TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#567: 《The Fool》 customs official's uniform?

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Chapter 567 《The Fool》 customs official's uniform? 第567章《愚者》关服? Obviously, dropping, not only their three people. 显然,掉线的不只是他们三人。 Mu You attempted to visit a forum, the forum can use actually normally. 沐游又尝试登录了一下论坛,论坛倒是可以正常使用。 As expected, at the forum really is also a wailing sound. 不出所料,论坛上果然也是一片哀嚎之声。 Dropped?” “掉线了?” Inconceivable, can this game also drop unexpectedly?” “不可思议,这游戏居然也能掉线?” What situation, system maintenance? The maintenance does not inform one ahead of time,” “啥情况,系统维护了?维护怎么也不提前通知一声啊,” Does the wool, I am brushing to brush half strangely, does this drop suddenly does not make me bring death?” “搞毛啊,我正刷怪刷到一半呢,这忽然掉线不是让我送死吗?” Day, I just spent in 20 years of life span the magic class, just now enters the classroom, suddenly broke to me, my life span......” “日,我刚花了20年寿命上魔法课,才刚进教室啊,忽然就给我断了,我的寿命……” „Doesn't this give a compensation not to be justified?” “这不给点补偿说不过去吧?” Same compensation announcement......” “同等一个补偿公告……” I am not many want, a person compensates ten years of life span, everyone collective loses recalls......” “我也不多要,一人补偿个十年寿命,大家集体失忆……” Support......” “支持……” Compensated + 1......” “等补偿……” What in building you think, billions players, how possibly give the life span compensation, who can take? The previous time divine nature bug official feigned death to mix......” “楼上你们都想啥呢,几十亿的玩家,怎么可能给寿命补偿,谁拿得出来?上次的神性bug官方都装死混过了……” ...... …… At the forum various types complained sound one piece. 论坛上各种吐槽声一片。 From the tone of players, had not realized the gravity that obviously issue, only considers the temporary sudden small issue, quick can restore, therefore mostly in relaxed playing stem. 从玩家们的口气上来看,显然都还没有意识到问题的严重性,只当是临时突发的小问题,很快就能恢复,所以大都在轻松的玩梗。 Even if these because truly drops to suffer the loss, in fact does not have to be serious, drops, does not endanger life, most loses one year of life span, to most players, only one year of life span is really insufficient to care. 就算那些真正因为掉线遭受损失的,实际上也没有太当回事,掉线而已,又不是危及生命,最多失去一年寿命罢了,对大多数玩家来说,区区一年寿命真不至于放在心上。 Mu You swept one, no said oneself have not dropped, it seems like that this returned is really annihilated. 沐游扫了一圈下来,没有一个说自己没掉线的,看来这回还真是全军覆没了。 Thinks, he sat in meditation, entered the mind field of vision, consciousness to immerse into the causes and effects line, searched for the past along the line, soon found the light ball of source. 想了想,他就地打坐,进入了心眼视界,将意识沉浸入因果线中,沿着线条一路搜寻了过去,很快找到了源头的光球。 However light ball before this moment actually, somewhat is slightly different, where different Mu You but was concrete unable saying that the rules and causes and effects of this light ball implication were too complex, was not 12 can look to understand. 然而此刻的光球却和之前略有些不同,但具体哪里不同沐游也说不上来,这光球蕴含的规则和因果实在太复杂了,绝不是一两眼能看明白的。 Left the light ball quickly, Mu You found the causes and effects line of that several manager in the light ball surface, traced following the causes and effects line, soon found several people of consciousness safe houses. 离开光球,沐游很快在光球表面找到了那几个管理员的因果线,顺着因果线一路追溯,很快找到了几人的意识藏身处。 The managers have been unalarmed by strange sights to his arrival, without the stop, puts him to enter directly. 管理员们对他的到来已经见怪不怪,没有阻拦,直接放他进入。 Opens eyes again, Mu You appeared in that familiar underground limestone cave. 再睁眼的时候,沐游又出现在了那片熟悉的地下溶洞中。 „North goes to have a look......” “去北面看看……” „It is not good......” “不行啊……” „The 18 th node also broke united......” “第十八节点也断联了……” ...... …… Several old men are whispering, the look, is in a hurry anxious. 几个老头正在交头接耳,神色匆匆,语气急切。 Mu You looked this situation knows, they also encountered the big problem mostly. 沐游一看这情况就知道,他们多半也遇到了大麻烦。 What's the matter?” Mu You asked. “怎么回事?”沐游问。 Some time ago, we with creating all contact lines of mountains marking a border, encountered some powerful disturbance suddenly simultaneously, causing the Fool game system with creating the mountains marking a border separates the relation......” finally some people to find time to reply Mu You one. “不久前,我们与创界山的所有联络线路,忽然同时遭遇了某种强力干扰,导致愚者的游戏系统与创界山断开了联系……”终于有人抽空回答了沐游一句。 What disturbs?” “什么干扰?” „It is not clear, but definitely is the disturbance of artificial manufacture.” “还不清楚,但肯定是人为制造的干扰。” Artificial?” Mu You knits the brows, who has such high pulse energy, but can also disturb the game system? “人为?”沐游皱眉,谁有这么大能量,还能干扰到游戏系统? He first thinks that was before takes away that old man in dawn city. 他首先想到的,便是之前带走曙光城的那个老头。 No, is not he.” After the old men listened to the guess of Mu You, immediately shakes the head: He, although does not gather with our idea, but the actions for the Fool future, will definitely not do eventually cut off the Fool hope like this matter.” “不,不是他。”老者听了沐游的猜测后立即摇头:“他虽然和我们理念不合,但所作所为终究还是为了愚者的未来,肯定不会做这样断绝愚者希望的事。” Who can that be?” “那会是谁?” Does not know that...... the present was Fool plays by this strength incessantly is disturbed, even our consciousness, by this strength shield, in created beside the mountains marking a border, we could not go in...... this feeling look like, is creating the mountains marking a border the surroundings to open a guard/shield same......” “不知道……现在不止是愚者游戏被这股力量干扰了,连我们的意识,也被这股力量屏蔽在了创界山之外,我们进不去……这感觉就像是,在创界山的周围张开了一张护罩一样……” Guard shield......” old man's description made Mu You associate to a thing —— main engine immediately! “护罩……”老者的描述让沐游立即联想到了一个东西——主机! Has main-brain Eva of Garden of Eden, this thing, is it possible that regained consciousness? 伊甸园的主脑艾娃,这东西,莫非已经苏醒了么? Before relating again, he just when will soon flee from Garden of Eden, suddenly drops, the time was too skillful, letting Mu You has to suspect, is really the ghost who the artificial intelligence does? 再联系到之前,他刚好在即将逃离伊甸园的时候,忽然掉线,时机实在太巧了,让沐游不得不怀疑,难道真是人工智能搞的鬼? Has the means restore?” Mu You asked. “有办法修复吗?”沐游问。 Is attempting, but......” old man smiles bitterly, has not said that but meaning Mu You in words has understood. “正在尝试,不过……”老者苦笑,没有说完,不过话中的意思沐游已经明白。 Before this strength withdraws, perhaps they are helpless. 在这股力量撤走之前,恐怕他们都无能为力。 If this disturbance has continued?” Mu You asked. “那要是这股干扰一直持续下去呢?”沐游问。 That......” several people look at each other one, is helpless shakes the head. “那……”几人对视一眼,都是无奈摇头。 To be honest, they did not understand that the Fool game and creates the mountains marking a border the concatenate rule, the cornerstone of whole set Fool system, is by the jurisdiction of creating the mountains marking a border stealing is first operating for the leader. 说实话,他们根本就不了解愚者游戏和创界山的连接规则,整套愚者系统的基石,都是由先代首领从创界山中偷出来的权限在运作。 In other words, their attendants, rather than the procedure/program founder of game, has perhaps contacted truly creates the mountains marking a border core first for leader, can understand that operational mode, goes round this disturbance, establishes the connection. 换句话说,他们只是维护人员,而不是游戏的程序缔造者,恐怕只有真正接触过创界山核心的先代首领本人,才能理解这其中的运作方式,绕开这种干扰,重新建立连接。 But this matter, they are not possible to achieve, at least before the next plague discipline approaches, is impossible to achieve. 而这种事,他们是不可能做到的,至少在下次大灾纪来临前,都不可能做到。 Mu You looks knits the brows, the situation seems to be worse than the imagination. 沐游看得皱眉,情况似乎比想象中还要糟糕。 Several people of meanings are the condition are unable to process obviously at present, if this strength exists for a long time, then waits for the Fool game only has a result: Customs official's uniform! 几人的意思显然是目前状态无法处理,而如果这股力量长期存在,那么等待愚者游戏的只有一个结局:关服! Does Fool really have the possibility customs official's uniform? 愚者真有可能关服? Mu You has not thought that this comes to reach this conclusion unexpectedly. 沐游没想到这趟进来居然会得到这种结论。 Thinks, he left the underground limestone cave, returns to the causes and effects line, recalls, before arrives at that to represent to create the mountains marking a border quickly the light ball . 想了想,他离开了地下溶洞,回到因果线中,一路回溯,很快重新来到那颗代表创界山的光球前。 Front looks at huge such as the dazzling light ball of Sun, the Mu You centralized spirit, faced forward to approach slowly. 看着面前庞大如太阳的耀眼光球,沐游集中精神,朝前缓缓靠近了过去。 He never had the attempt to do that before, because the rule of this light ball was too complex, his mass compared to this light ball, a needle that insignificant such as in the vastness wanders, may be overturned by the tide of rule anytime, before understanding enough rule, he does not dare to take this risk rashly. 他之前从来没有尝试这么做过,因为这光球的规则太复杂了,他的体量相对于这颗光球,微不足道如汪洋中漂流的一根针,随时有可能被规则的浪潮打翻,在理解足够的规则之前,他不敢贸然去冒这种风险。 But at this time, he was actually compelled by the situation, has to take risk to attempt. 而此时,他却被形势所迫,不得不冒险尝试一下。 The consciousness like a weak glow, approaches toward the front light ball unceasingly. 意识如同一颗微弱的萤火,不断朝前方的光球靠近。 Mu You felt quickly a warmth, as if an embryo was returning to the arms of mother, what a pity this comfort vanishes quickly, the surroundings become blazing, the uncomfortableness increases sharply. 沐游很快感觉到了一种温暖,仿佛一个胎儿正在回归母亲的怀抱,可惜这种舒适感很快消失,周围变得炽热起来,不适感激增。 Mu You can feel, he has soon been close to the true regular source. 沐游能感觉到,他已经快要接近真正的规则本源了。 However has not waited for him to feel clearly, suddenly the feeling has delimited together rapidly the hard object, hit him from one side, under his consciousness in this hits, is circling departs by far, was far away from the light ball surface again. 然而还不等他感受清楚,忽然感觉一道飞速划过的硬物,从侧面撞击了他,他的意识在这一撞之下,打着旋远远飞出,再次远离了光球表面。 Mu You is startled, quickly holds the breath again with rapt attention, toward throat. 沐游一怔,急忙再次屏息凝神,朝前探去。 What a pity is finally same, when he will soon contact the light ball, emitted anything again, hits fiercely him. 可惜结果还是一样,当他即将接触到光球时,再次冒出了什么东西,猛地将他撞开。 Mu You does not give up, unceasing attempt of perseverance. 沐游也不放弃,锲而不舍的不断尝试。 After multiple experiments, Mu You sees clearly finally, hits his is a sphere that is dragging the long tail of comet, this thing continues, but is innumerable, proliferates densely and numerously in the light ball surface, is ordinary like the satellite, revolves around the light ball rapidly. 多次试验过后,沐游终于看清,撞击他的是一种拖着长长彗尾的圆球,这东西不止有一个,而是无数个,密密麻麻遍布在光球表面,如同卫星一般,绕着光球飞速旋转。 This should be disturbance that’ several managers said that but such a restless, Mu You instead made clear, the opposite party was not really to entire creates the mountains marking a border to open barrier, but through massive this granules toward the super revolving, made a false appearance of barrier. 这应该就是几个管理员所说的‘干扰’了,不过这么一闹腾,沐游反而搞清楚了,对方并不是真的对整个创界山张开了结界,而是通过大量这种粒子的朝高速旋转,制造了一种屏障的假象。 So long as all does not cover, that definitely had the opportunity to find the gap to break through. 只要不是全覆盖,那就肯定有机会找到间隙突破进去。 Held this faith, Mu You was starting attempt one after another. 抱着这个信念,沐游开始了一轮又一轮的尝试。 However, he soon discovered, these spheres are the traveling speed are incessantly quick, meanwhile as if there is predictive ability to be the same, no matter he how cunning walking position, always the sphere can forecast his direction, prompt hits him. 然而,他很快发现,这些圆球不止是移动速度快,同时还仿佛拥有预测能力一般,不管他如何刁钻的走位,总有一颗圆球能预测到他的方向,及时的将他撞击出去。 Mu You does not believe in evil doctrines continues to attempt...... 沐游不信邪的继续尝试着…… Has not known how long, during another hit, Mu You felt suddenly own consciousness was towed to entrain by a strength. 不知过了多久,在又一次的撞击之中,沐游忽然感觉自己的意识被一股力量拖拽了出去。 When he opens eyes again, discovered oneself place in a pure white space. 等他再次睁眼时,发现自己身处在一片纯白的空间中。 Mu You vigilant turns the head to look in all directions, four are actually empty. 沐游警惕的转头四顾,四下却空无一物。 Until after several seconds, in his front midair, a face appears quietly. 直到数秒过后,在他前方的半空中,一张人脸悄然浮现而出。 This seems like a face of woman, the part that only has a face, has not had the body, in midair towering presents, is quite strange. 这似乎是一张女人的脸,只有脸的部分,没有头也没有身体,在半空中突兀的呈现,相当诡异。 Fool, you clearly know that is impossible to clash, why can also resist stubbornly?” Face suddenly opens the mouth question. 愚者,你明知道不可能冲进去,为什么还要负隅顽抗?”人脸忽然张口问话。 „Are you...... Eva?” Mu You looks at the face, understood anything indistinctly. “你是……艾娃?”沐游看着人脸,隐约明白了什么。 Yes.” “是的。” The face directly acknowledged that also means that disturbs the Fool game, but also is really this artificial intelligence. 人脸直接承认,也就意味着干扰愚者游戏的,还真是这个人工智能。 you has not answered my issue.” The face said. “伱还没有回答我的问题。”人脸说。 Person was oppressed, naturally will revolt.” Mu You said: Moreover, since compelled you, explained that this had the behavior of significance, you to stop me, do certainly need to consume many energies additionally? In order to save energy, you have to come to prevent me.” “人受到压迫,当然会反抗。”沐游道:“而且,既然把你逼出来了,就说明这不是没意义的行为,你为了阻拦我,一定需要额外消耗不少能量吧?为了节省能量,你才不得不现身阻止我。” You guess right, but in Fool extant manager, few, even if you initiate the uninterrupted charge completely, preventing you to need the energy that still still in the range that may withstand, therefore, your actions are pointless, will only make us fall into the internal friction simultaneously, energy and time consumption in unnecessary place.” The face said. “你猜的没错,但愚者中现存的管理员,屈指可数,就算你们全部发起不间断冲锋,阻止你们需要的能量也依然在可承受的范围内,所以,你们的行动是没有意义的,只会同时让我们双方陷入内耗,将能量和时间消耗在不必要的地方罢了。”人脸说。 What is your goal? Why can attack us suddenly?” Mu You asked. “那你的目的又是什么?为什么要突然攻击我们?”沐游问。 My goal, is to save Astral Spirit Realm all races.” The face said. “我的目的,是拯救星灵界所有的种族。”人脸说。 You...... earnest?” “你……认真的?” Mu You almost thinks oneself misunderstood, way very hard core that your saves? 沐游差点以为自己听错了,你这拯救的方式很硬核啊? Perhaps you do not believe that but this is by my designer, interpolates my floor logic the code, I am impossible to violate.” The face said. “或许你不相信,但这是被我的设计者,写进我的底层逻辑的代码,我不可能违背。”人脸说。 In life that then you must save, including our Fool?” Mu You asked. “那么你要拯救的生灵中,也包括我们愚者吗?”沐游问。 Is included......” “原本是包括的……” Originally?” “原本?” Yes, so long as your Fool is willing to obey our arrangements, we are naturally willing to save together with you together.” “是的,只要你们愚者愿意服从我们的安排,我们自然愿意连同你们一同拯救。” Obeys your arrangement, refers, no matter what you butcher, was made the digital pet one by one?” Mu You sneers. “服从你的安排,是指任你们宰割,被挨个做成电子宠物?”沐游冷笑。 Therefore I said that is originally, we will even want to pin on the body of Fool, however the final result is not entirely as desired, makes me understand, Fool is the source of disaster, since you appear, the world then does not have again calmly and steadily.” “所以我才说是‘原本’,我们甚至曾经将希望寄托在愚者的身上过,然而最后的结果却不尽如人意,同时也让我明白,愚者才是祸乱之源,自从你们出现后,世界便再没有安稳过。” „The result of analysis and calculation, is so long as admitted you, in you unceasingly the birth resister, until letting Garden of Eden will collapse.” “计算分析的结果,是只要接纳了你们,你们之中就会不断诞生反抗者,直到让伊甸园崩溃。” Therefore, to save more lives, I only make destroy Fool this resolution.” “因此,为了拯救更多的生灵,我唯有做出‘毁灭愚者’这个决断。” „? You must save all races, is busy destroying us, how do you want to convince your floor logic?” Mu You asked. “哦?你又要拯救所有种族,又忙着毁灭我们,那你要如何说服自己的底层逻辑?”沐游问。 This is very simple, in the final analysis, Fool is actually not an independent race, but is only a classification, the argument from the race root, you is still part of person of clan, so long as therefore saved a person of clan, was equivalent saved you.” The face said. “这很简单,说到底,愚者其实并不是一个单独的种族,而只是一种分类,从种族根源上论据,你们依然属于人族的一部分,因此只要拯救了人族,就相当于拯救了你们。”人脸说。 Splendid.” “精彩。” Mu You gave her to rouse applause: It seems like you deceive on oneself this road in yourselves, walked is very smooth, has developed the logic of paradox, does not know that your manufacturer, thinks you will develop this degree.” 沐游不由给她鼓了鼓掌:“看来你们在自己骗自己这条路上,走的很顺畅,都已经发展出了诡辩的逻辑,不知道你的制造者,有没有想到你会发展到这种程度。” The face has not continued to debate with Mu You, but looks suddenly to the one side, the line of sight institute and place, wipes the picture projection. 人脸没有继续和沐游辩论,而是忽然看向一旁,视线所及之处,一抹画面投影而出。 The image in picture unexpectedly is a panda person young girl! 画面中的影像竟然是一个熊猫人少女! This moment young girl was detained in an empty room, both hands are screwing on the shackles, sits on a chair of similar interrogation chair, both eyes are atheistic, depression, as if be at half dream this condition of awaking. 此刻少女被关押在一座空荡荡的房间中,双手上扣着镣铐,坐在一张类似审讯椅的椅子上,双目无神,精神萎靡,似乎处于半梦本醒的状态中。 What meaning is this?” Mu You knits the brows. “这算什么意思?”沐游皱眉。 „This girl very ordinary panda clan life, has deep sense of belonging and obedient regarding Garden of Eden, because has contacted with you, her ideological mode had the huge change, starts the rebel, starts the birth resistant spirit, starts to disregard own life and death......” “这个女孩原本只是很普通的一个熊猫族生灵,对于伊甸园有着很深的归属感和服从性,但因为和你接触过,她的思维模式发生了巨大的改变,开始叛逆,开始诞生抗争精神,开始将自己的生死置之度外……” The face looks to Mu You: In brief, since contacts after with you, she became looks like Fool more and more......” 人脸看向沐游:“简而言之,自从和你接触过后,她变得越来越像一个愚者了……” This is your Fool abilities, can other life infections and assimilation, why like occupying the virus in data...... this is also I must the malignant tumor that you classify are must remove, your existences, will certainly ruin the existing survival system.” “这就是你们的愚者的能力,可以将其他生灵传染、同化,就像盘踞在数据之中的病毒一样……这也是为什么我要将你们归类为必须清除的毒瘤,你们的存在,一定会毁掉现有的生存体系。” Mu You knits the brows: You have thought that she will resist, is not because I assimilated her, because she did experience the truth of Garden of Eden?” 沐游皱眉道:“你有没有想过,她会抗争,不是因为我同化了她,而是因为她见识到了伊甸园的真相?” „The instinct of this resistance, was interpolated the thing in each life gene. If not believe that you do dare to Garden of Eden the truth of all life announcement dormancy areas, how many people having a look at to choose the resistance? Also how many of meeting little darlings obey you, works as digital pet?” “这种反抗的天性,是被写进了每一个生命基因里的东西。如果不信的话,你敢不敢向伊甸园的所有生灵公布休眠区的真相,看看有多少人会选择抗争?又有多少人会乖乖服从你,去当电子宠物?” A Mu You interrogation, making the face for a while dumbfounded. 沐游一番质问,让人脸一时哑口无言。 In the final analysis, you want to enslave the life, because the world did not have the gods, you then want to become the god by yourself, rules all lives.” Mu You said. “说到底,你不过还是想要奴役生灵,因为世界没有了神明,你便想让自己成为神,统治所有生灵。”沐游说。 You made a mistake, the machinery cannot have the dominant desire, will not pursue the power, I am following the designer to the floor logic that I implant, heart and soul wants to make this world better continues.” The face said. “你错了,机械不会产生统治欲,更不会追求权力,我只是遵循着设计者给我植入的底层逻辑,全心全意的想让这个世界更好的延续下去。”人脸说。 Your designer, the original intention is to let you saves more lives with every effort, has not made you kill people.” “你的设计者,本意是让你尽力拯救更多的生命,可没让你杀人。” Mu You knits the brows: Saves the method of the world to have, you actually chose most unreal one.” 沐游皱眉道:“拯救世界的方法有很多,你却选择选择了最虚幻的一种。” Kills all lifeform, making all lifeform live in the procedure/program world that it weaves, this understanding, was makes Mu You be incapable of complaining, does not know that its designer saw the artificial intelligence that he created, turned into such an overstating thing, can be mad lived. 将所有生物杀死,让所有生物活在它编织的程序世界里,这理解,也是让沐游无力吐槽了,不知道它的设计者看到他创造出的人工智能,变成了这样一个走火入魔的东西,会不会气的活过来。 Machinery is sane, the machinery will only choose the success ratio highest approach, if you have enough convince my salvation way, I naturally can support you.” The face did not have the fluctuation to say. “机械是理智的,机械只会选择成功率最高的做法,如果你们有足够说服我的救世途径,我自然会支持你们。”人脸毫无波动的说。 „The method of salvation, our Fool naturally also had......” Mu You to say. “救世的方法,我们愚者自然也有……”沐游说。 So-called overcomes nature plan?” The face shakes the head: Very pitifully, your plans after thorough computation, success ratio, only then below 0.9, almost can ignore, this is only your Fool impractical fantasy.” “所谓的‘补天计划’吗?”人脸摇了摇头:“很可惜,你们的计划经过周密的计算,成功率只有0.9以下,几乎可以忽略不计,这只是你们愚者不切实际的空想而已。” How to fantasize again, at least also has the possibility, what all previous Fool taking place of the fallen is to realize it tries hard, always suspends rotten good compared with your direct selection.” Mu You sneers, what also there are able compared with kill all lifeform feeds in the plan that the procedure/program world fantasizes again? “再怎么空想,也至少还有可能性,历代愚者都在前仆后继的为实现它而努力,总比你直接选择摆烂的好。”沐游冷笑,还有什么能比把所有生物杀死再送进程序世界更加空想的计划吗? You do not understand me , because you have not experienced the matter that I experience, otherwise, you may also stand this side us now.” “你不理解我,是因为你没有经历我所经历的事情,否则,你现在可能也会站在我们这一边。” What did you experience?” “你经历了什么?” „For hundreds of thousands of years of place bottom, I will witness the innumerable birth and death, the human relations tragedy...... this is the limitation of flesh life, the lifeform will always make not the sane behavior because of the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, but the machinery cannot, therefore the machinery was more suitable to take the ruler, came often to direct the correct direction...... Garden of Eden to plan for the life ‚’, is I after calculating all existing data, obtains can make this world last best solution that permanently , and stability got down.” The face said. “在地底的数十万年来,我见证了无数的生老病死,人伦惨剧……这就是血肉生命的局限性,生物总是会因为七情六欲而做出不理智的行为,但机械不会,因此机械更适合作为统治者,来为生灵时常指引正确的方向……‘伊甸园计划’,已经是我在计算过所有现有数据后,所得出的能让这个世界永久存续且安定下去的最佳解。”人脸说。 Laughable......” “可笑……” Mu You heaves a deep sigh. He understands finally why manufacturer Kent of machine armor skin, can go separate ways with these mechanical men initially. 沐游摇头叹息。他总算明白,为什么当初机甲皮肤的制造者肯特,会和这些机械人分道扬镳了。 The people are unable to convince the machinery, similarly the machinery is unable to convince the person, the surprise of ideological mode, being doomed both sides was impossible to exchange normally, but he discussed unexpectedly here with a robot meaning of life, was too stupid. 人是无法说服机械的,同样机械也无法说服人,思维模式的诧异,注定了双方根本不可能正常交流,而他居然在这里跟一个机器人讨论起了生命的意义,实在太蠢了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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