TM :: Volume #12 4.0闪耀世界·时代狂潮!

#1085: perfect host and bait

Holy Light Particle was injected into Aurora within the body, starts with cell fusion, life ability of her within the body also moves restlessly instantaneously, has the strong response. 圣光粒子被注入欧若拉体内,开始与细胞融合,她体内的生命异能也瞬间躁动起来,产生激烈的反应。 The white-gold ray shines through from the Aurora's flesh every inchs, the whole person turned into the one dazzling human-shaped light source, each hair as if turned into the ray of substantializing, her exsomatize drifts in the midair, releases noblly, is revealing sleek/moist, holy aura. 白金色的光芒从欧若拉的每一寸肌肤透射而出,整个人变成了一个耀眼的人形光源,每一根发丝都仿佛变成了实质化的光线,她离体飘浮在半空,释放着高贵、露润、圣洁的气场 The eyeball rapid adaptation glare, Han Xiao opens the eye to stare at Aurora in transformation, is grasping completely empty containment device, in the event of the sign of backlash, gives Aurora to grip one again, attracts Holy Light Particle. 眼球飞速适应强光,韩萧睁大眼睛盯着转化中的欧若拉,握着空空如也的收容装置,一旦出现反噬的迹象,就再给欧若拉扎一针,把圣光粒子吸出来。 Those who let Han Xiao feel relieved, the fusion process is very smooth, until the ray abates, Aurora falls to the ground slowly, as if immersed in the taste, appearance that has not gotten back one's composure. 韩萧放心的是,融合过程十分顺利,直到光芒消歇,欧若拉才缓缓落地,仿佛沉浸在刚才的滋味中,一副还没回过神的模样。 . 啪。 Han Xiao in her at present finger snapped: How feels?” 韩萧在她眼前打了个响指:“感觉怎么样?” Probably...... is very comfortable?” “好像……还挺舒服的?” Aurora covers the chest, a face is indefinite. 欧若拉捂住心口,一脸不确定。 Without backlash, you are the Holy Light Particle host, felt its strength?” “既然没有反噬,那你已经是圣光粒子的宿主了,感受到它的力量了吗?” You say this?” “你是说这个?” Aurora closed one's eyes to feel, stretched out the palm, the palm toward on, shook slightly, immediately sprang one group of gold rays, the pellet feeling was intense, like a cybotaxis in together firefly. 欧若拉闭眼感受了一下,伸出手掌,掌心朝上,微微一抖,登时弹出一团金色光芒,颗粒感强烈,像一群聚在一起的萤火虫。 Grasps unexpectedly such quickly? Generally speaking, the host just with original ability fusion, had a period of adaptation to be right. 竟然掌握得这么快?一般来说,宿主刚刚与原始异能融合,都有一段适应的时期才对。 It is said that the period for adaptation is shorter, is higher on adaptability of delegate host. 据说,适应期越短,就代表宿主的适配性越高。 life ability and Holy Light Particle characteristics truly matched , perhaps to have what chemical reaction very much, as the matter stands, can maximize uses Holy Light Particle , the convenience conducted my plan...... Han Xiao to touch the chin. 生命异能圣光粒子的特性确实很配,说不定产生了什么化学反应,这样一来,就能最大化利用圣光粒子了,也方便进行我的计划……韩萧摸了摸下巴。 He lifts the hand to touch to the light group of Aurora palm, this light group hid unexpectedly toward side, Han Xiao was happy immediately, said with a smile: 他抬手摸向欧若拉掌心的光团,这个光团竟然往旁边躲了一下,韩萧顿时乐了一下,笑道: Hallowed, after I know your fusion, can share sense organ of host, being able to hear me to speak, do not feign death, this host how?” 阿圣,我知道你融合后可以共享宿主的感官,听得见我说话,别装死,这个宿主怎么样?” Un......” “嗯……” Holy Light Particle frothed over, exudes the comfortable snoring sound, just like a stretching oneself cat, did not shut out Aurora, immediately changes a statement: 圣光粒子冒泡了,发出舒服的呼噜声,犹如一只伸懒腰的猫,也不嫌弃欧若拉了,立即改了口: Was too comfortable, I am Life Strength that first time feels to rush, this is I have experienced the best host......” “太舒服了,我还是第一次感受到这么澎湃的生命力,这是我经历过最棒的宿主……” Snort, you did not say a moment ago.” Aurora wrinkled the nose discontentedly. “哼,你刚才可不是这么说的。”欧若拉不满地皱了皱鼻子。 I made a mistake, except for you, no one can be joined to my ~ the Holy Light Particle light group to turn circle around Aurora, very looks like a puppy dog that entangles owner to act like a spoiled brat. “我错了,除了你,谁都配不上我~圣光粒子的光团绕着欧若拉转圈,贼像一条缠着主人撒娇的小狗狗。 Han Xiao curls the lip in side. 韩萧在旁边撇了撇嘴。 Tch, a moment ago was not also very unyielding, turned the head becomes licked the dog, you said that was fragrant. ,刚才不是还挺硬气的嘛,转头就成了舔狗,你就说香不香吧。 Aurora practiced a meeting, then takes and puts away quickly freely, in her sensation, looks like suddenly the new limbs that came out such as the arm to incite, operated not to have the difficulty. 欧若拉练习了一会,很快便收放自如,在她的感知中,就像是突然多出来了一条如臂指使的新肢体,操纵起来毫无难度。 Goes back to practice, original ability has the multiple effects, had Holy Light Particle, your self-preservation ability also meets to bring it up a level.” Han Xiao urging. “回去多练,原始异能具有多重功效,有了圣光粒子,你的自保能力也会更上一层楼。”韩萧叮嘱。 The Aurora's localization is healer, life ability lacks battle power, now became the Holy Light Particle host, she obtained strengthened physique, the overspeed flight, the dimension shuttle and disciplinary punishment evil and other new ability. 欧若拉的定位是奶妈,生命异能缺乏战斗力,现在成了圣光粒子宿主,她就得到了增强体质、超速飞行、维度穿梭、惩戒邪恶等新能力 Especially the dimension shuttled back and forth, making her mobility span several scales, if later encountered what danger, escaped more convenient. 特别是维度穿梭,让她的机动性跨越了数个档次,以后若是遇到什么危险,逃跑方便许多。 However Han Xiao attaches great importance, provides Seed of Holy Light ability, he tested, the pleasant surprise discovered that the tentative plan of oneself was correct, Aurora's life ability truly can supplement that the consumption of Holy Light Particle source core, means new strength system that the batch provided Seed of Holy Light was feasible. 不过韩萧最重视的,还是提供圣光种子能力,他测试了一番,惊喜发现自己的设想是正确的,欧若拉的生命异能确实可以补充圣光粒子本源核心的消耗,意味着批量提供圣光种子的新力量体系可行了。 This is quite useful to Black Star Legion, on the one hand can be player and drive of legion warrior, on the other hand, can attract lots of ordinary people, making them see that to become power user's hopes, supplements basic unit strength. 这对黑星军团颇为有用,一方面可以作为玩家军团战士的激励,另一方面,又可以吸引大量普通人,让他们看到成为超能者的希望,补充基层力量 Han Xiao said the idea, some Aurora gallbladders tremble, the tone is timid: 韩萧把想法说了一遍,欧若拉有些胆颤,语气怯怯: You must popularize massively......” “你要大规模普及吗……” Almost, but now you were the host, I must undergo your agreement to be good.” “差不多吧,不过现在你是宿主了,我也得经过你的同意才行。” hears word, Aurora starts to speak but hesitates. 闻言,欧若拉欲言又止。 She had tried a moment ago ability that splits Seed of Holy Light, body, although can withstand, but will consume many Life Energy, if using massively, she does not know Life Strength that oneself naturally saves every day is sufficient , perhaps to experience every day presses out the dry/does feeling. 她刚才试过了分裂圣光种子能力,身体虽然顶得住,但会消耗不少生命能量,要是大规模使用,她也不知道自己每天自然积攒的生命力够不够用,说不定每天都要体验被榨干的感觉。 Hesitant the long time, Aurora steeled one's heart suddenly, two shut, said firmly: Good, I, I can endure!” 犹豫了半晌,欧若拉突然把心一横,两眼一闭,坚定说道:“好吧,我、我挺得住!” Expression that your how died for a good cause honorably?” Han Xiao pinched her nose, teased: Relax, I will not make you bleed in vain, you can withdraw Seed of Holy Light, this , not only can supplement your debt, but can also help you grow rapidly, saved Life Strength compared with you every day quickly.” “你怎么一副光荣就义的表情?”韩萧捏了捏她的鼻子,打趣道:“放心吧,我不会让你白白出血的,你能收回圣光种子,这不仅可以补充你的亏空,还能助你快速成长,比你每天积攒生命力快多了。” Like this seizes others' effort achievement, is not good......” some Aurora resistances, this does not conform to her principle. “这样夺走别人的努力成果,不好吧……”欧若拉有些抗拒,这不符合她的原则。 hā hā hā —— Han Xiao smiled, said with a tone of big capitalist: „Does this return not simple? Money cannot solve all, but can solve most problems, I hire one group of people specially, the work is foster Seed of Holy Light, after realizing, picks to you. Actually this and works no difference, is only the work content is different, is they pays time essentially, creates the value for me, so long as the reward gave enough, that was transaction that your sentiment I hope that does not need any guilty conscience.” 哈哈哈——韩萧笑了起来,用一副大资本家的口气说道:“这还不简单?钱不能解决一切,但能解决大部分问题,我专门雇佣一群人,工作就是培育圣光种子,练成后给你采摘。其实这和打工没什么区别,只是工作内容不同罢了,本质上都是他们付出时间,为我创造价值,只要酬劳给够了,那就是一门你情我愿的交易,不需要有任何负罪感。” Probably a little truth......” Aurora, although the deviation defends the foreword to be good, but is not the one-track mind, such a saying, she had no resistance psychology. “好像有点道理……”欧若拉虽然偏向守序善良,但也不是死脑筋,这么一说,她就没什么抗拒心理了。 Does not say a hello to win others' fruit of labor, with reaches an agreement from the beginning this is a work, both nature is entirely different, with contemplating, the work of sacrificial offering foster Holy Light Particle, can punch the clock to go to work similarly, has no difference from these legion officers essentially, is a laborer. 不打一声招呼夺走别人的劳动成果,和一开始就说好这是一门工作,两者性质截然不同,用冥想、祭祀培育圣光粒子的工作,同样可以打卡上班,本质上和那些军团文员没啥区别,都是打工仔。 Han Xiao chooses Aurora to work as the host, isn't just displays Seed of Holy Light ability to the full, wants to make Aurora enjoy the Holy Light Particle shear chives level growth potential, accelerates her to promote the speed that. 韩萧欧若拉当宿主,不止是最大程度发挥圣光种子能力,还是想让欧若拉享受圣光粒子割韭菜级成长性,加速她升级的速度。 Aurora did not have the bottleneck, shear chives to accumulate Life Strength quickly not to know many times compared with the nature in any case, was equal to that big group of people helped her accumulate experience, in his opinion quite had the elegant demeanor of technique of shadow clone. 反正欧若拉没有瓶颈,割韭菜比自然积累生命力快了不知道多少倍,等于一大堆人帮她积累经验,在他看来颇有影分身之术的风采。 Will soon make Aurora enter into new gradation, Germination Organization three Super A really became. 早日让欧若拉迈入新的层次,萌芽组织一门三超A就真成了。 After meeting Netherland Dimension, Han Xiao had such thoughts. His target does not make Aurora's healing power go a step further, but settled on the Netherland's effect, only then Aurora achieves Super A Grade, can complete Edo Tensei operation...... 在遇到冥土维度之后,韩萧就有这样的心思了。他的目标不是让欧若拉的奶力更进一步,而是看中了冥土的功效,只有欧若拉达到超A级,才能完成“秽土转生”的操作…… Compares her healing power, that pile of powerhouse of Han Xiao in deep sleep to Netherland is interested, this is a number of strong battlepower. 相比她的奶力,韩萧冥土里面沉睡的那一堆强者更感兴趣,这可是一批超强的战力 I really am a small talent......” Han Xiao laugh in one's heart. “我真是个小天才……”韩萧暗笑。 The only hidden danger is Covenant Organization, this group of people have the rare interest in original ability, if makes them know that Holy Light Particle on Aurora, eight parts/most likely will find the opportunity to rob. 唯一的隐患是圣约组织,这群人对原始异能有超乎寻常的兴趣,若是让他们知道圣光粒子欧若拉身上,八成会找机会抢夺。 However this also happen to lures the snake from its hole, if Covenant Organization has been hiding, oneself instead could not find their —— Covenant Organization not necessarily to have the courage to attack oneself again, but attacks oneself affiliated power user, they dare. 不过这也正好引蛇出洞,要是圣约组织一直躲着,自己反而找不到他们——圣约组织未必有胆子再袭击自己,但袭击自己旗下的超能者,他们还是敢的。 As for the Aurora's security, Han Xiao naturally cannot neglect, he prepares to Aurora also puts in order one set of Sovereign mecha. 至于欧若拉的安全,韩萧自然不会忽视,他准备给欧若拉也整一套皇者机甲 Moreover, he also plans to make several sets of spare Sovereign, throne places the bodies of different person the transfer locator and ensure oneself can descent, treat as transfer device Sovereign momentarily purely. 不仅如此,他还打算多造几套备用的皇者,将传送定位器“王座”放在不同人的身上,保证自己随时能降临,单纯将皇者当作传送装置 The Sovereign construction cost is high, does that very luxuriously, but the Unlimited Consortium shareholder adds on the Evolution Totem sudden and huge profits business, every year can make him gain big Inal, paper money ability pays some costs to have more than enough to spare. 皇者造价高昂,这么做非常奢侈,不过无限财团股东加上进化图腾的暴利生意,每年都能让他多赚一大笔伊纳尔,钞能力支付这部分成本绰绰有余。 Exhorted one, Han Xiao made Aurora go back to develop the Holy Light Particle posture well, after she prepared, will carry out the plan of Envoy of the Holy Light. 嘱咐了一通,韩萧欧若拉回去好好开发圣光粒子的姿势,在她准备好之后,就会开展圣光使者的计划。 Gazed after Aurora to leave the room, Han Xiao can't help remembered Evans. 目送欧若拉离开房间,韩萧不禁想起了埃文斯 The two golds finger of this old iron previous generation was skidded by oneself. 这位老铁前世的两个手指都被自己撬走了。 Evans now situation how?” 埃文斯现在情况怎么样了?” Philip crops up: He is still trying to find out ability buzz.” 菲利普冒出头来:“他还在摸索异能嗡。” Han Xiao looked at the monitoring, since Evans was delivered by him, has had secret training, because of without his instruction, therefore one ability does not have replica now, does not have battle power, situated in lowest E Grade step position. 韩萧看了看监控,自从埃文斯被他送回来,就一直接受秘密培训,因为没有他的吩咐,所以现在还一个异能都没有复刻,毫无战斗力,处于最低的e级阶位 „Did I make target that you sought for find?” Han Xiao asked. “我让你寻找的目标找到了吗?”韩萧问道。 Has locked ability match Inextinguished as follows, the list buzz......” “已经锁定了能力匹配的不灭者,名单如下嗡……” By Philip presents the book shelf of one pocket-sized version, he rummages through chests and cupboards hey hey to hold one pack of materials, in the bygone days throw, the slip of paper of fluttering about changes to the one after another virtual screen, is demonstrating the different character files, float in Han Xiao at present. 菲利普旁边出现一个袖珍版的书柜,他翻箱倒柜咻抱出一叠资料,往天上一抛,纷飞的纸片化作一个个虚拟屏幕,显示着不同人物的档案,悬浮在韩萧眼前。 Han Xiao could not bear shoot a look at his one eyes. 韩萧忍不住瞥了他一眼。 The young fellow juice, are your play so many, giving me entire to live? 小伙汁,你的戏咋这么多,在给我整活呢? At the same time stretches out the finger to hold down the Philip's cheek, with rubbing playdough, presses him on the table rubs back and forth, Han Xiao another side speed reading these files. 一边伸出手指按住菲利普的脸蛋,就和搓橡皮泥似的,将他摁在桌子上来回摩擦,韩萧另一边快速阅读这些档案。 His [New] Ability God Grooming Program implements the path that the plan absorbs, is the Evans plan growth route, continuously in ability that seeking for the most appropriate early time has, but player in these files are two specific type of ability user, respectively is the body strengthening class and mind strengthening class. 他的新·异神培养方案贯彻计划吸收的路子,为埃文斯规划成长路线,一直在寻找最合适早期拥有的异能,而这些档案中的玩家都是两种特定类型的异能者,分别是身体强化类以及心灵强化类。 The E Grade load factor is not high, replica two is most appropriate, the body and mind are the important basic qualities, this is optimized deployment. Evans has the oneself support, does not need to walk Ability God the old route that from slaughtering grows, therefore does not need to be worried that earlier battle power, all take lay the foundation as main target. e级的负荷率不高,复刻两个最合适,身体与心灵是重要的基础素质,这是最优化的配置埃文斯自己扶持,不需要走异神从厮杀中成长的老路,所以不用担心前期的战斗力,一切以打基础为主要目标 On this two.” “就这两个了。” Chose two ability best player, Han Xiao to make Philip issue exclusive quest to them. 选了两个能力最好的玩家,韩萧菲利普给他们发布专属任务 At this moment, the panel suddenly had the sound. 就在这时,面板忽然有了动静。 [ Liberate Beast Ancestor's Influence Has completed!] [【解放兽祖势力】已完成!] oh? Several months ago did troop that sends succeed?” Han Xiao vision one bright. ?几个月前派出去的部队成功了?”韩萧目光一亮。 Before going to Secondary Dimension two-person tour, a number of Beast Ancestor cadre headed by Jotina goes for shelter in him, had requirement, that then liberates Beast Ancestor's Base Camp. 前往次级维度双人游之前,以乔蒂娜为首的一批兽祖干部投奔于他,提出了请求,那便是解放兽祖的大本营 At that time Han Xiao gave the Broken Starlink headquarters soldiers and horses quest, currently several months later, finally has the result, was very seemingly successful, should quick have big pile of mistaking an enemy for a friend newbie. 当时韩萧任务交给了破碎星环本部兵马,现在过了几个月,总算有结果了,看上去似乎很成功,应该很快又有一大堆认贼作父的新人了。 ...... …… Beast Ancestor Base Camp last planet flame flaming, as if the land is burning, the planet defense facility has disintegrated completely, outer space is drifting a lot of spaceship fragments. 兽祖大本营的最后一颗星球火光熊熊,仿佛大地在燃烧,星球防御设施已全部瓦解,外层空间飘浮着大量飞船碎片。 one after another Black Star Legion battleship float in the planet sky, absorbs a lot of commodities and innumerable captives with tractor beam, Mother Body and ignorant immature descendant who majority were rescued. 一艘艘黑星军团战舰悬浮在星球的上空,用牵引光束吸取大量物资和无数俘虏,大多数是被解救出来的母体和懵懵懂懂的幼小后代。 Captive twos and threes that and in a cabin of military transport ship, the species varies shrinks one group, full is anxious, teams of Black Star warrior tear the people, and other different captives separates warrior, Mother Body, the immature descendant alone. 其中一艘运输舰的船舱内,物种各异的俘虏三三两两缩成一团,满是不安,一队队黑星战士把众人扯开,把战士母体、幼小后代等不同的俘虏单独分开。 Do not move, stands!” “别动,都站好!” The captain loud direction of military transport ship. 运输舰的船长大声指挥。 But in the one side, wears black battle equipment, the appearance has the Mia both hands overlap of Hela style, is leaning on a mechanical lance with the small arm, the upper body leans forward, presses the center of gravity on the arm, the finger picks up one bag of between-meal snack, once for a while enters the mouth the sugar bean ball, the eyes is taking a fast look around front a group of captive. 而在一旁,身穿黑色作战服,打扮颇有海拉风格的米娅双手交叠,用小臂拄着一柄机械长矛,上身前倾,把重心都压在胳膊上,手指拈着一袋零食,时不时将糖豆弹进嘴里,双眼扫视着面前一大群俘虏。 The teams of Beast Ancestor soldier captives were drawn the cabin, some crowd tumults, as if there is resistance intention, but seeing stands Mia near wall, these not law-abiding captive body shook, hurries to give up the thoughts. 一队队兽祖士兵俘虏被吸进船舱,人群有些骚动,似乎有反抗的意图,可一看见站在墙边的米娅,这些不安分的俘虏都身子一抖,赶紧打消了心思。 In the fight, they saw with one's own eyes natural disaster grade cadre that guarded Base Camp was hewn the trash by Mia savage, no one dares to act unreasonably before her. 就在刚才的战斗中,他们亲眼看到一位镇守大本营天灾级干部米娅凶残地砍成了渣渣,没人敢在她面前乱来。 At this moment, not far away presented the for a while unrest, Mia turned the head looked over, impressively was several rescued Mother Body is quarrelling with Black Star warrior, exchanged flattery and favors. 就在这时,不远处出现了一阵骚乱,米娅转头望了过去,赫然是几个被解救的母体正在和黑星战士争吵,拉拉扯扯。 „Who you are, knows that our spouses are who? Dares to offend us unexpectedly!” “你们是什么人,知道我们的配偶是谁吗?竟然敢冒犯我们!” Drops, do not entrain me!” “放手,别拽我!” Waits for Beast Ancestor Sirs come back, he will be run over and die you!” “等兽祖大人回来,他会碾死你们!” These clamoring fellows were advanced the crowd by Black Star warrior, was still foul-mouthed, three words cannot leave the Beast Ancestor's given name. 这几个叫嚣的家伙被黑星战士推进了人群,仍然在骂骂咧咧,三句话离不开兽祖的名号。 Looks at this, Mia curls the lip, shakes the head. 看着这一幕,米娅撇撇嘴,摇了摇头。 At this time, nearby transportation captain sighed: 这时,旁边的运输舰长叹了口气: Very pitiful right, these by Mother Body that Beast Ancestor puts under house arrest, basically and isolation, regarding most people, this is the desperate life of total darkness, may have the small number of people to twist, instead worship Beast Ancestor, takes this status as the honor. Although our quest rescues this crowd of Mother Body, perhaps but inside many people do not want to be saved by us, only wants to continue once life.” “很可悲对吧,这些被兽祖软禁的母体,基本都和外界隔绝,对于大部分人来说,这是暗无天日的绝望生活,可也有少数人扭曲了,反而崇拜兽祖,以这个身份为荣。虽然我们的任务是解救这群母体,可是里面说不定很多人不想被我们拯救,只想继续曾经的生活。” Mia shot a look at his one eyes: Do your job, in my eye only has quest, this matter I am not interested.” 米娅瞥了他一眼:“干你的活,我的眼里只有任务,这种事我不感兴趣。” Transports captain to invite scorn, no longer chitchatted , to continue director subordinate to work. 运输舰长讨了个没趣,不再攀谈,继续指挥手下干活。 At this time, Mia's communicator made a sound, after the connection, sprang the Jotina beautiful wild nature face, but this face is actually passing holy maternal Radiant at this time. 这时,米娅的通讯器响了,接通后弹出乔蒂娜妖艳野性的脸庞,可这张脸此时却透着一股圣洁的母性光辉 These Mother Body and immature descendants? Rescued?” Jotina asked impatiently. “那些母体和幼小后代怎么样了?都救出来了吗?”乔蒂娜迫不及待问道。 The Mia show/unfolds face smiles: Relax, the person rescued, they were very affected.” 米娅展颜一笑:“放心吧,人都救到了,她们都很感动。” That was good, my looks for the legion commander report good news to go!” Jotina is delighted beyond measure, right, after you come back, I teach you several fierce moves.” “那太好了,我这就找军团长报喜讯去!”乔蒂娜喜不自胜,“对了,等你回来之后,我教你几手厉害的招数。” Has not waited for answering, Jotina to hang up the communication hurriedly. 还不等回话,乔蒂娜就风风火火挂断了通讯。 Really is the impatient person.” Mia laughs in spite of trying not. “真是急性子。”米娅失笑。 Although Jotina had the request of copulation to the immediate superior in the presence of everyone, shock for a while, as follow-up being together, legion cadre discovered that she is actually very easy getting along with, the character is frank, several months later, she mixed the good personal connection. 虽然乔蒂娜当众对顶头上司提出了交配的请求,震惊一时,可随着后续的相处,军团干部发现她其实很好相处,性格直爽果决,几个月下来,她混出了不错的人缘。 Especially Mia and her friendship are best, two people are big muscle beauty, has the common interest of finishing talking. 特别是米娅和她交情最好,两人都是大肌姬,有谈不完的共同话题。 Receives communicator, Mia looks to front crowd, the vision or on the ignorant or flustered face has swept, gently stretch/leisurely one breath. 收起通讯器,米娅重新望向面前的人群,目光在一张张或懵懂或慌张的脸庞上扫过,轻轻舒了一口气 Nilo, your godfather is really extraordinary character, is including the man who Hela Your Distinguished Self is willing to follow worthily......” 尼洛,你干爹真是个了不得的人物,不愧是连海拉阁下甘愿追随的男人……” Although Black Star turns Gorutan dry/does is the in private resentful retaliation, may from the result, truly do a big good deed for entire cosmos, Mia since admired at heart. 虽然黑星干翻戈鲁坦是出于私怨报复,可从结果来说,确实为全宇宙干了一件大好事,米娅打从心里佩服。
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