TM :: Volume #10 3.0赤潮!破碎星环第五席!

#918: Joins forces the finals

In Black Star character card Inextinguishable Body in addition holds, Crazy Blade just like the deity to descend to earth, discarded the 80 percent above defense, concentrated on output. 黑星人物卡不灭之躯】的加持下,狂刀犹如天神下凡,舍弃了百分之八十以上的防御,专注于输出 melee mechanical weaponry chops to pound to sweep away crazily, opens greatly gathers greatly, rumbles the one after another gully in the arena, the unceasing switch blunderbuss artillery, projects the fission colony track ball, triggers the chain-like explosion of hōng lóng lóng, the bunch of orange-red exploding flame ascends, the temperature is raised suddenly, the niter smoke fills the air. 近战机械武器疯狂劈砸横扫,大开大合,在擂台上轰出一道道沟壑,不断切换铳炮,射出分裂蜂群跟踪弹,引发轰隆隆的连锁爆炸,一团团橘红色的爆炎升腾而起,温度急剧提升,硝烟味弥漫。 Viking team leader is in an extremely difficult situation, depends on the interest on interest in avoid damage in the bombing range unceasingly, he opened wild character card, wants to meet the tough head-on with toughness with Crazy Blade, however brandishes battle axe in any damage that on the opponent leaves behind, the opponent can restore suddenly, chops to cut invalid, such abnormal health recovery ability, rushes strong only to give for nothing. 维京队长狼狈不堪,在轰炸范围中不断赖驴打滚躲避伤害,他开了狂暴的人物卡,本想和狂刀硬碰硬,然而挥舞战斧在对手身上留下的任何伤害,对手眨眼间就能恢复,劈砍无效,这么变态回血能力,冲上去硬刚只能白给。 The means that Viking team leader can only adjust the tactic, turned delayed time. 么得办法,维京队长只能调整战术,变成了拖延时间 character card has the time limit, although Crazy Blade health recovery is fierce, but the lethality has not been enhanced, Viking team leader does not hug to win the Crazy Blade's idea, is only thinking delays time, is longer, the behind teammate who oneself drags can be relaxed. 人物卡时间限制,狂刀回血虽然猛,但是杀伤力没有增强,维京队长已经不抱打赢狂刀的想法了,只想着拖延时间,自己拖的越久,后面队友才能轻松。 Viking team leader opened special skill, the epic enchant battle axe color in hand changes blue becomes transparent, as if turns into the axe that the ice made, changes to the bone-chilling cold ice wind cold frost chopped wave physical auto attack, delays the Crazy Blade's speed by this. 维京队长开启了特殊技能,手中的史诗附魔战斧颜色变蓝变透明,仿佛变成了冰做的斧头,将物理平A化作凛冽冰风般的寒霜斩波,以此延缓狂刀的速度。 Crazy Blade disregards, presses on step by step, the Mechanical Martialist mobility is far higher than Martial Daoist, even if were certainly slowed down by the speed, Viking team leader cannot escape from the melee range. 狂刀不管不顾,步步紧逼,械武者的机动性远高于武道家,即使受到一定的速度减缓,维京队长也逃不出近战范围。 Only listens to his mecha arm kā cā one, switch to have the immense alloy slash axe, the Mechanical Force electricity glow circulation, pounds to fall crazily, momentum is big, power is deep. 只听他的机甲手臂咔擦一声,切换巨大的合金斩击斧,械力电芒流转,疯狂砸落,势大力沉 dāng dāng dāng! 铛铛铛 Is twining the dazzling Mechanical Force alloy slash axe and solid ice double holds battle axe time after time to collide, exudes the clear sound, splash fire has the red-orange electric spark and blue ice fragments, the hit jumps invisible air shockwave that shoots each time, two people forms cover in the twister common ice storm and recklessly in the hysterical/frenzy Thunderbolt lightning, the special effect is very brilliant. 缠绕着耀眼械力的合金斩击斧与坚冰般的双持战斧一次次碰撞,发出清脆的响声,溅射出大片大片的橙红色电火花与蓝色冰屑,还有每次撞击迸射开来的无形空气冲击波,两人的身影笼罩在龙卷一般的冰风暴与肆意狂乱的雷霆闪电之中,特效十分绚烂。 The good and evil is B Grade step position, fight special effect also even more between player is also attractive. 好歹也是B级阶位,玩家之间的战斗特效也更加好看。 Viking team leader can only support by hard and stubborn effort, shortly after HP breaks 40%, status slides, reviewing Crazy Blade is still vivid, each attack intensity as before is peak status time. 维京队长只能硬撑,没多久血量就跌破40%,状态下滑,反观狂刀却依然生龙活虎,每一次的攻击强度依旧是巅峰的状态 kā lā! 喀拉 At this moment, the ground of Viking team leader under foot splits suddenly, one drills the spider to emerge as the times require, the release a big electric current, gathers in the Viking team leader both feet, a Viking team leader both feet hemp, enters shortly Mobile Paralysis status, is stiff on the spot. 就在这时,维京队长脚下的地面忽然裂开,一个钻地蜘蛛破土而出,释放出一大片电流,汇聚在维京队长的双脚,维京队长双脚一麻,进入短暂的【移动麻痹状态,僵在原地。 At fierce combat on the way, Crazy Blade controls mecha quietly, taking advantage of the movement as covering up, released from the thigh armor drilled the mechanical spider, snuck to the Viking team leader under foot, release control skill, made fatal stun the enemy. 在激战的途中,狂刀就悄悄操控机甲,借着移动作为遮掩,从腿部装甲释放了钻地机械蜘蛛,潜行到维京队长脚下,释放控制技能,把敌人打出致命的僵直 When Mechanical Martialist melee the great variety, looks like weapon master and hidden weapon master synthesis Combination Form, controls skill quantity far surpass Martial Daoist. 械武者近战时花样繁多,就像是武器大师与暗器大师的综合体,控制技能的数量远超过武道家 While the opportunity, Crazy Blade switch has the mechanical lance, a lance pokes outrageously. 趁着机会,狂刀切换出机械矛,一矛悍然戳出。 Viking team leader can only lift double axe parry urgently. 维京队长只能紧急抬起双斧格挡 Clang! 铛! The mechanical lance pokes in the double axe axe surface that resists overlapped layer on layer/heavily, sparks flying in all directions, Viking team leader felt that a rushing great strength raids, contains high-frequency to vibrate, obviously used skill to coordinate the weapon characteristics, the strength displacement of his double axe, parry stance by collapse open/start, spatial gate big reveal. 机械矛重重戳在重叠招架的双斧斧面上,火花四溅,维京队长感到一股澎湃的巨力袭来,其中还蕴含着高周波震动,显然是用了技能配合武器特性,他双斧的力道偏移,格挡架势被崩开,空门大露。 the next moment, the lance of mechanical lance distorts sharp suddenly, cracks four spider leg machinery arthropod, curving, jabbed into Viking team leader back part with peak, fixes in same place him, seemed like the mechanical lance to turn into the one claw, seized target. 下一刻,机械矛的矛尖忽然变形,裂成四条蜘蛛腿般的机械节肢,弯曲着,用尖端刺进了维京队长后背,将他固定在原地,看上去就像是机械矛变成了一个爪子,攫住了目标 Meanwhile, the lance sharp place of mechanical lance, turned into the one shiny black muzzle, surged the plasma dazzling ray, Viking team leader that alignment is unable to move. 与此同时,原本机械矛的矛尖处,变成了一个黑黝黝的炮口,涌动起了等离子的耀眼光芒,对准无法动弹的维京队长 Brush! 刷! Bright blue plasma light beam sprays, passes through the chest of Viking team leader instantaneously, the plasma light beam extends one meter, congealing is not loose, as if turned into sword glow —— this is the shape liberation of this/should weapon, changed to up the lance. 一股亮蓝色等离子光束从中喷射而出,瞬间贯穿维京队长的胸膛,等离子光束延伸一米长,凝而不散,仿佛变成了剑芒——这是该武器的形态解放,化作光矛。 Crazy Blade while this opportunity, comes up one set of magnificent weapon chain attack, consumed to empty Viking team leader last points of HP, cut it above the arena. 狂刀趁此机会,上去一套华丽的武器连招,耗空了维京队长最后一点血量,将其斩于擂台之上。 Because of the Black Star character card reason, he can give up defending to concentrate on the attack , without HP extra worries, Fault Tolerance to rise suddenly dozens times, he dared the adventure, individual operational level therefore rose the one scale, full. 因为黑星人物卡的缘故,他能够放弃防御专注攻击,没了血量的后顾之忧,容错率暴涨几十倍,他更敢于冒险,个人操作水准因此上升了一个档次,酣畅淋漓。 This set of chain attack is natural enough, Mechanical Martialist this profession or graceful ah.” “这一套连招够潇洒,械武者这个职业还是帅。” I a little want to practice the Mechanical Martialist trumpet.” “我有点想练个械武者小号了。” Do not fantasize, pro player Mechanical Martialist and your Mechanical Martialist were two lifeform, the vegetable/dish chicken do not want pit others.” “别幻想了,职业选手械武者和你的械武者根本是两种生物,菜鸡就不要坑别人了。” The next player mounts the stage rapidly, even if imitates Viking team leader to tow time is still useless, Crazy Blade is even more supernaturally brave, first even/including cut to turn three battle axe players. 下一个选手迅速上台,就算效仿维京队长时间也没用,狂刀越发神勇,一连砍翻了三个战斧选手。 Has existence of Black Star character card, lets his continue voyage ability far surpass imagination, is almost Perpetual Motion Machine. 黑星人物卡的存在,让他的续航能力远超想象,几乎是永动机 The Huaxia (China) audience looks with great interest, as Crazy Blade displays Black Star character card ability unceasingly, many audience realized the one strange issue suddenly. 华夏观众看得津津有味,不过随着狂刀不断发挥黑星人物卡能力,许多观众忽然意识到了一个古怪的问题。 Right, Black Star seemed like machinery system......” “对了,黑星好像是机械系吧……” Is ah, this Inextinguishable Body ability compared with previous advanced Tenacious Life, No matter how looks seems like Martial Daoist core ability to ah......” “是,这个【不灭之躯】的能力比上一届的【高级强韧生命】强多了,不管怎么看都像是武道家的核心能力才对……” I became aware! enduranceless Mechanic...... does not have spirit soul!” “我悟了!不点耐力机械师……是没有灵魂的!” Understood, originally meat-made is Mechanic's Genuine Gameplay.” “懂了懂了,原来肉坦才是机械师的真正玩法。” The Huaxia (China) audience teased in a tone with. 华夏观众语带调侃。 However speaking of which, Crazy Blade seems like each to use Black Star's ability, they look with own eyes the Black Star character card effect gradually moves toward abnormal. 不过说起来,狂刀似乎每一届都会使用黑星的能力,他们亲眼看着黑星人物卡的效果一步步走向变态 From the first Machinery Affinity addition and second advanced Tenacious Life, By the present Inextinguishable Body, Each time is the progress of immense. 第一届的机械亲和加成、第二届的【高级强韧生命】,到现在的【不灭之躯】,每一次都是巨大的进步。 —— our was also witnesses Black Star to rise step by step. ——我们这也算是见证黑星一步步崛起了吧。 Many lives have this idea, in the heart are rippling a feeling of satisfaction of share of witness. 不少人生出这个想法,心中荡漾着一股见证者的满足感。 Crazy Blade's battlepower presents the overwhelming, according to rubs the opponent on the ground with the 18 posture back and forth, the following battle axe player did not waste the card in hand, making Crazy Blade alone/one person kill to put on arena competition, ate up big wave to win again. 狂刀的战力呈现压倒性,用十八般姿势把对手按在地上来来回回摩擦,后面的战斧选手也不浪费底牌了,让狂刀一个人杀穿了擂台赛,再次吃下一大波胜点。 Although is only the startled great wild goose one presently, but Inextinguishable Body The place of terrifying, had made the indelible impression in the innumerable player's mind. 虽然只是惊鸿一现,但【不灭之躯】的恐怖之处,已经在无数玩家的脑海里留下了难以磨灭的印象。 On everyone very curious Black Star also has what fierce ability, can always to broaden the outlook each time. 所有人都很好奇黑星身上到底还有什么厉害的能力,每次总能让人大开眼界。 Watches the discussion in forum, Han Xiao can foresee, so long as later legion player obtains Blank Character Card, perhaps all will run over replica oneself. 看着论坛里的讨论,韩萧可以预见,以后军团玩家只要得到空白人物卡,恐怕全都会跑过来复刻自己 arena competition became the Maple Moon stage, she pats the next fortress position at the flag point directly, the firepower washes, battle axe wants capture the flag, needs to pay several times the price, causing capture the flag points disparity of both sides to get bigger and bigger. 紧接着的擂台赛则成了枫月的舞台,她直接在旗点拍下一座堡垒阵地,火力洗地,战斧想要夺旗,需要付出数倍的代价,导致双方的夺旗积分差距越拉越大。 Jiang City does not give the battle axe slightly overturn opportunity, took a victory again. 江城不给战斧丝毫翻盘机会,再度拿下了一场胜利。 Won continuously three, Jiang City has consolidated the victory, the remaining two instance dungeon matches were more relaxed, but walked an interlude. first match five ended, the victory selected to win battle axe, Jiang City took the first round of first match victory, the grand opening. 连续打赢三场,江城已经稳固了胜局,剩下的两个副本赛就轻松多了,只是走了个过场。第一局五场结束,胜点完胜战斧,江城拿下了首轮的第一局胜利,开门红。 ...... …… International Finals first round is like a raging fire, eight warteam firepower full, since contributed this league tournaments most splendid to war. 国际决赛第一轮如火如荼,八支战队火力全开,贡献了一场场本届联赛以来最精彩的对战。 The first round of victory comes fiery, finally made all Huaxia (China) audience excitedly crazy. 首轮战果火热出炉,结果让所有华夏观众都兴奋疯狂了。 Jiang City 3 : 1 defeat Swedish Battle Axe, Dynasty 3 : 1 defeat Old American Devil, Sky 3 : 2 defeats Japan Yamata...... 江城三比一击败瑞典战斧,皇朝三比一击败老美魔界,长空三比二击败日本八岐…… In other words, the Huaxia (China) audience best estimate presented —— Huaxia (China) three warteam, the complete first run advanced, entered Top Four! 也就是说,华夏观众最好的预想出现了——华夏三支战队,全部首轮出线,打进了四强 The previous result is very outstanding, this goes a step further, occupied three seats in international Top Four, the only one alone outside team, is Old American Key warteam! 上一届的成绩已经十分优秀了,这一届更进一步,在国际四强占了三个席位,唯一一个孤零零的外队,是老美科伊战队 List, player of major contest areas were startled, no one can think that Huaxia (China) this performance is so unexpectedly strong, made rule truly! 名单一出,各大赛区的玩家都惊了,没人能想到华夏这一届的表现竟然这么强,真正打出了统治性! Great Demon King ah this is! 大魔王这是! This Huaxia (China) warteam is much stronger, Key warteam became the sole root only child, the carrying/sustaining other contest area player's hopes. 这届的华夏战队强得可怕,科伊战队成了唯一一根独苗,承载了其他所有赛区玩家的希望。 Besides the Broken Starlink contest area, other player share a common hatred, hoping Key can rise in the reverse direction, breaks through the blockade of Huaxia (China) Great Demon King, becomes anti- magnificence herald. 除了破碎星环赛区以外,其他玩家都同仇敌忾,希望科伊可以逆势崛起,打破华夏大魔王的封锁,成为抗华先锋 Compares in the fighting to win or die mentality of foreign audience, Huaxia (China) player is overjoyed. In Top Four occupied three, was equal to locking a finals quota ahead of time . Moreover, the opportunity that this Huaxia (China) warteam champion and second-place finisher met by chance was bigger. 相比于外国观众的背水一战心态,华夏玩家这边可谓是欢天喜地。四强里占了三位,等于提前锁定了一席决赛名额,而且,这一次华夏战队冠亚军相逢的机会更大了。 In World Final, if final two warteam are club of same country, this will be a immense great honor, if Huaxia (China) can first complete this score, was equal to founding the history, had the special milestone significance, Huaxia (China) player anticipates extremely. 世界总决赛里,如果最后的两支战队都是同一国家的俱乐部,这将是一份巨大的殊荣,如果华夏第一个完成这个战绩,等于开创了历史,具有特殊的里程碑意义,华夏玩家对此期待万分。 The earnest hope of domestic audience, foreign player's shares a common hatred, making the pressure all arrive at the opponent who on Jiang City Warteam the —— Key semifinal pulled out, is Jiang City. 国内观众的殷切盼望,外国玩家的同仇敌忾,让压力全都来到了江城战队身上——科伊半决赛抽到的对手,便是江城 If winning got down Key, then all are good, Jiang City turns into the historical record creator, to become the rich and powerful family club turning point...... 要是赢下了科伊,那么一切都好,江城变成历史记录创造者,得到成为豪门俱乐部的契机…… But if lost to Key, wasted this excellent foundation milestone opportunity, making the domestic audience want to fail, Prestige of their club accumulation, certainly will fall suddenly with great difficulty...... this is a double-edged sword! 可如果败给了科伊,就浪费了这一届大好的开创里程碑的机会,让国内观众希望落空,他们俱乐部好不容易累积的声望,一定会暴跌……这是一柄双刃剑! Regarding all audience, Jiang City and Key to war, on equivalent to this finals, so long as Jiang City won, then the champion is the Huaxia (China) it's in the bag! 对于所有观众来说,江城科伊的对战,就相当于这届的决赛,只要江城赢了,那么冠军就是华夏的囊中之物! On the Broken Starlink plate, numerous player go into action spontaneously, collects the Key warteam material, to analyze the tactic of opponent , helping Jiang City analyze the information together. 破碎星环板块上,众多玩家自发地行动起来,搜集科伊战队的资料、分析对手的战术,一起帮助江城分析情报。 Although Jiang City need not, but this sincere lets Crazy Blade and the others greatly by inspired. 虽然江城不一定需要,但这份热诚却让狂刀等人大受鼓舞 Under is a focus of public attention, International Semifinal starts, Dynasty and Sky this no one looked to the civil war of old enemy, almost all audience looked at Jiang City and Key showdown. 万众瞩目之下,国际半决赛打响,皇朝长空这对老冤家的内战没什么人看,几乎所有观众都去看江城科伊的对决了。 By the warteam strength, Key has the backbone player who the Devil transfer comes only, the overall strength absolutely is super first-rate, can break through a tight encirclement not simple that from Team A, moreover Old American basically is the daemon race person, talent. 单论战队实力,科伊魔界转会而来的中坚选手,整体实力绝对是超一线,能够从A组杀出重围的都不简单,而且老美基本都是恶魔族人,天赋强。 Key leading captain was Key of Solomon, Crazy Blade and he is the old opponent, two people have fought in first individual match, at that time Key of Solomon losses in Crazy Blade's, crossed the two edition, Key of Solomon were also progressing. 科伊领队所罗门之匙,狂刀与他是老对手了,两人在第一个人赛就交过手,当时所罗门之匙在了狂刀的手里,过了两个版本,所罗门之匙也在进步。 Two warteam start, the competition turned the superheating, kills gloomily, refuses to compromise. The quick process four rounds of fierce combat, both sides made into 2 : 2, entered the last game of match. 两支战队一开打,比赛就进入了白热化,杀得天昏地暗,僵持不下。很快经过四轮激战,双方打成了二比二,进入了最后一局赛点。 whether it is Huaxia (China) or the foreign audience, the heart was clutched, with fluctuating to the situation of war is uncertain. 无论是华夏还是外国观众,心都被揪了起来,随着对战的局势而起伏不定。 Finally this game, group battle competition and arena competition have not widened the disparity, however in following capture the flag and instance dungeon match, Maple Moon gives full play of power and strength, all trump card machineries used completely, the False Dragon mecha embryonic form entered the stage, was warteam established winning situation at one fell swoop. 最后这一局,团战赛擂台赛都没有拉开差距,但是在后续的夺旗副本赛中,枫月大发神威,所有压箱底的机械全部用了出来,就连虚龙机甲雏形都出场了,为战队一举奠定了胜势 The score frames finally in 3 : 2, Jiang City won the semifinal, the Maple Moon merit was enormous, harvested big wave die-hard fan. 战绩最终定格在三比二,江城赢下了半决赛,其中枫月的功劳极大,收割了一大波铁杆粉丝 Another side, Dynasty defeated Sky, two warteam with the previous same civil war, finally actually opposite, Sky this time does not beat Dynasty, halts Top Four, Dynasty completed the revenge. 另一边,皇朝击败了长空,两支战队和上届一样内战,结果却相反,长空此次不敌皇朝,止步四强,皇朝算是完成了复仇。 Two Huaxia (China) warteam join forces the finals, was Pro League established milestone! 两支华夏战队会师决赛,为职业联赛立下了里程碑 When the Huaxia (China) audience is excited, sighed in relief, is at heart satisfied. 华夏观众激动之余,也松了一口气,心里满足。 Because Key has not entered the finals, the foreign audience are very disappointed, the finals of Huaxia (China) civil war, total attention might as well semifinal. 因为科伊没有进入决赛,外国观众十分失望,华夏内战的决赛,总关注度还不如半决赛。 Although two Huaxia (China) warteam striving for victory desires are strong, but each other has no conflict, fights steadily. 两支华夏战队求胜欲望虽强,但彼此没有什么冲突,稳扎稳打。 What a pity Jiang City consumes very big at the semifinal, had the obvious declining tendency, that side Dynasty only played four semifinals, rested a period of time, conserved strength. 可惜江城在半决赛消耗很大,出现了明显的颓势,皇朝那边只打了四场半决赛,多休息了一段时间,养精蓄锐。 Finally, the Jiang City regret is defeated, Dynasty won the title of International Finals, making Huaxia (China) complete defending! 最终,江城遗憾落败,皇朝摘下了国际决赛的桂冠,让华夏完成了卫冕! The Huaxia (China) audience feels proud and elated, but on has not obtained the champion is so pleasantly surprised for the first time, more is one type successful satisfies —— present Huaxia (China) internationally is the strong team of ranking among the best, wins the champion to be worth congratulating, but is not how accidental/surprised matter. 华夏观众扬眉吐气,不过并没有上一届首次得到冠军那么惊喜,更多是一种水到渠成的满足——现在的华夏在国际上是数一数二的强队,拿下冠军值得庆贺,但也不是多么意外的事情。 Unlike the previous generation, is not Huaxia (China) warteam challenges others now, but is others challenges Huaxia (China) warteam, this type as Great Demon King the challenged sense of honor, making many Huaxia (China) audience quite enjoy. 与前世不同,如今不是华夏战队去挑战别人,而是别人来挑战华夏战队,这种作为大魔王被人挑战的荣誉感,让许多华夏观众颇为受用。 Because Jiang City completed milestone that joins forces the finals, therefore they, although lost the finals, but the Huaxia (China) audience very big side understood, does not have the parsimonious oneself applause and encouragement. 因为江城完成了会师决赛的里程碑,所以他们虽然输了决赛,但华夏观众都很大方地理解了,没有吝啬自己的掌声与鼓励。 Before the game does not favor the netizen who Huaxia (China) defends to be speechless, ceased all activities in front of the champion title really...... had as for them really fragrant, Han Xiao estimated. 赛前不看好华夏卫冕的网友无话可说,在实打实的冠军宝座面前都偃旗息鼓了……至于他们心里有没有真香,韩萧估计是有的。 Huaxia (China) successfully defends, exciting legion player cheers at the forum, Han Xiao was also quite happy, but in his opinion, this to oneself is the one mixed matter. 华夏成功卫冕,兴奋的军团玩家在论坛上欢呼雀跃,韩萧也颇为高兴,不过在他看来,这对自己来说是一个好坏参半的事情。 The result of league tournament will affect the player daily action, next edition, the major contest areas get together in Glittering World, Huaxia (China) win two championships continuously, will very probably turn is the target of public criticism, as Broken Starlink biggest player faction, Black Star Legion may encounter other faction player's challenges and aims at...... 联赛的结果会影响玩家日常的行动,下个版本,各大赛区齐聚闪耀世界,华夏连续夺得两届冠军,很可能会变成众矢之的,作为破碎星环最大的玩家阵营,黑星军团可能会遭到其他阵营玩家的挑战与针对…… Only is these foreign club, will certainly join up the key point to immobilize Huaxia (China) club, gobbles up the resources, to rob quest, to rob the domain. 光是那些外国俱乐部,就一定会联合起来重点钳制华夏俱乐部,抢夺资源、抢夺任务、抢夺地盘。 4.0 is player official become well-known, steps onto the edition of struggle of stage cosmos faction, Han Xiao will not neglect various contest area tens of millions player's seeking death ability. 4.0是玩家正式打响名号、走上宇宙阵营之争舞台的版本,韩萧不会忽视各赛区数千万玩家的作死能力 Must deal with this point, must during Edition Update, establish the huge base industry in Glittering World ahead of time. 要应对这一点,就必须在版本更新期间,提前在闪耀世界建立起庞大的基业。 This is the 4.0 Edition foothold. 这是4.0版本的立足之地。 Edition Update of this one stage, is the key of my further development......” “这一个阶段的版本更新,是我更进一步发展的关键……” Puts out one breath, tidied up a mood, Han Xiao switched off the forum that fell into the revelry, is stroking gently the chin, secret ponder. 吐出一口气,收拾了一下情绪,韩萧关掉陷入狂欢的论坛,摩挲着下巴,暗暗沉思。
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