TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#566: You have lost the connection

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Chapter 566 you have lost the connection 第566章你已失去连接 If as expected, by these cabins each magnetic-plate in table, represented one once to enter the life of this dormancy cabin. 不出意外的话,这些舱室旁边桌上的每一张磁片,都代表着一个曾经进入这休眠舱的生灵。 Where went to as for the human bodies of these lives...... 至于这些生灵的肉体去了哪里…… 【...... You continue to observe, discovered that the side of each dormancy cabin, is connecting a pipeline, dense and numerous pipelines pass all around wall surface, extends to the ceiling of factory, intertwines to interlock on ceiling, finally extends in abundance to the end of factory......】 【……你继续观察,发现每个休眠舱的侧面,都连接着一条管道,密密麻麻的管道通过四周的墙面,延伸向工厂的天花板,在天花板上纠结交错,最后纷纷延伸向工厂的尽头……】 You investigate in the direction of pipeline......】 【你沿着管道的方向一路探查……】 In the most deep place of factory, you saw a huge sphere shape installment, all around covered entirely the octopus sucker general synapse, but in installment, is an exit|to speak of row of similar water pipe, under each exit|to speak, is connecting a test tube shape clear glass instrument.】 【在工厂的最深处,你看到了一个巨大的圆球状装置,四周布满了章鱼吸盘一般的突触,而在装置的下方,是一排类似水管的出口,每个出口下,都连接着一个试管状的透明玻璃仪器。】 But on nearby display device, is demonstrating one line of gloomy typefaces: Vaccine area —— current stock: 0.】 【而一旁的显示装置上,显示着一行灰暗的字体:疫苗区——当前库存:0份。】 Zero share......” “零份……” Helpless Mu You sighed. 沐游无奈叹息一声。 He insisted comes to here to have a look, is mainly because here is most possible vaccine that’ he can think habitat, if he can find vaccine here, from now on then can with main body convenient passing in and out Garden of Eden, not receive various limits again. 他之所以坚持来这里看看,主要就是因为这里是他能想到的最可能的‘疫苗’出产地,如果他能在这里找到一管疫苗,今后便可以用本体方便的进出伊甸园,不会再受各种限制。 The result showed that he has not guessed wrong, here indeed is produces the vaccine the source. 结果证明他没猜错,这里的确是生产疫苗的源头。 However, the stock of vaccine is actually zero, in other words, until now, the produced all vaccines had been used up completely...... 然而,疫苗的存量却是零,也就是说,迄今为止,出产的所有疫苗已经全部被用掉了…… Swindler...... the robot, is deceiving us...... Chunli to hold the head from the beginning, the tone pain, unbelievable present all.】 【“骗子……机器人,从一开始就在骗我们……”春丽抱着头,语气痛苦,难以置信眼前的一切。】 Mu You sighed, looks from the present situation, the life in Garden of Eden, by chicken duck that’ the robot reared in a pen, raising of doing one's best they were mature, when the quantity was enough, then concentrated slaughtering, changes into resources that oneself needed. 沐游叹息一声,从眼下的情况下看,伊甸园中的生灵,都只是被机器人圈养的‘鸡鸭’,尽心尽力的饲养到他们成熟,待数量足够,然后集中起来‘宰杀’,化为自己需要的资源。 However in some sense, the robot has not deceived them, these enter the life of dormancy area, indeed in the robot weaves for them procedure/program world, enjoyed the permanent stable worry-free life. 不过某种意义上,机器人并没有骗他们,这些进入休眠区的生灵,的确都在机器人为他们编织的‘程序世界’中,享受到了永久安定无忧的生活。 What a pity, enjoys this happy life is actually not their main body, but is only their consciousness replica. 可惜,享受这份美好生活的却不是他们的本体,而只是他们的意识复制品。 After individual death, is his consciousness replica, actually also his issue, if makes the robot reply, definitely is calculates, in the world outlook of machinery, the core data is all bases, the part beyond core, module that all may replace at any time. 关于个体死亡后,他的意识复制体,究竟还算不算他本人这个问题,如果让机器人来回答,肯定是算的,在机械的世界观里,核心数据才是一切的根本,核心以外的部分,全都是可随时替换的组件。 Therefore to mechanical man, so long as core data also, even if the main body died, consciousness to write down in another mechanical body, then can be perfect resurrecting. 所以对机械人来说,只要核心数据还在,哪怕本体死亡,将意识载入到另一具机械体中,便可以完美‘复活’。 However to the life, this issue was complex, the consciousness and body is a part of person, a clone of person, after this person dies whether to replace him, involves very serious ethical issue, most life metropolis/can instinct thinks that clone body is another independent individual. 然而对生灵来说,这个问题就复杂了,意识和身体都是一个人的一部分,一个人的克隆人,在这个人死后能否代替他本人,这其中涉及到很严重的伦理问题,大部分生灵都会本能的认为那个克隆体是另一个单独的个体。 Mu You is thinking, in the game springs suddenly warns. 沐游正思索着,游戏中忽然弹出示警。 you hears sound of footsteps that the outside world hears indistinctly......】 【伱隐约听到外界传来的脚步声……】 Turns the head to look, before seeing around the factory window, massive mechanical forms are partly visible, rapid traverse.】 【转头看去,就见工厂四周的窗前,大量机械身影若隐若现,都在快速移动。】 【After several seconds, two teams of 20 fight robots appear in the factory entrance, floods into the factory fast, surrounded you.】 【数秒后,两队共二十具战斗机器人出现在工厂门口,快速涌入工厂中,将你包围了起来。】 This quantity, obviously is comes to him from the beginning. 这个数量,明显是一开始就冲着他来的。 Mu You is somewhat strange, has the shield of chameleon false face, he snuck is discovered, how to walk in now suddenly? The investigation abilities of these mechanical men can also be enhanced suddenly inadequately...... 沐游有些奇怪,有变色龙假面的屏蔽,他潜行了一路都没有被发现,怎么现在忽然被找上门了?这些机械人的探查能力还能忽然增强了不成…… Mu You cannot think through for a while, since discovered, he does not need to hide again, the information that wants to look in any case saw, staying here is useless. 沐游一时想不通,不过既然已经被发现,他也无需再隐藏,反正想看的信息都看到了,留在这里已经没用。 Then he prepares to kill, delivers to the safe place Chunli, then leaves directly. 接下来他准备杀出去,将春丽送到安全的地方,便直接离开。 All mechanical men maintain formation to approach toward you......】 【所有机械人保持着阵型朝你逼近……】 Shines under the cold light of factory ceiling, the mechanical artillery tube of your right arm takes the lead to open fire.】 【在工厂天花板的冷光映照下,你右臂的机械炮筒率先开火。】 Thundering of demolition in mechanical crowd crack, 20 machine armor flexible dispersing instantly, surface eight sides to/clashes since then toward you......】 【爆破的轰鸣在机械人群中炸响,二十具机甲灵活的一哄而散,从此面八方朝你冲来……】 Mist and dust billowing, azure stinger changes to azure optical elastic to leave, hits a braking system of mechanical man accurate the frontline jumped, out-of-control mechanical man whole body twitches, distorts in midair movement, was kicked aside by your flying......】 【烟尘滚滚中,青蜂刺化作青光弹出,精准命中了最前方跳起的一名机械人的制动系统,失去控制的机械人浑身抽搐,在半空动作变形,被你飞身一脚踢开……】 Other mechanical men actually seize the chance to close in......】 【其他机械人却趁机一拥而上……】 You assembled wrestle circuit, carried out near body fight with many mechanical men......】 【你装配了‘格斗回路’,与众多机械人展开了近身搏斗……】 What Mu You does not know, when he just the second killed the first mechanical man. 沐游不知道的是,就在他刚刚秒杀了第一具机械人的时候。 The mechanical man in distant place master control indoor, the main-brain sound resounds again. 远方的机械人主控室内,主脑的声音再次响起。 Examines beginning the residual source the weapon, the trespasser risk factor raises to: Highly dangerous! Presently exterminates the quest success ratio: 0.7, arranges the reinforcement immediately.” “检测到残留的源初武器,侵入者危险度上调至:高度危险!当前剿灭任务成功率:0.7,立即安排增援。” Presently idle towerman 3727, the whole staff activates the fight procedure/program, goes to No. 5 dormancy warehouse support......” “当前空闲守望者共3727具,全员启动战斗程序,前往五号休眠仓支援……” ...... …… 【...... Azure light shadow like the blade of god of death, flutters in workshop up and down, mechanical men were pierced, loses ability to act one after another......】 【……青色的光影如同死神之刃,在厂房内上下翻飞,一具具机械人被洞穿而过,接连失去行动能力……】 【...... Surplus mechanical men to you who fierce does not fear launch attack as before, intensive fire suppresses to come toward you......】 【……剩余的机械人依旧在悍不畏死的对你发动攻击,密集的炮火朝你压制而来……】 【...... The wing of silver angel opened, protects your body, you walked randomly in hail of bullets, harvested surrounding machine armor unceasingly, all demolitions and stray bullets kept off by pure white wing, cannot injure and your slightest......】 【……银天使之翼张开,护住了你的躯体,你在枪林弹雨中游走,不断收割周围的机甲,所有的爆破和流弹均被洁白的羽翼挡下,没能伤及你分毫……】 【The wing of silver angel is transforming in energy continually, presently 3......】 【银天使之翼正在持续转化能量中,当前三……】 The fitting of source first fight armor, is used to deal with these ordinary robots, simply is the dimensionality reduction attack, the simple wing, then can keep off all attacks, making Mu You be in an impregnable position from the beginning, he only need control the azure stinger to harvest, making Mu You have one type to play unparalleled cuts grass the feeling of game. 源初战甲的配件,用来对付这些普通机器人,简直是降维打击,简简单单一对翅膀,便能挡下所有攻击,让沐游从一开始就立于不败之地,他只需操控青蜂刺进行收割,让沐游有一种在玩无双割草游戏的感觉。 Naturally, was not said that this he was invincible to the angel wing, the attack that the silver angel may withstand in a short time also had the upper limit, if exceeded the upper limit, protects the function temporarily invalid. 当然,也不是说有了这对天使翅膀他就无敌了,银天使短时间内可承受的攻击也是有上限的,如果超过了上限,守护功能就会暂时失效。 Therefore Mu You was impossible to stand in vain is making them hit, found the opportunity to counter-attack, 20 mechanical men, the short two minutes were less than then fall to the ground all, lost the ability to act completely. 所以沐游也不可能白白站着让它们打,找到机会就反击,二十具机械人,短短两分钟不到便尽数倒地,全部失去了行动能力。 You took down all mechanical men, just prepared to run out of the factory, actually discovery more mechanical men surround toward you.】 【你放倒了所有机械人,刚准备冲出工厂,却发现外界更多的机械人朝你包围过来。】 You killed mechanical man of first nearness with ease, ascends a height to get a distant view, discovered that the surrounding dense and numerous mechanical form does not see end like locust tide generally, at least several thousand, from sweep across to come toward you in all directions......】 【你轻松击毙了第一个靠近的机械人,登高远眺,发现周围密密麻麻的机械身影如同蝗潮一般不见尽头,至少有数千具之多,从四面八方朝你席卷而来……】 This was holds the hornet's nest......” Mu You to look at the eyelid to jump. “这是捅了马蜂窝了……”沐游看得眼皮一跳。 The reinforcement of mechanical man imagines crazy many compared with him, sends out is several thousand machine armor, should this all not send all active robots? 机械人的增援比他想象中疯狂的多,一出动就是好几千具机甲,这该不是把所有能动的机器人全派来了吧? This situation he is definitely impossible to continue to fight, does not hit the issue that is not victorious, several thousand machine armor, consume to be able him to consume. 这情况他肯定不可能继续战斗,根本不是打不打得过的问题,几千具机甲,耗都能把他耗死。 Mu You controls the character to start to break through immediately to escape. 沐游当即操控人物开始突围逃跑。 Robot army who you fearless charging into front wells up, azure light dances in the air, you take advantage of wing solid defense, like a wild wild animal, batters, is in the way robot one by one that to hit to fly front......】 【你毫无畏惧的冲向前方涌来的机器人大军,青光飞舞中,你依仗羽翼坚实的防御,如同一头狂暴的野兽,横冲直撞,将前方挡路的机器人一一撞飞……】 Laser and artillery from your body week firing, ripped open an opening the surrounding battleline of instrument person unceasingly......】 【激光和火炮不断从你身周击发,将器械人的包围阵线撕开了一道口子……】 In the process of breakthrough, Mu You reads texts, suddenly thinks of an issue. 在突破的过程中,沐游看着一道道文本,忽然想到一个问题。 Assuming that each life, posts in the dormancy cabin, can produce one vaccine, was the vaccine that then produces until now, used where? 假设每一个生灵,置入休眠舱中,都可以生产一份‘疫苗’的话,那么至今为止生产的疫苗,都被用在了哪里? How many robots does Garden of Eden altogether have?” During the fierce fight, you initiate the inquiry to Chunli suddenly.】 【“伊甸园共有多少机器人?”激烈的战斗之中,你忽然向春丽发起询问。】 „Ah?” Chunli by trembling that the fire sound frightens, suddenly heard your issue to stare, the subconsciousness said: Perhaps, several thousand......, tens of thousands robots...... the actual amount I do not know......” “啊?”春丽正被外界的炮火声吓的发抖,忽然听到你的问题愣了一下,下意识道:“很多,有几千具……不,说不定有好几万具机器人呢……不过具体数目我也不知道……”】 Mu You does not have the accident/surprise, she does not know that the actual amount is normal. 沐游没有意外,她不知道具体数目是正常的。 Even if no concrete information, only the robot number of the present opposite party setting out, he can still guess correctly a general idea: The idle robot has several thousand words, that robot total should upturn three to four times in this foundation, is one to 20,000 machine armor. 就算没有具体情报,单从现在对方出动的机器人数量,他也可以猜出一个大概:空闲的机器人有几千具的话,那机器人总数应该在这个基础上翻三到四倍,也就是一到两万的机甲。 Even if was counted these to make the small robots of various hard labors again, the total of robot at the most not over 100,000. 纵使再算上那些做各类苦工的小型机器人,机器人的总数顶天了也不会超过十万。 100,000, this quantity compared to the quantity of vaccine, were too still small. 十万,这个数量相对于疫苗的数量,依然太少了。 Must know that each enters the race of Garden of Eden newly, only needs 1000 vaccines, but training should enter the dormancy cabin time, can actually according to the fertility rate, easily the development to several tens of thousands of even more population, is each race can at least provide several tens of thousands of vaccines. 要知道每个新进入伊甸园的种族,只需要1000份疫苗,而培养到该进入休眠舱的时候,却可以根据生育率,轻易发展到数万甚至更多的人口,也就是每个种族都可以至少提供数万份疫苗。 Only needs to branch out 1000, for the next race on, the remaining vaccines can process by the mechanical man freely. 这其中,只需要分出1000份,用于下一个种族身上,剩下的疫苗则都可以由机械人自由处理。 But so many eras later, here had admitted about thousand races, the vaccine total that here produces, then can achieve ten million/countless this rank with ease, subtracts mechanical man insignificant 100,000 numbers, still should also have more than ten million vaccines surplus. 而这么多个纪元下来,这里先后接纳过近千个种族,那这里生产的疫苗总数,便能轻松达到千万这个级别,减去机械人这微不足道的十万数量,依然还应该有上千万份的疫苗剩余。 The issue came, huge quantity of were the so vaccines, used where? 问题来了,如此数量庞大的疫苗,都被用在了哪里? At this moment does not have the time to give him to think, suddenly his character had broken through the tight encirclement smoothly. 此刻没时间给他多想,眨眼间他的人物已经顺利突破了重围。 You kill surrounding of robot, arrived at beside the factory.】 【你一路杀出机器人的包围,来到了工厂之外。】 You after throws several demolition anti-tank grenades, drives back mechanical man who week besieges and pursues, immediately six pieces of wing simultaneously launch, rises with a spring, flies toward the jungle extreme speed of distant place, submerged in forest quickly......】 【你朝后丢出数枚爆破手雷,将周围追来的机械人逼退,随即身后六片羽翼齐齐展开,一跃而起,朝远方的丛林极速飞去,很快没入了林中……】 【The rear mechanical man chases down, actually no one can keep up with your speed......】 【后方的机械人纷纷追杀,却无一人能跟上你的速度……】 You flexible low-altitude flying in forest, transforms direction unceasingly, mechanical man who will chase down quickly casts off by far......】 【你在林中灵活的低空飞行,不断变换方向,很快将追杀的机械人远远甩开……】 You remote a no mans land in the jungle stop, a whole body mechanical shape transformation, put internal Chunli.】 【你在密林中一处偏僻的无人地带停下,浑身机械形态一阵变换,将内部的春丽放了出来。】 Also is at carsickness condition Chunli, actually cannot attend to the illness of body, quickly looks to you: System, do you want to walk?” 【还处于‘晕车’状态的春丽,却顾不得身体的不适,急忙看向你:“系统,你要走了吗?”】 „.” 【“是的。”】 „Can we...... also meet again?” Inquiry that Chunli does not abandon.】 【“我们……还能再见面吗?”春丽不舍的询问。】 I will also come back.” 【“我还会回来的。”】 Mu You leaves classical lines of her ash too wolf, will immediately prepare good one pile of fittings to send in the game on hand. 沐游留给她一句灰太狼的经典台词,随即将手边准备好的一堆配件送入了游戏。 You assembled operational power furnace......】 【你装配了‘作战动力炉’……】 You assembled jet accelerating device......】 【你装配了‘喷气加速装置’……】 You assembled gravity to shift to meter......】 【你装配了‘重力转向仪’……】 You obtained demon crystal * 100......】 【你获得了‘魔晶’……】 You filled in the power furnace all demon crystals, presently power capacity of furnace: 100, are it is expected that workable: 5 minutes 27 seconds......】 【你将所有魔晶填充进了动力炉中,当前动力炉能量:100,预计可使用:5分27秒……】 These of following assembly, all are the Astral Spirit Realm parts, did not have Chunli energizing, Mu You also can only draw the energizing equipment of foundation with. 后面装配的这些,全都是星灵界的部件,没有了春丽的‘供能’,沐游也只能将基础的供能设备拉出来用了。 Naturally, the price is these external mechanical products is locked by the mechanical man. 当然,代价就是这些外来的机械产物会被机械人锁定。 However this is also one of the Mu You goals, directs these pursuing troops, in order to avoid they discover Chunli. 不过这也是沐游的目的之一,将这些追兵引走,以免它们发现春丽。 【The departure jungle of your high-sounding talk, flies toward distant place, rear dense and numerous mechanical lifeform locked you immediately, chases down to come toward you......】 【你高调的飞出丛林,朝远方飞去,后方密密麻麻的机械生物顿时锁定了你,纷纷朝你追杀而来……】 You flew the beforehand crash place quickly, at this time the rear pursuing troops had cast off several kilometers far by you, your direction revolution, soars toward upper air in......】 【你很快飞到了之前的坠落地点,此时后方的追兵已经被你甩开了数千米之远,你方向一转,朝高空中一飞冲天……】 This was away from Chunli to be safe, Mu You also no longer delayed, the direct heaven, prepared to summon the Qilin arm, broke open an opening to leave. 这个距离春丽应该安全了,沐游也就不再拖延,直接上天,准备召唤麒麟臂,重新破开一个口子离开。 Mu You knows fairly well, the present speed, should be with enough time before the pursuing troops rush runs away......, only if previous that vault of heaven saturated bombing comes again one time. 沐游心中有数,现在的速度,应该是来得及在追兵赶到之前逃走的……除非上次的那种天穹饱和式轰炸再来一次。 However after previous time consecutively two rounds, even main engine because the energy consumption fell into the deep sleep oversized, Mu You was supposing should not be possible to come one again round......, if really has, that calculates that he has bad luck. 不过上次连续两发之后,连主机都因为能量消耗过大陷入了沉睡,沐游估摸着应该不可能再来一轮了……如果真有,那算他倒霉。 【...... In the high-speed flight of wing of silver angel, you pursuing troops with under is away from be getting more and more far, looks up, you had seen top of the head partly visible vault of heaven guard/shield indistinctly......】 【……在银天使之翼的高速飞行中,你与下方的追兵距离越来越远,抬头看去,你已经隐约看到了头顶若隐若现的天穹护罩……】 Arrived this distance, still had not suffered the previous saturated type attack, Mu You relaxes finally, thought that then affirmed steadily. 到了这个距离,依然没有遭受上次的饱和式打击,沐游终于松了口气,心想这下肯定稳了。 However, relaxes in him, the preparation summoned the Qilin arm time, made him prompt to spring together completely unexpectedly. 然而,就在他放松下来,准备召唤出麒麟臂的时候,一道让他完全意想不到的提示弹出。 You separated connection with game character......】 【你与游戏人物断开了连接……】 ...... …… At this time in Garden of Eden, in the upper air is launching the wing extreme speed machine armor that soars toward on, suddenly loses the control, the speed quickly wanes, until the stagnation in the midair, started the freely falling body toward under later. 此时在伊甸园内,高空中正展开羽翼极速朝上高飞的机甲,忽然失去控制,速度骤减,直到停滞在半空,随后朝下方开始了自由落体。 But several thousand machine armor that under pursues, integrated the attack range the goal quickly, starts long-distance to open fire. 而下方追来的数千机甲,很快将目标纳入了攻击范围,纷纷开始远程开火。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” Suddenly, the innumerable missiles charge into the above that only common sunspot, demolishes around machine armor, loses the wing protection, the body of machine armor is almost dismembered instantaneously. 一时间,无数的飞弹冲向上空那只不起眼的黑点,纷纷在机甲周围爆破,失去羽翼保护,机甲的身躯几乎瞬间就被肢解。 The radical explosion links up into a single stretch, formed one group of gigantic fireballs in the sky. 剧烈的爆炸连成一片,在上空形成了一团硕大的火球。 Below pursuing troops still in open fire toward the above unceasingly, to guarantee that wrecked the goal completely. 下方的追兵还在不断朝上方开火,以确保完全击毁了目标。 System Monarch!” “系统君!” Instance of machine armor by bang, got down in Fang pian jungle, indistinctly the screams that transmits a young girl, the rapidly demolished bellow covers. 机甲被轰中的瞬间,下方某片丛林中,隐约传来一个少女的惊呼声,迅速被爆破的轰鸣声掩盖。 In the flame and mist and dust, the fragment of innumerable machine armor drags the long smoke tail to crash, but in numerous falling thing, an object of helmet shape, moved suddenly, charged into side, swallows into within the body three types of other crash thing along the road, immediately entire fell into the stealth, vanishes in the midair. 火光和烟尘中,无数机甲的碎片拖着长长的烟尾坠落而下,而在众多掉落物之中,一个头盔形状的物体,忽然动了起来,冲向了旁边,沿路将三样另外的坠落物‘吞入’体内,随即整个陷入了隐形,消失在半空。 Meanwhile, in the main control room, the main-brain sound resounds. 与此同时,主控室中,主脑的声音响起。 Examines the foreign matter to escape, speculates for the residual part of source first fight armor......” “检测到异物逃脱,推测为源初战甲的残留部件……” Instruction 1: Immediately blocks the local region, conducts the rug search......” “指令一:立即封锁当地区域,进行地毯式搜查……” Instruction 2: Doubtful ministrant of seizing in forest......” “指令二:抓捕位于林中的疑似协助者……” ...... …… After several minutes, three explorer armor found Chunli in the jungle. 数分钟后,三具探测机甲在丛林中找到了春丽。 Lets loose me, your bastards......” “放开我,你们这些坏蛋……” Chunli was held the both arms by three mechanical men, struggling furiously. 春丽被三名机械人抓住了双臂,奋力的挣扎。 You are the swindlers, was the murderer...... you kills the system...... to kill so many people...... I to...... probably...... tell......” “你们都是骗子,是谋杀犯……你们害死了系统……害死了那么多人……我必须……必须……告诉……” During struggles, Chunli lost the strength suddenly, the eyelid is very weary, supports is wanting to keep sober, actually does not help matters, fell into the stupor quickly. 挣扎之中,春丽忽然失去了力气,眼皮无比疲倦,强撑着想要保持清醒,却无济于事,很快陷入了昏迷。 Examining the goal is agitated, execution anaesthesia instruction......” “检测到目标情绪激动,执行麻醉指令……” Receives the order, detains into the goal No. 1 nursing room, waiting interrogation......” “收到命令,将目标关押入一号看护室中,等待审问……” ...... …… Tries in heavy even/including......】 【尝试重连中……】 Heavy even/including is defeated, please inspect network environment, later attempts again......】 【重连失败,请检查网络环境,稍后再次尝试……】 Emmm......” “emmm……” Mu You complexion strange looks at the prompt in game, once thinks oneself misread. 沐游脸色怪异的看着游戏中的提示,一度以为自己看错了。 Drops? 掉线? Fool game since operating clothing/taking, but has also never had the phenomenon of dropping, only twists and turns, only then just got online the divine nature system before time, presents to swallow divine nature malignant bug one time, in addition, even a network fluctuates has not appeared, server stable makes the innumerable game manufacturers desperate. 愚者游戏自开服以来,可还从未发生过掉线的现象,唯一的波折,只有之前刚上线神性系统的时候,出现过一次吞神性的恶性bug,除此之外,甚至连一次网络波动都没有出现过,服务器稳定的让无数游戏厂商绝望。 „, My did WiFi fall?” “呀,咱家WiFi掉了?” When Mu You is vacant, is sitting in the onstage plays Nightwatcher of game to stand suddenly, sets out to look for the router. 就在沐游茫然的时候,正坐在前台玩游戏的打更人忽然站了起来,起身就要去找路由器。 However Mu You actually knows, since previous 《The Fool》 renewal edition, then no longer needs the networking, so long as places the Earth range, can land the game anytime and anywhere. 然而沐游却知道,自从上次《愚者》更新版本过后,便不再需要联网,只要身处地球范围,就可以随时随地登陆游戏。 Nightwatcher sees the perfect router, responded this point quickly. 打更人看到完好无损的路由器,也很快反应过来这一点。 Raised the head the time of looking, actually discovered that Mu You and another side medicine picker also look like toward him. 抬头看去的时候,却发现沐游和另一边的采药人也同时朝他看来。 Three people looked at each other in blank dismay, understood anything quickly. 三人面面相觑了一眼,很快都明白了什么。 Crap not? Did the server drop?! How at this time, my here is stirring up rebellion a church priest to arrive at the critical moment......” Nightwatcher to cry but have no tears. 我靠不是吧?服务器掉线了?!怎么偏偏这种时候,我这儿正策反一个教会祭司到了关键时刻啊……”打更人欲哭无泪。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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