧拉不知是第几次发出感叹了。 Seven years ago, oneself first time scene of seeing Renn, as if at present, him was only one has not arrived at the 20-year-old average person at that time, transcendent was not. Besides having handsome look and excellent talent, no one will pay attention to him. 七年前,自己第一次见到雷恩的情景,仿佛就在眼前,当时他还只是一个没到20岁的普通人,连超凡者都不是。除了拥有英俊的相貌和高超的天赋以外,谁也不会把他放在眼里。 Seven years later, Renn only misses one step, must stand the peak of empire power. 七年后,雷恩只差一步,就要站上帝国权力的巅峰。 In the short seven years the so huge transformation, takes a broad view at the Allanus history, Viola cannot discover the example that resembles Renn rapidly rises. 短短七年内如此巨大的转变,放眼艾伦厄斯历史,维欧拉也找不出一个像雷恩这么快速崛起的例子。 He has exceeded the heroes in these epic. 他已经超越了那些史诗中的英雄。 He will also create more miracles in the future! 他未来还将创造更多奇迹! The Viola surging emotions fluctuate, for several days she has felt not likely real in the dream, until now, she can determine a matter finally, that is must firmly hold Renn, cannot make her leave own side. 维欧拉心潮起伏,这些天她一直感觉像在梦中那么不真实,直到现在,她终于可以确定一件事,那就是自己一定要牢牢抓住雷恩,绝不能让她离开自己的身边。 So thinking, half-elf is looking at the Renn back to be somewhat infatuated. 如此想着,半精灵望着雷恩的背影有些痴迷了。 Has the empire congressmen to enter the hall unceasingly, sits to own position, then looks like Viola to sitting in forefront Renn. 不断有帝国议员进入大厅,坐到自己的位置,然后像维欧拉一样看向坐在最前面的雷恩 After the moment, the empire meeting hall was almost filled. 片刻后,帝国议事厅差不多坐满了。 When! 当! As a magic ding resounds, the meeting hall front door closure, no longer allows the person to pass in and out. 随着一声魔法钟声响起,议事厅大门关闭,不再允许人进出。 Three person's shadow teleportation to the chairman's podium, appeared suddenly. 三个人影传送到了主席台上,突然显现出来。 Left that look is very young, puts on dark-red magic robe, on the face does not have a expression, the empire congressmen not with his swift and fierce vision looking at each other, Duke Redstone Kelston Carlser. 左边那个相貌很年轻,穿着暗红色魔法长袍,脸上没有一丝表情,帝国议员们都不跟与他凌厉的目光对视,红石公爵凯尔斯通*卡尔瑟 A right wizard heavy/thick black robe, tall strong, is shaving baldly, the chin leaves leeway the sharp black to, the look is dignified, in the past for several days, the empire congressmen contacted with him frequently, is Duke Greyhawk Tim Kennan. 右边的巫师一身厚重的黑袍,身材高大强壮,剃着光头,下巴留有尖尖的黑须,神色威严,过去这些天,帝国议员们经常跟他接触,正是灰鹰公爵蒂姆*凯南 Stands in the middle the old wizard beard and hair snow white, a face is temperate, in the clear double pupil contains the wisdom of far supernormal person, aura dark deep like the sea, the empire congressmen is not definitely strange to him, Wizland Floating City wielding, Anse Vodas Grandmaster. 站在中间老巫师须发雪白,一脸温和,清晰的双眸中蕴含着远超常人的智慧,气息晦深如海,帝国议员决对他也不陌生,威泽兰浮空城的执掌者,安西沃道斯大师 The empire three giants arrived in full! 帝国三巨头到齐了! Former years the Archon voting, the leaders of Supreme Council three big factions will arrive, was managed the voting flow by one of them in turn, the other two supervised. 往届执政官投票,至高议会三大派系的领袖都会到场,轮流由其中一人主持投票流程,另外两人监督。 Before was Grandmaster Auglevey stands in the middle. 以前都是奥古勒维大师站在中间。 This is the symbol of position, now changed into Anse Grandmaster, from this can also respond that pattern change of Supreme Council, the Modo faction rise replaced Nesser Faction, becomes biggest influence that grasps the empire. 这是地位的象征,现在换成了安西大师,由此也能反应至高议会的格局变化,摩都派崛起取代了耐瑟派,成为掌握帝国的最大势力。 Tim Kennan glance meeting hall. 蒂姆*凯南扫视议事厅一遍。 Then says: „The Imperial Parliament 323 seats, Governor Hetesi sacrificed cannot arrive, another three congressman vacancies, other 319 people all attend.” 然后开口说道:“帝国议会323个席位,赫特斯总督牺牲不能到场,另有三位议员空缺,其余319人全部出席。” On the faces of some empire congressmen reveals to regret. 有些帝国议员的脸上露出遗憾。 Half a month ago Operation Vengeance, the empire upper-level character died four, three were reactivated with the divine tool by Renn, only then Ranyah province governor Teuge cannot rescue, where he did not know is murdered, the Empire Regiment could not find the corpse, is unable to resurrect. 半个月前的复仇行动,帝国上层人物死了四位,其中三位被雷恩用神器复活了,只有苏兰耶行省总督特赫斯没能救回来,他不知道在哪里遇害,帝国军团找不到尸体,无法复活。 Today must select empire new Archon.” “今天要选出帝国新一任执政官。” Tim Kennan has no idle talk, looks front more than ten candidates to the stage, said: Before the voting, each candidate has the last time speech opportunity.” 蒂姆*凯南没有任何废话,看向台下前排的十几位参选者,说道:“在投票之前,每位参选者都有最后一次发言机会。” This flow congressmen were very familiar. 这个流程议员们都很熟悉了。 Former years voted, in the meeting hall the last time speech was extremely important, even it can be said that most important speech, opportunity that because can speak in front of all empire congressmen, only then this time. The emperor candidate changes the situation in the final speech at one stoke, changes the standpoint of congressmen, thus was elected as Archon, such example has happened several times in the empire history. 往届投票,议事厅中最后一次发言极其重要,甚至可以说是最重要的演讲,因为能够在所有帝国议员们面前讲话的机会,只有这一次。帝参选者在最后发言中一举扭转局势,改变议员们的立场,从而当选执政官,这样的例子在帝国史上发生过好几次。 The order of speech also becomes very important, first mounts the stage to mount the stage with last, the advantages of these two orders are biggest. 发言的顺序也变得很重要,第一个上台与最后一个上台,这两个次序的优势最大。 In the past the candidates to snatch the first speech, competed very intensely, several months ahead of schedule planned in the layout, after many rounds of transaction and compromise, set the speech order finally. 过去参选者们为了抢第一个发言,争夺非常激烈,提前几个月就在布局谋划,经过多轮交易与妥协,最后定下发言顺序。 However, this year has no sound. 然而,今年却没什么动静。 Batullah * Naisita.” Tim Kennan spoke thoughtlessly to select a name, „the present is your speech time, you had 15 minutes.” 巴图拉*尤奈斯塔。”蒂姆*凯南随口点了一个名字,“现在是你的发言时间,你有十五分钟。” Batullah stands up said back and forth: Duke Sir, I give up speaking.” 巴图拉站起来回道:“公爵大人,我放弃发言。” The empire congressmen are look surprisedly, gives up speaking almost means to give up campaigning, although everyone knows that this voting almost does not have the suspense, anything spoke cannot reverse, but marquis Ze gave up directly, was a little unexpected. 帝国议员们都是面露惊讶,放弃发言差不多意味着放弃竞选,虽然大家都知道这次投票几乎没有悬念,什么演讲都不能逆转,但是泽里穆侯爵直接放弃,还是有点出乎意料。 The Tim Kennan complexion is invariable, as if knew early, said: Ottiluk, spoke to you.” 蒂姆*凯南面色不变,似乎早知道了,又说道:“欧提路克,到你发言了。” Duke Sir, I also give up speaking.” “公爵大人,我也放弃发言。” Ottiluk sets out to reply, shortly after he just resurrected, sitting down time also casts a friendly vision toward Renn. 欧提路克起身回答,他刚复活不久,坐下的时候还朝雷恩投来一个友善的目光。 After that each candidate who Tim Kennan called, gave up speaking without exception. 此后,蒂姆*凯南叫到的每个参选者,无一例外都放弃发言。 The names of more than ten candidates read, finally was one's turn Renn, he was last. Tim Kennan said: Renn Augustus, the present is your speech time, you have 15 minutes.” 十几个参选者的名字念完,终于轮到了雷恩,他是最后一个。蒂姆*凯南说道:“雷恩*奥古斯都,现在是你的发言时间,你有十五分钟。” Many thanks duke Sir.” “多谢公爵大人。” During is a focus of public attention, Renn set out to step onto the chairman's podium slowly. 万众瞩目之中,雷恩缓缓起身走上了主席台。 He looks more than 300 empire congressmen who at present rows of sit upward, on the face reveal self-confidently and with deep veneration, pale sound said: „, Please remember these words: Holding the post of Archon is not my glory, but is the glory of Archon this position. today, for each ticket that I cast, in the future, will become will become in your life the most important choice.” 他看着眼前一排排往上坐的三百多个帝国议员,脸上露出自信与肃然,淡声道:“诸位,请记住这句话:担任执政官不是我的荣耀,而是执政官这个位置的荣耀。在今天,诸位为我投出的每一票,在未来,将成为将成为你们一生中最重要的抉择。”
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