TM :: Volume #10 3.0赤潮!破碎星环第五席!

#917: Black Star character card- 【Inextinguishable Body】!

In the competition channel, Jiang City Warteam and battle axe warteam both enters the one plant planet group to fight the scene. 比赛频道里,江城战队战斧战队双双进入一个植物星球的团战场景。 The trees reach to the sky, block the sky, the little sunlight shines slantingly by crowded tree canopy, ray dragged branch cutting, leaves behind the nimble and resourceful light spot on the ground. 树木高耸入云,遮天蔽日,只有一点点阳光透过密集的树蓬斜斜照射下来,光线被摇曳的树枝切割,在地上留下灵动的光斑。 Two warteam appear in the forest different positions, the audience of competition channel can the angle of view of switch different warteam and player, the barrage is crowded, majority provides encouragement for Jiang City. 两支战队出现在森林的不同位置,比赛频道的观众可以切换不同战队和选手的视角,弹幕密集,大部分都是为江城加油打气。 Refuels Jiang City, turns battle axe dry/does.” “加油江城,干翻战斧。” 1st versus 8th, that has not hit casually.” 第一打第八,那还不是随便打嘛。” Maple Moon small elder sister to/clashes the duck!” 枫月姐姐冲鸭!” Finals best of five, each game must hit five, respectively is five types to fighting the form, first conducts is group battle competition, is the arena, capture the flag and instance dungeon competition and Instance Dungeon Production, according to the fight result gives the different victories, to win a height to judge a game of victory or defeat finally. 决赛五局三胜,每一局都要打五场,分别是五种对战形式,最先进行的都是团战赛,接着是擂台、夺旗副本竞争、副本生成,根据战斗结果给予不同胜点,最后以胜点高低判断一局的胜败。 One minute of countdown comes to the end point slowly, as the digit enulls, the finals first round first match starts officially. Two warteam in picture moved immediately, Jiang City here Maple Moon throws sphere-compression, changes to one and a half person high steeple base station, is used to camouflage the trail and misleading survey, covers the warteam trail by this, in base station, has shining Black Star Legion to symbolize the —— legion product, the high performance, the quality assurance. 一分钟的倒计时缓缓走到终点,随着数字归零,决赛第一轮首赛正式打响。画面里的两支战队立即动了起来,江城这边枫月扔出一颗压缩球,化作一个半人高的尖塔型基站,用来遮蔽踪迹与误导探测,以此掩盖战队踪迹,在基站的下方,有着明晃晃的黑星军团标志——军团产品,性能优越,质量保证。 Another side battle axe also covers the whereabouts similarly, use is actually magic item, sees only battle axe leading captain Viking team leader to pull out one black scroll from the magic pouch of waist, above proliferates dazzling gold magic rune, his both hands pull, rips open scroll fiercely, the white and vast gas that contains high concentration magic flows out, covers on the battle axe team, everyone body turned into translucent status. 另一边的战斧也同样掩盖行踪,不过使用的却是魔法道具,只见战斧领队维京队长”从腰间的魔法囊掏出一个黑色卷轴,上面遍布耀眼的金色魔法符文,他双手一扯,猛地撕开卷轴,一股蕴含着高浓度魔力白茫茫气体流泻开来,笼罩在战斧全队身上,所有人身体变成了半透明状态 Yo, is this supreme magic scroll?” Han Xiao is also watching the forum to observe, sees special rune on scroll, can't help brows rise. ,这是至尊魔法卷轴?”韩萧也在看论坛观战,看见卷轴上的特殊符文,不禁眉头一挑 This magic scroll material quality very rare, can carrying/sustaining stronger spell, need to make manually, Han Xiao sees Lackey to make, inscribing at least is master grade spell, the price is very expensive, battle axe is used to inscribe one to camouflage spell, obviously very nouveau riche. 这种魔法卷轴材质很珍稀,能承载更强的法术,需要手工制造,韩萧就见拉基制造过,铭刻的起码是大师级法术,价格很昂贵,战斧用来铭刻一个遮蔽法术,显然很土豪 Arrived the finals, all warteam cards in hand completely left.” Han Xiao is interesting, “到了决赛圈,所有战队都底牌尽出了。”韩萧饶有兴趣, Projected on International Finals, all warteam will not have any reserved again, all the firepower full, card in hand completely leaves, this situation will add many uncertainties, the warteam strength will have immense oscillation/fluctuation, was hard through once score forecast opposite party strength. 打到了国际决赛,所有战队不会再有任何保留,全都火力全开、底牌尽出,这种情况会增添许多的变数,战队的实力会发生巨大波动,难以通过曾经的战绩预测对方实力。 group battle competition is a kingly way to fighting the form, according to the different scene making different tactics, probably this large area of forest, needs the jungle combat obviously, is hides itself with emphasis with the discovery enemy, displays their wisdom and bravery. 团战赛一直是王道的对战形式,根据不同的场景制订不同战术,像是这种大面积的森林,显然需要丛林作战,重点便是隐蔽自身与发现敌人,斗智斗勇。 After covering up whereabouts, two warteam also started to look for the opponent, Jiang City here depends upon the diversified detection radar, battle axe displays rune magic, in addition holds Insight Spell and Heavenly Eye Spell and aura to inquire about that technique wait/etc magic —— due to the cultural reason, Swedish Battle Axe favored the magic method. 在遮掩己方行踪后,两支战队也都开始寻找对手,江城这边依靠多元化探测雷达,战斧则施展符文魔法,加持了“洞察术”、“天眼术”、“气息探寻术”等等魔法——由于文化原因,瑞典战斧更青睐魔法手段。 both sides sneak slowly, the tense atmosphere and constraining , commentator of Huaxia (China) competition channel starts to explain the competition in this case, active atmosphere. 双方慢慢潜行,气氛紧张而压抑,这种情况下,华夏比赛频道的解说嘉宾开始讲解比赛,活跃气氛。 Good, both warteam enters the field, we have been able to see, the battlefield small map was divided a 16 region, most top left-hand corner is A1, most right bottom is D4, sorts for the same letter outlier character crosswise, Jiang City Warteam is located in A3 at present, in the above of map, battle axe situated in C1, position left, what course of action now looks at them to adopt...... oh! Really, both sides used the high-altitude maneuver as if by prior agreement!” “好,两支战队都已经入场,我们可以看到,战场的小地图被划分成了十六个区域,最左上角是A1,最右下角是D4,横向为同字母异数字排序,江城战队目前位于A3,在地图的上方,战斧位于C1,位置左下,现在就看他们采取什么样的行动路线……!果然,双方不约而同使用了高空机动!” A battle axe player is the bird man plants, expand Wings, breaks through tree canopy, from the sky flies, overlooks the battlefield. Another side, in the Maple Moon bygone days threw several sphere-compression, change to float soldier, go on patrol in the upper air, the speed is faster. 一名战斧选手是鸟人种,展开羽翼,冲破树蓬,在空中飞行,俯瞰战场。另一边,枫月往天上扔了几个压缩球,化作浮游士兵,在高空巡游,速度更快。 To present player, the flight very simple, in this scene, because of the blocking of trees, the advantage of flight is not big. 对现在的玩家来说,飞行已经很简单了,不过在这个场景,因为树木的遮挡,飞行的优势不算大。 Had Sphere-compression Technology, machinery equipment even more portable, the capacitance and unfold to the field speed that machinery system carries along huge are raised, the brought change is subversive, like previous edition, Maple Moon may not have the means to bring dozens types of machineries along, or waves the arms about to complete unfold to the field. 有了压缩球技术,机械装备更加便携,机械系随身携带的机械容量与铺场速度都巨幅提升,带来的变化是颠覆性的,像上个版本,枫月可没办法随身带着几十种机械,或者一甩手就能完成铺场 In the picture, flight troop of both sides soon discovered each other, the battle axe flight player destroyed not to have float soldier that the Mechanical Force in addition held with ease. 画面中,双方的飞行部队很快发现了彼此,战斧的飞行选手轻松破坏掉了没有械力加持的浮游士兵 comments mental inspires, oh! Scouting of both sides erupted a short fight, having a look at the two sides following actions...... to look like battle axe adopted the strategy of long-range raid, the team toward scouting the position to catch up, but the Jiang City that side...... Yo, Jiang City seemingly grasped the position of opponent, was in the going around circle! The Maple Moon player arranged large number of drill land mines and mechanical traps along the way, she is trying to turn into the oneself position the entire battlefield! So long as to machinery system time, can expand the scene advantage unceasingly, now battle axe passive......” 解说精神一振,“!双方的斥候爆发了一场短暂的战斗,看看两边接下来行动……看来战斧采取了奔袭的策略,全队朝着斥候的位置赶来,而江城那边……,江城貌似掌握了对手的位置,正在绕圈圈!枫月选手沿途布置了大量的钻地雷与机械陷阱,她正试图把整个战场变成自己的阵地!只要给机械系时间,就能不断扩大场景优势,现在战斧被动了……” The Jiang City Warteam fighting method favored machinery system, team leader Crazy Blade are Mechanical Martialist, after Maple Moon allies, what...... is more fearful than in the tactical choice more and more leaning northward is not only the Yin person is fierce, including just the spear/gun the senior old Yin ratio that you were stronger. 江城战队的打法本就倾向于机械系,队长狂刀自身就是械武者,在枫月加盟之后,在战术选择方面越来越偏向阴比……最可怕的是不仅阴人厉害,连刚枪都比你强的资深老阴比。 battle axe warteam quickly heavy, meets the drill land mine of Maple Moon arrangement, was exploded confused. 战斧战队很快遭了重,遇上枫月布置的钻地雷,被炸了个七晕八素 Under the chain-like explosion of hōng lóng lóng, green and luxuriant forest changed to piece of sea of fire —— other did not say, at least in scene destruction, machinery system is No.1 that deserves! 轰隆隆的连锁爆炸之下,郁郁葱葱的森林化作了一片火海——别的不说,至少在场景破坏方面,机械系是当之无愧的No.1! The opponents step on the trap, Jiang City no longer hide, change the route, attacks directly, a battle axe player also every magic energy armor, but compared with the legion product, the magic energy power armor of these high qualities falls on completely leeward, 对手踩中陷阱,江城不再躲藏,改变路线,直接突袭过来,战斧选手也都人手一件魔能铠甲,但是与军团出品相比,这些高品质的魔能动力铠甲完全落在下风, Crazy Blade charge to the left and dash to the right, various machinery melee weapons play the dancing dance to create an incident, other team members act in harmony, after paying the two person, successfully wipes out battle axe, takes the victory of group battle competition. 狂刀左冲右突,各类机械近战武器耍得舞舞生风,其他队员配合默契,在付出了两个人之后,成功全歼战斧,拿下团战赛的胜利。 On the competition channel, the Huaxia (China) audience mood is excellent. 比赛频道上,华夏观众心情大好。 hā hā, I said that Jiang City affirms steamroll battle axe, the regular season points first place is not gives for nothing.” 哈哈,我就说嘛,江城肯定碾压战斧,常规赛积分首位可不是白给的。” „The battle axe person realized that this is the edition sticks the taste of face.” 战斧的人体会到了吧,这就是版本糊脸的滋味。” Has the alliance of Maple Moon small elder sister, Jiang City was really not a tiny bit.” “有枫月姐姐的加盟,江城真的不是强了一点半点。” Small elder sister strength, the character is also gentle, did my powder, when have the portrait?” “小姐姐实力强,性格又温柔,我粉了,什么时候出写真?” Aunt River and Rain Falls is an old woman, where has Maple Moon small elder sister to be young, sorry, I must love another, is not you are not very outstanding, but is elder brother's vision is a little high.” 江雨落阿姨已经是个老女人了,哪有枫月姐姐年轻漂亮,抱歉,我要移情别恋了,不是你不够优秀,而是哥的眼光有点高。” Had the new joy to forget the wife who shared husband's poverty, the dregs male of being fickle was scraps/condescend!” “有了新欢就忘了糟糠之妻啦,喜新厌旧的渣男就是个屑!” A piece noisy, two warteam finished the recuperation, started arena competition, the battle axe that side sent out the one ordinary player to explore the way, but the Jiang City electing person made audience mental inspire, first going to battle impressively was team leader Crazy Blade. 一片吵吵闹闹中,两支战队结束了休整,开始了擂台赛,战斧那边派出了一个普通选手探路,而江城这边的选人却让观众精神一振,首个出战的赫然是队长狂刀 Now Jiang City won the group war, team leader went to battle in the arena first place, clarifies was to crush the opponent in the imposing manner completely, must manage unforgiving, the audience felt the Jiang City confidence and aggression from this rank. 现在江城赢了团战,队长在擂台首位出战,摆明了就是要在气势上完全压倒对手,得理不饶人,观众都从这个排位中感到了江城的信心与霸气。 The comments tone rouses, mouth dū dū, the language fast just like machine gun: 解说语气振奋,嘴巴嘟嘟,语速犹如机关枪: arena competition First War, Jiang City team leader Crazy Blade applied to go to battle, although he very regrettable has not entered individual Top 16 of finals, but in International Regular Season ranking was the 18 name, if luck good, maybe can enter the finals, now makes us come to see to fighting the situation...... oh, as expected! The Crazy Blade player ended the opponent easily accomplished, Mechanical Martialist this profession paid attention to both machinery system and martial dao system merit, in this machinery system domineering edition, this profession advantage very big.” 擂台赛第一战,江城队长狂刀申请出战,他虽然很遗憾没有进入决赛圈的个人十六强,但在国际常规赛排名是十八名,如果运气好一点,未必不能进入决赛,现在让我们来看看对战情况……,不出所料!狂刀选手摧枯拉朽终结了对手,械武者这个职业兼顾了机械系武道系的优点,在这个机械系强势的版本,这个职业优势很大。” In the picture, Crazy Blade adopted the strong fighting method, does not dodge or evade, direct strong offensive, throws sphere-compression, turns into the different mechanical traps, the electric current lasing, the control opponent walked —— in control Mechanical Martialist compared with pure martial dao system is not tiny bit. 画面里,狂刀采取了强硬的打法,不闪不避,直接强攻,扔出压缩球,变成不同的机械陷阱,电流激射,控制对手走位——在控制方面械武者比单纯的武道系强了不是一星半点 With ease after the opponent, Crazy Blade one set of squally shower chain attack falls in torrents, the chain attack way and Martial Daoist fighting hand-to-hand difference very big, mechanical weaponry dazzling switch, the sword, hammer, axe, spear/gun and whip lock and blunderbuss artillery has everything expected to find, with the different weapon connection move, this set of operation difficulty extremely high chain attack passing clouds and flowing water, is extremely magnificent, less than one minute hit to empty HP bar of opponent. 轻松靠近对手后,狂刀一套狂风骤雨般的连招倾泻而出,连招的方式与武道家的肉搏差别很大,机械武器眼花缭乱切换,剑、锤、斧、枪、鞭锁、铳炮应有尽有,用不同武器接续招数,这一套操作难度极高的连招行云流水,极其华丽,不到一分钟就打空了对手的血槽 Really strong, leads also really to lead, although profession no longer is Martial Daoist of previous generation, but Crazy Blade glowed second obviously spring. 强是真的强,帅也是真的帅,虽然职业不再是前世的武道家,但狂刀显然焕发了第二春。 That side battle axe could not sit still, Viking team leader direct second goes into action, meets head-on Crazy Blade, team leader versus team leader. 战斧那边坐不住了,维京队长直接第二个出马,迎战狂刀,队长打队长 Viking team leader is one Martial Daoist, took off the heavy armor, activates wild gain that one no armor status triggered, on the exposed skin full is cyan rune enchantment tattoo, is used to provide the protection and regeneration, double holds epic enchant battle axe of orange quality. 维京队长一个武道家,脱掉了沉重的装甲,激活了一个无甲状态触发的狂暴增益,裸露的皮肤上满是青色符文附魔纹身,用来提供防护和再生,双持橙色品质的史诗附魔战斧 Roar roar ahhh —— blood and glory!” The Viking team leader double axe dāng dāng rap, angrily roars toward Crazy Blade mutually. “吼吼啊啊——鲜血与荣耀!”维京队长双斧互相铛铛敲击,朝着狂刀怒吼。 The Crazy Blade fork waist stands in the opposite, a face is speechless. 狂刀叉腰站在对面,一脸无语。 Worthily is Martial Daoist, the ashamed resistance is really high......” “不愧是武道家,羞耻度抗性真高……” Entering the play is so deep, the foreign friends really have only one in mind to role-playing. 入戏这么深,外国友人果然对角色扮演情有独钟。 At this moment, the Viking team leader back suddenly presented False Shadow of one muscle robust man, flickering in an instant , the Viking team leader whole body muscle air flush ball sticks out generally, attaches presented combustion status in martial dao qi flame/arrogance, now as if turns into the napalm bomb, explodes whirlwind to shoot fiercely. 就在这时,维京队长的背后突然出现了一个肌肉壮汉的虚影,一闪即逝,紧接着,维京队长浑身肌肉吹气球一般隆起,附着在身上的武道气焰本来呈现燃烧状态,现在仿佛变成了凝固汽油弹,猛地爆炸飚射开来。 hōng lóng, aura rises suddenly! 轰隆一声,气场暴涨! On his status column, demonstrated that one new BUFF —— Viking team leader used one Character Descends Card! 在他的状态栏上,显示出了一个新的增益状态——维京队长使用了一个人物降临卡 The comments complexion changes, Glory Clan's Violence, melee attack power +50% and Physical Resistance +30% and strength + 400 point and agility + 200 points, Max HP +20% and movement speed + 40%, attack each time supplements 300 point frost damage additionally, unexpectedly continuous five minutes! This character card very strong!” 解说脸色一变,“荣耀氏族的狂暴,近战攻击力+50%物理抗性+30%力量+400点、敏捷+200点,生命上限+20%移动速度+40%、每次攻击额外附带300点冰霜伤害,竟然持续五分钟!这个人物卡好强!” Sees that on the barrage exploded the pot immediately. 见状,弹幕上登时炸了锅。 Others use character card, this hanging.” “人家动用人物卡,这把悬了。” Looks at Crazy Blade to have fierce character card, if no, this was possibly cool.” “看狂刀有没有厉害的人物卡吧,没有的话,这把可能就凉了。” Character Descends Card is the rare thing, jumps over the powerful character card more difficult to obtain, pro player treats as the card in hand it, the present to the finals, no one will continue to retain, at this time Viking team leader then played a card in hand. 人物降临卡珍稀的东西,越强力的人物卡越难得到,职业选手都将其当作底牌,现在到了决赛,没人会继续保留,此时维京队长便打出了一张底牌。 Like Black Star Legion Badge · Evolution abnormal item of this transnormal only then the one contest area has, was forbid is very normal. But character card is different, any player has the opportunity to obtain, only has the difference in the effect, therefore has not mounted to forbid the list, but also has the limit. 像【黑星军团徽章·进化】这种超常规的变态道具只有一个赛区有,被禁用很正常。但人物卡不一样,任何玩家都有机会获得,只在效果上有区别,所以并没有登上禁用名单,不过也有限制。 Because each game has five different forms to the war, therefore the rule showed, use character card cannot inherit each time next to the war, in other words, even if Viking team leader killed to put on arena competition, the character card effect had not ended, must renovate status with death, cannot the character card gain belt/bring to the next capture the flag match. 因为每一局都有五场不同形式的对战,所以规则表明,每次使用的人物卡不能继承到下一场对战,也就是说,哪怕维京队长杀穿了擂台赛,人物卡的效果还没结束,也要用死亡刷新状态,不能把人物卡的增益带到下一场夺旗赛。 pro player character card even more rare, at the league tournament demonstrated that looks to the audience, is in itself the anticipation of sports event side preparation, lets become to the war by this splendid, eye-catching...... this rule not only provided splendid, and reduced effect of character card on the entire competition. 职业选手人物卡更加稀有,在联赛上展示给观众看,本身就是赛事方准备的看点,以此让对战变得精彩,吸引眼球……这种规则既提供了精彩性,又减少了人物卡对整个比赛的影响。 After all every round is best of five, at least also has the 15 field to the war, character card binding is unable transaction, can put out the 15 stretch/open Diaozha day character card, calculates a skill, said again, others have character card, whose treasure refers to being uncertain to be bigger. 毕竟每一轮都是五局三胜,至少也有十五场对战,人物卡绑定无法交易,能拿出十五张吊炸天的人物卡,也算一种本事,再说了,别人也有人物卡,指不定谁的宝贝更大。 Sees opponent's change, the Crazy Blade look is certain, activated character card. 见到对手的变化,狂刀眼神一定,也激活了一张人物卡 False Shadow of one black clothes handsome man appears in his behind, just like is be indomitable spirit big, many audience eyes recognized this form, instantaneous is excited. 一个黑衣帅气男子的虚影出现在他的身后,犹如顶天立地般高大,众多观众一眼就认出了这个身影,瞬间兴奋起来。 Hou, Black Star!” “嚯,黑星!” Came to come, I said how Crazy Blade possibly did not have character card!” “来了来了,我就说,狂刀怎么可能没有人物卡!” I remember that Crazy Blade has also used Black Star's character card probably?” “我记得上一届狂刀好像也用过黑星的人物卡?” Now Black Star is Super A Grade, effect that can be the same.” “现在黑星超A级,效果那能一样吗。” Numerous legion player are excited, the Han Xiao's panel is always the question mark, they can only have a limited view to the Han Xiao's strength through the instance dungeon fight and character card way, at this time the curiosity was stirred up immediately. 众多军团玩家激动起来,韩萧的面板向来是问号,他们只能通过副本战斗与人物卡的方式对韩萧的实力管中窥豹,此时好奇心顿时被激了起来。 Saw only on the Crazy Blade's status column to present the new gain, all audience looked over. 只见狂刀的状态栏上出现了新的增益,所有观众看了过去 [ Character Descends Card - Black Star: Inextinguishable Body When —— you withstand the attack, exempts from and absorbs 25% damage values, remaining by resistant counter-balance 60% of damage the transformation will be VP, in the meantime, you can the VP transformation be HP, the proportion are 1 : 9, highest will restore 35% HP every second, the effect continuous 10 minutes] [人物降临卡-黑星:【不灭之躯——你承受攻击时,豁免并吸收25%的伤害值,剩下被抗性抵消的伤害的60%将转化为气力值,同时,你可以将气力值转化为生命值,比例为1:9,最高每秒恢复35%生命值,效果持续十分钟] Saw the character card effect silently, the barrage instantaneously, exploded suddenly. 看到人物卡的效果,弹幕静默了瞬间,猛然爆炸了。 fuck me, what abnormal ability is this?!” 卧槽,这是什么变态能力?!” Who Black Star in the cosmos has this title...... this motherfucker to withstand ah no wonder!” “怪不得黑星在宇宙里有这个称号……这尼玛谁顶得住!” Innumerable legion player are dumbfounded. 无数军团玩家目瞪口呆。 Although Viking team leader character card is fierce, but at least can also accept, but the Black Star's character card effect, far surpass their understanding scopes, the observing people were shocked! 维京队长人物卡虽然厉害,但至少还能接受,而黑星的人物卡效果,远远超出了他们的理解范围,观战众人都被震撼了! —— this is the Super A Grade level! one ability on terrifying as this! ——这就是超A级的水准吗!只是一个能力恐怖如斯 output is high, little bro are many, oneself also meat had/left a day...... 输出高,小弟多,自身还肉出了一片天…… Black Star has such ability, perhaps let alone, later their impossible pile dead now such terrifying BOSS! 黑星有这样的能力,别说现在了,恐怕以后他们也不可能堆死这么恐怖BoSS Well, how does he have my character card?” Han Xiao stares, he remembers that oneself has not issued this quest. “咦,他怎么有我的人物卡?”韩萧一愣,他记得自己没发布过这种任务 Changes mind thinks, Han Xiao understood, eight parts/most likely was Crazy Blade obtains Blank Character Card, compliant replica his ability, two Specialty is merged oneself nickname —— by character card Inextinguishable Body. 转念一想,韩萧就明白了,八成狂刀得到了空白人物卡,屁颠颠复刻了他的能力,两个专长人物卡合并成了自己的外号——不灭之躯】。 Good, after Specialty promotion, my oneself also useless many times, made you enjoy actually.” “好嘛,专长升级之后,我自己都还没用过多少次呢,倒是让你享受了。” Han Xiao shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 韩萧摇头失笑。
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