WW :: Volume #5 帝国剧变

#845: Forms the cabinet

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Also is unanimously passes! 又是全票通过! The empire congressmen in meeting hall burst with joy, all stand up again, the applause rainstorm is likely crowded, everyone looks at the front Renn, offers the congratulation to him. 议事厅中的帝国议员们沸腾了,再次全体起立,掌声像暴雨般密集热烈,所有人都看着前排的雷恩,向他献上祝贺。 Being a focus of public attention Renn instead seems very tranquil, oneself took finally most an important step. 万众瞩目的雷恩反而显得很平静,自己终于迈出了最重要的一步。 This is much smoother than the estimate. 这比预想中要顺利得多。 Today, the empire congressman and Saint Soul wizard made the correct choice, was Oriense Empire avoided one greatly troublesome. Otherwise, this human most powerful empire that is founded by Great Emperor Alpha, many people will witness it to change from one dynasty to another with own eyes, even destruction. 今天,帝国议员和圣魂巫师们做出了正确的选择,为奥瑞恩瑟帝国避免了一场大麻烦。否则的话,这个由艾尔法大帝创建的人类最强大帝国,许多人都将亲眼见证它改朝换代,甚至覆灭。 Supreme Council unanimously passes, means that Nesser Faction and Kelston also gave themselves to vote. 至高议会全票通过,意味着耐瑟派凯尔斯通也给自己投票了。 Renn affirmed, Kelston is certainly planning big conspiracy. 雷恩更加肯定,凯尔斯通一定在策划着大阴谋 He steps onto the chairman's podium gradually, stands firm in the high stage, the seat of surface towards empire congressman, the vision has swept on the face of each congressman, then presses the hand, continued several minutes of applause to subside rapidly, in the meeting hall was peaceful. 他缓步走上主席台,在高台中间站定,面朝帝国议员的席位,目光在每个议员的脸上扫过,然后压了压手,持续了几分钟的掌声迅速平息,议事厅中安静下来。 People wait for new Archon to give oneself victory address. 人们等待着新执政官发表自己的胜选演讲。 Thank Supreme Council to my trust.” “感谢至高议会对我的信任。” Thank presents to my support.” “感谢在场诸位对我的支持。” Renn first expressed thanks , to continue saying: Is honored very much, I can become empire's 45 th Archon.” 雷恩首先表达了一番感谢,继续说道:“很荣幸,我能够成为帝国第四十五位执政官。” Is familiar with my person to know, I do not like promising the bounced check, likes speaking with the fact. Facts speak louder than words, 1000 I to you will be inferior that you take. When I take office, I will speak to the empire people by the achievements, showed that you elect to be me Archon are wisest, indubitable, 100% correct decisions.” “熟悉我的人都知道,我不喜欢许诺空头支票,更喜欢用事实说话。事实胜于雄辩,一千句‘我会给你’不如一句‘你拿着’。当我上任,我会以政绩向帝国人民说话,证明你们把我推选为执政官是最明智的,无可置疑的,百分之百正确的决定。” History will remember on the day , because, new times opened!” “历史会记住这一天,因为,一个新时代开启了!” Renn forceful completed the brief speech. 雷恩铿锵有力的完成了简短的演讲。 Burst into thunderous applause! 掌声雷动! The empire congressmen were agitated by the Renn words, they believe Renn, a series of achievements that Renn made over the past several years were too astonishing. 帝国议员们都被雷恩的话鼓动起来,他们相信雷恩,过去几年雷恩做出的一系列成就太惊人了。 Before, Renn is the Modo faction member, only then Wizland Floating City profited. 以前,雷恩摩都派的成员,只有威泽兰浮空城受益。 Now, Renn becomes Archon, focuses on the entire empire, certainly can promote the empire to develop a higher peak, but upper level the congressmen situated in empire will gain the biggest benefit definitely, half a month ago Operation Vengeance was the best example. 现在,雷恩当上执政官,着眼整个帝国,一定能够推动帝国发展到更高的巅峰,而处于帝国上层的议员决将得到最大的利益,半个月前的复仇行动就是最好的例子。 Has seen Archon your excellency!” “见过执政官阁下!” Has seen Archon your excellency!” “见过执政官阁下!” Has seen Archon your excellency......” “见过执政官阁下……” The front empire congressmen take the lead in shouting loudly, bows to salute to Renn on stage, the following congressmen follow immediately. At this moment, represented upper level the entire empire more than 300 great people, simultaneously to Renn low the noble head. 前排的帝国议员们带头高声大喊,向台上的雷恩躬身行礼,后面的议员们马上跟随。这一刻,代表整个帝国上层的三百多个大人物,齐齐雷恩低下了自己高贵的头颅。 Renn accepts the congressman ritual respect definitely confidently. 雷恩坦然接受议员决的礼敬。 Side, Tim Kennan sees this, cannot help but the mind changes, the Imperial Parliament establishment more than 1000 years, Archon has not obtained such support, Renn is first, is most special that. 旁边,蒂姆*凯南看到这一幕,不由得心神微变,帝国议会成立1000多年以来,从来没有一位执政官得到这样的拥护,雷恩是第一个,也是最特殊的那一个。 He observes Renn, on this young excessive face, does not have young successful excited excited or panic, only has the indifference, as if all these are earn. 他观察雷恩,这张年轻的过分的脸庞上,丝毫没有年少得志的激动兴奋或惊慌失措,唯有淡然,仿佛这一切是自己应得的。 Really is the serious hero character!” “真是不得了的英雄人物!” Tim Kennan sighed heartfeltly secretly, the thoughts somewhat were complex. 蒂姆*凯南由衷暗叹,心思却有些复杂。 A moment ago voting of Supreme Council, not only Modo faction and Balance Faction voted to Renn, even the Nesser Faction four people also unanimously agreed, was really unexpected. 刚才至高议会的投票,不但摩都派平衡派雷恩投票,连耐瑟派四人也一致同意,实在出乎意料。 Tim Kennan subconscious considering was Renn made the transaction with Kelston in secret, made the transaction like him with oneself. 蒂姆*凯南下意识的认为是雷恩凯尔斯通暗中做了交易,就像他跟自己做交易一样。 Careful wants to think that again is unlikely, because does not need. 仔细再想又觉得不太可能,因为没有必要。 Renn has two factions to support, how Nesser Faction opposes again also uselessly, when Renn takes office Archon, has great power, the influence or the power, surpassed any Saint Soul wizard, becomes the empire control in fact. 雷恩有两个派系支持,耐瑟派再怎么反对也没用,等到雷恩上任执政官,大权在握,无论是影响力还是权力,都超过了任何一位圣魂巫师,成为实质上的帝国主宰。 Modo faction one-party rule, rather a Renn person rules as a dictatorship. 与其说摩都派一家独大,倒不如说雷恩一人独裁。 This violated the equilibrium theory. 这违背了平衡理论。 Existence of Renn had vacillated the political pattern of empire, this to the empire is a dangerous signal. If by some chance Renn has other thoughts, or had/left what accident, the empire likely falls into the huge turbulence, brings the disaster to trillion people. 雷恩的存在已经动摇了帝国的政治格局,这对帝国是一个危险的信号。万一雷恩有别的心思,或者出了什么变故,帝国很可能陷入巨大的动荡,给亿万人民带来灾难。 Tim Kennan has a thought at heart. 蒂姆*凯南心里生出一个念头。 Oneself should be far away from Modo faction, keeps in balance Modo faction with Nesser Faction again jointly, limits the Renn power? 自己是否应该远离摩都派,重新跟耐瑟派联手制衡摩都派,限制雷恩的权力? Suddenly, Renn turns the head, as if detected that the Tim Kennan thoughts, the look glittered, the expression was worth pondering. 忽然,雷恩转头过来,似乎察觉到了蒂姆*凯南的心思,眼神闪烁了一下,表情十分值得玩味。 Tim Kennan at heart thump. 蒂姆*凯南心里咯噔一声。 He thinks that Renn is reminding itself, in that 30 years effective commitment, immediately sighed secretly, is not then easy to do. 他以为雷恩是在提醒自己,那个三十年内有效的承诺,顿时暗叹,这下不好办了。 That commitment looks like a sharp sword that hangs in the top of the head, before has not fallen, its deterrent force is strongest, so long as a Renn day does not request to fulfill the commitment, in 30 years, oneself were seriously weakened in the Supreme Council right to speak. 那个承诺就像是一把悬在头顶的利剑,没有落下之前,它的威慑力是最强的,只要雷恩一天不要求兑现承诺,三十年内,自己在至高议会的话语权都被严重削弱。 Balance Faction another member Vantusri * Huohai, owed a Renn life, with the Huohai character, will definitely find the way to return this favor. 平衡派的另一个成员万图斯瑞*霍怀,也欠了雷恩一条命,以霍怀的性格,肯定会想办法还上这个人情。 Tim Kennan awakens quickly, Balance Faction of two, were only acted bashful completely by Renn. 蒂姆*凯南幡然醒悟,仅有两人的平衡派,完全被雷恩拿捏住了。 Luckily Anse!” “幸好还有安西!” Without Anse Vodas, Supreme Council could not even suppress Renn. 要是没有安西沃道斯,连至高议会都压不住雷恩了。 In the Tim Kennan heart rejoiced, the Renn prestige is high, the influence big, must obey the teacher Anse Vodas words. If Renn really makes what disobedient action, at least Anse can blow him, did not allow that he acts sloppily. 蒂姆*凯南心中庆幸,雷恩的声望再高、影响力再大,也要听从老师安西沃道斯的话。如果雷恩真的做出什么忤逆之举,至少还有安西可以镇得住他,不容许他胡来。 When the congressmen sound of congratulation stops, Renn also returns to the following position. 等到议员们的道贺之声停止,雷恩也回到下面的位置。 Tim Kennan announced the following a series of arrangements. 蒂姆*凯南宣布接下来的一系列安排。 The Archon taking office date decides in the new year in first day, will hold a grand inauguration in the square before Truth Temple on the same day, in front of Supreme Council, Imperial Parliament and several tens of thousands of Empire People, is sworn to Goddess of Magic. 执政官的上任日期定在新年的第一天,当天会在真理神殿前的广场上举行一场盛大的就职典礼,在至高议会帝国议会和数万帝国民众面前,向魔法女神宣誓就职。 Before Renn takes office for half a month, must start to form own cabinet. 雷恩上任前这半个月,就要开始着手组建自己的内阁。 Took office the same day, after Renn took office, brings in Lotus Palace, the term, Lotus Palace will become the Renn private home and business location over the following ten years. 上任当天,雷恩就职后搬进荷宫,此后十年任期,荷宫将成为雷恩的私人住宅兼办公地点。 These are the inherent flow, the administrative personnel in empire know how should handle, the congressmen were also very familiar, many preparations keep Northrill to attend the ceremony, finds the opportunity to contact with new Archon while convenient, inquires the wind sound/rumor of cabinet, will be ready for the future. 这些都是固有的流程,帝国的行政人员知道该如何操办,议员们也很熟悉了,很多人准备留在诺斯瑞尔参加典礼,顺便找机会跟新执政官接触,打听一下内阁的风声,为将来做好准备。 Breaks up.” “散会。” Tim Kennan said that the arrangement left. 蒂姆*凯南说完安排就离开了。 Saint Soul wizard walks, the empire congressmen cannot take a seat, the surrounding congressman encircles Renn all of a sudden in the middle, makes noise to congratulate in abundance. 圣魂巫师一走,帝国议员们就坐不住了,周围的议员一下子把雷恩围在中间,纷纷出声道贺。 Congratulates Archon your excellency!” “恭喜执政官阁下!” „Did Sir Archon, your victory evening banquet prepare? Does not know whether I have been invited fortunately?” 执政官大人,您的胜选晚宴准备好了吗?不知我是否有幸得到邀请?” Archon your excellency......” 执政官阁下……” Facing the warm empire congressmen, Renn is still calm, shakes hand with the congressmen one by one, thank them to vote to oneself, brief and just right responds, shouted the name of each congressman accurately, making the congressmen not feel that neglected. 面对热情的帝国议员们,雷恩依然从容,逐一跟议员们握手,感谢他们给自己投票,简略又恰到好处的做出回应,准确叫出每一位议员的名字,让议员们不感觉到怠慢。 Archon your excellency.” 执政官阁下。” A vigorous sound there is a rumor that comes out from the crowd, the congressmen made way on own initiative the road, big strong marquis Ze Batullah walks to go forward, the smile said: Congratulates you.” 一个浑厚的声音从人群外传出来,议员们主动让开了路,高大强壮的泽里穆侯爵巴图拉走上前,微笑道:“恭喜你。” Thanks!” “谢谢!” Renn shook his hand, suddenly said: Marquis, I intends to invite you to join the cabinet, is the military administration minister, doesn't know the marquis interested?” 雷恩握了握他的手,突然说道:“侯爵阁下,我有意邀请你加入内阁,担任军政大臣,不知侯爵阁下有没有兴趣?” The congressmen of watching the fun are peaceful immediately. 看热闹的议员们顿时安静下来。 Batullah is also very accidental/surprised. 巴图拉也很意外。 The cabinet composition of Archon has more than ten ministers, the most important thing is the internal affairs, finance and military administration, and said that cabinet three big thrones, was very powerful, historically has many Archon once to hold the post, will be called three shortcuts to lead to future Archon. 执政官的内阁组成有十几位大臣,最重要的是内政、财政与军政,并称内阁三大宝座,权力极大,历史上有多位执政官都曾担任过,被称为是通向未来执政官的三条捷径。 These three ministers inevitably are the Archon trusted aides, who does not know, Batullah is the Duke Redstone person. 这三位大臣必然都是执政官的心腹,但是谁不知道,巴图拉红石公爵的人。 Duke Redstone now is the Nesser Faction leader, was suppressed by Modo faction ruthlessly, how to agree that Batullah does enter the cabinet? 红石公爵现在是耐瑟派的领袖,被摩都派狠狠打压,怎么会同意巴图拉进入内阁? Batullah knows that more inside stories, Renn with Duke Redstone is a mortal enemy! 巴图拉知道更多内情,雷恩红石公爵是死敌! But his position to the military administration minister somewhat is truly excited. 但他对军政大臣的位置确实有些心动。 The regiment ministers are responsible for managing the empire four big regiments and three big knight groups, as well as all military policies and war mobilizations, the so huge power, can bring the huge benefit. Moreover, the military administration minister is also becomes the next Archon excellent footboard. 军团大臣负责管理帝国四大军团和三大骑士团,以及一切军事政策和战争动员,如此巨大的权力,能够带来巨大的利益。而且,军政大臣也是自己成为下一任执政官的绝佳踏板。 By the Renn talent strength, possibly promotes Saint Soul wizard momentarily, over ten years, in other words, Renn cannot only hold the post of Archon. 雷恩的天赋实力,随时可能晋升圣魂巫师,绝不会超过十年,也就是说,雷恩只能担任一届执政官 Ten years later Renn resigns, held the post of ten years of military administration minister together, will be the most powerful candidate! 十年后雷恩卸任,一起担任了十年军政大臣的自己,将是最有力的候选人! However, that side Kelston...... 不过,凯尔斯通那边…… Batullah somewhat hesitates. 巴图拉有些犹豫。 Twice unanimously passes, explained that Kelston and subordinates congressmen gave Renn to vote, perhaps this was a turning point. 两次全票通过,说明凯尔斯通自己和麾下的议员都给雷恩投票了,也许这是一个契机。 Renn sees his thoughts, saying of unusual understanding: Marquis does not need to reply immediately, so long as within ten days reply then, anticipated that the marquis joins my cabinet.” 雷恩看出他的心思,非常理解的说道:“侯爵阁下不必马上回答,只要十天之内回复即可,期待侯爵阁下加入我的内阁。” Many thanks Archon your excellency, please allows me to go back to ponder.” “多谢执政官阁下,请容我回去思考。” Batullah beats the left chest by the right fist lightly, this is the military salute of empire, then withdrew from the crowd to leave the meeting hall. 巴图拉以右拳轻捶左胸口,这是帝国的军礼,然后退出人群离开了议事厅。 The surrounding congressmen covet. 周围的议员们眼热起来。 They look at Renn, hopes that Archon can also to oneself the opportunity of entering the cabinet. 他们看着雷恩,希望执政官也能给自己一个进入内阁的机会。 However Renn exchanged greetings several, brought Viola to say goodbye. 然而雷恩只是寒暄了几句,就带着维欧拉告辞了。 Two people go out of Truth Temple, responded to congratulation of congressmen, went out of Fobaden Castle, sat boards the automobile, returned to Marlene Manor under the Ultramarine guard. 两人走出真理神殿,一路回应议员们的道贺,走出浮贝登城堡,坐上汽车,在极限战士的护卫下返回玛琳歌庄园 On the street, the pedestrians see the motorcade to cheer the Renn name loudly. 街道上,行人们看见车队都是高声欢呼雷恩的名字。 The new Archon news has travelled. 执政官的消息已经传开了。 The vehicle roof of this automobile can open, turns into a convertible, Renn wants to open the vehicle roof to accept cheering of people, makes the action of cherishing the people, suddenly thought that this is inauspicious, therefore shakes down the glass to wave the hand to outside, on the face shows the temperate smile. 这辆汽车的车顶是可以打开的,变成一辆敞篷车,雷恩本想翻开车顶接受人们的欢呼,做一做亲民之举,突然觉得这太不吉利了,于是摇下车窗向外面摇手,脸上露出温和的笑容。 The motorcade place visited, the street boiled. 车队所过之处,街道都沸腾了。 Until drives out of the Northrill suburb, goes toward West Butte that Marlene Manor is, outside the car(riage) is peaceful. 直到驶出诺斯瑞尔的郊区,往玛琳歌庄园所在的威斯特山而去,车外才安静下来。 ......” “呼……” Viola relaxed slightly, is sizing up the Renn face, smiles to ask: When feeling of Archon how?” 维欧拉稍稍放松了一些,打量着雷恩的脸庞,笑问道:“当执政官的感觉如何?” „Very good!” “很不错!” Remmer is all smiles, oneself truly enjoy the supported feeling very much. 雷默笑容满面,自己确实很享受被人拥戴的感觉。 I have not congratulated you!” Viola heartfelt is Renn is happy, until now, she thought such as in dream, sighed: Seven years ago you come to the home of purple Roland time, I cannot think, your future so bright magnificent.” “我还没恭喜你呢!”维欧拉由衷为雷恩感到高兴,直到现在,她还是觉得如在梦中,感叹道:“七年前你来紫罗兰之家的时候,我怎么也想不到,你的未来是如此的灿烂辉煌。” I can have cannot leave your support today.” Renn hugs half-elf gently in the bosom, was hearing her sending fragrance, said with a smile: You strongly recommend the type of friendly soul to me, I will not become Battle Wizard, will not have all these.” “我能有今天离不开你的支持。”雷恩轻轻将半精灵搂在怀里,闻着她的发香,笑道:“要不是你极力向我推荐融魂之种,我就不会成为战斗巫师,也不会拥有这一切。” Viola remembered that time situation, was very at heart happy. 维欧拉想起那时的情形,心里十分甜蜜。 But she is also very clear, this is only the Renn modest refined language, by the Renn talent, will definitely take the road of wizard, even if becomes wizard of other schools of thought that the strength will not miss many. 但她也很清楚,这只是雷恩的谦虚之辞,以雷恩的天赋,必然会走上巫师之路,即便成为其他学派的巫师,实力也不会差多少。 She also immerses in the happiness, suddenly hears Renn saying: Viola, do you have no interest in being my home secretary?” 她还沉浸在甜蜜中,忽然听见雷恩说道:“维欧拉,你没有兴趣担任我的内政大臣?” „Am I the home secretary?” Viola sits to be straight, on the beautiful face full is surprised. “我当内政大臣?”维欧拉坐直起来,绝美的脸庞上满是惊讶。 Yes.” “是的。” Renn nods, home secretary position is very important, the administrations in main responsible public securities, transportation, beliefs and other aspects, the empire matter almost can meddle, the power is too big, must most trust the person who to hold the post by me, but must have enough ability processing complex issues, besides your, I cannot think that who is more appropriate.” 雷恩点了点头,“内政大臣这个位置很重要,主要负责治安、交通、信仰和其它各方面的行政事务,帝国内部的事情几乎都能插手,权力太大,必须由我最信任的人担任,还要有足够的能力处理各种复杂的问题,除了你的以外,我想不到有谁更合适。” In the Viola heart is moved, is not because Renn wants to be the home secretary by oneself, but was Renn said, oneself was the person who he most trusted. 维欧拉心中感动,不是因为雷恩想让自己担任内政大臣,而是雷恩说,自己是他最信任的人。 Immediately, she seriously considers this proposition. 随即,她认真考虑这个提议。 Just like Renn said, home secretary big of power, related to broad, possibly is next to Archon, the most important thing is also has the authority of empire various gods church, the construction church, is under the preaching permission, to develop believer, must report to Department of the Interior. 正如雷恩所说,内政大臣的权力之大,涉及之广,可能仅次于执政官,最重要的是还掌握着帝国诸神教会的管理权,修建教堂、得到传教许可、发展信徒,都要向内政部报备。 If she can become the home secretary, is quite favorable for Church of the Beauty. 如果她能当上内政大臣,对美善教会极为有利。 The power also has the fatal suction person to the woman. 权力对女人同样有致命的吸力人。 Viola somewhat is excited, but somewhat is also disturbed, said in a low voice: I feared that I cannot complete. Moreover everyone knows that our relations, allowing me to enter the cabinet, might make many people produce discontentedly to you.” 维欧拉不禁有些心动,但也有几分忐忑,低声道:“我怕自己做不好。而且大家都知道我们的关系,让我进入内阁,很可能会让许多人对你产生不满。” You must believe oneself can complete.” “你要相信自己能做好。” Renn smiles, is confident to Viola, you firmly grasped Department of the Interior, displays own ability, spoke with the fact, who also dares to say this and that? Has my support, you go about something with a free hand by all means and that's the end, hit the faces of these question ruthlessly.” 雷恩笑了笑,对维欧拉非常有信心,“等你牢牢掌握了内政部,展现自己的能力,用事实说话,谁还敢说三道四?有我的支持,你只管放手去做就是了,狠狠打那些质疑者的脸。” In fact, if was not worried that was detected, Renn planned was all ministers by own clone, the entire cabinet is clone, firmly the power of control empire administration. 实际上,如果不是担心被人察觉,雷恩原本打算让自己的分身担任所有大臣,整个内阁都是分身,牢牢掌控帝国行政之权。 What a pity is not good. 可惜不行。 The after position of cabinet minister is the victory, most important interest distribution, oneself can appoint the most important three ministers, other positions must consider carefully. 内阁大臣的位置是胜选后最重要的利益分配,自己可以任命最重要的三位大臣,其它位置就要仔细考量了。 Several cabinet positions had promised that gave the Modo faction congressman. 有几个内阁位置已经许诺给了摩都派的议员。 Several not too important positions, the preparation brings to exchange the benefit, buys people's heart, lets support own Empire All parties influences returned. 还有几个不太重要的位置,准备拿来交换利益,收买人心,让支持自己的帝国各方势力得到回报。 Good!” “好!” The Viola beautiful pupil is bright, finally was convinced. 维欧拉美眸明亮,终于被说服了。 Her happy upper part gathers up to come, is attached to near the ear of Renn air/Qi such as orchid, thank you, Renn. In the evening makes me take care of you well.” 她美好的上半身凑上前来,附在雷恩的耳边气呵如兰,“谢谢你,雷恩。晚上让我好好服侍你。” Speaking of the following words, she becomes very shy, the root of the ear is red, beautiful not local products. 说到后面的话,她变得很羞涩,耳根通红,美艳不可方物。 Renn looked somewhat dull. 雷恩看得有些呆了。 „......” He remembers other matter suddenly, shakes the head saying: In the evening is not good, I have a very important matter to do, may want to come back tomorrow.” “呃……”他突然想起别的事,摇头道:“晚上不行,我有一件非常重要的事情要做,可能要明天才能回来。” The Viola look is stunned, „, but I have made one prepare the banquet in the manor, only waited for you to list the invitation list.” 维欧拉神色错愕,“可是我已经让人在庄园准备了庆祝晚宴,只等你列出邀请名单了。” Another day.” Renn is very decisive. “改天吧。”雷恩很果断。 What matter is so important?” Viola is very puzzled, the banquet after Archon victory is very important social occasion, contacts the congressman to discuss the matter taking this opportunity, after helping take office, starts the work. “什么事这么重要?”维欧拉很不解,执政官胜选后的庆祝晚宴是很重要的社交场合,借这个机会接触议员谈事,有助于上任后展开工作。 Renn said in a soft voice: Tonight I prepare to attack Saint Soul wizard.” 雷恩轻声道:“今晚我准备冲击圣魂巫师。”
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