WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#839: Post-war returning to homeland

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Empire Regiment's big looting to the class Bex continued next noon. 帝国军团对班贝城的大洗劫持续到了第二天中午。 In the Eight Leaves square, on to two female Saint Soul wizard, to most common regiment transcendent, on the face of everyone filled excitedly, as if also somewhat has not given full expression. If not Duke Greyhawk orders to receive the hand, this time will loot for three days not to finish. 八叶广场上,上到两位女性圣魂巫师,下至最普通的军团超凡者,每个人的脸上都充满了兴奋,似乎还有些意犹未尽。如果不是灰鹰公爵下令收手,这次洗劫三天都不会结束。 We should go back.” “我们该回去了。” Oh, how only to give us for one day and one night? Like this good opportunity not to know when next time must to have.” “唉,怎么只给我们一天一夜呢?这样的好机会下次不知道要到什么时候才有了。” Everyone is content, snatched the army to lose control again, started to the average person.” “大家就知足吧,再抢下去军队就要失控了,向普通人下手。” People whisper, some people regretted, some people satisfy. 人们交头接耳,有人遗憾,有人满足。 Also some people are maintaining the rare reason, said in a low voice: I heard, probably Speaker Renn proposed with the wealth of another means plundering entire subcontinent, class Bex is very important foothold, if we do not restrain some, will affect the plan of Speaker Renn.” 也有人保持着少有的理智,低声说道:“我听说,好像雷恩议长提议用另一种办法掠夺整个次大陆的财富,班贝城是很重要的据点,如果我们不收敛一些,会影响到雷恩议长的计划。” Many people heard the wind sound/rumor, looks to Renn in stage, saying looking pensive: „Was Speaker Renn quickly new Archon?” 不少人都听到了风声,看向高台上的雷恩,若有所思的说道:“雷恩议长很快就是新任执政官了吧?” Nonsense!” “废话!” A natural appearance of others face, Speaker Renn performs such big merit, he not, when Archon, who has the qualifications to work as?” 旁人一脸的理所当然的样子,“雷恩议长立下这么大的功劳,他不当执政官,谁有资格当?” This absolutely is the good deed, in the Speaker Renn strength and method, he can certainly lead an empire trend higher peak.” “这绝对是好事,以雷恩议长的实力和手段,他一定能带领帝国走向更高的巅峰。” I, no matter the peak of what empire, I only want to get rich.” “我不管什么帝国的巅峰,我只想发财。” Stupid!” “愚蠢!” This everyone gets rich, isn't Speaker Renn takes the lead? Does not have Speaker Renn to act, eradicates the frightened domain, strikes to kill Weikelamadiya II, Ultramarine Regiment eliminated most ultra day regiments, you let alone get rich, possibly has died!” “这次大家发财,难道不是雷恩议长带头的?没有雷恩议长出手,破除恐惧领域,击杀维克拉玛蒂亚二世,还有极限战团消灭了大部分超日军团,你别说发财,可能已经死了!” Mentioned Ultramarine Regiment, people looked to the square that crowd of big forms that put on the blue armor, in the eye flashed through the awe and envying all. 提到极限战团,人们看向广场前面那群穿着蓝色装甲的高大身影,眼里无不闪过敬畏与羡慕。 The world's strongest regiment! 世界最强军团! After this Operation Vengeance, Ultramarine Regiment will shake the world, is known to everybody. 这次复仇行动过后,极限战团将会名震世界,无人不知。 Various discussions resound in the Empire Regiment, they think the sound is very small, actually in Renn by stage was heard clearly through sound of myriad things. 各种议论在帝国军团中响起,他们自以为声音很小,其实都被高台上的雷恩通过万物之声听得清清楚楚。 However, most people support Renn, becoming new Archon is favored. 不过,绝大部分人都是支持雷恩,成为新任执政官是众望所归。 This is the public opinion! 这就是民意! Renn thought that when result of Operation Vengeance after the empire spreads, the Empire Regiment general public, supporting oneself will hold the post of Archon is the general trend. Even if Supreme Council presents the accident, wants to oppose itself, is still very difficult to achieve. 雷恩心想,等到复仇行动的结果在帝国传开以后,无论是帝国军团还是普通民众,支持自己担任执政官将是大势所趋。即使是至高议会出现变故,想要反对自己,也很难做到。 At this time, Duke Greyhawk Tim Kennan started. 这时,灰鹰公爵蒂姆*凯南开始施法。 In Flanaes Floating City flowing huge magic energy, gathers in the middle of Eight Leaves square, quick, ultra-long-distance teleportation was stimulated, to open more than ten meters high portal. 法兰尼斯浮空城中流动庞大的魔法能量,汇聚在八叶广场的中间,很快,一座超远距离传送阵被激发,打开了一道十几米高的传送门 This portal goes nonstop to empire capital Northrill. 这道传送门直通帝国首都诺斯瑞尔 The Empire Regiments take the treasure that plunders, according to the order enters portal, returns to the empire. After arriving at Northrill, their respective dispersing, will return to the regiment station or the territory. 一个个帝国军团带上搜刮到的财宝,按照顺序进入传送门,返回帝国。到达诺斯瑞尔以后,他们就会各自散开,回到军团驻地或领地。 Close to 80,000 people of regiment expeditions, is impossible to be detained the subcontinent for a long time, making the military force of empire void, to enemy opportunity is not missed. 接近八万人的军团远征,不可能长期滞留次大陆,让帝国的军力空虚,给敌人可趁之机。 Flanaes Floating City will remain to assume class Bex. 法兰尼斯浮空城会留下来坐镇班贝城。 Remains together also has for the number about 10,000 people of unusual armies, reassigns the manpower to compose from several Empire Regiments, is responsible for keeping the order of class Bex, takes office until new Archon, the be established empire subcontinent trading company, the appointment subcontinent governor, takes over the control and management officially to class Bex. 一起留下来的还有为数大约一万人的超凡军队,从几个帝国军团抽调人手组成,负责维持班贝城的秩序,直到新执政官上任,成立帝国次大陆贸易公司,任命次大陆总督,正式接手对班贝城的控制与管理。 Renn brings Ultramarine Regiment across portal. 雷恩带着极限战团穿过传送门 Here is the military compound of Northrill suburb, comes out from teleportation array of temporary build, Ultramarine and Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers take off immediately. 这里是诺斯瑞尔郊外的军营,从临时搭建的传送阵出来,极限战士雷铸天兵立刻起飞。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” The titan engine bellow resounds through the horizon, just like the intermittent startling thunderclap. 泰坦引擎的轰鸣声响彻天际,犹如阵阵惊雷。 The Empire Regiment in military compound raised the head, is looking at Renn and Ultramarine flies to the Northrill western suburbs, vanishes in the horizon quickly. 军营中的帝国军团纷纷抬头起来,望着雷恩极限战士飞向诺斯瑞尔的西郊,很快消失在天边。 With lightning speed. 一阵风驰电掣。 Renn from the upper air across Northrill, arrives in the western West Butte, descends to Marlene Manor, saw Viola that waits for in the garden. 雷恩从高空中穿过诺斯瑞尔,抵达西边的威斯特山,向玛琳歌庄园降落下去,一眼就看见了在庭院中等待的维欧拉 Viola welcomed to come, on the beautiful peerless face revealed joyfully, just like a wife who greeted the husband to go to battle with the return. 维欧拉迎上前来,美丽绝伦的脸庞上露出欣喜,犹如一个迎接丈夫出征归来的妻子。 You come back.” “你回来啦。” Un.” Renn nods layer on layer/heavily, says with a smile: All are very smooth, this Operation Vengeance wins total victories, the empire is I, harvested the lots.” “嗯。”雷恩重重点头,笑道:“一切都很顺利,这次复仇行动大获全胜,不论是帝国还是我个人,都收获了很多东西。” I have heard.” Viola heartfelt is happy for own lover, congratulates you, Archon your excellency.” “我已经听说了。”维欧拉由衷的为自己的爱人感到高兴,“恭喜你,执政官阁下。” Hahahaha......” Renn laughs to the heart's content. “哈哈哈哈……”雷恩畅怀大笑。 He supports into half-elf the bosom, lowers the head kisses her red lip lightly, releases own joy heartily, only then in front of Viola, he will reveal some real personalities. Oxilia is also one, Athena, un, Livlin also calculates,...... 他把半精灵拥入怀中,低头轻吻她的红唇,尽情释放自己的喜悦,也只有在维欧拉面前,他才会流露一些真性情。呃,奥希丽雅也算一个,还有阿西娜,嗯,莉芙琳也算,还有…… Also some people.” “还有人在呢。” Viola somewhat shy break free, Abigail manages the servant in Jiahe Manor in side, Renn behind also has the person. 维欧拉有些羞涩的挣脱,阿比盖尔管家和庄园的仆人就在旁边,雷恩的身后也有人。 Her vision has swept Ultramarine, in the eye is difficult to cover surprisedly. 她的目光扫过极限战士,眼中难掩惊奇。 Before set off, Ultramarine is teleportation to Marlene Manor, then goes to Flanaes Floating City. At that time saw in a hurry, is extremely shocking, but fed in the empire until the fight news of class Bex, she knows, these Ultramarine strengths unexpectedly were so fearful! 出发之前,极限战士就是传送玛琳歌庄园,然后前往法兰尼斯浮空城的。当时只是匆匆一见,就已经非常震惊了,但是直到班贝城的战斗消息传回帝国,她才知道,这些极限战士的实力竟是如此可怕! 100 individual Ultramarine Regiment eliminated 30,000 people of ultra day regiments! 一百个人的极限战团消灭了三万人的超日军团! Even the saint level powerhouses can easily strike to kill. 圣阶强者都能轻易击杀。 This was above the imagination of people completely, Viola is looks that Renn founds Ultramarine Regiment step by step, has not thought that so will be exaggerating. 这完全超乎了人们的想象,维欧拉是看着雷恩一步步创建极限战团的,也没想到会这么夸张。 The Ultramarine Regiment crest of wave has even covered the victory of Operation Vengeance. 极限战团的风头甚至盖过了复仇行动的胜利。 Sicarius, you lead the brothers first to go back.” Renn then said. 西卡琉斯,你带兄弟们先回去。”雷恩回头说道。 Good, Boss.” “好的,老板。” Ultramarine enters teleportation array in manor, the bellow of engine vanishes, together vanishes also has the scary aura that on them lends, this makes the Marlene Manor guard relax with the servants, the average person approaches Ultramarine, that psychological pressure makes them be unbearable. 极限战士进入庄园中的传送阵,引擎的轰鸣声消失,一起消失的还有他们身上散发出来的骇人气息,这让玛琳歌庄园的守卫和仆人们松了一口气,一般人只是靠近极限战士,那种心理上的压力就让他们难以承受。 Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers also leaves, after returning to Gotham City, immediately enters half plane to join to make the work of Star Destroyer. 雷铸天兵也随之离开,回到哥谭城后,立即进入半位面加入制造歼星舰的工作。 Viola makes one deliver the delicacies, accompanies Renn to dine together. 维欧拉让人送上来美食佳肴,陪着雷恩一起用餐。 Renn eats to the heart's content, while described with her in the course of class Bex, eradicated the frightened domain, fought Weikelamadiya II, Saint Avatar head confrontation with Roche, divine tool Holy-blooded Amber, Gupta's royal family buried treasure wait/etc. 雷恩一边大快朵颐,一边跟她描述在班贝城的战斗经过,破除恐惧领域,大战维克拉玛蒂亚二世,与洛希圣者化身正面交锋,神器圣血琥珀,还有得到古普塔的王室宝藏等等。 Has promoted Archmage besides Reislin, other matters have not concealed. 除了雷斯林已经晋升大法师以外,其他事都没有隐瞒。 Viola hears soul-stirringly. 维欧拉听得惊心动魄。 The one who most makes her shock is the divine tool, the beautiful pupil circle opens the eyes, unbelievable calling out: Renn do you actually have a divine tool?” 最让她震惊的是神器,美眸圆睁,难以置信的叫道:“雷恩你竟然拥有一件神器?” Looks at the half-elf so rude appearance, Renn cannot help but smiles. 看着半精灵如此失态的模样,雷恩不由得笑了。 It obtains in my Dark Region accidentally/surprisingly, is only the luck is good.” He takes to give the Viola appreciation Holy-blooded Amber, said: You have several hair here, if has an accident, I can resurrect you momentarily.” “它是在我幽暗地域中意外得到的,只是运气好。”他把圣血琥珀拿出来给维欧拉欣赏,说道:“你留几根头发在我这里,万一出事,我随时可以把你复活。” Viola, Renn planned collects incessantly the hair of person of side being intimate with. 不止维欧拉,雷恩打算把身边亲近之人的头发都收集起来。 Each Ultramarine, the most important character in subordinates regiment, Yizit and Kstaakin they, must preserve the hair oneself here. 还有每个极限战士,麾下军团中的最重要的人物,伊兹特克斯塔金他们,都要在自己这里保存头发。 half-elf closely is staring at the attractive oval amber, hears the Renn words, does not know that should say anything is good. 半精灵紧紧盯着漂亮的卵形琥珀,听到雷恩的话,不知该说什么才好。 She was shocked thoroughly! 她彻底被震撼了! Altitude that all that Renn makes, reach now, this whole life has a dream cannot think, even if oneself as Long Haired Lady emissary, Church of the Beauty Pope, is the empire great person who the average person cannot look, but compared with Renn, oneself sees that trivial. 雷恩所做的一切,如今达到的高度,她这辈子做梦也不敢想,哪怕自己身为长发女士选民,美善教会教宗,已经是普通人仰望不到的帝国大人物,但是跟雷恩相比,自己又显得那么微不足道。 She with the Renn disparity, is bigger than with oneself disparity the average person! 她跟雷恩的差距,比普通人跟自己的差距更大! The Renn strength can fight with God Saint Avatar, but oneself have not actually arrived at the legend peak. Even, Renn hand/subordinate is casual Ultramarine, the strength is equivalent to oneself, this made her have the intense frustration, only felt own these years efforts did not have the value. 雷恩的实力都能跟神祗圣者化身交手了,而自己却连传奇巅峰都没到。甚至,雷恩手下随便一个极限战士,实力都跟自己相当,这让她产生了强烈的挫败感,只觉得自己这些年的努力毫无价值。 I prepare to establish the empire subcontinent trading company, did you hear?” Renn asked. “我准备成立帝国次大陆贸易公司,你听说了吧?”雷恩问道。 Un.” “嗯。” Viola nods, has not said. 维欧拉点了点头,却没有接话。 Renn stops to dine, immediately detected the Viola mood is not right. She to craving in the business, will not miss any opportunity of money-making, the trading company such big matter, actually has no interest probably. 雷恩停下用餐,立即察觉到维欧拉的情绪不对劲。她向热衷于生意,不会错过任何赚钱的机会,贸易公司这么大的事情,竟然好像没什么兴趣。 soul eyes observed, immediately was clear. 灵魂之眼观察了一下,马上明白了。 I go to Wizland, in the evening comes back.” Renn said that left Marlene Manor. “我去一趟威泽兰,晚上回来。”雷恩说完就离开了玛琳歌庄园 This psychological low mood, the root lay in Viola strove to excel too, oneself enlightened not only uselessly, instead can have the counter-effect, can only adjust the mentality by Viola. 这种心理上的低落情绪,根源在于维欧拉太好强了,自己开导不但没用,反而会起反效果,只能靠维欧拉自己调整心态。 After the moment, Renn saw the teacher on Wizland High Tower. 片刻后,雷恩威泽兰高塔上见到了老师。 Anse Vodas obviously in he. 安西沃道斯显然在等他。 Teacher.” “老师。” Renn just sent regards, Anse Vodas asked: Renn, some are your how many things also hiding the truth from me?” 雷恩刚问候了一句,安西沃道斯就问道:“雷恩,你到底还有多少事情瞒着我?” „......” Renn does not know how should reply. “呃……”雷恩不知该怎么回答。 This Operation Vengeance exposed too many things, after returning to the empire, discovered that person somewhat was different to oneself. 这次复仇行动自己暴露出了太多东西,回到帝国以后,发现身边的人对自己都有些不一样了。 Viola is so, the teacher is also so. 维欧拉是如此,老师也是如此。 Renn is somewhat helpless, said truthfully: „The teacher who should know had known, except for a matter, Reislin promoted Archmage last month.” 雷恩有些无奈,如实说道:“该知道的老师已经都知道了,除了一件事,雷斯林在上个月晋升大法师了。” The own most important secret is mutated phone, this is anybody cannot tell. 自己最重要的秘密是变异手机,这是任何人都不能告诉的。 Then is prepares to overthrow Supreme Council, the ascending a height to get a broad view emperor throne, this matter teacher has known ; power armor study for several years, this time just took ; Makes the plan of Star Destroyer, the teacher also participated in the research and design together, from the beginning knows ; Then is existence of divine tool, the teacher does not know before. 然后就是准备推翻至高议会,登临皇帝宝座,这件事老师已经知道了;动力装甲自己研究好几年,这次刚拿出来;制造歼星舰的计划,老师也一起参与了研究设计,从一开始就知道;然后就是神器的存在,老师之前并不知道。 I know!” “我就知道!” The snow white beard of Anse Vodas was blown, seems a little discontented, such important matter, how didn't you tell me early?” 安西沃道斯的雪白胡子都被吹起来,似乎有点不满,“这么重要的事情,你怎么不早告诉我?” In his eyes, power armor and divine tool, these are the secondary things, relates not in a big way with Wizland. 在他眼里,动力装甲、神器,这些都是次要的东西,跟威泽兰关系不大。 Renn promotes Saint Soul wizard is the matter of primary importance. 雷恩晋升圣魂巫师才是最重要的事情。 Reislin is Renn clone, is the same person, Reislin promotes Archmage to mean that essentially Renn also promoted. 雷斯林雷恩分身,本质上是同一个人,雷斯林晋升大法师意味着雷恩也晋升了。 Modo faction birth new saint level Spellcaster, although is Archmage, rather than Saint Soul wizard, so long as comes Wizland Floating City, showed that sufficiently Modo faction idea advantage, oneself taught that Archmage, got the absolute winning side in the struggle of idea! 摩都派诞生新的圣阶施法者,尽管是大法师,而不是圣魂巫师,但只要是出身威泽兰浮空城,就足以证明摩都派理念的优势,自己教导出了一位大法师,在理念之争中占据绝对上风! Is only clone, I am the legend peak.” Renn argued. “只是分身而已,我还是传奇巅峰。”雷恩辩解道。 You did not say, who knows Reislin is clone?” Anse Vodas thinks otherwise, when you prepare to announce, making Reislin enter Supreme Council?” “你不说,谁会知道雷斯林分身?”安西沃道斯不以为然,“你准备什么时候公布,让雷斯林进入至高议会?” Reislin is the Wizland full member, is qualified for Supreme Council. 雷斯林威泽兰的正式成员,有资格进入至高议会 Can enter Supreme Council, the most important standard is to naturally become Saint Soul wizard, next steps onto road of magic in the empire, not wants the empire person, but must study under wizard of empire, family background major Floating City or wizard school. 能否进入至高议会,首要标准自然是成为圣魂巫师,其次是在帝国走上魔法之路,并非一定要帝国人,但必须师从帝国的巫师,出身各大浮空城或魔法学院。 Reislin satisfies the second condition, but is not Saint Soul wizard, but had not stipulated that Archmage cannot enter Supreme Council. 雷斯林满足第二个条件,但不是圣魂巫师,可是也没有规定大法师不能进入至高议会 Archmage with Saint Soul wizard is Spellcaster of rank, under is not high division. 大法师圣魂巫师是一个级别的施法者,并无高下之分。 Even, the Archmage history and position also want Saint Soul wizard high, after all, wizard this profession is imitates Archmage to come, to try another method, finally reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches. 甚至,大法师的历史与地位还要高过圣魂巫师,毕竟,巫师这个职业就是模仿大法师而来,另辟蹊径,最终殊途同归。 Said like Anse Vodas, so long as Reislin did not say, no one can know he was Archmage. 就像安西沃道斯所言,只要雷斯林自己不说,没人能知道他是大法师 Renn has the consideration to this issue early. 雷恩对这个问题早有考虑。 Teacher, I do not want to make Reislin enter Supreme Council temporarily.” “老师,我暂时不想让雷斯林进入至高议会。” Why?” “为什么?” Anse Vodas is incomprehensible, Supreme Council is 12 people, Modo faction accounts for half now, has six tickets, Reislin joins to turn into seven tickets, Modo faction has the overwhelming superiority, any subject does not need to consider that the viewpoint of Nesser Faction and Balance Faction, can be passed. 安西沃道斯不能理解,现在至高议会是十二个人,摩都派占一半,拥有六票,雷斯林加入进来就变成七票,摩都派拥有绝对优势,任何议题都不用考虑耐瑟派平衡派的观点,都能得到通过。 Modo faction controlled Supreme Council and empire completely. 摩都派完全掌控了至高议会和帝国。 Renn wants to be the emperor, isn't such situation to him more advantageous? 雷恩想当皇帝,这样的局势对他不是更有利吗? Reislin is my card in a hand, I do not want too to expose early.” Renn honest returning said: Moreover, I had reached an agreement with Grandmaster Kennan, he will support me to be elected as Archon, two schools of alliances, we do not lack Reislin this ticket.” 雷斯林是我的一张底牌,我不想太早暴露。”雷恩坦诚的回道:“而且,我已经跟凯南大师谈好了,他会支持我当选执政官,两派联盟,我们不缺雷斯林这一票。” How you can violate this type preliminarily wrong.” Anse Vodas shakes the head, alliance is only temporary, Greyhawk this person with no mind of his own is unreliable.” “你怎么能犯这种低级错误。”安西沃道斯摇了摇头,“联盟只是暂时的,灰鹰这个墙头草靠不住。” Renn looked at teacher one eyes, the complexion is somewhat strange. 雷恩看了老师一眼,脸色有些奇怪。 Listens to the words of teacher, how to feel that his standpoint some are not right, before did not oppose oneself are the emperor, now becomes so warm-hearted? 听老师的话,怎么感觉他的立场有些不对,以前不是反对自己当皇帝吗,现在变得如此热心? I do not support you to be the emperor, do not want.” Anse Vodas snort/hum, what I care is the victory of Modo faction idea, this is I pursues more than 1000 years of ideals, needs a sufficient powerful proof, is used to defeat Nesser Faction!” “我不是支持你当皇帝,别想多了。”安西沃道斯哼了一声,“我在意的是摩都派理念的胜利,这是我追求一千多年的理想,需要一个足够有力的证明,用来战胜耐瑟派!” Renn at heart suddenly, is a teacher holds to read is causing trouble. 雷恩心里恍然,原来是老师的执念在作祟。 He thinks, said: Teacher, does not use Reislin, making me come to prove the Modo faction idea to the world superior.” 他想了想,说道:“老师,不用雷斯林,让我来向世人证明摩都派理念的优胜吧。” „Do you also want to promote Saint Soul wizard?” Anse Vodas is overjoyed. “你也要晋升圣魂巫师了?”安西沃道斯大喜过望。 Was not out of the anticipation to be quick.” Renn nods. “不出意料应该快了。”雷恩点头。 Yesterday evening in Flanaes, Silverstar Duke sent in magic message to oneself suddenly, after Operation Vengeance ended, she immediately begins to gain antiquity dragon demon demonic soul, pledged in half a month, delivered to demonic soul own hand. 昨天晚上在法兰尼斯,银星公爵突然给自己发来一条魔法传讯,复仇行动结束后,她马上着手获取上古龙魔的魔魂,承诺在半个月内,把魔魂送到自己的手上。 Anse Vodas closely examines: Specifically when?” 安西沃道斯追问:“具体什么时候?” I was elected as Archon, immediately attacks Saint Soul wizard.” Renn returns said, oneself and other this day are very long. “等我当选执政官,立即冲击圣魂巫师。”雷恩回道,自己等这一天已经很久了。
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