Chapter 569meetsextermination
第569章迎战灭绝者Bcity, Commerce Unionheadquartersbuilding.
B市,商盟总部大楼。Mu YouandLin XueLittle Ya, is followingfrontLin Hai, goes to the basement in building, becausehereis depositingCommerce Unionin whicha ‘door’.沐游和林雪小雅,正跟随前方的林海,前往大楼的地下室,因为这里存放着商盟的其中一扇‘门’。A moment ago after Mu Youandothercitieslord a discussion, decidedfirstto go toAstral Spirit Realmto defend the respectivedayempty city.
刚才沐游和其他城主一番商议后,都决定先去星灵界守着各自的天空城。Moreover, thismatteralso the urgent noticedomestic and foreignallhas‚gate’influence, at this momenthaslots ofeliteplayersto be started, is flooding intoAstral Spirit Realmthrough the gatecontinuously, the defense of participationday of empty city.
另外,这件事也已经紧急通知了国内外所有拥有‘门’的势力,此刻已经有大量的精英玩家被发动起来,正通过门源源不断涌入星灵界,参与天空城的防守。But the Mu Yougatehad just usedcouple days ago, temporarilycould not have opened, can only lend the Commerce Uniongate.
而沐游的门前几天刚用过,暂时还开不了,只能来暂借一下商盟的门。ThisplaceMu You the first time is notcame, when1.0editionsjustrenewed, Mu Youhas then borrowedCommerce Unionthedoor.
Everyone only thendoes not have the priceto enterothergatesopportunitiestwice, fromthirdstart, after returning toowngate, is deductedtenyears of sourcelife span.
每个人只有两次无代价进入其他门的机会,从第三次开始,回归自己的门后就会被扣除十年本源寿命。ThisaspectMu Youtwiceopportunitieshad used up, onetimeis that out of controldoor of Yangtze valley, onetimewas1.0editionsother daytimeentered the door of chamber of commerce.
这方面沐游的两次机会已经都用掉了,一次是长江流域的那扇失控门,一次是上回1.0版本的时候进了商会的这扇门。Thistimeentersagain, isviolated‚being undesirable that has happened more than three times’principle, whenlaterhis owngateopentime, mustbe deductedlife span a time, naturally, tenyears, noat the worst.
The Mu Youpresentsourcelife spanhas more than 150years, theoretically can also enter15timesothergate, the opportunity is very abundant.沐游现在的本源寿命有150多年,理论上还可以进15次别的门,机会还很充裕。Let alone, after ‚reaches the gold/metalapple of Sian’thistype of itemappears, the sourcelife spanno longeris any scarcething.
更何况,‘达斯安的金苹果’这种道具出现后,本源寿命已经不再是什么稀缺的东西。Reaches the Siangold/metalapple tree, will then open the planterafterdayempty cityLV7, at the appointed time the entirecityresidentscanwateritwith the prestige.
After the fruit treeis mature, allhave watered the personcanexchange the fruit the ordinarylife spaninvestmentfruit tree, the proportionis100 : 1 , is100years of ordinarylife spantrades a gold/metalapple, butreaches the Siangold/metalapple, canincrease100years of sourcelife span, does not gaindoes not owe, butis equal to transform the ordinarylife spanas the process of sourcelife span.
待果树成熟后,所有浇灌过的人都可以将普通寿命投入果树来兑换果实,比例是100比一,也就是100年普通寿命换一颗金苹果,而一颗达斯安金苹果,就可以增加100年本源寿命,不赚也不亏,只是等同于一个将普通寿命转化为本源寿命的过程。Therefore, futureFoolwill not lose one's capital the sourcelife span, is only the currentstageis quite precious.
因此,将来的愚者是不会缺本源寿命的,只是目前的阶段比较珍贵罢了。As forLittle YaandLin Xue, entersothergate for the first time, does not needto consider the issue of side effect.
至于小雅和林雪,都还是第一次进别的门,无需考虑副作用的问题。ThreepeoplefollowLittle Hai, finallywent to the undergroundhall.
三人跟着小海,最终来到了地下一处大厅中。In the hallthis timehad gathered more than 90people, Commerce Unionplayer who will soon pass through the gate, neatrowinhallteam.
厅内此时已经聚集了九十多人,都是即将进门的商盟玩家,在大厅中整齐的列好了队。„The presentisexactly 7 : 00 am, calibratesownwatch, before tomorrow's7 : 00, musthurry back the changing shifts, if not hurry back, mustwait for the nextgateto open, on the waydeductedlife spanneedsto undertake.” A person of managerappearanceannounced that before the gateroutineitem, thenopened the reardoor.
“现在是早上 7 点整,都校准自己的手表,明天七点之前,务必赶回来换班,如果赶不回来,就得等下一次门开启,途中被扣除的寿命需要自己承担。”一个管事打扮的人在门前宣布完例行事项,便推开了后方的门。Whatgateconnectionis a jungle, the people are the permanent personnel of thisdoor, regarding thishas been unalarmed by strange sights, entersin turn.
身后的门连接的是一片丛林,众人都是这扇门的常驻人员,对此已经见怪不怪,依次进入其中。Mu YoualsobringsandLittle YaLin Xuewalks up.沐游也带和小雅林雪走上前去。„, The biggod, your twopets......”is in chargelooks atto the Mu Youfootwith a smallsnake that an orangecat, as well ason the catheadoccupies, somewhatawkwardlookstoMu You.
The rulelimit of gate, most can only onetimethrough100people, oncesurpasseswill closeahead of time. Buthere‚person’, referred , is not only human, but alsoincludingallintelligentspecies, for examplemerpeople, fairyotherraces.
门的规则限制,一次最多只能通过一百人,一旦超过就会提前闭合。而这里的‘人’,指的不单是人类,还包括所有的智慧物种,比如人鱼,精灵等其他种族。It can be said that except for the smalllifeform of thesebelow-normal intelligence, allcan the mouthspit the fleshlifeform of criticism/human language, was calculatedin the gatestatisticalcategory.
可以说,除了那些低智的小生物,所有能够口吐人言的血肉生物,都被算在门的统计范畴内。But the presentthesetwopets, the managerunderstood at a glance that is of intelligent, otherwiselongis not broughtbyghost shipspecially.
Before Mu You, togetting marriedquota that Commerce Unionapplied, only thenthree, Commerce Unionalsoarrangedaccording to the population, 100quotaswere not the least bit off, finallynow the Mu Youvolumegives extratwopetsto comeunexpectedly, thismadehimsomewhatawkward.沐游之前向商盟申请的过门名额只有三个,商盟这边也都是按人数排好的,100个名额丝毫不差,结果现在沐游竟额外带了两只宠物过来,这就让他有些为难了。„Relax, thesetwoare the reallifeform, will not occupyyourquotas.”Mu Yousaid.
“放心,这两只都是真实生物,不会占据你们的名额。”沐游说。Hebringsnaturallyis the bonedragon and scorpionlion, inlampgodincludingoil lamp, the lifeform of thesereal worldsnotbygaterulelimit, becausetheyabsolutelydo not have the concept of life span, eventhroughgate, notbygatecomputation.
他带来的自然是骨龙和蝎狮,包括油灯内的灯神,这些真实世界的生物都是不受门规则限制的,因为它们根本就没有寿命的概念,就算通过门,也不会被门计算在内。„Ohoh, thatis good, youdo as you please.” The stewardsrelax, letsopen the doortoMu You.
“噢噢,那就好,那您请便。”管事松了口气,给沐游让开了门。„Many thanks.”
“多谢。”Mu Youexpressed gratitude, threepeopleoversteppedin the gatewithLittle Haitogether, immediatelyfound the placeto put downteleportation array, direct transmissiondaybreakcity.沐游道谢一声,三人和小海一同踏过门内,随即找地方放下传送阵,直接传送去了黎明城。Daybreakin the city, at this momentis empty a piece, againno longerpastliveliness.
黎明城上,此刻空荡荡一片,再不复往日的热闹。Looking into the distance, fewplayersare movingnearby the cityLordfort, thishasgate the daybreakcityplayer of influenceone by one, knew after the news, thencatches upto helpdefend a citydecisively.
放眼望去,只有极少数的玩家正在城主堡附近活动,这都是各个拥有门的势力的黎明城玩家,得知消息后便果断赶来帮忙守城。„Your majesty! Has an accident?”
The shadowwolfjumps downfrom the tall buildingsomewhere, lithelanding, dustwithout the belt/bring, in the hand the bow and arrowhas grasped, obviouslyhas also feltdawncityatmospherechange, completed the combat readiness.
影狼从某处高楼上跳下,轻盈的落地,没有带起一丝尘土,手中弓箭已经握好,显然也已感受到了黎明城的气氛变化,做好了战斗准备。„Is a long story, laterexplainedslowly.”Mu Youshakes the head, firstgoes to the cityLordfortcenter, the book of pointgoing out of townlord, controlsdawncityto drop.
“说来话长,待会慢慢解释。”沐游摇了摇头,先去城主堡中央,点出了城主之书,操控黎明城下降。At this timedawncitystillstaysonEllempiresea area, holdingafterarriving atsea level, Mu Youwill hideoctopuskinginseato call, makingitland a day of empty cityahead of time, laterdefendedthesemechanical men, neededitsstrength.
此时黎明城依然停留在兰埃尔帝国东侧的海域上,待降临到海面附近后,沐游将藏身在海中的章鱼王叫了出来,让它提前登陆了天空城,稍后防守那些机械人,也需要它的力量。„Boss, Ifirstpassinglong nightcity.”Little Yamoved towardteleportation array.
The citylordaslong nightcity, shenaturally must go to the long nightcityhostgeneral situation.
作为永夜城的城主,她自然也得去永夜城主持大局。„Wait, took the scorpionlion..”Mu Youhugs the orangecat, gaveLittle Ya: „Little XueLittle Haialsopassestogether, hereguardstrengthwas enough”
“等等,带上蝎狮吧。。”沐游将橘猫抱起,递给了小雅:“还有小雪小海也一起过去吧,这里守卫力量足够了”„Butyour one person, busycoming? The mechanical man who ifcomesare many......”Lin Xuesomewhatto hesitate.
“但你一个人,忙的过来吗?万一来的机械人很多呢……”林雪有些犹豫。Actuallycompares, the long nightcityinsteadis a dayempty city that mostdoes not needto be worried about, becausein the long nightcitybesidesFool, the goblin, blood groupand othernumerousracesmixesto occupy, thesemechanical menhit, theynaturallycanhelpdefend.
其实相比起来,永夜城反而是最不需要担心的一座天空城,因为永夜城上除了愚者外,还有地精、血族等众多种族混居,那些机械人打过来,它们自然都会帮忙防守。„Relax, Iam not a person.”Mu Yousmiles, puts out a hand a move.
“放心,我不是一个人。”沐游笑了笑,伸手一招。Nearbymedicine picker, Nightwatcher and exquisiteformcomeone after another.
一旁采药人、打更人和玲珑的身影接连现身。Ascloneto havethis pointadvantage, canat any time and main bodyfusesordisperses, can therefore relaxedcard‚gate’bug.
作为分身就是有这一点好处,可以随时和本体融合或分散,于是可以轻松的卡‘门’的bug。This momentthreepeoplewere summonedinAstral Spirit Realm, was equivalentinAstral Spirit Realmwas born, evenlaterstayed here for a long time, will not be buckled the life span.
此刻三人在星灵界被召唤,就相当于在星灵界出生,就算之后长期停留在这边,也不会被扣寿命。Butiflaterwantsto go back, but can also go backthrough the spacecrack of Fuanative placeat any time, round tripdoes not needto pass through the gate, naturallydoes not needto be bound bygate.
After gazing afterLittle Yatheyleave, Mu Youandclonealsoimmediatelyto startto take inventory the personnel, preparesto meet head-on.
目送小雅他们离开后,沐游和分身们也立即开始清点人员,准备迎战。dawncityisinallcitiesdevelopsquickestone, becauseobtained the protectingcitybeast of octopuskingbuglevelfrom the beginning, causes the Mu Youconstruction conceptuntil now, stressesin the development, butneglected the defense, thereforedawncitydefensiveconstruction, isinallday of empty citiesare on the contrary least.
黎明城是所有城市中发展最快的一座,不过因为一开始就获得了章鱼王这种bug级的护城兽,导致沐游一直以来的建设思路,都偏重于发展,而忽略了防守,因此黎明城的防御性建筑,反倒是所有天空城中最少的。Without the defensive structurescratch coat, naturallymust on deploying troops for defenseis colored the thoughts.
没有防御建筑打底,自然就得在布防上多花些心思。„Allhasto treat the magicplayer, comingmeto report......”
“所有拥有治疗魔法的玩家,来我这边报备一下……”„Had the player of haloclassitemto pay attention, laterweincentralizedwill meet the enemyunder the dayempty city wall, the defense linealtogetherwas divided into15areas, everyonepaid attention to the position, made the halocovermoreplayersas far as possible......”
“拥有光环类道具的玩家注意了,稍后我们会在集中在天空城正东面的城墙下迎敌,防线总共分为十五个区,大家注意一下站位,尽量让光环覆盖到更多的玩家……”„Remember, theserobotsdo not fearmagic, therefore the easiest-to-usephysicalmethodattack, do not wastemanaonthem, naturally, for the assistance that one's own sideuseswithdefensive magic, canusenormally......”
“记住,这些机器人不怕魔法,所以最好用物理手段攻击,别在它们身上浪费魔力,当然,对己方使用的辅助和防御魔法,都可以正常使用……”Mu Youandthreecloneto go on patrolnear the front, is propagandizing the matters needing attentionwith the players. The somewhatchaoticcrowd, undertheirarrangements, graduallybecomessystematic, treatscompletelyin the respectivedefense area, completed the combat readiness.沐游和三个分身巡游在战线附近,和玩家们宣传着注意事项。原本有些混乱的人群,也在他们的安排下,逐渐变得井然有序,全部待在各自的防区内,做好了战斗准备。
The dayempty citysuchbigrange, wantsto defendcompletelynaturallyisnot possible, can only the defense linecentralizedin a smallsection, thenthrough the direction of adjustmentskycity, lets the defense linethroughoutto the position of robotsmain attack.
天空城这么大的范围,想全部防御当然是不可能的,只能将防线集中在一小段上,然后通过调整天空城的方向,让防线始终对着机器人们主攻的位置。If the robotdaresto divide forces, attemptsto dispersefrom the differentpositionbreakthroughs, thaton the contraryandMu Youintention, because the playerscanshiftin the dayempty cityrangeanytime and anywhereinstantaneously, the mobilityfinishes attendingexplodes the robot, the robotdivides forces, insteadis easierbydefeat in detail, with the reason of thesemechanical men, will not definitely chooselike this.
而如果机器人敢分兵,尝试分散从不同的方位突破,那反倒和了沐游的心意,因为玩家们都可以在天空城范围内随时随地瞬间转移,机动性上完爆机器人,机器人分兵,反而更容易被各个击破,以这些机械人的理智,肯定是不会这样选择的。Onehourpasses by.
不知不觉间,一个小时过去。Somemoment, continuouslyMu You that pacesnear the city wall, suddenly the suspension of movement, lookstosomedistantdirection.
某一刻,一直在城墙附近踱步的沐游,忽然停步,看向远方某个方向。At this momentin the horizon of distant place, has been ableto seesomecommonsunspotsfaintly, in the enlargement of little by little.
After severalseconds, shadowwolf that the one siderests, jumpssuddenly, arrives at the city wall, the lookopened the bowstringseriously, aimed atoutside the city.
数秒后,一旁歇息的影狼,也忽然跳起,来到城墙边,神色严肃的拉开了弓弦,对准了城外。Alsopassed the moment, thesesunspotsneared a day of empty cityfinally, at this time the peoplecansee clearlythesethings the portraits.
又过了片刻,那些黑点终于接近了天空城,此时众人才得以看清这些东西的真容。Reallyis the robot! At least1,000-2,000, crowdedpiece, inupwardsempty cityrapid flight.
果然是机器人!起码有1,000-2,000具之多,乌泱泱一片,都在朝天空城疾飞而来。Mu Youdoes not have the timestatisticsconcretequantity, butlooks at the scaleonly, in the playerquantitywithpresentdayempty cityis similar.沐游没时间统计具体数量,但单看规模,和现在天空城上的玩家数量是差不多的。ThismadeMu Youbelieve a speculation: Verypossiblyeachexterminationis correspondingFool!
这应该就是那些多余疫苗的去处了。Naturally, Fool on Earthhasbillions, the vaccineis impossibleto haveso many, mostalsoon the scales of ten millionlevel.
当然,地球上的愚者有几十亿,疫苗不可能有那么多,最多也就千万级的规模。Mu Youestimated that Evashouldhaveoneto wrap/sets ofoneselfevaluation criteriatoFool, only thenachievesabove certainly dangerousrank, will makeexterminationto aim.沐游估计艾娃对愚者应该有一套自己的评价标准,只有达到一定危险级别以上的,才会制造灭绝者来针对。Bythisgroup of extermination, extinguisheskills the Foolhigh-endstrength, everybody forging together, thisconforms to the logic of machineryvery much.
由这批灭绝者,来灭杀愚者的高端战力,一个萝卜一个坑,这很符合机械的逻辑。After this most powerful10 millionhumaneliteswere eliminated, the average people on remainingEarth the hard to bring aboutclimate, has been ableby the mechanical manarmyrelaxedcrew cut......
而当这最强大的一千万人类精英都被消灭之后,剩下地球上的普通人已经难成气候,可以被机械人大军轻松推平……Returns to the proper topic, the suddenlytime, thesemechanical menhad gone near the defense line of people, the mechanical man of mostfrontholds up the artillerytube on arm, takes the leadto open fire.
The intensefirebombardmentcomes, in the defense linecity wallalsoappearedimmediatelydefensivebarriers, keeps offin turn the fire. Thisis one of the defensivecity wallfunctions, naturally, because the constructionrankis low, can only conduct very limiteddefense, mainlymustdefendby the player.
密集的炮火轰击而来,防线的城墙上也立即浮现了一圈圈的防御性屏障,将炮火依次挡下。这是这种防御性城墙的功能之一,当然,因为建筑级别还低,只能进行很有限的防御,主要还是要靠玩家来防守。At this time the players after city wall, opens the magicguard/shield, the quietblueguard/shieldlinked up into a single stretch, keeps offthisfirstwave of bombing.
After the mechanical manflewnear a distance, had the player of long-distance rangeattackmethod, impatientmaking a move.
待机械人又飞近了一段距离后,一些拥有远距离攻击手段的玩家,已经迫不及待的出手。AlthoughMu Youhad emphasizedearlytheserobotsdo not fearmagic, bang that butsomepeopledo not believe in evil doctrinesmagicball.
虽然沐游早强调过这些机器人不怕魔法,但还是有人不信邪的轰出了魔法弹。Finally when as expected, allmagicattackswill soon be contacting the mechanical manbody surface, fell intoautomaticallyquietly, is similar todud that loses, nocandetonate.
结果不出所料,所有魔法攻击都在即将接触到机械人体表时,自动陷入了沉寂,就如同丢出去的哑弹,没有一颗能引爆的。Then the playerswerebelievethoroughly the Mu Youwords, rushedto startto prepare the physicalattack.
After the firstwave of exchange of fireended, the robothad rushed toabove a day of empty citythoroughly, both sidesformallystartedengaging in hand-to-hand combat.
第一波交火结束后,机器人已经彻底冲到了天空城上方,双方正式开始了短兵相接。Suddenly, varioustypes of large flames, arrow, the demolitionblasts openon the defense line, whattheseare most noticeableis the octopusking.
The octopuskinggiantbuild, such as the mountainblockedmechanical man'sinroadtoskycity, eightclawsimultaneouslywield, every caneasilypull outto flyby farseveralmechanical men.
章鱼王巨大的体型,如山岳般挡住了机械人去往天空城内部的路,八爪齐齐挥动,每一下都能轻易将数名机械人远远抽飞出去。Another side, changes the prototypebonedragonalsoto mount the clouds and ride the mistin the urban fringe, allmechanical men who dareto rush to the city, will be flownbyitscollisionunrestrained/no trace of politeness.
另一边,变回原型的骨龙也在城市边缘腾云驾雾,所有胆敢冲上城市的机械人,都会被它毫不客气的撞飞。Butallplayers, is defending the respectivedefense line, is falling in torrents the firepowerto the mechanical manwith every effort.
而所有的玩家,也都守着各自的防线,对机械人尽力倾泻着火力。At this timeon the contrarywasMu Youlooksquiteidle, leisurely and carefreerandom walkbehind the defense line, could not igniteactsanxiously.
这时候反倒是沐游看起来比较无所事事,悠闲的游走在防线后方,一点不着急出手。In factheinobservationsituation, withcityLordprivilege, real-time monitoring the situation in entiredayempty city, ifotherdirectionhas the words that the mechanical mansneakssecretly, heneeded first transmissionto stopin the past.
实际上他是在观察局势,同时也是在用城主的特权,实时监控着整个天空城的情况,万一别的方向有机械人偷偷潜入的话,他需要第一时间传送过去阻拦。„Relaxes, does not needto go all out, is primarilydelaying, will killin any casewill also reactivate, was inferior that economicalstamina......”incrowd, the Nightwatchersoundspreadleisurely.
“都悠着点,不用太卖力,以拖延为主,反正杀了也会复活,不如节省体力……”人群之中,打更人的声音悠悠传出。Hesaid is also the truth, howtheserobotswill killwill resurrect, thereforetheywill attackwill go all outagainuselessly, is also defending, so long as ensure the defense line that might as wellwill partly catch a fish by hand should not be broken throughthen.
他说的也是实话,这些机器人怎么杀都会复活,所以他们攻击的再卖力也没用,还不如半摸鱼的守着,只要保证防线不要被突破即可。As fordraggingthesemechanical men, howmustprocessfinally......
至于拖着这些机械人,最后要怎么处理……Whenseveralpeoplejustarrived indaybreak the city, Mu Youthenfirstissuesfull speed‚flew towhiteFengcheng’ the orderto the city, at this momenttheyare actually going towhiteFengchengon the way.
在几人刚刚到达黎明城的时候,沐游便第一时间给城市下达了全速‘飞往白枫城’的命令,此刻他们其实正在前往白枫城的途中。Naturally, does not needreallyto rush towhiteFengcheng is so far, theirgoals the region that isto enter the miragecovers. Sincethesemechanical men the fearmirage, explained that theirabilities likely have problemsin the mirage, at the appointed timeis the time that theycounter-attack.
当然,不需要真的赶到白枫城那么远,他们的目的是进入蜃气笼罩的区域。这些机械人既然害怕蜃气,说明它们的能力很可能在蜃气中出问题,到时才是他们反击的时刻。Nowafterclose totwodays of proliferation, the region that the miragecoversalreadyquitebroad, daybreak after the cityfull speedflew for aboutfivehours, thensawwhitemist of frontascension.
经过接近两天的扩散,如今蜃气覆盖的区域已经相当广阔,黎明城全速飞行了大约五个小时后,便看到了前方一片升腾的白色雾气。„Will soon enter the mirageregion, paid attention.”
“即将进入蜃气区域,都注意了。”Mu Youremindedone, immediatelylettingwithout hesitationdaybreak the cityadvanced the miragerange.沐游提醒了一句,随即毫不犹豫的让黎明城开进了蜃气范围。Buttheseare exchanging fire the mechanical man, for a whilealsoreceives the handwithout enough time, rushed in the miragebythem.
而这些正在交火中的机械人,一时也来不及收手,被他们连带闯进了蜃气中。„Examines the mirageenvironment, immediatelyopens the magicgas hood!”
“检测到蜃气环境,立即张开魔法气罩!”Withtogetherdisseminating news of mechanical man, in the midairallmechanical manbody surface, immediatelysimultaneouslyoutwardspoutmana, the energy of fullcongealed a bluegas hoodintheirbody surface, mirageisolationoutside.
伴随着其中一道机械人的播报,半空中所有的机械人体表,顿时齐齐朝外喷涌魔力,充盈的能量在它们体表凝成了一圈蓝色气罩,将蜃气隔绝在外。„Thesemechanical men, unexpectedly this method of resisting the mirage!”Nightwatcheris surprised.
“这些机械人,居然还有这种抵抗蜃气的手段!”打更人惊讶。„Thisexplained,thesemechanical menare afraidto contact the mirage!”Mu You is actually at presentonebright, immediatelysummoned the godskin, finds outfast, holdsmachinearmor that a recentpreparationfledaccurately, hisbefore the body.
“不过这样更说明,这些机械人害怕接触到蜃气!”沐游却是眼前一亮,当即召唤了神皮,一手飞快探出,准确抓住了最近的一具准备逃离的机甲,将其拉到身前。Meanwhileinhisright handsection of exaggeratingcrab pincersappear, cutstoward the mechanical manonwith the cutting edge of crab pincers.
The crab pincersbroke through the gas hood of outer layerwith ease, cutin the mechanical manbody surface, cuttogether the exaggeratingwound.
蟹钳轻松突破了外层的气罩,斩在了机械人体表,斩出一道夸张的伤口。Although under thiswoundblinksthenrestoressuch asbeginning, butthisstrikes, has made the gas hoodshatter, the mirageinstilled intoimmediately.
虽然这伤口眨眼便恢复如初,但这一击之下,也已经让气罩破碎,外界的蜃气顿时灌输了进去。Suddenly, the mechanical manbodystartsto emitsomegreenspots.
眨眼间,机械人身上开始冒出一些绿色的斑点。Theseshapessuch as the spotrapid expansion of green alga, in the shortseveralseconds, thenspread the whole body of mechanical man.
这些形如绿藻的斑点快速扩张,短短数秒内,便蔓延到了机械人的全身。Butbymechanical man who the green algacovers, as iffalls into the mireto be the same, every action and every movementbecomeextremelydifficult, afterstruggledsame place for severalseconds, thenchanges into a greenstone carvingthoroughly, falls to the groundloudly, is unable again the moveslightest.
而被绿藻覆盖的机械人,仿佛陷入泥沼一般,一举一动变得极为艰难,在原地挣扎了数秒后,便彻底化为一座绿色的石雕,轰然倒地,无法再动弹分毫。„Reallyeffective!”Mu Youlooks atthis, the heartnextcalm.
“果然有效!”沐游看着这一幕,心下大定。Meanwhile, the peoplealsoheard the disseminating newssound of mechanical man: „Receives the order, capturesdaybreakcityquestto postpone, the whole staffretreatsimmediately!”
与此同时,众人也听到了机械人的播报声:“收到命令,夺取黎明城任务暂缓,全员立即撤退!”Suddenly, allmechanical mencease firein abundance, soar, mustflee the mirage the region.
一时间,所有的机械人纷纷停火,高飞,就要逃离出蜃气的区域。„Brothers, counter-attacktimearrived! Leaves behindthem, do not letthemrun away!”Nightwatchershouted loudlyresounds throughin the front.
( This chapterends)
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