WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#840: Benefit community

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Heard Renn saying that was elected as Archon on impact Saint Soul wizard, Anse Vodas was very joyful, by Renn this most splendid student promotion, was more convincing than Reislin. 听到雷恩说当选执政官就冲击圣魂巫师,安西沃道斯十分欣喜,由雷恩这个自己最出色的学生晋升,比雷斯林更有说服力。 After joyful, his also somewhat is at heart helpless. 欣喜之后,他的心里又有些无奈。 The Renn talent unprecedented melts now, even can decide willfully oneself attack the Saint Soul wizard time, this never has the person has achieved the matter, not only oneself cannot compare, in history most wizard Auglevey and in history the first talent Duke Redstone was spread out. 雷恩的天赋旷古烁今,甚至可以任意决定自己冲击圣魂巫师的时间,这是从来没有人做到过的事情,不但自己比不上,“史上最巫师奥古勒维和“史上第一天才”红石公爵都被拉开了距离。 Anse Vodas never suspected that Renn will be defeated , without enough assurance, Renn oneself not to tell must prepare to promote. 安西沃道斯从不怀疑雷恩会失败,没有足够的把握,雷恩不会跟自己说要准备晋升。 By end of the month, Renn just now reach 27 years old. 到月底,雷恩才刚满二十七岁。 This was ahead of time the entire 21 years the record of Kelston, under 30-year-old Saint Soul wizard, places for several years ago, no one believes radically. 这把凯尔斯通的记录提前了整整二十一年,一个不到30岁的圣魂巫师,放在几年前,根本没人会相信。 However, because the Renn talent felt better, making him feel that promotion soul wizard had no challenge, actually wanted to overthrow Supreme Council, when the emperor in empire! 然而,正是因为雷恩的天赋好过头了,让他觉得晋升魂巫师都没什么挑战,竟然想要推翻至高议会,当帝国的皇帝! Becoming Archon is only the first step. 当上执政官只是第一步。 Becoming Archon immediately on impact Saint Soul wizard, said that Renn does not suppress own wizard rank intentionally, insults the person simply. 成为执政官马上就冲击圣魂巫师,说雷恩不是故意压制自己的巫师等级,简直是侮辱人。 You must take eventually this step.” Anse Vodas said with a sigh. “你终究还是要迈出这一步。”安西沃道斯叹息道。 Renn shakes the head, teacher, first step has stepped several years ago, now did not have the escape route, I do not want to turn head.” 雷恩摇了摇头,“老师,第一步在几年前就已经迈出去了,现在没有退路了,我也不想回头。” You just worked as Archon to become Saint Soul wizard, how does this make others in Supreme Council think?” The Anse Vodas vision twinkle, did not fear that was seen through the ambition, joins up to prevent you, proposed that recalled your Archon position?” “你刚当了执政官就成为圣魂巫师,这让至高议会中的其他人怎么想?”安西沃道斯目光闪烁,“难道不怕被人看穿野心,联合起来阻止你,提议罢免了你的执政官位置?” Coincidence.” “巧合而已。” Renn smiles, looks at own teacher sincerely, said again, Supreme Council is the Modo faction control, in addition I, in 13 have seven am our people, how to recall me?” 雷恩笑了笑,真诚的看着自己的老师,“再说了,至高议会摩都派控制的,加上我,十三位里面有七位是我们的人,怎么罢免我?” I complied not to meddle your matter initially, had not said that must help you.” Anse Vodas snort/hum. “我当初答应不插手你的事,没说过要帮你。”安西沃道斯哼了一声。 I can also conceal itself am Saint Soul wizard.” A Renn face is cunning, „, only if the teacher also plays with the conspiracy clever trick, in private divulging this matter.” “那我也可以隐瞒自己是圣魂巫师。”雷恩一脸狡黠,“除非老师也玩弄阴谋诡计,私下泄露这件事。” Anse Vodas is speechless immediately. 安西沃道斯顿时无语。 Then discovered oneself were planned by Renn, he is filled with hope that Renn openly announced promotes Saint Soul wizard, showed that the Modo faction idea exceeds Nesser Faction, wants to recompense this millennium long-cherished wish, must help Renn control Supreme Council, suppresses other Saint Soul wizard. 这才发现自己被雷恩算计了,他满心希望雷恩公开宣布晋升圣魂巫师,证明摩都派理念胜过耐瑟派,想要得偿这个千年夙愿,就要帮助雷恩控制至高议会,压制其他圣魂巫师 He hesitates long time, opens the mouth to say finally: If were discovered you want to overthrow Supreme Council, even the Modo faction member, will not obey my will.” 他心里犹豫良久,终于开口道:“如果被人发现你想推翻至高议会,就算是摩都派的成员,也不会听从我的意志。” These words come out, Renn knows that the teacher compromised. 这句话一出来,雷恩就知道老师妥协了。 He shows the smile of victory. 他心里露出胜利的微笑。 Teacher as the Modo faction founder and leader, won't link several allies not to have the means to comfort?” Renn somewhat reaches out for a yard after taking an inch, tests the teacher to the faction grasps the degree the time arrives.” “老师身为摩都派的创始人和领袖,不会连几位盟友都没办法安抚吧?”雷恩有些得寸进尺,“考验老师对派系掌握程度的时候到了。” Your this fellow......” “你这家伙……” Anse Vodas air/Qi foams with rage, felt oneself were used by Renn completely, actually acted bashful, reneges on a promise stubbornly now also uselessly. His ill-humored waving, good was good, I know how should do , without other matter you to go out.” 安西沃道斯气得吹胡子瞪眼,感觉自己被雷恩完全利用了,却又被拿捏的死死的,现在反悔也没用。他没好气的挥了挥手,“行了行了,我知道该怎么做,没别的事你就出去吧。” Also really has a matter, Teacher.” Renn said with a smile. “还真有一件事,老师。”雷恩笑道。 Had the matter to say.” “有事就说。” Renn sincere said: I want to entrust the teacher to make Eola's nucleus, does not know whether the teacher does want?” 雷恩正色说道:“我想委托老师制造一枚伊奥拉之核,不知道老师是否愿意?” Eola's nucleus!” 伊奥拉之核!” Anse Vodas almost jumps, money where you come?” 安西沃道斯差点跳起来,“你哪来的钱?” A Eola's nucleus construction cost in 50 million golden Shield about, he knows that Renn is very rich, Eola's nucleus that but also trades from Silverstar Duke there installs in the Goddess of Magic resembles, constructs Gotham City to invest the innumerable resources, pledged that repays a debt for Wizland Floating City, he was rich should also use up. 一枚伊奥拉之核的造价在五千万金盾左右,他知道雷恩很有钱,还把从银星公爵那里交易来的伊奥拉之核安装在魔法女神像中,建造哥谭城投入无数资源,又承诺替威泽兰浮空城还债,他再有钱也应该用完了。 Thinks that Renn at least needs to wait for dozens again, even more than ten years, will begin to make new Eola's nucleus, construction own Floating City. 原以为雷恩至少要再等几十,甚至十几年,才会着手制造新的伊奥拉之核,建造属于自己的浮空城 Then one month, started unexpectedly. 这才一个多月,竟然就开始了。 War is the best time of getting rich.” Renn has nothing to conceal to the teacher, said truthfully: I looted the royal family buried treasure and state treasury of Gupta kingdom, almost happen to can make Eola's nucleus.” “战争是发财的最佳时机。”雷恩对老师没什么好隐瞒的,如实说道:“我洗劫了古普塔王国的王室宝藏和国库,差不多正好可以制造一枚伊奥拉之核了。” Anse Vodas stares dumbfounded, that is 50 million golden Shield! 安西沃道斯瞠目结舌,那可是五千万金盾! „Does teacher have free time?” Renn also asked. “老师有空吗?”雷恩又问。 I must consider.” Anse Vodas has not complied, to consider to say immediately: I have not made Eola's nucleus, but is not to me difficult, but must take a lot of time, within at least two years, I could not handle other matter.” “我要考虑一下。”安西沃道斯没有立即答应,斟酌回道:“我没有制造过伊奥拉之核,但是对我来说不难,只是要占用很多时间,至少两年之内,我都做不了别的事情。” Eola's nucleus is the world's most complex magic item, but its manufacturing method is fixed, has not changed, so long as there is enough alchemical materials and design paper, makes it not to have in the average person imagination is so difficult. 伊奥拉之核是世界上最复杂的魔法物品,但它的制造方法是固定的,从来没有变过,只要有足够的炼金材料和设计图纸,制造它并没有普通人想象中的那么困难。 Renn previously estimated that needs about three years, never expected that the teacher wants two years. 雷恩此前预计要三年左右,没想到老师只要两年。 If oneself help together, should also be able to be quicker. 如果自己一起帮忙,应该还能更快。 The Star Destroyer current progress is about 30, as the Gotham City population are getting more and more, tests the runic magic array opportunity to be getting fewer and fewer, therefore best probably in three years, in Eola's nucleus to the Star Destroyer installment, this will not delay the construction time. 歼星舰目前的进度大约是30,随着哥谭城的人口越来越多,测试符文法阵的机会越来越少,所以最好要在三年之内,给歼星舰安装上伊奥拉之核,这才不会耽误建造工期。 Renn sees the hesitation of teacher, therefore ejects the bait, said in a soft voice: Teacher, makes Eola's nucleus very time-consuming to expend effort, I will not make the teacher waste time, is willing 1 million golden Shield to take the reward to the teacher.” 雷恩看出老师的犹豫,于是抛出诱饵,轻声道:“老师,制造伊奥拉之核非常耗时耗力,我不会让老师白忙,愿意给老师一百万金盾作为报酬。” „Do you draw cash to buy over me?” Anse Wo say/way the complexion board gets up, seems very disgruntled. “你又拿钱收买我?”安西沃道道脸色板起来,显得很不悦。 Renn rises in prices immediately: 3 million golden Shield.” 雷恩马上提价:“三百万金盾。” Anse Vodas did not speak, a look fluctuation, has not closely stared at Renn, the atmosphere in High Tower hall is also coagulating, probably was really angry. 安西沃道斯还是不说话,眼神没有一丝波动,紧紧盯着雷恩,高塔大厅里的气氛也凝固起来,好像真的生气了。 5 million golden Shield.” Renn has a scare, hurries to increase price again. “五百万金盾。”雷恩吓了一跳,赶紧再次加价。 Deal.” “成交。” Anse Vodas agreed immediately, serious on face vanishes does not see, shows several points of self-satisfied smile. 安西沃道斯立即同意,脸上的严肃消失不见,露出几分得意的笑容。 „......” Renn startled. “呃……”雷恩不由愕然。 He then responded, oneself was fooled to deceive by the teacher. 他这才反应过来,自己被老师唬骗了。 Only planned to the teacher 1 million golden Shield reward, several words turned into 5 million, is equivalent to Eola's nucleus construction cost of 1/10. Such high worker cost, even he now is very rich, still feels somewhat grievedly, might as well delays some time to make. 原本只打算给老师一百万金盾酬劳,几句话就变成了五百万,相当于伊奥拉之核之造价的十分之一。这么高的工人成本,即使他现在很富有,也觉得有些心痛,还不如耽误一些时间自己来制造呢。 The Anse Vodas eyebrow smile starts, does not give the opportunity that Renn reneges on a promise, said: You will deliver to Wizland the material tomorrow, I help you make immediately.” 安西沃道斯眉笑颜开,不给雷恩反悔的机会,说道:“你明天就把材料送到威泽兰,我马上帮你制造。” Good, Teacher.” A Renn face meat pain expression. “好的,老师。”雷恩一脸肉痛的表情。 Goes.” “去吧。” Anse Vodas happy beckoning with the hand. 安西沃道斯愉快的摆了摆手。 Renn sets out to leave, when his teleportation returns to Gera extremely castle, the complexion immediately becomes incomparably relaxed, absolutely does not have the blood to owe the heart pain of 5 million golden Shield. 雷恩起身离开,当他传送回到格拉摩极城堡的时候,脸色马上变得无比轻松,完全没有血亏五百万金盾的心痛。 Has soul eyes, he will never misinterpret others' mood. 拥有灵魂之眼,他从来不会误判别人的情绪。 Teacher not really vitality/angry, although he because truly plan him, some were not happy, installs looks like very much, but soul eyes looks clear, has not stupidly arrived to reveal, oneself coordinate the teacher to perform. 老师并没有真的生气,尽管他确实因为自己算计他,有些不高兴,也装的很像,但是灵魂之眼看得一清二楚,也没有傻到去揭穿,自己只是配合老师表演罢了。 In these 5 million golden Shield, having 1 million are Eola's nucleus generation of labor costs. 这五百万金盾中,只有一百万是伊奥拉之核的代工费。 The surplus money, are the teacher comfort other Saint Soul wizard, stands firm the reward of Supreme Council, this sum of money spends the unusual value. 剩余的钱,都是老师安抚其他圣魂巫师,稳住至高议会的酬劳,这笔钱花得非常值。 wind elf steward Fabian leads the castle servant, welcomed Renn to go home. 风精灵管家法比安带着城堡仆人,恭迎雷恩回家。 Their several students, Dalamar, Polaris, Jenna and Sparrowhawk pay a visit the teacher to the castle, Renn look at several whole face excited excited students, talked with them for a long time. 自己的几个学生,达拉玛珀拉瑞思、珍娜和雀鹰都到城堡来拜见老师,雷恩看着几个满脸激动兴奋的学生,跟他们交谈了许久。 Dalamar and Polaris are legendary wizard. 达拉玛珀拉瑞思都已经是传奇巫师了。 Jenna and Spyro Hawke were still high rank wizard, two people talents were slightly worse, had a distance to the high rank peak. 珍娜与斯派罗霍克仍是高阶巫师,两人的天赋稍差一些,离高阶巅峰还有一段距离。 Garu not on the scene, this half beastman Myriad Spirits Wizard erupted the astonishing potential over the past several years, wins the championship of middle rank group at the Blueworth wizard exchange match, quick on breakthrough high rank wizard, reaches the peak, several months ago leaves Wizland, goes out to seek to break through the legend opportunity informed and experienced. 加鲁不在场,这个半兽人万灵巫师过去几年爆发出惊人的潜力,在布鲁沃茨巫师交流赛上夺得中阶组的冠军,很快就突破高阶巫师,达到巅峰,几个月前离开威泽兰,外出历练寻找突破传奇的机会。 Renn knows that Garu has own secret, gives him several magic item, urged several, made Garu leave. 雷恩知道加鲁有自己的秘密,送给他几件魔法物品,叮嘱了几句,就让加鲁离开了。 Now each student can assume sole responsibility for an important task. 如今每个学生都可以独当一面了。 Therefore Renn does not have the control is too many, whatever they develop, takes own magic path. 所以雷恩没有管束太多,任由他们自己发展,走上属于自己的魔法道路。 In fact, Renn received to accept them initially, settled on the talents of these students, trains, in the future will give itself to boost. 实际上,雷恩当初收收下他们,是看中了这几个学生的天赋,培养起来,将来给自己助力。 But the plan cannot keep up with the change, he obtained MainBrain's heart and Auglevey life creation spell, can create massive cloned body, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers or Mage clone, any function and strength far exceed own student. 可是计划赶不上变化,他得到了主脑之心奥古勒维创生术,能够创造大量克隆体,无论是雷铸天兵还是法师分身,任何一个的作用和实力都远超自己的学生。 Then, own student can grow to what situation is unimportant. 如此一来,自己的学生能成长到什么地步都不重要了。 Although Renn will instruct them, teaches magical knowledge and skill, provides the best resources, but, detected by their wisdom Renn with the beforehand fine distinction, the teacher no longer had some anticipation to oneself. 尽管雷恩还是会指导他们,传授魔法知识和施法技巧,提供最好的资源,但是,以他们的智慧还是察觉到了雷恩跟之前的细微差别,老师不再对自己抱有某种期待了。 Teacher.” “老师。” Dalamar said suddenly: I want to return to Oroan, perhaps after must be very long, will come back.” 达拉玛忽然说道:“我想回奥罗安,也许要很久以后才会回来。” In the study room is all of a sudden peaceful. 书房里一下子安静下来。 The Polaris expression has not changed, as if has long known. 珀拉瑞思的表情没有变化,似乎早就知道了。 Jenna and on Sparrowhawk face reveals does not abandon, the character that although Talat arrives is very desolate, but they know that this is only the surface, Dalamar is a surface cold-hearted hot person, these years were together to have the profound friendship. 珍娜和雀鹰脸上露出不舍,虽然达拉到的性格很冷淡,但他们知道这只是表面而已,达拉玛是一个面冷心热的人,这些年相处产生了深厚的友谊。 Renn looked at this high elf that camouflages half-elf, had not asked, refreshed returning said: Good. If encounters the problem that the danger or is unable to solve, Wizland forever is your family/home, you can also seek the help to me, stingy in the opens the mouth.” 雷恩看了一眼这个伪装成半精灵高等精灵,没有多问,爽快的回道:“好。如果遇到危险或是无法解决的麻烦,威泽兰永远是你的家,你也可以向我寻求帮助,不要吝于开口。” The Dalamar vision glittered, my meeting, thanks the teacher.” 达拉玛的目光闪烁了一下,“我会的,谢谢老师。” Then restores the consistent indifference, no longer spoke. 然后就恢复一贯的冷漠,不再说话了。 Because Dalamar will soon take a long journey, the joyful atmosphere in study room becomes somewhat depressed, Renn sighed one at heart secretly, made them first leave. 因为达拉玛即将远行,书房里的喜悦氛围变得有些沉闷,雷恩心里暗叹一声,就让他们先离开了。 Polaris walks in the rear, before leaving the study room, she looked back to look to Renn, the hidden bitterness in eye almost must overflow. 珀拉瑞思走在最后面,离开书房前,她回眸看向雷恩,眼中的幽怨几乎要溢出来了。 Lady Polaris of reputation remoteness, passes in the two years somewhat quietly. 美名远扬的北极星女士,这两年过得有些沉寂。 Renn was very naturally clear to her thoughts, said that not excited was deceives people, but oneself present matter were too many, even time management Grandmaster, still had no free time to respond to her favor. This matter, wants certainly own main body to do, cannot send clone to go into action. 雷恩对她的心思自然很清楚,说不心动是骗人的,但自己现在事情太多了,就算是时间管理大师,也没空回应她的青睐。这种事,肯定要自己的本体来做,不能派分身出马。 Just sent off the student, Fabian sent more than ten invitations. 刚送走学生,法比安就送来了十几份邀请函。 Meanwhile, many guests have visited Glamorgan, they from Wizland learned the news that oneself come back, visits to seek an interview immediately. 同时,已经有多位客人拜访格拉摩根,他们从威泽兰得知自己回来的消息,立马登门求见。 Renn knows the goals of these guests. 雷恩知道这些客人的目的。 Forthcoming empire subcontinent trading company, regarding all attraction of influences and merchants, simply like smelling the shark of smell of blood, rushing to be first throws. 即将成立的“帝国次大陆贸易公司”,对于各方势力和商人们的吸引力,简直就像闻到了血腥味的鲨鱼,争先恐后的扑上来。 So long as a little business mind, can look slightly, the trading company will bring the innumerable profits, only need obtain franchise rights of commodity, even if the most insignificant small commodity, means the large amount of wealth. 只要稍微有点生意头脑,都能看得出来,贸易公司将会带来无数利润,只需得到一种商品的特许经营权,哪怕是最微不足道的小商品,也意味着巨额的财富。 Possibly lets up this golden opportunity by the merchant of advantage? 逐利的商人怎么可能放过这种大好机会? Many well-informed people, before Renn returns to the empire has rushed to Modo, sent the invitation, even is admitted to the Glamorgan Castle recent hotel. 很多消息灵通的人,早在雷恩返回帝国前就已经赶到摩都,送来了邀请函,甚至住进离格拉摩根城堡最近的酒店。 Renn is expected, this is also the result that want. 雷恩对此早有所料,这也是自己想要的结果。 The trading company is together the super big cake. 贸易公司是一块超级大蛋糕。 But as the distributor of this cake, oneself can the biggest benefit, the power of use assignment, be able to weave a giant relationship network that covers the entire empire, everything enters the trading company, was on own ship, the benefit bound together. 而作为这块蛋糕的分配者,自己能够得到最大的利益,利用分配的权力,可以编织出一张覆盖整个帝国的巨大关系网,凡是进入贸易公司,就是上了自己的船,利益绑定在一起。 In the empire, the power and wealth do not divide family property. 在帝国,权力与财富是不分家的。 The empire congressmen, aristocrats and powerful transcendent, every so often is a body, most empire congressmen are side big rich and powerful people, place high-ranking official, or noble birth, either has powerful strength. 帝国议员、贵族和强大的超凡者们,很多时候是一体的,多数帝国议员本身就是一方大富豪,地方大员,或者贵族出身,或者拥有强大的力量 When they become the shareholder of trading company, after getting to know the benefits, no one will be willing to withdraw, only wants to obtain. 当他们成为贸易公司的股东,尝到甜头之后,没有一个人会舍得退出,只想得到更多。 To make money, must be obedient! 想赚钱,就得听话! Each shareholder of trading company, will become own benefit community. 贸易公司的每一个股东,都将成为自己的利益共同体。 Half a month later Imperial Parliament voting, making them throw the ticket gives is in itself most foundation ; In the future become Archon, some reform policies, they must approve, who dares to oppose to kick the trading company ; When influences subtly, they earn full in the subcontinent, oneself reveal ambitions, stand in the Supreme Council opposite, they want to withdraw already without enough time. 半个月后的帝国议会投票,让他们把票投给自己是最基础的;将来自己当上执政官,一些改革政策,他们也必须赞成,谁敢反对就踢出贸易公司;等到潜移默化,他们在次大陆赚得盆满钵满,自己暴露野心,站在至高议会的对立面,他们想退出已经来不及了。 The trading company to subcontinent various countries is the open intrigue. 贸易公司对次大陆诸国是阳谋。 However, the trading company to the empire is actually conspiracy, having Renn is clearest its true function. 然而,贸易公司对帝国却是一个阴谋,只有雷恩最清楚它的真正作用。 He glances through the guest list at the same time, in the brain recalls the background material of opposite party, in the meantime, a trade commodity list, compares at heart. 他一边翻阅客人名单,脑中回忆对方的背景资料,同时,心里还有一份贸易商品清单,进行对比。 The franchise rights of each commodity can only award a shareholder. 每一种商品的特许经营权只能授予一个股东。 Must screen carefully, assigns to the rightest person. 必须仔细甄别,分配给最合适的人。 Renn soon has haggling over at heart, sets out saying: Fabian, asking class Fase Viscount to come to the reception room.” 雷恩心里很快已经有了计较,起身说道:“法比安,请班法瑟子爵到会客室来。” Good, Sir.” After Fabian bows to salute, goes out. “好的,大人。”法比安躬身行礼后出去。 Over the following several days, the Renn whole time in the Glamorgan Castle meeting guest, depend upon the soul eyes recognition genuine and fake lie, the enemy and ourselves standpoint, unifies the position of opposite party, set the shareholder to dozens types of commodities. In this period, he also found time Storm Temple to ask Elder Solim to restore titanic strength armor, delivered to the hand of Batullah personally. 此后几天,雷恩大部分时间都在格拉摩根城堡会见客人,依靠灵魂之眼识别真假谎言,敌我立场,结合对方的身份地位,给数十种商品定下了股东。期间,他还抽空去了一趟风暴圣殿索里姆长老修复泰坦力量铠甲,亲自送到巴图拉的手上。 After Renn invited Batullah to join the trading company on own initiative, Batullah considered, nodded assent. 雷恩主动邀请巴图拉加入贸易公司,巴图拉考虑过后,点头同意了。 For half a month quickly in the past. 半个月很快过去。 Every seven days, Renn uses Holy-blooded Amber to display totally resurrection spell time, resurrected commander Szo Rick who Ottiluk and steel knight rolled. 每隔七天,雷恩就用圣血琥珀施展一次完全复活术,先后把欧提路克和钢铁骑士团的团长索瑞克复活。 Tomorrow is the date of Imperial Parliament voting. 明天就是帝国议会投票的日期。 Renn is in Marlene Manor in the evening, learns the Silverstar Duke visit from clone there, immediately hurried back, saw complexion somewhat pale Silverstar Duke. 雷恩晚上身在玛琳歌庄园,从分身那里得知银星公爵来访,立即赶回来,见到了脸色有些苍白的银星公爵 She sees Renn, immediately throws high-level soul stone, said: This was I complies with your antiquity dragon demon demonic soul, yourself had a look.” 她见到雷恩,马上扔过来一枚高级灵魂石,说道:“这是我答应你的上古龙魔的魔魂,你自己看看吧。”
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