Chapter 570
第570章Firstrespondedwhatis the shadowwolf.
最先反应过来的是影狼。Started the instance that retreatedtoward the upper airin the mechanical men, the shadowwolfrises with a spring, crashed in the mechanicalcrowd, stepped on the windstepto climb upunceasingly, simultaneouslyfoot, trampled the ground the mechanical man.
在机械人们开始往高空撤退的瞬间,影狼一跃而起,冲进了机械人群中,踩着风步不断登高,同时一脚一个,将机械人踹回了地面。At the same time the Mu Yougodskinalsoflies highagain, twowashed, embraces a robot, lostin abundancetounder.
同一时间沐游的神皮也再次凌空,两手一淘,揽下了一把机器人,纷纷丢向下方。Butbelowplayersthis timealsoresponded, is crazyto the robot that the skyis crashing.
Before presentfightalready, is completely different, the playersdo not needto be worried aboutresurrecting of thesemechanical menagain, so long asbreaks opentheirgas hoods, making the miragedivulge, is of great success.
眼下的战斗已经和之前完全不同,玩家们不用再担心这些机械人的复活,只要破开它们身上的气罩,让蜃气泄露进去,便大功告成。Was suppressed, cancounter-attackat this timefinally, extremelyplayersone after anotherenthusiastically, variousspecial skillsdo not ask for moneypoundstoward the roboton, dozensrobotsturned into‚emeraldstone carving’one after another.
被压制了一路,此时终于可以反击,玩家们一个个都极为踊跃,各种看家本领不要钱的往机器人身上砸,数十名机器人接连变成了‘翡翠石雕’。Meanwhile, has guarded the octopuskingandbonedragon of base, is under the order of Mu You, the bonedragonflies the skydirectly, the Dragon's Taildragonclawmoves, the mechanical man of bigpiecewas pattedfliesto the ground.
The octopuskingwas simpler, does not needto take off, by the hugefigure and slendertentacle, only need elongate the tentacle, thencaneasilyfish the mechanical man who theserun away.
章鱼王就更简单了,都不需要起跳,凭借巨大的身形和修长的触手,只需伸长触手,便可以轻易捞到这些逃走的机械人。Octopustortoiseclawsimultaneous/uniformDong, mechanical manone after anothersuch as the raindropfalls, moreoveraccuratefallingnearplayer.
章鱼王八爪齐动,一个接一个的机械人如雨点落下,而且都准确的落在玩家附近。Underhas prepared the goodplayersto close inimmediately, rips openmechanical mangas hoodviolence, after mechanical manpetrification, thenrushes to the nextplaceimmediately......
下方早已准备好的玩家们顿时一拥而上,将机械人身上的气罩暴力撕开,待机械人石化后,便立即赶往下一个地点……Thisunilateralslaughter, continued for aboutfiveminutes.
这场单方面的屠杀,持续了将近五分钟。Finally, except for the fewluckgoodmechanical men, over 90%mechanical menstayed in a day of empty city.
The playersare still dissatisfied, have the player of flying abilityto continueto pursueoutward, is interceptingrobotalong the roadunceasingly, has pursuedto the mirageproliferationedge, interceptiondozensmechanical men.
玩家们犹不满足,有飞行能力的玩家继续朝外追击,不断截杀着沿路的机器人,一直追到蜃气的扩散边缘,又拦截下了数十名机械人。„Ok, a hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far.”
“行了,穷寇莫追。”Mu Youhoveringbeforemirageboundary, stopped by calling outseveralalsoto prepare the stimulatedplayer who continuedto pursuepromptly.沐游悬停在蜃气分界线前,及时叫住了几名还准备继续追击的亢奋玩家。Outsidethis momentmirage is only left over more than 40machinearmor, has not actually escapedagain, butwandersin the mirageboundary vicinity, consistentlyis maintainingcertaindistancewith the mirage.
此刻蜃气外仅剩下四十多具机甲,却没有再逃跑,而是在蜃气边界附近游荡起来,始终与蜃气保持着一定的距离。Onegroup of playersare also tactful, thesemechanical mendareto stop, definitelyissecure, so long asevidentlyleft the mirage, theytook the mechanical mannot to have the means that hasto followMu Youto return.
After returning to a day of empty city, Mu Youthrough the communications system of dayempty city, contactedothercitylordsimmediately, informed the situation in theirmirage.
回到天空城后,沐游当即通过天空城的通讯系统,联络了其他城主,告知了他们蜃气中的情况。„Does not have the issue, flies.”
“没问题,都飞过来吧。”„Miragereallycanmake the mechanical manparalyze! Said, so long asentered the miragerangeto be safe.”
“蜃气果然可以让机械人瘫痪!这么说只要进入蜃气范围就安全了。”„Haha, Isaid that howthesefellowswill not have the weakness......”
“哈哈,我就说嘛,这些家伙怎么会没有弱点……”„Inis escapingin the direction of mirage, behindis hangingover a thousandmachinearmorpursuing troops, waitsto arrive at the timehowquicklylooks atmypittheir......”
“正在往蜃气的方向逃跑呢,后面吊着上千具机甲追兵,等快到的时候看我怎么坑它们一把……”„Reallycannot think, the miragebecameourprotectionon the contrary......”
……NumerouscitiesLordorpleasantly surprisedorsigh with emotion, actshand/subordinateis not slow, the controlcityshifts towhiteFengcheng the directionin abundance.
众城主或是惊喜或是感慨,手下动作也都不慢,纷纷操控城市转向白枫城的方向。At presentdawncitytemporarilywassafe, Mu Youarrangedsomemanpowerto defend, others throughteleportation array, transmittedotherday of empty cityhelpto defend.
目前黎明城暂时是安全了,沐游安排了一些人手防御,其他人则通过传送阵,传送去其他天空城帮忙防守。When a citywill soon enter the miragerange, Mu Youthenleads the personto ambushnear the mirage, when the mechanical manapproaches the mirage, thenemitsimmediately, intercepts the mechanical man who thesewantto escape, as far as possiblekeepsinthem the mirage.
每当一座城市即将进入蜃气范围时,沐游便率人埋伏在蜃气附近,待机械人一靠近蜃气,便立即冒出,将那些想逃跑的机械人拦截下来,尽可能的将它们留在蜃气中。However after played1-2 times, thesemechanical menalsogrew the lesson, wheneverchases downclose to the miragetime, thenhaltsimmediately, fleesdirectly, notto the opportunity that theyintercept, the doneinterceptionsquadflies back without any resultsseverallattertimes.
During pursueschasingto escape, after severalhours, as the laststar lightcityalsoenters the miragerange, othertendayempty citiesexcludingeveninglightcity, convergesin the mirageall.
就这么一路追追逃逃之中,数小时后,随着最后一座星光城也进入蜃气范围,除暮光城外的其余十座天空城,尽数在蜃气中汇合。„Counts, how manymechanical menat presentcaptures?”
“统计一下吧,目前都俘虏了多少机械人?”SeveralcitiesLordmeetin the daybreakcity, Mu Youinquired.
几个城主在黎明城上碰面,沐游询问。Thesemechanical menhave not actually died, butwas affectedto fall into the temporaryparalyzed stateby the mirage, ifsends out the miragerange, after within the bodymiragedissipates, theywill resurrectsame place.
这些机械人其实并没有死,只是被蜃气影响陷入了暂时的瘫痪状态,如果送出蜃气范围,等体内蜃气消散后,它们都会原地复活。Thereforehad no way saying that wasstrikesto killmanymechanical men, can only becaptures.
“日出城四百零三具……”„Rising suncity768......”
The peoplereported a score of dayempty cityrespectively, the laststatistics, altogethercaptured more than 5700mechanical menunexpectedly!
众人各自汇报了一下自家天空城的战绩,最后一统计,竟总共俘获了五千七百多具机械人!HoweverMu Youis clear, this seeminglyhugenumber, actually is also only‚extermination’ who the mechanical manproduces very smallpart, manyexterminationhave not arrived.
“那接下来呢?”所罗门问。Iftoday the empty city were safetemporarily, butpreserved a day of empty cityis only the firststep, theywere impossibleto stayin the mirageforever, mustfind the wayto hit.
如今天空城算是暂时安全了,不过保住天空城只是第一步,他们不可能永远呆在蜃气中,总要想办法打出去的。Mu Youlooks at first emperor.沐游看先天子。
The emperorsnod, made public an information.
天子点了点头,公布了一则情报。„The news that frontlinepersonneljustsent , the threebattleships of mechanical man, stayinnamed a rainbowlightcityat present‚’place, thisplaceis the miragespreadsat presentto the bigabyssboundary, threemechanicalbattleshipshad launched the warwith the miragelifeformhere, temporarilymade the spread of miragestagnate......”
The emperorspoint at a labellingpoint on mapto answer.
The miragedoes not divulgefrom the formidabletower, canunceasingspreadstowardall around, the naturalproliferation of miragehas a range, after exceedingthisrange, musthave the liveliness of miragelifeform and ensure nearbymiragedensityis bigger than a marginal value, cancontinueto expandtoward the surrounding, otherwise the expansion of miragewill then stagnateevencontracts.
蜃气并不是从勇者塔泄露进来,就能不断的朝四周扩散,蜃气的自然扩散有一个范围,超过这个范围后,必须有蜃气生物的活跃,来保证附近的蜃气浓度大于一个临界值,才能继续朝外围扩张,否则蜃气的扩张便会停滞甚至收缩。This is because the essence of mirage, is a perceptual system of clamtapir, the clamtapircan the sensationbodydecide the space within rangeon Monday, but after exceedingthisrange, mustby the miragelifeformas‚detector’, continueto proliferateoutward, canmake the clamtapirobtain the fields of vision of multi-zone.
这是因为蜃气的本质,是一种蜃貘的感知系统,蜃貘能够感知身周一定范围内的空间,而超过这个范围后,就必须由蜃气生物作为‘探测器’,继续朝外扩散,才能让蜃貘获得更多区域的视野。Naturally, thisexpansionalsohas the limit.
The perception area of clamtapirmain body, from the transmissionplace of real worldthatlake bottom, has extendedto the serverentranceprobably, expandstoAstral Spirit RealmtowhiteFengcheng the surroundingagain, was the limit.
蜃貘本体的感知范围,大概从真实世界那片湖底的传送点处,一直延伸到服务器入口,再向星灵界扩展到白枫城的外围,就是极限了。Buton this basis, the miragelifeformcancontinueto help the area of influence of clamtapirexpand about onetime, takeswhiteFengchengas the center of circle, coversentireAstral Spirit Realm1/3areacircular areasprobably.
而在此基础上,蜃气生物又可以继续帮蜃貘的影响范围扩张一倍左右,也就是以白枫城为圆心,大概笼罩整个星灵界三分之一面积的一个圆形区域。Surpassesoutsidethiscircular area, no mattermiragelifeformagainhowdiligently, is unable to maintain the density of mirageagain.
超过这个圆形区域以外,不管蜃气生物们再怎么努力,也无法再保持蜃气的浓度。Whythis was also the lampgodsaid that the mirageare mostwill only affect the Astral Spirit Realm1/3regions, onceexceededthisrange, even if the miragewere forcibly transported, should still naturally dissipatequickly.
这也是为什么灯神说蜃气最多只会影响星灵界三分之一的区域,一旦超过这个范围,蜃气就算被强行运送出去,也会很快自然消散。Butnow, the strategy of mechanical manis very clear: Since the miragemustby the miragelifeformin the mirageedgeenlivensto expand, then only need ambushthesemiragelifeformon the way, blocksroad that theywent forward, thencanstop the expansion of mirageinthisdirection.
而现在,机械人的战略很清晰:既然蜃气要靠蜃气生物在蜃气边缘的活跃来扩张,那么只需在途中狙击这些蜃气生物,阻断了它们前进的路,便可以截停蜃气在这个方向上的扩张。Evenwithretreating in defeat again and again of miragelifeform, but can also cause the edgeunceasingretroversion of mirage, untilreturningtowhiteFengcheng.
甚至随着蜃气生物的节节败退,还能够使蜃气的边缘不断回退,直至退回到白枫城中。Laterfinds the wayto block the leakage hole of tower of formidable, is of great success, miragesuccessinterceptionbesideAstral Spirit Realm.
之后再想办法堵住勇者之塔的泄露口,便大功告成,将蜃气成功拦截在了星灵界之外。„The position of rainbowlight/onlycity, justsituated inwhiteFengcheng the center point and bigabyssconnection, the mechanical menwantsto startfromhere, repelsstep by step the mirage, wegohereto support, helping the miragelifeformresist the mechanical man, making the mirageboundarycontinuetoward the bigabyssexpansion!”Mu Yousaid.
“虹光城的位置,刚好位于白枫城与大深渊连线的中点,机械人们想从这里开始,将蜃气一步步击退回去,那我们就前去这里支援,帮蜃气生物抵挡机械人,让蜃气界限继续朝大深渊扩张!”沐游说。Theirstrategies are also very simple, is to make the miragecover the bigabyss, taking advantage of the shield of mirage, disintegrates the defense line of mechanical managainstep by step, infiltratesGarden of Edenuntil the mirage, finds the wayto break throughtheirdensagain.
他们的战略也很简单,就是让蜃气一路覆盖到大深渊,再借蜃气的掩护,一步步瓦解机械人的防线,直到蜃气渗透进伊甸园,再想办法攻破它们的老巢。Determined after program of action, the peoplego backimmediately, control the respectivecity.
确定了行动方针之后,众人立即回去,操控各自城市出发。Tendayempty cities, inin the airbecome a straight linecontinually, fliesdirectlyin the direction of rainbowlightcity.
十座天空城,在空中连成一条直线,径直朝虹光城的方向飞去。Thishurries alongis more than tenhours.
这一赶路又是十多个小时。Whennext morning, before arriving in the rainbowlightcity, manypeople‚closing’timehas approached, has totemporarilyleaveAstral Spirit Realm.
待第二天早上,到达虹光城之前,很多人的‘关门’时间已经临近,不得不暂时离开星灵界。Howeversomepeoplewalksomepeopleto come, Earthlastpresentover2000discovereddoors, the opening the doortime of eachdoorare different, basicallyuniform distributionwithintendays of cycles.
不过有人走就有人来,地球上现在有超过两千扇已发现的门,每扇门的开门时间都不尽相同,基本均匀分布在十天的周期之内。Thereforetheoreticallycanhavea group ofnewplayersto come the Astral Spirit Realmsupportevery day, so long asarrangesto take turnsreasonably, does not needto be worried about the manpowerinsufficientissue.
所以理论上每天都能有一批新的玩家前来星灵界支援,只要合理安排一下轮换,无需担心人手不够的问题。In addition a difficult problem, isin the miragefixed timegoing to sleepissue.
The lifeform in mirage, mustforceto go to sleeponce in a whileonetime, thisis the rule that cannotexempt from, so long asplacesin the mirage, even if the bonedragon and scorpionlionlike thisrealgodbeast, mustwithstandsuchside effect.
蜃气中的生物,每隔一段时间就要强制入睡一次,这属于不可豁免的规则,只要身处蜃气中,哪怕是骨龙和蝎狮这样的真实神兽,都得承受这样的副作用。Was goodhad found out the rule of miragebecause of the peopleahead of time, brushed the nightmarepowderearly, everyonewas in shiftsto go to sleep, the minimumtime limittwohours of whengoing to sleepcrossed, thencanfirst‚calling’be awakedbyteammate, then, most of the time in a day cankeepsober, the influencealmostcanignore.
好在众人已经提前摸清了蜃气的规则,早早刷好噩梦粉,大家轮班入睡,待入睡的最低时限两小时一过,便可以被身边的队友第一时间‘叫’醒,如此一来,一天中的绝大部分时间都可以保持清醒,影响几乎可以忽略不计。„Since the situationwere calm and steady, wefirstwalked.”
“既然情况安稳下来了,那我们就先走了。”In the morning, Nightwatcheris draggingsleepy eyesdimexquisite, looks the Mu Youfarewell.
清晨时分,打更人拖着睡眼朦胧的玲珑,来找沐游告别。Theythenmustgo to the Fatimaempire , to continue to completequest of secret spellchurch.
The followingtangled warfare, is notmanytheir twocanchange, theycontinueto stay behindcannot add onmanyto be busy, might as wellcontinuesto complete this matter of doing.
The presentFatimaempirehashalfregionsto be coveredin the mirage, includesimperial capital that the secret spellchurchis, thissuddendisaster, does not needto wantalsoto know,inthis momentimperial capitaldefinitelypiece of chaos, are at the flusteredstage, does the goodtime of matter.
如今的法蒂玛帝国已经有半数区域被笼罩在了蜃气中,其中就包括秘术教会所在的帝国首都,这种突发的天灾,不用想也知道,此刻帝都内肯定一片大乱,正处于人心惶惶的阶段,正是搞事的好时机。Exquisiteexhaustedyawning that was towedforcefully: „, If we had knownfirstdid not return toEarthfrom the beginning, but alsowanted the two sidesto toss about......”
被强行拖来的玲珑困顿的打着呵欠:“唔,早知道一开始就先不回地球了,还要两边折腾来折腾去……”„Hehe, in the game the timid and hesitant, manyoperationsare unable to realize, nowwecome, canunshacklefinally.”
“嘿嘿,游戏里束手束脚,很多操作都无法实现,现在咱们本人过来,总算可以放开手脚了。”Nightwatcheris eager to trylooks atMu You, brings back the foodto point out: „Ihave thought that ninemethods, flickeredthatpriest, ninetypes! Respectivelyis......”打更人跃跃欲试的看着沐游,勾起食指道:“我已经想好了九种方法,忽悠那个祭司,九种!分别是……”„Goodwas good, does not needto tellme, youlook at the office!”Mu Youquicklystops, reallymustmakehimbegin, mustrubbishsome time.
After gazing aftertwocloneto leave, Mu Youlooked that at present the situationis stable, thenurgedmedicine pickerone, makinghimhelpguarddawncity, he himselffound timeto transmitabyss.
目送两个分身离开后,沐游看眼下情况还算稳定,便叮嘱了采药人一声,让他帮忙镇守黎明城,他自己抽空传送去了深渊一趟。【Youappearin‚the Lochmaddybigabyss’neighbor......】
【你出现在‘洛赫马迪大深渊’附近……】With the prompt that in the mindpresents, Mu Youcomesin a jungle.
伴随着脑海中出现的提示,沐游现身在一片丛林中。Clothingnextbottle of invisiblepotion, Mu Yourides the broomto fly the upper airdirectly, lookstowardbelow.
服下一瓶隐形药水,沐游直接骑着扫把飞上高空,朝下望去。Bigabyssat this moment, coversinfogas before, just like a huge mouth that in the landopens, selects the personto bite.
此刻的大深渊,依旧笼罩在一层云雾之中,犹如大地上张开的一张巨口,择人而噬。Stated differently, at this momentin the periphery of abyss, high and lowaboutpresented a giantdeephole of long striprespectively, the wholepresentsone‚ship’outline.
不同的是,此刻在深渊的周边,上下左右各出现了一道长条状的巨大深窟,整体呈现一艘‘船’的轮廓。Fourdeepholeslinked up into a single stretch, causing the entireabyss the surface layerto sinkseveral hundredmeters, turned into a basin.
四个深窟连成一片,导致整个深渊的表层都下沉了数百米之多,变成了一块盆地。Mu Youestimated,thisshouldbe the trace that thesesteelbattleshipsstay behind. Thesebattleshipshave hidden the undergroundaroundabyss, untilyesterday, was summonedby the mechanical man.沐游估计,这应该就是那些钢铁战舰留下的痕迹。这些战舰原来一直隐藏在深渊周围的地下,直到昨天,才被机械人召唤出来。HoweverwhatmakesMu Youstrangeis, didn't only discoverthreebattleships? How does herehavefourpits?
不过让沐游奇怪的是,不是只发现了三艘战舰么?这里怎么有四个坑?Is it possible that...... hasn't come?
莫非……还有一艘没有现身?Mu Yousearched forin the surroundings, had not discoveredtrail that otherbattleshipshave, on the contraryiswhenis close to the abysssurface, hehad a subtlenotsense of realitysuddenly.沐游在周围搜寻了一番,并没有发现其他战舰存在的踪迹,反倒是在接近深渊表面的时候,他忽然产生了一种微妙的不真实感。Mu Youstaysin the abysssky over, looks below abyssscene.沐游不禁停留在深渊正上空,看着下方的深渊景象。At first sightbeforehimcomestimeexactly the same, is the fogwinds around, is too deep to see the bottom, cannot pick upanyflaw.
乍一看和他之前来的时候一模一样,都是云雾缭绕,深不见底,挑不出任何破绽。Butundergradually influencing of numeroustop3 AeruptsonEarth, this momentMu Youactuallyhadonetypeto looksuddenlygameCGregarded the feeling.
但在地球上众多顶级3A大作的熏陶下,此刻沐游却忽然产生了一种在看游戏CG的既视感。Mu Youknits the brows, attemptsto flytowardunder.沐游皱了皱眉,尝试着朝下方飞去。„Thump!”
“咚!”Whenwill soon be closeto the abysssurface layer, Mu Youfeltsuddenlyoneselfhit an invisiblewall, the stealth effectdisappearedimmediately, is forcedbrokenhidden.
在即将接近到深渊表层的时候,沐游忽然感觉自己撞到了一面无形的墙壁,隐身效果顿时消失,被迫破隐而出。Butat this timeMu Youalsosaw clearly the thing under bodyfinally: Unexpectedlyistogether the transparentbarrier, by the innumerablehexagoncombinations, like a backing offbowl, coversin the cave entrancesurface of abyss......
而此时沐游也终于看清了身下的东西:竟是一道透明屏障,由无数六边形组合而成,如同一个倒扣的碗,覆盖在深渊的洞口表面……Mu Youunderstands clearlyimmediately, no wonderfeels the non-nature, illusion that the picture of abyssprojectsunexpectedly, becauseis lifelike, causingis difficultto distinguish the actual situation.沐游顿时了然,怪不得感觉不自然,深渊的画面居然只是投影出的幻象,只是因为过于逼真,导致难辨虚实。Butthisis not the key point, this timekey pointis the thing in barrier.
但这不是重点,此时的重点是屏障内的东西。Underthisinvisiblebarrier, a giantsteelbattleship, anchorsabove the entrance of abyss, depends on the hugebuild, like the weightboard of cave, covered the entrance of entireabyssunexpectedlytogetherdirectly.
在这面隐形的屏障下方,一艘巨大的钢铁战舰,停泊在深渊的入口上方,靠着巨大的体型,竟如同一块地窖的压石板,直接将整个深渊的入口覆盖了起来。„Discovers the invisibleunit, the statusdeterminationis: Fool! Risk factorappraisal: Highlydangerous. Performance order: The elimination, wipesto disappear, action of driving away.”
“发现隐形单位,身份判定为:愚者!危险度评估:高度危险。执行命令:清除,抹消,驱赶。”Withdisseminates news the soundtogether, the dense and numerousmechanical mencrawlimmediatelyfromvariousbattleshipplaces, comes in swarmstowardMu You.
伴随着一道播报声,密密麻麻的机械人顿时从战舰各处爬出,朝沐游蜂拥而来。Meanwhile, the battleshipsurfacefacesMu Youthatside, such as the honeycomb briquetis common, exposes the innumerablemuzzles, gathers the white light.
The turbulentenergyrapidcongealmentis completed, over a thousandartilleries, launched the familiarcoveragetypesaturatedattacktoward the Mu Youposition.
The Mu Youeyelidjumps, the hurriedrecollection, wantsnot to thinkimmediately,turned around the broomto be far away from the abysssurfacedecisivelydirectly.沐游眼皮一跳,急忙回溯,随即想也不想,果断掉转扫把直接远离了深渊表面。Is goodbecause of the promptness that heremoves, withoutcontacting the barriersurface, has not exposedtemporarily.
好在他撤的及时,没有接触到屏障表面,暂时还没暴露。Hidesin the forest in distant place, Mu Youlooks at the frontabyssmouth, actuallyknits the brows.
藏身在远处的林中,沐游看着前方的深渊口,却不禁皱眉。Originallyheis thinking, thesemechanical menturn out in full strength, the armiesassemblein the frontline, thendennormallyinsteadvoid, if possible, couldattemptto steal a wave of family/homeanything.
本来他是想着,这些机械人倾巢出动,大军都在前线集结,那么老巢按说反而空虚,有机会的话,说不定能尝试偷一波家什么的。What a pity the factshowed that hewantsto be many, theserobotactionsare very meticulous, has not been negligent in the protectionto the native place, arranged a battleshipto remaindirectlyinthis.
可惜事实证明他想多了,这些机器人行动很缜密,并没有疏于对老家的保护,直接安排了一艘战舰留守在此。Moreoverdoes certainlyimaginescompared withhim: Unexpectedlywithbattleship‚lid’in the abysssurface, died of suffocation the lifeformto go to the abyssdirectlysimply the way.
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