TM :: Volume #12 4.0闪耀世界·时代狂潮!

#1084: association influence and Holy Light host

Heard, over a hundred Super A Grade established new organization in Glittering World jointly......” “听说了吗,上百个超a级闪耀世界联名成立了一家新组织……” In the officer bar in some Empire military seal base, did not have the past cordial atmosphere, some people of wine glasses hang in the mouth, forgot drinking, some people of palms turn round in the rim, the finger are stroking gently the cup subconsciously, some people narrow the eye to hold in the mouth the thick cigarette, the smog are winding around, no matter what its combustion. 帝国某军事封闭基地的士官酒吧中,没有了往日热烈的气氛,有人酒杯悬在嘴边,忘记了喝酒,有人手掌覆在杯口,手指下意识摩挲着杯子,有人眯眼叼着粗大的香烟,烟雾缭绕,任其燃烧。 Everyone posture varies, the only common ground is, everyone head simultaneously turns to the same position, the vision gathers on the virtual screen on bar wall, at this moment, above is broadcasting the one current politics chat program. 每个人姿势各异,唯一的共同点是,所有人脑袋齐齐扭向同一个方位,目光汇聚在酒吧墙上的虚拟屏幕上,此时此刻,上面正播放着一个时政杂谈节目。 In the picture is a studio, the one host person is guiding several honored guests to speak with confidence, the discussing issue, is then related with the recent flash news. 画面中是一间演播室,一个主持人正在引导着几位嘉宾侃侃而谈,正在讨论的问题,便和最近的大新闻有关。 In the peaceful bar, is only left over the program honored guest full of enthusiasm speaking voice. 安静的酒吧中,只剩下节目嘉宾兴致勃勃的说话声。 I know, Glittering World Super A Grade Growth Association, newly established some time ago, they invited a lot of interstellar media, issued the report, now entire cosmos spreads.” “我知道,闪耀世界超a级发展联合会嘛,不久前刚刚成立,他们邀请了大量星际媒体,发布了通稿,现在全宇宙都传开了。” „The Super A Grade high-sounding talk alliance of almost entire cosmos, hey, these big character really want to remain in limelight.” “几乎全宇宙超a级高调加盟,,这些大人物真是不甘寂寞。” host person: Material showed, this organization establishment purpose is the mediation more and more frequent Super A Grade armed conflict, but in the establishment on the same day, they held the plenary sessions, under the interstellar media onlooking, openly conducted more than ten mediation, with the way of peace talks, solved conflicts between dozens Super A Grade. Facts showed that has the effect very much, these people stopped the conflict, the Super A Grade clash that recently sent frequently obtained effective containment, no longer some people were involved during the conflict unlucky.” 主持人:“资料显示,这家组织的成立宗旨是调解越来越频繁的超a级武力冲突,而在成立当天,他们召开了全体会议,在星际媒体旁观下,公开进行了十几场调解,用和平谈判的方式,化解了数十个超a级之间的矛盾。事实证明很有效果,这些人都停止了争端,最近频发的超a级冲突事件得到了有效的遏制,不再有人倒霉被卷入冲突之中。” Looking at it like this, this organization is very useful.” The honored guest who is the consortium executive complained: „The Super A Grade destructive power was too big, among them the conflict will often incur the public loss of immense, is not which planet was hit to explode, is the crowds is killed by the complementary waves, the rare present had organization, can manage this group of people.” “这样看来,这个组织还是非常有用的。”一名担任财团高管的嘉宾抱怨道:“超a级的破坏力太大了,他们之间的争端往往会带来巨大的公共损失,不是哪颗星球被打爆了,就是围观群众被余波害死,难得现在有了个组织,可以管一管这群人了。” Is ah is ah, I have one to live in the Broken Starlink friend, he runs to surround meeting of Black Star and Tyrant dozens years ago, because by too nearly, accidently lost life, afterward does not have any compensation.” Some person of tsukkomi, I do not know the person who joins in the fun how thinks, they think that is the concert is inadequate?” “是,我有一个住在破碎星环的朋友,他就是在几十年前跑去围观黑星霸者的约战,因为靠得太近,不幸身亡,事后没有任何赔偿。”有人吐槽,“我也不知道凑热闹的人是怎么想的,他们以为那是演唱会不成?” ordinary person could it be that power user does not kill carefully are few, how long social contradiction this has, according to the research indicated, every day entire cosmos died of power user's ordinary everyone directly or indirectly counts, was about 10 17 powers of exponent, you think that this number occupied fearfully, this was the major problem that and we lived to be closely linked.” 超能者不小心害死的普通难道还少吗,这是存在多久的社会矛盾了,根据研究表明,每天全宇宙直接或间接死于超能者的普通人人数,约为十的十七次方,你们想想这个数据有多可怕,这可是和我们生活息息相关的大问题。” An honored guest is indignant, he is some ordinary person and power user equal rights organization delegate. 一位嘉宾愤愤不平,他是某个普通人与超能者平权组织代表 Therefore I thought that this organization has special significance, Super A Grade is worthy of their super power social class peak status, was a very good model for entire cosmos power user, very responsible.” The host person avoids this sharp topic with a smile, demonstrated behind in the screen Manison and Han Xiao's virtual head picture, said: However the two main sponsor, is Tool Nation and Black Star, they held the post of Growth Association president and vice-president respectively.” “所以我觉得这家组织意义非凡,超a级无愧于他们超能阶级巅峰的身份,为全宇宙超能者做了个很好的表率,非常有责任感。”主持人笑着避开这个尖锐的话题,在身后屏幕展示出麦尼逊韩萧的虚拟头像,道:“而两位主要发起者,便是械国黑星,他们分别担任了发展联合会会长副会长。” Oh, but this two big character in big character!” “喔,这两个可是大人物中的大人物!” A society figure makes the exaggerating hand signal: Manison was needless saying that he was established Super A Grade, everyone was familiar, he sat the president position, no one found it strange, on the contrary was Black Star, he was character that nearly dozens years rose, depressed other veterans unexpectedly, sat a second position in a hierarchy.” 一位社交名媛做出夸张的手势:“麦尼逊就不用说了,他是老牌的超a级,大家都熟悉,他坐上会长的位置,没人觉得奇怪,反倒是黑星,他是近几十年才崛起的人物,竟然压下其他老资格,坐上了第二把交椅。” Super A Grade is one strength supreme fellows, a short time ago Black Star with one fight twelve, made the score of history level, the qualifications did not limit his factor.” Slime Clan that pursues star dances with joy. 超a级是一帮实力至上的家伙,前不久黑星以一敌十二,打出了历史级的战绩,资历不是限制他的因素。”一名追星的史莱姆族手舞足蹈。 speaking of which, Black Star proposed that idea of Growth Association, seeming like the blasting fuse is this campaign, Manison is only partner that he draws.” 说起来,黑星提出发展联合会的构思,貌似导火索就是这场战役,麦尼逊只是他拉来的合伙人。” Not is right, wants me to look at ah, actually Discussion of the Gods had the clue, they were early deliberate, was Black Star brought both sides together, because the contribution was biggest, obtained the vice-president position, as for these Super A Grade goals, who knew? Perhaps also while the time of Glittering World development, wants to shuffle together, everyone is in any case same.” “不对不对,要我看,其实诸神会谈就有端倪了,他们早有预谋,是黑星在其中牵线搭桥,因为贡献最大,得到了副会长的位置,至于这些超a级的目的,谁知道呢?或许也是趁着闪耀世界开发的时机,想要一起洗牌吧,反正大家都一样。” I checked the material, Black Star was active recently, he not only coordinates to establish Growth Association, but also took the post of the Unlimited Consortium new shareholder, Empire sold Evolution Totem also to put on the agenda officially, even he also pitched into the entertainment industry. In the interstellar movie industry association records depository, the movie of Black Star deeds reorganization has initiated a project officially, the director is well-known producer Benny Travol, perhaps we can witness the process that Black Star rises on the screen quickly.” “我查了查资料,黑星最近非常活跃,他不仅牵头建立发展联合会,还出任了无限财团的新股东,帝国正式售卖进化图腾也提上了日程,甚至他还进军了娱乐业。星际影业协会的档案库中,黑星事迹改编的电影已经正式立项,导演是知名制作人本尼·特拉沃尔,或许我们很快就可以在荧幕上目睹黑星崛起的过程。” The host person and honored guest spoke with confidence. 主持人与嘉宾侃侃而谈。 . 啪。 At this time, Empire army officer put down the wine glass layer on layer/heavily, curled the lip, disdains saying: Any nonsense mediated, one crowd of Super A Grade acting, really could do, believes their nonsense was one group of fools.” 这时,一名帝国军官重重放下酒杯,撇撇嘴,不屑道:“什么狗屁调解,一群超a级演戏罢了,真是做得出来,相信他们鬼话的都是一帮蠢蛋。” The people in bar laugh immediately. 酒吧里的众人顿时哄笑起来。 On the scene is the discerning people, is the Empire's soldier, stands in the Empire's standpoint, can't help turns on a record player. 在场都是明眼人,又是帝国的军人,站在帝国的立场,不由打开了话匣子。 This was Super A Grade official association, it seems like they wanted to recapture some rights from Three Great Civilizations finally.” “这算是超a级的官方协会了,看来他们终于想要从三大文明手里夺回一些权利了。” didn't think Black Star is the main leader, hey, really the bystanders are untrustworthy, before owing me, worship his a period of time.” 没想到黑星是主要牵头人,,果然外人都信不过,亏我以前还崇拜过他一段时间。” Nothing strange, he after all is not the Empire person, have no reason request his absolute loyally.” “没什么奇怪的,他毕竟不是帝国人,没理由要求他的绝对忠诚。” Three Great Civilizations will be difficult in the future, has one more influence not allow to neglect competitor.” 三大文明未来难咯,又多了一个势力不容忽视的竞争对手。” Listens to colleague's discussion, Gaud to sway the wine glass that is loaded with the amber brown liquor fluid, is staring in the program silently the Han Xiao's virtual head picture, the look is meaningful. 听着同僚的议论,高德摇晃着装有琥珀色酒液的酒杯,默默盯着节目中韩萧的虚拟头像,眼神意味深长。 Your position was getting higher and higher......” “你的地位越来越高了呢……” Because Chaotic Secret Ability was snatched, Gaud has maintained the stress point to pay attention to Han Xiao, looks helplessly Han Xiao continually gains the capital, the in the cosmos position is getting higher and higher. 因为混沌秘能被抢,高德一直对韩萧保持着重点关注,眼睁睁看着韩萧不断获取资本,在宇宙中的地位越来越高。 recently Hela's Rescue War, makes him rush again surprisedly to Han Xiao's growth rate. 前段时间海拉营救战,也让他再次对韩萧的成长速度赶到惊奇。 The Gaud wrist/skill stops, as the liquor fluid the inertia , to continue to rock revolving in the wine glass, he lowers the head, gazes at the vortex in cup, the corners of the mouth is bringing back the curve that ponders. 高德手腕一停,酒液随着惯性,继续在酒杯中晃动旋转,他低下头,注视着杯中的漩涡,嘴角勾起玩味的弧度。 „Before Manison, has this idea, now finally waits till the opportunity, Growth Association actually good excuse, when I became Super A Grade, eight parts/most likely must join a society. didn't think you also support this approach, actually you approve of Manison that to go into the theory of Super A Grade United Battlefront, said that...... you also did discover that matter?” 麦尼逊以前就有这个想法,现在终于等到机会了,发展联合会倒是个不错的借口,等我成了超a级,八成也要入会。只是没想到你也支持这个做法,你究竟是赞同麦尼逊那套超a级统一战线的理论,还是说……你也发现了那件事?” ...... …… Black Star's Mobile Palace, legion commander office. 黑星行宫,军团长办公室。 It seems like Growth Association first time presented very successfully......” “看来发展联合会第一次亮相十分成功……” After Han Xiao, depends on the chair supinely, the both legs builds on the table, is examining the news of each media in Quantum Network rapidly, looks the color of satisfaction. 韩萧后仰靠着椅子,双腿搭在桌上,在量子网络中飞速查看着各个媒体的新闻,面露满意之色。 In some time ago, Growth Association formally announced the establishment to the outside world, oneself took vice-president, presented at the ceremony. 就在不久前,发展联合会正式向外界宣布成立,自己作为副会长,也在仪式上亮相。 Regarding the ordinary people, the establishment of Growth Association does not have the indication, about hundred Super A Grade trends are noticeable, therefore news, once were issued, then evoked the extensive discussion of entire cosmos people from various circles. 对于普通群众来说,发展联合会的成立毫无征兆,近百位超a级的动向引人注目,所以消息一经发布,便引起了全宇宙社会各界的广泛讨论。 But most shocks is Glittering World, in Free Competition Region most influences, was startled by this sudden occurrence. 而最震撼的便是闪耀世界,在自由竞争区的绝大多数势力,都被这个突发事件惊到了。 Exploring the Glittering World's influence are many, but looks like in these organization, at present the Free Competition Region true situation, actually the confrontation among three forces, Empire alone one side, Radiant and Ethereal union, Super Star Cluster Alliance is finally while. 探索闪耀世界的势力很多,但在这些组织看来,目前自由竞争区的真正局势,其实是三足鼎立,帝国独自一边,光辉与虚灵联合一边,超星团同盟是最后一边。 In comparison, the influences of other free explorations only calculate the economic problem, is one group of disbanded soldiers, but this three parties are the politics confront, is the giant conflict of uppermost layer, looks like the enterprise battle to be the same with the disparity of national battle. 相比之下,其他自由探索的势力只算经济问题,都是一群散兵游勇,而这三方是政治对峙,是最上层的巨头争端,就像是企业争斗和国家争斗的差距一样。 Originally although the Super A Grade influence are many, but has the ownership respectively, but sticks together now, if formation benefit united body, will then come out the one colossus, situation possibly by the confrontation among three forces, becomes the four directions to strive for hegemony. 本来超a级势力虽多,但各有归属,可现在抱团,若是形成利益联合体,那么将会多出来一个庞然大物,局势可能由三足鼎立,变为四方争霸。 However this is only the speculation, whether it is Manison or Han Xiao, has no intention in carrying out the intense action. Three Great Civilizations in the negotiations of ultimate knowledge, attempt makes them cope with Super Star Cluster Alliance, even if Han Xiao very wants to take the opportunity to aim at Modo Civilization, but to take the entire situation into account, can only express the rejection. 不过这只是外界的猜测,无论是麦尼逊还是韩萧,都无意于开展激烈的行动。三大文明终极知识的谈判中,试图让他们去对付超星团同盟,哪怕韩萧挺想借机针对摩多文明,可为了顾全大局,只能表示拒绝。 In the plan, Growth Association the biggest role is to currently provide the one exchange platform, most important quest then through platform, slowly conformity each member resources, with every effort formation Super A Grade benefit united body, only then condenses the immense benefit network this in a state of disunity, solidify foundations, has the United Battlefront significance, otherwise Growth Association is only the one empty shell. 在规划中,发展联合会目前最大的作用是提供一个交流平台,首要任务便是通过平台,慢慢整合各个成员的资源,尽力形成超a级的利益联合体只有把这一盘散沙凝聚起巨大的利益网络,夯实基础,才有统一战线的意义,否则发展联合会只是一个空壳。 Does this matter to need very long time, moreover Three Great Civilizations will certainly obstruct unceasingly, therefore before completion, Growth Association does not have the energy to do other matter...... these Super A Grade, even if there is idea respectively, will not display in early stage, will only support such resource integration, achieves wins.” “干成这件事需要很长时间,而且三大文明一定会不断阻挠,所以在完成之前,发展联合会没有精力干别的事情……那些超a级就算各有想法,在初期也不会表现出来,只会支持这样的资源整合,达成共赢。” Han Xiao with thumb flexure the chin, thought aloud. 韩萧用大拇指挠了挠下巴,自言自语。 Super A Grade association newly established, whether it is from tentative plan of Manison or oneself, a very long section of road, this is a long-term enterprise, the time unit at least is ten years is basic , does not need to care anxiously anxiously. 超a级协会刚成立,无论是距离麦尼逊或是自己的设想,都还有很长的一段路,这是个长期的事业,时间单位至少是十年为基础,急也急不来,不用一直放在心上。 What is worth mentioning is, Sorokin takes the only one different kind, clears the way with money and personal connection, crushes into the Director seat that peak Super A Grade huddled together. 值得一提的是,索罗金作为唯一一个异类,用金钱和人脉开道,挤进了巅峰超a级扎堆的理事席。 Han Xiao learns the Sorokin's attitude after Traveler there, in the surface maintains composure, pays attention to this fellow actually in secret with emphasis. Now the situation transformed, turns into enemy is in the light while I am in the dark, Han Xiao took the consortium shareholder, has not pushed aside Sorokin, such will only arouse the vigilance of opposite party. 韩萧旅者那里得知索罗金的态度后,表面上不动声色,实际暗中重点关注这家伙。现在局势转换,变成了敌明我暗,韩萧作为财团股东,并没有排挤索罗金,那样只会引起对方的警觉。 However as the saying goes, counter practices horse Zhe to make one's own way, other did not discuss, Sorokin makes money very to have one set. 不过俗话说,逆练马哲发家致富,别的不谈,索罗金赚钱还是挺有一套的。 As the matter stands, my target achieved, when Super Power Disaster erupts, I can by the top stance involvement, even guides this edition mainline......” Han Xiao to exhale one breath, the mentality relaxes. “这样一来,我的目标就达成了,等到超能灾祸爆发,我就能以高位的姿态介入,甚至引导这个版本的主线……”韩萧呼出一口气,心态放松。 Super A Grade as the summit of individual mighty force, is the innumerable power user's idols, but Super A Grade sticking together, the certain extent can guide the trend of entire power user social class, after this is also Super Power Disaster erupts, the influence rapidly to sweep across the cosmos important reason. 超a级作为个人伟力之巅,乃是无数超能者的偶像,而超a级抱团,一定程度可以引导整个超能者阶级的动向,这也是超能灾祸爆发后,影响力迅速席卷宇宙的重要原因。 For the time being puts down this matter, Han Xiao opens the forum, glances over player to this matter's view. 暂且放下这件事,韩萧打开论坛,浏览玩家对此事的看法。 As expected, the key point of player attention is not the Growth Association significance, but is so many Super A Grade given names, loves to talk about these top npc. 不出所料,玩家关注的重点不是发展联合会的意义,而是这么多超a级的名号,对这些顶级npc津津乐道。 He even saw the one Huaxia (China) player's post, the style set of Liangshanpo on Super A Grade association, arranged the seating order to each Super A Grade member: 他甚至看到了一个华夏玩家的帖子,把梁山泊的画风套在了超a级协会上面,给每个超a级成员排了座次: Maintainer of Justice Manison and Jade Qilin Black Star and Mastermind Kesuye and Cloud-entering Dragon Milizaus and Flower Monk Serraon, small Sorokin and Nine-marked Dragon Secrets Lord...... 呼保义麦尼逊玉麒麟黑星智多星克苏耶入云龙米利扎乌斯花和尚塞拉昂、小索罗金九纹龙秘主…… Saw that the one after another acquaintance took a seat according to ticket number, the Han Xiao corners of the mouth rise crazily. 看到一个个熟人被对号入座,韩萧嘴角疯狂上扬。 When sees the Hela nickname, he could not hold in finally, pats the table to laugh wildly. 在看到海拉绰号的时候,他终于憋不住了,拍桌狂笑。 Vixen Hela?! hā hā hā hā 母夜叉海拉?!噗哈哈哈哈 What are you smiling?” “你在笑什么呢?” At this time, Aurora walked in, saw Han Xiao this elated appearance, can't help is startled. 这时,欧若拉走了进来,看到韩萧这副乐不可支的模样,不由吃了一惊。 cough cough, no.” 咳咳,没什么。” Han Xiao is suppressing the happy expression, scratched the corner of the eye, beckons toward Aurora, comes.” 韩萧憋着笑意,擦了擦眼角,朝欧若拉招手,“过来点。” Aurora hears word, arrives at in front of Han Xiao, she was called the office suddenly, at this time is puzzled. 欧若拉闻言,走到韩萧身前,她是被突然唤到办公室的,此时一脸不解。 Han Xiao lifts the hand to hold the Aurora's small arm suddenly, pinched carefully, pinches her shoulder. 韩萧忽然抬手抓住欧若拉的小臂,细细捏了起来,一路捏到她的肩膀。 Aurora body one stiff, stands is not having avoid same place, is curious and disturbed. 欧若拉身子一僵,站在原地没有躲开,又好奇又忐忑。 „Do you...... you do?” “你……你干嘛?” Han Xiao sized up one up and down, withdraw hand, hesitates saying: I take a look at your skeleton to be surprised, even if backlashed can still support.” 韩萧上下打量了一眼,收回手,沉吟道:“我瞅你骨骼惊奇,就算被反噬也能撑住。” Wha, what meaning?” “什、什么意思?” . 啪。 hears word, Han Xiao puts out Holy Light Particle containment device, patted on the desktop, said with a smile: 闻言,韩萧拿出圣光粒子收容装置,拍在了桌面上,笑道: My this time goes to Secondary Dimension, touched one new original ability body, I want to pour into your within the body it, how did you feel?” “我这次去次级维度,摸到了一个新的原始异能体,我想把它注入你的体内,你觉得怎么样?” Han Xiao explained that he undergoes a consideration, decided that looks for the one host to Holy Light Particle. 韩萧解释了一遍,他经过一番考虑,决定给圣光粒子一个宿主。 He quite new strength system that takes seriously Seed of Holy Light to bring, but this will consume the source essence, therefore looks for one to use the host that life medicament governs the deficiency of vitalness of the kidneys, manufactures Secret Ability Envoy more useful than it. 他比较重视圣光种子带来的新力量体系,而这会消耗本源精华,所以找一个可以使用生命药剂治肾亏的宿主,比将其制作成秘能使更有用。 But bringing life ability Aurora naturally is the first choice, making her become the host, basically ceased the deficiency of vitalness of the kidneys. 而自带生命异能欧若拉自然是首选,让她当上宿主,基本就杜绝肾亏了。 If not match, Han Xiao will consider the previous generation host Evans. 若是不匹配,韩萧就会考虑前世的宿主埃文斯 original ability?” Aurora opens the eye, looks curiously to the gold energy in containment device. 原始异能?”欧若拉睁大眼睛,好奇望向收容装置内的金色能量。 Holy Light Particle is not glad, sends out not indignant mental oscillation/fluctuation: Hey, is this you to the host that I look for? She was also too tender!” 圣光粒子不乐意了,发出不忿的精神波动:“喂,这就是你给我找的宿主?她也太嫩了吧!” „The tender what tenderness, she is younger than me am about ten years old.” Han Xiao shows the whites of the eyes secretly. “嫩什么嫩,她就比我小个十岁左右。”韩萧暗暗翻了个白眼。 What! Your such Super A Grade, minimum several hundred years old!” Holy Light Particle even more was angry, „isn't that she several hundred years old? It is not really concerned about face, is still installing unexpectedly tenderly!” “什么!你这样的超a级,起码几百岁了吧!”圣光粒子更加恼怒了,“那她不也是几百岁?真不要脸,竟然还在装嫩!” „...... Can I pinch it?” “……我能捏死它吗?” A Aurora forehead heavy line. 欧若拉一脑门黑线。 The old ladies......, younger sister my Life Strength is exuberant, originally is so tender, installs your head! 老娘……呸,妹妹生命力旺盛,本来就这么嫩,装你个头! Holy Light Particle is still unforgiving, shouts to shout: I want the strong male host, such can be joined to my strength!” 圣光粒子还在不依不饶,嚷嚷道:“我要强壮的雄性宿主,那样才配得上我的力量!” Han Xiao has found out its disposition, ill-humoredly said: Where you come so many idle talk, act up, I give Chaotic Secret Ability you again, making it play with you well.” 韩萧早就摸清楚了它的脾性,没好气道:“你哪来这么多废话,再逼逼,我就把你交给混沌秘能,让它好好玩弄你。” Holy Light Particle shuts up instantaneously, instigates very effective. 圣光粒子瞬间闭嘴,怂得非常有效率。 Han Xiao pressed under containment device, springs the needle, Aurora sees that puts out a hand reluctant, is biting the lip, to Han Xiao in her body pierced. 韩萧按了下收容装置,弹出针头,欧若拉见状,不情不愿伸出手来,咬着嘴唇,任由韩萧在她身上扎了一针。 Bang! 轰! the next moment, the glare explodes suddenly at present in Han Xiao, as if solar flare eruption! 下一刻,强光陡然在韩萧眼前爆开,仿佛耀斑爆发!
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