TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#568: Shocking battleship

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Chapter 568 shocking battleship 第568章惊世战舰 When Mu You opens eyes again, had withdrawn from that pure white space. 沐游再睁眼时,已经退出了那片纯白空间。 At this moment he still floats in the light ball front, innumerable comet spheres, is still keeping revolving around the light ball. 此刻他依然漂浮在光球前方,无数彗星般的圆球,也依然在不停地绕着光球旋转。 Looks at the front light ball, he did not have to go forward to be not studiously, then him again goes back to find the manager, informed existence of their concerned Eva and Garden of Eden. 看着前方的光球,他没有再上前做无用功,接下来他回去找到了管理员,告知了他们有关艾娃和伊甸园的存在。 What a pity, even if knew these, the managers still have no means that this aspect many of their might as well Mu You understanding. 可惜,即便知道了这些,管理员们也还是没有任何办法,这方面他们还不如沐游了解的多。 Founder Kent of machine armor skin, had not followed the Fool army to go to sky initially, later does not wait for Fool to return, Kent was then killed by the goblins, existence that therefore several people of even Kent does not know, is more impossible to understand Garden of Eden such secret. 机甲皮肤的创立者肯特,当初并没有跟随愚者大军前往高天,之后不等愚者们回归,肯特便被地精们杀害了,所以几人甚至连肯特的存在都不知道,更不可能了解伊甸园这样的隐秘。 After a half hour, the consciousness of Mu You returned to the body. 半小时后,沐游的意识回归了身体。 Opens eyes in the pet shop, Mu You shouted the tone. 在宠物店中睁开眼,沐游呼了口气。 Although this had not found the method of solving the problem, but at least confirmed who the enemy is. 这一趟虽然没找到解决问题的方法,但至少确认了敌人是谁。 An overstating artificial intelligence, Eva. 一个走火入魔的人工智能,艾娃。 Since is unable to break through the blockade of opposite party from the consciousness level, that can only try to find the solution from the reality. 既然无法从意识层面突破对方的封锁,那就只能从现实中想办法了。 Artificial intelligence again how illusory existence, always needs a carrier, therefore stupidest, is the most direct method, infiltrates the domain of mechanical man directly, so long as can smash the artificial consciousness the den, the issue is naturally easily solved. 人工智能再怎么虚幻的存在,也总需要一个载体,所以最笨,也是最直接的方法,就是直接打入机械人的地盘,只要能端掉人工意识的老巢,问题自然迎刃而解。 Mu You took a fresh look at a forum. 沐游重新看了眼论坛。 The player in forum is just the same as always, to tease blows the water, some extremely few people detect the issue serious. 论坛里的玩家还是老样子,都在调侃吹水,极少有人察觉到问题的严重。 Mu You returns to the city the Lord group. 沐游又切回城主群。 In the city Lord group, the direction of discussion was finally more serious, after dropping, is so long cannot restore, some people had realized anything faintly, starts to worry that had/left anything the issue that is hard to solve. 城主群里,讨论的方向终于严肃了一些,掉线后这么久没能恢复,已经有人隐隐意识到了什么,开始担忧是不是出了什么难以解决的问题。 ghost ship is long. What inside information does the big god have?” Solomon Heyte Mu You inquiry. 幽灵船长。大神有什么内部消息吗?”所罗门艾特了沐游询问。 Several people know that indistinctly Mu You can with playing the back manager contacts on, guessed that he possibly understands anything. 几人都隐约知道沐游能和游戏背后的管理员联系上,猜测他可能了解些什么。 Mu You has not concealed, the situation at present knowing said in group. 沐游也没隐瞒,将目前了解的情况在群里说了一下。 Mechanical man...... bottom world...... my day......” “机械人……地底世界……我天……” Human was ruled by AI, on this day finally came......” “人类被AI统治,这一天终于还是来了吗……” Is only has not thought that will first happen in the magic world......” “只是没想到会先发生在魔法世界啊……” ...... …… After the people listen, is startled, really has not expected the world of center of the earth also hidden, moreover was being ruled by the robot...... 众人听后也都是吃了一惊,实在没料到地心还有一个隐藏的世界,而且还被机器人统治着…… All is not the misdemeanor, this at least explained that we are not lonely, is some person and we are same, saved this endangered world...... just some direction deviations diligently...... Holmes to say in the attempt the sentence seemed like the comfort words. “也不全是坏事,这至少说明我们并不孤单,还是有人和我们一样,在尝试拯救这个濒危的世界……只不过努力的方向有些偏离……”福尔摩斯说了句像是安慰的话。 This point, people many have similar feelings, before then, they is a Astral Spirit Realm only awakening race, has been fighting single-handedly for the future, even if other races have the understanding plague discipline beginning to end, does not plan to intend to help them. 这一点,众人多少都有类似的感触,在这之前,他们是星灵界唯一一个觉醒的种族,一直在为了未来孤军奋战,其他种族就算有了解大灾纪始末的,也不打算出手帮他们。 Although Fool have not counted on others' help, but this makes them feel unfair unavoidably, probably the whole world in the level, waits to enjoy their achievements, only then they in feeling diligently. 虽说愚者们也从没有指望过别人的帮忙,但这难免让他们感受到一种不公,好像整个世界都在躺平,等着享受他们的成果,只有他们在努力的感觉。 But now, presented another finally also in diligently the salvation race, and birth and action was earlier than them, making the people balance much. 而现在,总算是出现了另一个也在努力救世的种族,且诞生和行动的都比他们更早,让众人心里平衡了不少。 Only what is a pity, this new, should be the race of colleague, actually not with their front. 唯一可惜的是,这个新出现的,本该是同僚的种族,却并不和他们一个战线。 This, has deviated...... nine quiet messages incessantly: „The direction that now we and mechanical men try hard defeats the purpose, under the current situation, we had actually become each other stumbling obstacle, only then first solved the opposite party, can continue the respective road......” “这,已经不止是偏离了吧……”九幽留言:“现在我们和机械人努力的方向可谓南辕北辙,目前的形势下,我们双方其实已经都成了彼此的绊脚石,只有先解决了对方,才能继续走各自的路……” Nine quiet words make the people silent, originally presents one to have the race of common goal with them, should be a good deed, they each other can have a helper finally, finally unexpectedly developed this type not dead the continuous aspect, this also too people are just the victims of fate...... 九幽的话让众人沉默下来,本来出现一个和他们有着共同目标的种族,应该是一件好事,他们彼此终于都可以有一个帮手,结果居然发展成了这种不死不休的局面,这也太造化弄人了…… fuck!” People silent time , the blue beard exploded a swearing in the group suddenly. 卧槽!”众人沉默的时候,蓝胡子忽然在群里爆了句粗口。 What's wrong?” Nine asked quiet. “怎么了?”九幽问。 Sunset City just encountered the surprise attack of mechanical man!” The blue beard said. 落日城刚刚遭到了机械人的突袭!”蓝胡子说。 Didn't drop? How do you know?” “不是都掉线了吗?你怎么知道的?” Our guild just has gateto open today together ‚, my two teams in opposite routine are practicing the level, finally just all was hit by the attack of mechanical man...... these robots to be a little fierce suddenly, some people met by the second, hurried to inform me......” “我们公会今天刚好有一道‘门’开着,我手下有两个队伍正在对面例行练级,结果刚刚忽然全都遭受了机械人的袭击……这些机器人有点厉害的,有人见面就被秒了,赶紧回来通知了我……” Mu You saw that this news is actually in the heart moves: How many robots did opposite come? Is what model?” 沐游看到这消息却是心中一动:“对面来了多少机器人?是什么型号?” He must first judge the outcome that hits which robot is, the mechanical man who if in Garden of Eden that type cannot resurrect is good, if extermination, if he and medicine picker runs into, the issue was serious...... 他要先判断一下打过来的究竟是哪一种机器人,要是伊甸园中那种不能复活的机械人还好,万一要是他和采药人遇到的灭绝者,问题就严重了…… „It is not clear, wait a bit, I had a look at...... blue beard saying that personally in the past this then did not have the message, should go to Astral Spirit Realm. “还不清楚,稍等,我亲自过去看看……”蓝胡子说完这句便没了音讯,应该是已经去往了星灵界 These mechanical men such unbearably anxious? Just confirmed that we are the enemies, such resolute beginning?” Solomon knit the brows to say. “这些机械人这么急不可耐的吗?刚确认我们是敌人,就这么果决的动手了?”所罗门皱眉说。 Perhaps is not unbearably anxious, but early deliberate......” “恐怕不是急不可耐,而是早有预谋……” Nine quiet said dignifiedly: Shields our games is only the first step, after a attack day of empty city was their true, moves...... do not forget, the day empty city seemingly had over a hundred million players to guard, but players main body almost in Earth, opposite all was game character, this dropped, the defensive strength in this moment opposite day of empty city fell the bottom instantaneously, almost can ignore, foreign clan attacked the golden opportunity in day of empty city!” 九幽凝重道:“屏蔽我们的游戏只是第一步,袭击天空城才是它们真正的后招……别忘了,天空城看似有上亿的玩家镇守,但玩家们本体几乎都在地球,对面的全是游戏角色,这一掉线,此刻对面天空城上的防守力量瞬间降到了最低点,几乎可以忽略不计,正是外族攻打天空城的绝佳机会!” Makes sense......” “有道理……” Wait , did other day of empty cities have the danger well?” Solomon is startled. “等等,那这样的话,其他天空城岂不是也有危险了?”所罗门一惊。 Perhaps is......” “恐怕是的……” Two people have not said. 两人还没说完。 Saw sacred light Nana to send the sob expression. 就见圣光娜娜发了个哭泣的表情。 „Was evening light city also invaded?” Solomon asked. “暮光城也被入侵了?”所罗门问。 I also just obtained the news that the evening light city players feed, said before is ten minutes, has stayed the evening light city in Fatima empire, suddenly moved, flew from the empire border, flies to east, but I and vice- city lord, have not issued any order of movement...... sacred light Nana to say to the evening light city before dropping. “我也是刚得到暮光城玩家传回的消息,说是十分钟前,一直停留在法蒂玛帝国境内的暮光城,忽然动了起来,飞离了帝国边境,向东飞去,而我和副城主,在掉线之前并没有给暮光城下过任何移动的命令……”圣光娜娜说。 This......” “这……” The people noticed that the news held breath the tone. 众人看到消息都是倒吸了口气。 In light of matter that the blue beard experienced a moment ago, the evening light city was also under similar robot attack very much obviously, moreover looked that the situation also attacks incessantly, even also seized the sky directly, seized the control jurisdiction of day of empty city. 结合刚才蓝胡子遇到的事,很显然暮光城也遭遇了类似的机器人袭击,而且看情况还不止是突袭,甚至还直接占领了天空,夺下了天空城的控制权限。 Mu You saw that this situation sighed, has been able to confirm, definitely was the mechanical man in abyss sends out. 沐游看到这情况叹息一声,已经可以确认,肯定是深渊中的机械人出动了。 The Famars empire is very near from the abyss, but anchors there evening light city, should be in all day of empty cities, from abyss recent one. 法玛尔帝国距离深渊很近,而停泊在那里的暮光城,应该是所有天空城中,距离深渊最近的一座。 Again next is Sunset City of blue beard, in view of the surprise attack of evening light/only city, likely started before Sunset City, but the blue beard manpower is sufficient, the news is quicker. 再其次才是蓝胡子的落日城,针对暮光城的突袭,很可能在落日城之前就开始了,只不过蓝胡子人手充足,消息更灵通一些。 In the intermittence that the people discussed that the blue beard got online again, just entered the group to chat brings a bad news. 就在众人讨论的间歇,蓝胡子再次上线,刚进入群聊就带来一个坏消息。 Day, these robot Tete were also abnormal! How unexpectedly to kill cannot kill?” “日,这些机器人也太特么变态了!居然怎么杀都杀不死?” Can't kill? What do you mean?” The people look at the news of blue beard are some gods. “杀不死?什么意思?”众人看着蓝胡子的消息都是有些愣神。 Is the meaning in wording, I operated the god skin in the past directly, fist, result these ghost things, no matter kills many time can always resurrect...... blue beard to be foul-mouthed fast. “就是字面上的意思,我过去直接开了神皮,一拳一个,结果这些鬼东西不管杀多少次总能快速复活……”蓝胡子骂骂咧咧。 „......” “呃……” The people somewhat compel ignorant. 众人还是有些懵逼。 However Mu You actually first understood: Launches the attack the robot absolutely is extermination! 不过沐游却第一时间理解了:发动袭击的机器人绝对就是灭绝者! How many mechanical men came?” Mu You is busy at asking. “来了多少机械人?”沐游忙问。 99...... mentioned also strangely, the robot number with our was just equal in opposite population.” “九十九具……说来也怪,机器人数量刚好和我们的在对面的人数相等。” 99...... 九十九…… This quantity makes Mu You also frown, before he and medicine picker somewhat could not resist facing both extermination, has to use the seal of shadow wool ball. 这个数量让沐游也不禁皱起眉头,之前他和采药人面对两具灭绝者都有些招架不住,不得不动用了影绒球的封印。 But now unexpectedly one presents about hundred extermination, then feared that was among even/including shadow cannot install...... 而现在居然一下出现了近百具灭绝者,这下怕是连影之间都装不下了…… That present? Won? How did you come back?” The hell Baron asked. “那现在怎么样了?打赢了吗?你怎么就回来了?”地狱男爵问。 Yeah , these fellows are not the normal player can cope not to mention, in addition my god skin, has just used, the attribute has not restored, hits , there would be no condition without a while.” “哎,别提了,这些家伙根本不是正常玩家能对付的,再加上我的神皮之前刚好用过,属性还没恢复,打了没一会儿就没状态了。” That Sunset City? Won't be seized?” The hell Baron asked. “那落日城呢?不会也被占领了吧?”地狱男爵问。 Also no, the promptness that I go to luckily, the jurisdiction had not been affected, after I arrive, immediately gave Sunset City to issue the order of retreating, now my person according to the city defense, is retreating fighting, I first came back to notify the information, wants to listen to opinion while convenient, how does this situation need to defend?” The blue beard asked. “还没有,幸好我去的及时,权限没被影响,我到达后立即给落日城下了撤退的命令,现在我的人正在据城防守,且战且退,我是先回来通报一下情报,顺便也想听听各位的意见,这情况要怎么守?”蓝胡子问。 The people also understand that his meaning, do not look at these robots, only then dozens, but these things cannot kill, means can never stand still maintains to besieging of Sunset City. 众人也明白他的意思,别看这些机器人只有几十具,但这些东西杀不死,也就意味着可以永不停歇的保持对落日城的围攻。 This aspect player may not the energy consumption excessively mechanically, stamina be only on the one hand issue, what is more important is the limit of gate, the player stays in Astral Spirit Realm every day, but the combustion life span, is defending 2-3 days of good, the time lengthened anyone unable to burn. 这方面玩家是不可能耗得过机械的,体力只是一方面问题,更重要的是门的限制,玩家停留在星灵界的每一天,可都在燃烧寿命,守个2-3天还好,时间拖长了谁也烧不起。 Words said these robots go all out snatches our city to do?” Solomon puzzled say/way. “话说这些机器人这么拼命的抢我们的城是想干嘛?”所罗门不解道。 No matter they want to make anything, in brief we now and robot is the explicit enemy, hinders their actions always right.” “不管它们想做什么,总之我们现在和机器人已经是明确的敌人,阻碍它们的行动总没错。” Mu You opened the mouth in the group at this time: These robots crawl from the big abyss, since the evening light city and Sunset City encountered the surprise attack, likely 11 day empty cities are their attack goals, leaving alone, other day of empty cities must meet with a disaster mostly...... my meaning are, all cities Lord take the manpower who now immediately may use rushes to Astral Spirit Realm, a control day of empty city retreats to being far away from the direction of abyss, in any event first ensure the respective city should not be seized by the mechanical man.” 沐游这时在群里开口:“这些机器人是从大深渊中爬出来的,既然暮光城和落日城遭到了突袭,很可能十一座天空城都是他们的进攻目标,放任不管的话,其他天空城多半也要遭殃……我的意思是,所有城主现在立即带上可动用的人手赶往星灵界,控制天空城撤退向远离深渊的方向,无论如何先确保各自的城市不要被机械人占领。” What said is.” “说的是。” That is enough moves......” “那就行动吧……” The matter cannot be delayed......” “事不宜迟……” ...... …… The people also approve the proposition of Mu You, prepares to act. 众人也都认可沐游的提议,纷纷准备行动。 Emperor who however at this moment, had not presented before, suddenly bubbling message. 不过就在这时,之前一直没有出现的天子,忽然冒泡留言。 Wait, here has the news that just started, before embarking, most attractive.” “等等,我这里有一条刚入手的消息,在出发之前,诸位最好看一下。” What news?” Some people asked. “什么消息?”有人问。 The emperors had not explained that but emitted dozens seconds of video documents in the group directly. 天子没解释,而是直接在群里放出了一段几十秒的视频文件。 The people click on the examination. 众人纷纷点击查看。 This video seems like the image that a souvenir photo crystal takes down, photographs again with the cell phone, therefore the picture is quite fuzzy. 这视频似乎是一段留影水晶录下的影像,再用手机拍摄下来的,所以画面比较模糊。 In picture, what first appears is a mountain Noda forest, several catch up with the recluse to carry the medicine basket, is collecting herb on the mountain. 画面之中,首先出现的是一片山野田林,数个赶山人正身背药篓,在山上搜集着药材 Looks quickly, what is that?” “快看,那是什么?” Suddenly the screams resound together, then the lens aimed at the dark cloud in upper air immediately. 忽然一道惊呼声响起,接着镜头立即对准了高空中的乌云。 That strong dark clouds, unceasingly tumbling, an incomparably giant steel monster, were dashing the surges sea of clouds, comes in people's eyes, a dense piece, it may be said that blocks the sky, the entire land was cast a shadow immediately. 那一片浓重的乌云,不断翻滚着,一个无比巨大的钢铁怪兽,撞破了翻腾的云海,现身在众人的眼中,黑压压的一片,可谓遮天蔽日,整个大地顿时被蒙上了一层阴影。 That is a jumbo steel fortress, big of its build, endures a ratio human Lord city, the whole presents a shape of ships, is ordinary just like the legendary universe battleship. 那是一座巨无霸般的钢铁堡垒,其体型之大,堪比一座人类主城,整体呈现一艘船只的形状,就宛如传说中的宇宙战舰一般。 Below one crowd catches up with the recluse in front of this steel battleship, small can ignore, even their short mountains, the thing of contrast space, still is only equivalent to a tiny hand office merely. 下方的一群赶山人在这艘钢铁战舰面前,微小的可以忽略不计,就算他们所处的这座矮山,对比天上的东西,也仅仅只相当于一座袖珍的手办。 The people noticed that this is dumbfounded. 众人看到这一幕都已经目瞪口呆了。 However also so, in final of video, the lens focuses incessantly to the sky of distant place. 然而还不止如此,在视频的最后,镜头又对焦向远处的天空。 The people see indistinctly, under the cloud layer of distant place, unexpectedly two same steel battleships, partly visible. 众人隐约看到,在远处的云层下,居然还有两艘同样的钢铁战舰,若隐若现。 „Is this...... also the things of these mechanical men?” Solomon inquired with amazement. “这……也是那些机械人的东西?”所罗门惊讶询问。 These three battleships, before are one hour, big abyss nearby indigenous people photograph, according to the native, these three battleships seemed like from the abyss the rise, but has not attacked anybody, after climbing to the upper air, then started to fly...... emperor to explain one toward the East. “这三艘战舰,是一个小时前,大深渊附近的原住民拍摄下来的,据当地人说,这三艘战舰似乎是从深渊附近升起来的,不过并没有攻击任何人,升至高空后,便开始朝着东方飞去……”天子解释了一具。 fuck, these mechanical men were also too crazy, unexpectedly even did the aviation battleship invent?” The blue beard said. 尼玛,这些机械人也太疯狂了吧,居然连航空战舰都发明出来了?”蓝胡子说。 Actually has nothing surprisedly, the existence time of these mechanical men may many that we are more ancient , the Fool history in their eyes, perhaps be only insignificant one page of flimsies.” The emperors said. “其实没什么可惊讶的,这些机械人的存在时间可比我们古老的多,愚者的历史在他们眼中,或许只是微不足道的一页薄纸。”天子说。 I mean, these robots have such strong ability, does not go to the space resistance to bite the god beast, instead must wield the butcher knife to us!” The blue beard is sighing with emotion. “我的意思是,这些机器人有这么强大的能力,不去天上对抗噬神兽,反而要对我们挥动屠刀!”蓝胡子感慨着。 Mu You has not paid attention to the complaint of blue beard, suddenly Heyte emperor: You said a moment ago, these steel battleships toward the east side?” 沐游没有理会蓝胡子的抱怨,忽然艾特了天子:“你刚才说,这些钢铁战舰往东边去了?” Is......” “是的……” Well? The evening light city as if was also flies the east side......” sacred light Nana to say at this time. “咦?暮光城似乎也是飞去了东边啊……”圣光娜娜这时说。 „......” “……” Such a reminder, the people also realized anything. 这么一提醒,众人也都意识到了什么。 East...... 东边…… Mu You reads the Astral Spirit Realm map on table, found the big abyss position, with the position of Fatima empire. 沐游看着桌上的星灵界地图,找到了大深渊的位置,与法蒂玛帝国的位置。 But both's east side, their day empty cities have not stayed at present, instead is another very conspicuous labelling, mapped view —— white Fengcheng! 但两者的东边,目前并没有他们的天空城停留,反而是另一座很显眼的标注,映入了眼帘——白枫城! white Fengcheng? Are the goals of these battleships to resist these mirage lifeform?” In the group nine quiet first responded. “白枫城?这些战舰的目的是去对抗那些蜃气生物?”群里九幽最先反应过来。 Has the possibility! The mechanical men want to rob our day empty cities, perhaps is not purely in view of us, but wants to borrow the strength of day of empty city, reinforces these battleships!” “有可能!机械人之所以想抢夺我们的天空城,或许并不是单纯的针对我们,而是想借天空城的力量,去增援这些战舰!” But, why?” sacred light Nana asked. The mechanical men wage a war suddenly, do not hesitate to expose oneself card in a hand, got angry with them, snatched their city, for provoked these mirage lifeform? Where has this to antagonize people everywhere...... “可是,为什么?”圣光娜娜问。机械人忽然大动干戈,不惜暴露自己的底牌,和他们翻脸,抢了他们的城市,就为了去招惹那些蜃气生物?哪有这样四处树敌的…… „Very simple, because of big abyss, in mirage future coverage scope.” Mu You said. In light of the beforehand matter, he had thought through the cause and effect indistinctly. “很简单,因为大深渊,也在蜃气将来的覆盖范围内。”沐游说。结合之前的事情,他已经隐约想通了前因后果。 The main engine did not detect evidently he regained consciousness in Garden of Eden, but after was invaded by the mirage, is forced to awaken. 看样子主机并不是察觉到了他在伊甸园才苏醒,而是被蜃气入侵后被迫惊醒的。 This explained that mechanical man in fear mirage? Once the mirage covers their den, might create to them is not acceptable loses, therefore has to turn out in full strength, spells is exposing the card in a hand to us ahead of time, must repel the mirage lifeform!” The emperors said. “这是否说明,机械人在害怕蜃气?一旦蜃气覆盖到它们的老巢,很可能会对它们造成不可接受的损失,因此才不得不倾巢出动,拼着提前对我们暴露底牌,也要将蜃气生物击退!”天子道。 Such a analysis, the people also understand: Goal that indeed these mechanical men launch an attack suddenly, from the start is not Fool, but was the clam tapir threatens their safety! 这么一番分析,众人也都明白过来:敢情这些机械人突然发难的目的,压根不是愚者,而是蜃貘威胁到了它们的安全! This point, could use.” The emperors hesitate to say. “这一点,或许可以利用一下。”天子沉吟道。 How to use?” Some people asked. “怎么利用?”有人问。 „Very simple, the enemy of enemy is a friend. Since the mechanical man wants expel Astral Spirit Realm the mirage lifeform, we help the clam tapir, lets a mirage quicker invasion!” Mu You said. “很简单,敌人的敌人就是朋友。既然机械人想将蜃气生物驱逐出星灵界,那我们就去帮蜃貘,让蜃气更快的入侵!”沐游说。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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