TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#565: wisdom weapon crisis

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Chapter 565 wisdom weapon crisis 第565章智械危机 You assembled chameleon false face.】 【你装配了‘变色龙假面’。】 【An invisible magnetic field in your body week formation, shielded around you automatically the external sensation.】 【一道无形磁场在你身周成型,自动屏蔽了你周围的外来感知。】 Chameleon false face automatic distortion for the head of mechanical transport vehicle, outward appearance does not have flaw......】 【变色龙假面自动变形为机械运输车的头部,外观毫无破绽……】 This mask does not have the attack capability, only then shields and shape ability. 这面罩没有攻击能力,只有屏蔽和化形能力。 However an ability of hidden, that attaches in the top of the head of ordinary machine armor, can in situation that in the opposite party is unable to detect, to a certain extent affects the action of body. 不过还有一个隐藏的能力,那就是附着在普通机甲的头顶,可以在对方无法察觉的情况下,一定程度上影响机体的行动。 Mu You even suspected, he can meet this patrol robot here, is not a coincidence, but was this mask intends to tamper with the patrol route of robot, this made them meet. 沐游甚至怀疑,他能在这里遇到这具巡逻机器人,并不是巧合,而是这顶面罩有意篡改了机器人的巡逻路线,这才让他们相遇。 Returns to the proper topic, although without attack capability, but is only this shield investigation, makes Mu You pleasantly surprised, this is immediately he most urgently needed function. 言归正传,虽然没有攻击能力,但光是这一手屏蔽探查,就让沐游惊喜不已,这正是当下他最急需的功能。 Equips the mask scene, Mu You is preparing to continue, in the result game presents the prompt. 将面罩现场装备起来,沐游正准备继续出发,结果游戏中又出现提示。 you is wanting to leave, suddenly felt that the mask of top of the head transmits a weak torsion, lets left side of your vision deviation some direction forcefully, seems making reminder to you......】 【伱正欲离开,忽然感觉到头顶的面罩传来一股微弱的扭力,强行让你的目光偏向左侧的某个方向,似乎在对你做出提醒……】 Thing?” Mu You is startled, quickly controls the character first to set out toward the left. “难道还有东西?”沐游一怔,急忙操控人物先朝左边进发。 The mask will really adjust his line of sight direction all the way once for a while forcefully, is obviously showing the way. 一路上面罩果然时不时就会强行调整一下他的视线方向,明显是在指路。 After went forward for a half hour, as if finally went the place. 就这么一路前进了半小时后,似乎终于到达了地方。 【Before you arrive at an abandoned private residence .】 【你来到一座废弃的民房前。】 Walks into the private residence, you noticed that in the room is piling up the fruit pulp of fuels and some air-drying, seems like a storage room.】 【走入民房,你看到房间内堆放着柴火和一些风干的果肉,似乎是一间储藏室。】 Steps into the room, you felt immediately meaning of the summon, transmits from the plank of room corner.】 【踏入房内,你立即感觉到一股召唤之意,从房间角落的一块木板下传来。】 You arrive at the corner, opened the ground the plank, under the discovery is a cave of hidden.】 【你走到角落,揭开地上的木板,发现下面是一座隐藏的地窖。】 You plunge into the cave, immediately discovered a box of wall stack, is storing up half box of familiar transparent crystal stone, is the cure crystal!】 【你跳入地窖中,立即发现墙边堆砌的一个箱子,其中储存着半箱熟悉的透明晶石,正是治愈水晶!】 But in the center of crystal, some white feathers shows faintly, as if under the valuable stone pile is hiding anything, you felt the summon that transmits from the gem.】 【而在水晶的中央,一些白色的羽毛隐隐透出,似乎宝石堆之下隐藏着什么东西,你感觉到的召唤,正是从宝石下方传来。】 You go forward to examine, open out gems, discovered that was pressed in bottom, unexpectedly is a broken white wing 【你上前查看,拨开一块块宝石,发现被压在箱底的,竟是一对残破的白色翅膀】 Shirobire sharkfins comprised of six pieces of wings, about respectively three, material quality for some unknown metal, however the surface covered entirely the scar and gap, as if has undergone some violent destruction.】 【白翅由六片羽翼组成,左右各三,材质为某种未知金属,然而表面布满了伤痕和缺口,似乎经受过某种暴力的破坏。】 Silver angel it wing( in damage): Fights armor silver angel the wing, has extremely strong defense capability, after the assembly, may obtain the flying ability, and may change into the shield, protects the body, and will absorb the attack, the attack of wing of absorption silver angel will change into the body the energy. Only may distinguish the operation of heart of machinery.( Current complete: 37.1)】 【银天使之翼(损坏中):战甲‘银天使’的翅膀,拥有极强的防御能力,装配后可获得飞行能力,并可化为盾牌,守护机体,并吸收外界的攻击,银天使之翼吸收的攻击将化为机体的能量。仅可识别机械之心的操纵。(当前完好度:37.1)】 Silver angel: One of source first fight armor.】 【银天使:源初战甲之一。】 Also is a source first fight armor fitting! 又是一件源初战甲配件! Mu You not only pleasantly surprised and has doubts, pleasantly surprised naturally started to look at very powerful fitting, doubts was, why these war armor parts, all were appearances, moreover subordinated in different war armor. 沐游既惊喜又疑惑,惊喜的自然是又入手了一件一看就很强大的配件,疑惑的则是,为什么这些战甲部件,全都是一个一个出现,而且还都隶属于不同的战甲。 Fights armor type of thing, generally shouldn't one set of part the same place? Why will separate? Moreover looks at the description, as if has also suffered the violent damage. 战甲这种东西,一般不应该一套部件都在一起吗?为什么会分开?而且看描述,似乎还遭受过暴力损坏。 These situations add, makes Mu You suspect, is it possible that true source first fight armor had been ruined, only remains these incomplete war armor parts, disperses in various Garden of Eden places? 这些情况加起来,不禁让沐游怀疑,莫非真正的源初战甲已经被人毁掉了,只剩这些残缺的战甲部件,分散在伊甸园各处? If so, is whose so careless and wasteful use of nature's products, such precious war does armor work as the collection is not good? Must ruin. 如果是的话,是谁如此暴殄天物,这么贵重的战甲当收藏品不好吗?非要毁掉。 In wooden box, broken wing is absorbing quietly surrounding cures the energy of crystal, because lacks center to regulate, the breakage of surface can only naturally restore at extremely slow speed, wasted massive energies......】 【木箱之中,残破的羽翼正在悄悄吸收周围治愈水晶的能量,但因为缺少中枢调控,表面的破损只能以极为缓慢的速度自然修复,浪费了大量能量……】 The cure crystal in this wooden box, seems like the artificial laying aside, the goal is to restore this wing obviously. 这木箱中的治愈水晶,似乎是人为放置的,目的显然是修复这翅膀。 Mu You looks at to chameleon false face entry. 沐游不禁看向‘变色龙假面’的词条。 This thing leads him to come, then all these likely are also it do. 这东西带他过来的,那么这一切很可能也是它做的。 Mu You did not understand that these war armor destroyed processes, only the scene that from sees at present, he can also the general brain make up the matter that has: Initially after source first fight armor was ruined, some residual firm parts scattered in all directions . Has the hidden ability, there is a chameleon mask of certainly independent consciousness, adhered to stick cohere on a robot luck, then with the hand of robot, the wing part rescued to can call it ally this, conceals here, and sought for the cure crystal unceasingly, wanted to restore it. 沐游不了解这些战甲被毁的经过,单从目前见到的场景,他也可以大概脑补出发生的事:当初源初战甲被毁掉后,一些残留的坚固部件散落四处,其中。拥有隐藏能力,又有一定自主意识的变色龙面罩,幸运附着到了一个机器人头上,便借机器人之手,将这对可以称之为‘战友’的羽翼部件救了出来,藏在这里,并不断寻找治愈水晶,想要将它修复。 Mu You sighed. 沐游叹了口气。 Cures the restore of crystal to need the damage part to absorb on own initiative energy, however this wing like the chameleon helmet, does not have the independent consciousness, even if places by the crystal stone it, it did not understand how to absorb independently. 治愈水晶的修复需要受损部件主动去吸收其中能量,然而这羽翼却不像变色龙头盔,拥有自主意识,就算将晶石放在它旁边,它也不懂得如何自主吸收。 In addition these source first fight armor parts can only distinguish the control of heart of machinery, is unable its placement in other body former generation to be the restore. 再加上这些源初战甲部件只能识别机械之心的操控,也无法将其安置于别的机体上代为修复。 Therefore the mask can only build the wing in a lot of crystal stones, wants to depend on the stack of quantity, lets it the natural recovery in the abundant restore energy. 于是面罩只能将翅膀堆砌在大量晶石中,想要靠数量的堆砌,让它在充裕的修复能量中自然恢复。 However such primitive method, the capacity usage ratio feared that is 1, too waste. 然而这么原始的方法,能量利用率怕是连一都不到,太浪费了。 Mu You really cannot watch the matter of such careless and wasteful use of nature's products, controls in character's to receive decisively wooden box all crystals, is first used to restore the heart of machinery. 沐游实在看不得这么暴殄天物的事情,果断操控人物将木箱中的所有水晶收起,先用来修复机械之心。 You obtained cure crystal * 47.】 【你获得了‘治愈水晶’。】 【...... The consumption cured the crystal together, the damage of heart of machinery restored 0.12, presently complete: 99.1......】 【……消耗一块治愈水晶,机械之心的损伤恢复了0.12,当前完好度:99.1……】 【...... The consumption cures the crystal together...... current complete: 99.3......】 【……消耗一块治愈水晶……当前完好度:99.3……】 ...... …… The heart of machinery damaged has been not much left, at this moment after consuming nine crystals, finally thoroughly restores completely. 机械之心本来损伤就已经所剩无几,此刻消耗了九块水晶后,终于彻底恢复完全。 Core current complete: 100, the circuit module has restored, the power furnace connection has recovered, presently available exterior connection: 12.】 【核心当前完好度:100,回路模块已恢复,动力炉接口已复原,当前可用外部接口:12个。】 After fixing the heart of machinery, Mu You then connected the wing of silver angel, the surplus crystals, will use on this wing completely. 修好机械之心后,沐游便连接了银天使之翼,将剩余的水晶,全部用在这对翅膀上。 You used up the last cure crystal, the damage of wing of silver angel restored 1.3, presently complete: 88.2.】 【你用掉了最后一颗治愈水晶,银天使之翼的损伤恢复了1.3,当前完好度:88.2。】 The restore of fitting be easier than the heart of machinery, the same crystal, cultivating the multiplicity is ten times of heart of machinery. 配件的修复要比机械之心容易许多,同样一块水晶,修复度是机械之心的十倍。 What a pity the crystal quantity was slightly was small, cannot fix one time, but was also similar, close to 90 complete, has basically been able to use normally. 可惜水晶数量还是略少了一些,没能一次修好,但也差不多了,接近90的完好度,基本已经能够正常使用。 The azure stinger, the wing of silver angel, the chameleon false face, one starts three super fittings, in addition the heart of machinery was also fixed, before struck on two robots that killed the fitting to put all sorts of things together, quick the complete 12 exterior connection will then arm. 青蜂刺,银天使之翼,变色龙假面,一下入手三件超级配件,再加上机械之心也被修好,之前击杀的两具机器人身上配件东拼西凑一下,很快便将全部十二个外部接口武装起来。 Mu You is the big change, now this machine armor skin, does not lose by the battle efficiency before only entering here. 沐游这下算是鸟枪换炮,现在这身机甲皮肤,单论战斗力已经不输于进入这里之前。 Had the strength, had the energy, Mu You leads Chunli to continue to rush to the dormancy area immediately. 有了实力,也就有了底气,沐游随即带着春丽继续赶往休眠区。 You launch pair of wings, low-altitude flying, body change to a white light, high-speed passing over gently and swiftly land......】 【你展开双翼,低空飞行,机体化作一道白光,高速掠过大地……】 This time had the wing, can the flight in the past, the maneuvering force increase suddenly directly, needed several hours of distance, it is estimated that short a half hour then can rush to the place. 这次有了翅膀,可以直接飞行过去,机动力骤增,原本需要数个小时的路程,估计短短半小时便能赶到地方。 System, I, we are really flying!” Machine armor, transmits Chunli to be somewhat afraid, somewhat exciting sound.】 【“系统,我,我们真的在飞啊!”机甲内部,传来春丽有些害怕,又有些兴奋的声音。】 „, We are flying.” 【“是的,我们在飞。”】 I listened to the grandmother saying that in the panda clan some capable person different gentlemen, can soar baseless, but the body of panda person was too unwieldy, my this lifetime was highest also only jumps to 2-3 meters, I have not thought that oneself also had a day that unexpectedly can fly!” 【“我听祖母说过,熊猫族中一些能人异士,是可以凭空飞翔的,可熊猫人的身体太笨重了,我这辈子最高也只跳到2-3米,我从没想过,自己居然也有能飞的一天!”】 Mu You smiles, the panda person is the beast clan, the ability mainly by the talent of bringing, is very difficult magic that studies among the person clans to circulate. The panda person who his grandmother said soars, mostly is an effect of Wind Discipline talent, has with the flight of machine armor greatly is very different. 沐游笑了笑,熊猫人是兽族,能力主要靠自带的天赋,很难学习人族间流通的魔法。他祖母说的熊猫人飞翔,多半是一种风系天赋的效果,和机甲的飞行还是有很大不同的。 Studying magic must look at the talent, the magic strong and weak depends on the strong and weak of user directly. But machine armor actually does not use, so long as there is an enough strong disposition, even if a lacking the strength to truss up a chicken mortal, can be packed the super hero instantaneously. 魔法要看天赋,魔法强弱直接取决于使用者的强弱。而机甲却不用,只要有够强的配置,哪怕是一个手无缚鸡之力的凡人,也可以被瞬间包装成超级英雄。 Machine armor type of thing, so long as develops the pinnacle, really can let the average person by the body of being on par gods mortal! 机甲这种东西,只要发展到极致,是真的可以让普通人以凡人之躯比肩神明的! What Mu You does not know, when he and Chunli fly carefree. 沐游不知道的是,就在他和春丽一路畅快飞行的时候。 At the back of Garden of Eden, mechanical man territory central master control indoor. 伊甸园背面,机械人领地的中央主控室内。 In the red light twinkle, the mechanical sound starts to broadcast together automatically. 红灯闪烁中,一道机械音开始自动播放。 Examines mirage divulging, estimated that will have the significant safety danger to Garden of Eden, activates the disaster level response plan, the executive order: Awakens the main engine forcefully!” “检测到蜃气泄露,预估将对伊甸园产生重大安全隐患,启动灾难级响应预案,执行指令:强行唤醒主机!” Main engine regains consciousness......” “主机苏醒中……” Main engine has loaded, lasted 1 minute 26 seconds.” “主机已加载完毕,历时1分26秒。” Hello, Eva, welcome to return.” “你好,艾娃,欢迎回归。” After another female voice silent moment, resounds: Synchronous data......” 另一道女声沉默片刻后响起:“同步数据……” In data synchronization...... completes synchronously, consumes for 27 seconds.” “数据同步中……同步完成,共消耗27秒。” Accident: Mirage divulging. “事故:蜃气泄露。 Cause: The preliminary determination is the exploration of Fool in real world, brings in the attention of clam tapir. 起因:初步判定为愚者在真实世界的探索,引来蜃貘的关注。 Place: white Fengcheng. 地点:白枫城。 Present situation: The mirage range in the rapid expansion, at the present rate of fire spread, is estimating after three days 2 hours, arrives at surface layer the big abyss, after five days 15 hours, arrives at the Garden of Eden sky...... ” 现状:蜃气范围正在快速扩张,以现在的蔓延速度,预估三天零二小时后到达大深渊表层,五天十五小时后,到达伊甸园上空……” Risk assessment system sentences in advance: If this/should event does not make processing, in the next 3-5000 years, will continue to create irreversible damage to Garden of Eden, in this period Garden of Eden was destroyed the probability: 57.7.” “危机评估系统预判:该次事件若不做处理,将在未来3-5000年内,对伊甸园持续造成不可逆转的伤害,期间伊甸园被毁灭概率:57.7。” Fool, is really the source of disaster......” the female voice of named Eva resounds again, in the sound has a user-friendly feeling. 愚者,果然是祸乱之源……”名为‘艾娃’的女声再度响起,声音中带着一种人性化的感慨。 Please provide the instruction.” The initial sound said. “请提供指令。”最初的声音说。 Instruction 1: Suspends in Garden of Eden all non- necessary life supply systems, deploys shocking battleship, goes to white Fengcheng, strangles to death along the way the mirage lifeform, and attempts to seal off the mirage leakage hole.” “指令一:暂停伊甸园内一切非必要生命供给系统,出动‘惊世战舰’,前往白枫城,绞杀沿途蜃气生物,并尝试封堵蜃气泄漏口。” Instruction 1 has loaded, sentences the success ratio in advance is: 27.” “指令一已加载,预判成功率为:27。” „Does instruction success ratio less than 50, continue to carry out?” “指令成功率不足50,是否继续执行?” Enforces!” “强制执行!” Instruction 1 had confirmed.” “指令一已确认。” Instruction 2: To creating the mountains marking a border transmission continual signal impulse, disturbs data contact of Fool with creating mountains marking a border continually, abolishes Fool to land the Astral Spirit Realm ability by game character.” “指令二:向创界山发送连续脉冲信号,持续干扰愚者与创界山的数据联系,废除愚者以‘游戏人物’登陆星灵界的能力。” Instruction 2 has loaded, sentences the success ratio in advance is: 99.9.” “指令二已加载,预判成功率为:99.9。” Instruction 3: Sets out in the warehouse to complete extermination, ahead of time launches Fool elimination plan. Executive order: Takes over control of the extant all day of empty cities, and starts a day of empty city to go to white Fengcheng to support the shocking battleship. To resisting stubbornly the Fool implementation: Peaceful, wipes to disappear and exterminate the instruction.” “指令三:出动仓库内所有已完成灭绝者,提前启动‘愚者清除计划’。执行指令:接管现存所有天空城,并开动天空城前往白枫城支援惊世战舰。对顽抗愚者实施:安乐、抹消、灭绝指令。” Instruction 3 has loaded, sentences the success ratio...... to capture a day empty city in advance, the success ratio 99.9, captures three day empty cities, the success ratio 85.2...... captures the complete day empty city, the success ratio...... 0.1.” “指令三已加载,预判成功率……夺取一座天空城,成功率99.9,夺取三座天空城,成功率85.2……夺取全部天空城,成功率……0.1。” Instruction 4...... in the dormancy warehouse region, discovers the unknown intruder, the risk factor unknown, sending out two teams of towermen to go to exterminate.” “指令四……休眠仓区域内,发现未知入侵者,危险度未知,派出两队守望者前往剿灭。” Instruction 4 has loaded, success ratio: Information too few, is unable to sentence in advance.” “指令四已加载,成功率:情报过少,无法预判。” All instructions have loaded, in execution......” “所有指令已加载,执行中……” ...... …… You appear in dormancy area, front is a broad mechanical workshop, is still brilliantly illuminated in night......】 【你出现在休眠区,前方是一片广阔的机械厂房,在深夜依然灯火通明……】 Azure stinger changes to azure light to delimit, pierces sentry post that front approached to search robot accurately, your extreme speed before, before robot falls to the ground supported the opposite party, drags into it the rear shadow......】 【青蜂刺化作青光划过,准确洞穿了前方靠近的哨探机器人,你极速冲前,在机器人倒地之前托住了对方,将其拉入后方阴影中……】 After entering the territory of mechanical man, on robot starts to increase along the road suddenly, their basically is killing comes all the way. 进入机械人的领地后,沿路上的机器人开始急剧增多,两人这一路上基本就是‘杀’过来的。 The azure stinger adds the combination of chameleon mask, assassinates the divine tool simply, on all robots to the road, basically can strike to be killed violently, simultaneously will not have aroused the vigilances of other robots. 青蜂刺加变色龙面罩的组合,简直就是暗杀神器,对路上遇到的所有机器人,基本都能一击毙命,同时还不会引起其他机器人的警觉。 Even if has to let slip occasionally, suddenly cannot get rid of, still pocket watch butt buffer. 就算偶尔有失手的,一下没能干掉,也还有怀表托底。 Then, Mu You put to lie down more than 20 machine armor, finally arrived at the destination. 就这样,沐游一路放躺了二十多具机甲,终于来到了目的地。 During this, Chunli regarding homicide robot matter, basic immunity, as approaches the dormancy area, instead also follows to anticipate. 这期间连带春丽都对于他杀机器人这件事,基本免疫了,随着靠近休眠区,反而也跟着期待起来。 An member as Garden of Eden, here is also her later ownership, she naturally is in curious the situation dormancy area. 作为伊甸园的一份子,这里也是她以后的归属,她自然好奇休眠区中的情况。 【...... You hold first two sentry posts to search the doing an inspection gap of machinery, submerged in factory......】 【……你抓住门前两个哨探机械的巡查间隙,潜入了工厂中……】 Enters the factory, presents before you, is an incomparably broad mechanical workshop, under the package of four sides metal wall, almost cannot see the boundary inward.】 【进入工厂,呈现在你面前的,是一片无比广阔的机械厂房,在四面金属墙壁的包裹下,向内几乎看不到边际。】 In the ground in workshop, is placing the dense and numerous oval-shape dormancy cabin, distributes in any case evenly, sketchy number, at least several tens of thousands of, but this merely is in which ordinary workshop in dormancy area.】 【厂房的地面上,安置着密密麻麻的椭圆形休眠舱,横竖均匀排布,粗略一数,至少有数万个,而这仅仅是休眠区的其中一个普通厂房。】 You sneak before a recent dormancy cabin, sets out to look inward.】 【你潜行到最近的一座休眠舱前,起身朝内看去。】 However, in cabin actually completely empty, has not imagined the lifeform, but on the dormancy cabin table, is placing one pile of floppy disk classes thing, on each floppy disk labelled a name, and supplemented the race and serial number of one skewer of similar years.】 【然而,舱室内却空空如也,并没有想象中的生物,而在休眠舱一旁的桌上,摆放着一摞磁盘类的东西,每个磁盘上都标注了一个姓名,并附带了种族和一串类似年份的编号。】 You continued to walk toward you, before arriving at the second dormancy cabin,......】 【你继续朝你走去,来到了第二座休眠舱前……】 In as before completely empty......】 【里面依旧空空如也……】 „? Inside person? How not to have?” The sound that Chunli has doubts resounds.】 【“咦?里面的人呢?怎么会没有?”春丽疑惑的声音响起。】 „......” “……” Mu You knits the brows, looks at this situation, he then guessed correctly a possibility immediately, but had not said at this time, continues to examine inward. 沐游皱眉,一看这种情况,他便立即猜到了一种可能,不过此时没有多说,继续向内查看。 【...... Your North Korea Factory deep place investigates, however all cabins, all are on the way completely empty, had not discovered any lifeform exists......】 【……你一路朝工厂深处探查,然而途中所有的舱室,全都空空如也,没有发现任何生物的存在……】 Impossible...... this is not not possible, how can be spatial...... this is not right, should not be such......” Chunli's voice brings obvious vacant, as well as some panic-stricken.】 【“不可能……这不可能,怎么会是空的……这不对,不该是这样的……”春丽的声音带着明显的茫然,以及一些惊恐。】 Panic-stricken is the affirmation, here what even if they see has died the corpse in cabin, being insufficient makes her make much ado about nothing. 惊恐是肯定的,哪怕他们在这里看到的是一具具已经死在舱室里的尸体,也不至于让她大惊小怪。 All cabins are all spatial, instead is most terrifying: Did that magnanimous life that this innumerable years deliver, where go to? 所有舱室全是空的,反而是最恐怖的:这无数年来送进来的那海量的生灵,都去了哪里? You before a spatial dormancy cabin stopped, has taken a magnetic-plate of square shape from the table.】 【你在其中一个空休眠舱前停了下来,从桌上取过一盘方形的磁片。】 Six arm clans, Sallard, serial number: TG47514 you look the information that on the magnetic-plate records, squeezed in it the abutment of nearby similar broadcast installment.】 【‘六臂族,萨拉尔,编号:TG47514’你看着磁片上记录的信息,将其塞入了一旁一个类似播放装置的卡槽中。】 In the screen of installment flashed before the image immediately: Is growing six arms, the figure slender strange race, is living in an aloof countryside, interacts with his children, on each face has the worry-free smile......】 【装置的屏幕中立即闪现出了影像:一个长着六条手臂,身形修长的奇异人种,正生活在一片与世无争的田园之中,与他的儿女们互动,每个人脸上都带着无忧无虑的笑容……】 In this magnetic-plate saves, obviously is this Sallard's the consciousness duplication data of six arm clans, but this data was passed to the systems of these robots by, becomes existence of similar digital pet. 这磁片中存储的,显然就是这个萨拉尔的六臂族的意识复制数据,而这份数据被上传到了这些机器人的系统中,成为了一种类似电子宠物的存在。 Naturally, places the consciousness body, is could not feel mostly, it is estimated that also thinks oneself is a real person, is living the real life. 当然,身处其中的意识体,多半是感觉不到的,估计还以为自己是个真实的人,过着真实的生活。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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