TM :: Volume #12 4.0闪耀世界·时代狂潮!

#1083: Exchange and establishment( alliance lord hundred thousand that thanks mongoose controls enjoys!)

The innumerable influences have the extremely enthusiasm to Glittering World, with the new star region big development conducts, the Free Competition Region exploration region more and more thorough center, the efficiency far surpass first three phases of seals develop. 无数势力对闪耀世界具有极高的热情,随着新星域大开发的进行,自由竞争区探索区域越来越深入腹地,效率远超前三期封闭开发。 Fein Star, this is Emerald Star Cluster hub planet, encircles the galaxy intersection point situated in peripheral galaxy in, the favorable location. 费恩星,这是绿宝石星团的一颗枢纽星球,位于外围星系与内围星系的交界处,位置优越。 Originally this is the domain that Modo Civilization holds in advance, however the complementary waves of two Super A Grade influence open fight between factions were unfortunate affect to this place, Modo Civilization troop stationed here encountered „accident”, this/should planet returned without owner status. 本来这是摩多文明先行占据的地盘,然而两个超A级势力火并的余波不幸“波及”到了此地,驻扎在此处的摩多文明部队遭遇“意外”,该星球重新回到无主状态 Later, the Black Star Legion's fleet occupies this place, and offer will come out generously, acts as the Glittering World Super A Grade Growth Association future headquarters. 随后不久,黑星军团的舰队占据此地,并慷慨地“奉献”出来,充当闪耀世界超A级发展联合会未来的总部。 Nowadays, this desolated planet is changed beyond recognition, full is the trace of artificial transformation, the innumerable Black Star Legion's project ship takes off and lands, wantonly various construction surfaces and satellite constructions. 现如今,这颗荒芜星球已经焕然一新,满是人工改造的痕迹,无数黑星军团的工程舰起起落落,大肆建设各种地表与卫星建筑。 The most conspicuous landmark is standing tall and erect highrise building, this is the Growth Association headquarters discussing official business building, the whole presents the trophy shape, but in peak float one gigantic spheroid, floats the spatial fortress like one, the spheroid also has the rich facility, but the special-purpose round table conference room that Super A Grade meets is also one of them. 最显眼的地标建筑是一栋高耸的大楼,这是发展联合会的总部议事大厦,整体呈现奖杯状,而在顶端悬浮着一个硕大的球体,就像一座浮空堡垒,球体内部同样有着丰富的设施,而超A级开会的专用圆桌会议室也在其中。 At this moment, an important conference is convening here. 此时此刻,一场重要的会议正在此处召开。 At present a flower, the Han Xiao's long-distance projection the descent round table conference room, he has taken a fast look around one slightly, many seat some people, meanwhile have new long-distance projection unceasingly descent. 眼前微微一花,韩萧的远程投影已经降临圆桌会议室,他扫视一眼,已经有不少座位有人了,同时还有新的远程投影不断降临 This is Han Xiao returns to later first time to attend the conference, this is a plenary session, convenes Super A Grade that is willing to ally, not just/without end Manison and other lead-taker. 这是韩萧回归之后第一次参加会议,这是一次全体大会,召集了所有愿意加盟的超A级,不止麦尼逊牵头者 Quick, all seat some people, Manison knocked the table, making the people stop whispering. 很快,所有座位都有人了,麦尼逊敲了敲桌子,让众人停止交头接耳。 Everyone, Black Star is the Growth Association main initiator, now he came back, at present all member arrive in full finally, this is our first time plenary sessions, in you some people have not possibly been familiar each other, first introduce.” “各位,黑星发展联合会的主要倡议者,现在他回来了,目前所有成员终于到齐,这是咱们第一次全体会议,你们之中可能有些人还不熟悉彼此,先介绍一下吧。” Super A Grade on the scene has not contacted others even, still knows that each other given name, this act is to just walk a flow, everyone simple reported a given name. 在场的超A级就算没接触过别人,也知道彼此的名号,此举只不过是走个流程,每个人都简单报了一下名号。 Han Xiao one by one sizes up, majority is the person in Discussion of the Gods, but also many fresh faces, contained Three Great Civilizations' direct line. 韩萧一一打量,大部分是诸神会谈中的人,但也有不少新面孔,其中包含了三大文明的嫡系 Also was short of some old faces, for example that several were closed the unlucky egg in amber, calculates, the population are unexpectedly more than Discussion of the Gods. 同时也少了一些老面孔,比如那几个被关在琥珀里的倒霉蛋,算下来,人数竟然比诸神会谈还多一些。 Saw him to look at the past, everyone nodded the head to Han Xiao slightly. 见到他望过去,每个人都向韩萧微微颔首。 Three Great Civilizations' direct line also...... under the Han Xiao heart understands clearly here. 三大文明的嫡系也在这里……”韩萧心下了然。 The reason is not difficult to guess, Growth Association and Three Great Civilizations ripped for several months, both sides made the concessions and compromise in secret, these direct line join a society inevitably is one of the terms of exchange. Although association is impossible to make direct line control the high tier power, but since must call the Super A Grade Association given name, naturally cannot repel Super A Grade to join, even if the Three Great Civilizations' direct line troops. 原因不难猜,发展联合会三大文明撕了几个月,双方暗中都做出了让步和妥协,这些嫡系入会必然是交换条件之一。虽然协会不可能让嫡系掌控高层权力,但既然要叫出超A级协会的名号,自然不能排斥超A级加入,哪怕是三大文明的嫡系人马。 The original intention of people are Super A Grade United Battlefront, elevates the position of entire social class, but stuttered a fatty is not realistic. In early stage, no one wants really to tear to pieces the facial skin, must conduct the compromise of certain extent to Three Great Civilizations. But this will not depart from the original intention, so long as because this platform builds, then composes the one new benefit network, had the function of mediation conflict, Super A Grade can disregard part of struggles that came from the faction ownership. 众人的初衷是超A级统一战线,提升整个阶级的地位,但一口吃成个胖子是不现实的。在初期,没人想真的撕破脸皮,必然要对三大文明进行一定程度的妥协。而这并不会背离初衷,因为只要这个平台搭建起来,便组成一个新的利益网,同时有了调解冲突的职能,超A级能够无视一部分源自阵营归属的斗争了。 As for the more right, then must strive in the future slowly. 至于更多的权利,则要日后慢慢争取。 Han Xiao several months have not come back, but he has been paying attention to the Growth Association arrangement progress, is having many information, is clear regarding the basic system and personnel condition of association. 韩萧数个月没回来,但他一直关注着发展联合会的筹备进度,掌握着不少情报,对于协会的基本制度以及人员状况都一清二楚。 Introduced one after another, Manison looks to Han Xiao, said slowly: 轮番介绍了一遍,麦尼逊望向韩萧,缓缓道: These months, Growth Association arranges well, Black Star you came back recently, the first time participation conference, has anything must say, you are one of the main sponsors, we want to listen to your opinion.” “这几个月,发展联合会筹备得不错,黑星你最近才回来,第一次参与会议,有什么要说的吗,你是主要发起者之一,我们想听听你的意见。” The vision of people focuses immediately. 众人的目光顿时聚焦过来。 Han Xiao clears throat, mentioned the polite talk: 韩萧清了清嗓子,说起了套话: I have no opinion, everyone did very well, initially in Discussion of the Gods, we had discussed this issue, made me be responsible for constructing the exchange platform finally, now has the achievement. As we all know, the Growth Association primary aim is to mediate the conflict between Super A Grade, I heard that presents many 's recent relations to be not quite harmonious, therefore I hope that this platform as fast as possible establishes, entire cosmos is urgently needing such organization, for their taking away peace.” “我没什么意见,大家干得很好,当初在诸神会谈,我们就谈过这个问题,最后让我负责建设交流平台,现在已经有了成果。大家都知道,发展联合会的首要宗旨是调解超A级之间的冲突,我听说在座许多人最近的关系不太和谐,所以我希望这个平台尽快建立起来,全宇宙正迫切需要这样的组织,为他们带去和平。” Black Star said very well.” Manison continued, said: Presents everyone to know, Growth Association in establishment on the way, encountered some barriers, now these barriers virtually eliminate, is only left over the negotiations of ultimate knowledge unable to continue, one side we need to place this matter temporarily, at present a more essential issue is to decide the candidate of management, will soon make Growth Association officially establish.” 黑星说得很好。”麦尼逊接过话头,道:“在座诸位都知道,发展联合会在建立的途中,遇到了一些障碍,现在这些障碍基本消除,只剩下终极知识的谈判无法继续,我们需要把这件事暂时放在一边,目前更关键的问题是决定管理层的人选,早日让发展联合会正式成立。” Without a doubt, in the ultimate knowledge issue, Three Great Civilizations does not yield an inch, after a series of intense bitch fight, both sides maintained certain restraint, decides to change over to the secret talk procedure/program this subject, but cannot put out enough chip mutually, cannot do to temporarily each other, will therefore not have the result for a short time. 毫无疑问,在终极知识的问题上,三大文明寸步不让,经过一系列激烈的撕逼,双方都保持了一定克制,决定将这个议题转入秘密谈判程序,但互相拿不出足够的筹码,也暂时奈何不了彼此,所以一时半会根本不会有结果。 Therefore, Manison some peak Super A Grade transformed the idea, is not willing to be delayed the establishment of Growth Association by this subject, therefore puts down this demand temporarily, not public...... as for in private can teach as the association faction benefits ultimate knowledge, this discussed separately. 因此,麦尼逊在内的一些巅峰超A级转变了想法,不愿意被这个议题拖延发展联合会的成立,于是暂时放下这个诉求,不公开将终极知识作为协会阵营福利……至于私下会不会传授,这就另说了。 The association official tenable last ridge, is the management has not then set, the reason is Black Star has not then come back, now Han Xiao arrives finally, the people then solve this key question unbearably anxiously. 协会正式成立的最后一道坎,便是管理层迟迟没有定下,原因便是黑星没回来,现在韩萧终于到了,众人便急不可耐解决这个关键问题。 Right, the president candidate was the time decided......” [The Ancient] observed the situation the audience, the active opens the mouth: These several months, Distinguished Tool Nation delegate Growth Association, bore the immense pressure, his performance is obvious to all, I proposed that Manison makes first president.” “没错,会长的人选是时候决定了……”一名古老者环视全场,主动开口:“这数个月来,械国阁下代表发展联合会,承受了巨大的压力,他的表现有目共睹,我提议麦尼逊第一任会长。” This phonograph opens, many supporters echo, the for a moment Manison's momentum has covered the audience. 这个话匣子一打开,就有不少支持者附和,一时间麦尼逊的声势盖过了全场。 Several months, Manison has not been idling, he displayed the personal connection advantage of many years of accumulation, not only peak Super A Grade more than half supports him, other Super A Grade member also many people won over by him, especially a [The Ancient] person, overwhelming majority approved that Tool Nation takes the post of president, the momentum has become. 数个月来,麦尼逊没闲着,他发挥了多年积累的人脉优势,不仅巅峰超A级过半支持他,其余的超A级成员也有许多人被他拉拢,特别是古老者一支的人,绝大部分都赞成械国出任会长,声势已成。 Moreover in two campaigner these months were pressed completely, know in the heart not to have the opportunity, basically withdrew from the competition. 另外两名竞选者这几个月里完全被压了下去,心知没有机会,基本退出了竞争。 But at this time, the people are unintentional, all looked at Han Xiao, he disappeared for several months, only everyone was in doubt was his idea. 而此时,众人有意无意,全都把目光投向了韩萧,他消失了数个月,大家唯一拿不准的就是他的想法。 Manison cannot bear look to Han Xiao, this is prevents him to take the post of the president final variable, is beyond control he not to attach great importance. 麦尼逊也忍不住望向韩萧,这是阻止他出任会长的最终变数,由不得他不重视。 However Han Xiao is only the smile does not speak, the meaning without opened the mouth. 然而韩萧只是微笑不语,没有开口的意思。 The Kesuye vision wavers among two people, the probe said: „If no objection, we vote, whether everyone approved Manison holds the post of first, no matter what Growth Association president?” 克苏耶目光在两人之间游移,试探道:“如果都没有异议的话,那咱们表决吧,诸位是否赞成麦尼逊担任第一发展联合会会长?” Approval.” Seconds the motion.” Forfeit.” Approval.” “赞同。”“附议。”“弃权。”“赞同。” Because on the scene is keeping promises big character . Moreover the population are also few, therefore does not put in order these complex selection ceremonies, the simple voting was then enough. 因为在场都是说一不二的大人物,而且人数又少,所以不整那些复杂的选拔仪式,简单投票便足够了。 The people took a stand, Han Xiao also cast an abstaining vote. 众人纷纷表态,韩萧也投了一张弃权票。 Sees this, Manison felt relieved thoroughly, so long as Black Star does not come out restless, his position was then settled. 见到这一幕,麦尼逊彻底放下了心,只要黑星不出来闹腾,他的位置便板上钉钉了。 Three Great Civilizations' direct line all threw the forfeit, obviously reached the agreement early, finally Manison gained the absolute quality support. 三大文明的嫡系全都投了弃权,显然早早达成了协议,最终麦尼逊取得了绝对性的支持。 Sees that Kesuye took a breath air/Qi, said solemnly: Then decided like this, Manison 'The Ancient' Papachi Your Distinguished Self, officially holds the post of first president.” 见状,克苏耶吸了一口气,沉声道:“那么就这样决定了,麦尼逊·古老者·帕帕奇阁下,正式担任第一任会长。” Good.” “好。” The muscle on Manison face is entirely still, cannot see any mood, his not smalltalk, is more modest. 麦尼逊脸上的肌肉纹丝不动,看不出任何情绪,他也不客套,更没必要谦虚。 pā pā...... the people symbolically roused several to hold. 啪啪……众人象征性地鼓了几下掌。 When the applause stops, Kesuye observes the situation the audience, asked: Then vice-president position, who......” 待掌声停止,克苏耶环视全场,问道:“那么副会长的位置,谁……” At this time, Han Xiao opened the mouth suddenly, said with a smile: association can establish, depended upon Black Star Legion in the Glittering World's influence, my merit may be big, was this position quite suitable I, you says?” 这时,韩萧忽然开口了,笑道:“协会得以建立,依靠了黑星军团闪耀世界的势力,我的功劳可不小,这个位置比较适合我,你们说呢?” hears word, the people looks at each other in abundance, the expression is not accidental/surprised. 闻言,众人纷纷对视,表情并不意外。 By the Black Star's strength and position, badly is also one Director, the important assistance that in addition Black Star Legion provides, naturally has the qualifications to sit the vice-president position. 黑星的实力与地位,最差也是一个理事,再加上黑星军团提供的重要协助,自然有资格坐上副会长的位置。 In fact, Han Xiao disagreement/not with Manison fights for has the reason, he when knew that president is the changing session system, then received the thoughts of taking the post of first president. 实际上,韩萧不和麦尼逊争抢是有原因的,他在得知会长是换届制的时候,便收起了出任首届会长的心思。 On the one hand is the oneself background is slightly thin, truly cannot put together the Manison's personal connection, then on the other hand is he analyzes the advantages again, does not want to bear the main pressure in association early stage, if later withstood/top the position by others, is equal to by the person, when the spear/gun causes. 一方面是自己底子略薄,确实拼不过麦尼逊的人脉,另一方面则是他再次分析利弊,不想在协会初期承受主要压力,若是之后被别人顶掉位置,等于被人当枪使。 Han Xiao ran Secondary Dimension to hide for several months, there is this idea, cannot anything I do, finally could not have chosen president, therefore made Manison these people sustain the main pressure simply, he ran to pick the peach...... we are main initiator, the Black Star Legion's influence also plays the help to Growth Association in any case, this merit was big enough. 韩萧跑去次级维度躲了几个月,也有这个想法,总不能啥都我干了,最后还选不上会长,所以干脆让麦尼逊这些人承担主要压力,他则跑回来摘桃子……反正咱是主要发起人,黑星军团的势力也对发展联合会起到了帮助,这份功劳够大。 Has the opportunity of changing session, Han Xiao is not anxious, he does not want with Manison upfront strong, but backs off, seeks the vice-president position, later strives for president. 有换届的机会,韩萧就不急了,他不想和麦尼逊正面硬刚,而是退而求其次,谋个副会长的位置,以后再争取会长 Actually oneself chooses upfront strong even, cannot pick the Manison's big peach. Han Xiao did not plan to put together the personal connection, but through Kand and Old Dragon, rephrased in own words he holds the post of the president advantage, but those present supported Manison at this time as before, delegate they have made benefit Choice. Therefore, even if oneself was public a moment ago with Manison speaks the last words, will not have the support of these people. 其实自己就算选择正面硬刚,也摘不走麦尼逊的大桃子。韩萧本来就不打算拼人脉,而是通过康德老龙,转述了他担任会长的好处,而在场的人此时依旧支持麦尼逊,代表他们已经做出了利益抉择。所以,即使自己刚才公开与麦尼逊叫板,也不会得到这些人的支持。 Although in his hand is having some resources, can be the chip with such as the Evolution Cube use opportunity, received exchange for the support of some people, but cannot change session each time does like this, moreover a lot of resources are disposable, this time used, next time will change session to be possible not to say. 虽然他手里掌握着一些资源,可以用诸如进化方块使用机会作为筹码,换取一些人的支持,可是总不能每次换届都这样搞,而且很多资源是一次性的,这次用了,下次换届可就不好说了。 Since understood the situation, Han Xiao then did not support, only then the qualifications, personal connection and influence achieves higher gradation, can break off the wrist/skill with Manison one layer character steadily. After he considers again and again, decided that makes Manison this tall person go against the day, oneself is good to enjoy the cool air under the big tree , to continue to save the family property, slowly skids Manison as well as his others 's corner. 既然明白了局势,韩萧便不强撑了,只有资历、人脉、影响力达到更高的层次,才可以稳稳与麦尼逊一层人物掰手腕。他反复考虑之后,决定让麦尼逊这个高个子顶着天,自己则在大树底下好乘凉,继续积攒家底,慢慢撬动麦尼逊以及其他人的墙角。 After all oneself has chives to harvest, other growth rate far surpass people, since there is this unique advantage, strategy even more that conceals one's abilities and bides one's time similarly suits oneself. 毕竟自己韭菜可以收割,成长速度远超其他人,既然有这种独特的优势,类似韬光养晦的策略更加适合自己 Person who has attempt to the vice-president position are many, what a pity no powerful competitor, Kesuye and the others has no interest in competing. Because Han Xiao is the local snake reason, most people show due respect for the feelings, happy Manison also exchange of gifts between friends, therefore no twists and turns, the vice-president position fell on Han Xiao's finally. 副会长的位置有企图的人不少,可惜没什么强力竞争者,克苏耶等人没兴趣争夺。因为韩萧地头蛇的缘故,大部分人都给面子,心情不错的麦尼逊也投桃报李,因此没有什么波折,副会长的职位最后落到了韩萧的头上。 Attains this position, Han Xiao felt relieved. 拿到这个位置,韩萧放下了心。 This is manifestation ah of position, without flowered many costs attains the vice-president position, puts together president more cost-effective than the blood. 这才是地位的体现,没花多少成本就拿到副会长的位置,比血拼会长划算。 Following Director seat no suspense, has arranged, is one crowd of peak Super A Grade. But beside this, but also set up three Honorary Director seats, the authority, had not apportioned Three Great Civilizations' direct line peak Super A Grade actually, this naturally is one of the compromise conditions, the intention is self-evident. 接下来的理事席则没什么悬念,早就定好了,都是一群巅峰超A级。而在这之外,还设立了三个荣誉理事的席位,没有实际管理权,分给了三大文明的嫡系巅峰超A级,这自然是妥协条件之一,用意不言而喻。 The first leadership team establishes, the Growth Association tenable date also decided that finished talking these proper business, the conference then finished, the one after another long-distance projection vanished, finally was only left over Manison and Han Xiao's long-distance projection. 第一届领导班子确立,发展联合会的成立日期也随之定了下来,谈完了这些正事,会议便结束了,一道道远程投影消失,最后只剩下麦尼逊韩萧的远程投影。 Congratulated you to hold the post of president.” Han Xiao said at will. “恭喜你担任会长了。”韩萧随意道。 Manison showed the smile, sincere say/way: Do not be discouraged, this too, the future is to also belong to you early your.” 麦尼逊露出了久违的笑容,语重心长道:“别灰心,这对你来说还太早了,未来是属于你的。” Han Xiao blinks, the look ponders. 韩萧眨了眨眼,神色玩味。 Although the previous generation concrete plot is different, but Manison's target should not change, his know a little. 虽然前世具体剧情不同,但麦尼逊的目标应该没变,他略知一二 The previous generation, Manison has the aspiration, there is a selfishness, he wants to make in a big way the cake, to let strength of entire Super A social class turns into the oneself backing, is used to help oneself go a step further. 前世,麦尼逊既有抱负,也有私心,他想把蛋糕做大,也是为了让整个超A阶级的力量变成自己的后盾,用来帮自己更进一步。 Two people positions are different, but also has the part of superposition, at least in very long days, Manison's attempts unable to realize, he wants the enough strong backing, must wait for the entire social class to expand with time. 两人的主张不同,但也有重合的部分,至少在很长一段日子内,麦尼逊的企图都无法实现,他想要足够强的后盾,就必须等待整个阶级随着时间而壮大。 Han Xiao receives the thought that hesitated for two seconds, opens the mouth to ask: „The negotiations about ultimate knowledge, what Three Great Civilizations that side offer is?” 韩萧收起念头,沉吟了两秒,开口问道:“关于终极知识的谈判,三大文明那边的报价是什么?” Chatted this issue, Manison restrained the happy expression, the tone was meaningful: 聊到这个问题,麦尼逊收敛了笑意,语气意味深长: super star cluster civilization.” 超星团文明。” Han Xiao understands clearly immediately, helpless shakes the head. 韩萧顿时了然,无奈摇了摇头。 Originally is one move drives the tiger to swallow the wolf, the in addition type removes firewood from under the pot, not only copes with a more important opponent using association, and destroys the association credibility. 原来是一招驱虎吞狼,外加一式釜底抽薪,既利用协会对付更重要的对手,又破坏协会的公信力。 „Will you promise him?” “你会答应他吗?” Does not know, again look.” “不知道,再看吧。” Manison had not replied, finished speaking these words, his projection also offline, in the conference room only had Han Xiao one person. 麦尼逊没有回答,说完这句话,他的投影也下线了,会议室里只剩下韩萧一人。 Han Xiao is looking at the Manison empty seat, suddenly hehe smiled two. 韩萧望着麦尼逊空荡荡的座位,忽然嘿嘿笑了两声。 The successful director, this position, is not good to sit ah...... 大导演,这个位置,可不好坐…… ...... …… Star Sea Calendar on July 11 , 730, a sudden news bomb, in Glittering World crack. 星海历730年7月11日,一则突如其来的新闻炸弹,在闪耀世界炸响。 About hundred Super A Grade announced jointly, feels strongly friction that the present sent much, decided that formed one home to mediate among Super A Grade armed conflict guild nature organization, reduces public loss that the fight incurred. 近百位超A级联名宣布,有感于近日多发的摩擦事件,决定组建一家用来调解超A级间武力冲突的工会性质组织,减少战斗带来的公共损失。 It is reported that this/should organization is headquartered in Glittering World Emerald Star Cluster Fein Star, president Tool Nation Manison, vice-president Black Star Han Xiao, existing about hundred Super A Grade members. 据悉,该组织总部位于闪耀世界绿宝石星团费恩星,会长械国麦尼逊,副会长黑星韩萧,现有近百名超A级会员。 Three Great Civilizations openly indicated, did not deny this/should organization validity, and appealed people from various circles power user takes this as an example, reduces abuses the strength situation. 三大文明公开表示,不否认该组织合法性,并呼吁社会各界超能者以此为榜样,减少滥用力量的情况。 Glittering World Super A Grade Growth Association, officially established on this/should day! 闪耀世界超A级发展联合会,于该日正式成立! Several months later, after Hela's Rescue War this explosive news, each star region innumerable citizens and influences, again in an uproar! 时隔数个月,继海拉营救战这个爆炸性新闻后,各个星域无数公民与势力,再度哗然!
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