WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#841: Antiquity dragon demon

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Renn has not examined demonic soul immediately, but first observed Silverstar Duke, discovered that her condition is not very good, seems like the soul that soul power overdraws to cause to be weak. 雷恩没有立即查看魔魂,而是先观察了一下银星公爵,发现她的状态很不好,似乎是魂力透支导致的灵魂虚弱。 Laborious madam.” “辛苦女士了。” During the speeches, Renn lifted the hand to release holy healing spell. 说话间,雷恩抬手释放了一道圣疗术 Because must resurrect the Ottiluk three people, he Holy-blooded Amber belt/bring on the body, has sent out to hunt and kill the monster one team of Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers to Setting Sun Plane in the near future simultaneously, soul absorption transforms charge level, then transforms holy light's power to store the divine tool. 因为要复活欧提路克三人,他近期一直把圣血琥珀带在身上,同时派出一队雷铸天兵残阳位面猎杀怪物,吸收灵魂转化成电量,然后再转化成圣光之力存入神器。 The sacred ray falls on the body of Silverstar Duke, moistens her soul and body, in the wink of an eye, her complexion becomes ruddy, soul power also restored. 神圣的光芒落在银星公爵的身上,滋润她的灵魂与身躯,瞬息之间,她的脸色就变得红润,魂力也恢复了。 Calculates your also a little conscience.” “算你还有点良心。” The Silverstar Duke look relaxes, the vision sized up on Renn, has not seen Holy-blooded Amber, but in the eye filled envying, sighed: Divine tool is fierce! Your luck was also too good, if I can also have a divine tool, must press stubbornly Ella yucca.” 银星公爵的神色缓和下来,目光在雷恩身上打量了一遍,没有看见圣血琥珀,但眼里还是充满了羡慕,叹道:“神器就是厉害!你的运气也太好了,要是我也能拥有一件神器,一定要把艾拉丝兰压得死死的。” Renn is at heart speechless, you to own younger sister complaint such deep? 雷恩心里无语,你对自己的妹妹怨念这么深的吗? Silverstar Duke also said: You do not use too grateful, this is the transaction that we agree. Moreover, this time hunted and killed antiquity dragon demon is not only then I alone.” 银星公爵又说道:“你不用太感激,这本来就是我们约定的交易。而且,这次猎杀上古龙魔不是只有我一个人。” Also who?” Renn asked. “还有谁?”雷恩问道。 Huohai Grandmaster and Ella yucca.” Silverstar Duke returns indifferently said: I want to rest for 1-2 months to begin again, that bad old man looks for me suddenly, he does not know where knows I with your transaction, proposed that helps my, but also called Ella yucca.” 霍怀大师和艾拉丝兰。”银星公爵淡然回道:“我本来想休息1-2月再动手的,那个糟老头子突然找我,他不知道从哪里知道了我跟你的交易,提出帮我一把,还叫上了艾拉丝兰。” Originally was Huohai Grandmaster acts.” On Renn face suddenly. “原来是霍怀大师出手了。”雷恩脸上恍然。 Really, this eccentric extra mundane person of high skill remembers oneself resurrect his favor, did not say with oneself, he first also part. 果然,这位脾气古怪的世外高人记得自己复活他的人情,不用自己说,他就先还了一部分。 saint level demonic soul is obviously insufficient, after Huohai Grandmaster, will express. 一个圣阶魔魂显然不够,霍怀大师以后还会有所表示。 However Silverstar Duke and Storm Queen the relations with Huohai Grandmaster seem intimate, because they are Goddess of Magic emissary? 不过银星公爵风暴女王似乎跟霍怀大师的关系很亲密,难道因为他们都是魔法女神选民 Renn asked directly: madam, are you very probably familiar with Huohai Grandmaster?” 雷恩直接问道:“女士,你们跟霍怀大师好像很熟悉?” Bad old man is several of us sisters' foster father, calculates half teacher.” Silverstar Duke replied with very light tone: Besides Qilué, our other sisters has lived in the shadow valley, hasn't Qilué said this matter to you?” “糟老头是我们几个姐妹的养父,也算半个老师。”银星公爵用很平淡的语气回答:“除了葵露以外,我们其他姐妹都在阴影谷居住过,葵露没有跟你说过这件事?” No.” Renn shakes the head. “没有。”雷恩摇头。 He is somewhat surprised, this is a big secret. 他有些吃惊,这可是一个大秘密。 Seven sisters * Huohai Grandmaster really have this relations with Vantusri, name of place Huohai Grandmaster lives in seclusion shadow valley. 七姐妹跟万图斯瑞*霍怀大师竟然有这一层关系,霍怀大师隐居的地方的叫做“阴影谷”。 Perhaps was she does not want to say.” Silverstar Duke sighed. “也许是她不想说吧。”银星公爵叹息一声。 Renn has no intention to inquire the disputes between their sisters, lowers the head observes soul stone with soul eyes. 雷恩无意打听她们姐妹之间的纠葛,低头用灵魂之眼观察灵魂石 Immediately, an upper part is devil and lower part is giant dragon black demonic soul appears, it as if detected that anything, silent was roaring to Renn, makes threatening gestures, sends out the saint level monster the scary aura. demonic soul has more than 20 key element runes, is glittering the different colors. 顿时,一个上半身是恶魔、下半身是巨龙的黑色魔魂显现出来,它似乎察觉到了什么,对着雷恩无声咆哮,张牙舞爪,散发出圣阶怪物的骇人气息。魔魂内部有二十多个要素符文,闪烁着不同的颜色。 He distinguishes fast, the complexion moves slightly. 他飞快鉴别,不由脸色微动。 Really was antiquity dragon demon! 果然是上古龙魔! Moreover this antiquity dragon demon was probably more powerful than Silverstar Duke that actually had five legendary key element! 而且这头上古龙魔好像比银星公爵的那一头更加强大,竟然拥有五个传奇要素 However, in these five legendary key element does not have Thunderlord that estimate. 不过,这五个传奇要素里没有自己预想的雷霆之主 They respectively are 14th rank strength, 13th rank tenacious, 12th rank Endurance, 10th rank thunderous trample, as well as immortal war soul. 它们分别是十四级力量”,十三级坚韧”,十二级持久耐力”,十级雷霆践踏”,以及“不朽战魂”。 First three are foundation key element, thus it can be seen this antiquity dragon demon inevitably was quite before death huge, the vitality was extremely tenacious. thunderous trample is combat key element, Renn also has similar war trampling, but only 3rd rank, the prestige can differ. 前三个都是基础要素,由此可见这头上古龙魔生前必然极为庞大,生命力极度顽强。雷霆践踏战技要素,雷恩也拥有类似的战争践踏,但只有三级,威能相差很多。 Those who most make Renn pay attention is immortal war soul. 最让雷恩关注的是“不朽战魂”。 This key element...... 这个要素…… After he uses soul eyes to induce carefully, was startled at heart immediately. 他用灵魂之眼仔细感应过后,心里顿时被惊到了。 The immortal war soul is physique key element, it cannot increase the battle efficiency directly, the effect also only then one, that is the physical quality is stronger, the build is bigger, the life span is longer! 不朽战魂是体魄要素,它并不能直接增加战斗力,效果也只有一个,那就是身体素质越强,体形就越大,寿命就越长! The so-called physical quality, referring to is strength, swift, tenacious and endurance such foundation key element, with the game terminology description of previous generation is the character measurements data, they synthesized to constitute dragon demon the vitality, frequently is nourishing the soul, restored the soul wound, preventing the soul to weaken, prolongs the life span. 所谓的身体素质,指就是力量迅捷坚韧和耐力这样的基础要素,用前世的游戏术语描述就是人物的“三围数据”,它们综合起来构成了龙魔的生命力,时时刻刻滋养着灵魂,修复灵魂创伤,阻止灵魂衰减,延长寿命。 dragon demon must be longer exactly, their builds are bigger, strength is also stronger, this is the matter that many people know, before Renn, thinks. 龙魔的活得越久,它们的体形就越大,力量也越强,这是很多人都知道的事情,雷恩以前也是这么认为的。 Now sees immortal war soul, he understands oneself understood counter-, causes and effects inversion. 现在看到“不朽战魂”,他才明白自己理解反了,因果倒置。 dragon demon is because strength is stronger, therefore the build is bigger, lives for a long time. 龙魔是因为力量越强,所以体形越大,活得越久。 Theoretically, the immortal war soul can let the dragon demon eternal life! 理论上,不朽战魂能够让龙魔永生! Renn cannot help but thought of Grandmaster Auglevey, in this history most wizard to prolong life, does not hesitate to transform MainBrain Lich oneself, the present is a person non- person, the monster ugly condition, mental some are not continually normal. 雷恩不由得想到了奥古勒维大师,这位史上最巫师为了延寿,不惜把自己转化成主脑巫妖,现在是一副人不人、妖不妖的丑陋状态,连心智都有些不正常了。 In the history does not know that many for the immortal, paid the innumerable prices, overwhelming majority is defeated. 历史上不知有多少为了长生,付出无数代价,绝大多数都失败了。 If Grandmaster Auglevey can the immortal war soul...... 如果奥古勒维大师能够得到不朽战魂…… It is not right! 不对! Renn awakens suddenly, the immortal war soul cannot solve the Grandmaster Auglevey life span problem, because it is physique key element, cannot manufacture magic seal to integrate the soul. 雷恩骤然醒悟,不朽战魂并不能解决奥古勒维大师的寿命问题,因为它是体魄要素,不能制作成法印融入灵魂。 MainBrain's heart is physique key element, the immortal war soul is also physique key element. 主脑之心体魄要素,不朽战魂也是体魄要素 This is the root of Grandmaster Auglevey tragedy, is the Magic Seal School biggest flaw! 这是奥古勒维大师悲剧的根源,也是法印学派最大的缺陷! Renn induces the immortal war soul again earnestly, discovered that it did not fuse can live forever, but also needed a premise, that was the powerful physical quality. 雷恩再次认真感应不朽战魂,发现它不是融合了就能长生不死,还需要一个前提,那就是强大的身体素质。 Besides Battle Wizard this different kind, wizard and Mage of other schools of thought that physical quality very emaciated, is only better than the average person. They obtained the immortal war soul instead to harm itself, this key element will extract the vitality to nourish the soul, was equal to taking makes up short is long, the body of wizard was very weak, could not insist how long will be weak and die. 除了战斗巫师这个异类以外,其他学派的巫师法师,身体素质都很孱弱,只比普通人好一些。他们得到不朽战魂反而会害了自己,这个要素会抽取生命力滋养灵魂,等于是取短补长,巫师的身体本来就很弱,根本坚持不了多久就会虚弱而死。 Thinks of here, Renn looked at Silverstar Duke. 想到这里,雷恩看了一眼银星公爵 She had antiquity dragon demon, but she was Myriad Spirits Wizard, integrated own gathering soul tower to train demonic soul, when fight appeared by soul power, does not calculate oneself truly had demonic soul key element, the antiquity dragon demon immortal war soul is unable to become effective to her. 她拥有一头上古龙魔,但她是万灵巫师,把魔魂纳入自己的聚魂塔培养,战斗时以魂力具现出来,并不算自己真正拥有魔魂要素,上古龙魔的不朽战魂无法对她生效。 Likewise, Soul Controlling School Thousand Magics Wizard is also so. 同理,御魂学派千法巫师也是如此。 Shapeshifting Wizard is also similar, when demonic soul takes possession or changes the body condition, they can grasp demonic soul key element, physical quality not extraordinary place under ordinary condition. 变形巫师也差不多,只有魔魂附体或变身状态时,他们才能掌握魔魂要素,平常状态下的身体素质并无出奇之处。 Can grasp all type key element truly only has Battle Wizard. 真正能够掌握所有类型要素的只有战斗巫师 Unusual profession outside wizard, for example magic sword, Shadow Warrior or warlock, are partial in physique key element either, either focuses on mystique key element, always some weak areas. Demon Hunter and element Ranger and Plant Controller such half Spellcaster, is very difficult to promote the saint level powerhouse, even does not have. 巫师以外的超凡职业,比如魔剑士、影武者术士,要么偏向于体魄要素,要么着重于秘法要素,总有一些短板。猎魔人、元素游侠牧植人这样的半施法者,又很难晋升圣阶强者,甚至一个也没有。 How many saint level powerhouses had to hunt and kill antiquity dragon demon? 有几个圣阶强者能够猎杀上古龙魔? Three Saint Soul wizard the hunter antiquity dragon demon, Silverstar Duke also overdrew soul power jointly, changes into other saint level powerhouses, will only be ground by the antiquity dragon demon. Even if obtains its demonic soul, other unusual profession fuse the successful probability extremely is also uncertain. 三位圣魂巫师联手才猎头了上古龙魔,银星公爵还透支了魂力,换成其他圣阶强者,只会被上古龙魔碾碎。哪怕得到它的魔魂,其他超凡职业融合成功的概率也极其渺茫。 Can fuse demonic soul human transcendent is new era is born, until now more than 2500 years. 能够融合魔魂的人类超凡者新纪元才诞生的,至今两千五百多年。 In any case until now, Renn never heard that who fused antiquity dragon demon demonic soul, therefore obtained the long life. 反正迄今为止,雷恩从未听说有谁融合了上古龙魔的魔魂,因此得到了漫长的生命。 Oneself very possible are first! 自己很可能是第一个! However, Renn felt oneself are young, the saint level powerhouse at least lived in 2000, has not arrived at the consideration life span time. 不过,雷恩觉得自己还年轻,圣阶强者至少活两千年,还没到考虑寿命的时候。 What he regards as important is another characteristics of immortal war soul, strength is stronger, the build is bigger! 他更看重的是不朽战魂的另一个特点,力量越强,体形越大! Antiquity dragon demon were the colossus, just like the mountain. 上古龙魔都是庞然大物,犹如山岳。 A bigger body can display stronger strength, for example transcendent of normal human build compared with a ten meters high giant, similarly is 10th rank strength, the prestige that the actual fight displays can differ ten times to continue. 更大的身躯可以发挥出更强的力量,比如一个正常人类体形的超凡者跟一个十米高的巨人相比,同样是十级力量,实际战斗发挥出来的威能相差十倍都不止。 titan's divine power also has similar effect, the strength rank is higher, Titan Giant of incarnation is bigger, the lethality is stronger. 泰坦神力也有类似的效果,力量等级越高,化身的泰坦巨人就越大,杀伤力越强。 However, titan's divine power has the limit, the promotion is also very difficult. 但是,泰坦神力是有限制的,提升也很困难。 strength of Renn when the most flourishing condition achieves 20th rank , can only be 20 meters high, is similar to Elder Titan Solim, high was very again difficult. 雷恩在全盛状态时力量达到二十级,最高也只能达到二十米,跟泰坦长老索里姆差不多,再高就很难了。 If there is immortal war soul, the build should be able to break through 20 meters highly. 如果拥有不朽战魂,体形高度应该可以突破二十米。 The Silverstar Duke antiquity dragon demon length of body exceeded hundred meters, stood to have more than 30 meters high, the build was much more than Titan Giant. Although antiquity dragon demon, only then 14th rank strength, but only fights hand-to-hand compared with near body, Titan Giant was very possible is not the antiquity dragon demon opponent. 银星公爵的上古龙魔体长超过百米,站起来有三十多米高,体形远远大于泰坦巨人。虽然上古龙魔只有十四级力量,但是只比近身肉搏,泰坦巨人很可能不是上古龙魔的对手。 Although is not Thunderlord, but is also satisfied with the immortal war soul. 虽然不是雷霆之主,但是对不朽战魂也非常满意。 In antiquity dragon demon demonic soul had three thunder physique, in addition oneself seven, ten thunder physique met advance in soul transformation is Thunderlord, moreover possibly incessantly. 上古龙魔的魔魂中有三个“雷电形体”,加上自己的七个,十个雷电形体灵魂蜕变中一定会进阶雷霆之主,而且可能不止一个。 In addition, lightning baptism. 此外,还有“闪电洗礼”。 This was antiquity dragon demon another innate ability, it was physique type surpassing key element, can absorb the lightning the energy to quench to wash the body, by painful stimulation soul, little promotion strength and defense. 这是上古龙魔的另一个天赋能力,它是体魄类超绝要素,可以吸收闪电的能量淬洗身躯,以痛苦刺激灵魂,一点点的提升力量和防御。 Therefore dragon demon always pursues the foul weather, the use natural lightning strength. 所以龙魔总是追逐风暴天气,利用自然闪电增强实力。 Antiquity dragon demon other physique key element were also quite powerful, 9th rank extreme speed self-healing, 9th rank energy resistance, although was only surpassing key element, but unified like the mountain peak huge the body, making it have the approximate undying body effect. 上古龙魔的其它体魄要素也极为强大,九级“极速自愈”,九级“能量抵抗”,虽然只是超绝要素,但是结合像山峰一样庞大的身躯,让它拥有近似不死之身的效果。 Its combat key element besides thunderous trample outside, 9th rank heavy strike, 5th rank bloodrage, 5th rank angry attack, 5th rank piercing roar, 7th rank shockwave, ignore pain and broken guts angrily roars. 它的战技要素除了“雷霆践踏”以外,还有九级重击”,五级血性狂暴”,五级“愤怒打击”,五级刺耳咆哮”,七级震荡波”,无视痛苦以及破胆怒吼。 Comparatively speaking, the antiquity dragon demon ability was inferior to the close combat, only then eighth circle lightning storm, was seventh circle higher thunder cry spell and thunderstorm, sixth circle flashed electric flux, fifth circle chain lightning and Thunderthorn Armor wait/etc. 相较之下,上古龙魔的施法能力不如近战,只有一个八环的“闪电风暴”,然后就是七环的“高等雷鸣术”和“雷暴”,六环的“闪电束”,五环的“连环闪电”和“荆棘电甲”等等。 These lightning spells ring contents are not mostly high, Renn has also grasped. 这些雷电法术的环数大多不高,雷恩也已经掌握了。 dragon demon does not excel at specially, they grasp power of lightning inborn, but is mainly used for the close combat and exercise, is only auxiliary. 龙魔并不特别擅长施法,它们天生掌握雷电之力,但是主要用来近战与锻炼,施法只是辅助。 However Renn does not care. 不过雷恩并不在乎。 Five legendary key element, what do oneself have to satisfy? 五个传奇要素,自己还有什么满意的? After soul eyes observation, discovered that the antiquity dragon demon wave frequency was quite close to own soul frequency, it is expected that fusion success ratio over 70%. 灵魂之眼观察过后,发现上古龙魔的波频跟自己的灵魂频率较为接近,预计融合成功率在七成以上。 70%! 70%! This was very high probability, wanted 40% compared with „the Mannsaker great bear high, other legend peaks broke through the saint level success ratio to have 20% is very good. 这是非常高的概率了,比“阿曼索克巨熊”要高40%,其他传奇巅峰突破圣阶的成功率能有两成就很不错了。 Not to have been used to break through saint level demonic soul compared with antiquity dragon Mogeng suitable. 没有比上古龙魔更适合自己用于突破圣阶魔魂了。 After promoting Saint Soul wizard, if can obtain more antiquity dragon demon, Renn did not mind that fuses several, but Silverstar Duke keeps one's mouth shut, the speech is also very discrete, in the words did not disclose information that antiquity dragon demon was. 晋升圣魂巫师以后,如果能得到更多的上古龙魔,雷恩不介意多融合几个,但是银星公爵守口如瓶,说话也很谨慎,话里绝不透露一丝上古龙魔所在的信息。 Renn guessed that is very likely in other plane, only then Huohai Grandmaster and several sisters of shadow valley know the plane position. 雷恩猜测极有可能在其它位面,只有阴影谷的霍怀大师和几个姐妹知道位面的位置。 Silverstar Duke sees Renn to stare at soul stone not to speak, thinks that he is unsatisfied, said: I have completed the commitment. Whether this antiquity dragon demon came in handy, you attacked Saint Soul wizard whether to succeed, had not related with me, I will not make second antiquity dragon demon to you.” 银星公爵雷恩盯着灵魂石不说话,以为他不满意,说道:“我已经完成了承诺。这个上古龙魔是否合用,你冲击圣魂巫师能否成功,就跟我没关系了,我不会给你弄来第二个上古龙魔。” This is natural.” “这是自然。” Renn receives soul stone, said seriously: My very satisfied this demonic soul, many thanks madam.” 雷恩收起灵魂石,郑重道:“我很满意这个魔魂,多谢女士。” You satisfy good.” Silverstar Duke words one revolution, now we should discuss the matter of trading company. I to hunt and kill the antiquity dragon demon delayed half a month, heard that the quotas of many shareholder have arranged, do you at least need to express?” “你满意就好。”银星公爵把话一转,“现在我们该谈一谈贸易公司的事情了。我为了猎杀上古龙魔耽误半个月,听说很多股东的名额已经定好,你至少要表示一下吧?” Does not have the issue.” Renn complied refreshedly. “没问题。”雷恩非常爽快的答应了。 He has expected Silverstar Duke to propose that this request, kept several franchise rights of commodities to her specially, is good to shut her mouth. 他早就料到银星公爵会提出这个要求,特意给她留了几种商品的特许经营权,好堵住她的嘴。 After one hour, Silverstar Duke left Glamorgan Castle well satisfied. 一个多小时后,银星公爵心满意足的离开了格拉摩根城堡 Renn sits in the study room alone, in looks to begin soul stone, the eye does not have the focal distance, what in the brain thinks will be the tomorrow's Imperial Parliament voting. 雷恩独自坐在书房里,看着手里的灵魂石,眼睛却没有焦距,脑子里想的是明天的帝国议会投票。 Although he made the completely safe preparation, on arrives at the support of Supreme Council, the middle scraped together more than half empire congressmen, pledged that votes to oneself, to several hundreds of millions Empire People, operates the propaganda, now is favored, is it may be said that absolutely safe. 尽管他做了万全准备,上到至高议会的支持,中间网罗了半数以上的帝国议员,承诺给自己投票,下至数亿帝国民众,操纵舆论宣传,如今已是众望所归,可谓万无一失。 However to so essential time, he does not feel steadily. 但是到了如此关键的时候,他还是觉得不稳。 Does not fear 10,000, only fears the eventuality. 不怕一万,只怕万一。 The Renn thinking long time, oneself achieved all, if this that can do can also turn over, that do not blame to turn the table. 雷恩思索良久,自己做到能做的一切了,如果这还能翻车,那就别怪自己翻桌子了。 I want to be the emperor in any case, is Oriense Empire, I do not matter. 反正我就想当皇帝,是不是奥瑞恩瑟帝国,我无所谓。 He sets out to return to Northrill. 他起身返回诺斯瑞尔 Viola is waiting for Renn in Marlene Manor, sees him to come back, comes up the care to ask: What matter is so urgent?” 维欧拉玛琳歌庄园等着雷恩,见他回来,上来关心问道:“什么事这么紧急?” Went back to process two minor matters.” Renn had not related in detail. “回去处理了两件小事。”雷恩没有细说。 Viola also tactful questioning no longer, sees the Renn calm appearance, suddenly is somewhat anxious, pulls his arm to sit down, said in a low voice: Tomorrow must vote, aren't you anxious?” 维欧拉也识趣的不再追问,看到雷恩一脸平静的模样,突然有些紧张起来,挽着他的手臂坐下,低声道:“明天就要投票了,你不紧张吗?” Anxious also useless.” Renn smiles indifferently. “紧张也没用。”雷恩淡然笑了笑。 Viola nods. 维欧拉点了点头。 Relax, will not have problems.” Renn stopped , has saying of profound meaning: Even if I have not become Archon, is actually not the matter at the worst. Just, later the empire probably will meet little small troublesome.” “放心吧,不会出问题。”雷恩停顿了下,颇有深意的说道:“就算我没当上执政官,其实也不是什么大不了的事情。只不过,以后帝国可能会遇到一点点小麻烦。” What slightly troubles? 什么小麻烦? Viola does not understand what is heard, raises head to be just about to ask that actually held in the arms the waist to hug by Renn, mental jump to three building bedrooms, resounded the chanting in a low voice respite quickly. 维欧拉听不明白,仰起头来正要问却被雷恩搂住了腰肢抱起来,心灵跳跃到三楼卧室,很快响起了低吟喘息。 After long winter night, dawn. 漫长的冬夜过后,天亮了。
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