TM :: Volume #10 3.0赤潮!破碎星环第五席!

#916: advanced Tool Sense, visiting of Unlimited Consortium

Broken Starlink, Black Star Legion headquarters, second satellite, No. 001 vault training ground. 破碎星环,黑星军团总部,第二卫星,001号穹顶训练场。 This is an area is much greater than the actual combat Cultivation Room training ground, can support the large-scale fight, lays down by the high-intensity alloy, can withstand a stronger attack, the structure similar circular stadium, the immense circular arc mechanical vault is covering the battlefield. What the vault uses is the nano mimicry screen, may simulate the battlefield circumstance, training ground underground and fence have the transit point, is connecting the training mechanical soldier warehouse. 这是一座面积远大于实战修行室的训练场,可以支持更大规模的战斗,以高强度合金铺设,能够承受更强的攻击,构造类似圆形体育场,巨大的圆弧机械穹顶笼罩着战场。穹顶采用的是纳米拟态屏,可模拟战场环境,训练场地底与围墙都有运输通道,连接着训练型机械战兵的仓库。 Han Xiao sits on the upper air stand of vault training ground, stares below with total concentration, Lackey, Fording and Leonard and the others in the side, sit or stand, uniformly is overlooking the battlefield. 韩萧坐在穹顶训练场的高空看台上,聚精会神盯着下面,拉基弗丁雷纳德等人都在身边,或坐或站,齐刷刷俯瞰战场。 At this moment, this vault training ground is conducting a fierce combat, the ground reveals several to dispatch troops to the mouth, crawls continuously training mechanical soldier, has ranger, to have mechanical beast, to have float artillery battery, to have small-scale Floating Shuttle, the function varies, is attacking the battlefield central two forms. 此时此刻,这座穹顶训练场正进行着一场激战,地面露出几个出兵口,源源不断爬出训练型机械战兵,有游骑兵、有机械兽、有浮游炮台、有小型浮游梭,功能各异,一波波冲击着战场中央的两道身影。 The level of this fight is D Grade, is rudimentary mechanical soldier, what use is the gunpowder weapon and Electromagnetic Kinetic Energy Weapon, small caliber aerial cannon tú tú tú burst fire, armor-piercing High Explosive Bullet explodes one after another in the alloy ground in training ground burned black, exudes the dōng dōng dōng bombardment sound. 这场战斗的水准是D级,都是低级机械战兵,使用的是火药武器与电磁动能武器,小口径机炮突突突连射,穿甲高爆弹在训练场的合金地面上炸出一片片焦黑,发出咚咚咚的轰击响声。 Electromagnetic Kinetic Energy Weapon that some mechanical soldier provide projects to tow the light shoots nail ammunition high-speed, just like one after another to jump the light blue light axle of electric arc, wall scratches to slide smooth spark in the ground and on. 一些机械战兵配备的电磁动能武器高速射出曳光射钉弹药,犹如一条条跳跃着电弧的淡蓝色光轨,在地面、墙壁上擦出一溜溜火星 The battlefield central two forms, are the one whole body are covering black heavy mechanical armor mecha warrior respectively, and one whole body is surrounding rune magic barrier magician, is Nilo and Tomar. 战场中央的两道身影,分别是一个全身覆盖着黑色重型机械装甲机甲战士,以及一个浑身环绕着符文魔法护盾法师,正是尼洛托马尔 Follows Leonard learned several years, Nilo's Mechanical Force gradation reaches the D Grade level, beside theory learning and assembly learning, Leonard also arranged the live operational training curriculum. 跟随雷纳德学习了几年,尼洛的械力层次达到D级水准,在理论学习组装学习之外,雷纳德还安排了实战训练课程。 Nilo is young, body also in young living period, because takes the blood of Star World Spirit Dragon year to year, in addition one group of Life Energy of Aurora gift, causing his cell activity to be very high, the physical quality is as good as the same level adult, but Mechanical Force intensity also far surpass this/should level average levels. 尼洛年纪小,身体还在幼生期,但是因为常年服用星界灵龙之血,再加上欧若拉赠予的一团生命能量,导致他的细胞活性很高,身体素质不亚于同级的成年人,而械力强度也远超过等级的平均水平。 —— nearly two years of thorough learning, his 【intermediate Tool Sense】 in the function of 【advanced Luck Aura】, has shed turned into 【advanced Tool Sense】! ——近两年的深入学习,他的【中级械感】【高级幸运光环】的作用,已经蜕变成了【高级械感】 In the training can not use the weapon of Han Xiao gift, the artillery battery position of Nilo armor and under foot is oneself builds, plays the extremely strong might under his Mechanical Force addition, one after another training mechanical soldier is rumbled everywhere the metal fragment by his cannonfire. 训练中不得使用韩萧赠予的武器,尼洛身上的装甲与脚下的炮台阵地都是自己打造的,在他的械力加成下发挥出极强的威力,一个个训练型机械战兵被他的炮火轰成满地金属碎片。 Han Xiao runs over to observe, mainly then to examine the Nilo's learning achievement, how looks at this Golden Chive growing trend. 韩萧跑过来观战,主要便是为了检验尼洛的学习成果,看一看这株黄金韭菜的长势如何。 Tomar also has Luck Aura protagonist, has the out of the ordinary talent in a magic way, spell model that the normal magician seven days can understand, his less than day can learn, the learning efficiency is astonishing, Tomar follows Lackey learned is so long, the growth is rapid, is one by the potential talent who Han Xiao favors. 托马尔也是身怀幸运光环主角型人物,在魔法一途有非比寻常的天分,正常法师七天才能理解的法术模型,他不到一天就能学会,学习效率惊人,托马尔跟随拉基学习了这么久,成长迅速,也是一个韩萧看好的潜力人才。 lóng lóng—— 隆隆—— In the field the cannonfire sound is deafening, on the upper air stand, Han Xiao feels the chin, said to Leonard: 场中炮火声震耳欲聋,高空看台上,韩萧摸着下巴,对身旁的雷纳德说道: His machinery ability is good, but melee not much ah, one by mechanical beast near body, he was thrown into confusion, is short of experience ah.” “他的机械能力还不错,不过近战不咋样,一被机械兽近身,他就手忙脚乱了,还是欠缺经验。” This is my negligence, my vision has placed machinery learning, neglected his melee skill, later I will use judgment to increase his melee curriculum.” The Leonard tone is scrupulous about every detail. “这是我的疏忽,我的目光一直放在机械学习,忽视了他的近战技巧,之后我会酌情增加他的近战课程。”雷纳德语气一丝不苟。 Intensifies the effort.” Han Xiao with emphasis, machinery learning cannot fall.” “加大力度。”韩萧加重语气,“机械学习也不能落下。” Understood.” “明白。” Nearby Bennett long-distance projection hears word, showed the gratified smile. 一旁本尼特的远程投影闻言,露出了欣慰的笑容。 Fording hear, helplessly said: „The Mechanic's weakness is near body, Black Star, is not every Mechanic is like you, other request is so high.” 弗丁听不下去了,无奈道:“机械师的弱点本来就是近身,黑星,不是每个机械师都和你一样,别要求这么高。” Han Xiao laughed, properly conduct oneself, wants some dreams, request, nothing is not high good.” 韩萧打了个哈哈,“做人,一定要有梦想,要求高一点,没什么不好的。” His was quite at heart happy, Nilo's Tool Sense Specialty has achieved advanced, 【Perfect Tool Sense】 is just round the corner. 他的心里颇为高兴,尼洛的械感专长已经达到高级了,【完美械感】指日可待。 Tomar progress also very big.” Thinks, Han Xiao made up one, patted the Lackey's shoulder, you teach well.” 托马尔的进步也很大。”想了想,韩萧又补了一句,拍了拍拉基的肩膀,“你教得不错。” But that is also useful, one day, he......” “可是那又有什么用呢,总有一天,他……” You may let alone the words.” Han Xiao complexion one black, a slap presses firmly between the fingers his mouth. “你可别说话了。”韩萧脸色一黑,一巴掌捏住他的嘴。 In a while, the Nilo's ammunition exhausts, the mana nulling operation of Tomar, mechanical soldier stopped simultaneously, ended the live operational training. 没过多久,尼洛的弹药耗尽,托马尔法力归零,机械战兵同时停了下来,结束了实战训练。 Two people whole body sweat, pants to return to the stand. 两人浑身大汗,气喘吁吁回到看台上。 The Han Xiao smile nods, commends: Plays well.” 韩萧微笑点了点头,赞许道:“打得不错。” A Bennett also face comforts, Distinguished Black Star will teach very well, several years later, it is estimated that me you are not your opponent.” 本尼特也一脸宽慰,“黑星阁下把你教导得很好,再过几年,估计我也不是你的对手了。” Has been praised, the Nilo's cheek is ruddy, on the face wrote all over happily. 得到夸奖,尼洛的脸蛋红扑扑的,脸上写满了开心。 Sees that the Han Xiao secret nod, he places the great expectations on Nilo, isn't just schemes 【Perfect Tool Sense】, hopes that the Nilo growth is legion New Life generation of backbone strength. 见状,韩萧暗暗点头,他对尼洛寄予厚望,不止是图谋【完美械感】,同时也希望尼洛成长为军团新生代的中坚力量 Also encouraged several, the people then step the short distance spaceship, returns to the close headquarters from the second satellite. 又勉励了几句,众人这才踏上短程飞船,从第二卫星回归近在咫尺的总部。 After two years of digestion, Black Star Legion has stabilized, the Black Star Legion headquarters additionally built several small-scale mechanical satellite bases, holds more and more legion member by this. 经过两年的消化,黑星军团已经稳定下来,黑星军团总部增设了几颗小型机械卫星基地,以此容纳越来越多的军团成员 Just returned to the headquarteroffice, Silvia then came knocking on the door. 刚回到总部办公室,西薇雅便找上门来 Teacher, many partners were inquiring when this year our 's Black Star Gathering conduct.” “老师,许多合作方在询问我们今年的黑星聚会什么时候举办。” Han Xiao brows rise, thinks, said: Several months later, now can send out the invitation.” 韩萧眉头一挑,想了想,说道:“再过几个月吧,现在可以发出邀请函了。” Black Star Legion invited the banquet that the Evolution Cube partner held to manage two, more and more officially, gradually had the influence, many influences are hoping this opportunity and higher level civilization established the relations, called it Black Star Gathering, Tyrant Gathering formed competitive relations with Heboar's. 黑星军团邀请进化方块合作方召开的宴会已经办了两届,越来越正式,逐渐有了影响力,不少势力都盼着这个机会与更高级文明搭上关系,称之为“黑星聚会”,与赫伯尔的霸者聚会形成了竞争关系。 isn't just money that Evolution Cube brings, the collaborator composes the huge benefit network to make Black Star Legion get involved in the different industries, legion has the name effect and powerful strength, this star region doesn't have many person can compete with legion. 进化方块带来的不止是金钱,合作者组成庞大的利益网让黑星军团涉足不同行业,军团具有品牌效应与强大实力,本星域没有多少人能与军团竞争。 The Evolver's Totem benefit is rich, like the catalyst, letting Black Star Legion grows stronger make a snowman, after two years of digestion, the Black Star Legion's industry chain gradually improves consolidated, the influence has certain consortium attribute. 进化者图腾利益丰厚,就像催化剂一样,让黑星军团得以滚雪球般壮大,经过两年的消化,黑星军团的产业链逐步巩固完善,势力已经带有了一定的财团属性 As a result of Evolver's Totem, the Black Star Legion's partner are getting more and more, Black Star Gathering influence increase immense, slowly formation one emerging faction characteristics. 由于进化者图腾,黑星军团的合作方越来越多,黑星聚会的影响力涨幅巨大,正在慢慢形成一个新兴的阵营特色。 If relaxes the limit of Evolver's Totem, the benefit will turn many times, but the pressure can also rise suddenly similarly, Han Xiao is satisfied with the present situation, the pressure of totem business basically passed the burden on Empire, legion avoided the 90 percent above risk. 如果放开进化者图腾的限制,利益将翻许多倍,但是压力也会同样暴涨,韩萧对现在的情况还算满意,图腾生意的压力基本转嫁到了帝国身上,军团避开了百分之九十以上的风险。 Good, I drafted the invitation...... to be right immediately, a matter, had the one non- partner to participate in this Black Star Gathering.” “好,我马上去起草邀请函……对了,还有一件事,有一个非合作方希望参加此次黑星聚会。” Black Star Gathering only invited the legion's collaborator, other all can reject, this was the set custom, how can also ask me?” 黑星聚会只邀请军团的合作者,其他的一律可以拒绝,这是早就定下的规矩,怎么还要问我?” But background very big of this influence, I am not good to make a decision, therefore asked your opinion.” “可是这家势力的来头很大,我不好拿主意,所以才来问你的意见。” Han Xiao brows rise, had an interest. 韩萧眉头一挑,有了点兴趣。 Who the opposite party is.” “对方是谁。” Unlimited Consortium.” 无限财团。” hears word, Han Xiao stopped moving, the eye narrowed the eyes immediately, the thought revolves rapidly. 闻言,韩萧动作一顿,眼睛顿时眯了起来,念头飞转。 Sorokin's Unlimited Consortium? 索罗金的无限财团 both sides had a vague conflict, Sorokin had once sent the attached influence on probe legion player, by Han Xiao beat, more than two years, the opposite party must come to participate in Black Star Gathering now suddenly, does not know that is holding what goal...... 双方曾经有过一段隐晦的冲突,索罗金曾经派附属势力试探军团玩家,被韩萧敲打了一通,现在过了两年多,对方突然要过来参加黑星聚会,不知道抱着什么目的…… What are their reasons?” Han Xiao hesitates. “他们的理由是什么?”韩萧沉吟。 „The Unlimited Consortium hope and legion carry out the cooperation in commercial, said that is related with Glittering World, they know after Empire first issue develops, to the ally the division domain, this time wants to discuss the cooperation.” 无限财团希望与军团进行商业上的合作,说是与闪耀世界有关,他们知道帝国第一期开发之后,就会给盟友划分地盘,此次是想谈合作。” Such ah, could convince...... Han Xiao actually suddenly. “这样,倒是说得通……”韩萧恍然。 Although interstellar consortium is unable to become first shares Glittering World this big cake the influence, however actually must have their forms in the follow-up construction. 虽然星际财团无法成为首批分享闪耀世界这块大蛋糕的势力,但是在后续的建设中却少不了他们的身影。 The new star region profit is very high, is Unlimited Consortium this act to perhaps want to seize the opportunity? 星域的利润十分丰厚,无限财团此举或许是想要抢占商机? However, this reason, although is credible, because of the previous small conflict, Han Xiao to Unlimited Consortium is somewhat vigilant. 不过,这个理由虽然靠谱,但因为上次的小冲突,韩萧无限财团还是有些警惕。 He thinks, said: 他想了想,说道: Such being the case, that sends the one invitation to them, told them, I wanted to meet taking this opportunity the discussion with Sorokin.” “既然如此,那就给他们发一个邀请函吧,告诉他们,我希望借此机会与索罗金见面会谈。” Several months later, Pro League fired off, Han Xiao did not fear that Unlimited Consortium does what make trouble out of nothing. 几个月后,职业联赛都打完了,韩萧也不怕无限财团搞什么幺蛾子 Sees to speak face-to-face one time, helps know oneself and other side. 见面谈一次,也有利于知己知彼。 Understood, I will process.” “明白,我会处理的。” Silvia nods, turns around to leave the room, the conduct is capable. 西薇雅点点头,转身离开房间,行事干练。 withdraw vision, Han Xiao to oneself but actually one cup of alcoholic beverages, drinks odd job of processing backlog. 收回目光,韩萧自己倒了一杯酒精饮料,边喝边处理积压的杂务。 after a while, he pinched time to open the forum. 过了一会,他才掐着时间打开了论坛。 Today is the day that International Finals first round starts, best of five, the first field is ranks first Jiang City to battle axe club, the observing population of competition channel sets new high again. 今天是国际决赛第一轮开打的日子,五局三胜,第一场是排名第一江城对上战斧俱乐部,比赛频道的观战人数再创新高。 Three Huaxia (China) warteam enter Top Eight, player of Broken Starlink plate is extremely excited, in their opinion, if Dynasty, Sky and Jiang City won first round, then enters international Top Four three Huaxia (China) warteam, this is the greatest glory! 三家华夏战队进入八强,破碎星环板块的玩家极其兴奋,在他们看来,如果皇朝长空江城都打赢了第一轮,那么将有三支华夏战队进入国际四强,这是莫大的荣耀! Meanwhile, part starts not to favor the Huaxia (China) warteam audience not to stop, harbors the reverse psychology, cannot bear post to satirize, thinks that perhaps three warteam all pour in first round, no can enter Top Four. 但同时,一部分开始就不看好华夏战队的观众还没有消停,怀有逆反心理,忍不住发帖讽刺,认为三支战队说不定全都倒在第一轮,没有一家能进入四强 Arrived the finals, all warteam will not hide the card in hand again, the competition is meeting even more to be intense, Han Xiao also is very curious this Huaxia (China) warteam to attain what position. 到了决赛圈,所有战队不会再藏着底牌,比赛会更加激烈,韩萧也挺好奇这一届华夏战队能拿到什么名次。 —— —— ( Recent god beast awoke, brother catch takes on, beginning system upgrade, all books only demonstrated in three days this chapter to say temporarily, will cross the section time restoration) (最近神兽睡醒了,兄逮们多担待,起点系统升级,所有书暂时只显示三日内的本章说,过段时间就会恢复)
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