TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#564: Chameleon

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Chapter 564 chameleon 第564章变色龙 This does not need to be worried, the clam tapir build is too big, is unable through the transmission node, by the card in the opposite, to be most extended a nose to come completely.” “这点不用担心,蜃貘体型太大,根本无法完整通过传送节点,会被卡在对面,最多伸一个鼻子过来。” After this is Mu You has consulted the lamp god, lamp god's reply. 这是沐游咨询过灯神后,灯神的回答。 Naturally, the influence of mirage could not avoid. The clam tapir is one type plays the heart heavy lifeform, discovered that the novel place stay some time, until having no interest will leave, during this, it will cover entirely the region that the mirage wants to survey, in the covering range of mirage the matter, hides the truth from its sensation.” “当然,蜃气的影响是避免不了的。蜃貘是一种玩心较重的生物,发现新奇的地方会逗留一段时间,直到没兴趣了才会离开,这期间它会将蜃气布满想要探测的区域,蜃气的笼罩范围内发生的事,都瞒不过它的感知。” „The area of influence of mirage is big, not possible spread entire Astral Spirit Realm, to be probably most can only cover 1/3 regions, is impossible to affect your Land of Forgetting, felt relieved.” The lamp god is yawning to explain, obviously does not have to care. “不过蜃气的影响范围再大,也不可能蔓延整个星灵界,大概最多只能覆盖三分之一的区域,不可能影响到你们遗忘之地的,放心好了。”灯神打着呵欠解释着,显然没有太在意。 Only can extend the nose......” “只能伸过鼻子来么……” Mu You hesitates, such a, will affect very is not indeed big on human, the mirage will unable to affect Earth in any case, but the day empty city can move at any time, meets the mirage to fly away directly was enough, most was only the players was short in the region that Astral Spirit Realm may visit. 沐游沉吟,这么一来,对于人类影响的确不会很大,反正蜃气波及不到地球,而天空城可以随时移动,遇到蜃气直接飞走就行了,最多只是玩家们在星灵界可踏足的区域少了一些而已。 However, the Astral Spirit Realm indigenous people were quite miserable, the especially those agglomeration just in the mirage covers the race within range, either the entire clan moves, either can only live for a long time in the mirage. 不过,星灵界的原住民就比较惨了,尤其是那些聚集地刚好在蜃气笼罩范围内的种族,要么全族搬迁,要么就只能长期生活在蜃气之中。 Feeling Mu You in mirage has experienced, in any case is not the good experience, besides every several hours deep sleep one time, issue that but must unable to use facing the item, and mirage is capturing and killing of lifeform. 在蜃气中的感觉沐游可是经历过的,反正绝不是什么好的体验,除了每几个小时沉睡一次外,还要面对道具无法使用的问题,以及蜃气系生物的捕杀。 What is more important, each disaster season continues lasted 5000 years, but now the mirage season just starts, if then the luck is not good, the clam tapir likely stays to exceed an era in Astral Spirit Realm the time...... 更重要的是,每个天灾季持续长达5000年,而如今蜃气季才刚刚开始,接下来如果运气不好的话,蜃貘很可能在星灵界停留超过一个纪元的时间…… Even if the lifeform of Astral Spirit Realm has the resurrecting ability, cannot withstand tosses about, regarding having choice intelligent race, the migration is almost the inevitable option. 就算星灵界的生物拥有复活能力,也经不起这么折腾的,对于有选择的智慧种族来说,迁徙几乎是必然选项。 But the words that the Astral Spirit Realm 1/3 races start to move, the population density of remaining regions rapidly will increase, the turbulence when the time comes various survival and resources conflict causes will not be definitely small. 星灵界三分之一的种族都开始迁徙的话,剩下区域的人口密度又会急剧增加,到时候各种生存、资源争端引发的动荡肯定不会小。 Mu You looked at the city Lord group, at this moment the discussion of related mirage has not stopped. 沐游看了眼城主群,此刻有关蜃气的讨论还未消停。 „Did players withdraw from the real world?” “玩家都撤离真实世界了吗?” Has publicized the information, is being retreated.” “已经公开了情报,正在撤退中。” Has not removed...... should also die similar......” “没撤的……应该也死的差不多了吧……” Nine quiet finally said that the people said that felt very much the same way, their several cities Lord went to the mirage to open up wasteland couple days ago jointly, finally was rolled to extinguish, let alone these ordinary players. 九幽最后说了一句,众人表示深有同感,前几天他们几个城主联手去蜃气中开荒,最后都被团灭了,更何况这些普通玩家。 „Did these ineffective and worthless troops discover the Astral Spirit Realm entrance?” “那些虾兵蟹将发现星灵界入口了吗?” Also no, but according to the present trend, sooner or later matter......” “还没有,不过按现在的趋向,迟早的事……” Mirage type of thing, the place of spread seizes every opportunity, even if the exit|to speak of formidable tower compared to the giant world, an ant hole that but slightly cannot be checked, not possible to have been leaked. 蜃气这种东西,蔓延之处可谓无孔不入,即使勇者塔的出口相对于巨人世界来说,只是微不可查的一个蚂蚁洞,也不可能被漏过。 But the clam tapir can the situation of sensation to mirage, once the mirage has spread the exit|to speak position, almost will certainly be detected by the clam tapir. 而蜃貘又可以感知到蜃气内的情况,一旦蜃气蔓延过出口的位置,几乎一定会被蜃貘察觉。 In fact, the infiltration of mirage is quicker than the imagination. 事实上,蜃气的渗透比想象中更快。 That noon, then had in the player who in the tower of formidable overcame an obstacle, discovered that the formidable tower withstood/top several to be covered by the mirage, making the entry determination unusual. 当天中午,便有在勇者之塔中闯关的玩家,发现勇者塔顶上数层都被蜃气笼罩,使得通关判定异常。 Mu You kicked in all players the tower urgently, and closed the formidable tower. 沐游紧急将所有玩家踢出了塔内,并且关闭了勇者塔。 Even so, is unable to prevent the spread of mirage. 但即便如此,也无法阻止蜃气的蔓延。 In short one hour, the entire formidable tower by the mirage package, had been lost the function, the mirage even the window and crack in a door from high tower gushes out, rushed to the village and the peripheral region formidable. 短短一个小时内,整座勇者塔都已经被蜃气包裹,失去了作用,蜃气甚至从高塔四周的窗户和门缝中涌出,涌向了勇者之村及周边的区域。 The clam tapir is unable through the transmission point, unable to enter Astral Spirit Realm temporarily, but these ineffective and worthless troops can. 蜃貘无法通过传送点,暂时是进不了星灵界,但是那些虾兵蟹将可以啊。 About 4 : 00 pm, several players had reported, near the formidable village, discovered the trail of clam crab and clam shrimp. 当天下午四点左右,已经有数名玩家报告,在勇者村附近,发现了蜃蟹和蜃虾的踪迹。 Fortunately, these ineffective and worthless troops are unable to be separated from the range of mirage, so long as the players always stay beyond the mirage range, these ineffective and worthless troops will not pose the threat to them. 幸运的是,这些虾兵蟹将无法脱离蜃气的范围,只要玩家们始终停留在蜃气范围之外,这些虾兵蟹将就不会对他们造成威胁。 Mu You discovered a Astral Spirit Realm topographic diagram to look. 沐游找出一张星灵界地形图看了看。 The position of tower of formidable, situated in Astral Spirit Realm southern white Fengcheng, white Fengcheng is located in the cushion of person clan and fairy influence takes, therefore the mirage divulges after the formidable tower, bears the brunt is affected, is the topps gum empire of next door, as well as sunlight fairy. 勇者之塔的位置,位于星灵界南部的白枫城中,白枫城又位于人族和精灵势力的缓冲地带上,所以蜃气从勇者塔泄露后,首当其冲受影响的,便是隔壁的塔司诺帝国,以及日光精灵 The person clan empire is good, the capital city from is quite far, moreover backs on a broad plain, can move the capital to the evacuation momentarily. 人族帝国还好,都城距离比较远,而且背靠一片广阔平原,随时可以迁都撤离。 fairy were miserable, sunlight fairy king city Phoenix, almost in white Fengcheng the , moreover in Phoenix has many important things of being able to carry off, for example the phoenix roosts the tree, mother tree of phoenix, fairy, if withdraws, was equivalent gave up and their associated phoenix clan. 精灵们就惨了,日光精灵的王城凤凰城,几乎就在白枫城的边上,而且凤凰城内拥有许多带不走的重要东西,比如凤栖树,凤凰的母树,精灵们如果撤走,就相当于放弃了和他们伴生的凤凰一族。 By the understanding of Mu You these sunlight fairy, they are is impossible to outmigrate, mostly to protect the phoenix will roost the tree, stays behind the mirage lifeform and invading dead to knock. 沐游对这些日光精灵的了解,他们是不可能迁走的,多半会为了保护凤栖树,留下与入侵的蜃气生物死磕。 Mu You was these fairy paid silent tribute for one second, immediately continued to encircle to look outward. 沐游为这些精灵们默哀了一秒,随即继续往外围看去。 Empire besides sunlight fairy and outside the topps gum, expands again outward, is a familiar geographic name is integrated the range —— Fatima empire. 除了日光精灵外和塔司诺帝国外,再往外扩展一圈,又是一个熟悉的地名被纳入范围——法蒂玛帝国。 Un, is that country that the secret spell church is. 嗯,也就是秘术教会所在的那个国家。 Good opportunity!” “好机会啊!” Just and opened black Nightwatcher to pat the thigh exquisite at this time suddenly. 正和玲珑开黑的打更人这时忽然一拍大腿。 The words that mirage covers, the item is unable to use, that these fellow forge can Secret Spell Crystal, also expire? If so, waits for the mirage to cover, is not being the good time of beginning!” Nightwatcher is giving free reign to the imagination. “蜃气笼罩的话,道具无法使用,那这些家伙伪造的秘术结晶,是不是也要失效了?如果是的话,等蜃气笼罩过来,不正是动手的好时机嘛!”打更人畅想着。 Mu You hesitated, discovered he said also really has the possibility, Secret Spell Crystal, in the final analysis is also a man-made auxiliary item, the relic of mirage real world can block continually, item that Astral Spirit Realm makes not to mention. 沐游沉吟了一下,发现他说的还真有可能,秘术结晶,归根结底也是一种人造的辅助道具,蜃气连真实世界的遗物都可以封锁,星灵界做成的道具就更不用说了。 At the appointed time the mirage one, the secret spell church discovers crystal to expire, definitely will have confusion a time, at the appointed time will begin to be easier. 到时蜃气一来,秘术教会发现结晶失效,必然会产生一次混乱,届时动手就会容易许多。 You refuel!” “你们加油!” Mu You encouraged two people one, does not have to support their ideas, because he himself now is also the mess. 沐游鼓励了两人一句,也没有去支援他们的想法,因为他自己这边现在也是烂摊子。 Above the map, bypasses the Fatima empire , to continue to look toward the left under, is separated by several thousand li (0.5 km) position, the conspicuous black round hole is arranging in order the —— Lochmaddy big abyss together impressively. 地图之上,绕过法蒂玛帝国,继续朝左下看去,相隔数千里的位置,一道显眼的黑色圆窟赫然在列——洛赫马迪大深渊。 Yes, big abyss situated in Astral Spirit Realm southwest corner, just in range that also in the mirage will soon cover, but compares the front three unlucky eggs to be luckier, because great distance white Fengcheng is far, the mirage must spread will not be quick in the past. 是的,位于星灵界西南角落的大深渊,刚好也在蜃气即将笼罩的范围内,只不过相比前面三个倒霉蛋幸运一些,因为相隔白枫城较远,蜃气要蔓延过去也不会那么快。 However had the Nightwatcher reminder, makes in the Mu You heart move actually: The mirage can affect the words of item, whether will then also affect the operation of mechanical body? 不过有了打更人刚才的提醒,倒是让沐游心中一动:蜃气能影响道具的话,那么是否也会影响机械体的运行? The lifeform can survive to move in the mirage , because the lifeform is the flesh and blood, but mechanical life, although is called the life in name, but the essence is stack of one pile of dying thing, is not different from the item that was made, theoretically should be will also halt under the mirage...... 生物之所以能在蜃气中存活移动,是因为生物都是血肉之躯,而机械生命,虽然名义上被称作生命,但本质还是一堆死物的堆砌,和被制造出来的道具没什么两样,理论上应该也是会在蜃气下死机的…… Mu You shakes the head, this thinking was a little far, even if the clam tapir does not walk, the mirage wants to spread to the abyss still requires not the short time, now first removes to say from the abyss again. 沐游摇了摇头,这个想的有点远了,就算蜃貘不走,蜃气想蔓延到深渊也需要不短的时间,现在还是先从深渊下撤出来再说。 Then, in world because of the arrival of mirage season when is noisy, in the pet shop several people are very instead tranquil, Mu You and clone to do various matters respectively. 就这样,当世界上因为蜃气季的到来而沸沸扬扬之时,宠物店内几人反而很平静,沐游和分身们各做各的事。 The time arrives at the evening quickly. 时间很快来到晚上。 【...... Chunli eyelash moved slightly, opened the eye, woke up from the sleep.】 【……春丽睫毛微动,睁开了眼,从睡梦中醒来。】 System, how many points? How long did I rest?” Chunli is stretching oneself, blurry is handling the top of the head chaotic hair.】 【“系统,几点了?我睡了多久?”春丽伸着懒腰,迷迷糊糊的打理着头顶乱糟糟的毛发。】 You rested the entire 14 hours.” you reply.】 【“你睡了整整十四个小时。”伱回答。】 „, no wonder, is quite hungry...... the system, I must exchange food!” 【“怪不得,好饿啊……系统,我要兑换食物!”】 After the panda person gets out of bed the first matter to eat. 熊猫人起床后的第一件事就是吃。 Mu You will prepare early well goes sends in the game. 沐游将早早准备好的外卖送入游戏。 Chunli eats to the heart's content......】 【春丽大快朵颐中……】 Chunli ate none table of food, rubbed belly to show satisfied smile......】 【春丽将一桌的食物吃了个精光,揉着肚皮露出了满足的笑容……】 „? What is this?” The panda person young girl of being satiated with food and wine, this notices a scroll on table.】 【“咦?这是什么?”吃饱喝足的熊猫人少女,这才注意到桌上的一张卷轴。】 You have wanted, the fairy wrestle technique scroll, after ripping open, then learns the fairy wrestle technique directly, but needs to practice industriously, can grasp thoroughly.” 【“你一直想要的,精灵格斗术卷轴,撕开后即可直接学会精灵格斗术,不过需要勤加练习,才能彻底掌握。”】 This scroll, is Mu You holds Little Ya to exchange in the forest fairy territory, with his present prestige, trades this type of thing in the fairy clan is only the matter of a few words. 这张卷轴,是沐游小雅在森林精灵领地里兑换的,以他现在的声望,在精灵族中换这种东西只是一句话的事。 Chunli's pleasantly surprised taking up scroll, just wanted to rip open the learn/study, actually remembered anything suddenly: But I had not accumulated overall enough......” 【春丽惊喜的拿起卷轴,刚想要撕开学习,却忽然想起了什么:“可是我还没攒够积分啊……”】 Doesn't matter, this delivers you, considers on point of departure the gift.” You replied.】 【“没关系,这是送你的,就当是临别礼物。”你回答。】 Gift? Good...... wait/etc, on point of departure?” Chunli also not with enough time happy, suddenly realized the issue in your words.】 【“礼物?太好了……等等,临别?”春丽还没来得及高兴,忽然意识到了你话中的问题。】 System, do you want to walk?” Some Chunli nervous say/way.】 【“系统,你要走了吗?”春丽有些紧张道。】 „.” 【“是的。”】 Why?” 【“为什么?”】 You also saw, I with here mechanical man am not, after the main engine regains consciousness, discovered that my existence, will be ruthless to me, I must leave ahead of time.” 【“你也看到了,我和这里的机械人不是一路,等主机苏醒后,发现我的存在,会对我赶尽杀绝,我必须提前离开。”】 Chunli hears word looks not to abandon immediately, wants to open the mouth to detain, could not find the appropriate reason.】 【春丽闻言顿时面露不舍,想要开口挽留,又找不到合适的理由。】 „The present issue is, do you want to walk with me?” You asked suddenly.】 【“现在的问题是,你要不要和我一起走?”你忽然问。】 Walks together? Leaves Garden of Eden?” Chunli is surprised.】 【“一起走?离开伊甸园?”春丽惊讶。】 „, Goes to outside Garden of Eden, truly belongs to your native land —— Astral Spirit Realm.” 【“是的,前往伊甸园之外,真正属于你的故土——星灵界。”】 I......” Chunli hears word looks hesitant.】 【“我……”春丽闻言面露犹豫。】 Is rubbing the hair, after painful intertwining for a long time, Chunli as if sets firm resolve.】 【在揉着头发,痛苦的纠结许久后,春丽似乎下定了决心。】 Was sorry, system, I cannot follow you, although I yearn for outside world very much, but I really cannot throw down my same clan, a person runs away secretly......” 【“抱歉,系统,我不能跟你走,虽然我很向往外面的世界,但我果然还是不能丢下我的同族,一个人偷跑掉……”】 Mu You aspirates, Chunli's choice not as he expected, no matter what who must leave the environment of growth suddenly, goes to a strange place, will hesitate. This is also good, outside the present also is very happen to chaotic, perhaps keeps the bottom to be instead safer. 沐游吐了口气,春丽的选择没有出乎他的预料,任谁要忽然离开成长的环境,去一个陌生的地方,都会犹豫的。这样也好,正好现在外面也挺乱,说不定留在地底反而更安全。 Before departure, my also matter needs you to help.” You open the mouth again.】 【“在离开之前,我还有一件事需要你帮忙。”你再次开口。】 What matter?” 【“什么事?”】 Leads me to submerge the dormancy area, looks at an inside situation.” 【“带我潜入休眠区,看一眼里面的情况。”】 Chunli heard that the word somewhat hesitates, but thinks that this is your last request, firm nod: Good, I accompany you to go!” 【春丽闻言有些犹豫,不过想到这是你最后一个请求,又坚定的点头:“好,我陪你去!”】 Before had not found the independent energy, Mu You must act as the human form power source by Chunli. 没有找到独立能源之前,沐游还得靠春丽充当人形电源。 After a half hour, two people then, go to at the back of Garden of Eden mechanical man territory again groping. 半小时后,两人便再次摸黑出发,前往伊甸园背面的机械人领地。 Wait!” On the jet black night road, you stop Chunli suddenly.】 【“等等!”漆黑的夜路上,你忽然叫停春丽。】 What's wrong?” Chunli's vacant asking.】 【“怎么了?”春丽茫然的问。】 【Left goes to have a look...... possibly to have the treasure!” You said.】 【“去左边看看……可能有宝物!”你说。】 Just via this region time, Mu You received one again ‚the feeling of summon thing that the prompt, some he seemed to be familiar in nearby. 刚刚途经这片区域的时候,沐游再次收到了一句‘召唤之感’的提示,似乎又有他熟悉的东西在附近。 Had learning from another's mistakes of azure stinger, Mu You definitely cannot let off. 有了青蜂刺的前车之鉴,沐游肯定不能放过。 Treasure!” Chunli eyes shine, quickly threw over the cape to rush to the left side alley.】 【“宝物!”春丽双眼放光,急忙披着斗篷奔向了左侧的小路。】 Chunli runs, actually halts suddenly, hides after a tree, because front presented a high-grade patrol robot, is walking directly in your directions......】 【春丽一路小跑,却忽然止步,藏身在一颗树后,因为前方出现了一具高等级的巡逻机器人,正在径直朝你们的方向走来……】 Discovery suspicious lifeform, halts immediately, will otherwise carry out the attack procedure/program!” The light beam of patrol robot scanning swept to your direction, held up the gun tube of right hand to you.】 【“发现可疑生物,立即止步,否则将执行攻击程序!”巡逻机器人扫描的光束扫向了你们的方向,对你们举起了右手的炮管。】 „Didn't system, say the treasure? How is the patrolman......” Chunli to cry but have no tears.】 【“系统,不是说宝物吗?怎么是巡逻者……”春丽欲哭无泪。】 Mu You somewhat is also strange at this time, discovered a moment ago this patrol robot time, he even received the prompt again, the feeling of summon sent out from this robot. 沐游此时也有些奇怪,刚才发现这具巡逻机器人的时候,他甚至再次收到了提示,召唤的感觉正是从这具机器人身上发出的。 The issue is will the enemy make him feel the summon? 问题是敌人怎么会让他感觉到召唤? Mu You also thinks at this time without enough time, the enemy is close at hand, Mu You has to adopt and previous same strategy. 沐游此时也来不及多想,敌人已经近在眼前,沐游只好采取了和上一次相同的战略。 You switch over for the transportion robot image, Chunli gable, drives out of after the tree.】 【你切换为运输机器人形象,将春丽包覆在内,从树后驶出。】 Confirmation goal: The transportion robot, judges after damage mechanical body that loses control, performance order: The inspection, the recycling......” patrol robot is disseminating news the instruction, walks toward you......】 【“确认目标:运输机器人,判断为受损后失控的机械体,执行命令:检查,回收……”巡逻机器人播报着指令,朝你走来……】 Had the previous experience, this Mu You directly not to the opportunity that the opposite party is close, after the opposite party enters the farthest attack range of azure stinger, then launched the attack immediately on own initiative. 有了上次的经验,这次沐游直接没给对方接近的机会,在对方进入青蜂刺的最远攻击范围后,便立即主动发起了攻击。 Azure light shadow has delimited like lightning, hit directly the surface gate of mechanical man, in a ding resounding, was actually rebounded, but......】 【青色的光影闪电般的划过,径直命中了机械人的面门,却在叮的一声脆响中,被反弹而出……】 Was attacked, thinks enemy firmly, execution attack instruction, and starts robot that warning procedure/program......” is attacked to enter fight stance instantaneously, right hand muzzle opens fire toward you, simultaneously chest front alarm device sparkles red light, sent out gratingly buzz called......】 【“遭受攻击,确认为敌人,执行攻击指令,并发动报警程序……”遇袭的机器人瞬间进入战斗姿态,右手枪口朝你开火,同时胸前的报警装置闪耀起红灯,发出了刺耳的嗡鸣……】 Well?” Mu You looks is shocked. “咦?”沐游看得愣住。 But when the azure stinger the weapon of source first fight armor, met the patrol robot last night, strikes to be killed violently neatly, cutting the steel such as cuts the tofu to be generally relaxed, how spirit today suddenly? 青蜂刺可是源初战甲的武器,昨晚同样遇到巡逻机器人时,干净利落一击毙命,切钢铁如切豆腐一般轻松,怎么今天忽然不灵了? Opposite robot level up? The head is so hard! 对面这机器人难道升级过了吗?脑袋这么硬! Thinks without enough time, this moment warning has resounded, Mu You hurried according to table recollection, attacks. 来不及多想,此刻警报已经响起,沐游急忙按表回溯,重新攻击。 Time circulation, you launched attack again, this time alarm device that aimed at the opposite party chest......】 【时光流转,你再次发动了攻击,这次瞄准了对方胸口的报警装置……】 Azure stinger changes into azure light flash, pierced alarm device with ease, passes through from the opposite party behind, immediately turns back to come high-speed, before mechanical man neck has delimited......】 【青蜂刺化为青光闪过,轻松刺穿了报警装置,从对方身后贯穿而过,随即高速折返而来,从机械人颈前划过……】 In azure light sparkle, a mechanical head flies, surplus mechanical bodies lose control, whole body electrical spark scatter, straight falls down......】 【青光闪耀中,一颗机械头颅飞起,剩余的机械身躯失去控制,浑身电花四溅,直挺挺的摔倒在地……】 【A head tumbles not far away before your body, in eyes red light is still scanning to come toward you......】 【一颗头颅滚落在你身前不远处,双眼之中红光还在朝你扫描而来……】 Discovery enemy, thinks firmly in -line life body...... in the upload alarm message...... the upload failure, the intelligent circuit suffers the disturbance...... to warn: The body overheated...... has exceeded the critical temperature......” in robot livestock to disseminate news the sound of elongation, the sound distorts more and more, until finally, in a dull thumping sound, the eye ear mouth and nose of machine head/number of people emitted the light smoke in abundance, the ray in eye also extinguishes, as if had died thoroughly.】 【“发现敌人,确认为内嵌生命体……上传报警信息中……上传失败,智能回路遭受干扰……警告:机体过热……已超过临界温度……”机器人头口中播报着拉长的声音,声音越来越变形,直到最后,在一身闷响中,机器人头的眼耳口鼻纷纷冒出了青烟,眼中的光芒也熄灭下来,似乎已经彻底死亡。】 System, what situation is this......?” Chunli inquired intensely.】 【“系统,这是……什么情况?”春丽紧张的询问。】 Mu You at this moment also vacant. 沐游此刻也茫然呢。 After beheading a moment ago the action, discovered that this head is also living, he just prepared to make up a blade, result machinery short-circuited unexpectedly the explosion. 刚才砍头行动之后,发现这头颅还活着,他刚准备补上一刀,结果这机械头居然自己短路爆炸了。 【Before you arrive at the mechanical head, the head that will die picks up.】 【你来到机械头颅前,将死去的头颅捡起。】 You discovered that on this mechanical head seems to be covering special material, the meaning of summon you feel, transmits from this material......】 【你发现这颗机械头颅上似乎覆盖着一层特殊的物质,你感受到的召唤之意,正是从这层物质上传来……】 Does not wait for you to begin, this transparent material then naturally falls off, falls into your hand. You the surplus mechanical heads will discard, transparent material in hand then present, but...... unexpectedly is a distinctive helmet!】 【不等你动手,这层透明的物质便自然脱落,落入你手中。你将剩余的机械头颅丢掉,手中的透明物质这才现行而出……竟是一颗棱角分明的头盔!】 Chameleon false face: Fights armor chameleon the mask part, has the strong camouflage and hiding ability, after the assembly, may shield the investigation, and makes the body assimilate with the environment perfectly. Has certain independent consciousness, attaches on the standard machinery, but the certain extent disrupts the action of this/should mechanical body. Only may distinguish the operation of heart of machinery.】 【变色龙假面:战甲‘变色龙’的面具部件,拥有超强的伪装和隐蔽能力,装配后可屏蔽外界探查,并使机体与周围环境完美同化。拥有一定的自主意识,附着在普通机械上,可一定程度扰乱该机械体的行动。仅可识别机械之心的操纵。】 Mu You looked that stares, quickly clicked chameleon entry. 沐游看完一愣,急忙点击了一下‘变色龙’词条。 Chameleon: One of source first fight armor.】 【变色龙:源初战甲之一。】 Also is a part of source first fight armor! 又是一件源初战甲的部件! No wonder the azure stinger cannot pass through the head of that robot a moment ago continually. 怪不得刚才连青蜂刺都没能贯穿那机器人的头。 This set fights armor to look at the description to have the concealment ability, like its name chameleon, can hide oneself in the surrounding environment perfectly. Before this thing has adhered to stick cohere by the transparent state above that mechanical man, so many years unexpectedly no one detected its existence, obviously its covert ability strong. 这套战甲看描述拥有隐匿能力,就像它的名字变色龙一样,可以将自己完美隐藏在周围的环境中。之前这东西一直以透明状态附着在那个机械人头上,这么多年竟没有一人发觉它的存在,可见它的隐蔽能力有多强。 The one who makes Mu You surprised is, this helmet prompts certainly unexpectedly independent consciousness, a moment ago head of mechanical man from exploding, it is estimated that is the ghost who this helmet does. 更让沐游惊讶的是,这头盔居然提示有一定的‘自主意识’,刚才那机械人的头颅自己自爆,估计就是这头盔搞的鬼。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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