WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#838: Star Destroyer progress

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In half plane, Renn floats in the midair observes. 位面中,雷恩漂浮在半空观察。 Two years ago, he having source crystal installs in the Goddess of Magic alike underground deep place, maintains its existence with Eola's nucleus, and transforms this half plane, becomes half plane of zero gravity, the simulation space environment, starts to carry out own big plan. 两年前,他把起源晶安装在魔法女神像的地下深处,用伊奥拉之核维持它的存在,并对这个半位面进行改造,成为一个无重力的半位面,模拟太空环境,开始执行自己的大计划。 This is true Star Destroyer! 这是一艘真正的歼星舰 It has not finished, the overall progress is less than 30, can see the battleship multiple structure directly. Several hundred Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers are bustling about in deck a layer upon layer, various metallic material fusions, molds the size shape, then splices. 它还没有完工,整体进度不到30,可以直接看见战舰内部的复杂结构。数百个雷铸天兵正在一层层甲板上忙碌着,将各种金属材料融合,塑造成所需的尺寸形状,然后拼接起来。 Each Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers is legendary wizard, the physical strength is powerful, is not aware of fatigue, in the brain has the mutated phone transcription, the blueprint of battleship understands clearly in heart, they do not use the tool, so long as the eye can the precise measurement data. 每个雷铸天兵都是传奇巫师,体力强悍,不知疲倦,脑中拥有变异手机的副本,战舰的图纸了然于心,他们不用工具,只要眼睛就能精确的测量数据。 In the world could not find compared with a Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers better engineer. 世界上找不到比雷铸天兵更好的工程师。 Their operating efficiencies, can go against previous generation several hundred engineers, what is most essential has not needed to pay money, everyone is no complaint 996, even 007 working overtime! 他们的工作效率,一个能顶得上前世几百个工程师,最关键的是还不用付钱,每个人都是毫无怨言的996,甚至007的加班! Moreover, does not need to communicate can coordinate perfectly, just like one person. 而且,互相之间不用沟通就能完美配合,宛如一人。 In fact, they are the same people. 实际上,他们就是同一个人。 Renn is grasping the Star Destroyer progress every time, over more than past two years, to construct Star Destroyer, invests tens of millions golden Shield, almost pressed out oneself spatially. 雷恩每时每刻都掌握着歼星舰的进度,过去两年多,为了建造歼星舰,投入数千万金盾,差点把自己榨空了。 However, Star Destroyer to finishing is bad. 不过,歼星舰离完工还差得很远。 It like the past years in exactly the same that in prophecy spell saw, the contour seemed like a giant triangle dagger, the length was close to 600 meters, some constructed outer coverings were the silver-white color, unified whole, by outside armor that but in entire seven became with the different material manufactures, the function of each level was different. 它就像当年在预言术中看见的一模一样,外形像是一把巨大的三角匕首,长度接近六百米,已经建造的一部分外壳呈银白色,浑然一体,由外而内整整七层用不同材料制造而成的装甲,每层的功能都不一样。 Prototype Imperial-class Star Destroyer the length is 1600 meters, although the length of this fantasy version, only then prototype 1/3, but stands in its below, can still feel own tiny. 原型“帝国级歼星舰”的长度是1600米,虽然这艘奇幻版的长度只有原型的三分之一,但是站在它的下面,依然能感觉到自己的渺小。 Renn has also thought Star Destroyer that makes the jumbo size, is after the computation, the discovery difficulty is big. 雷恩也想过制造更大尺寸的歼星舰,可是经过计算,发现难度非常大。 Own Star Destroyer essentially is Floating City. 自己的歼星舰本质上是浮空城 Eola's nucleus as the prime motors, in the design idea, Eola's nucleus provides float, quantum leap and teleportation energy, as well as supports the most important defense force field, some Floating City internal magic spell applications, do not participate in the foreign release magic spell attack. 伊奥拉之核作为主要动力,设计思路中,伊奥拉之核提供悬浮、跃迁传送的能量,以及支撑最重要的防御力场,还有一些浮空城内部的法术应用,并不参与对外的释放法术攻击。 Attack of Star Destroyer from titan furnace! 歼星舰的攻击来自泰坦熔炉 Research of Renn to titan furnace is quite thorough, far exceeds the understanding Eola's nucleus, two energy utilization of different systems, want to link is not easy. 雷恩泰坦熔炉的研究极为深入,远超过对伊奥拉之核的了解,两种不同体系的能量运用,想要结合在一起并不容易。 Before this type, huge project that has not seen, big of difficulty, even several hundred Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers help, oneself do not dare saying that certainly does not have the issue. 这种前未所见的巨大工程,难度之大,即使有数百个雷铸天兵帮助,自己也不敢说一定没问题。 Because of prophecy spell, he knows that oneself will succeed finally. 因为预言术,他知道自己最终会成功。 But also because of prophecy spell, Renn feels or wants be more conservative, first in the information according to prophecy spell makes an experimental ship, reduces the project difficulty, the reduced cost, can shorten the time, makes Star Destroyer appear on the market as soon as possible, joins the fight. 但也因为预言术,雷恩觉得还是要保守一些,先按照预言术中的信息制造出一艘试验舰,降低工程难度,减少成本,同时也能缩短工期,尽快让歼星舰面世,加入战斗。 When oneself completely mastered the naval construction technology, attempts to make greatly more advanced Star Destroyer again. 等到自己完全掌握了造舰技术,再尝试制造更大更强更先进的歼星舰 Let alone, 600 meters Star Destroyer was big enough. 何况,六百米长的歼星舰足够大了。 The ship-to-air mothership of previous generation, the length is also only more than 300 meters, is almost own Star Destroyer half. 前世的舰空母舰,长度也只有三百多米,差不多是自己的歼星舰的一半。 Length doubled, the volume and weight almost must turn eight times, a crew member of more than 300 meters aircraft carrier in 4000 to 6000 people, but 600 meters Star Destroyer, can accommodate 30,000 people with ease. 长度翻倍,体积和重量差不多要翻八倍,一艘三百多米的航空母舰的乘员在四千到六千人,而六百米的歼星舰,可以轻松容纳三万人。 Renn subordinates all transcendent legion add, without so many people. 雷恩麾下所有的超凡军团加起来,也没这么多人。 In the unusual strength everywhere Allanus world, the fight pattern and previous generation are entirely different, future Star Destroyer will be a full intelligence firepower output platform, will not carry so many crew members, so long as the attack and defense will be strong enough, will have quickly a higher mobility compared with conventional Floating City, does not need to make too greatly, increases the cost and difficulty evenly spatially. 在超凡力量无处不在的艾伦厄斯世界,战斗模式与前世截然不同,未来的歼星舰将是一个全智能的火力输出平台,并不会搭载那么多乘员,只要攻击和防御够强,比常规浮空城拥有更快更高的机动性,不需要制造得太大,平空增加成本和难度。 If defers to original shape manufacturing Star Destroyer completely, its weight over 1 million tons! 如果完全按照原型制造歼星舰,它的重量将超过一百万吨! Moreover overwhelming majority are the metal structures. 而且绝大部分是金属结构。 Even if few is magic alloy, less than 1 proportion, remaining is the ordinary iron and steel material, its cost still high to being inconceivable. 即使其中只有少量是魔法合金,不到一的比例,剩下都是普通的钢铁材料,它的成本也高到难以想象。 Renn has calculated, is only these magic alloy value over 200 million golden Shield, the entire Star Destroyer construction cost will also break through 300 million golden Shield, oneself cannot withstand. 雷恩算过,光是那些魔法合金的价值就超过两亿金盾,整艘歼星舰的造价也会突破三亿金盾,自己根本承受不起。 Even if oneself are not richly good, because many precious magic materials cannot buy richly. 哪怕自己有钱也不行,因为很多珍贵的魔法材料有钱也买不到。 In brief: Small has small good, has big good greatly. 总而言之:小有小的好,大有大的好。 But at the present, 600 meters length is most appropriate, this is Renn after the result that calculates to obtain repeatedly, found the balance point between the manufacture difficulty, cost and time. 但在目前,六百米的长度是最合适的,这是雷恩经过反复计算得出的结果,在制造难度、成本和工期之间找到了平衡点。 At this moment, Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers seems like one flock of worker ants, day and night work. 此刻,雷铸天兵像是一群工蚁,没日没夜的工作。 The arrival of Renn does not have to affect to them slightly. 雷恩的到来对他们没有丝毫影响。 His mental jump to Star Destroyer, appears in a broad cabin, several Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers are debugging titan furnace. It seems like with oneself is exactly the same in that titan furnace that in the storm temple sees, actually has made the improvement, is operated by wisp of brain controlling chip, has a finer and powerful energy output compared with original titan furnace. 心灵跳跃歼星舰中,出现在一间宽阔的舱室,几个雷铸天兵正在调试泰坦熔炉。它看起来跟自己在风暴神殿中见到的那座泰坦熔炉一模一样,其实已经做了改进,由一个分脑芯片控制运行,比原版的泰坦熔炉拥有更加精细和强大的能量输出。 Cabin next door that titan furnace is, is the Eola's nucleus control room. 泰坦熔炉所在的舱室隔壁,就是伊奥拉之核的控制室。 However, the present is spatial. 不过,现在还是空的。 This is Star Destroyer at present the biggest difficult problem, lacks Eola's nucleus, without this energy core, the ship star ship is a metal lump, did not move. 这是歼星舰目前最大的难题,缺少一个伊奥拉之核,没有这个能量核心,舰星舰就是一个金属疙瘩,根本动不了。 The Renn original plan was to use the Goddess of Magic alike Eola's nucleus excess energy, debugged in the construction process, tests Star Destroyer internal runic magic array, including defending barrier, ultra-large antigravity field, floating spell, astral quantum leap and different teleportation wait/etc. 雷恩原计划是利用魔法女神像的伊奥拉之核的多余能量,在建造过程中进行调试,测试歼星舰内部的符文法阵,包括防御结界,超大型反重力场,漂浮术,星界跃迁和异界传送等等。 Debugs, while makes new Eola's nucleus. 一边调试,一边制造一个新的伊奥拉之核 Urgent time, but can also divert Eola's nucleus of magic female resembles god directly. 紧急的时候,还可以直接挪用魔法女像神的伊奥拉之核 However never expected that Goddess of Magic stared at the Eola's nucleus excess energy, did not discuss with oneself, transformed god statue runic magic array, for responding to believer prayed, granted divine spell. 但是没想到魔法女神盯上了伊奥拉之核的多余能量,不跟自己商量,就改造了神像符文法阵,用于回应信徒祈祷,赐予神术 This disrupted the plan of Renn. 这打乱了雷恩的计划。 Is seemingly tranquil at the opening ceremony, is actually very at heart hurried, he does not want to make Goddess of Magic know existence of half plane and Star Destroyer temporarily. 在揭幕仪式上看似平静,其实心里很慌,他暂时不想让魔法女神知道半位面歼星舰的存在。 Fortunately, Goddess of Magic has not detected. 所幸,魔法女神没有察觉到。 Now the Gotham City resident quantity has not been the upper limit, although is increasing every day, but still some extra energies can use. 现在哥谭城的居民数量还没有达到上限,虽然每天都在增加,但是仍有一些富余的能量可以使用。 Renn can only reduce the test frequency, does not affect Goddess of Magic as far as possible likely to the response of believer, this undoubtedly affected the Star Destroyer construction progress. As the Gotham City population are getting more and more, the Star Destroyer test opportunity are getting fewer and fewer, does not dare to use the energy until one day completely. 雷恩只能减少测试频率,尽量不影响魔法女神像对信徒的回应,这无疑影响了歼星舰的建造进度。随着哥谭城的人口越来越多,歼星舰的测试机会就越来越少,直到某一天完全不敢动用能量。 The only solution, makes new Eola's nucleus. 唯一的解决办法,就是制造新的伊奥拉之核 A Eola's nucleus production cost in 50 million golden Shield about, Renn has had it, but does not have the design paper and experience, before did not have money. 一个伊奥拉之核的制造成本在五千万金盾左右,雷恩拥有过它,但没有设计图纸和经验,之前也没钱。 Now money was solved, but also needs a person help to make, while convenient learn/study manufacturing method. 现在钱解决了,还需要一个人帮忙制造,顺便学习制造方法。 Renn thought of own teacher immediately. 雷恩马上想到了自己的老师。 The teacher has not actually made Eola's nucleus, Wizland is inherits, but the teacher wields the Floating City more than 1000 years, is familiar with the Eola's nucleus structure, surely does not have the issue, moreover not compared with a teacher more reliable person. 老师其实也没有制造过伊奥拉之核,威泽兰是继承来的,但老师执掌浮空城一千多年,对伊奥拉之核的结构了如指掌,肯定没问题,而且没有比老师更可靠的人。 Only can the laborious teacher.” “只能辛苦一下老师了。” Renn makes the decision fast, if the teacher feels troublesome, that gives him a laborious fee/spent, 1 million golden Shield should be enough. 雷恩飞快做出决定,要是老师觉得麻烦,那就给他一笔辛苦费,一百万金盾应该足够了。 He comes out the gold in nebula ring but actually, optional stack on the ground. 他把星云指环中的黄金都倒出来,随意堆放在地上。 Then returns to the treasure house in Boutis castle. 然后返回布迪哈城堡中的宝库。 The legendary key element phase traveler/ascetic makes Renn be able the positioning accuracy remote space and time coordinates, different teleportation this magic spell direct link goal plane. 传奇要素相位行者让雷恩能够准确定位遥远的时空坐标,“异界传送”这个法术直达目标位面 He still left behind one in half plane phase coordinates, shortens the different teleportation time significantly, can return to half plane momentarily. 他还在半位面中留下了一个“相位坐标”,大幅度缩短异界传送的施法时间,随时可以返回半位面 Times display different teleportation, Renn between the treasure houses and half plane back and forth. 一次次施展异界传送,雷恩在宝库和半位面之间来回。 After travelling between more than ten, the entire royal family buried treasure was evacuated, the complete stack on half plane ground, has not compared a here safer covert place, even does not need to guard. 往返十几趟后,整个王室宝藏都被搬空了,全部堆放在半位面的地上,没有比这里更安全隐蔽的地方,甚至不需要守卫。 After the moment . 片刻后。 Renn goes out of the empty treasure house, the hand of invisible mind power promotes the metal front door to close, magic gate becomes effective, restores the original design. 雷恩走出空荡荡的宝库,无形念力之手推动金属大门关上,魔法门重新生效,恢复原样。 Returns to the castle hall across dimension door. 穿过任意门回到城堡大厅。 Sir.” Boutis approach sent regards hastily attentively. “大人。”布迪哈连忙迎上来殷勤问候。 He sees Renn that is penniless, in the eye full is surprised, he thinks Renn to move out the buried treasure, at least needs to last for 1-2 days, but also wants large numbers of manpower. 他看见两手空空的雷恩,眼里满是惊讶,他以为雷恩为了搬走宝藏,至少要耗时1-2,还要大批的人手。 But looks at the Renn appearance, probably had finished? 可是看雷恩的样子,好像已经结束了? Renn looked at this King Gupta's future, soul eyes discovered that his mood calmed down, got rid of the space to fall the pie the excitement, has not contracted the disturbance of contracting, wholeheartedly only thought itself, closely grasped own thigh. 雷恩看了看这位古普塔的未来国王,灵魂之眼发现他的情绪冷静下来了,摆脱了天上掉馅饼的激动,也没有患得患得的忐忑,一心只想好自己,紧紧抱住自己的大腿。 „Did you think through?” Renn asked. “你想通了?”雷恩问道。 Yes, Sir.” “是的,大人。” Boutis look is quite firm, high sound said: You push up the position of king me, I do not have the escape route. From now on, your will is my will, regardless of the Sir has any demand to the Gupta kingdom, I will certainly satisfy strongly, does not dare a little to dodge.” 布迪哈的神色极为坚定,高声道:“您把我推上国王的位置,我已经没有退路了。从今往后,您的意志就是我的意志,无论大人对古普塔王国有任何需求,我一定竭力满足,绝不敢有一点搪塞。” He was clear expresses himself to be willing to make the standpoint of puppet king unmistakably. 他明确无误的表达了自己愿意做傀儡国王的立场。 No matter places the previous generation or Allanus, no matter also which country, Boutis giving loyalty to cannot escape from one traitor hat. 不管放在前世还是艾伦厄斯,也不管是哪个国家,布迪哈的效忠都逃不出一个“卖国贼”的帽子。 This understanding what has to be done person, forever spurned object. 这种识时务的人,永远都是被人唾弃的对象。 However Renn did not mind. 但是雷恩不介意。 In any case I am not Gupta person, am not my country that Boutis sells, from own standpoint set off, Boutis treasonable act can bring the huge benefit. 反正我不是古普塔人,布迪哈卖的也不是我的国家,从自己的立场出发,布迪哈的卖国行为能够带来巨大的利益。 Boutis, you are a smart person, this is very good.” Renn encouraged several. “布迪哈,你是一个聪明人,这很好。”雷恩勉励了几句。 This lets a Boutis loosen. 这让布迪哈心里一松。 Then hears Renn to ask: How many transcendent can your territory also recruit? Enough pulls out transcendent legion?” 然后听见雷恩问道:“你的领地还能招募到多少超凡者?够不够拉出一支超凡军团?” Sir, my subordinate has died, does not remain.” Boutis complained of hardship immediately, my castle also destroyed, the reputation will also be destroyed quickly, later was very difficult to recruit transcendent in Gupta, moreover I did not have money......” “大人,我的手下已经死光了,一个也不剩。”布迪哈立即叫苦起来,“我的城堡也毁了,名声很快也会被毁,以后在古普塔很难招募到超凡者,而且我也没钱……” Good line.” Renn beckons with the hand, does not want to listen to him to complain. “行了行了。”雷恩摆了摆手,不想听他诉苦。 Boutis no one is real, without money is actually the lie. 布迪哈没人是真的,没钱却是假话。 Renn does not want to reveal him, said directly: I will leave behind several people to protect your security, until you become the king. No later than one month, the empire will deliver to your appointment, this month, yourself must be ready, thinks after the king how should do.” 雷恩也不想揭穿他,直接说道:“我会留下几个人保护你的安全,直到你当上国王。最晚不会超过一个月,帝国对你的任命就会送达,这个月,你自己也要做好准备,想想当了国王以后该怎么做。” Many thanks Sir.” A Boutis being overjoyed appearance. “多谢大人。”布迪哈一副大喜过望的样子。 On his mouth thanked, actually somewhat felt timid at heart. 他嘴上感谢,心里却有些发怵。 Protection that Renn said that actually is also to own surveillance, but he does not dare to have thoughts of resistance, does not have resistance strength. 雷恩所说的保护,其实也是对自己的监视,但他根本不敢有一丝反抗的心思,也没有反抗的力量 Vetter, you and several brothers remain, was laborious you.” Renn appointed five Ultramarine and five Thunderforge Heavenly Soldiers conveniently. “多威特,你和几个兄弟留下来,辛苦你们了。”雷恩随手指派了五个极限战士和五个雷铸天兵 Good, Boss.” Ultramarine responded immediately. “好的,老板。”极限战士立即回应。 Renn has not stopped over in the castle, flies the upper air in the Boutis respectful vision, quick vanishes in the horizon. After leaving the castle, Reislin opens portal to return to the class Bex suburb the people, with the Eight Leaves badge that Duke Greyhawk gave, teleportation returned to Flanaes Floating City again. 雷恩没有在城堡逗留,在布迪哈恭敬的目光中飞上高空,很快就消失在天边。离开城堡后,雷斯林开启传送门把众人送回班贝城郊外,再用灰鹰公爵给予的八叶徽章,传送回到了法兰尼斯浮空城 The weather has gotten dark, shortly after the looting in class Bex actually just started. 天色已经黑下来,班贝城中的洗劫却刚开始不久。 Renn rested a while in the Eight Leaves square, receives the summon of Tim Kennan, goes to the High Tower top layer hall again. 雷恩八叶广场上休息了一会儿,收到蒂姆*凯南的召唤,再次来到高塔顶层大厅。 This time, only has three Saint Soul wizard to present. 这次,只有三位圣魂巫师在场。 Grandmaster Oroin and Huohai Grandmaster has returned to the empire, Silverstar Duke looked at Renn one with Storm Queen, immediately walked. 欧罗因大师霍怀大师已经返回帝国,银星公爵风暴女王看了雷恩一眼,立即就走了。 They are taking oneself transcendent legion to go to class Bex to get rich anxiously. 她们急着带上自己的超凡军团去班贝城里发财。 Supreme Council had adopted your proposition.” Saying that Tim Kennan comes straight to the point: Empire according to your idea, will establish a trading company, has full authority and responsibility for the trade between management empire and subcontinent, when new Archon took office started to carry out.” 至高议会已经通过了你的提议。”蒂姆*凯南开门见山的说道:“帝国将会按照你的想法,成立一家贸易公司,全权负责管理帝国与次大陆之间的贸易,等到新执政官上任了开始执行。” Renn nods, does not have the slight accident/surprise. 雷恩点了点头,没有丝毫的意外。 This proposition is good to the entire empire, all influence can slice, even Duke Redstone will unable to pass with money, passing is inevitable. 这个提议对整个帝国都有好处,各方势力都能分一杯羹,即使是红石公爵也不会跟钱过不去,通过是必然的。 As for is carried out by new Archon, is the inherent connotation. 至于由新执政官来执行,也是应有之意。 The Archon position does not have the suspense, oneself as the subscriber, make certainly himself carry out is the most perfect candidate. 执政官的位置已经没有悬念了,自己作为提议者,当然让自己去执行才是最完美的人选。 Renn.” Tim Kennan also called one. 雷恩。”蒂姆*凯南又叫了一声。 Grandmaster Kennan please say.” Renn looks at this Saint Soul wizard expression, guessed correctly that the opposite party then must speak. As one of the empire three giants, he does not adapt obviously makes this camera transaction, therefore appears some is not comfortable. 凯南大师请说。”雷恩看着这位圣魂巫师的表情,就猜到对方接下来要说什么话。作为帝国三巨头之一,他显然不适应做这种暗箱交易,所以显得有些不自在。 In my Lompis Dukedom some business, the scale is also big, the operation is also good, but places the competitiveness of entire empire somewhat to be insufficient.” The Tim Kennan excuse is very tactful. “我的龙匹斯公爵领内也有一些生意,规模不小,经营也不错,但放在整个帝国的竞争力可能就有些不足。”蒂姆*凯南的说辞很委婉。 Renn the second understands immediately. 雷恩立刻秒懂了。 Really, he had a liking for the subcontinent trade enormous benefit, wants to obtain some commodities the exclusive licenses, but fears other bidding people, therefore snatches in front opens the mouth. 果然,他看上了次大陆贸易的巨大利益,想要获得一些商品的独家经营权,但又怕竞价不过其他人,所以抢在前面开口。 Saint Soul wizard must exactly the food, as can be appreciated. 圣魂巫师也是要恰饭的嘛,可以理解。 Renn laughs in one's heart at heart, on the face is actually very refreshed saying: Grandmaster Kennan, you can me a commodity list, so long as arranges in order in the above commodity, the Lompis merchants will obtain the exclusive license, but the quantity should better not over ten types.” 雷恩心里暗笑,脸上却是非常爽快的说道:“凯南大师,你可以给我一份商品名单,只要列在上面的商品,龙匹斯的商人们都将得到独家经营权,但是数量最好不要超过十种。” Good, I know how should measure.” On the Tim Kennan face shows the satisfactory smile, this list I will give you in three days.” “好,我知道该怎么权衡。”蒂姆*凯南脸上露出满意的笑容,“这份名单我会在三天之内交给你。” Right.” “对了。” Tim Kennan remembers a matter suddenly, what name do you prepare to this company give?” 蒂姆*凯南忽然想起一件事,“你准备给这家公司取什么名字?” Renn as if there is answer early, immediately returns said: Empire subcontinent trading company.” 雷恩似乎早有答案,马上回道:“帝国次大陆贸易公司。”
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